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Soil erosion by water is a serious problem in southern Italy, particularly in Sicily which is one of the Italian administrative regions prone to desertification. Soil erosion not only affects soil quality, in terms of agricultural productivity, but also reduces the availability of water in reservoirs. This study was conducted in the Comunelli catchment in south-central Sicily, to predict potential annual soil loss using the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) and to test the reliability of this methodology to predict reservoirs siltation. The RUSLE factors were calculated for the catchment using survey data and rain gauge measurement data. The R-factor was calculated from daily, monthly and annual precipitation data. The K-factor was calculated from soil samples collected in May and November 2004. The LS topographic factor was calculated from a 20 m digital elevation model. The C- and P-factors, in absence of detailed data, were set to 1. The results were compared with those obtained from another soil loss estimation method based on 137Cs and with the soil loss estimated from the sediment volume stored in the Comunelli reservoir between 1968 and 2004.  相似文献   

The studies presented explore post-depositional changes of zinc, cadmium, lead, manganese and 137Cs distribution in alluvial sediments accumulated in the upper Odra River valley in southern Poland. The rate of these changes was estimated by comparing metal and 137Cs distributions in four vertical alluvial profiles with a history of river pollution and sediment deposition. The untypical 137Cs distribution with peaks in the surface 40–60 cm and lower down, even at a depth of 2.5 m in strata deposited before the beginning of nuclear tests in 1954, indicates rapid post-depositional migration of this isotope from the surface and its retention in lower, less permeable layers. Moreover, the highest concentrations of lead, zinc and cadmium were found at a depth of 4 m in sediments accumulated in the mid-nineteenth century in spite of the growth of industrialization and the pollution of the Odra River with heavy metals until the end of the twentieth century. The post-depositional changes in heavy metals and 137Cs are rapid in comparison with the slow element migration usually observed in uninundated soils. This difference is explained by the frequent and easy infiltration of polluted river water into the gravelly and sandy sediments present in the profiles.  相似文献   

The 137Cs tracer technique was used to study soil erosion of alpine meadow grassland in two small river basins in the headwater region of the Yellow River. The results show that the levels of 137Cs in soil samples from this alpine meadow vegetation zone exhibit an exponential distribution, generally within a depth of approximately 20 cm. Due to strong winds, freeze-thaw cycles and water, soil erosion was found to be stronger on the upper slope than on the lower slope, and except for the slope crest, the intensity of soil erosion at other sites was as follows: upslope < midslope < downslope. There was a significant negative correlation between the intensity of soil erosion and the extent of alpine meadow vegetation cover (P < 0.01). The mean soil erosion modulus exhibited a linear reduction trend with an increase in vegetation cover, and the correlation coefficient R 2 was ≥ 0.997. The higher the degradation degree of the alpine meadow grassland, the greater is the soil erosion. The mean erosion modulus in the severely degraded meadow zone was 2.23 times greater than the one in the slightly degraded zone, and the maximum erosion modulus reached 2.96 × 106 kg/km2/a.  相似文献   

Gediz Basin is one of the regions where intense agricultural activities take place in Western Turkey. Erosion and soil degradation have long been causing serious problems to cultivated fields in the basin. This work describes the application of two different 137Cs models for estimating soil erosion rates in cultivated sites of the region. Soil samples were collected from five distinct cultivated regions subject to soil erosion. The variations of 137Cs concentrations with depth in soil profiles were investigated. Soil loss rates were calculated from 137Cs inventories of the samples using both proportional model (PM) and simplified mass balance model (SMBM). When PM was used, erosion and deposition rates varied from −15 to −28 t ha−1 year−1 and from +5 to +41 t ha−1 year−1, respectively; they varied from −16 to −33 t ha−1 year−1 and from +5 to +55 t ha−1 year−1 with SMBM. A good agreement was observed between the results of two models up to 30 t ha−1 year−1 soil loss and gain in the study area. Ulukent, a small representative agricultural field, was selected to compare the present data of 137Cs techniques with the results obtained by universal soil loss equation (USLE) applied in the area before.  相似文献   

The representative 210Pb and 137Cs age-depth profiles were selected from more than 100 sites in the Circum Bohai Sea (CBS) coastal region to examine the sedimentation rates and associated environmental changes. There are three unique 210Pbexc distribution patterns: 1) ideal-decaying type, representing relatively constant sediment supply and quieter environmental setting; 2) wiggling type, but with approximately equivalent amplitude, representing coarser sediments and associated stronger flow current environment; and 3) episodic-eventinfluencing type, each representing typhoon storm-influenced depositional environment. Our results also show that there is a lower sedimentation rate (ca. 0.1 cm/a) in the coastal lowlands, a higher sedimentation rate (ca. 0.5–3 cm/a) in the intertidal flat and an intermediate rate of ca. 0.58 cm/a in the subtidal zone near the Huanghua Harbor. The interbedded silt layer occurring in the core sediment reveals lower 210Pb activities, indicating a discontinuous sedimentation mostly due to typhoon events which dwarfs against 210Pb and 137Cs applicability. Overall, the 210Pb and 137Cs measurements of the present study provide physical insight into the evaluation of the coastal-marine ecological environment and associated management.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to determine the impact of former Pb-Zn-Ba mining activities in Slovenian drainage basin on overbank sediments of the Sava river (West Croatia). Among the four studied sequences (S7, S8, S9, S10), the most upstream profile S7 showed the most pronounced impact of ore mining. Mercury was enriched more than 100-fold; Pb and Zn had a strong positive correlation (r > 0.99). Two factor models clearly revealed the Pb-Ba-Hg association in the lower-lying carbonate (CA) population of all four profiles, but only in the overlying silicate (SI) population of profile S7. Factor analysis confirmed this association in the total sediment (90 samples) as well as separately in the CA (33 samples) and SI (57 samples) populations. Based on a comparison with an undisturbed soil profile, the vertical distribution of 137Cs in profile S7 was interpreted to be the combination of caesium deposition caused by a flood in 1964 and by post-depositional redistribution.  相似文献   

王福  田立柱  姜兴钰  李建芬  杨彪  袁海帆  王宏 《地质通报》2016,35(10):1622-1629
海岸带地区近百年来的现代地质过程重建必须以精确的年代学研究为基础,~(137)Cs时标法和~(210)Pb_(exc)测年法是目前广泛应用的方法。由于易受到河流沉积物供给变化、潮位状况、极端天气事件等的影响,海岸带现代过程的定量研究一直是高分辨率研究的瓶颈。区域性参考剖面可以提升现代沉积物测年方法在海岸带应用中的可靠性。因此,建立区域性的~(210)Pb_(exc)和~(137)Cs比活度-深度参考剖面,将改善对海岸带及邻近海区实测数据的解释。以渤海湾海岸带为研究区,选取沉积环境相对稳定、水平搬运作用较小的地区,采用人工探坑、Eijkelkamp槽型取样器获取了2个柱状岩心,通过γ能谱仪对样品进行~(210)Pb、~(226)Ra及~(137)Cs比活度测试,绘制剖面图,结合研究区已有数据,总结出6类海岸带常见的~(210)Pb_(exc)和~(137)Cs比活度-深度剖面类型,并重建了渤海湾海岸带~(137)Cs区域性参考剖面。结果显示,~(137)Cs在渤海湾地区的最大峰值指示1963年,可以作为区域性主要参考时标。但是,最大峰值上部的次峰在不同区域指示不同的时标,S4和S5两个站位该峰值指示的并非1986年时标。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of investigation on uptake of radioactive species 90Sr and 137Cs present in the liquid effluents from nuclear processing plants. Chemical precipitation process is adopted to remove radioactivity from the effluents with low and intermediate level of activity. In this process, radioactive 90Sr and 137Cs are co-precipitated along with copper ferrocyanide, ferric hydroxide and either calcium phosphate or barium sulphate. These precipitates being fine in size require flocculation for enhanced settling rate in clarifier/thickener. The flocculation by some selected high molecular weight polyacrylamide based polymers has improved the uptake of radioactive metal ions. The adsorption of these radioactive species has been found to increase in the presence of these flocculants thereby improving the decontamination factor (DF). While flocculating the precipitates, there may be some complex formation with Sr2+/Cs+, flocculant and the substrate. This has enhanced the uptake of the radioactive metal ions from the liquid component. The plant trials have indicated the improvement of DF value due to flocculation by cationic flocculant.  相似文献   

Studying spatial and temporal variation of soil loss is of great importance because of global environmental concerns. Understanding the spatial distribution of soil erosion and deposition in the high-cold steppe is important for designing soil and water conservation measures. Measured 137Cs losses (Bq m−2) from long-term high altitude (4,000 m above sea level) watershed plots on the Qinghai–Tibet plateau and derived soil erosion estimates (Mg ha−1 year−1) were significantly correlated to directly measured soil losses from the same plots, over the same period (1963–2005). The local reference inventory was estimated to be 2,468 Bq m−2. The result of analyzing 137Cs distribution and its intensity in the soil profiles in this area shows similarities to 137Cs distribution in other areas. 137Cs is basically distributed in the topsoil layer of 0–0.3 m. Soil erosions vary greatly in the entire sampled area, ranging from 5.5 to 23 Mg ha−1 year−1, with an average of 16.5 Mg ha−1 year−1 which is a moderate rate of erosion.  相似文献   

Reliable dating is an essential element of palaeoseismological studies, yet whilst a suite of geochronological methods can now provide late Quaternary age control it remains very difficult to date modern events (i.e., those occurring within the last 150 years). This is significant because the starting point for many palaeoseismological investigations is a modern surface-rupturing event, whose geological effects need to be disentangled in trench stratigraphies from palaeoseismic ruptures. Two dating methods which, in combination, can provide robust dating control in recently deposited sediments are the 210Pb and 137Cs dating methods. Here, we test the applicability of using 210Pb and 137Cs to date colluvial sediments exposed in three trenches excavated across an earthquake fault—the Eliki fault, Gulf of Corinth, Greece—which ruptured in an earthquake in 1861. The 210Pb and 137Cs profiles observed in these colluvial sequences are relatively erratic due to the mixed nature of the sediments, i.e., their deposition in an environment where the supply of slope sediments is driven by seasonal rainfall, causing non-uniform sediment accretion and sediment reworking. In one trench, however, 210Pb dating, corroborated by 137Cs dating, indicates that a proposed post-1861 surface colluvial unit has been deposited over the period 1950 AD–present (at a rate of ca. 9 mm/year), and overlies a significantly older unit (>120 years old). The dating control provided here by 210Pb and 137Cs dating corroborates the published interpretation of the trench stratigraphy, and refines the 14C-based estimated dates for the upper unit. At two other trenches 210Pb and 137Cs dating only provided minimum ages (based on the presence or absence of 210Pbexcess and 137Cs). Such approximate ages, however, may still useful in corroborating interpretations made using the trench stratigraphy, or, at sites which have long earthquake recurrence intervals, determining which earthquake event was responsible for a particular bed offset.  相似文献   

珠江口盆地是南海北部陆坡最大的前新生代沉积盆地,油气资源丰富,由于新的地球物理资料未得以充分应用等问题导致盆地内部构造单元分布特征存在诸多不同看法,这些问题制约了盆地的进一步勘探和开发。本文以最新实测1∶10万高精度航磁数据为基础,采用切线法对研究区航磁异常深度进行反演计算,结合钻井、地震及南海北部陆域物性资料研究珠江口盆地磁性基底分布特征。在充分调研珠江口盆地已有构造单元划分的基础上,以盆地磁性基底展布特征为基础,结合断裂、区域构造等对珠江口盆地内部构造单元进行研究。研究表明:珠江口盆地磁性基底深度在0~9 km之间,磁性基底呈"三隆两坳"构造格局,整个坳陷区具有"南北分带,东西分块"的特征; NE向深大断裂为控盆断裂,常为盆地二级构造单元的边界,NW向断裂常控制次一级构造单元并影响其展布形态。  相似文献   

This study presents a basin-scale integrative hydrological, ecological, and economic (HEE) modeling system, aimed at evaluating the impact of resources management, especially agricultural water resources management, on the sustainability of regional water resources. The hydrological model in the modeling system was adapted from SWAT, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool, to simulate the water balance in terms of soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and streamflow. An ecological model was integrated into the hydrological model to compute the ecosystem production of biomass production and yield for different land use types. The economic model estimated the monetary values of crop production and water productivity over irrigated areas. The modeling system was primarily integrated and run on a Windows platform and was able to produce simulation results at daily time steps with a spatial resolution of hydrological response unit (HRU). The modeling system was then calibrated over the period from 1983 to 1991 for the upper and middle parts of the Yellow River basin, China. Calibration results showed that the efficiencies of the modeling system in simulating monthly streamflow over 5 hydrological stations were from 0.54 to 0.68 with an average of 0.64, indicating an acceptable calibration. Preliminary simulation results from 1986 to 1995 revealed that water use in the study region has largely reduced the streamflow in many parts of the area except for that in the riverhead. Spatial distribution of biomass production, and crop yield showed a strong impact of irrigation on agricultural production. Water productivity over irrigated cropland ranged from 1 to 1640 USD/(ha·mm−1), indicating a wide variation of the production conditions within the study region and a great potential in promoting water use efficiency in low water productivity areas. Generally, simulation results from this study indicated that the modeling system was capable of tracking the temporal and spatial variability of pertinent water balance variables, ecosystem dynamics, and regional economy, and provided a useful simulation tool in evaluating long-term water resources management strategies in a basin scale.  相似文献   

The relationship between the variation of δ 18O in precipitation in Yarlungzangbo River basin and the moisture flux was analyzed with NCEP/NCAR reanalysis grid data and δ 18O in precipitation at four stations (Lazi, Nugesha, Yangcun and Nuxia) of the region investigated. In terms of spatial variations, there is obviously a positive correlation between them for the entire basin. With the decrease in moisture flux from the downstream to the upstream area, δ 18O in precipitation became gradually decreased. However, in terms of temporal variations, higher δ 18O in precipitation during spring is linked to small moisture flux while low δ 18O in precipitation during summer is linked to large moisture flux. A model involving meteorological data from NCEP/NCAR was subsequently set up which successfully traced the moisture transport trajectories at Yangcun station. Based on the traced moisture transport trajectories and the δ 18O in precipitation at Yangcun station, the relationship between δ18O in precipitation in Yarlungzangbo River basin and the moisture transport history was discussed. We found that the humid marine air mass from the Indian Ocean in general has significantly lower δ 18O values than the continental air mass from the north or local re-evaporation. The fluctuation of δ 18O in precipitation during the monsoon season is very pronounced; the lower values are usually related to farther distance and multilayer moisture transport, as well as moisture crossing the Himalaya Mountains. __________ Translated from Advances in Earth Science, 2007, 22(8): 842–850 [译自: 地球科学进展]  相似文献   

Lago Verde is a fresh-water maar found on the lower slopes of San Martin volcano, at the Sierra de Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, currently the northernmost remnant of the tropical rain forest in America. 210Pb and 137Cs analyzed in a sediment core were used to reconstruct the historical fluxes of Ag, Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg and Zn to the site during the last ∼ 150 yr. The 210Pbxs-derived sediment accumulation rates, the magnetic susceptibility, C/N ratios and δ13C data evidenced background conditions at the lake until 1960s, when enhanced erosion related to the clearing of large forested areas at Los Tuxtlas promoted higher accumulation rates of a heavier and more magnetic sedimentary material. Recent sediments from Lago Verde were found enriched by Pb (26-fold natural concentration level [NCLs]) and moderately enriched by Cd > Cu > Zn and Hg (6-, 5-, 4- and 4-fold corresponding NCLs, respectively). The fluxes of Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn have significantly increased since 1940s, with peak ratios of total modern to pre-industrial fluxes of 11, 11, 19 and 49, respectively. The lake occupies a relatively pristine, non-industrialized basin, and therefore the increased metal fluxes might be related to long-distance aeolian transport of trace metals.  相似文献   

选取崇明岛北侧由东至西4个潮滩沉积柱,分析137Cs、226Ra和210Pb放射性比活度,应用210Pb和137Cs放射性同位素定年方法计算崇明岛潮滩沉积物沉积速率。对于东西两端,210Pb方法测得速率分别为3.08cm/a和2.34 cm/a,而137Cs测得速率分别为6.19 cm/a和2.06 cm/a。结果表明,137Cs定年方法计算出的潮滩沉积速率普遍大于210Pb方法结果;但两者反映了相同的速率规律。崇明岛主力生长方向为东和东北,西侧沉积作用相对较弱,表现出"东快西慢"的特点。沉积纵向上,1954年以来,自下而上沉积速率逐渐减缓。  相似文献   


地貌过程的定量化表达已成为构造地貌学研究中的一种趋势。基于ASTER GDEM数据,运用GIS空间分析技术,本文获得了钱塘江流域87个子流域的地貌参数,包括面积-高程积分(HI)、面积-高程积分曲线(HC)、坡度、流域不对称度(AF)、流域盆地形状指数(Bs)等。进一步结合流域内地层特征与自然地理背景,探讨了钱塘江流域地貌演化阶段以及流域内主要断裂(江山-绍兴断裂、球川-萧山断裂和马金-乌镇断裂)的相对活动性。结果表明:1)HI值在小尺度范围内主要反映岩性差异,在大的空间尺度下则可能主要与构造活动性有关;2)相对于HI指数,AF和Bs更有助于揭示构造活动性的空间差异;3)基于AF、Bs、坡度、HI等的分析,认为江山-绍兴断裂和球川-萧山断裂北段的活动性要弱于南段,而马金-乌镇断裂南、北段构造活动性差异不显著;4)多种地貌计量指标的分析结果(HI=0.217、|AF-50|=4.27、Bs=0.77)均显示钱塘江流域处于地貌演化的老年阶段。


罗河铁矿床是20世纪80年代在长江中下游成矿带庐枞盆地中发现的规模最大的铁矿床。经深部找矿勘探工作,2013年在罗河铁矿床主矿体800~1000 m之下又发现了小包庄铁矿床,这是近年来在长江中下游成矿带深部找矿工作中的重大进展之一,对该矿床地质特征的总结和形成时代的精确厘定,是正确分析矿床成因机制,完善玢岩型铁矿床成矿理论的关键。文章在已有研究的基础上,通过详细的钻孔岩芯观察、系统的岩相学和矿相学及电子探针分析测试工作,查明了罗河铁矿和小包庄铁矿的矿化蚀变特征,厘定了矿化阶段,初步探讨了成矿作用过程;对小包庄铁矿床进行了高精度金云母~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar同位素年代学研究,获得坪年龄为(130.32±0.78)Ma,相应的等时线年龄为(130.5±1.5)Ma,反等时线年龄为(130.4±1.3)Ma。结合庐枞盆地及区域成岩成矿时代,认为盆地内玢岩型铁矿床集中形成于130 Ma左右,是长江中下游成矿带第二阶段(135~126 Ma)成矿作用的产物。  相似文献   

基于文献记录的黑河流域历史时期旱涝特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐霞  张志强 《冰川冻土》2017,39(3):490-497
流域的旱涝灾害特征及其变化规律是流域水资源演变研究的重要内容。利用历史文献资料重建了西北内陆河黑河流域公元0-1949年的旱涝灾害等级序列,结合滑动平均、小波变换处理等方法,探讨了流域历史时期旱涝等级的频数特征、旱涝变化的周期特征及其与气候冷暖和人类活动之间的关系。对公元1000年以后的旱涝灾害规律进行分析,结果表明:流域存在5个旱灾高发阶段(1230-1270年、1430-1530年、1640-1760年、1860-1890年、1900-1940年),3个涝灾高发期(1650-1690年、1730-1790年、1830-1910年),并呈现出旱涝灾害频发的态势;1000-1949年期间,流域旱涝灾害存在4个准周期变化,对比发现这与太阳黑子活动等环境变化周期有紧密的联系;1580年以前,气候冷暖是影响旱涝灾害发生的主要因子,但16世纪以后,旱涝灾害交替频发,很可能是人类活动加剧了该现象。所以,定量辨析自然因素和人类活动对流域旱涝灾害的影响将是未来研究的重点方向。  相似文献   

岷县是甘肃南部泥石流频发地区。岷县泥石流多分布于洮河干支流两岸,为群发性泥石流。为了研究群发性泥石流的运动及堆积特征,选取了甘肃岷县麻路河流域为研究区域,以流域内2012年“5·10”暴发泥石流造成重大损失的6条泥石流沟作为整体研究对象,并考虑主河对泥石流堆积物的冲刷携带,运用FLO-2D模拟降雨前主河流动情况及不同降雨频率条件下主河及泥石流的流动情况。根据野外调查结果对比2%降雨频率条件下泥石流模拟结果,验证模型的可靠性。基于模拟结果用ArcGIS进行危险性评价,识别流域内高危险泥石流沟并划定高危险居民区,统计受冲击范围,为泥石流防治和预警工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Eco-environmental changes which generally manifest as the ecological landscape changes are mainly affected by natural and human factors. Through complex interaction, natural factors and human activities alter the landscape structure and decide the service function of regional ecosystem. With the development of geographical information system (GIS) and satellite remote sensing (RS) techniques, the researches on quantitative analysis of landscape changes have made great strides forward. In this paper, the landscape change dynamics in the Weigou River basin have been investigated by the combined use of high-resolution RS images and GIS techniques. The objectives are to determine the landscape transition rates among landscape types and to quantify changes of various landscape indexes using FRAGSTATS, one of the spatial pattern analysis programs for categorical maps. Under man–machine interactive interpretation method, all of the 10-m resolution SPOT + TM images are classified into six primary types (farmland, forest, grassland, water, construction area and desert) and 12 sub-types based on the interpretation key which was established based on 1947 filed pictures in the Weigou River basin. A field check on the data accuracy shows that the total interpretation accuracy approaches 97.53%. Significant land-use change has taken place in the Weigou River basin over the six years from 1998 to 2004 due to rehabilitation measures. The results show that there has been a notable decrease in farmland mainly due to conversion to forest and grassland, the landscape heterogeneity and evenness has increased, and there is a greater connectivity. The dominance of farmland patch has decreased. And hence the ecological environment has started to develop in a reversing direction. The study of the integration of high-resolution RS images and GIS technique is an effective approach to analyze the landscape changes at river basin scale.  相似文献   

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