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汤阴地堑及邻区的壳幔结构与地震危险性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
任青芳  张先康 《中国地震》1998,14(2):157-166
利用菏泽-林县-长治剖面西段和郑州-济南剖面南段深地震测深资料,进行一、二维计算与解释,获得了汤阴地堑及邻区的二维速度结构。结果显示:该区地壳上地幔结构在纵、横向上均具有明显的差异。地壳厚度变化大,局部存在低速块体,对应汤阴地堑为一M面隆起,隆起高点M面埋深为31km,向东浚县方向,隆起区M面逐渐加深到32km,向西太行山前方向,隆起区M面为一陡变带,至长治附近,M面埋深增至40km。根据华北地区历史地震与深部结构和构造的相关分析认为,汤阴地堑及邻区可能存在发震危险。  相似文献   

喜马拉雅地区的地震活动与近期地壳运动   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
由于穿越条件的限制,用地面地质方法研究喜马拉雅地区的近期地壳运动有许多困难,但是地震活动与地震波特点可以为我们提供这方面的信息。我们对1897年以来80年间喜马拉雅地区的地震,做了以下三方面工作:1.根据地震活动与震源机制资料研究断层的现代活动方式。2.用零矢量方法确定地块运动位移矢量的方向。3.根据地震矩估算地壳滑动速率。最后,根据这三方面的工作成果,对这一地区的近期地壳运动模式做了初步讨论  相似文献   

京津唐地区地壳形变及现代构造运动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过近年来,在京津唐地区取得的大地测量资料,研究本区现代构造运动,指出了北北东—北东向、北西向及东西向三组构造最为活动。它们是受近于水平方向北北西—南南东向主张应力和北东东—南西西向主压应力的应力场所控制,并以主张应力大于主压应力的作用方式出现;而又受深部构造的断块上拱和断陷的影响  相似文献   

Northwest Guangxi is located in the Youjiang fold belt and the Hunan-Guangxi fold belt of secondary structure unit of South China fold system. The South China fold was miogeosyncline in the early Paleozoic, the Caledonian fold returned and transformed into the standard platform, and the Indosinian movement ended the Marine sedimentary history, which laid the basic structural framework of this area. Since the neotectonic period, large areas have been uplifted intermittently in the region and Quaternary denudation and planation planes and some faulted basins have been developed. Affected by the strong uplift of Yunnan-Guizhou plateau, the topography of the region subsides from northwest to southeast, with strong terrain cutting and deep valley incision. Paleozoic carbonate rocks and Mesozoic clastic rocks are mainly exposed on the earth's surface, and its geomorphology is dominated by corrosion and erosion landforms. The dating results show that most of the structures in northwest Guangxi are middle Pleistocene active faults, and the movement mode is mainly stick-slip. According to the seismogeological research results of the eastern part of the Chinese mainland, the active faults of the middle Pleistocene have the structural conditions for generating earthquakes of about magnitude 6. In the northwest Guangxi, the crustal dynamic environment and geological structure are closely related to Sichuan and Yunnan regions. Under the situation that magnitude 6 earthquakes occurred successively in Sichuan and Yunnan region and magnitude 7 earthquakes are poised to happen, the risk of moderately strong earthquakes in the northwest Guangxi region cannot be ignored. Based on the analysis of deep structure and geophysical field characteristics, it is concluded that the Tian'e-Nandan-Huanjiang area in the northwestern Guangxi is not only the area with strong variation of the Moho surface isobath, but also the ML3.0 seismic gap since September 2015, and the abnormal low b value area along the main fault. Regions with these deep structural features often have the conditions for moderately strong earthquakes. The paper systematically analyzes the spatial and temporal distribution features and mechanism of regional gravitational field and horizontal crust movement and further studies and discusses the changes of regional gravitational field, crustal horizontal deformation and interaction between geologic structure and seismic activity based on 2014-2018 mobile gravity measurements and 2015-2017 GPS observation data in the northwestern Guangxi. The results show that:1)On July 15, 2017, a MS4.0 earthquake in Nandan happened near the center of four quadrants of changes of gravity difference, and the center of abnormal area is located at the intersection of the Mulun-Donglang-Luolou Fault, the Hechi-Nandan Fault and the Hechi-Yizhou Fault. The dynamic graph of differential scale gravitational field reflects the gravity changes at the epicenter before and after the Nandan earthquake, which is a process of system evolution of "local gravity anomaly to abnormal four-quadrant distribution features → to earthquake occurring at the turning point of gravity gradient zone and the zero line to backward recovery variation after earthquake". Meanwhile, according to the interpretation of focal mechanism of the Nandan earthquake, seismogram and analysis of seismic survey results, the paper thinks that the four-quadrant distribution of positive and negative gravity, which is consistent with the effect of strike-slip type seismogenic fault before Nandan earthquake, demonstrates the existence of dextral strike-slip faulting; 2)The pattern of spatial distribution of gravitational field change in northwestern Guangxi is closely related to active fault. The isoline of cumulative gravity generally distributes along Nandan-Hechi Fault and Hechi-Yizhou Fault. The gravity on both sides of the fault zone is different greatly, and gradient zone has influences on a broad area; the spatial distribution of deformation field is generally featured by horizontal nonuniformity. Tian'e-Nandan-Huanjiang area is located at the high gradient zone of gravity changes and the horizontal deformation surface compressional transition zone, as well as near the intersection of Hechi-Yizhou Fault, Hechi-Nandan Fault and Du'an-Mashan Fault; 3)The geometric shape of gravitational field in northwestern Guangxi corresponds to the spatial distribution of horizontal crustal movement, which proves the exchange and dynamic action of material and energy in the region that cause the change and structural deformation of fault materials and the corresponding gravity change on earth's surface. The recent analysis of abnormal crustal deformation in northwestern Guangxi shows that Tian'e-Nandan-Huanjiang is a gradient zone of abnormal gravity change and also a horizontal deformation surface compressional transition zone. It locates at the section of significant change of Moho isobaths, the seismicity gap formed by ML3.0 earthquakes and the abnormal low b-value zone. According to comprehensive analysis, the region has the risk of moderately strong earthquake.  相似文献   

本文利用青海地区近几十年的大地测量资料,探讨了该区现今地壳垂直形变与现代构造运动及强震活动之间的关系,认为青藏高原北部目前仍处于强烈的构造运动活跃期,判定了两处有可能是未来发生强震的场所,并对青藏高原北部强震成因提出了作者的看法。  相似文献   

本文采用分段线性速率整体动态平差法处理了西海固地区七十年代以来的多期水准资料,并用形变场图象及数字特征量等分析了该区垂直形变场变化特征及其与地震活动的关系。认为该区自1981年以后区域应力逐渐增强,再经1990年前后应力场调整,目前已恢复到正常的继承性运动状态。  相似文献   

作为人造工程的三峡水库的建立,使得库区水体聚集,地球质量重新分布,将使地壳的物理结构以及局部地球重力场发生变化.针对上述问题,对库区的水准面、点绝对重力值、垂线方向和高程、高程基准面等的重力场变化以及地壳形变进行了研究.主要结果是:当蓄水水位达到峰值175m(坝高)时,大地水准面有2.23-11.2mm的变化,点重力值有(0.83-4.6)×10-5ms-2的变化,垂线偏差的变化分别为-0.62"-6.50"(南北方向)和-6.42"-1.34"(东西方向)地壳的形变量为1.32-6.65mm,这些变化将引起测区的高程产生3.55-17.84mm的变化.因此,原有库区及其附近的测量资料(包括水准、天文、重力等)必须审慎使用,并应建立库区形变监测网,对地壳形变、地震、滑坡、大坝变形等进行监测.  相似文献   

作为人造工程的三峡水库的建立,使得库区水体聚集,地球质量重新分布,将使地壳的物理结构以及局部地球重力场发生变化.针对上述问题,对库区的水准面、点绝对重力值、垂线方向和高程、高程基准面等的重力场变化以及地壳形变进行了研究.主要结果是:当蓄水水位达到峰值175m(坝高)时,大地水准面有2.23-11.2mm的变化,点重力值有(0.83-4.6)×10-5ms-2的变化,垂线偏差的变化分别为-0.62"-6.50"(南北方向)和-6.42"-1.34"(东西方向)地壳的形变量为1.32-6.65mm,这些变化将引起测区的高程产生3.55-17.84mm的变化.因此,原有库区及其附近的测量资料(包括水准、天文、重力等)必须审慎使用,并应建立库区形变监测网,对地壳形变、地震、滑坡、大坝变形等进行监测.  相似文献   

根据最近十年来三期复测精密水准资料,分析了辽宁地区近期地壳垂直运动的演化状况,结果表明辽宁地区在1984年-1989年期间表现为整体范围的隆升,且没有明显的原有继承性运动特征,这反映了应力应变在加强;1989年-1993年则显示出该区已处于应力应变的调整与恢复状态之中,其运动性质也体现为以继承性运动为主。辽宁地区的这一运动过程与华北北部地区的运动过程是相一致的。目前该区域内的差异运动量值偏大。  相似文献   

In this study, we systematically analyzed the relationship between regional gravity changes, 3D crustal deformation, regional tectonic environment and strong earthquakes based on the relative gravity measurements(2011-2014), GPS data and the background vertical deformation from the leveling measurements conducted from 1970 to 2011. Subsequently, we further characterized the temporal-spatial patterns and discussed the mechanism of regional gravity changes and the crustal deformation. The results can be summarized as follows:1)The regional gravity changes, the GPS-derived horizontal deformation and the vertical deformational obtained from leveling data showed a close spatial relationship:The gravity increased along with the direction of horizontal movement, and the gravity decreased with the crustal uplift and vice versa, which reflects the inherited characteristics of neotectonic activities. 2)The crustal deformation was closely related to the active faults. The contour lines of gravity changes and vertical deformation were generally along with the Qilian-Haiyuan Fault(the strike is NWW), and the crustal horizontal deformation showed left-lateral strike slip motion near the Qilian-Haiyuan Fault. 3)The strong earthquakes usually occur in the active faults where intensive gravity change and vertical and/or horizontal deformation occurred. The extrusion deformation, surface compression rate and gravity changes were obvious near the epicenter of 2016 Menyuan earthquake. The 2013 Minxian-Zhangxian MS6.6 earthquake occurred in the direction-turning area of intense gravity gradient zone and the transitional area of surface compression and vertical deformation. The first author of this paper has made a medium-term forecast before the Minxian and Menyuan earthquakes, especially the location of the earthquake. Based on the above understandings, we emphasized that:there are still possibilities of strong or huge earthquakes within medium-long term in the areas of crustal deformation anomalies in the study region.  相似文献   

利用数值计算的方法(Lagrange),结合近4期流动重力资料,分析伽师及邻近地区的重力场时空动态变化特征,初步研究了该区的重力变化与地震活动及构造的关系。结果表明:重力场变化与构造环境变化有关。在地震孕育过程中,重力场出现有规律的变化并伴随重力变化密集区,地震往往多发于重力场变化正负值交替的零线附近。  相似文献   

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