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正The Singhbhum craton of the eastern Indian shield consists of two major crustal provinces viz.,Chotanagpur Gneissic Complex(CGC)and Singhbhum Granite Complex;separated by a Singhbhum Mobile Belt.There  相似文献   

Komatiite near Semra village, southwest of Daltonganj in Palamau District of Jharkhand, occurs within tremolite actinolite schist of ultramafic parentage. The fragmented olivine phenocrysts show mutually parallel as well as angular alignment, representing relict spinifex texture. Mineralogically the Semra ultramafic is lehrzolite in composition. The cumulates lack visible deformation suggesting original magmatic crystallization of these ultramafic rocks. The present occurrence of Spinifex Textured Peridotitic Komatiite (STPK) in Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex (CGC) at northwestern part of Eastern Indian Shield is of great significance as it opens up a possibility of the presence of Archaean rock in CGC, which is yet to be established.  相似文献   

The Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex (CGC), bearing imprints of widespread high grade metamorphic and magmatic history since Palaeoproterozoic, represents an integral crustal segment of Eastern Indian Shield. The gabbroanorthosite intrusives constitute a part of mafic-ultramafic magmatism in the CGC. The study area around Dumka (24°16?? to 24°20??N: 87°13?? to 87°22??E) predominantly comprises of granite gneiss and charnockitic country rocks within which gabbro-anorthosite intrusions occur as lenses. Field relations and structural studies reveal that the country rocks of Dumka have suffered three phases of deformation represented by F1, F2 and F3 folds. The gabbro-anorthosite intrusives maintain a sharp contact with the host rocks, deformed and metamorphosed. Relict igneous layering or primary igneous foliation (Sig) is recorded where metamorphic overprint is minimal. Mineral phases of gabbro-anorthosite rocks suggest that clinopyroxene compositions from gabrro correspond to diopside and clinoferrosilite, while those from anorthosite are clinoferrosilite. Amphiboles from the gabbro-anorthosite rocks are calcic, and range from ferroan pargasite in gabbro to ferroan pargasitic hornblende in anorthosite. Plagioclase from gabbro and anorthosite belong to bytownite and andesine respectively. Chemical composition of garnet in gabbro is almandine. Thermobarometric estimates for Dumka gabbroanorthosites correspond to 511°C to 915°C and 5.0?C7.5 kb pressure, comparable to that estimated for Bengal Anorthosite (593?C795°C, 4.1?C7.3 kb). Fractionation trend of plagioclase substantiates a single parental magma in the evolution of Dumka gabbro-anorthosite intrusives.  相似文献   

The Banded Gneissic Complex of central Rajasthan, the only gneissic basement in India considered to underlie an early Precambrian sedimentary suite unconformably, comprises composite gneisses formed by extensive migmatization of metasedimentary rocks of diverse composition. The migmatites and the metasedimentaries maintain a structural continuity in a plan of superposed deformations, with the migmatite front involved in the early folding but transgressing the stratigraphic boundaries. Structures in the metasedimentary palaeosomes within the gneisses match in their entirety those in the migmatite host and the metasedimentary bands outside. On a smaller scale of microsections, migmatites show para tectonic crystallization with reference to the first deformation. The Banded Gneissic Complex thus loses its unique position in the Indian Precambrians as older than the earliest decipherable sedimentary series, but is older than the Aravalli rocks of the type area, the partially migmatized metasedimentaries belonging to an earlier series.  相似文献   

A granite-granodiorite-gabbro-ultramafic rock association occurs in the southern sector of Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex in Central India. Field relations show mingling and mixing of mafic and granodioritic magmas along the contacts of the intrusives. Petrographic studies, coupled with analyses of phase compositions and bulk rock major and trace element compositions favor origin of mafic magma from partial melting of sub-continental hybridized lithospheric mantle and subsequent two stage emplacement. Initial ponding of mafic magma at basal crust elevated the geothermal gradient so as to cause partial melting of lower crustal materials and generation of granodioritic melt. Simultaneous emplacement of granodioritic and mafic magmas tapped from basal crustal reservoir at mid-crustal depth resulted in restricted mingling-mixing along the contacts of the contrasting magma types locally producing rocks of dioritic composition. The mode of evolution of this cogenetic mafic-felsic association, when combined with available geochronological data, has important implications in demarcation of the extent of Grenvellian orogen that resulted in amalgamation of the Southern Crustal Province of India (SCP) with the Bundelkhand Craton or Northern Crustal Province (NCP).  相似文献   

Reports of shoshonitic rocks in Precambrian terrains are relatively rare. Pl-Grt amphibolites and Hbl-Bt mafic granulites occurring in the migmatitic gneisses of the Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex(CGC) show calc-alkaline and shoshonitic characteristics. Relict porphyritic, sub-ophitic and poikilitic textures are noted in these rocks. Their parent magma was emplaced during the waning phase of the regional metamorphism. Geochemically, these metamafics are similar to the Group Ⅲ potassic and ultrapo...  相似文献   

The Damodar valley within the Chhotanagpur Gneissic terrain at the northern-most margin of the Singhbhum craton, eastern India, is perhaps the only geological domain in the entire Indian shield which hosts the early Cretaceous Rajmahal as well as the late Cretaceous Deccan igneous activities. A number of Cretaceous mafic dykes intrude the Gondwana sedimentary formations and are focus of the present study. One set of these dykes strike NNE to ENE, are very fresh and mainly exposed within the Jharia, Bokaro and Karanpura basins; whereas the other set of dykes (including the well-known Salma mega dyke) trend NW to NNW, intrude mainly the Raniganj basin and show meagre hydrothermal alteration. Majority of the samples from both these dyke groups display ophitic or sub-ophitic textures and are essentially composed of augite/titan augite and plagioclase. On the basis of petrographic and geochemical characteristics the NNE to ENE dykes are identified as high-Ti dolerite (HTD) dykes and the NW to NNW dykes are referred to as low-Ti dolerite (LTD) dykes. Apart from the first-order distinction on their titanium contents, both these groups also show conspicuous geochemical differences. The HTD dykes contain relatively high values of iron, and high-field strength elements than those from the LTD dykes with an overlapping MgO contents.Although available field, paleomagnetic and limited geochronological data for most of the studied dykes suggests their emplacement during early Cretaceous period (110–115 Ma), the Salma dyke, dated to be of Deccan-age at ∼65 Ma, is an exception. Geochemically all the studied samples show an undoubted plume-derived character but their unequivocal affinity to either the early Cretaceous Kerguelen (Rajmahal) or the late-Cretaceous Reunion (Deccan) plume is not straightforward since they share bulk-rock characteristics of rocks derived from both these plumes. Even though, the spatial and temporal association of the mafic dykes of present study with the Rajmahal Traps are suggestive of their linkage to the Kerguelen plume activity, robust geochronological and paleomagnetic constraints are clearly required to understand the relative contributions of the two Cretaceous mantle plumes in the genesis of the mafic igneous activity in this interesting domain.  相似文献   

The migmatites of Chandrapur area near Guwahati, which forms a part of the Assam-Meghalaya Gneissic Complex (AMGC) in Northeast India, have preserved magnetite ocelli. Petrographic observations have revealed that magnetite crystals occurring in the ocellar rock are surrounded by partial to complete thin rims of biotite. Moreover, mineral chemical analyses, backscattered electron images, and quantitative elemental mapping have revealed that magnetite crystals occurring in the ocellar rock have been extensively replaced by manganoan ilmenite at the periphery. From field observations, textural, and mineral chemical analyses, it has been inferred that invasion of hot, volatile-bearing pegmatitic magmas into thermally rejuvenated basement gneisses of the AMGC during the late Pan-African tectonothermal episode (ca. 530–450 Ma) induced very restricted partial melting in the gneissic rocks producing neosomes. The newly formed neosomes were then infiltrated by the nearby pegmatitic melts leading to mixing between the two melts. The mixing event facilitated transformation of magnetite to manganoan ilmenite owing to diffusion of elements like Mn and Ti from the neosome to the pegmatitic domains. Moreover, formation of ilmenite released surplus Fe hosted in the magnetite that combined with in situ K and Al, and diffusing Mg from the neosome to form biotite crystals around magnetite. From this study, it can be concluded that magnetite-manganoan ilmenite transformation may be considered as one of the petrogenetic indicators to decipher magma mixing events.  相似文献   


The Shyok suture zone separates the Ladakh terrane to the SW from the Karakoram terrane to the NE. Six tectonic units have been distinguished. From south to north these are; 1. Saltoro formation; 2. Shyok volcanites; 3. Saltoro molasse; 4. Ophiolitic melange; 5. Tirit granitoids; 6. Karakoram terrane including the Karakoram batholith. Albian—Aptian Orbitolina-bearing lime-stones and turbidites of the Saltoro formation tectonically overlie high-Mg-tholeiites similar to the tectonically overlying Shyok volcanites. The high-Mg tholeiitic basalts and calcalkaline andesites of the Shyok volcanites show an active margin signature. The Saltoro molasse is an apron-like, moderately folded association of redgreen shales and sandstones that are interbedded with ~ 50 m porphyritic andesite. Desiccation cracks and rain-drop imprints indicate deposition in a subaerial fluvial environment. Rudist fragments from a polygenic conglomerate of the Saltoro molasse document a post-Middle Cretaceous age. The calcalkaline andesites of the Shyok volcanites are intruded by the Tirit granitoids, which are located immediately south of the Ophiolitic melange and belong to a weakly deformed trondhjemite-tonalite-granodiorite-granite suite. These granitoids are subalkaline, I-type and were emplaced in a volcanic arc setting. The subalkaline to calcalkaline granitoids of the Karakoram batholith are I-and S-type granitoid. The I-type granitoids represent a typical calcalkaline magmatism of a subduction zone environment whereas the S-type granitoids are crustderived, anatectic peraluminous granites. New data suggest that the volcano-plutonic and sedimentary successions of the Shyok suture zone exposed in northern Ladakh are equivalent to the successions exposed along the Northern suture in Kohistan. It is likely that the o istan and Ladakh blocks evolved as one single tectonic domain uring the Cretaceous-Palaeogene. Subsequently, collision, suturing and accretion of the Indian plate along the Indus suture (50–60 Ma) together with tectonic activity along the Nanga Parbataramosh divided Kohistan and Ladakh into two arealy distinct magmatic arc terranes. The activity and a dextral offset along the Karakoram fault (Holocene-Recent) disrupted the original tectonic relationships. © 1999 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

A series of granitoids from Proterozoic to Cenozoic age occurred in the western Kunlun orogenic belt, Xinjiang, northwestern China. Several intrusions such as the West Datong (Middle Caledonian age), North Kuda (Late Caledonian age) and Kuzigan, Karibasheng, Zankan (Himalayan age) plutons have shoshonitic affinity. Their rock assemblages include (quartz) monzodiorite–(quartz) monzonite–quartz syenite (Middle Caledonian) or monzonitic granite–granite (Late Caledonian) or biotite (monzonitic) granite–diopside granite–diopside syenite (Himalayan). Generally, biotite is iron–phlogopite, with some eastonite and high Mg/(Mg+FeT) and Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio. Amphibole is mainly edenitic hornblende and magnesian hastingsitic hornblende, with some edenite and higher Mg/(Mg+FeT) and Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio. The rocks show SiO2 contents of 52.77–71.85% and high K2O+Na2O (mostly >8%, average 9.14%), K2O/Na2O (mostly >1, average 1.50) and Fe2O3/FeO (0.85–1.51, average 1.01) and low TiO2 contents (0.15–1.12%, average 0.57%). Al2O3 contents (13.01–19.20%) are high but variable. The granitoids are prominently enriched in LILE, LREE and volatiles such as F. However, the studied shoshonitic granitoids among the three intrusive periods also show differences in isotopic compositions and trace element concentrations, suggesting their different geneses: the origin of the West Datong pluton is probably related to the involvement of subducted oceanic crust sediments into the mantle source; the North Kuda and Himalayan plutons could have been generated by partial melting of subducted oceanic crust sediments or metasediments of thickened continental lower crust in the process of late-orogenic slab break-off or lithospheric thinning.  相似文献   

For the first time occurrence of Ti rich Al depleted ultramafic cumulates having komatiitic signature in the northwestern fringe of Chotanagpur Gneissic Complex is presented. These rocks exhibit intrusive relationship with metasedimentary rocks and metaultramafites. Geochemically they are characterized by Mg# 79.1–91.60, high TiO2 (1.29–1.54 wt%), significantly low Al2O3/TiO2 and (Gd/Yb)n >1. Major oxides, trace and REE content suggest low degree of fractional crystallization and lesser degree of partial melting. These Al depleted komatiites are characterized by high concentration of incompatible elements than most suites of Barberton type komatiites. High Ti content suggests less degree of majorite garnet melting, leaving behind garnet in the restite. The rock shows higher Ti/Sc (190),Ti/V (22), Zr/Y (3), Zr/Sc (4), V/Sc (8), Zr/Sm (28) and Zr/Hf (47) ratios than primitive mantle and REE distribution pattern shows gentle slope from LREE to HREE in most samples pointing towards mantle metasomatism and crustal contamination during emplacement. The observed chemical characteristics indicate derivation of komatiite from an enriched mantle source and represent plume activity in an extensional tectonic regime of intracratonic setting.  相似文献   

Primitive arc magmatism and mantle wedge processes are investigated through a petrologic and geochemical study of high-Mg# (Mg/Mg + Fe > 0.65) basalts, basaltic andesites and andesites from the Kurile-Kamchatka subduction system. Primitive andesitic samples are from the Shisheisky Complex, a field of Quaternary-age, monogenetic cones located in the Aleutian–Kamchatka junction, north of Shiveluch Volcano, the northernmost active composite volcano in Kamchatka. The Shisheisky lavas have Mg# of 0.66–0.73 at intermediate SiO2 (54–58 wt%) with low CaO (<8.8%), CaO/Al2O3 (<0.54), and relatively high Na2O (>3.0 wt%) and K2O (>1.0 wt%). Olivine phenocryst core compositions of Fo90 appear to be in equilibrium with whole-rock ‘melts’, consistent with the sparsely phyric nature of the lavas. Compared to the Shisheisky andesites, primitive basalts from the region (Kuriles, Tolbachik, Kharchinsky) have higher CaO (>9.9 wt%) and CaO/Al2O3 (>0.60), and lower whole-rock Na2O (<2.7 wt%) and K2O (<1.1 wt%) at similar Mg# (0.66–0.70). Olivine phenocrysts in basalts have in general, higher CaO and Mn/Fe and lower Ni and Ni/Mg at Fo88 compared to the andesites. The absence of plagioclase phenocrysts from the primitive andesitic lavas contrasts the plagioclase-phyric basalts, indicating relatively high pre-eruptive water contents for the primitive andesitic magmas compared to basalts. Estimated temperature and water contents for primitive basaltic andesites and andesites are 984–1,143°C and 4–7 wt% H2O. For primitive basalts they are 1,149–1,227°C and 2 wt% H2O. Petrographic and mineral compositions suggest that the primitive andesitic lavas were liquids in equilibrium with mantle peridotite and were not produced by mixing between basalts and felsic crustal melts, contamination by xenocrystic olivine, or crystal fractionation of basalt. Key geochemical features of the Shisheisky primitive lavas (high Ni/MgO, Na2O, Ni/Yb and Mg# at intermediate SiO2) combined with the location of the volcanic field above the edge of the subducting Pacific Plate support a genetic model that involves melting of eclogite or pyroxenite at or near the surface of the subducting plate, followed by interaction of that melt with hotter peridotite in the over-lying mantle wedge. The strongly calc-alkaline igneous series at Shiveluch Volcano is interpreted to result from the emplacement and evolution of primitive andesitic magmas similar to those that are present in nearby monogenetic cones of the Shisheisky Complex.  相似文献   

内蒙古固阳东部碱性侵入岩:年代学、成因与地质意义   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
在内蒙古固阳县东部出露了两个碱性岩体,最近的年代学研究显示这两个碱性侵入体分别形成于中元古代早期和晚古生代早期,瓦窑石英正长岩的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄为1702±32Ma,高家村角闪正长岩的SHRIMP年龄为399±7Ma,TIMS法锆石U-Pb为389.9±4.7Ma。瓦窑石英正长岩相对贫Ca、贫Sr、高TiO2/MgO和FeOT/MgO、高Ga/Al,Eu负异常;岩石高87Sr/86Sr比值、低143Nd/144Nd比值、εNd(t)为-6.2~-6.5,地球化学特点显示铝质"A"型花岗岩性质,岩浆源区为大陆上部地壳,是拉张低压背景下部分熔融的产物。高家村角闪正长岩高碱(K2O+Na2O为10.92%~11.67%),Sr正异常,弱正铕异常,具有较低的87Sr/86Sr比值、适中的143Nd/144Nd比值,εNd(t)为-14.4~-14.9,具有高压型正长岩的特征,岩石应形成于大陆下部地壳,属后造山崩塌早期阶段的产物。这两个岩体的形成时代分别与冀北地区的中元古代非造山岩浆岩组合(斜长岩-正长岩-环斑花岗岩组合)和晚古生代的水泉沟正长岩相对应,有可能构成华北克拉通北缘两条延伸数百千米的碱性侵入岩带。中元古代早期的碱性侵入岩带代表着华北克拉通在古元古代末汇聚造山后的裂解事件;而早(-中)泥盆世的碱性侵入岩带则代表着华北克拉通北缘早古生代末弧-陆拼合造山后的伸展事件。  相似文献   

The northern part of the central India tectonic zone (CITZ) is occupied by the Proterozoic Mahakoshal Belt, which is mainly comprised of granitoids and volcano-sedimentary lithounits. The granitoids (ca. 1880–1710 Ma) are exposed as small circular to elliptical-shaped, stock-like intrusive bodies, such as Nerueadamar granitoids (NG), Tumiya granitoids (TG), Jhirgadandi granitoids (JG), Dudhi granite gneiss (DG), Raspahari granitoids (RG), Katoli granitoids (KG), and Harnakachar granitoids (HG), collectively forming the granite gneissic complex (GGC). The geochemistry of biotites, host granitoids, and enclaves from these plutons has been investigated in order to understand the redox condition and likely tectonic affinity of host granitoids. The Al2O3–MgO–FeOt contents and operated elemental substitution in biotites strongly suggest the diverse nature of host magmas such as calc-alkaline, metaluminous (I-type), peraluminous (S-type), and transitional between I- and S-types, which appear to have formed in subduction zone and syn-collisional tectonic settings. The transitional (I-S)-type granitoids inferred based on biotite compositions, however, represent both metaluminous (HG) and peraluminous (DG and KG) granitoids in terms of whole-rock molar A/CNK (Al2O3/CaO + Na2O + K2O) ratios. Ages of granitoid magmatism and its field association with contemporaneous volcano-sedimentary lithounits clearly mark the post-collisional tectonic setting, which contradicts the subduction-related tectonic setting inferred from biotites of JG and microgranular enclave (JE) hosted in JG. Whole-rock major and trace elements broadly suggest the existence of collision tectonics during the formation of granitoid plutons. The JG, KG, and DG contain a bt-Kf-mag-qtz assemblage, and their parental magmas evolved under moderate oxidizing environments (?O2 = ?12.03 to ?13.27 bars). On the other hand, RG (bt-gt-Kf-pl-qtz), NG (bt-ms-Kf-pl-qtz), and TG (bt-ms-Kf-pl-qtz) represent pure crustal-derived magmas evolved in strongly reducing conditions formed under a syn-collisional tectonic setting as evident from their mineral assemblages and biotite and whole-rock compositions. Granitoid plutons of the Mahakoshal Belt were most likely formed during amalgamation of the Columbian supercontinent.  相似文献   

A damaging and widely felt moderate (Mw 5.0) earthquake occurred in the Talala region of Saurashtra, Gujarat (western India) on November 6, 2007. The highly productive sequence comprised about 1300 micro earthquakes (M > 0.5) out of which 325 of M ? 1.5 that occurred during November 6, 2007–January 10, 2008 were precisely located. The spatial aftershock distribution revealed a NE–SW striking fault in accordance with the centroid moment tensor solution, which in turn implies left-lateral motion. The orientation and sense of shear are consistent with similarly orientated geological fault identified in the area from satellite imagery and field investigation.The aftershocks temporal decay, b-value of frequency–magnitude distribution, spatial fractal dimension, D, and slip ratio (ratio of the slip occurred on the primary fault to the total slip) were examined with the purpose to identify the properties of the sequence. The high b-value (1.18 ± 0.01) may be attributed to the paucity of the larger (M ? 4.0) aftershocks and reveals crustal heterogeneity and low stress regime. The high p-value (1.10 ± 0.39), implying fast decay rate of aftershocks, evidences high surface heat flux. A value of the spatial fractal dimension (D) equal to 2.21 ± 0.02 indicates random spatial distribution and source in a two-dimensional plane that is being filled-up by fractures. A slip ratio of 0.42 reveals that more slip occurred on secondary fault systems.The static Coulomb stress changes due to the coseismic slip of the main shock, enhanced off fault aftershock occurrence. The occurrence of a moderate earthquake (Mw 4.3) on October 5, 2008 inside a region of positive Coulomb stress changes supports the postulation on aftershock triggering. When the stress changes were resolved on a cross section including the stronger (M4.8) foreshock plane that is positioned adjacent to the main fault, it became evident that the activity continued there due to stress transfer from the main rupture.  相似文献   

本文从岩石学、地球化学和同位素等方面讨论东天山克拉麦里-哈尔里克岛弧东段八大石和小铺东两个岩体的特征和成因。八大石岩体和小铺东岩体主要为二长花岗岩,SiO2含量分别为61.92%~74.40%和69.17%~74.92%,K2O+Na2O的含量分别为6.50%~8.32%和7.74%~8.14%,绝大部分岩石具有高钾钙碱性花岗岩特征;∑REE分别为105×10-6~210×10-6和100×10-6~172×10-6,(La/Yb)CN分别为4.1~8.9和9.1~15.3,配分模式右倾,δEu分别为0.40~0.93和0.59~0.80,为中-低负异常;两个岩体均富Rb、Ba等大离子亲石元素和Th、U、Hf、Zr等高场强元素,而贫Ta、Nb、Sr、Ti等。通过LA-ICP-MS分析得到八大石岩体中锆石206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为298±2Ma,表明岩体形成于早二叠纪,计算得到八大石和小铺东岩体的模式年龄tDM分别为944Ma和648Ma;八大石和小铺东岩体的εNd(t)u分别为+3.06和+4.47,(87Sr/86Sr) i分别为0.70475和0.70384,表现出高εNd(t)u 低(87Sr/86Sr) i。综上所述,认为哈尔里克高钾钙碱性花岗岩可能为碰撞后挤压-伸展转折阶段的产物,主要由来自新生地壳的中钾钙碱性岩浆经过结晶分异作用而成。  相似文献   

位于中祁连中东段的董家庄花岗岩体和新店花岗岩体侵位于高级变质岩中.对其中的锆石所做LA-ICP MS定年表明,董家庄岩体和新店岩体的侵位年龄均为古生代.两个岩体均表现出强过铝、高K、K/Na,低Mg、Fe、Ca的主量元素特征,并富集Rb、Th、Pb亏损Ba、Nb、Sr、P、Ti,具有明显的Eu负异常和轻稀土富集.(87Sr/86Sr);分别为0.7129和0.7106,εNd(t)分别为-6.6和-5.2.综合研究表明它们为同碰撞的强过铝S型花岗岩,源岩为变杂砂岩.  相似文献   

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