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李美娇  何凡能  杨帆  赵亮 《地理研究》2020,39(2):447-460
基于明代册载田亩、屯田和人口数据,以及相关赋役制度和土地制度等史料,考察了明代册载田亩和屯田数据的合理性,辨识了导致明代册载数据失实的主要因素,重建了明代典型时点省域耕地面积。结果表明:① 册籍讹误、官民田和卫所屯田的分类统计及山、塘、湖、荡等非耕地的登册起科,是导致洪武和万历年间册载数据失实的主要原因。② 洪武年间河南和湖广册载田亩数据人均耕地面积畸高,其原因为“册籍讹误”,订正后的数值分别为41万今亩和18万今亩;该时期研究区阙载的屯田总额约为5620万今亩。③ 非耕地的登册起科主要出现在南方地区,且洪武和万历年间浙江、南直隶、江西、湖广等省的册载田土数据中非耕地占比分别为24.7%、23.3%、4.4%、3.7%和28.9%、16.2%、19.2%、11.6%。④ 洪武二十六年(1393年)至万历十一年(1583年),研究区耕地总量由49 550万今亩增至75 430万今亩;省域土地垦殖变化呈现明显的区域差异,河南和山东两省垦殖率增量超过15个百分点,湖广和四川超过3个百分点,而其余各省增量低于1个百分点。区域历史时期土地利用/覆被变化数据重建,不仅是区域生态环境效应模拟的客观需求,也可为充实和完善全球数据集提供参考。  相似文献   

20世纪末中国中东部耕地扩张对表面气温影响的模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张学珍  刘纪远  熊喆  张宏文 《地理学报》2015,70(9):1423-1433
利用WRF模式,通过4个21年(1980-2000年)的模拟实验,研究了20世纪末中国中东部耕地扩张对表面气温的影响。控制实验分析发现WRF模式能够捕捉温度场的空间格局,模拟与观测的季节平均温度场的相关系数为0.91~0.99(P < 0.001),但模拟温度比观测温度系统性偏低2~3 ℃。控制实验与敏感实验对比分析发现,东北区和中部区的毁林和毁草开荒具有降温效应,冬季平均降幅约为-0.41 ℃,居四季之首,主要是由地表反照率增加,净短波辐射减少,感热通量随之减少所致;东南区的毁林开荒具有升温效应,夏季温度升幅最大,平均升幅为0.14 ℃,主要原因是地表粗糙度减小,湍流减弱,热量在近地层集聚,难以扩散。农业扩张的升、降温效应主要出现在局地,对区域温度变化的影响甚微,一方面是因为农业扩张占区域面积份数甚小,另一方面是因为升、降温效应在区域平均过程中相互抵消。  相似文献   

北宋中期耕地面积及其空间分布格局重建(英文)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
To understand historical human-induced land cover change and its climatic effects, it is necessary to create historical land use datasets with explicit spatial information. Using the taxes-cropland area and number of families compiled from historical documents, we esti-mated the real cropland area and populations within each Lu (a province-level political region in the Northern Song Dynasty) in the mid-Northern Song Dynasty (AD1004-1085). The es-timations were accomplished through analyzing the contemporary policies of tax, population and agricultural development. Then, we converted the political region-based cropland area to geographically explicit grid cell-based fractional cropland at the cell size of 60 km by 60 km. The conversion was based on calculating cultivation suitability of each grid cell using the topographic slope, altitude and population density as the independent variables. As a result, the total area of cropland within the Northern Song territory in the 1070s was estimated to be about 720 million mu (Chinese area unit, 1 mu = 666.7 m2), of which 40.1% and 59.9% oc-curred in the north and south respectively. The population was estimated to be about 87.2 million, of which 38.7% and 61.3% were in the north and south respectively, and per capita cropland area was about 8.2 mu. The national mean reclamation ratio (i.e. ratio of cropland area to total land area; RRA hereafter for short) was bout 16.6%. The plain areas, such as the North China Plain, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Guanzhong Plain, plains surrounding the Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake and Sichuan Basin, had a higher RRA, being mostly over 40%; while the hilly and mountainous areas, such as south of Nanling Mountains, the southwest regions (excluding the Chengdu Plain), Loess Plateau and south-east coastal regions, had a lower RRA, being less than 20%. Moreover, RRA varied with topographic slope and altitude. In the areas of low altitude (≤250 m), middle altitude (250-100 m) and high altitude (1000-3500 m), there were 443 million, 215 million and 64 million mu of cropland respectively and their regional mean RRAs were 27.5%, 12.6% and 7.2% respectively. In the areas of flat slope, gentle slope, medium slope and steep slope, there were 116 million, 456 million, 144 million and 2 million mu of cropland respectively and their regional mean RRAs were 34.6%, 20.7%, 8.5% and 2.3% respectively.  相似文献   

Yu  Wanhui  Zhang  Lijuan  Zhang  Hongwen  Jiang  Lanqi  Zhang  Ankang  Pan  Tao 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(3):439-454
The effects of human activities on climate change are a significant area of research in the field of global environmental change. Land use and land cover change(LUCC) has a greater effect on climate than greenhouse gases, and the effect of farmland expansion on regional drought is particularly important. From the 1910 s to the 2010 s, cultivated land in Songnen Plain increased by 2.67 times, the area of cultivated land increased from 4.92×10~4 km~2 to 13.14×10~4 km~2, and its percentage of all land increased from 25% to 70%. This provides an opportunity to study the effects of the conversion of natural grassland to farmland on climate. In this study, the drought indices in Songnen Plain were evaluated from the 1910 s to the 2010 s, and the effect of farmland expansion on drought was investigated using statistical methods and the Weather Research and Forecasting Model based on UK's Climatic Research Unit data. The resulting dryness index, Palmer drought severity index, and standardized precipitation index values indicated a significant drying trend in the study area from 1981 to 2010. This trend can be attributed to increases in maximum temperature and diurnal temperature range, which increased the degree of drought. Based on statistical analysis and simulation, the maximum temperature, diurnal temperature range, and sensible heat flux increased during the growing season in Songnen Plain over the past 100 years, while the minimum temperature and latent heat flux decreased. The findings indicate that farmland expansion caused a drying trend in Songnen Plain during the study period.  相似文献   

中国传统农区1820年耕地数据网格化方法   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
Recent studies have demonstrated the importance of LUCC change with climate and ecosystem simulation, but the result could only be determined precisely if a high-resolution underlying land cover map is used. While the efforts based satellites have provided a good baseline for present land cover, what the next advancement in the research about LUCC change required is the development of reconstruction of historical LUCC change, especially spatially-explicit historical dataset. Being different from other similar studies, this study is based on the analysis of historical land use patterns in the traditional cultivated region of China. Taking no account of the less important factors, altitude, slope and population patterns are selected as the major drivers of reclamation in ancient China, and used to design the HCGM (Historical Cropland Gridding Model, at a 60 km×60 km resolution), which is an empirical model for allocating the historical cropland inventory data spatially to grid cells in each political unit. Then we use this model to reconstruct cropland distribution of the study area in 1820, and verify the result by prefectural cropland data of 1820, which is from the historical documents. The statistical analyzing result shows that the model can simulate the patterns of the cropland distribution in the historical period in the traditional cultivated region efficiently. Foundation: National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40471007; Innovation Knowledge Project of CAS, No.KZCX2-YW-315 Author: Lin Shanshan (1982–), Master, specialized in historical environmental change.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated the importance of LUCC change with climate and ecosystem simulation, but the result could only be determined precisely if a high-resolution underlying land cover map is used. While the efforts based satellites have provided a good baseline for present land cover, what the next advancement in the research about LUCC change required is the development of reconstruction of historical LUCC change, especially spatially-explicit historical dataset. Being different from other similar studies, this study is based on the analysis of historical land use patterns in the traditional cultivated region of China. Taking no account of the less important factors, altitude, slope and population patterns are selected as the major drivers of reclamation in ancient China, and used to design the HCGM (Historical Cropland Gridding Model, at a 60 km×60 km resolution), which is an empirical model for allocating the historical cropland inventory data spatially to grid cells in each political unit. Then we use this model to reconstruct cropland distribution of the study area in 1820, and verify the result by prefectural cropland data of 1820, which is from the historical documents. The statistical analyzing result shows that the model can simulate the patterns of the cropland distribution in the historical period in the traditional cultivated region efficiently.  相似文献   

李柯  何凡能  张学珍 《地理研究》2011,30(12):2281-2288
建立具有准确空间属性的历史时期土地覆被数据集有助于更好地模拟土地覆被变化的过程及其效应。本文基于我国过去300年耕地面积总体呈持续增加的特点,提出了历史时期耕地分布范围未超出现代耕地范围的合理假设,并以地表高程和坡度为影响土地宜垦程度的主导因子,评估了MODIS土地覆被产品中现代耕地分布区域的宜垦程度,再按宜垦程度从高...  相似文献   

张宏文  张学珍  张丽娟 《地理研究》2015,34(10):1853-1863
利用WRF模式,基于中国东北1980年代前期和2000年的土地利用/覆盖数据,分别进行了1980-2000年的气候变化模拟试验。通过两个试验结果的对比,分析了1980-2000年中国东北农业开发对气候的影响。在冬季和春季,农业开发使地表反照率增强,地表吸收的短波辐射减少,地表感热通量相应减少,地表气温降低;在夏季和秋季,农业开发削弱了地表反照率,地表吸收的短波辐射增加,同时地表潜热通量大幅增加,且增幅大于地表吸收的短波辐射的增幅,地表感热通量则相应减少,地表气温降低。农业开发的致冷幅度大多为0.1°C~1.0°C,与同期大尺度气候变化导致的当地背景温度变幅基本相当。农业开发引起的夏季降水变化因气候年景而异,“南旱北涝”年景下,呼伦贝尔—黑龙江省中部以及吉林省中部少雨,黑、吉、蒙三省(自治区)交界处降水增加,辽、蒙交界处以及辽东湾北部降水减少;“南涝北旱”年景下,呼伦贝尔—黑龙江省中部以及吉林省中部多雨,黑、吉、蒙三省(自治区)交界处降水减少,辽、蒙交界处以及辽东湾北部降水减少。农业开发的面积极其有限,因而由其导致的温度和降水显著变化主要出现在农业开发当地,尚不足以显著影响区域平均温度和降水变化。  相似文献   

To understand historical human-induced land use/cover change (LUCC) and its climatic effects, it is essential to reconstruct historical land use/cover changes with explicit spatial information. In this study, based on the historically documented cropland area at county level, we reconstructed the spatially explicit cropland distribution at a cell size of 1 km × 1 km for the Songnen Plain in the late Qing Dynasty (1908 AD). The reconstructions were carried out using two methods. One method (hereafter, referred to as method I) allocated the cropland to cells ordered from a high agricultural suitability index (ASI) to a low ASI, but they were all within the domain of potential cropland area. The potential cropland area was created by excluding natural woodland, swamp, water bodies, and mountains from the study area. The other method (hereafter, method II) allocated the cropland to cells in the order from high ASI to low ASI within the domain of cropland area in 1959. This method was based on the hypothesis that the cropland area domain in 1959 resulted from enlargement of the cropland area domain in 1908. We then compared these two reconstructions. We found that the cropland distributions reconstructed by the two methods exhibit a similar spatial distribution pattern. Both reconstructions show that the cropland was mostly found in the southern and eastern parts of the Songnen Plain. The two reconstructions matched each other for about 68% of the total cropland area. By spatially comparing the unmatched cropland cells of the two reconstructions with the settlements for each county, we found that unmatched cropland cells from method I are closer to settlements than those from method II. This finding suggests that reconstruction using method I may have less bias than reconstruction with method II.  相似文献   

20世纪以来东北城市的发展及其历史作用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
东北地区城市的产生与发展有着悠久的历史,并形成特有的文化,但由于历史的原因,城市发展水平长期落后于中原地区。东北地区近现代城市的产生与发展是近100年的事情。20世纪以来,东北地区经历了清政府的移民实边,俄、日等帝国主义的殖民侵略与掠夺开发,新中国成立后的工业化重点发展。伴随着经济的发展和经济结构的剧烈变革,东北城市发展进入鼎盛时期,并后来居上成为我国除几个直辖市外,城市化水平最高的地区。与全国其他地区城市相比,东北城市发展有着特定的社会政治与经济背景,但也清晰而集中地反映了城市化与交通发展、工业化相互促进,同步发展的特征。本文试图把东北地区近百年来城市的发展置于区域社会政治与经济发展的进程中进行考察,着重探讨东北辽宁、吉林、黑龙江三省城市发展的动因,同时阐明它的发展对区域经济及全国经济产生的影响,分析当前存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

20世纪中国土地利用变化研究   总被引:109,自引:8,他引:109  
20世纪的土地利用和土地覆盖变化研究是当今国际科学研究的前沿领域。比较系统地收集,整理并校准了民国与1949年以后的各种土地利用调查、普查与遥感资料,对土地利用变化概貌、耕地、林地、草地、居住建设用地等进行了统计与比较分析,用比较翔实的数据揭示了20世纪以来中国土地利用变化的史实。  相似文献   

日小林雄河  潘威 《地理研究》2016,35(7):1344-1352
西北太平洋地区,尤其是东北亚地区,台风灾害多发,这些地区的台风的运动轨迹变化会对社会经济发展带来深刻的影响。台风活动跨海而行,因此将东北亚几个国家的历史台风信息结合起来,才能看出其全貌。中日两国,最早通过仪器观测描述的台风路径分别为1879年和1878年,历史时期的东北亚地区台风事件只能靠历史文献来推测。以在台风路径的推测上具有问题(台风影响范围评估、详细记录时间的利用、2次相近台风的辨别等)的4次台风事件为例,讨论17世纪以来东北亚台风路径的推测方法。通过对台风个案的讨论,指出将致灾记录和感应记录相结合的可行性;利用仪器观测时期台风记录验证历史文献记载的有效性。相当一部分日记资料在古风暴研究中仍处于未被发掘状态。历史上流传至今的公用日记和各名家的家记,拥有较长的写作时间和较为均质的写作内容,可提高跨国界古风暴研究的时空分辨率。  相似文献   

Zhang  Yuan  Zang  Shuying  Sun  Li  Yan  Binghe  Yang  Tianpeng  Yan  Wenjia  Meadows  Michael E.  Wang  Cuizhen  Qi  Jiaguo 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(5):658-674
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Quantitative characterization of environmental characteristics of cropland (ECC) plays an important role in maintaining sustainable development of agricultural...  相似文献   

北宋中期耕地面积及其空间分布格局重建   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
何凡能  李士成  张学珍 《地理学报》2011,66(11):1531-1539
以北宋暖期为研究时段,依据历史文献中有关“田亩”与“户额”的记载资料,通过对赋役、户籍、土地等制度的考证,订正了北宋中期各路耕地面积和府级人口数量;并以地面坡度、海拔高程和人口密度作为影响土地宜垦程度的主导因子,网格化重建了北宋中期境内耕地空间分布格局(60 km×60 km)。结果表明:(1) 北宋中期境内耕地约7.2 亿亩,北方占40.1%,南方占59.9%;人口数量为8720 万人,北方占38.7%,南方占61.3%;境内土地垦殖率为16.6%,人均耕地面积为8.2 亩。(2) 垦殖率较大的地区主要分布在黄淮海平原、长江中下游平原、关中平原、两湖平原以及四川盆地等,其垦殖率基本在40%以上;而岭南、西南(除成都平原外)、东南沿海和山陕黄土高原等地区垦殖率较低,其垦殖率大多小于20%。(3) 耕地分布在不同海拔高度和坡度上存在明显差异,其中低海拔(< 250m)、中海拔(250~1000 m) 和高海拔(1000~3500 m) 地区的耕地分别为4.43、2.15 和0.64 亿亩,其相应平均垦殖率为27.5%、12.6%和7.2%;而平耕地(≤ 2°)、缓坡耕地(2°~6°)、坡耕地(6°~15°) 和陡坡耕地(>15°) 的面积分别为1.16、4.56、1.44 和0.02 亿亩,其平均垦殖率分别为34.6%、20.7%、8.5%和2.3%。  相似文献   

通过梳理和集成近年研究成果,综述了过去2000年中国主要农耕区拓展的阶段性及其间全国耕地面积和其中近千年垦殖率变化的主要特征.主要结论有:①中国主要农耕区第一次大规模拓展出现在西汉,从黄河中下游拓至整个长江以北地区;第二次在唐宋时期,主要是长江以南农耕区域从平原低地拓垦至丘陵山地;第三次在清中叶以后,主要是对东北、西北...  相似文献   

A study of radiosonde observations for temperature at 850 hPa over Delhi for a period of 35 years was conducted. The influence of atmospheric oscillations and geophysical events like El Niño‐Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on tropospheric temperature variability showed indicative trends for changing urban climate in Delhi. The inter‐annual variation in surface temperature and its relationship with land use changes and land cover changes (LULCC) was also examined. LULCC and urban expansion into peripheral areas of Delhi (towards the West, North, North‐West and South) at the cost of agricultural and wasteland was found to be extensive. The upper range of the surface temperature has shifted by ~6°C. The post‐monsoon and winter months from November to February have experienced a considerable increase in the average temperature in the period examined. The monsoon months from June to September have undergone cooling of ~0.5°C–1°C at 850 hPa. An inverse relationship exists between the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and the monthly averaged temperature. The temperature of the atmosphere over Delhi at 850 hPa has increased only marginally (~ 0.3°C) for the time period 1980–2015. Bi‐modal peaks were the most peculiar features observed in mean monthly temperature variation during 2000–2009.  相似文献   

基于遥感和GIS的中国20世纪90年代毁林开荒状况分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
毁林开荒过程是一种林地变为耕地的土地利用变化过程,可以通过遥感和GIS技术对这一过程进行监测。本文通过覆盖全国的TM影像数据,对20世纪90年代林地转为耕地的面积及其空间分布进行分析,从而对全国毁林开荒过程进行遥感监测。结果表明,该时期有17630km2的林地被开垦为耕地。不同面积等级的开垦过程在不同流域分布也不同:面积小于10hm2和介于10~100hm2的被开垦林地较广泛地分布于各大流域;而面积介于100~1000hm2的被开垦林地主要分布于松辽流域、黑龙江流域和东北东部流域、长江流域、珠江流域和云南省所在流域;大于1000hm2的被开垦林地则几乎全部分布于松辽流域、黑龙江流域和东北东部流域。坡度大于3°的毁林开荒地面积占总面积的295%;对土壤侵蚀背景的分析表明,土壤侵蚀强度以微度和轻度为主  相似文献   

Zhao  Zhilong  Fang  Xiuqi  Ye  Yu  Zhang  Chengpeng  Zhang  Diyang 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(8):1307-1324
Journal of Geographical Sciences - To evaluate the climatic and ecological impacts of anthropogenic activities in global change research, it is essential to reconstruct historical land use and land...  相似文献   

Landsat ETM/TM data and an artificial neural network (ANN) were applied to analyse the expansion of the city of Xi'an and land use/cover change of its surrounding area between 2000 and 2003. Supervised classification and normalized difference barren index (NDBI) were used respectively to retrieve its urban boundary. Results showed that the urban area increased by an annual rate of 12.3%, with area expansion from 253.37 km2 in 2000 to 358.60 km2 in 2003. Large areas of farmland in the north and southwest were converted into urban construction land. The land use/cover changes of Xi'an were mainly caused by fast development of urban economy, population immigration from countryside, great development of infrastructure such as transportation, and huge demands for urban market. In addition, affected by the government policy of "returning farmland to woodland", some farmland was converted into economic woodland, such as Chinese goosebeery garden, vineyard etc.  相似文献   

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