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An approach is presented for the hydrogeological conceptualisation of karst systems. The KARSYS approach helps hydrogeologists working in karst regions to address in a pragmatic and efficient way the three following questions. (1) Where does the water of a karst spring come from? (2) Through which underground routes does it flow? (3) What are the groundwater reserves and where are they? It is based on a three dimensional model of the carbonate aquifer geometry (3D geological model) coupled to a series of simple fundamental principles of karst hydraulics. This provides, within a limited effort, a consistent hydrogeological conceptual model of karst flow systems within any investigation area. The level of detail can be adjusted according to the targeted degree of confidence. Two examples of its application are presented; the approach was first applied with a low level of detail on a national scale in order to assess the groundwater reserves in karst aquifers in Switzerland, suggesting a groundwater volume of 120 km3. On a regional scale, it was applied with a higher level of detail to some selected karst systems in order to assess their hydropower potential. The KARSYS approach may provide very useful information for water management improvement in karst regions (vulnerability assessment, impact assessment, water supply, flood hazards, landslides, etc.). It leads, in a very cost-effective manner, to a new and highly didactic representation of karst systems as well as to new concepts concerning the delineation of catchment areas in karst regions.  相似文献   

 Groundwater samples taken from wells adjacent to a food machinery manufacturing plant in southern Taiwan indicate that there is a serious phenolic contamination. To understand the hydrogeological properties, and to prepare for remedial action, a series of hydrogeological investigations were conducted. Investigative work included collecting background information, analyzing existing data, measuring the groundwater, and conducting a slug test, pumping and recovery test, aerial photography analysis and electrical resistivity survey. Results from these investigations show that the local groundwater aquifer may be classified as an unconfined or confined formation, depending on the thickness of the interbedded clay layer. The direction of local groundwater flow is from southwest to northeast, with high transmissivity. The contaminant moves much more slowly than the average groundwater velocity, and it is limited to an area centered around the plant. The local geology of the contaminated area exhibits significant heterogeneity; it is not likely to have been formed by natural sedimentation. Data from the field aerial photography analysis and electrical resistivity survey also suggest that this shallow formation may result from artificial back-filling. Received: 1 September 1994 · Accepted: 28 December 1995  相似文献   

The unique hydrogeology of karst makes the associated groundwater respond quickly to rainfall events and vulnerable to anthropogenic pollutions. In this study, high-frequency monitoring of spring discharge, temperature, electrical conductivity (EC) and pH, along with monthly hydrochemical and microbial analyses, was undertaken at the outlet of Laolondong karst underground river in Nanshan, southwestern China. The aim was to explore the environmental effects of the catchment’s urban area on the karst groundwater resources. The monitoring data of a tracer test and the response of discharge to rainfall events demonstrate that conduits and narrow fissures coexist in the Laolongdong karst aquifer. The EC, Na+, Cl? and SO42? values (840 μS/cm, 33.7, 38.6 and 137.2 μg/L, respectively), along with high concentrations of fecal coliform bacteria, at the outlet indicate considerable urban pollution in this area. The contaminants sulfate and nitrate showed different relationships with discharge and EC in different stages of a rainfall event. This behavior provided information about aquifer structure and the influence of transport properties. Meanwhile, the hydrological processes of groundwater flow could be modified by urbanization and result in increasing magnitude of urban floods in the underground river. In addition, sulfuric and nitric acids introduced by urbanization not only impact the karst groundwater quality, but also result in a significant perturbation to the carbon cycling system in the karst area.  相似文献   

Groundwater from karst subterranean streams is among the world’s most important sources of drinking water supplies, and the hydrochemical characteristics of karst water are affected by both natural environment and people. Therefore, the study of karst groundwater hydrochemistry and its solutes’ sources is very important to ensure the normal function of life support systems. This paper focused on the major ion chemistry and sulfate isotope of karst groundwater in Chongqing for tracing the sulfate sources and related hydrochemical processes. Hydrochemical types of karst groundwater in Chongqing were mainly of the Ca-HCO3 type or Ca(Mg)-HCO3 type. However, some hydrochemical types were the K + Na + Ca-SO4 type (G25 site) or Ca-HCO3 + SO4 type (G26 and G14 sites), indicating that the hydrochemistry of these sites may be strongly influenced by anthropogenic activities or unique geological characteristics. The δ34S-SO4 2? of collected karst groundwater sample fell into a range of ?6.8 to 21.5 ‰, with a mean value of 5.6 ‰. In dolomite aquifer, the δ34S-SO4 2? value ranges from ?4.3 to 11.0 ‰, and in limestone aquifer, it ranged from ?6.8 to 21.5 ‰. The groundwater samples from different land use types showed distinctive δ34S-SO4 2? value. The δ34S-SO4 2? value of groundwater samples had range of ?6.8 to 16.7 ‰ (mean 4.0 ‰, n = 11) in cultivated land areas, 1.5–21.5 ‰ (mean 7.2 ‰, n = 20) in forested land areas, and ?4.3 to 0.8 ‰ (mean ?1.7 ‰, n = 2) in coalmine areas. The δ34S-SO4 2? values of groundwater samples collected from factory area and town area were 2.2 and 9.9 ‰, respectively. According to the δ34S information of potential sulfate sources, this paper discussed the possible sulfate sources of collected karst groundwater samples in Chongqing. The variations of both δ34S and 1/SO4 2? values of the groundwater samples indicated that the atmospheric acid deposition (AAD), dissolution of gypsum (GD), oxidation of sulfide mineral (OS) or anthropogenic inputs (SF: sewage or fertilizer) contributed to sulfate in karst groundwater. The influence of oxidation of sulfide mineral, atmospheric acid deposit and anthropogenic inputs to groundwater in Chongqing karst areas was much widespread. For protecting, sustaining, and utilizing the groundwater resources, the sewage possibly originating from urban, mine or industrial area must be controlled and treated, and the use of fertilizer should be limited.  相似文献   

万家寨水库对库区岩溶地下水的补给作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
万家寨水库的修建,增加了黄河水对岩溶地下水的补给,改善了库区右岸的水文地质条件,从而可以增加黑岱沟和陈家沟门水源地的开采量,缓解当地的水资源危机.  相似文献   

Groundwater of the Tafilalet oasis system (TOS) is an important water resource in the lower Ziz and Rheris valleys of arid southeastern Morocco. The unconfined aquifer is exploited for domestic consumption and irrigation. A groundwater flow model was developed to assess the impact of climatic variations and development, including the construction of hydraulic structures, on the hydrodynamic behavior of the aquifer. Numerical simulations were performed by implementing a spatial database within a geographic information system and using the Arc Hydro Groundwater tool with the code MODFLOW-2000. The results of steady-state and transient simulations between 1960 and 2011 show that the water table is at equilibrium between recharge, which is mainly by surface-water infiltration, and discharge by evapotranspiration. After the commissioning of the Hassan Addakhil dam in 1971, hydraulic heads became more sensitive to annual variations than to seasonal variations. Heads are also influenced by recurrent droughts and the highest water-level changes are recorded in irrigated areas. The model provides a way of managing groundwater resources in the TOS. It can be used as a tool to predict the impact of different management plans for the protection of groundwater against overexploitation and deterioration of water quality.  相似文献   

In terms of hydrogeological, engineering-geological, and hydrotechnical tapping in karst in relation to ground waters, karst channels, springs and ponors, speleodiving is the only research method which enables direct observation, studying and exact geological mapping of karst channels and caverns. Data collected during speleodiving research contribute considerably to the analysis of karst evolution process in the given region, which is very important in evaluating the depth of karstification and determining the main direction of the groundwater flow. In the past 30 years in Serbia and Montenegro, speleodivers have investigated over 40 siphonal springs, active cave channels and ponors, of which more than 20 are proof of deep siphonal circulation in karstic aquifers. The karstic springs are the most interesting phenomenon from a hydrogeological view point, and their investigations need particular attention. Most of significant karstic springs are on the rims of erosion basins—perimeters of karst poljes, river valleys, sea coasts and contact areas between karst aquifers and hydrogeological barriers. General characteristics of the spring regime are the direct correlation between precipitation and spring discharge. Moreover, the hydrogeological regime of these springs also depends on the size of the catchment area, karstic aquifer retardation capacity, total porosity, as well as lithological and structural characteristics.  相似文献   

灵水泉为广西典型的构造型岩溶大泉,其泉域分布面积大,泉水具有出口多、流量大、动态较稳定等特点.近些年来,灵水泉出口流量呈现减少的趋势,而且水质也出现了轻微污染,引起当地政府的高度重视.为查明灵水泉含水介质特征与补给特性,综合采用地面调查、物探、钻探和地下水示踪等方法研究灵水泉岩溶管道分布特征,并圈定了灵水泉补给范围.研究成果表明:灵水泉上游岩溶管道结构为网络状,管道规模不大,呈带状集中分布;北部一带为该泉主要补给区,典型集中径流带长约8 km,宽200~700 m.根据同位素的高程效应,计算得出灵水泉补给高程为496 m,与圈出的补给范围高程相近,印证了调查结果.本研究可为制定灵水地下水资源的开发利用和保护方案提供依据.  相似文献   

综合考虑大武水源地复杂的水文地质条件,运用三维数值模拟技术,采用断层带状剖分方法,在大武水源地建立了地下水流动的三维数值模型.模型采用任意多边形网格有限差分法求解,把断层带作为单独的水文地质参数分区参与模型运算,较好地刻画了断层的性质,模拟计算水位结果与观测水位资料拟合检验效果良好.为了保证大武水源地岩溶地下水能够合理的持续开发利用,在此模型基础上和在不考虑上游太河水库放水条件下,模拟计算得出了平水段和枯水段水源地地下水的允许最大可开采量分别为39.7万m3/d和26.2万m3/d.  相似文献   

The structure, diversity and dynamics of microbial communities from a swallow hole draining agricultural land and two connected karst springs (Switzerland) were studied using molecular microbiological methods and related to hydrological and physicochemical parameters. Storm responses and an annual hydrological cycle were monitored to determine the short- and long-term variability, respectively, of bacterial communities. Statistical analysis of bacterial genetic fingerprints (16S rDNA PCR-DGGE) of spring water samples revealed several clusters that corresponded well with different levels of the allochthonous swallow hole contribution. Microbial communities in spring water samples highly affected by the swallow hole showed low similarities among them, reflecting the high temporal variability of the bacterial communities infiltrating at the swallow hole. Conversely, high similarities among samples with low allochthonous contribution provided evidence for a stable autochthonous endokarst microbial community. Three spring samples, representative for low, medium and high swallow hole contribution, were analysed by cloning/sequencing in order to identify the major bacterial groups in the communities. The autochthonous endokarst microbial community was mainly characterized of δ-Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria and Nitrospira species. A high percentage of unknown sequences suggested further that many karst aquifer bacteria are still undiscovered. Finally, the potential use of groundwater biomonitoring using microbial communities is discussed.  相似文献   

位于云贵高原面上宣威岩溶断陷盆地北东部的格宜镇,地貌类型为岩溶丘峰谷区,广泛分布碳酸盐岩地层,由于岩石建造和外地质应力的复杂性,在强烈的溶蚀作用下形成了多种多样的地貌形态,既有溶蚀形成的溶洞、洼地、谷地、落水洞等地表岩溶地貌,又有地下河管道等。通过水文地质学、岩溶学方法,对湖泊型串珠状湿地的构造、水文地质、岩溶发育特征进行研究,云贵高原面上串珠状岩溶湿地演化过程经历了地壳抬升期、南地壳稳定期、地壳再次抬升期三个阶段,在新构造运动作用下,由于地壳抬升,侵蚀基准下切等原因,岩溶管道在漫长的时间内垮塌、淤泥堵塞及岩溶发育的不均匀条件下了形成地表串珠状湿地。针对目前湿地面积的不断萎缩、减小问题,提出了具体的保护建议。  相似文献   

Elements of groundwater protection in a karst environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The large spread of karst in Yugoslavia (over one third of the territory) and the importance of its water resources due to the growing pollution of the environment lead to complicated research activities in various scientific fields. A multidisciplinary approach to this research should have the following basic directions: defining sources of pollution; classification of pollutants; defining hydrological, geological, and hydrogeological characteristics of the area studied; study of interaction among pollutants, groundwater, and rocks; and, finally, defining of specific protection measures. The prerequisite for any decision making should already exist in local and regional urban plans. Some basic principles of the listed directions of research are illustrated by examples from practice.  相似文献   

Karst aquifers represent important water resources in many parts of the world. Unfortunately, karst aquifers are characterised by high contamination risks. This paper presents a travel time based method for the estimation of karst groundwater vulnerability. It considers (1) physics-based lateral flow within the uppermost weathered zone (epikarst) in a limestone-dominated region and (2) high velocities of vertical infiltration at discrete infiltration points (e.g. sinkholes) or lines (e.g. dry valleys, faults). Consequently, the Transit Time Method honours the actual flow path within the unsaturated zone of a karst aquifer system. A test site in Northern Jordan was chosen for the demonstration of the assessment technique, i.e. the catchment area of the Qunayyah Spring north of the capital Amman. The results demonstrate that zones of highest vulnerability lie within valleys and nearby main fault zones. It also reveals that regions, categorised as protected areas by other methods due to thick unsaturated zones, contribute to a major degree to the total risk.  相似文献   

岩溶流域地下水调蓄资源量评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出了岩溶水资源调蓄资源量和调蓄系数的概念和评价方法,拓展了岩溶水资源评价的内容。基于水均衡原理,通过估算月度蒸散发量,求取参与调蓄的地下水月度储存量或释放量。选取了中国香溪河流域和清江流域,以及美国Meramec河流域,探讨对比了三个流域径流转化能力与调蓄资源量的差异;以Meramec泉和雾龙洞为例,分析了岩溶含水系统的调蓄作用。结果显示:在降水分布集中、流域坡度大、岩溶发育程度高的岩溶流域内,降水与径流的相关关系好,径流转化能力强,但调蓄能力弱;岩溶裂隙介质是岩溶含水系统对地下水进行调蓄的主要媒介,岩溶发育程度低、裂隙介质比例高的岩溶含水系统具有更强的调蓄能力。  相似文献   

选取黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata Royle)和水绵(Spirogyra communis,Hassall)作为研究对象,分析其对某铅锌矿尾矿库重金属废水的富集能力,综述重金属在黑藻和水绵体内的富集机制,探讨了利用黑藻和水绵进行岩溶矿山重金属污染水修复的应用前景。结果表明:黑藻和水绵体内的重金属绝对含量较高,并且植株长势良好,生物量大,说明这两种水生植物对重金属有避性或耐性。分析测试发现,在黑藻和水绵体内,重金属的富集系数较高,其中Pb最大,其后依次是As>Co>Mn>Cu>Cd>Zn>Ni>Cr,富集系数最少的是Hg,水绵体内的富集系数要大于黑藻。对比研究发现,这两类藻类体内的重金属含量和富集系数均高于非岩溶区。黑藻对重金属的富集机制主要有3种,即重金属作用下抗氧化酶活性增强、被动吸收和离子交换作用,而水绵特殊的分子生物结构可能是其吸附重金属的重要机制。黑藻和水绵在南方岩溶区广泛分布,利用黑藻和水绵修复重金属污染的岩溶水具有较好前景。   相似文献   

Korba aquifer is one of the most typical examples of overexploited coastal aquifer in the Mediterranean countries. In fact, from 1985, a considerable piezometric level drop, water salinization, and seawater intrusion were registered in the aquifer. In December 2008, Tunisian authorities initiated a general plan to groundwater management in order to augment groundwater resources, restore the piezometric levels, and improve water quality. The plan consists of artificial recharge of groundwater used treated wastewater through three infiltration basins. During the first 4 years (from December 2008 to December 2012), 1.41 Mm3 of treated wastewater was injected to the Korba aquifer. This study presents a hydrogeological assessment of groundwater evolution during the recharge processes. In this study, 32 piezometric and chemical surveys of 70 piezometers and observed wells are used to present hydrogeological investigation and water quality evolution of wastewater reuse through artificial recharge in Korba coastal aquifer. The piezometric evolution maps are used to specify the positive effect in groundwater level that exceeding 1.5 m in some regions. The interpretation of salinity evolution maps are used to indicate the improving of groundwater quality.  相似文献   

中国北方岩溶地下水污染分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来,受气候变化和强烈人类活动的影响,环境物质及能量多频次、大范围的输入,极大程度上改变着岩溶水系统的水环境质量,岩溶水生态环境遭受不同程度的威胁和破坏,岩溶水水质日趋恶化。本文归纳分析了我国北方岩溶水系统水质特征、污染现状、污染来源及污染途径。我国北方岩溶水水质类型中硫酸盐型水和氯化物型水的分布逐渐增加,主要污染组分为总硬度、SO42-、F-、NO3-和TDS等。其中硫酸盐和硝酸盐污染强度和范围最大,呈现出显著的人类活动影响特征。依据我国北方岩溶系统结构及水力学特征,将岩溶水污染途径概括为:①连续入渗型——主要包括岩溶区地表水(河流、水库等)渗漏污染,城镇污水渠或排污管道破损引起的污水渗漏污染;②越流型污染——污染孔/裂隙水(含矿坑水/老窑积水等)越流污染岩溶水;③间歇入渗型——固废淋溶入渗和污水灌溉渗漏污染等。据此提出了推进岩溶水水资源保护和污染防治的合理化建议。  相似文献   

This paper describes the role of groundwater contribution to surface flow at the Causse d’Aumelas, a karst system near Montpellier (France), which is traversed by an intermittent river, the Coulazou. A first hydrologic model integrating a digital terrain model shows the inability of a standard rainfall-runoff model to replicate recorded flood hydrographs. While the flood peaks are routed through the karstic system along the Coulazou without a phase lag, the peak magnitude is somewhat modified. These results indicate an initial karst system recharge followed by a significant contribution to surface flow. A hydrodynamic analysis of ground-water flow confirms these results: the karst system first absorbs part of the rainfall, which induces a general water table rise within the aquifer, and then contributes to surface flow in the Coulazou.  相似文献   

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