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After considering a number of historical but somewhat “forgotten” UV astronomy experiments, I discuss a number of ways of non-conventional astronomy in the ultraviolet that, on first considerations, could be viable alternatives and valuable complements to classical space observations. These are (a) UV astronomy from the Antarctic or the Arctic regions that take advantage of the “ozone hole”, (b) the use of high-altitude stratospheric balloon-borne telescopes, and (c) the operation of UV telescopes on the Moon. The advantages of these options are discussed and evaluated against the costs of each option and, one by one, are mostly rejected as not fully justifying the specific alternative. The possibility to achieve valuable (but limited) UV science, such as imaging at ~2000 Å, using long-duration stratospheric balloons is described. The option of lunar UV observatories is retained to be implemented for the case of a UV interferometer, where the stability of the lunar regolith is seen as a significant advantage in comparison to free-flying interferometers. A location beyond the main asteroid belt, where the background due zodiacal light may be negligible, is advocated as an ideal location for a UV observatory in the Solar System.  相似文献   

We propose a next generation space instrument: the Fresnel imager, a large aperture and lightweight focusing device for UV astrophysics. This paper presents the laboratory setup used to validate the Fresnel imager at UV at wavelengths around 260 nm, and the results obtained. The validation of this optical concept in the visible domain has been previously published, with the first results on sky objects. In this paper we present new optical tests in the UV, of diffractive focusing and chromatic correction at wavelengths around 260 nm. The results show images free from chromatic aberration, thanks to a chromatic corrector scheme similar to the one used in the visible. To complete these tests and reach real astrophysical UV sources, we propose a short space mission featuring a Fresnel imager prototype placed on the international space station: during the mission this small aperture instrument would be aimed at UV sources such as bright stars and solar system objects, to assess at relatively low cost the limits in contrast and resolution of diffractive focusing in space conditions, on real UV astrophysical objects. At wavelengths from 100 to 300 nm, covering Lyman-α, we expect some scientific return from this mission, but the main goal is to increase the TRL, improving the chances of success for a later proposal featuring a full fledged Fresnel imager 10 meters in aperture or more, that would explore new domains of UV astrophysics at very high angular resolution and very high contrast.  相似文献   

The understanding of high-energy astrophysical sources often depends on observations over the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Yet, extensive multifrequency observing campaigns can consume the resources of a large number of telescopes, including ground-based and satellite facilities, and usually involve large, unwieldy consortia of observers. Because most X-ray sources are variable on a short time-scale, there is an additional need to make the multifrequency observations simultaneous. The logistical difficulties involved in coordinating these observations, coupled with the vagaries of the weather at ground-based observing sites, mean that comparatively few such coordinated campaigns are attempted; of those that have been tried the success rate for achieving simultaneity is low.In the present paper we argue that simultaneous X-ray, optical and ultraviolet observations could be achieved more logically, cheaply, and effectively by mounting a small boresighted optical/UV-telescope alongside future X-ray telescopes. A 12 optical/UV monitor could, for instance, be incorporated into X-ray facilities such as the American AXAF or the European XMM missions with minimal impact on the total cost, weight, size, and telemetry requirements. Such a telescope, equipped with a position sensitive photoncounting detector, could provide two-dimensional photometric imaging of stars as faint asB=23.5 in a 1000 s exposure with a resolution that could easily be matched to that of the X-ray telescope. A series of wide- and narrow-band filters could be used to define spectral bands, while wide-field, low-resolution spectroscopy could be provided by a prism. Such an instrument could monitor not only the multifrequency variability of such active sources as quasars, Seyfert galaxies, BL Lac objects, X-ray binaries, cataclysmic variables, RS CVn stars, and flare stars, but also could provide astrometry, broadband colours, low-resolution spectroscopy, and imaging of constant sources and fortuitously observed field objects. Moreover, the concept of providing multifrequency simultaneous coverage of astrophysical objects in an unbiased way allows new phenomena to be discovered. A review is given of the scientific problems that require such a monitor, and some of the design and performance characteristics of a suitable monitor are discussed.  相似文献   

The site(s) of the r-process(es) is(are) not completely defined, and several models have been proposed. Observed abundances are the best clues to bring some light to this field, especially the study of the extremely metal-poor (EMP) Galactic halo stars. Many elements can be measured using ground-based facilities already available, but the ultraviolet window also presents a rich opportunity in terms of chemical abundances of heavy elements. In fact, for some elements only the UV transitions are strong enough to be useful. Focusing on the project of the Cassegrain U-Band Brazilian Spectrograph (CUBES), we discuss the science case for heavy elements in metal-poor stars, describing the useful lines of trans-Fe elements present in the UV region. Lines in the far UV are also discussed.  相似文献   

Adaptive optics: a breakthrough in astronomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Until the 1970s, atmospheric seeing was considered as an absolute limitation for angular resolution of ground-based optical telescopes, exactly at the time of the conception of the new generation of giant optical telescopes, as the VLT and the Keck. Emerging in the context of the cold war with many constraints due to the research being classified, but with the new possibilities of digital control, astronomical adaptive optics was shown to be feasible in 1989 and gradually convinced an initially skeptical astronomical community of its potential. Twenty years later, it is a mandatory ingredient for the planning of Extremely Large Telescopes on the surface of the Earth, and has allowed many discoveries concerning galactic and extragalactic objects. Some directions for new developments are discussed.  相似文献   

On the basis of my experience in the X-ray astronomy, and on some typical highlights of multi-wavelength observations, I emphasize the importance of collaboration between space astronomy and ground-based astronomy.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 29–December 2, 1988.  相似文献   

Detecting neutrinos associated with the still enigmatic sources of cosmic rays has reached a new watershed with the completion of IceCube, the first detector with sensitivity to the anticipated fluxes. In this review, we will briefly revisit the rationale for constructing kilometer-scale neutrino detectors and summarize the status of the field.  相似文献   

The first preliminary results from the Ariel-5 All-Sky X-Ray Monitor are presented, along with sufficient experiment details to define the experiment sensitivity. Periodic modulation of the X-ray emission is investigated from three sources with which specific periods have been associated, with the results that the 4.8 h variation from Cyg X-3 is confirmed, a long-term average 5.6 day variation from Cyg X-1 is discovered, and no detectable 0.787 day modulation of Sco X-1 is observed. Consistency of the long-term Sco X-1 emission with a shot-noise model is discussed, wherein the source behavior is shown to be interpretable as 100 flares per day, each with a duration of several hours. A sudden increase in the Cyg X-1 intensity by almost a factor of three on 22 April, 1975 is reported, after 5 months of relative source constancy. The light curve of a bright nova-like transient source in Triangulum is presented, and compared with previously observed transient sources. Preliminary evidence for the existence of X-ray bursts with duration <1 h is offered, with the caveat that there is not yet any supporting evidence to guarantee that the effect is truly astronomical.Paper presented at the COSPAR Symposium on Fast Transients in X- and Gamma-Rays, held at Varna, Bulgaria, 29–31 May, 1975.  相似文献   

The data processing software used for the Infrared Space Observatory ISO is briefly discussed as an example for the application of the commercial software package IDL in Astronomy. Some of the principles and details, in particular of the Quick Look Analysis, the Interactive Analysis System and the ISO Spectral Analysis Package ISAP, are described to highlight step by step many of IDL's advantages. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this article we attempt to trace the development of contemporary meteor science from C. 1830 to C. 1960. From its new beginnings in the early 1830's, the subject saw its most dramatic growth and development in those years surrounding the turn of the 19th century. While the period between C. 1910 to C. 1930 saw a decline in its greater interest, the period between C. 1920 to C. 1950 saw the science enter a stage of consolidation. Around the mid 1950's a stand-off between the theory of meteor ablation and observations arose forcing a re-evaluation of the meteoroid model. These recent developments in meteor studies would suggest that the science is mature in the sense described by Thomas Kuhn.  相似文献   

Long-slit grating spectrometers in scanning mode and Fabry–Perot interferometers as tunable filters are commonly used to perform integral wide-field spectroscopy on extended astrophysical objects as HII regions and nearby galaxies. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate, by comparison, through a thorough review of the imaging Fourier transform spectrometer (IFTS) properties, that this instrument represents another interesting solution. After a brief recall of the performances, regarding FOV and spectral resolution, of the grating spectrometer, without and with integral field units (IFU), and of the imaging Fabry–Perot, it is demonstrated that for an IFTS the product of the maximum resolution R by the entrance beam étendue U is equal to $2.6\,N\times S_I$ with $N\,\times \,N$ the number of pixels of the detector array and S $_I$ the area of the interferometer beamsplitter. As a consequence, the IFTS offers the most flexible choice of field size and spectral resolution, up to high values for both parameters. It also presents on a wide field an important multichannel advantage in comparison to integral field grating spectrometers, even with multiple IFUs. To complete, the few astronomical IFTSs, built behind ground-based telescopes and in space, for the visible range up to the sub-millimetric domain, are presented. Through two wide-field IFTS projects, one in the visible, the other one in the mid-infrared, the question is addressed of the practical FOV and resolution limits, set by the optical design of the instrument, which can be achieved. Within the 0.3 to $\sim $ 2.5 $\upmu$ m domain, a Michelson interferometer with wide-field diopric collimators provides the easiest solution. This design is illustrated by a $11^{\prime}\times 11^{\prime}$ -field IFTS in the 0.35–0.90 $\upmu$ m range around an off-axis interferometer, called SITELLE, proposed for the 3.6-m CFH Telescope. At longer wavelengths, an all-mirror optics is required, as studied for a spaceborne IFTS, H2EX, for the 8–29 $\upmu$ m range, a $20^{\prime} \times 20^{\prime}$ field, and a high resolution of $\simeq 3\times 10^4$ at 10 $\upmu$ m. To comply with these characteristics, the interferometer is designed with cat’s eye retroreflectors. In the same domain and up to the far infrared, if the instrument aims only at a low spectral resolution (few thousands) and a smaller field (few arcmins $^2$ ), roof-top or corner cube mirrors, as for the IFTS SPIRE on the Herschel space telescope, are usable. At last, perspectives are opened, behind an ELT in the visible and the near infrared with the SITELLE optical combination, in the 2–5 $\upmu$ m on the Antarctic plateau or in space up to longer wavelengths, with the H2EX design, to provide the missing capability of global high spectral resolution studies of extended sources, from comets to distant galaxy clusters.  相似文献   

The Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) is a challeging scientific project managed by the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), it is being developed at 30 km North of the city of Cagliari, Italy. The goal of the SRT project is to build a general purpose, fully steerable, 64 m diameter radio telescope, capable of operating with high efficiency in the centimeter and millimeter frequency range (0.3–100 GHz). In portions of this frequency range, especially towards the high end, astronomical observations can be heavily deteriorated by non-optimal atmospheric conditions, especially by water vapor content. The water molecule permanent electric dipole in fact, leads to pressure broadened rotational transitions around the 22.23 GHz spectral line. Furthermore, water vapor’s continuum absorption and emission may influence higher frequency observations too. To a lower degree, cloud liquid black body radiation can also affect centimeter and millimeter observations. In addition to this, inhomogeneities in water vapor distributions can cause signal phase errors which introduce a great amount of uncertainty to VLBI mode observations. The Astronomical Observatory of Cagliari (OA-CA) has obtained historical timeseries of radiosonde profiles conducted at the airport of Cagliari. Through the radiosonde measurements and an appropriate radiative transfer model, we have performed a statistical analysis of the SRT site’s atmosphere which accounts for atmospheric opacity at different frequencies, integrated water vapor (IWV), integrated liquid water (ILW) and cloud cover distributions during the year. This will help to investigate in which period of the year astronomical observations at different frequencies should be performed preferably. The results show that, at the SRT site, K-band astronomical observations are possible all year round, the median opacity at 22.23 GHz is 0.10 Np in the winter (Dec-Jan-Feb) and 0.16 Np in the summer (Jun-Jul-Aug). Integrated water vapor during winter months ranges, on average, between 7 and 15 mm. Cloud cover is usually not present for more than 36% of the time during the year. The atmospheric opacity study indicates that observations at higher frequencies (50–100 GHz) may be performed usefully: the median opacity at 100 GHz is usually below or equal to 0.2 Np in the period that ranges from January to April.  相似文献   

A unified analytical treatment of the Malmquist bias is presented. Depending on the data under consideration and on the way the mean values of absolute magnitude are calculated, three different types of Malmquist bias appear: integral bias, and magnitude- and distance-dependent ones. An analytical consideration of the distance-dependent bias, previously studied in extragalactic astronomy, is given in terms of the trigonometric parallax. In a quantitative treatment of the Spaenhauer diagram, in which the derived absolute magnitude is plotted versus the true parallax, we developed an easy-to-use method for determination of the region unaffected by the bias ('unbiased plateau'). Considering spectroscopic distance indicators, we point out that for any magnitude-limited sample spectroscopic distance and parallax approach constant limits as the true distance increases. We draw some examples from luminosity calibrations of stellar classes. A brief outline is also given of a tentative course of investigations, anticipating future space astrometry missions.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2002,46(1):13-39
The aim of this work is to review the fundamental ideas behind the stability problem, emphasizing the differences between two well-known mechanisms that could lead to chaos, namely overlap of resonances and Arnold diffusion. Here we restrict the discussion to multidimensional autonomous Hamiltonian systems which are of major relevance in Dynamical Astronomy. Arnold diffusion is reviewed in a standard mathematical language, by means of different tools such as heuristic reasoning, graphic and geometrical considerations and numerical experiments. In this direction the pioneer work due to Chirikov [PhR 52 (1979) 263] is followed, but including additional notes, further examples and useful discussions that may well illuminate the understanding of Arnold diffusion. We also summarize the main difficulties when coping with this instability, from both the analytical and numerical sides of the problem. The discussion whether Arnold diffusion could play any role in the dynamical evolution of, for instance elliptical galaxies, is also included.  相似文献   

The size of a radio quiet zone (RQZ) is largely determined by transmission losses of interfering signals, which can be divided into free space loss and diffraction loss. The free space loss is dominant. The diffraction loss presented in this paper is described as unified smooth spherical and knife edge diffractions, which is a function of minimum path clearance. We present a complete method to calculate the minimum path clearance. The cumulative distribution of the lapse rate of refractivity (g n ), between the earth surface and 1 km above, is studied by using Chinese radio climate data. Because the size of an RQZ is proportional to g n , the cumulative distribution of g n can be used as an approximation for the size of the RQZ. When interference originates from mobile communication or television transmissions at a frequency of 408 MHz, and $\overline {g_n } $ is 40 N/km, where the refractivity $N=\left( {n-1} \right) \times 10^6$ , the size of the RQZ would be 180 km for a mobile source or 210 km for a television source, with a probability in the range of 15–100% in different months and for different stations. When speaking of the size of an RQZ, the radius in the case of a circular zone is implied. It results that a size of an RQZ is mainly influenced by transmission loss rather than effective radiated power. In the case where the distance between an interfering source and a radio astronomical observatory is about 100 km, at a frequency of 408 MHz, the allowable effective radiated power of the interfering source should be less than ?30 dBW with a probability of about 85% for $\overline {g_n } $ equals 40 N/km, or ?42 dBW with a probability less than 1 % for $\overline {g_n } $ equals 80 N/km.  相似文献   

The physical nature of time variable objects is often inferred from photometric light-curves and spectroscopic variations. Long-baseline optical interferometry has the power to resolve the spatial structure of time variable sources directly in order to measure their physical properties and test the physics of the underlying models. Recent interferometric studies of variable objects include measuring the angular expansion and spatial structure during the early stages of novae outbursts, studying the transits and tidal distortions of the components in eclipsing and interacting binaries, measuring the radial pulsations in Cepheid variables, monitoring changes in the circumstellar discs around rapidly rotating massive stars, and imaging starspots. Future applications include measuring the image size and centroid displacements in gravitational microlensing events, and imaging the transits of exoplanets. Ongoing and upcoming photometric surveys will dramatically increase the number of time-variable objects detected each year, providing many potential targets to observe interferometrically. For short-lived transient events, it is critical for interferometric arrays to have the flexibility to respond rapidly to targets of opportunity and optimize the selection of baselines and beam combiners to provide the necessary resolution and sensitivity to resolve the source as its brightness and size change. We discuss the science opportunities made possible by resolving variable sources using long baseline optical interferometry.  相似文献   

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