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长江口泥质区的季节性沉积效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1IntroductionThe continental shelf of the East China Sea (ECS) is one of the widest shelves in the world. There are several mud areas distributing like patches on a background of widespread coarser ambient sediments of silt and sand on the continental shelf of the ECS. The coastal mud area can be divided into two parts, namely, the Changjiang Estuary mud area (CEMA) in the north and Zhejiang coastal mud area in the south. Between these two parts there is a silt area (Figure 1). The CE…  相似文献   

长江口泥质区的季节性沉积效应   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27  
利用长江口泥质区及其邻近海域夏季和冬季的悬浮体、温度和盐度资料,就长江口泥质区悬浮体的季节性分布和沉积效应进行探讨。由于台湾暖流的强烈阻隔作用,夏季和冬季长江入海的泥沙基本滞留在123o15'E以西的内陆架进行搬运和沉积。长江入海沉积物供应量、台湾暖流、浙江沿岸流和长江冲淡水具有明显的季节性变化规律,致使长江口泥质区的沉积效应具有强烈的季节性,冬季沉积作用弱,夏季沉积作用强。该泥质区是长江入海沉积物的“汇聚区”,其中冬季的沉积物汇聚量显著小于夏季。长江口泥质区和济州岛西南泥质区的沉积过程变化都具有季节性,但有其各自的鲜明特色。  相似文献   

Based on the results of water sample measurements of nutrient concentrations at the Datong Station of the Changjiang River from 1998 to 1999, combined with historical data of water quality, seasonal variations of nutrient concentrations and nutrient transports are discussed.The following results have been obtained: (1) the fluxes of the nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen increased by time-series from 1962 to 1990, even if runoff volume had a little variation; (2) the concentrations and fluxes of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) increased notably with time, but those of the dissolved silicon (DSI) decreased pronouncedly; and (3) the concentrations and fluxes changed synchronously with time between the Datong Station and the Changjiang Estuary.  相似文献   

长江口潮滩有机质稳定碳同位素时空分布与来源分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过测定长江口潮滩悬浮颗粒有机质和表层沉积有机质在枯水季节 (2006年2月 )和洪水季节 (2006年8月 )的稳定碳同位素值,对有机质潜在来源及局部岸段改造作用进行了分析。结果显示,悬浮颗粒有机质稳定碳同位素值在2月明显低于8月,变化范围分别在-25.8‰~-23.4‰和-25.1‰~-22.9‰,主要是受径流量枯洪季变化和浮游生物生长季节变化两种因素的叠加作用。表层沉积有机质2月和8月的稳定碳同位素分别为-25.0‰~-20.4‰和-24.7‰~-19.5‰,季节变化不明显,主要来自悬浮颗粒物的沉降。除受大背景环境因素影响,局部环境对潮滩有机质也有一定的改造作用,污水、支流河水的输入对悬浮颗粒有机质碳同位素有一定的影响,埋藏的潮滩植物和底栖微藻则对沉积有机质有部分贡献。  相似文献   

长江河口营养物质输送的组成与通量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1IntroductionRiversplayanimportantroleintransportofnutrients(e.g.,NandP)andtheirbiogeochemicalcyclinginland-oceaninteractionsystem.Forexample,humanactivitieshaveresultedinaboutthesameamountofnitrogenfixation(140×106t)oncontinentsasthatofnaturethroughfertilizerproduction,energyproductionandcultivationofcrops,or30%ofthetotalamounttransportedtooceansbyrivers(Gallowayetal.,1995).Thefluxesofdissolvedphosphorusfromlandtoseasurfacecarriedbyriverrunoffasorthophosphateisabout2TgPyear-1(1Tg=1×1012g)…  相似文献   

ADCP在长江口悬沙输运观测中的应用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
声学多普勒流速剖面仪 (ADCP)是近年来发展起来的一种用于测量流速的声学仪器 ,同时还可以通过建立回声强度和现场取得水样的回归关系式而获得悬沙浓度的数据。本文利用在长江口两个站位的高频观测数据 ,对现场取得的悬沙作粒度分析 ,在此基础上对枯季长江口地区悬沙输送机制和悬沙粒度对水动力的响应进行了分析和探讨。结果表明 :平均流输运在整个悬沙输送中占主导地位 ,同时潮扩散和垂向扩散作用也是引起两站悬沙输运的重要因子 ;不同层次和不同时刻的悬沙粒度参数的变化 ,既和海 陆转换有关 ,也和潮相变化密切相关。  相似文献   

长江口放射性核素Pu的大气湿沉降初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用东京239,240Pu的年沉降和年降水数据,对长江口地区1957~2005年239,240Pu 的年大气湿沉降通量进行研究。结果表明:长江口地区1957~2005年间239,240Pu的大气湿沉降量在0.001 2~5.531 Bq/m2之间,累计湿沉降通量为34.556 Bq/m2;该地区Pu的大气湿沉降主要集中在1960 s;1960 s初频繁的大气核试验是造成239,240Pu在1960 s沉降量较大的主要原因。长江口地区与东京地区239,240Pu大气沉降变化基本一致,两地的大气湿沉降均在1963 年出现明显峰值。  相似文献   

长江大通-河口段枯季的径流量变化   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
张二凤  陈西庆 《地理学报》2003,58(2):231-238
通过实地调查和收集长江下游1950-2000年水文、水利工程资料,建立了长江大通以下枯季径流量变化地理信息系统,分析了影响长江大通水文站以下径流量变化的水文过程,探索了这一区间枯季径流量变化的成因与过程。调查研究表明,截止2000年大通以下各类抽引水工程的总数已达64个,抽引水能力达到了4626m^3/s(潮周期内平均轴引水流量)。实际抽引水量呈现很大的年、季波动,这与本区气候干旱情况、农作物生长期、跨流域调水量等多种因素有关。研究表明:大通-河口段沿江两岸大量的抽引水已成为影响长江大通以下枯季入海流量变化的最重要的因素。本文在过去实际抽引江水资料的基础上,估算了过去不同水文、气候背景下长江大通以下枯季径流量的变化幅度及其对入海流量的影响,并利用实际数据进行了验证。在此基础上,探讨了未来长江大通以下枯季的径流量变化趋势。  相似文献   

Bed features were mapped using a thermal depth recorder and a side-scan sonar in the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary, and flows were observed and bed surface materials were sampled to investigate bed material transport pathways. Distinct scales and dimensions of dunes were observed in terms of the classification scheme of Ashley [Ashley, G.M., 1990. Classification of large-scale sub-aqueous bedforms: A new look at an old problem. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 61, 160–172], forming a dune set in the flood season. Large dunes occurred predominately in the surveyed area of the estuarine zone, and two-dimensional dunes predominated in the dry season while three-dimensional dunes prevailed in the flood season. Sharp lee sides of dunes have low angles, indicating a significant suspended-load transport for the bedform migration, and the majority of them face down-estuary reflecting the controlling process by the ebb current. The bed material migrations in terms of relative maximum gross transport show a satisfactory agreement with the sonar mapping in the dry season. The relative maximum gross transport as an independent estimator of migration direction, can be used to effectively determine the bed material transport directions in the Changjiang Estuary.  相似文献   

近半个世纪长江口九段沙湿地的冲淤演变   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:18  
根据1958~2004年的系列地形图,在地理信息系统软件ArcGis8.2的支持下,探讨近半个世纪九段沙湿地演变过程。研究表明:九段沙在长期的自然淤积过程中既具有趋势性的渐变,又存在非趋势性的突变,北槽深水航道工程改变了九段沙的自然冲淤模式,使九段沙顶端至江亚南沙大片区域显著淤积,工程后期,淤积速率回落,九段沙形态稳定。  相似文献   

长江河口悬沙的运动方式与沉积形态特征分析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
长江河口为三级分汊四口入海的中等潮汐强度的三角洲河口。长江河口的悬沙输运有净上移、净下泄、上层下泄而下层上溯、潮滩与主槽之间的泥沙交换及涨潮槽泥沙倒灌落潮槽等五种形式。根据悬沙沉积的不同地点不同沉积形态可分为暗沙、拦门沙、口外水下三角洲以及河口潮滩四种类型。  相似文献   

长江口外海滨悬沙分布及扩散特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
长江口外海滨地区是陆海相互作用显著的区域,该区域复杂的水流等动力因素和地形条件决定了悬沙分布和扩散的特点。本文利用大量实测资料,对口外海滨地区悬沙的分布特征进行了综合分析,研究结果表明,平面分布不均,西高东低,南高北低,高低相差悬殊是长江口外水域悬沙平面分布的主要特点。枯季自西向东含沙量均匀减小,等值线分布较为稀疏。垂向涨落潮含沙量也表现出不同的分布特征,在口外的中西部水域垂向扩散系数较大,水体垂向混合程度均匀;垂向混合程度加强,水体含沙量也随之显著增加,这也造就了口外的南北两个高含沙区。  相似文献   

The spatial distribution patterns of total organic carbon and total nitrogen show significant correlations with currents of the East China Sea Shelf. Corresponding to distributions of these currents, the study area could be divided into four different parts. Total organic carbon, total nitrogen, and organic carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in sediments show linear correlations with mean grain size, respectively, thus "grain size effect" is an important factor that influences their distributions. C/N ratios can reflect source information of organic matter to a certain degree. In contrast, nitrogen stable isotope shows different spatial distribution patterns with C/N and organic carbon stable isotope, according to their relationships and regional distributions. The highest contribution (up to 50%) of terrestrial organic carbon appears near the Changjiang Estuary with isolines projecting towards northeast, indicating the influence of the Changjiang dilution water. Terrestrial particulate organic matter suffers from effects of diagenesis, benthos and incessant inputting of dead organic matter of plankton, after depositing in seabed. Therefore, the contribution of terrestrial organic carbon to particulate organic matter is obviously greater than that to organic matter in sediments in the same place.  相似文献   

We analyzed dust event occurrence and its seasonal distribution at 16 sites in the Tarim Basin,China.Although the overall frequency of dust events was the highest in spring in this region,its variation in other seasons could be classified into three patterns:(1) frequency of dust events in autumn > that in summer > that in winter(at the Kashi and Kuche sites);(2) frequency in summer > that in winter > that in autumn(at the Ruoqiang site);and(3) frequency in summer > that in autumn > that in winter(at all other areas of the Tarim Basin).The frequency of dust events and their seasonal variations in the Tarim Basin were mainly controlled by wind speed and locally available dust sources;the former was the key control when dust sources did not differ significantly.The seasonal variation in evaporation had a smaller,but still significant effect on the frequency of dust events.  相似文献   

The stability of estuarine channel-shoal systems is important for port utilization, navigation maintenance, habitat protection and ecosystem service functions. This paper uses the South Channel of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary as a typical example to investigate the channel-shoal adjustment mechanism and its future trend. The combined approaches of bathymetric data analysis and process-based modeling (Delft3D) are applied. Quantitative analysis of morphological changes indicates that the South Channel experienced remarkable channel-shoal adjustment during 1958-2018. Periodic evolution was identified, including shoal migration, incision and emergence under natural conditions before the mid-1980s. Since then, fluvial sediment decline and local human intervention have interrupted the periodic processes. After 1986, as river sediment discharge started to decline, the South Channel converted to net erosion, and both the mid-channel shoal at the bifurcation node and the tail of the Ruifeng Shoal showed significant scour. Process-based hydrodynamic simulations revealed that the northern rotation of the mainstream downstream of Wusong triggered the erosion of the Ruifeng Shoal, while unordered sand mining at the shoal tail in approximately 2002 enhanced shoal shrinkage. In addition, the self-adjustment of the transverse section shape resulted in abnormal accretion in 2002-2007. Afterward, the South Channel underwent overall erosion as sediment discharge decreased to a low level (<150 Mt/a). Five stages of channel-shoal pattern adjustment and accretion/erosion status during the past 60 years were defined, i.e., the accretion stage (1958-1965), remarkable channel-shoal adjustment stage (1978-1986), slow erosion stage (1986-1997), shoal scour and shrinkage stage (1997-2007) and overall channel-shoal erosion stage (2007-2018). Model prediction of the evolutionary trend indicates that overall erosion within the South Channel is most likely to continue in 2015-2050. Further adjustment of the South Channel under extremely low sediment discharge may threaten the riverbed stability and the sustainable development of this large-scale estuary. Future work on adaptive strategies for varying conditions is recommended.  相似文献   

长江口拦门沙河段潮滩表层沉积物分布特征(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sediment samples with high spatial resolution (432 samples in total) and flow data were collected on the tidal flats in the mouth-bar region of the Yangtze Estuary. The data was collected in July 2005, July 2006 and May 2007. The samples were analyzed with a particle sizer, resulting in the sediment distribution. The grain sizes and related parameters were analyzed. The results were presented in a ternary diagram. The sediment mainly consisted of sand, silty sand, sandy silt, sand-silt-clay, silt and clayey silt. And sand skeletons and clay matrices were found. At Nanhui Shoal, silt skeletons could be identified as well. Furthermore, the results were discussed per shoal. Although some depth dependencies were found per shoal, no general relation was found. The results are as follows: sediment located at these tidal flats of the Yangtze Estuary was mainly composed of sand, silty sand and silt. The median grain size in sediment was relatively complex with a range from 2.5 φ to 8 φ. The distributions of sorting coefficients ranging from 1 to 2 were in agreement with median sizes. It was suggested that sediment of the tidal flats was coarser and better sorted or finer and worse sorted. The skewness in sediment distribution varied from 0.1 to 0.8. In addition, the distributions of sorting coefficient and skewness in sediment at Chongming Eastern Shoal, Hengsha Eastern Shoal and Jiuduan Shoal were of similar characteristics because there were closely positive correlated relationships among these parameters. However, due to the location difference between Nanhui Southern Shoal and Eastern Shoal, the values of sorting coefficient and skewness had relatively large distinctions. The tracks of sediment transport could be described based on the distributions of sediment, which might reveal sediment transport controlled by two dominant hydrodynamic factors of current and wave. It was appreciable that coarser sediment with lower sorted coefficient was affected by dominant ebb current action and intense wave action resulted from rapidly dissipated wave energy. Moreover, due to the effects of obstructed branches, guided current and broken wave actions of the Deep Water Channel Project, grain-size in sediment located at two sides of the groyne was of uneven distribution characteristics.  相似文献   

采用AERONET Version 2 Level 2.0气溶胶数据集,分析了光学厚度、Angstrom波长指数、粒子尺度体积谱分布(dⅤ(r)/dlnr)、折射指数(n-ik)和单次散射反照率(ω<,0>)等大气气溶胶光学特性参数的季节变化特征以及光谱依赖性.结果表明:气溶胶特性参量均具有明显的季节变化且呈现出明显的...  相似文献   

长江河口悬浮泥沙的混合过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘红  何青  王亚  陈吉余 《地理学报》2012,67(9):1269-1281
根据准同步观测的悬浮泥沙及表层沉积物粒度、流速、含沙量资料, 分析了长江口及临近海域悬浮泥沙在河口的混合过程。长江河口-陆架系统悬浮泥沙中值粒径呈现“细-粗-细”的变化规律, 河口上段悬浮泥沙中值粒径为8.9 μm, 拦门沙海域为10.5 μm, 陆架区为4.5 μm, 北支为9.9 μm, 杭州湾口为5.6 μm, 泥沙类型为粘土质粉砂。河口上段和陆架区悬浮泥沙与表层沉积物的垂向混合作用较弱, 拦门沙区域二者发生强烈的混合和交换, 悬浮泥沙在由长江河口向陆架系统输移过程中仅有表层泥沙保留了流域输入的泥沙粒度特征。长江口悬浮泥沙中值粒径与含沙量呈良好的正相关关系, 水流的剪切作用是引起拦门沙海域泥沙再悬浮、近底高含沙量和悬浮泥沙粒径增加的主要原因, 悬浮泥沙粒径和含沙量的增加主要由粉砂组分的增加引起。2007 年长江河口区范围内悬浮泥沙中值粒径比2003 年普遍减小11%, 含沙量比2003 年减小22%, 河口上段含沙量对流域来沙减少的响应最为敏感, 而拦门沙区的泥沙粒径对流域来沙减少的响应最敏感。在长江流域来沙量减少的背景下, 河口拦门沙区域仍能维持较高的含沙量, 主要缘于河口系统内部的供沙  相似文献   

以茅洲河口为研究对象,通过2014年1月对茅洲河口3个站位进行的全潮观测,并测定其各站的无机营养盐质量浓度水平,分析了各站位营养盐的时空变化及成因,并估算了营养盐的入海通量。结果表明:茅洲河口NH4+-N、DTN、PO43--P、SiO32--Si等营养盐污染较严重,A1、A2、A3站位的NH4+-N、DTN、PO43--P、SiO32--Si质量浓度范围相应地分别为15.8~19.8、18.0~29.0、0.25~2.15、6.16~9.03 mg/L;11.5~23.4、25.9~53.6、1.70~2.70、5.04~6.28 mg/L;0.74~7.39、3.06~24.9、0.01~0.98、2.77~4.17 mg/L。A2站位的NH4+-N、DTN与潮汐的变化一致,表现出涨潮时升高、落潮时降低的变化特征;而各形态的磷、硅营养盐与潮汐的变化则不明显。在形态分布上,氨氮是溶解态总氮的主要存在形态,溶解态总磷则以磷酸盐为主。除硝态氮外,其余各营养盐之间均存在显著相关性,说明流域内氮、磷等营养盐的来源大致相同,而高质量浓度的氨氮表明生活污水等点源污染是流域内营养盐的重要影响因素。N/P比值表明茅洲河口水域磷是浮游植物的限制性因子。通量计算表明,茅洲河口A1、A2站位的NH4+-N的入海通量均较大,分别高达48.0和71.8 g/s。  相似文献   

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