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In Japan there are about one hundred geothermal areas which occur in the following geological units: green-tuff areas including sedimentary basins, Neogene plutonic rock areas, Pliocene—Quaternary sedimentary basins and Quaternary volcanic areas.Geochemical exploration for geothermal energy in the Onikobe basin in the vicinity of the Narugo geothermal area, Miyagi Prefecture, was carried out by the Geochemical Exploration Research Group of MMIJ.The Onikobe basin is regarded as a caldera and is covered with lake deposits composed of conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone, dacitic tuff and andesitic tuff breccia and lava flow.In the southern part of the basin a Quaternary dacitic volcano and two fumaroles occur. Hotsprings also issue from the lake deposits in the southwestern part of the basin.The tectonic line, including Narugo and Onikobe geothermal areas, extends into the geothermal areas in Ogachi region, Akita Prefecture. Geothermal manifestations in this area can be divided into three groups: acid type hot springs, named Kawarage, containing hydrochloric acid and neutral to alkaline type hot springs called Oyasu, Ohyu and Takanoyu. Their host rocks are green-tuff and lake deposits of the basin in the green-tuff areas. These geothermal areas were also surveyed by the research group of MMIJ.  相似文献   

From 1983 to 1985, an orientation study was carried out in about 20 geothermal fields in China. Semi-detailed and detailed surveys were conducted in an area of 90 km2 in Yangbajing, Tibet. Hg, As, Sb and Bi were used as indicators to extend the promising area of known geothermal fields to 16 km2. In the northern part of the extended promising area, three drill holes were sunk and high-temperature thermal water of 160°C was obtained. In the southern part, outside the geochemical anomaly, two holes were drilled but no thermal water was found. The inner zone of the Hg anomaly coincides closely with the distribution of drill holes that met thermal water with temperatures higher than 140°C. The distribution of Bi values may indicate that the thermal water in the southern part is at shallower depth. A semi-regional survey in an area of 200 km2 in Tengchong, Yunnan Province delineated several new prospects, which will possibly extend the resources of the Rehai geothermal field. An element zoning pattern similar to that of hydrothermal mineral deposits was discovered in the Rehai geothermal field. A semi-regional survey conducted in Xiaotangshan near Beijing indicated that the possible extent of the Xiaotangshan geothermal field may reach 30 km2. Drilling confirmed that the outer zone of the Hg anomaly is in accordance with the distribution of 40°C thermal water, and the intermediate and inner zones of the Hg anomaly are associated with higher temperature thermal water. Research during the three years 1983–1985 demonstrated that exploration geochemistry is an effective tool for finding geothermal fields.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes advances since 1987 in the application of glacial sediment sampling to mineral exploration (drift prospecting) in areas affected by continental or alpine glaciation. In these exploration programs, clastic glacial sediments are tested by geochemical or mineralogical methods to detect dispersal trains of mineral deposit indicators that have been glacially transported from source by mechanical processes. In glaciated terrain the key sampling medium, till, is produced by abrasion, crushing and blending of rock debris and recycled sediment followed by down-ice dispersal ranging from a few metres to many kilometres. As a consequence of the mid-1980s boom in gold exploration, the majority of case studies and regional till geochemical surveys published in the past decade deal with this commodity. Approximately 30% of Canada and virtually all of Fennoscandia have been covered by regional till geochemical surveys that aid mineral exploration and provide baseline data for environmental, agricultural, and landuse planning. The most profound event in drift prospecting in the last decade, however, has been the early-1990s explosion in diamond exploration which has dramatically increased the profile of glacial geology and glacial sediment sampling and stimulated changes in sampling and analytical methods.  相似文献   

腾冲地热区高温热泉水中稀土元素特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
腾冲地热区位于印度-欧亚板块碰撞带东北缘,构造和岩浆活动频繁,地热作用明显,热泉广泛分布,是现代热泉研究的天然实验室。热泉水中的稀土元素特征是指示浅层水岩反应的重要指标。由于热泉水中稀土元素含量较低且变化范围大,腾冲地区热泉水稀土元素组成的报道比较罕见。本文尝试研究了腾冲高温热泉水中稀土元素组成特征,并与美国内华达州贝奥沃韦地热田和加利福尼亚希伯地热田热泉水的稀土元素特征进行了对比。本文选取腾冲地区的高温热泉,应用ICP-MS,测试了热泉水中稀土元素。分析结果表明热泉水中稀土元素含量相对较低且变化范围较大,其变化范围为球粒陨石的10-5~10-2倍。稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分模式整体为轻微右倾型或平坦型,显示轻重稀土分异不明显;δEu既有正异常也有负异常;各热泉点热泉水稀土配分模式之间存在差异。虽然腾冲地热区热泉水的REE含量比美国贝奥沃韦地热田和希伯地热田热泉水的高10倍,两者之间的稀土元素分布特征具有一致性。热泉水中的δEu负异常为深循环的大气降水与具有负铕异常火山岩水岩反应的结果,正铕异常可能是由快速上返的大气降水与蒸发岩中的石膏反应导致。  相似文献   

霸县凹陷位于华北冀中坳陷北部,地热资源丰富。文中利用霸县凹陷的油气勘探和开发井的试油测温、地层水化学分析等资料,研究了霸县凹陷深部三套主要热水储层——馆陶组(Ng)、东营组(Ed)和沙河街组沙二—三段(Es_(2+3))地下热水地球化学特征及成因。霸县凹陷深部地下热水主要有3种类型的化学组成,其中第Ⅰ类深部热水主要赋存于馆陶组,矿化度5g/L,阴离子以Cl~-和HCO_3~-为主,阳离子主要为Na~+,为Cl·HCO_3-Na型水,总体处于开放的水文地球化学环境,为以大气水渗入为主的溶滤水,其化学成分的形成作用主要为大气渗入水的溶滤作用以及深部沉积水的混合作用。Ⅱ类地下热水主要赋存于东营组和沙河街组二—三段,阴离子以Cl~-为主,阳离子主要为Na~+,为Cl-Na型水,总体处于半开放-半封闭的水文地球化学环境。Ⅱ类地下热水主要为沉积水和混合水,蒸发浓缩作用参与了Ⅱ类地下热水化学成分的形成。Ⅲ类地下热水主要赋存于东营组和沙河街组二—三段,阴离子以Cl~-为主,阳离子以Na~+和Ca~(2+)为主,为Cl-Na·Ca型水,总体处于封闭的水文地球化学环境。Ⅲ类地下热水主要为沉积水,其水化学的成因主要为斜长石的钠长石化作用。随着埋藏深度的增加,地下热水温度增加,由Ⅰ类至Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类热水,水-岩相互作用逐渐增强,矿化度逐渐增大,相应的水化学类型也逐渐变化,钠氯系数(rNa/rCl)和脱硫酸系数(rSO_4×100/rCl)逐渐减小,而变质系数(r(Cl-Na)/rMg)逐渐增加。  相似文献   

Geochemical exploration based on the analysis of indicator minerals (IMs) is becoming increasingly used as an effective method for mineral exploration for many types of mineral deposits. The types of IMs used or recommended for exploration for different types of deposits, their properties suitable for concentrating them, as well as those of other common minerals from which they must be separated are listed.  相似文献   

槐树坪金矿床位于河南省洛阳市嵩县境内,是豫西熊耳山地区近年来新发现的大型金矿床。本次研究对槐树坪金矿区地表及井下不同类型的较新鲜围岩、蚀变岩和矿石以及地表1∶20000面积性土壤采样,分析29项微量元素,从岩石和土壤两种采样介质来确定槐树坪金矿床的地球化学找矿指示元素。一方面基于较新鲜围岩的元素含量特征确定每个微量元素在该区岩石中的异常下限,进而分别计算了蚀变岩和矿石中微量元素平均含量与异常下限的比值,即异常衬度。按照异常衬度大于1.4的标尺确定了蚀变岩与矿石中明显富集的微量元素组合。另一方面,基于Au与28项微量元素在较新鲜围岩、蚀变岩、矿石三种介质中含量关系散点图直观确定了指示金成矿的微量元素组合。综合二者确定出槐树坪金矿区岩石地球化学找矿的指示元素组合为Au、Ag、As、Sb、Hg、Sn、Mo、Bi、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Nb计13项。针对地表1∶20000面积性土壤调查,采用上述岩石中异常衬度为1.4作为土壤异常下限绘制了槐树坪金矿区微量元素的地球化学异常剖析图,以槐树坪金矿区已探明鸡公山一带的主成矿段为模型确定了土壤地球化学找矿的指示元素组合为Au、Ag、As、Sb、Hg、Bi、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、B计11项。综合上述结果认为在找矿指示元素组合方面土壤对岩石具有明显的继承性。基于岩石与土壤介质中共同的10项找矿指示元素,构建了归一化的综合异常指标,以鸡公山矿段为标准对整个槐树坪矿区进行了综合评价,发现槐树坪矿区内马蹄沟、秦佛爷沟、姜疙瘩和天坪西4处具有类似鸡公山矿段的找矿潜力。  相似文献   

利用地热资源进行热水驱油的技术研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
王学忠  王建勇 《中国地质》2009,36(4):885-891
中国油田以注水开发为主,目前其平均采收率在33%左右。笔者研究认为,制约注水开发的一个重要因素是注入水温度明显低于油层温度,由此引发一系列问题,诸如注入水温度低造成油层温度持续下降,增大了原油黏度。长期剧烈的温差导致储层孔喉胶结物及骨架矿物破碎,加剧了大孔道窜流。笔者针对目前注入水温度过低对油田开发效果的不利影响,提出了一些建设性意见,诸如尽可能选择污水回注,前提是水质达标。主要是考虑到采出的地层水矿化度比较高,与油层配伍性比较好,有利于获得较高的驱油效率。同时减少污水治理和外排压力,更有利于环保和清洁生产。尽可能提高注入水的温度,缩小注入水与油层的温度差距,如果采用高于油层温度的热水驱油最为理想。由于注入水流程比较长,受地面环境温度影响较大,基于夏季注入水温度大大高于冬季注入水温度,能否考虑采取不对称注水方式,即夏季注采比高一些,冬季低一些。同时尽量缩短注水流程长度,尽可能减少沿途热损失。尽可能少注水。在满足油田地层能量补充的前提下,尽最大可能减少注水量,同时减少管外窜槽井治理、平面大孔道井治理、只注不采井治理和特高含水且高液量井治理,减少无效注水。本文围绕提高注入水温度,着重讨论地热、太阳能辅助采油构想。...  相似文献   

地温测量是研究地温场分布最直接的方法。地热热源的强度与分布,直接影响地壳表层土壤温度场的分布,特别是存在热储层、热运移通道等都会使地温场的分布产生异常。在研究区16个民井和32个钻孔中进行地温测量,分析地温场分布状况以及地下热水活动规律,效果明显。结果表明研究区浅孔与深孔地温场平面特征一致,越接近东北角地温越有增加的趋势,而且地温异常区呈NNE向条带状分布,宽度约700 m,与NNE向断裂展布方向一致,地温最高点位于NW向断裂与NNE向断裂交汇处。研究区在纵向上地温分布特征差异性明显,地下热水分布范围较小,具有一定局限性,主要受构造断裂、岩溶发育程度等控制,温度低的地下水大量涌入导致地下水温降低,地温梯度出现异常;这种地温梯度异常现象也说明了研究区地下热水主要储存于灰质白云岩或角砾岩的裂隙溶洞中,裂隙、岩溶成为地下热水良好的运移通道。地温测量方法圈定了研究区地热异常区范围,为进一步勘查地热提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   

土壤元素地球化学异常对天津地区地热田异常的指示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王卫星 《地质与勘探》2015,51(5):932-938
地热属于清洁的可再生能源,天津地区蕴藏着丰富的地热资源。As、B、Be、Bi、Hg、Sb等可以作为岩石、土壤、水系沉积物测量的重要指标,在土壤地球化学测量中可以使用这些元素来进行地热田异常调查。本文利用天津地区多目标地球化学土壤调查数据,分析了天津地区地热田异常区内表层和深层土壤中As、B、Be、Bi、Hg、Sb的地球化学异常,研究认为土壤中As、B、Be、Bi、Hg、Sb的地球化学异常对天津地区地热田异常具有很好的指示作用,可以为今后预测地热资源的空间分布和规划开发提供重要依据。  相似文献   

A microcomputer system can be a powerful interpretive tool in the hands of the explorationist, particularly for his geochemical surveys. Data entry and plotting of site parameters and/or trace-element values on 18 cm × 26 cm maps, on site, can be carried out at reasonable cost with available technology. Plotting characteristics of some microcomputer systems are the equal to those of mainframes.All geochemical data, even for surveys of 38 elements with up to four sample media, can be displayed by a large plotter as ten single-element plots (18 cm × 26 cm) on each of four mapsheets. Plotting 2000 points for ten elements requires five hours and can be scheduled for overnight operation. Elements showing meaningful variations can be replotted subsequently at large scales using character and/or symbol formats. Examples of geochemical plots are given for soil- and stream-sediment surveys and for drill-core lithogeochemical studies.The microcomputer can calculate statistics; however, large numbers of such calculations are slow. Transfer of data to a mainframe computer allows access to fast, sophisticated statistical software. The mainframe can also provide high-quality laser-printed paper copy and can be used for fail-safe archiving.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of arsenic is reviewed, and the use of the element as an indicator in geochemical prospecting for various types of mineral deposits is outlined.Arsenic is a widespread constituent of many types of mineral deposits, particularly those containing sulphides and sulpho-salts. In these and other deposits arsenic commonly accompanies Cu, Ag, Au, Zn, Cd, Hg, U, Sn, Pb, P, Sb, Bi, S, Se, Te, Mo, W, Fe, Ni, Co, and Pt metals. Under most conditions arsenic is a suitable indicator of deposits of these elements, being particularly useful in geochemical surveys utilizing primary halos in rocks, and secondary halos and trains in soils and glacial materials, stream and lake sediments, natural waters, and vegetation. Some of the natural arsenic compounds (e.g., arsine, dimethylarsine) are volatile, but methods utilizing gaseous arsenic halos for geochemical prospecting have not yet been developed.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of antimony is reviewed, and the use of the element as an indicator in geochemical prospecting for various types of mineral deposits is outlined.Antimony is widely diffused in many types of mineral deposits, particularly those containing sulphides and sulphosalts. In these and other deposits, antimony commonly accompanies Cu, Ag, Au, Zn, Cd, Hg, Ba, U, Sn, Pb, P, As, Bi, S, Se, Te, Nb, Ta, Mo, W, Fe, Ni, Co, and Pt metals. Under most conditions antimony is a suitable indicator of deposits of these elements, being particularly useful in geochemical surveys utilizing primary halos in rocks, and secondary halos and trains in soils and glacial materials, stream and lake sediments, natural waters, and to a limited degree vegetation. Some of the natural antimony compounds (e.g. stibine, dimethylstibine) are volatile, but methods utilizing gaseous antimony halos for geochemical prospecting have not yet been developed.  相似文献   

通过一系列实例系统阐述了化探中各种细节的重要性。反面实例显示了由于疏忽细节而导致的严重失误。正面实例表明,从细节的关注中可随时发现新的问题和开拓新的研究途径。  相似文献   

本文研究了四川绵竹三箭水及其邻区水体的同位素组成特征,以氚过量参数(d=δD-8δ^18O)在地热勘探中的示踪作用,再通过对研究区地下水氚过量参数和水笨氰含量(T)的相关性分析,综合运用于查明区内温泉地下水的成因,包括地下热储层内地下水的来源、补给源区、运移途径等等;确定水体均来源于大气降水,山前盆地深部地下水的补给源区在西、西北部高山区,径流方向由西北向东南,径流途径和在地下滞留时间都很长,并由此圈定了几个地热勘查的重点靶区。  相似文献   

This paper provides for the first time comparative assessment of the contents of 70 chemical elements occurring in the aquatic environment in water, phytoplankton, and zooplankton. The assessment was made using modern highly sensitive methods. The studies were performed at Beloyarskoe Reservoir, a manmade freshwater lake situated in the Middle Urals that has been studied in detail. The chemical elements were ranked in groups differing in the accumulation coefficient (AC) values for the phyto- and zooplankton. The comparison revealed that for the vast majority of chemical elements, the AC values were higher in zooplankton (53, or 76%) than in phytoplankton (17, or 24%). The average AC values for zooplankton (∼740 000) exceeded that for phytoplankton (∼68 000) by more than 10 times. It was found that some elements had very high AC values in zooplankton compared to phytoplankton. For instance for Nb, the ratio ACzoo/ACphyto was 1 200 000; for B, Ta, Sn, Lu, U, 300 000–500 000; for Sb and Y, 100 000–130 000; for La and Nd, 80 000–85 000; for Mo, Cd, Pr, Gd, Dy, Sc, Se, Bi, 20 000–30 000; and for Pd, Hf, Sm, Sb, Er, As, 10 000–20 000. It is concluded that zooplankton is sometimes more suitable for the biogeochemical indication of the pollution of natural water bodies, because the AC values for most elements are much higher in zooplankton than in phytoplankton and the total plankton. Considering the high assimilability of microelements and radionuclides, the plankton may serve not only as an indication but also as the mean of regulated purification of waterbodies from these elements.  相似文献   

The analysis of sand samples by x-ray fluorescent spectroscopy (XRF) gives the ratio of the geochemical elements to construct the sand samples. The x-ray analysis therefore shows the geochemical characteristics of sand in the sampled area. In this study, sand is sampled on coasts and rivers of the Noto Peninsula to determine the geochemical elements and to show the geological characteristics that occur, especially iron and calcium. The experiments show the effect of rivers and Kotogahama beach on iron and calcium, respectively. Applying the method of ratio matching to the measured data of the geochemical elements, the direction of movement of sand on the coast is determined by considering the correlation matrix and the ratio of geochemical elements between sand samples at two locations. The predominant longshore direction movement of sand offshore in the study area is from south to north. Sand in rivers is not directly transported to adjacent beaches; however, offshore sand is transported to beaches. The estimated direction of movement of sand longshore near coastal structures agrees with observations. The proposed method to predict the direction of movement of sand gives the correct one in comparison with the observed data in rivers.  相似文献   


This article presents data on the REE contained in 50 oil samples taken from six oil and gas regions that are based on oil fraction composition analysis using ICP MS. It is shown that regardless of the geological and tectonic structure of regions, oil composition, depth of deposit occurrence, and lithology of enclosing rocks, chondritenormalized curves of REE distribution in oil are different and have a europium maximum. The europium anomaly and the regularly increasing (Eu/Sm) N and Eu/Eu* ratios under transition from asphaltene components to tars and then to oils are geochemically substantiated. Unlike oil, Devonian domanicites and Jurassic bazhenites, as well as their bituminous substance are characterized by a prominent negative europium anomaly (in the (Eu/Sm) N ratio), which is typical of sedimentary rocks, modern seawater, and the upper crust of the earth as a whole. Based on the data obtained, the conclusion on the participation of deep fluid systems in the formation of the geochemical appearance of naphtydes is made.





Partitioning of Cu, Pb, Zn, U, As and Mo between the minus 70 μm and minus 200 μm fractions of stream sediments from arid and semi-arid terrains is examined in the light of published case histories supplemented by new data. The advantages of selecting a particular fraction for routine sampling in such arid environments are assessed in terms of five criteria: (1) homogeneity of background population; (2) definition of threshold; (3) absolute element abundance levels; (4) contrast between anomalous and background populations; and (5) length of dispersion train. The most homogeneous background population distributions and improved definition of the threshold between background and anomaly occur in the very fine, minus 70 μm fraction of stream sediments for the majority of elements, in particular for Zn, Cu, U and As. Data for Pb and Mo do not consistently favour either size fraction in the case histories studied. Increased abundance levels of elements which are normally close to the analytical detection limit (U, Mo, As) occur most frequently in the minus 70 μm fraction, although Cu, Pb and Zn levels are commonly higher in the coarser fraction. In addition the finer size fraction better defines the anomalous population and provides the longer dispersion trains for Cu, Pb, Zn, U and As in the majority of case histories.The data examined indicate that the minus 70 μm fraction provides more useful information, in many instances, than the minus 200 μm fraction. The evidence suggests that problems expected with the use of the fine fraction — dilution through the abundance of wind blown material, and insufficient fine sediment — do not restrict the use of this fraction in stream sediment surveys in arid terrains.  相似文献   

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