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Far-ultraviolet photometry derived from the GALEX satellite observatory has been compiled for a sample of metal-poor subdwarfs with \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]} < -1.0\). The FUV properties of these subdwarfs are compared with those of a set of Population I dwarfs that are known to have low levels of chromospheric activity. Comparisons are made via a number of photometric plots, including an absolute FUV magnitude versus \((V-K_{s})\) diagram, two-colour diagrams involving both \((m_{ \mathrm{FUV}}-B)\) and \((m_{\mathrm{FUV}}-V)\) versus \(B-V\), and a two-colour diagram composed of \((m_{\mathrm{FUV}}-V)\) versus \((V-K_{s})\). The warmest subdwarfs with \((V-K_{s}) \sim1.2\mbox{--}1.4\) show FUV excesses ranging from \(\sim2\mbox{--}3~\mbox{mag}\) relative to the Population I dwarfs, with the amount of FUV enhancement decreasing among subdwarfs of decreasing effective temperature. The coolest dwarfs that are compared have \((V-K_{s}) \sim1.8\), and among these stars the subdwarfs with \(-2.0 \leq{\mathrm{[Fe/H]}} \leq-1.0\) approach the locus of low activity Population I dwarfs in the \((m_{\mathrm{FUV}}-V, V-K_{s})\) diagram. In the \((m_{\mathrm{FUV}}-B, B-V)\) diagram the subdwarfs in this metallicity range overlap the Population I dwarf sequence for \((B-V) > 0.6\). The behaviour of the subdwarfs is consistent with their FUV fluxes being determined by a combination of a photospheric FUV spectrum, the strength of which diminishes towards cooler effective temperatures, and a spectrum of emission lines arising from a chromosphere and/or transition region which are of comparable strength between the coolest dwarfs and subdwarfs.  相似文献   

This study’s objective was to exploit infrared VVV (VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea) photometry for high latitude RRab stars to establish an accurate Galactic Centre distance. RRab candidates were discovered and reaffirmed (\(n=4194\)) by matching \(K_{s}\) photometry with templates via \(\chi ^{2}\) minimization, and contaminants were reduced by ensuring targets adhered to a strict period-amplitude (\(\Delta K_{s}\)) trend and passed the Elorietta et al. classifier. The distance to the Galactic Centre was determined from a high latitude Bulge subsample (\(|b|>4^{\circ}\), \(R_{\mathit{GC}}=8.30 \pm 0.36\) kpc, random uncertainty is relatively negligible), and importantly, the comparatively low color-excess and uncrowded location mitigated uncertainties tied to the extinction law, the magnitude-limited nature of the analysis, and photometric contamination. Circumventing those problems resulted in a key uncertainty being the \(M_{K_{s}}\) relation, which was derived using LMC RRab stars (\(M_{K_{s}}=-(2.66\pm 0.06) \log {P}-(1.03\pm 0.06)\), \((J-K_{s})_{0}=(0.31\pm 0.04) \log {P} + (0.35\pm 0.02)\), assuming \(\mu _{0,\mathit{LMC}}=18.43\)). The Galactic Centre distance was not corrected for the cone-effect. Lastly, a new distance indicator emerged as brighter overdensities in the period-magnitude-amplitude diagrams analyzed, which arise from blended RRab and red clump stars. Blending may thrust faint extragalactic variables into the range of detectability.  相似文献   

We propose a forecasting approach for solar flares based on data from Solar Cycle 24, taken by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) mission. In particular, we use the Space-weather HMI Active Region Patches (SHARP) product that facilitates cut-out magnetograms of solar active regions (AR) in the Sun in near-realtime (NRT), taken over a five-year interval (2012?–?2016). Our approach utilizes a set of thirteen predictors, which are not included in the SHARP metadata, extracted from line-of-sight and vector photospheric magnetograms. We exploit several machine learning (ML) and conventional statistics techniques to predict flares of peak magnitude \({>}\,\mbox{M1}\) and \({>}\,\mbox{C1}\) within a 24 h forecast window. The ML methods used are multi-layer perceptrons (MLP), support vector machines (SVM), and random forests (RF). We conclude that random forests could be the prediction technique of choice for our sample, with the second-best method being multi-layer perceptrons, subject to an entropy objective function. A Monte Carlo simulation showed that the best-performing method gives accuracy \(\mathrm{ACC}=0.93(0.00)\), true skill statistic \(\mathrm{TSS}=0.74(0.02)\), and Heidke skill score \(\mathrm{HSS}=0.49(0.01)\) for \({>}\,\mbox{M1}\) flare prediction with probability threshold 15% and \(\mathrm{ACC}=0.84(0.00)\), \(\mathrm{TSS}=0.60(0.01)\), and \(\mathrm{HSS}=0.59(0.01)\) for \({>}\,\mbox{C1}\) flare prediction with probability threshold 35%.  相似文献   

In this paper, we deal with a Hill’s equation, depending on two parameters \(e\in [0,1)\) and \(\varLambda >0\), that has applications to some problems in Celestial Mechanics of the Sitnikov type. Due to the nonlinearity of the eccentricity parameter e and the coexistence problem, the stability diagram in the \((e,\varLambda )\)-plane presents unusual resonance tongues emerging from points \((0,(n/2)^2),\ n=1,2,\ldots \) The tongues bounded by curves of eigenvalues corresponding to \(2\pi \)-periodic solutions collapse into a single curve of coexistence (for which there exist two independent \(2\pi \)-periodic eigenfunctions), whereas the remaining tongues have no pockets and are very thin. Unlike most of the literature related to resonance tongues and Sitnikov-type problems, the study of the tongues is made from a global point of view in the whole range of \(e\in [0,1)\). Indeed, an interesting behavior of the tongues is found: almost all of them concentrate in a small \(\varLambda \)-interval [1, 9 / 8] as \(e\rightarrow 1^-\). We apply the stability diagram of our equation to determine the regions for which the equilibrium of a Sitnikov \((N+1)\)-body problem is stable in the sense of Lyapunov and the regions having symmetric periodic solutions with a given number of zeros. We also study the Lyapunov stability of the equilibrium in the center of mass of a curved Sitnikov problem.  相似文献   

It is shown that a number of superfast, with periods \(< 2\) d, exoplanets revolve around parent stars with periods, near-commensurate with \(P_{E}\) and/or \(2 P_{E} / \pi\), where the exoplanet resonance timescale \(P_{E}=9603(85)\) s agrees fairly well with the period \(P_{0}= 9600.606(12)\) s of the so-called “cosmic oscillation” (the probability that the two timescales would coincide by chance is near \(3 \times10^{-4}\); the \(P_{0}\) period was discovered first in the Sun, and later on—in other objects of Cosmos). True nature of the exoplanet \(P_{0}\) resonance is unknown.  相似文献   

The most used method to calculate the coronal electron temperature [\(T_{\mathrm{e}} (r)\)] from a coronal density distribution [\(n_{\mathrm{e}} (r)\)] is the scale-height method (SHM). We introduce a novel method that is a generalization of a method introduced by Alfvén (Ark. Mat. Astron. Fys. 27, 1, 1941) to calculate \(T_{\mathrm{e}}(r)\) for a corona in hydrostatic equilibrium: the “HST” method. All of the methods discussed here require given electron-density distributions [\(n_{\mathrm{e}} (r)\)] which can be derived from white-light (WL) eclipse observations. The new “DYN” method determines the unique solution of \(T_{\mathrm{e}}(r)\) for which \(T_{\mathrm{e}}(r \rightarrow \infty) \rightarrow 0\) when the solar corona expands radially as realized in hydrodynamical solar-wind models. The applications of the SHM method and DYN method give comparable distributions for \(T_{\mathrm{e}}(r)\). Both have a maximum [\(T_{\max}\)] whose value ranges between 1?–?3 MK. However, the peak of temperature is located at a different altitude in both cases. Close to the Sun where the expansion velocity is subsonic (\(r < 1.3\,\mathrm{R}_{\odot}\)) the DYN method gives the same results as the HST method. The effects of the other free parameters on the DYN temperature distribution are presented in the last part of this study. Our DYN method is a new tool to evaluate the range of altitudes where the heating rate is maximum in the solar corona when the electron-density distribution is obtained from WL coronal observations.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the photo-gravitational restricted four-body problem (PR4BP) with variable mass. Following the procedure given by Gascheau (C. R. 16:393–394, 1843) and Routh (Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 6:86–97, 1875), the conditions of linear stability of Lagrange triangle solution in the PR4BP are determined. The three radiating primaries having masses \(m_{1}\), \(m_{2}\) and \(m_{3}\) in an equilateral triangle with \(m_{2}=m_{3}\) will be stable as long as they satisfy the linear stability condition of the Lagrangian triangle solution. We have derived the equations of motion of the mentioned problem and observed that there exist eight libration points for a fixed value of parameters \(\gamma (\frac{m \ \text{at time} \ t}{m \ \text{at initial time}}, 0<\gamma\leq1 )\), \(\alpha\) (the proportionality constant in Jeans’ law (Astronomy and Cosmogony, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1928), \(0\leq\alpha\leq2.2\)), the mass parameter \(\mu=0.005\) and radiation parameters \(q_{i}, (0< q_{i}\leq1, i=1, 2, 3)\). All the libration points are non-collinear if \(q_{2}\neq q_{3}\). It has been observed that the collinear and out-of-plane libration points also exist for \(q_{2}=q_{3}\). In all the cases, each libration point is found to be unstable. Further, zero velocity curves (ZVCs) and Newton–Raphson basins of attraction are also discussed.  相似文献   

This addendum uses an alternate fit for the electron density distribution \(N(r)\) (see Figure 1) and estimates the coronal magnetic field using the new model. We find that the estimates of the magnetic field are in close agreement using both the models.
We have fit the \(N(r)\) distribution obtained from STEREO-A/COR1 and SOHO/LASCO-C2 using a fifth-order polynomial (see Figure 1). The expression can be written as
$$\begin{aligned} N_{\text{cor}}(r) &= 1.43 \times 10^{9} r^{-5} - 1.91 \times 10^{9} r^{-4} + 1.07 \times 10^{9} r^{-3} - 2.87 \times 10^{8} r^{-2} \\ &\quad {} + 3.76 \times 10^{7} r^{-1} - 1.91 \times 10^{6} , \end{aligned}$$
where \(N_{\text{cor}}(r)\) is in units of cm?3 and \(r\) is in units of \(\mathrm{R}_{\odot}\). The background coronal electron density is enhanced by a factor of 5.5 at 2.63 \(\mathrm{R}_{\odot}\) during the coronal mass ejection (CME). The estimated coronal magnetic field strength (\(B\)) using radio data indicates that \(B(r) \approx(0.51\text{\,--\,}0.48) \pm 0.02\ \mathrm{G}\) in the range \(r \approx2.65\text{\, --\,}2.82\ \mathrm{R}_{\odot}\). The field strengths for STEREO-A/COR1 and SOHO/LASCO-C2 are ≈?0.32 G at \(r \approx 3.11\ \mathrm{R}_{\odot}\) and ≈?0.12 G at \(r \approx 4.40\ \mathrm{R}_{\odot}\), respectively.

We use a formulation of the N-body problem in spaces of constant Gaussian curvature, \({\kappa }\in \mathbb {R}\), as widely used by A. Borisov, F. Diacu and their coworkers. We consider the restricted three-body problem in \(\mathbb {S}^2\) with arbitrary \({\kappa }>0\) (resp. \(\mathbb {H}^2\) with arbitrary \({\kappa }<0\)) in a formulation also valid for the case \({\kappa }=0\). For concreteness when \({\kappa }>0\) we restrict the study to the case of the three bodies at the upper hemisphere, to be denoted as \(\mathbb {S}^2_+\). The main goal is to obtain the totality of relative equilibria as depending on the parameters \({\kappa }\) and the mass ratio \(\mu \). Several general results concerning relative equilibria and its stability properties are proved analytically. The study is completed numerically using continuation from the \({\kappa }=0\) case and from other limit cases. In particular both bifurcations and spectral stability are also studied. The \(\mathbb {H}^2\) case is similar, in some sense, to the planar one, but in the \(\mathbb {S}^2_+\) case many differences have been found. Some surprising phenomena, like the coexistence of many triangular-like solutions for some values \(({\kappa },\mu )\) and many stability changes will be discussed.  相似文献   

Recently we (Kahler and Ling, Solar Phys.292, 59, 2017: KL) have shown that time–intensity profiles [\(I(t)\)] of 14 large solar energetic particle (SEP) events can be fitted with a simple two-parameter fit, the modified Weibull function, which is characterized by shape and scaling parameters [\(\alpha\) and \(\beta\)]. We now look for a simple correlation between an event peak energy intensity [\(I_{\mathrm{p}}\)] and the time integral of \(I(t)\) over the event duration: the fluence [\(F\)]. We first ask how the ratio of \(F/I_{\mathrm{p}}\) varies for the fits of the 14 KL events and then examine that ratio for three separate published statistical studies of SEP events in which both \(F\) and \(I_{\mathrm{p}}\) were measured for comparisons of those parameters with various solar-flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) parameters. The three studies included SEP energies from a 4?–?13 MeV band to \(E > 100~\mbox{MeV}\). Within each group of SEP events, we find a very robust correlation (\(\mathrm{CC} > 0.90\)) in log–log plots of \(F\)versus\(I_{\mathrm{p}}\) over four decades of \(I_{\mathrm{p}}\). The ratio increases from western to eastern longitudes. From the value of \(I_{\mathrm{p}}\) for a given event, \(F\) can be estimated to within a standard deviation of a factor of \({\leq}\,2\). Log–log plots of two studies are consistent with slopes of unity, but the third study shows plot slopes of \({<}\,1\) and decreasing with increasing energy for their four energy ranges from \(E > 10~\mbox{MeV}\) to \({>}\,100~\mbox{MeV}\). This difference is not explained.  相似文献   

In this note a study of the convergence properties of some starters \( E_0 = E_0(e,M)\) in the eccentricity–mean anomaly variables for solving the elliptic Kepler’s equation (KE) by Newton’s method is presented. By using a Wang Xinghua’s theorem (Xinghua in Math Comput 68(225):169–186, 1999) on best possible error bounds in the solution of nonlinear equations by Newton’s method, we obtain for each starter \( E_0(e,M)\) a set of values \( (e,M) \in [0, 1) \times [0, \pi ]\) that lead to the q-convergence in the sense that Newton’s sequence \( (E_n)_{n \ge 0}\) generated from \( E_0 = E_0(e,M)\) is well defined, converges to the exact solution \(E^* = E^*(e,M)\) of KE and further \( \vert E_n - E^* \vert \le q^{2^n -1}\; \vert E_0 - E^* \vert \) holds for all \( n \ge 0\). This study completes in some sense the results derived by Avendaño et al. (Celest Mech Dyn Astron 119:27–44, 2014) by using Smale’s \(\alpha \)-test with \(q=1/2\). Also since in KE the convergence rate of Newton’s method tends to zero as \( e \rightarrow 0\), we show that the error estimates given in the Wang Xinghua’s theorem for KE can also be used to determine sets of q-convergence with \( q = e^k \; \widetilde{q} \) for all \( e \in [0,1)\) and a fixed \( \widetilde{q} \le 1\). Some remarks on the use of this theorem to derive a priori estimates of the error \( \vert E_n - E^* \vert \) after n Kepler’s iterations are given. Finally, a posteriori bounds of this error that can be used to a dynamical estimation of the error are also obtained.  相似文献   

In this work we consider the Kepler problem with linear drag, and prove the existence of a continuous vector-valued first integral, obtained taking the limit as \(t\rightarrow +\infty \) of the Runge–Lenz vector. The norm of this first integral can be interpreted as an asymptotic eccentricity \(e_{\infty }\) with \(0\le e_{\infty } \le 1\). The orbits satisfying \(e_{\infty } <1\) approach the singularity by an elliptic spiral and the corresponding solutions \(x(t)=r(t)e^{i\theta (t)}\) have a norm r(t) that goes to zero like a negative exponential and an argument \(\theta (t)\) that goes to infinity like a positive exponential. In particular, the difference between consecutive times of passage through the pericenter, say \(T_{n+1} -T_n\), goes to zero as \(\frac{1}{n}\).  相似文献   

A new model is proposed to forecast the peak sunspot activity of the upcoming solar cycle (SC) using Shannon entropy estimates related to the declining phase of the preceding SC. Daily and monthly smoothed international sunspot numbers are used in the present study. The Shannon entropy is the measure of inherent randomness in the SC and is found to vary with the phase of an SC as it progresses. In this model each SC with length \(T_{\mathrm{cy}}\) is divided into five equal parts of duration \(T_{\mathrm{cy}}/5\). Each part is considered as one phase, and they are sequentially termed P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5. The Shannon entropy estimates for each of these five phases are obtained for the \(n\)th SC starting from \(n=10\,\mbox{--}\,23\). We find that the Shannon entropy during the ending phase (P5) of the \(n\)th SC can be efficiently used to predict the peak smoothed sunspot number of the \((n+1)\)th SC, i.e. \(S_{\mathrm{max}}^{n+1}\). The prediction equation derived in this study has a good correlation coefficient of 0.94. A noticeable decrease in entropy from 4.66 to 3.89 is encountered during P5 of SCs 22 to 23. The entropy value for P5 of the present SC 24 is not available as it has not yet ceased. However, if we assume that the fall in entropy continues for SC 24 at the same rate as that for SC 23, then we predict the peak smoothed sunspot number of 63±11.3 for SC 25. It is suggested that the upcoming SC 25 will be significantly weaker and comparable to the solar activity observed during the Dalton minimum in the past.  相似文献   

This work investigates some feasible regions for the existence of traversable wormhole geometries in \(f(R,G)\) gravity, where \(R\) and \(G\) represent the Ricci scalar and the Gauss-Bonnet invariant respectively. Three different matter contents anisotropic fluid, isotropic fluid and barotropic fluid have been considered for the analysis. Moreover, we split \(f(R,G)\) gravity model into Strobinsky like \(f(R)\) model and a power law \(f(G)\) model to explore wormhole geometries. We select red-shift and shape functions which are suitable for the existence of wormhole solutions for the chosen \(f(R,G)\) gravity model. It has been analyzed with the graphical evolution that the null energy and weak energy conditions for the effective energy-momentum tensor are usually violated for the ordinary matter content. However, some small feasible regions for the existence of wormhole solutions have been found where the energy conditions are not violated. The overall analysis confirms the existence of the wormhole geometries in \(f(R,G)\) gravity under some reasonable circumstances.  相似文献   

We estimate the electron density, \(n_{\mathrm{e}}\), and its spatial variation in quiescent prominences from the observed emission ratio of the resonance lines Na?i?5890 Å (D2) and Sr?ii?4078 Å. For a bright prominence (\(\tau_{\alpha}\approx25\)) we obtain a mean \(n_{\mathrm{e}}\approx2\times10^{10}~\mbox{cm}^{-3}\); for a faint one (\(\tau _{\alpha }\approx4\)) \(n_{\mathrm{e}}\approx4\times10^{10}~\mbox{cm}^{-3}\) on two consecutive days with moderate internal fluctuation and no systematic variation with height above the solar limb. The thermal and non-thermal contributions to the line broadening, \(T_{\mathrm{kin}}\) and \(V_{\mathrm{nth}}\), required to deduce \(n_{\mathrm{e}}\) from the emission ratio Na?i/Sr?ii cannot be unambiguously determined from observed widths of lines from atoms of different mass. The reduced widths, \(\Delta\lambda_{\mathrm{D}}/\lambda_{0}\), of Sr?ii?4078 Å show an excess over those from Na?D2 and \(\mbox{H}\delta\,4101\) Å, assuming the same \(T_{\mathrm{kin}}\) and \(V_{\mathrm{nth}}\). We attribute this excess broadening to higher non-thermal broadening induced by interaction of ions with the prominence magnetic field. This is suggested by the finding of higher macro-shifts of Sr?ii?4078 Å as compared to those from Na?D2.  相似文献   

Solar radio emission features a large number of fine structures demonstrating great variability in frequency and time. We present spatially resolved spectral radio observations of type IIIb bursts in the 30?–?80 MHz range made by the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR). The bursts show well-defined fine frequency structuring called “stria” bursts. The spatial characteristics of the stria sources are determined by the propagation effects of radio waves; their movement and expansion speeds are in the range of \((0.1\,\mbox{--}\,0.6)c\). Analysis of the dynamic spectra reveals that both the spectral bandwidth and the frequency drift rate of the striae increase with an increase of their central frequency. The striae bandwidths are in the range of \({\approx}\,(20\,\mbox{--}\,100)\) kHz and the striae drift rates vary from zero to \({\approx}\,0.3~\mbox{MHz}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\). The observed spectral characteristics of the stria bursts are consistent with the model involving modulation of the type III burst emission mechanism by small-amplitude fluctuations of the plasma density along the electron beam path. We estimate that the relative amplitude of the density fluctuations is of \(\Delta n/n\sim10^{-3}\), their characteristic length scale is less than 1000 km, and the characteristic propagation speed is in the range of \(400\,\mbox{--}\,800~\mbox{km}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\). These parameters indicate that the observed fine spectral structures could be produced by propagating magnetohydrodynamic waves.  相似文献   

The main form of the representation of a gravitational potential V for a celestial body T in outer space is the Laplace series in solid spherical harmonics \((R/r)^{n+1}Y_n(\theta ,\lambda )\) with R being the radius of the enveloping T sphere. The surface harmonic \(Y_n\) satisfies the inequality
$$\begin{aligned} \langle Y_n\rangle < Cn^{-\sigma }. \end{aligned}$$
The angular brackets mark the maximum of a function’s modulus over a unit sphere. For bodies with an irregular structure \(\sigma = 5/2\), and this value cannot be increased generally. However, a class of irregular bodies (smooth bodies with peaked mountains) has been found recently in which \(\sigma = 3\). In this paper, we will prove the exactness of this estimate, showing that a body belonging to the above class does exist and
$$\begin{aligned} 0<\varlimsup n^3\langle Y_n\rangle <\infty \end{aligned}$$
for it.

In this work we present the first attempt of modelling the deuterium chemistry in the massive young protostellar core NGC 2264 CMM3. We investigated the sensitivity of this chemistry to the physical conditions in its surrounding environment. The results showed that deuteration, in the protostellar gas, is affected by variations in the core density, the amount of gas depletion onto grain surfaces, the CR ionisation rate, but it is insensitive to variations in the H2 ortho-to-para ratio.Our results, also, showed that deuteration is often enhanced in less-dense, partially depleted (\(<85\%\)), or cores that are exerted to high CR ionisation rates (\(\ge6.5\times10^{-17}~\mbox{s}^{-1}\)). However, in NGC 2264 CMM3, decreasing the amount of gas depleted onto grains and enhancing the CR ionisation rate are often overestimating the observed values in the core. The best fit time to observations occurs around \((1\mbox{--}5) \times 10^{4}~\mbox{yrs}\) for core densities in the range \((1\mbox{--}5)\times10^{6}~\mbox{cm}^{-3}\) with CR ionisation rate between \((1.7\mbox{--}6.5)\times10^{-17}~\mbox{s}^{-1}\). These values are in agreement with the results of the most recent theoretical chemical model of CMM3, and the time range of best fit is, also, in-line with the estimated age of young protostellar objects.We conclude that deuterium chemistry in protostellar cores is: (i) sensitive to variations in the physical conditions in its environment, (ii) insensitive to changes in the H2 ortho-to-para ratio. We also conclude that the core NGC 2264 CMM3 is in its early stages of chemical evolution with an estimated age of \((1\mbox{--}5)\times10^{4}~\mbox{yrs}\).  相似文献   

We find that element abundances in energetic ions accelerated by shock waves formed at corotating interaction regions (CIRs) mirror the abundances of the solar wind modified by a decreasing power-law dependence on the mass-to-charge ratio \(A\)/\(Q\) of the ions. This behavior is similar in character to the well-known power-law dependence on \(A\)/\(Q\) of abundances in large gradual solar energetic particles (SEP). The CIR ions reflect the pattern of \(A\)/\(Q\), with \(Q\) values of the source plasma temperature or freezing-in temperature of 1.0?–?1.2 MK typical of the fast solar wind in this case. Thus the relative ion abundances in CIRs are of the form \((A\mbox{/}Q)^{a}\), where \(a\) is nearly always negative and evidently decreases with distance from the shocks, which usually begin beyond 1 AU. For one unusual historic CIR event where \(a \approx 0\), the reverse shock wave of the CIR seems to occur at 1 AU, and these abundances of the energetic ions become a direct proxy for the abundances of the fast solar wind.  相似文献   

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