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We re-examine the utility of teleseismic seismic complexity discriminants in a multivariate setting using United Kingdom array data. We measure a complexity discriminant taken on array beams by simply taking the logarithm of the ratio of the P-wave coda signal to that of the first arriving direct P wave (βCF). The single station complexity discriminant shows marginal performance with shallow earthquakes having more complex signatures than those from explosions or deep earthquakes. Inclusion of secondary phases in the coda window can also degrade performance. However, performance improves markedly when two-station complexity discriminants are formed showing false alarm rates similar to those observed for network mbMs. This suggests that multistation complexity discriminants may ameliorate some of the problems associated with mbMs discrimination at lower magnitudes. Additionally, when complexity discriminants are combined with mbMs there is a tendency for explosions, shallow earthquakes and deep earthquakes to form three distinct populations. Thus, complexity discriminants may follow a logic that is similar to mbMs in terms of the separation of shallow earthquakes from nuclear explosions, although the underlying physics of the two discriminants is significantly different.  相似文献   

Frequency analysis of the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of 2004, one of the most significant and best-recorded earthquakes, is based on spectral seismograms obtained from their broadband seismograms. The Sumatra-Andaman earthquake is found to have a wide-range frequency content of P-wave radiation during the rupturing process. On the basis of stacking spectral seismograms we distinguished four time events of the rupturing process of a total length of about 540 s. The frequency, f max, is the highest for the first event (0.163 Hz in time interval 0–88 s), lowest for the second — which is the strongest (0.075 Hz in time interval 88–204 s). For third and fourth events frequencies are similar (0.089 and 0.082 Hz in time intervals 204–452 and 452–537 s, respectively). The frequency also shows an azimuthal dependence (±0.02 Hz). Azimuths for which the frequency, f max, has maximum and minimum values are 203–222° and 23–42°, respectively. These observations are discussed in relation to previously published papers on this topic.  相似文献   

Introduction Gutenberg (1945a, b) introduced body wave magnitude based on P, PP and S waves (with a period of 0.5~12.0 s) of teleseismic events. Body wave magnitude includes mb determined with short-period seismograph and mB determined with middle- and long-period seismographs. Some-times it is written as m, which is referred to as unified earthquake magnitude. mb represents earth-quake magnitude measured with body wave amplitude around 1 s, while mB represents earthquake magnitude measured …  相似文献   

The source parameters of the Bohai Sea earthquake, July 18, 1969 and Yongshan, Yunnan earthquake, May 11, 1974 were determined by full — wave theory synthetic seismograms of teleseismic P waves. P+pP+sP wereform were calculated with WKBJ approximation and real integral paths. One — dimensional unilateral, finite propagation source was also considered. By trail — and — error in comparing the theoretical seismograms with the observational ones of WWSSN stations, the source parameters were obtained as follow: for Bohai earthquake, φ=195°, δ=85°, λ=65°,M o=0.9×1019Nm,L=59.9km.V R=3.5km/s, ∧ R =160°; for Yongshan earthquake, φ=240°, δ=80°, ∧=150°,M o=1.3×1018Nm,L=48.8km,V R=3km/s, ∧ R =−10°, where φ is strike, δ dip angle, λ slip angle,M o seismic moment,L rupture length,V R rupture propagation speed. As III type fractures the faulting propagated along the fault planes, and ∧ R is the angle from the strike to the propagation direction. Yongshan earthquake showed complexity in its focal process, having four sub—ruptures during the first 60 seconds. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 1–8, 1991.  相似文献   

Using the WKBJ approximation method we calculate the synthetic teleseismograms of P and PP waves to match the observed ones of six large Chinese earthquakes with known focal mechanisms: Tibet earthquake of July 14, 1973; Haicheng earthquake of February 4, 1975; Songpan earthquakes of August 16, 1976, August 21, 1976 and August 23, 1976 and Nignhe earthquake of November 15, 1976. The focal mechanism of the Tibet earthquake is discussed to examine the technique used in the calculation. We note that the amplitude ratios of PP and P waves (A PP/A P) have different characteristics for dip—slip events and strike—slip events within certain epicentral distances. We calculate the synthetic teleseismograms of P and PP waves for the strike—slip and dip—slip events with fault angles of 330°, 240° and 0°, focal depths of 8 km, 17 km and 24 km, at the assumed station with an azimuth of 310° and epicentral distances from 40°; to 80°. The diagrams of maximum amplitude ratios of PP and P waves (A PP/A P) versus distances are given. The possibility to use the (A PP/A P) values to give an approximate estimation for the focal mechanism type is discussed. This work may be useful for determining the focal mechanism type for those earthquakes which have only few records such as the Chinese earthquakes from the 1930s to 1960s. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 150–160, 1991.  相似文献   

We develop a data set of aftershock recordings of the 1999, M = 7.4 Izmit and M = 7.2 Duzce (Turkey) earthquakes to study their source parameters. We combined seismograms from 44 stations maintained by several sources (organizations) to obtain a unified data set of events (2.1 ≤ Mw ≤ 5.5). We calculate source parameters of these small earthquakes by two methods that use different techniques to address the difficulty in obtaining source spectra for small earthquakes subject to interference from site response. One method (program NetMoment (NM), Hutchings, 2004) uses spectra of direct S waves in a simultaneous inversion of local high-frequency network data to estimate seismic moment, source corner frequency (fc), site attenuation (k) and whole-path Q. This approach takes advantage of the source commonality in all recordings for a particular earthquake by fitting a common Brune source spectrum to the data with a and individual k. The second approach (Mayeda et al., 2003) uses the coda method (CM) to obtain “nonmodel-based” source spectra and moment estimates from selected broadband recording sites. We found that both methods do well for events that allow the comparison with seismic moment estimates derived from waveform modeling. Also, source spectra obtained from the two methods are very closely matched for most of the events they have in common. We use an F test to examine the trade-off between k and fc picks identified by the direct S-wave method. About half of the events could be constrained to have less than a 50% average uncertainty in fc and k. We used these source spectra solutions to calculate energy and apparent stress and compare these to estimates from the selected “good quality” source spectra from CM. Both studies have values mutually consistent and show a similar increase in apparent stress with increasing moment. This result has added merit due to the independent approaches to calculate apparent stress. We conclude that both methods are at least partially validated by our study, and they both have usefulness for different circumstances of recording local small earthquakes. CM would work well in studies for which there is a broad magnitude range of events and NM works well for local events recorded by band-limited recorders.  相似文献   

By linear regression and orthogonal regression methods, comparisons are made between different magnitudes (lo-cal magnitude ML, surface wave magnitudes MS and MS7, long-period body wave magnitude mB and short-period body wave magnitude mb) determined by Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration, on the basis of observation data collected by China Seismograph Network between 1983 and 2004. Empirical relations between different magnitudes have been obtained. The result shows that: 1 As different magnitude scales reflect radiated energy by seismic waves within different periods, earthquake magnitudes can be described more objectively by using different scales for earthquakes of different magnitudes. When the epicentral distance is less than 1 000 km, local magnitude ML can be a preferable scale; In case M<4.5, there is little difference between the magnitude scales; In case 4.5MS, i.e., MS underestimates magnitudes of such events, therefore, mB can be a better choice; In case M>6.0, MS>mB>mb, both mB and mb underestimate the magnitudes, so MS is a preferable scale for deter-mining magnitudes of such events (6.08.5, a saturation phenomenon appears in MS, which cannot give an accurate reflection of the magnitudes of such large events; 2 In China, when the epicentral distance is less than 1 000 km, there is almost no difference between ML and MS, and thus there is no need to convert be-tween the two magnitudes in practice; 3 Although MS and MS7 are both surface wave magnitudes, MS is in general greater than MS7 by 0.2~0.3 magnitude, because different instruments and calculation formulae are used; 4 mB is almost equal to mb for earthquakes around mB4.0, but mB is larger than mb for those of mB≥4.5, because the periods of seismic waves used for measuring mB and mb are different though the calculation formulae are the same.  相似文献   

The problem of discriminating between earthquakes and underground nuclear explosions is formulated as a problem in pattern recognition. As such it may be separated into two stages, feature extraction and classification. The short-period (SP) features consist of mb and autoregressive parameters characterising the preceding noise, signal and coda. The long-period (LP) features consist of LP power spectral estimates taken within various group velocity windows. Contrary to common usage we have extracted features from horizontal Rayleigh waves and Love waves as well as vertical Rayleigh waves. The classification is performed by approximating the statistical distribution of earthquake and explosion feature vectors by multivariate normal distributions.The method has been tested on a data base containing 52 explosions and 73 earthquakes from Eurasia recorded at NORSAR between 1971 and 1975. Several of these events are difficult on the mb : Ms diagram [mb(PDE) and Ms (NORSAR) have been used]. The data set was divided into a learning and an independent data set. All of the events both from the learning data set and the independent data set were correctly classified using the new procedures. Furthermore, the increase in separation as compared to the mb : Ms discriminant is significant.  相似文献   

Data from 753 earthquakes are used to determine a relationship between surface-wave magnitude (M s) and bodywave magnitude (m b), and from 541 earthquakes to determine a relationship between surface-wave magnitude (M s) and local magnitude (M L) for China and vicinity: M s=0.9883 m b-0.0420, M s=0.9919 M L-0.1773. The relationship of M s versus m b is obtained for 292 events occurred in the Chinese mainland in the time period from 1964 to 1996, 291 events occurred in Taiwan in the time period from 1964 to 1995 and 170 events occurred in the surrounding area. Standard deviation of the fitting is 0.445. Relationship of M s versus M L is obtained for 36 events occurred in the Chinese mainland, 293 events occurred in Taiwan, China and 212 events occurred in the surrounding area. The total amount is 541 events. Standard deviation of the fitting is 0.4673. The uncertainties of the converted M s in different magnitude intervals can be estimated using complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF). In the relationship of M s versus m b, taking ±0.25 as a range of uncertainties, in magnitude interval m b 4.0–4.9, the probabilities for the converted M s taken value less than (M s-0.25) and more than (M s+0.25) are 17% and 27% respectively. Similarly, we have probabilities for m b 5.0–5.9 are 34% and 20% and that for m b 6.0–6.9 are 11% and 47%. In the relationship of M s versus M L, if the range of uncertainties is still taken as ±0.25, the corresponding probabilities for magnitude interval M L 4.0–4.9 are 22% and 38%, for M L 5.0–5.9 are 20% and 15% and for magnitude interval M L 6.0–6.9, are 15% and 29%, respectively. The relationships developed in this paper can be used for the conversion of one magnitude scale into another magnitude scales conveniently. The estimation of uncertainties described in this paper is more accurate and more objective than the usual estimation expressed by deviation. The estimations described in this paper indicate various dispersions in different magnitude intervals of original data. The estimations of uncertainties described by probabilities can be well connected with the total estimations of uncertainties in seismic hazard assessment.  相似文献   

Summary Short-period vertical-componentP-wave spectra of seven presumed Semipalatinsk underground nuclear explosions, recorded by the Swedish seismic station network, are investigated. The events considered have closely spaced foci and cover the magnitude range fromm b=5.5 tom b=6.6. Spectra of six of these explosions show pronounced minima, varying from about 1.5 to 1.8 cps, which could be explained as principle minima due toP-pP interference. Supposing a nearsurfaceP-wave velocity at the test area of 4 km/sec, the shot depths are estimated to vary roughly from 750 to 1350 m. In order to obtain an estimate of the yield, the observed spectra are compared withHaskell's theoretical source spectra. For four events, relative yield estimates fit well the predicted values for explosions fired in a granitic medium. The behaviour of the remaining three explosions is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The Method of Dynamic Calibration (MDC) of stations of the International Monitoring System (IMS) was developed for calibrating regions where no underground nuclear explosions were carried out, with the purpose of providing conditions for implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) in nontrivial cases. Initially, the MDC had been presented in [Kedrov, 2001; Kedrov et al., 2001; Kedrov O.K. and Kedrov E.O., 2003] and then considered in detail in [Kedrov et al., 2008]. The core of MDC relates to adapting diagnostic parameters for the identification of underground nuclear explosions (UNE) and earthquakes elaborated for the region of Eurasia, taken as a basic region (BR), for other researched regions that differ from BR in the character of the attenuation of seismic waves. The unique characteristic of this method lies in the fact that calibration of diagnostic parameters with the help of attenuation coefficients b Δ at varied source-station traces is implemented using only natural seismicity data within the limits of an explored region and does not require special underground chemical explosions. The MDC algorithm is implemented in the research program ”Kalibr”, which was tested by using the experimental data from Eurasia region. It is shown in this work that MDC can be used for calibration of regions where a very low level of natural seismicity is observed. According to the results of the calibration of diagnostic parameters at IMS stations in several regions of North America, Africa, and Asia, the approximate classification of propagation conditions for seismic signals at source-station traces in platform and tectonically active regions is made. The results for the development of two research programs, “Spektr” and “Signal”, are presented; this software is intended for automation of calculation procedures for spectral diagnostic parameters of UNEs’ and earthquakes’ identification by amplitude spectra of P waves and by the maximal amplitudes of P, S, and LR signals. The application of these programs allowed us to accelerate the whole calibration procedure for a particular source-station trace using the ”Kalibr” program.  相似文献   

Most of the present earthquake early warning systems are based on broadband or strong motion recordings. How-ever, the short-period instruments are still deployed. It is well-known that short-period recordings have saturation problems for large earthquakes when estimating the size of an earthquake. Thus, it is necessary to make clear the magnitude at which saturation starts to occur for the commonly used τc and Pd measurements, respectively. To investigate the possibility of using short-period seismic recordings for earthquake early warning, we conducted a simulated experiment using the strong motion data of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake sequence including its main shock and 31 aftershocks, with magnitude span from 4 to 7.6. The strong motion acceleration recordings were convolved with the instrument response of short-period seismographs in northern China to simulate short-period seismograms. Parameters τc and Pd from the first-three-second seismograms were calculated for the simulated short-period recordings and compared with that obtained by the original strong ground motion recordings. The result showed that to some extent, short-period recordings can be used for threshold earthquake early warning, while the magnitude saturation of Pd estimation can be up to 6.5, better than τc estimation.  相似文献   

In this study, the spatial distributions of seismicity and seismic hazard were assessed for Turkey and its surrounding area. For this purpose, earthquakes that occurred between 1964 and 2004 with magnitudes of M ≥ 4 were used in the region (30–42°N and 20–45°E). For the estimation of seismicity parameters and its mapping, Turkey and surrounding area are divided into 1,275 circular subregions. The b-value from the Gutenberg–Richter frequency–magnitude distributions is calculated by the classic way and the new alternative method both using the least-squares approach. The a-value in the Gutenberg–Richter frequency–magnitude distributions is taken as a constant value in the new alternative method. The b-values calculated by the new method were mapped. These results obtained from both methods are compared. The b-value shows different distributions along Turkey for both techniques. The b-values map prepared with new technique presents a better consistency with regional tectonics, earthquake activities, and epicenter distributions. Finally, the return period and occurrence hazard probability of M ≥ 6.5 earthquakes in 75 years were calculated by using the Poisson model for both techniques. The return period and occurrence hazard probability maps determined from both techniques showed a better consistency with each other. Moreover, maps of the occurrence hazard probability and return period showed better consistency with the b-parameter seismicity maps calculated from the new method. The occurrence hazard probability and return period of M ≥ 6.5 earthquakes were calculated as 90–99% and 5–10 years, respectively, from the Poisson model in the western part of the studying region.  相似文献   

Broadband P and S waves source spectra of 12 MS5.0 earthquakes of the 1997 Jiashi, Xinjiang, China, earthquake swarm recorded at 13 GDSN stations have been analyzed. Rupture size and static stress drop of these earthquakes have been estimated through measuring the corner frequency of the source spectra. Direction of rupture propagation of the earthquake faulting has also been inferred from the azimuthal variation of the corner frequency. The main results are as follows: ①The rupture size of MS6.0 strong earthquakes is in the range of 10~20 km, while that of MS=5.0~5.5 earthquakes is 6~10 km.② The static stress drop of the swarm earthquakes is rather low, being of the order of 0.1 MPa. This implies that the deformation release rate in the source region may be low. ③ Stress drop of the earthquakes appears to be proportional to their seismic moment, and also to be dependent on their focal mechanism. The stress drop of normal faulting earthquakes is usually lower than that of strike-slip type earthquakes. ④ For each MS6.0 earthquake there exists an apparent azimuthal variation of the corner frequencies. Azimuthally variation pattern of corner frequencies of different earthquakes shows that the source rupture pattern of the Jiashi earthquake swarm is complex and no uniform rupture expanding direction exists.  相似文献   

IntroductionThecrustaltectonicmovementisacomplicatedevolutionprocesswithtimeandspace.Spatially,themovementofcrustaltectoniciscloselyrelatedtotheinter-movementandinteractionofmulti-leveledcrustalblocksinacertainregionandtheirborderfaults.Temporally,themovementiscloselyrelatedtothatofmulti-leveledcrustalblocksandtimesequencedevelopmentofinteraction.Anearthquakeoccurrenceistheresultofsuddenruptureofcrustmediaundertheactionoftectonicstressfield,isalsoacomplicatedprocessinnercrust.Duetotheobviousi…  相似文献   

A swarm of earthquakes of magnitudes up to M L = 3.8 stroke the region of West Bohemia/Vogtland (border area between Czechia and Germany) in October 2008. It occurred in the Novy Kostel focal zone, where also all recent earthquake swarms (1985/1986, 1997, and 2000) took place, and was striking by a fast sequence of macroseismically observed earthquakes. We present the basic characteristics of this swarm based on the observations of a local network WEBNET (West Bohemia seismic network), which has been operated in the epicentral area, on the Czech territory. The swarm was recorded by 13 to 23 permanent and mobile WEBNET stations surrounding the swarm epicenters. In addition, a part of the swarm was also recorded by strong-motion accelerometers, which represent the first true accelerograms of the swarm earthquakes in the region. The peak ground acceleration reached 0.65 m/s2. A comparison with previous earthquake swarms indicates that the total seismic moments released during the 1985/1986 and 2008 swarms are similar, of about 4E16 Nm, and that they represent the two largest swarms that occurred in the West Bohemia/ Vogtland region since the M L = 5.0 swarm of 1908. Characteristic features of the 2008 swarm are its short duration (4 weeks) and rapidity and, consequently, the fastest seismic moment release compared to previous swarms. Up to 25,000 events in the magnitude range of 0.5 < M L < 3.8 were detected using an automatic picker. A total of nine swarm phases can be distinguished in the swarm, five of them exceeding the magnitude level of 2.5. The magnitude–frequency distribution of the complete 2008 swarm activity shows a b value close to 1. The swarm hypocenters fall precisely on the same fault portion of the Novy Kostel focal zone that was activated by the 2000 swarm (M L ≤ 3.2) in a depth interval from 6 to 11 km and also by the 1985/1986 swarm (M L ≤ 4.6). The steeply dipping fault planes of the 2000 and 2008 swarms seem to be identical considering the location error of about 100 m. Furthermore, focal mechanisms of the 2008 swarm are identical with those of the 2000 swarm, both matching an average strike of 170° and dip of 80° of the activated fault segment. An overall upward migration of activity is observed with first events at the bottom and last events at the top of the of the activated fault patch. Similarities in the activated fault area and in the seismic moments released during the three largest recent swarms enable to estimate the seismic potential of the focal zone. If the whole segment of the fault plane was activated simultaneously, it would represent an earthquake of M L ~5. This is in good agreement with the estimates of the maximum magnitudes of earthquakes that occurred in the West Bohemia/Vogtland region in the past.  相似文献   

Since 1979 the repeated observations and experiments of geomagnetic total intensity and vertical component have been carried out for ten years in the geomagetic network which is located in Jiangsu Province, China. Three earthquakes aboveM s 5.0 occurred during the decade, and some seismomagnetic effects were observed. The observation results show that the anomalies of the vertical geomagnetic component can’t be observed untill some months before the earthquake (M s>5.0) in this area. In this paper it is suggested that a densely distributed network for continuous observation of geomagnetic vertical component may catch seismomagnetic anomalies and thus improve earthquake prediction in the light of the geomagnetic measurements of the mid — or — low latitude locations. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 80–87, 1991. This study is sponsored by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   

In this paper, one of the distribution-free tests — randomization test, is briefly described. It doesn’t need any distribution assumption and its related parameter estimation and is applicable to random and nonrandom sample. Then it is used to the test of migration of strong earthquakes on the Xianshuihe Fault Belt and “immunity” of large earthquakes in the large northern reigon of China. The test results show that there is 98.7% confidence degree for the migration of strong earthqueks on the Xianshuihe Fault Belt and “immunity” of earthqueks withM S⩾8 toM S⩾7 is significant in the large northern region of China. The obtained test results and the test method itself have certain application in the practice. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 484–489, 1993.  相似文献   

Seismic data recorded at the broad-band teleseismic GRF array and theshort-period regional GERESS array, which is a designated IMS primarystation, are analyzed to determine the effectiveness of teleseismic P-wave complexity for the purpose of seismic event screening within theframework of Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty verification. For theGRF array, seismic waveform data from nearly 200 nuclear explosions havebeen recorded since its installation in the late 1970's, which were studiedalong with several thousand earthquakes from the last few years.Additionally, we investigated teleseismic P wave complexity for a similarnumber of earthquakes recorded at GERESS. However, owing to itsoperation starting in 1991, only a limited number of nuclear explosionseismograms are available for study.For nuclear explosions, complexity does not exceed levels of 0.3 except fora number of events from the Nevada Test Site recorded only at the GRFarray and located at a large distance where PcP may interfere with the initialP wavelet. Since all events with complexity at GRF larger than 0.3 areexclusively located on Pahute Mesa within the Nevada Test Site,near-source geology or topography must play a dominant role for theseincreased complexity values, while PcP may not contribute significantly tothe high-frequency energy measured by the complexity parameter.Although many earthquakes show complexities below this level, for morethan 25% of the earthquakes investigated the complexities determined arelarger than 0.7, thus showing distinctly larger values than nuclearexplosions. Therefore, this percentage may be screened as earthquakes fromall seismic events detected. As currently only about half of the eventsdetected by the global IMS network are screened out based on focal depthand the m b :M s criterion, teleseismic P-wavecomplexity may contribute significantly to the task of seismic eventscreening.  相似文献   

This study combined water- and sediment flux measurements with mass balances of dissolved gas and inorganic matter to determine the importance of pelagic and benthic processes for whole-system metabolism in a eutrophic fluvial lake. Mass balances of dissolved O2, inorganic carbon (DIC), nitrogen (DIN), phosphorous (SRP), particulate N (PN) and P (PP) and Chl a were calculated at a nearly monthly frequency by means of repeated sampling at the lake inlet and outlet. Simultaneously, benthic fluxes of gas and nutrients, including denitrification rates, and the biomass of the dominant pleustophyte (Trapa natans) were measured, and fluxes of O2 and CO2 across the water–atmosphere interface were estimated from diel changes in outlet concentrations. On an annual scale, Middle Lake exhibited CO2 supersaturation, averaging 313% (range 86–562%), but was autotrophic with a net O2 production (6.35 ± 2.05 mol m−2 y−1), DIC consumption (−31.18 ± 18.77 mol m−2 y−1) and net export of Chl a downstream (8.38 ± 0.95 mol C m−2 y−1). Phytoplankton was the main driver of Middle Lake metabolism, with a net primary production estimated at 33.24 mol O2 m−2 y−1, corresponding to a sequestration of 4.18 and 0.26 mol m−2 y−1 of N and P, respectively. At peak biomass, T. natans covered about 18% of Middle Lake’s surface and fixed 2.46, 0.17 and 0.02 mol m−2 of C, N and P, respectively. Surficial sediments were a sink for O2 (−14.47 ± 0.65 mol O2 m−2 y−1) and a source of DIC and NH4 + (18.84 ± 2.80 mol DIC m−2 y−1 and 0.83 ± 0.16 mol NH4 + m−2 y−1), and dissipated nitrate via denitrification (1.44 ± 0.11 mol NO3  m−2 y−1). Overall, nutrient uptake by primary producers and regeneration from sediments were a minor fraction of external loads. This work suggests that the creation of fluvial lakes can produce net autotrophic systems, with elevated rates of phytoplanktonic primary production, largely sustained by allochtonous nutrient inputs. These hypereutrophic aquatic bodies are net C sinks, although they simultaneously release CO2 to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

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