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—Broad band digital three-component data recorded at UNM, a GEOSCOPE station, were used to estimate Lg coda Q for 34 medium size (3.9 ≤m b ≤ 6.3) earthquakes with travel paths laying in different geological provinces of southern Mexico in an effort to establish the possible existence of geological structures acting as wave guides and/or travel paths of low attenuation between the Pacific coast and the Valley of Mexico. The stacked spectral ratio method proposed by XIE and NUTTLI (1988) was chosen for computing the coda Q. The variation range of Q 0 (Q at 1?Hz) and the frequency dependence parameter η estimates averaged on the frequency interval of 0.5 to 2?Hz for the regions and the three components considered are: i) Guerrero region 173 ≤ 0≤ 182 and 0.6 ≤ 0 ≤ 0.7, ii) Oaxaca region 183 ≤ 0 ≤ 198 and 0.6 ≤ 0 ≤ 0.8, iii) Michoacan-Jalisco region 187 ≤ 0 ≤ 204 and 0.7 ≤ 0 ≤ 0.8 and iv) eastern portion of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) 313 ≤Q 0≤ 335 and η = 0.9. ¶The results show a very high coda Q for the TMVB as compared to other regions of southern Mexico. This unexpected result is difficult to reconcile with the geophysical characteristics of the TMVB, e.g., low seismicity, high volcanic activity and high heat flow typical of a highly attenuating (low Q) region. Visual inspection of seismograms indicates that for earthquakes with seismic waves traveling along the TMVB, the amplitude decay of Lg coda is anomalously slow as compared to other earthquakes in southern Mexico. Thus, it seems that the high Q value found does not entirely reflect the attenuation characteristics of the TMVB but it is probably contaminated by a wave-guide effect. This phenomenon produces an enhancement in the time duration of the Lg wave trains travelling along this geological structure. This result is important to establish the role played by the transmission medium in the extremely long duration of ground motion observed during the September 19, 1985 Michoacan earthquake. ¶The overall spatial distribution of coda Q values indicates that events with focus in the Michoacan-Jalisco and Oaxaca regions yield slightly higher values than those from Guerrero. This feature is more pronounced for the horizontal component of coda Q. A slight dependence of average coda Q ?1 on earthquake focal depth is observed in the frequency range of 0.2 to 1.0?Hz approximately on the horizontal component. Deeper (h > 50?km) events yield lower values of Q ?1 than shallower events. For frequencies higher than 1.0?Hz no clear dependence of Q ?1 on focal depth is observed. However, due to the estimates uncertainties this result is not clearly established.  相似文献   

A paleomagnetic study of a 2200-meter thick section of clastic turbidites from the Eocene Hecho group (southcentral Pyrenees, Spain) allows defining its magnetostratigraphic record. Natural remanent magnetization is carried by up to three components: a viscous low-temperature component; a second component unblocked between 300°C and 345°C, likely carried by iron-sulphides; and a third component which demagnetizes at temperatures higher than 345°C and is likely carried by magnetite. The second and third components may display opposite polarities at the same site. The magnetite component delineates different polarity zones and has a more consistent behavior along section if compared with the iron-sulphide component, which displays either a normal or a reverse direction without any stratigraphic consistency along section. The bulk of iron sulphides are interpreted to be secondary in origin and to carry diagenetic overprints acquired at different times after deposition and the magnetite component is taken as the characteristic primary magnetization. As supported by biostratigraphy, the section is correlated from chrons C20r to C18n.2n (Lutetian-Bartonian transition), which indicates a mean sediment accumulation rate of about 52 cm/ky for the studied section. The new chronostratigraphy allows constraining the age of the upper Hecho Group (Banastón and Jaca allogroups) to an unprecedented level and is consistent with previous magnetostratigraphic work in younger sediments from the Jaca Basin. Deep clastic sedimentary systems should not be neglected as a target for magnetostratigraphic studies despite diagenetic growth of secondary minerals may mask the primary signal.  相似文献   

有了地磁观测台站的数据,地球物理学家即使不离开地面也可以洞察我们这颗行星的内部情况以及近地空间的环境。  相似文献   

This study characterized the magnetic property and levels of heavy metals of the topsoils near a cement plant. The concentrations of five selected heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd) were measured on 32 topsoil samples (0–20 cm) collected near a cement plant via inductively coupled plasma/mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). The orders of enrichment factors (EF), on average, were Cd (7.3) > Cu (3) > Zn (2.9) > Pb (2.1), respectively. A self-organizing map (SOM) was applied to the concentrations of heavy metals for “correlation hunting”. Mineral magnetic concentration parameters, such as the specific magnetic susceptibility (χ), susceptibility of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (χARM), saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM), together with interparametric ratios (such as IRM 100mT/SIRM, SIRM/χ, χARM/SIRM) show that ferrimagnetic, superparamagnetic (SP) and multi-domain (MD) minerals dominated the soils. The results of correlation analysis indicate that copper showed a significant correlation with χ, χARM and SIRM but such a relationship with χ, χARM and SIRM was only weakly identified for Zn, Cd and Pb.  相似文献   

We quantified the seasonal changes in the zooplankton abundances collected from the Huetzalin Lake (Mexico City, Mexico) for two years (February 2003–January 2004 and then March 2005–February 2006). Selected physicochemical variables (Secchi depth, temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon and chlorophyll a concentration) were also measured at the time of zooplankton collection. The data on zooplankton abundances and the physicochemical variables were subjected to multiple correlation analysis and we also derived Shannon–Wiener species diversity index. Secchi depth ranged from 9 to 65 cm. Generally the lake was alkaline (pH 7–12). The conductivity ranged from 500–1000 mS cm−1, while the mean water temperature was 20.5 °C. Dissolved oxygen levels were generally >3 mg L−1 and were higher in the winter than warmer months. Nitrates (90–95 μg L−1) and phosphates (.2–.5 mg L−1) indicated that the water was eutrophic. Chlorophyll a levels ranged from 143 to 696 μg L−1 during the study period. The zooplankton community was dominated by rotifers (46 species), followed by cladocerans (9 species) and there were only two copepod species. The dominant rotifer species were Brachionus angularis, Brachionus calyciflorus, Brachionus havanaensis, Brachionus quadridentatus, Lecane bulla and Polyarthra vulgaris. Rare rotifer species in Lake Huetzalin were Lecane ohioensis, Dicranophorus forcipatus, Lecane pyriformis, Lindia torulosa, Pleurotrocha petromyzon and Brachionus durgae. Highest densities (occasional peaks of 400 ind L−1) of B. quadridentatus occurred between April and December, while B. havanaensis reached peak densities, during June to October. B. calyciflorus reached densities higher than 1240 ind L−1 during May–September. Cladoceran and copepod densities in Lake Huetzalin were much lower than that of the rotifers. This study confirmed the earlier findings that Xochimilco system of canals is dominated by rotifers and the crustacean zooplankton have much lower abundances possibly due to predation from fish.  相似文献   

The rifted Eastern Continental Margin of India (ECMI) has evolved as a result of breakup of East Gondwanaland. Previous geophysical studies of the continental margin have not elucidated upon its volcanic nature. Magnetics plays a useful role in the study of continental margins, particularly in identifying the volcanic units. The aeromagnetic map of the offshore Mahanadi basin of ECMI displays a conspicuous linear anomaly along the continental shelf. A comprehensive study of the published aeromagnetic, marine magnetic and gravity data of the offshore Mahanadi basin reveals the existence of a seaward dipping volcanic unit in the offshore Mahanadi basin bordering the Hinge zone. This inference suggests that the ECMI is a volcanic rifted margin. The study further indicates the deepening of the basement towards the sea. In addition, the existing geological studies on the ECMI demarcated the probable limit of the continental crust by studying the basement detached tectonic style of the sedimentation in sub-surface configuration of the East coast basins of India. The probable continental crustal limit, the Hinge zone, and the inner edge of the presently inferred volcanic unit conform to one another spatially in the offshore Mahanadi region. These features characterize the inferred volcanic body as seaward dipping reflectors (SDRs) that usually occur at the rifted continental margins. The deepening of the basement towards the sea and the presence of the volcanic body on the continental margin are indicative of the transitional nature of the crust. It is generally accepted that Antarctica and India were juxtaposed before the breakup of Gondwanaland. But the microcontinents in the southern Indian Ocean are neglected in the reconstruction of Gondwanaland continents. The recent studies of the discovery of continental crust within the Elan Bank (EB) microcontinent show that the EB was contiguous with the East coast of India before the breakup of Gondwanaland. Moreover, it is reported that the upper igneous crust of the EB consists of a 2–3 km thick layer of accumulated lava flows originating from the Kerguelen hotspot. An estimate shows that the total volume of volcanic and plutonic component of the Elan Bank is about 0.3 million cubic kilometers. The present inference of a volcanic body from the offshore Mahanadi basin is in agreement with the above observations of the juxtaposition of EB with ECMI.  相似文献   

Summary The magnetic fabric of the Limhamn limestones is characterized by a low initial magnetic susceptibility. Of 68 specimens with a positive susceptibility, 10 show a distinct anisotropy. In nine of these, the axes of minimum susceptibility are practically normal to the magnetic foliation plane. The observed anisotropy pattern has some resemblance to a magnetic fabric acquired by deposition under influence of currents. A post-depositional origin due to gravitational compaction seems, however, more probable.Presented at 2nd conference on New Trends in Geomagnetrsm, Castle of Bechyn, Czechoslovakia, September 24–29, 1990.  相似文献   

Over 330 bulk chemical analyses of rocks (Oligocene or Miocene to Recent) from the Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB) have been compiled. These analyses all together represent a calc-alkaline sequence of continental margin type. The North-Eastern part of the Belt seems to overlap with another volcanic province, namely. Eastern Cordillera in which magmas are mostly of alkaline sequence. A model involving fractional crystallization as the principal mechanism is proposed for magma genesis in the MVB.  相似文献   

The evolution of the Colima volcanic complex can be divided into successive periods characterized by different dynamic and magmatic processes: emission of andesitic to dacitic lava flows, acid-ash and pumice-flow deposits, fallback nuées ardentes leading to pyroclastic flows with heterogeneous magma, plinian air-fall deposits, scoriae cones of alkaline and calc-alkaline nature. Four caldera-forming events, resulting either from major ignimbrite outbursts or Mount St. Helens-type eruptions, separate the main stages of development of the complex from the building of an ancient shield volcano (25 × 30 km wide) up to two summit cones, Nevado and Fuego.The oldest caldera, C1 (7–8 km wide), related to the pouring out of dacitic ash flows, marks the transition between two periods of activity in the primitive edifice called Nevado I: the first one, which is at least 0.6 m.y. old, was mainly andesitic and effusive, whereas the second one was characterized by extrusion of domes and related pyroclastic products. A small summit caldera, C2 (3–3.5 km wide), ended the evolution of Nevado I.Two modern volcanoes then began to grow. The building of the Nevado II started about 200,000 y. ago. It settled into the C2 caldera and partially overflowed it. The other volcano, here called Paleofuego, was progressively built on the southern side of the former Nevado I. Some of its flows are 50,000 y. old, but the age of its first outbursts is not known. However, it is younger than Nevado II. These two modern volcanoes had similar evolutions. Each of them was affected by a huge Mount St. Helens-type (or Bezymianny-type) event, 10,000 y. ago for the Paleofuego, and hardly older for the Nevado II. The landslides were responsible for two horseshoe-shaped avalanche calderas, C3 (Nevado) and C4 (Paleofuego), each 4–5 km wide, opening towards the east and the south. In both cases, the activity following these events was highly explosive and produced thick air-fall deposits around the summit craters.The Nevado III, formed by thick andesitic flows, is located close to the southwestern rim of the C3 caldera. It was a small and short-lived cone. Volcan de Fuego, located at the center of the C4 caldera, is nearly 1500 m high. Its activity is characterized by an alternation of long stages of growth by flows and short destructive episodes related to violent outbursts producing pyroclastic flows with heterogeneous magma and plinian air falls.The evolution of the primitive volcano followed a similar pattern leading to formation of C1 and then C2. The analogy between the evolutions of the two modern volcanoes (Nevado II–III; Paleofuego-Fuego) is described. Their vicinity and their contemporaneous growth pose the problem of the existence of a single reservoir, or two independent magmatic chambers, after the evolution of a common structure represented by the primitive volcano.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to improve our knowledge of the attenuation structure in the Southern Apennines using a new amplitude ratio tomography method (Phillips et al., Geophys Res Lett 32(21):L21301, 2005) applied on both direct and coda envelope measurements derived from 150 events recorded by 47 stations of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia National Seismic Network (Rete Sismica Nazionale Centralizzata). The two-dimensional (2-D) analysis allows us to take into account lateral crustal variations and heterogeneities of this region. Using the same event and station distribution, we also applied a simple 1-D methodology, and the performance of the 1-D and 2-D path assumptions is tested by comparing the average interstation variance for the path-corrected amplitudes using coda and direct waves. In general, coda measurement results are more stable than using direct waves when the same methodology is applied. Using the 2-D approach, we observe more stable results for both waves. However, the improvement is quite small, probably because the crustal heterogeneity is weak. This means that, for this region, the 1-D path assumption is a good approximation of the attenuation characteristics of the region. A comparison between Q tomography images obtained using direct and coda amplitudes shows similar results, consistent with the geology of the region. In fact, we observe low Q along the Apennine chain toward the Tyrrhenian Sea and higher values to the east, in correspondence with the Gargano zone that is related to the Apulia Carbonate Platform. Finally, we compared our results with the coda Q values proposed by Bianco et al. (Geophys J Int 150:10–22, 2002) for the same region. The good agreement validates our results as the authors used a completely independent methodology.  相似文献   

An 8-year database of sea surface temperature (SST), 7 years of Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) ocean color images, wind fields, and numerical model results are analyzed to identify regions and periods of coastal upwelling on the western and southern shelves of the Gulf of Mexico. On the seasonal scale, it is found that on the Tamaulipas, Veracruz, and southwestern Texas–Louisiana shelves there are upwelling favorable winds from April to August, when southeasterly winds are dominant and cold SST anomalies associated with upwelling are observed along their coasts. However, during summer, values of chlorophyll-a concentration are lower than those in autumn and winter, which are high due to advection of old bloom biological material from upstream. During winter, there is a cold front on the Tamaulipas shelf produced by advection of cold water from the Texas–Louisiana shelf and not due to upwelling. On the eastern Campeche Bank, persistent upwelling is observed due to favorable winds throughout the year with cold SST and large chlorophyll-a content along the inner shelf from May to September. On the Tamaulipas shelf, the summer upwelling delays the annual SST peak until September, while in most of the Gulf SST peaks in August. This difference is due to the end of the upwelling favorable wind conditions and the September seasonal current reversal.  相似文献   

The Eolian arc is located at the boundary between the converging African and European plates. Its volcanism is characterized by a marked evolution in a restricted time (less than 1 my). A progressive transition is observed from typical calc-alkaline series toward shoshonitic rocks produced by past and present activity (Vulcano and Stromboli). By comparison with circum-Pacific island arcs, the evolution of Eolian volcanism can be related to a rapid deepening of the Benioff zone. The occurrence of shoshonitic rocks and the continental nature of the crust on both sides of the plate boundary suggest that the Eolian arc is in a senile stage of evolution. Petrology and Sr isotopic data indicate a probable mantle source for Eolian volcanism.  相似文献   

The Vulture complex is made up of foiditic, tephritic, phonolitic-trachytic and phonolitic products. New rock analyses have been performed in order to ascertain whether the various rock types derive from a unique parental magma and, if so, to define its nature. The data presented support that the Vulture suite originated from a foiditic melt which had differentiated at low pressures. The main process determining the foidite → → tephrite → phonolitic trachyte evolution seems to be the crystal fractionation of mainly clinopyroxenes, and opaques, with the contribution of plagioclases and haüyne too in the tephrite → trachyte evolution. Additionary role must have been played by a mixing of melts at different evolution stages occurred in a shallow seated magma chamber.  相似文献   

Faunistic analysis from the Iakes Zirahuen, El Bordito, Cuitzeo and Zacapu (State of Michoacan, Mexico) revealed the presence of 110 rotifer taxa. 9 genera and 29 species are new to Mexico. The new records are: Cephalodella megalocephala (Glascott, 1893); C. globata (Gosse, 1887); Cupelopagis vorax (Leidy, 1857); Eothinia elongata (Ehrenberg, 1832); Lecane bifurca (Bryce, 1892); L. decipiens (Murray, 1913); L. elegans Harring, 1914; L. leontina (Turner, 1892); L. monostyla (Daday, 1897); L. nodosa Hauer, 1938; L. ruttneri Hauer, 1938; L. ungulata (Gosse, 1887); Lepadella astacicola (Hauer, 1926); L. benjamini Harring, 1916; L. ehrenbergi (Perty, 1850); Lindia ecela Myers, 1933; Macrochaetus subquadratus (Perty, 1850); Monommata diaphora Myers, 1930; Notommata cerberus (Gosse, 1886), N. copeus Ehrenberg, 1834; Proales sordida Gosse, 1886; Resticula gelida Harring & Myers, 1922; R. nyssa Harring & Myers, 1924; Sinantherina ariprepes Edmonson, 1939; S. semibullata (Thorpe, 1889); Sphyrias lofauna (Rousselet, 1910); Testudinella incisa (Tarnetz, 1892); Tetrasiphon hydrocera Ehrenberg, 1840 and Trichocerca musculus (Hauer, 1935). Notommata tripus Ehrenberg, 1838 earlier observed from Mexico, but not illustrated, has been depicted in the present study. Comments to diagnostic characteristics and the zoogeographical distribution of the new rotifer taxa are given. All new records have been illustrated.  相似文献   

根据结构振动理论,分析了振动压实机械与被压土体的相互作用机理,研究了碎石土振动压实动态监测的理论依据,建立了一套适用于加速度监测仪的振动压实动态监测数据采集系统.在大量室内试验数据的基础上,研究了振动压实过程中加速度电信号响应随碎石土密实度的变化规律,发现二者具有显著的线性相关性.研究结果为实现快速有效的碎石土路基密实度实时动态监测提供了理论依据和工程指导.  相似文献   

介绍了皖南地区区域地震台网20个测震台站的基本情况。对20个台站的背景噪声数字化记录进行了计算和分析,得其背景噪声均方根RMS值、有效测量动态范围,分析了噪声水平并按照地噪声水平的规定对各台进行了台基噪声分类。结果表明,20个测震台站中有9个I类台址、9个Ⅱ类台址、2个Ⅲ类台址。同时,分析了皖南地区区域台网的最小监测能力,结果表明,皖南地区区域台网最小监测能力为M_L≥-0.1—0.6,台站监测能力基本满足皖南地区监测需求。  相似文献   

This work focuses on the comparison between satellite-only and combined Global Geopotential Models (GGMs) derived from the CHAMP and GRACE satellite missions with land gravity anomalies, geoid undulations provided by the gravimetric geoid ANDALUSGeoid2002 and GPS/levelling geoid undulations in Andalusia in order to find the GGM that best fits this area in order to be used in a further geoid computation. The results show that the EIGEN-CG01C model or the combined models GGM02C/EIGEN-CG01C and ITG-CHAMP01E/EIGEN-CG01C should be used.  相似文献   

Summary A magnetic study of metabasic dykes of pre-Cambrian age in Gomoh has been done. 9 magnetic profiles have been taken with Schmidt vertical force variometer. Direction and intensity of NRM have been determined for 25 oriented samples with an astatic magnetometer. Magnetic susceptibility of the samples has been determined. The magnetic profiles have been interpreted by considering both natural remanence and susceptibility of the rock samples. The remanent magnetic directions have two groups, one corresponding to the northern hemisphere and the other to the southern hemisphere. The corresponding latitudes of the place would then be 34°N and 42°S. It is suggested here that metamorphism of the basic rocks of this area took place during two distinct geologic epochs, one when India was in northern hemisphere and the other when in southern hemisphere, presuming that continental drift has taken place.  相似文献   

Measurements of magnetic susceptibility of soils, reflecting magnetic enhancement of topsoils due to atmospherically deposited magnetic particles of industrial origin, are used recently in studies dealing with outlining polluted areas, as well as with approximate determination of soil contamination with heavy metals. One of the natural limitations of this method is magnetic enhancement of soils caused by weathering magnetically rich parent rock material. In this study we compare magnetic properties of soils from regions with different geological and environmental settings. Four areas in the Czech Republic and Austria were investigated, representing both magnetically rich and poor geology, as well as point-like and diffuse pollution sources. Topsoil and subsoil samples were investigated and the effect of geology and pollution was examined. Magnetic data including mass and volume magnetic susceptibility, frequency-dependent susceptibility, and main magnetic characteristics such as coercivity (Hc and Hcr) and magnetization (Ms and Mrs) parameters are compared with heavy metal contents. The aim of the paper is to assess the applicability of soil magnetometry under different geological-environmental conditions in terms of magnetic discrimination of dominant lithogenic/anthropogenic contributions to soil magnetic signature. Our results suggest that lithology represents the primary effect on soil magnetic properties. However, in case of significant atmospheric deposition of anthropogenic particles, this contribution can be clearly recognized, independent of the type of pollution source (point-like or diffuse), and discriminated from the lithogenic one. Different soil types apparently play no role. Possible effects of climate were not investigated in this study.  相似文献   

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