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常规物理力学指标可以良好反映土的工程性质。收集全国范围内软土、黄土和红土的相关专著、科技论文和地震安全性评价报告,统计得出3种特殊土各项物理力学指标的范围、平均值和变异系数,通过对各项物理力学指标间的相关性分析,对3种特殊土的工程特性进行了研究。对比结果发现:3种特殊土物理性质的变异系数总体较小、较为稳定,而力学性质的变异系数变化较大、离散程度较高;3种特殊土各项物理力学性质指标间存在相关性,或呈线性关系,或呈带状变化,同类指标软土和红土的相关系数高于黄土。通过回归拟合方法给出了|r|∈[0.5,1.0]的拟合公式,利用线性关系检验方法对公式的精度和准确性进行检验,结果表明:本文给出的拟合公式F>F0.05,回归效果较为显著,便于工程应用。  相似文献   

南京河西粉质粘土物理力学指标统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据南京河西地区粉质粘土的土工试验资料,对其物理、力学指标进行统计分析,研究土体的力学指标与物理指标的变异性及相关性,采用回归分析的方法对土的物理和力学性质指标进行线性回归分析,给出相应的数学回归方程式和相关系数。结论可作为区域性地基基础可靠性设计相关参数选取的依据。  相似文献   

鲁西南深埋粘性土物理力学指标多元统计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用R因子分析和R型聚类两种多元统计分析方法,对鲁西南地区深埋粘性土的20组样的8个物理力学指标数据进行了分析。利用R因子分析方法,揭示了各指标对鲁西南地区深埋粘性土状态和力学性质的影响关系。利用R型聚类分析方法,研究了深部粘性土各物理力学指标之间的相关性,为进一步从物理力学指标对深埋粘性土的特殊状态和力学特性的研究打下基础。  相似文献   

合肥地区粘性土物理力学指标的相关性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文用数理统计的方法,对合肥地区具有代表性的616个粘性土试样的试验成果进行分析,建立了土性指标的线性方程,并进行了分析,为进一步研究该地区粘性土物理力学性质指标的相关性积累了资料.  相似文献   

根据原状扬州各层土体的室内试验数据,采用数理统计的方法,研究了该地区土体的物理指标与力学参数间的相关性,并进行线性函数和指数函数拟合。研究结果表明:随着塑性指数的增加,压缩系数和体积压缩系数逐渐增大,内摩擦角和有效内摩擦角逐渐减小;土的黏聚力随着液限与天然含水量之差的增加而增加,随着液性指数的增加而减小,且黏聚力与液性指数间的相关性更好,当含水量超过液限时黏聚力不随上述两个参数的变化而变化;此外,压汞试验结果表明扬州原状土的孔隙结构均为明显的单峰孔径分布,其颗粒间孔隙的累计量随着塑性指数增大而增加;并且各层土体孔径分布的峰值所对应的孔径随着塑性指数的增大而减小。以上结果可以为扬州地区土体力学参数的估计提供参考。  相似文献   

为分析昆明呈贡次生红黏土物理力学指标的统计规律,以呈贡吴家营片区69个岩土工程勘察钻孔的275组次生红黏土试样的指标数据为研究对象,基于统计分析原理,运用SPSS统计分析软件,分析了13个指标的变化范围、平均值、标准差、变异系数及指标与深度的相关性,总结次生红黏土的物理力学特性,拟合指标间的线性经验公式,用偏斜度和峰值法检验指标的正态分布规律。结果表明:次生红黏土的土粒相对密度大,塑限和液限低,以可塑状态为主,压缩性高,抗剪强度低;指标与深度的相关性不高,力学指标的离散性比物理指标大,次生红黏土指标的离散性比原生红黏土大;指标间的相关性总体较弱,孔隙比、压缩系数、湿密度及内摩擦角与含水比呈负相关,压缩模量、黏聚力、湿密度及塑性指数与天然含水率呈正相关;仅湿密度、孔隙比和内摩擦角服从正态分布。研究结果为昆明呈贡地区岩土工程设计、土工参数的选取提供参考,为次生红黏土地区的工程防灾减灾提供基础依据。   相似文献   

不同成因地裂缝探地雷达图像特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
地裂缝灾害是隐蔽性的地面变形灾害.根据工程实例,总结了裂缝的探地雷达图像基本特征,在此基础上分析了结构开裂、不均匀沉降裂缝、地下介质错动裂缝、滑坡趋势裂缝、崩塌裂缝的探测机理和雷达图像特征.  相似文献   

吉林地区草炭土物理力学指标相关性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过大量土工试验,对鹤(岗)—大(连)公路路基草炭土密度、含水量与天然孔隙比及压缩系数进行相关性研究,发现草炭土密度与天然含水量存在较好的幂函数关系;密度与天然孔隙比及压缩系数存在较好的指数函数关系;含水量与天然孔隙比及压缩系数均存在很好的指数关系。通过对比发现,各参数之间的相关关系与理论公式吻合较好。比较吉林省其他地区草炭土物理力学指标的相关关系,均与鹤大草炭土显示出很好的相似性。结果表明:本文所建立的草炭土密度、含水量分别与天然孔隙比、压缩系数的相关关系,可以为吉林地区草炭土地基参数计算及预测提供重要参考。  相似文献   

牟定郝家河铜矿床的沉积-改造成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
关于牟定郝家河矿床的成因,前人主要有沉积同生说、沉积成岩说和后生成矿说等论点。笔者根据近年来研究获得的新资料,认为矿床为沉积-改造(?)成因。早白垩世晚期—晚白垩世早期,来自东部古陆的富铜岩石和铜矿床长期风化形成的富铜风化产物,在高能氧化辫状河环境形成紫色矿源层。喜马拉雅早期褶皱运动,形成了矿区构造,矿源层中Cu活化迁移到背斜鞍部附近等低压空间浅色层中沉淀,从而形成了工业矿体。  相似文献   

通过对中运河、长江长兴岛、淮河入海水道等河道原状土样起动试验,认为各河道土质由于其形成条件、土质结构等方面存在差异,即使具有相近的物理力学特性,其起动临界条件也不尽相同.而对同一条河流而言,起动临界条件与物理力学指标之间则存在明显的规律性:即对淤泥质粘土,起动临界条件随抗剪强度的减小而增大,随含水量的增大而减小;粉质粘土的起动临界条件最小,与抗剪强度、含水量呈非线性关系;粘土起动临界条件则随抗剪强度、含水量的增大而增大.  相似文献   

刘勇健  李彰明 《岩土力学》2011,32(4):1018-1024
通过对广州市南沙地区大量软土物理力学试验和微结构分析,获取了40组软土试样的物理力学性质指标和微观结构参数。综合运用灰色关联分析的数据分析能力和人工神经网络的非线性映射功能,建立了软土物理力学性质指标与微结构参数的灰色关联-径向基神经网络模型。该模型利用灰色关联分析方法对数据进行预处理,提取重要因子作为网络的输入,而径向基神经网络充分利用样本数据信息,自适应确定隐含层节点个数、径向基函数中心、宽度以及网络的权系数。克服了传统RBF网络隐层节点数为样本个数,当数据较多时导致网络结构庞大、学习速度慢的缺点。通过模型A和模型B的实例研究表明,该方法简化了网络结构,提高了训练速度和预测精度,为软土物理力学性质与微结构参数关系的定量研究提供了一条有效途径。  相似文献   

尹利华  王晓谋  张留俊 《岩土力学》2010,31(Z2):462-469
软土土性指标作为软基处理设计的基本参数,其变化具有很强的地域特征和显著的不确定性。目前,对软土土性指标统计分析集中在软土物理力学指标的相互关系和分布规律等方面,采用的样本为室内试验和原位测试数据,没有考虑不同试验方法对土性指标不确定性分析的影响。将天津软土作为一个独立的统计单元体,研究了该地区软土物理力学指标的变化范围、变异性、指标间的相互关系和各指标的概率分布模型,得到了天津软土物理指标与压缩指标、强度指标间的统计关系经验公式以及土性指标的概率分布模型;并分析了直剪试验、三轴试验、十字板剪切试验3种不同方法抗剪强度试验结果的相互关系,提出了利用随机因子分析法对试验方法不确定性进行概率评定。研究成果为软土地区工程土工参数的取值提供了依据和参考。  相似文献   

In the design of soft ground treatment, the soft soil indices are the basic design parameter, and their changes have a strong geographical feature and significant uncertainty. Today, the soft soil indices statistical analysis content is mainly in the correlation and distribution regularity of physico-mechanical indices, which lack systematic study in different regions for different types of soft soils, and the statistical samples are from indoor tests and in-situ tests, without considering the impact of different test methods. In this paper, taking the soft soil in Tianjin as an independent statistical unit body, based on studying the change confines, variability, correlation, probabilistical distribution model of soil indices, some statistical relationship empirical formulas and probabilistical distribution models for physical indices, compression index, strength index were obtained; moreover, the correlation of shear strength results by straight shear test, triaxial test, vane shear test are analyzed; and a method for using random factor to evaluate the uncertainty involved in different test methods of soft soil parameters is proposed. The study results provide a basis and reference for defining the values of geotechnical parameters for soft soil.  相似文献   

杨卫红 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z2):627-632
粗粒料的孔隙率与其他物理力学参数间有着密切的联系。通过大量试验资料的总结分析,以孔隙率为主线,通过图示、计算、分析等方法,发现各物理力学指标间存在着或正或负的相关性。研究和掌握它们之间的相关性,对试验研究人员、工程设计和施工技术人员在试验、设计和施工中通过有效控制孔隙率,分析预测试验参数、合理有效选择参数有着非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

磷石膏物理力学特性初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过大量的室内试验,研究了磷石膏的烘烤温度与含水率的关系、烘烤时间与含水率关系、溶解度与温度关系。按土工试验规范进行试验,测得磷石膏的含水率随着烘烤温度的升高而增加,也随着烘烤时间的增长而增加,但是含水率应该是一个恒定的指标,所以磷石膏的含水率的测定不能按照现行规范进行,必须加以改进。建议在55~60℃条件下烘烤36 h或更长时间来测定磷石膏的含水率。从试验还可以得知磷石膏有一定的溶解度,且其溶解度随着温度的升高而降低。也正是由于磷石膏的溶解特性,所以在进行渗透试验和三轴剪切试验时要使用室温条件下的饱和磷石膏溶液替代水,从渗透试验结果来看,磷石膏坝渗透特性不同于一般的尾矿坝,其垂直渗透系数要大于水平渗透系数。从磷石膏的固结不排水三轴剪切试验可知,磷石膏是一种有明显的剪胀性的材料,在剪切条件下其破坏发生在孔隙水压力为负的情况下,且其破坏时的应变受围压的影响不明显。利用磷石膏的剪切破坏发生在负孔压的这一特性,理论上可以通过坝体内孔压变化的监测来预测磷石膏坝的安全性。  相似文献   

Two statistical models including partial least squares regression (PLSR) and principal component regression were comparatively utilized to determine the predictive accuracy of visible–near-infrared and short-wave infrared reflectance spectroscopy in quantifying the Fe concentration in contaminated soils. Two scenarios were applied to select the best model: Scenario I included all wavelengths (400–2450 nm) and Scenario II encompassed characteristic bands of Fe. Pre-processing techniques used to select the best model included: first and second derivatives (FD and SD), multiplicative scatter correction (MSC) and standard normal variate. The abilities of the predictive models were evaluated by splitting soil samples into two random groups (80 and 20%). The first group (80%) was used to evaluate calibration and validation sets by employing the cross‐validation method, and the second group (20%) was applied to test the models. The coefficient of determination (R 2), root mean square error and residual prediction deviation were calculated to evaluate the models. Applying Scenario I indicated that the PLSR model with SD pre-processing was a more accurate technique for predicting the Fe concentration, whereas in the Scenario II, the PLSR model with MSC pre-processing had a better performance. Comparing Scenarios I and II indicated that the more reliable models for predicting the soil Fe content could be constructed by the PLSR model with the SD pre-processing techniques and all wavelengths. The modeling results produced by the PLSR model with the SD pre-processing could be used to detect, map and monitor Fe-contaminated soils by proximal and remote sensing in the mining areas.  相似文献   

Absence of seasonal patterns in MBT-CBT indices in mid-latitude soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The degree of methylation and cyclization of bacteria-derived branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT) membrane lipids in soils depends on temperature and soil pH. Expressed in the methylation index of branched tetraethers (MBT) and cyclization ratio of branched tetraethers (CBT), these relationships are used to reconstruct past annual mean air temperature (MAT) based on the distribution of branched GDGTs in ancient sediments; the MBT-CBT proxy. Although it was shown that the best correlation of this proxy is with annual MAT, it remains unknown whether a seasonal bias in temperature reconstructions could occur, such as towards a seasonal period of ‘optimal growth’ of the, as yet, unidentified soil bacteria which produce branched GDGTs. To investigate this possibility, soils were sampled from eight different plots in the USA (Minnesota and Ohio), The Netherlands (Texel) and the UK (Devon) in time series over 1 year and analyzed for their branched GDGT content. Further analyses of the branched GDGTs present as core lipids (CLs; the presumed fossil pool) and intact polar lipids (IPLs; the presumed extant pool) were undertaken for two of the investigated soil plots. The amount of IPL-derived branched GDGTs is low relative to the branched GDGT CLs, i.e. only 6-9% of the total branched GDGT pool. In all soils, no clear change was apparent in the distribution of branched GDGT lipids (either core or IPL-derived) with seasonal temperature change; the MBT-CBT temperature proxy gave similar temperature estimates year-round, which generally matched the mean annual soil temperature. In addition to a lack of coherent changes in relative distributions, concentrations of the branched GDGTs did not show clear changes over the seasons. For IPL-derived GDGTs these results suggest that their turnover time in soils is in the order of 1 year or more. Thus, our study does not provide evidence for seasonal effects on the distribution of branched GDGTs in soils, at least at mid-latitudes, and therefore, no direct evidence for a bias of MBT-CBT reconstructed temperatures towards a certain season of optimal growth of the source bacteria. If, however, there is a slight seasonal preference of branched GDGT production, which can easily be obscured by natural variability due to the heterogeneity of soils, then a seasonal bias may potentially still develop over time due to the long turnover time of branched GDGTs.  相似文献   

To this day, deterministic physical models capable of explaining the evolution of grain-size distributions in the course of transport are still lacking. For this reason, various attributes of particle frequency distributions, in particular curve shapes and textural parameters, have for many decades been investigated for potential information about transport behaviour and size-sorting processes of sediments in numerous environments. Such approaches are essentially conceptual and hence rely heavily on the validity of the assumptions on which they are based. A factor which has to date been largely ignored in this context, is the fact that different methods of grain-size analysis (e. g. sieving, laser absorption and diffraction, settling velocity measurements), when applied to the same sample material, produce variable curve shapes, and hence incongruous textural data. This is illustrated by selected examples showing the differences between sieving and settling results, conversion of settling velocities into equivalent settling diameters (psi-phi-transformations), and the influences of particle shape, particle density, and water temperature. It is demonstrated that particle-size distributions are not only method-dependent but also dependent on the adopted post-processing procedure. As a result, only frequency curves generated by the same method and subsequently processed by identical computational procedures can be meaningfully compared. Furthermore, the computation of textural parameters from bi- or multimodal size distributions produces spurious results which are unrelated to the processes leading to the mixing of different size populations frequently observed in nature. In such cases, only the decomposition of such distributions into individual populations and the spatial comparison of such populations makes any sense. Because a physical explanation for the generation of size distributions is lacking, a particular curve shape of a grain-size population has no meaning on its own. Only a systematic comparison of progressively changing curve shapes (and associated textural parameters) of sediments collected on a closely spaced grid can yield data suitable for sediment trend analysis.  相似文献   

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