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The Dabu Cu-Mo porphyry deposit is situated in the southern part of the Lhasa terrane within the post-collisional Gangdese porphyry copper belt (GPCB). It is one of several deposits that include the Qulong and Zhunuo porphyry deposits. The processes responsible for ore formation in the Dabu deposit can be divided into three stages of veining: stage I, quartz–K-feldspar (biotite) ± chalcopyrite ± pyrite, stage II, quartz–molybdenite ± pyrite ± chalcopyrite, and stage III, quartz–pyrite ± molybdenite. Three types of fluid inclusions (FIs) are present: liquid-rich two-phase (L-type), vapor-rich two-phase (V-type), and solid bearing multi-phase (S-type) inclusions. The homogenization temperatures for the FIs from stages I to III are in the ranges of 272–475 °C, 244–486 °C, and 299–399 °C, and their salinities vary from 2.1 to 49.1, 1.1 to 55.8, and 2.9 to 18.0 wt% NaCl equiv., respectively. The coexistence of S-type, V-type and L-type FIs in quartz of stage I and II with similar homogenization temperatures but contrasting salinities, indicate that fluid boiling is the major factor controlling metal precipitation in the Dabu deposit. The ore-forming fluids of this deposit are characterized by high temperature and high salinity, and they belong to a H2O–NaCl magmatic–hydrothermal system. The H–O–S–Pb isotopic compositions indicate that the ore metals and fluids came primarily from a magmatic source linked to Miocene intrusions characterized by high Sr/Y ratios, similar to other porphyry deposits in the GPCB. The fluids forming the Dabu deposit were rich in Na and Cl, derived from metamorphic dehydration of subducted oceanic slab through which NaCl-brine or seawater had percolated. The inheritance of ancient subduction-associated arc chemistry, without shallow level crustal assimilation and/or input of the meteoric water, was responsible for the generation of fertile magma, as well as CO2-poor and halite-bearing FIs associated with post-collisional porphyry deposits. The estimated mineralization depths of Qulong, Dabu and Zhunuo deposits are 1.6–4.3 km, 0.5–3.4 km and 0.2–3.0 km, respectively, displaying a gradual decrease from eastern to western Gangdese. Deep ore-forming processes accounted for the generation of giant-sized Qulong deposit, because the exsolution of aqueous fluids with large fraction of water and chlorine in deep or high pressure systems can extract more copper from melts than those formed in shallow systems. However, the formation of small-sized Dabu deposit can be explained by a single magmatic event without additional replenishment of S, metal, or thermal energy. In addition, the ore-forming conditions of porphyry Cu–Mo deposits in GPCB are comparable to those of porphyry Cu ± Au ± Mo deposits formed in oceanic subduction-related continental or island arcs, but differ from those of porphyry Mo deposit formed in the Dabie-Qinling collisional orogens. The depth of formation of the mineralization and features of primary magma source are two major controls on the metal types and ore-fluid compositions of these porphyry deposits.  相似文献   

The Okrouhlá Radouň shear zone hosted uranium deposit is developed along the contact of Variscan granites and high-grade metasedimentary rocks of the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif. The pre-ore pervasive alteration of wall rocks is characterized by chloritization of mafic minerals, followed by albitization of feldspars and dissolution of quartz giving rise to episyenites. The subsequent fluid circulation led to precipitation of disseminated uraninite and coffinite, and later on, post-ore quartz and carbonate mineralization containing base metal sulfides. The fluid inclusion and stable isotope data suggest low homogenization temperatures (~50–140 °C during pre-ore albitization and post-ore carbonatization, up to 230 °C during pre-ore chloritization), variable fluid salinities (0–25 wt.% NaCl eq.), low fluid δ18O values (?10 to +2 ‰ V-SMOW), low fluid δ13C values (?9 to ?15 ‰ V-PDB), and highly variable ionic composition of the aqueous fluids (especially Na/Ca, Br/Cl, I/Cl, SO4/Cl, NO3/Cl ratios). The available data suggest participation of three fluid endmembers of primarily surficial origin during alteration and mineralization at the deposit: (1) local meteoric water, (2) Na–Ca–Cl basinal brines or shield brines, (3) SO4–NO3–Cl–(H)CO3 playa-like fluids. Pre-ore albitization was caused by circulation of alkaline, oxidized, and Na-rich playa fluids, whereas basinal/shield brines and meteoric water were more important during the post-ore stage of alteration.  相似文献   

The Zálesí vein-type deposit is hosted by Early Paleozoic high-grade metamorphic rocks on the northern margin of the Bohemian Massif. The mineralization is composed of three main stages: uraninite, arsenide, and sulfide. The mineral assemblages formed at low temperatures (~80 to 130°C, locally even lower) and low pressures (<100 bars). The salinity of the aqueous hydrothermal fluids (0 to 27 wt.% salts) and their chemical composition vary significantly. Early fluids of the oldest uraninite stage contain a small admixture of a clathrate-forming gas, possibly CO2. Salinity correlates with oxygen isotope signature of the fluid and suggests mixing of brines [δ 18O around +2‰ relative to standard mean ocean water (SMOW)] with meteoric waters (δ 18O around −4‰ SMOW). The fluid is characterized by highly variable halogen ratios (molar Br/Cl = 0.8 × 10−3 to 5.3 × 10−3; molar I/Cl = 5.7 × 10−6 to 891 × 10−6) indicating a dominantly external origin for the brines, i.e., from evaporated seawater, which mixed with iodine-enriched halite dissolution brine. The cationic composition of these fluids indicates extensive interaction of the initial brines with their country rocks, likely associated with leaching of sulfur, carbon, and metals. The brines possibly originated from Permian–Triassic evaporites in the neighboring Polish Basin, infiltrated into the basement during post-Variscan extension and were finally expelled along faults giving rise to the vein-type mineralization. Cenozoic reactivation by low-salinity, low-δ 18O (around −10‰ SMOW) fluids of mainly meteoric origin resulted in partial replacement of primary uraninite by coffinite-like mineral aggregates.  相似文献   

The Björkdal gold deposit, bound to a quartz vein system which is mainly hosted by a quartz-monzodioritic intrusion, is situated at the easternmost part of the 1.9 Ga Skellefte base metal district in the Fennoscandian shield. Three fluid stages may be distinguished, referred to as a “barren” stage, a main gold stage, and a remobilization stage, respectively. From oxygen and hydrogen isotope evidence, it is argued that fluids of different origins (magmatic and surface waters) penetrated the ore zone at the inferred stages, but regional metamorphic fluids appear essentially only to have redistributed elements. Early quartz veining took place during a pre-metamorphic stage at ca. 1.88 Ga, as evidenced by unradiogenic galena data and an Sm–Nd scheelite errorchron of 1,915 ± 32 Ma (MSWD = 0.25). Temporarily, the main ore-forming stage was closely related to the first barren stage and took place during a major uplift event close to 1.88 Ga. Although other source rocks cannot be totally ruled out, available isotope data (O, S, Sr and Pb) are seemingly consistent with the view that these elements, and by inference other ore elements, were derived from the host intrusion.  相似文献   

The Honghuagou Au deposit is located in the Chifeng-Chaoyang region within the northern margin of the North China Craton. The auriferous quartz veins are mainly hosted in the mafic gneiss and migmatite of the Neoarchean Xiaotazigou Formation along NNW- and NE-striking faults, with pyrite as the predominant ore mineral. The gold mineralization process can be divided into two stages, involving stage I quartz-pyrite and stage II quartz-calcite-polymetallic sulfide. Three types of fluid inclusions (FIs) have been identified in the Honghuagou deposit, namely, carbonic inclusions, aqueous‑carbonic inclusions, and aqueous inclusions. Quartz of stage I contains all types of FIs, whereas only aqueous inclusions are evident in stage II veins. The FIs of stages I and II yield homogenization temperatures of 275–340 °C and 240–290 °C with salinities of 3.4–10.7 wt% and 1.4–9.7 wt% NaCl eqv., respectively. The ore-forming fluids are characterized by medium temperature and low salinity, belonging to the H2O–NaCl–CO2 system. The δ18OH2O values of the ore fluids are between 2.1‰ and 5.9‰, within the range of enriched mantle-derived fluids in the North China Craton. The carbon isotope compositions of calcite (δ13CPDB = −4.4‰ to −4‰) are also similar to mantle carbon. He-Ar isotope data (3He/4He = 0.38–0.44 Ra; 40Ar/36Ar = 330–477) of fluid inclusions in pyrite indicate a mixed crustal and mantle source for the ore-forming fluids. Whereas, S-Pb isotope compositions of sulfides reveal that ore metals are principally derived from crustal rocks. On the basis of available geological and geochemical evidence, we suggest that the Honghuagou deposit is an orogenic gold deposit.  相似文献   

The Tikhoe epithermal deposit is located in the Okhotsk–Chukotka volcanic belt (OChVB) 250 km northeast of Magadan. Like other deposits belonging to the Ivan’insky volcanic–plutonic depression (VTD), the Tikhoe deposit is characterized by high-grade Au–Ag ore with an average Au grade of 23.13 gpt Au and Au/Ag ratio varying from 1: 1 to 1: 10. The detailed explored Tikhoe-1 orebody is accompanied by a thick (20 m) aureole of argillic alteration. Pyrite is predominant among ore minerals; galena, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, Ag sulfosalts, fahlore, electrum, and küstelite are less abundant. The ore is characterized by abundant Sebearing minerals. Cu–As geochemical specialization is noted for silver minerals. Elevated Se and Fe molar fractions of the main ore minerals are caused by their formation in the near-surface argillic alteration zone. The veins and veinlets of the Tikhoe-1 ore zone formed stepwise at a temperature of 230 to 105°C from Nachloride solution enriched in Mg and Ca cations with increasing salinity. The parameters of the ore-forming fluid correspond to those of epithermal low-sulfidation deposits and assume the formation of high-grade ore under a screening unit of volcanic rocks. In general, the composition of the ore-forming fluid fits the mineralogy and geochemistry of ore at this deposit. The similarity of the ore composition and parameters of the ore-forming fluid between the Tikhoe and Julietta deposits is noteworthy. Meanwhile, differences are mainly related to the lower temperature and fluid salinity at the Julietta deposit with respect to the Tikhoe deposit. The fluid at the Julietta deposit is depleted in most components compared with that at the Tikhoe deposit except for Sb, Cd, and Ag. The results testify to a different erosion level at the deposits as derivatives of the same ore-forming system. The large scale of the latter allows us to predict the discovery of new high-grade objects, including hidden mineralization, which is not exposed at the ore field flanks and beyond them.  相似文献   

The Igarapé Bahia Cu–Au deposit in the Carajás Province, Brazil, is hosted by steeply dipping metavolcano-sedimentary rocks of the Igarapé Bahia Group. This group consists of a low greenschist grade unit of the Archean (∼2,750 Ma) Itacaiúnas Supergroup, in which other important Cu–Au and iron ore deposits of the Carajás region are also hosted. The orebody at Igarapé Bahia is a fragmental rock unit situated between chloritized basalt, with associated hyaloclastite, banded iron formation (BIF), and chert in the footwall and mainly coarse- to fine-grained turbidites in the hanging wall. The fragmental rock unit is a nearly concordant, 2 km long and 30–250 m thick orebody made up of heterolithic, usually matrix-supported rocks composed mainly of coarse basalt, BIF, and chert clasts derived from the footwall unit. Mineralization is confined to the fine-grained matrix and comprises disseminated to massive chalcopyrite accompanied by magnetite, gold, U- and light rare earth element (LREE)-minerals, and minor other sulfides like bornite, molybdenite, cobaltite, digenite, and pyrite. Gangue minerals include siderite, chlorite, amphibole, tourmaline, quartz, stilpnomelane, epidote, and apatite. A less important mineralization style at Igarapé Bahia is represented by late quartz–chalcopyrite–calcite veins that crosscut all rocks in the deposit area. Fluid inclusions trapped in a quartz cavity in the ore unit indicate that saline aqueous fluids (5 to 45 wt% NaCl + CaCl2 equiv), together with carbonic (CO2 ± CH4) and low-salinity aqueous carbonic (6 wt% NaCl equiv) fluids, were involved in the mineralization process. Carbonates from the fragmental layer have δ13C values from −6.7 to −13.4 per mil that indicate their origin from organic and possibly also from magmatic carbon. The δ34S values for chalcopyrite range from −1.1 to 5.6 per mil with an outlier at −10.8 per mil, implying that most sulfur is magmatic or leached from magmatic rocks, whereas a limited contribution of reduced and oxydized sulfur is also evident. Oxygen isotopic ratios in magnetite, quartz, and siderite yield calculated temperatures of ∼400°C and δ18O-enriched compositions (5 to 16.5 per mil) for the ore-forming fluids that suggest a magmatic input and/or an interaction with 18O-rich, probably sedimentary rocks. The late veins of the Igarapé Bahia deposit area were formed from saline aqueous fluids (2 to 60 wt% NaCl + CaCl2 equiv) with δ18Ofluid compositions around 0 per mil that indicate contribution from meteoric fluids. With respect to geological features, Igarapé Bahia bears similarity with syngenetic, volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VHMS)-type deposits, as indicated by the volcano-sedimentary geological context, stratabound character, and association with submarine volcanic flows, hyaloclastite, and exhalative beds such as BIF and chert. On the other hand, the highly saline ore fluids and the mineral assemblage, dominated by magnetite and chalcopyrite, with associated gold, U- and LREE-minerals and scarce pyrite, indicate that Igarapé Bahia belongs to the Fe oxide Cu–Au (IOCG) group of deposits. The available geochronologic data used to attest syngenetic or epigenetic origins for the mineralization are either imprecise or may not represent the main mineralization episode but a later, superimposed event. The C, S, and O isotopic results obtained in this study do not clearly discriminate between fluid sources. However, recent B isotope data obtained on tourmaline from the matrix of the fragmental rock ore unit (Xavier, Wiedenbeck, Dreher, Rhede, Monteiro, Araújo, Chemical and boron isotopic composition of tourmaline from Archean and Paleoproterozoic Cu–Au deposits in the Carajás Mineral Province, 1° Simpósio Brasileiro de Metalogenia, Gramado, Brazil, extended abstracts, CD-ROM, 2005) provide strong evidence of the involvement of a marine evaporitic source in the hydrothermal system of Igarapé Bahia. Evaporite-derived fluids may explain the high salinities and the low reduced sulfur mineral paragenesis observed in the deposit. Evaporite-derived fluids also exclude a significant participation of magmatic or mantle-derived fluids, reinforcing the role of nonmagmatic brines in the genesis of Igarapé Bahia. Considering this aspect and the geological features, the possibility that the deposit was generated by a hydrothermal submarine system whose elevated salinity was acquired by leaching of ancient evaporite beds should be evaluated.  相似文献   

Gold mineralization at Chah Zard, Iran, is mostly concentrated in breccia and veins, and is closely associated with pyrite. Optical and scanning electron microscopy-backscattered electron observations indicate four different pyrite types, each characterized by different textures: porous and fractured py1, simple-zoned, oscillatory-rimmed, framboidal and fibrous py2, colloform py3, and inclusion-rich py4. Laser ablation ICP–MS analysis and elemental mapping reveal the presence of invisible gold in all pyrite types. The highest concentrations (161–166 ppm Au) are found in py2 and py4, which correlate with the highest As concentrations (73,000–76,000 ppm). In As-poor grains, Au concentrations decrease by about two orders of magnitude. Copper, Pb, Zn, Te, Sb, and Ag occur with invisible gold, suggesting that at least part of the gold occurs in nanoparticles of sulfosalts of these metals and metalloids. Gold distribution patterns suggest that only negligible Au was originally trapped in py1 from the initial ore fluids. However, most, if not all, Au was transported and deposited during subsequent overprinting hydrothermal fluid flow in overgrowth rims around the margins of the py2 and within microfractures of py4 grains. Oscillatory zonation patterns for Co, Ni, Sb, Cu, Pb, and Ag in pyrite reflect fluctuations in the hydrothermal fluid chemistry. The LA-ICP–MS data reveal that Cu, Pb and Ag show systematic variations between different pyrite types. Thus, Cu/Pb and Pb/Ag ratios in pyrite may provide a potentially powerful exploration vector to epithermal gold mineralization at Chah Zard district and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - The Lake Siah iron ± apatite deposit is situated in the Bafq Mining District (BMD), Central Iran. The iron ± apatite orebodies are hosted by a...  相似文献   

The Novogodnee–Monto oxidized Au–(Cu) skarn and porphyry deposit is situated in the large metallogenic belt of magnetite skarn and Cu–Au porphyry deposits formed along the Devonian–Carboniferous Urals orogen. The deposit area incorporates nearly contemporaneous Middle–Late Devonian to Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous calc-alkaline (gabbro to diorite) and potassic (monzogabbro, monzodiorite- to monzonite-porphyry, also lamprophyres) intrusive suites. The deposit is represented by magnetite skarn overprinted by amphibole–chlorite–epidote–quartz–albite and then sericite–quartz–carbonate assemblages bearing Au-sulfide mineralization. This mineralization includes early high-fineness (900–990?‰) native Au associated mostly with cobaltite as well as with chalcopyrite and Co-pyrite, intermediate-stage native Au (fineness 830–860?‰) associated mostly with galena, and late native Au (760–830?‰) associated with Te minerals. Fluid inclusion and stable isotope data indicate an involvement of magmatic–hydrothermal high-salinity (>20 wt.% NaCl-equiv.) chloride fluids. The potassic igneous suite may have directly sourced fluids, metals, and/or sulfur. The abundance of Au mineralization is consistent with the oxidized character of the system, and its association with Co-sulfides suggests elevated sulfur fugacity.  相似文献   

The enrichment of gold–quartz ores from the Rodionovskoe deposit in chalcophile elements (Au, Ag, As, Sb) is established. The ores are characterized by small negative Eu anomalies and low REE contents, which are typical of magmatic fluids. Slight enrichment of ores in Bi is evidence of the possible involvement of magmatic fluid in ore formation, which may have been superimposed on early metamorphic quartz veins and veinlets. The variously oriented REE patterns also indicate the presence of another magmatic fluid source, which could be related to the post-ore granitic intrusion. These results generally confirm the metamorphic–magmatic model of the formation of the gold–quartz deposits of the Yana–Kolyma belt. Our data are of practical interest for regional metallogenic forecasts, search, and evaluation of gold deposits.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal vein-type deposits of the Kabadüz region (Ordu, NE-Turkey) are located in Upper Cretaceous andesitic–basaltic rocks and were formed in fault zones along NW–SE direction lines, with thicknesses varying between a few centimetres up to 2 m. The primary mineral paragenesis of the many different ore veins consists of pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and tetrahedrite–tennantite, with quartz and lesser amounts of calcite and barite as gangue minerals. Electron microprobe analyses indicate that the sphalerite and tetrahedrite–tennantite have low Fe contents, with values less than 3.37 wt.% and 1.56 wt.%, respectively. The very low Ni and Co contents of the pyrites (< 0.04 wt.%) and the Zn/Cd ratio of the sphalerite (~ avg. 100) indicate that the hydrothermal solutions were related to felsic magmatic activity. The homogenisation temperatures and calculated salinity data vary between 180–436 °C and 0.4–14.7 NaCl % eq., respectively. A well-defined negative correlation between the Th and the salinity data suggests that meteoric water was involved in the hydrothermal solutions. Based on the measured first melting temperatures, CaCl2, MgCl2, NaCl and KCl were dominant in the fluid inclusions. The δ34S compositions of the pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and galena mineral separates of the investigated ore veins were measured at between 2.14 and − 1.47‰, and the oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions varied between 7.8–8.5‰ and − 40 − 57‰, respectively. Based on the sulphur, oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions, magmatic sources were confirmed for the hydrothermal solutions. Taking into account all of the above data and the granitic intrusions around the area, we concluded that younger granitic intrusions were responsible for the ore mineralisation around the Kabadüz region.  相似文献   

At Sams Creek, a gold-bearing, peralkaline granite porphyry dyke, which has a 7 km strike length and is up to 60 m in thickness, intrudes camptonite lamprophyre dykes and lower greenschist facies metapelites and quartzites of the Late Ordovician Wangapeka formation. The lamprophyre dykes occur as thin (< 3 m) slivers along the contacts of the granite dyke. δ18Omagma values (+5 to +8‰, VSMOW) of the A-type granite suggest derivation from a primitive source, with an insignificant mature crustal contribution. Hydrothermal gold–sulphide mineralisation is confined to the granite and adjacent lamprophyre; metapelite country rocks have only weak hydrothermal alteration. Three stages of hydrothermal alteration have been identified in the granite: Stage I alteration (high fO2) consisting of magnetite–siderite±biotite; Stage II consisting of thin quartz–pyrite veinlets; and Stage III (low fO2) consisting of sulphides, quartz and siderite veins, and pervasive silicification. The lamprophyre is altered to an ankerite–chlorite–sericite assemblage. Stage III sulphide veins are composed of arsenopyrite + pyrite ± galena ± sphalerite ± gold ± chalcopyrite ± pyrrhotite ± rutile ± graphite. Three phases of deformation have affected the area, and the mineralised veins and the granite and lamprophyre dykes have been deformed by two phases of folding, the youngest of which is Early Cretaceous. Locally preserved early-formed fluid inclusions are either carbonic, showing two- or three-phases at room temperature (liquid CO2-CH4 + liquid H2O ± CO2 vapour) or two-phase liquid-rich aqueous inclusions, some of which contain clathrates. Salinities of the aqueous inclusions are in the range of 1.4 to 7.6 wt% NaCl equiv. Final homogenisation temperatures (Th) of the carbonic inclusions indicate minimum trapping temperatures of 320 to 355°C, which are not too different from vein formation temperatures of 340–380°C estimated from quartz–albite stable isotope thermometry. δ18O values of Stage II and III vein quartz range from +12 and +17‰ and have a bimodal distribution (+14.5 and +16‰) with Stage II vein quartz accounting for the lower values. Siderite in Stage III veins have δ18O (+12 to +16‰) and δ13C values (−5‰, relative to VPDB), unlike those from Wangapeka Formation metasediments (δ13Cbulk carbon values of −24 to −19‰) and underlying Arthur Marble marine carbonates (δ18O = +25‰ and δ13C = 0‰). Calculated δ18Owater (+8 to +11‰, at 340°C) and (−5‰) values from vein quartz and siderite are consistent with a magmatic hydrothermal source, but a metamorphic hydrothermal origin cannot be excluded. δ34S values of sulphides range from +5 to +10‰ (relative to CDT) and also have a bimodal distribution (modes at +6 and +9‰, correlated with Stage II and Stage III mineralisation, respectively). The δ34S values of pyrite from the Arthur Marble marine carbonates (range from +3 to +13‰) and Wangapeka Formation (range from −4 to +9.5‰) indicate that they are potential sources of sulphur for sulphides in the Sams Creek veins. Another possible source of the sulphur is the lithospheric mantle which has positive values up to +14‰. Ages of the granite, lamprophyre, alteration/mineralisation, and deformation in the region are not well constrained, which makes it difficult to identify sources of mineralisation with respect to timing. Our mineralogical and stable isotope data does not exclude a metamorphic source, but we consider that the source of the mineralisation can best be explained by a magmatic hydrothermal source. Assuming that the hydrothermal fluids were sourced from crystallisation of the Sams Creek granite or an underlying magma chamber, then the Sams Creek gold deposit appears to be a hybrid between those described as reduced granite Au–Bi deposits and alkaline intrusive-hosted Au–Mo–Cu deposits.  相似文献   

Basal hydraulic breccias of alpine thin-skinned Muráň nappe were investigated by means of cathodoluminescence petrography, stable isotope geochemistry and fluid inclusions analysis. Our study reveals an unusual dynamic fluid regime along basal thrust plane during final episode of the nappe emplacement over its metamorphic substratum. Basal thrusting fluids enriched in 18O, silica, alumina, alkalies and phosphates were generated in the underlying metamorphosed basement at epizonal conditions corresponding to the temperatures of 400–450°C. The fluids fluxed the tectonized nappe base, leached evaporite-bearing formations in hangingwall, whereby becoming oversaturated with sulphates and chlorides. The fluids further modified their composition by dedolomitization and isotopic exchange with the host carbonatic cataclasites. Newly formed mineral assemblage of quartz, phlogopite, albite, potassium feldspar, apatite, dravite tourmaline and anhydrite precipitated from these fluids on cooling down to 180–200°C. Finally, the cataclastic mush was cemented by calcite at ambient anchizonal conditions. Recurrent fluid injections as described above probably enhanced the final motion of the Muráň nappe.  相似文献   

The Xinqiao deposit is one of several polymetallic deposits in the Tongling ore district. There are two types of mineralization in the Xinqiao: skarn-type and stratiform-type. The skarn-type mineralization is characterized by iron oxides such as magnetite and hematite, whereas stratiform-type mineralization is characterized by massive sulfides with small amounts of magnetite and hematite. We defined three types of ores within the stratiform-type mineralization by the mineral assemblages and ore structures. Type I ore is represented by magnetite crosscut by minor calcite veins. Type II is a network ore composed of magnetite and crosscutting pyrite. Type III is a massive ore containing calcite and hematite. Type I magnetite is characterized by highly variable trace element content, whereas Type II magnetite has consistently higher Si, Ti, V, and Nb. Type III magnetite contains more In, Sn, and As than the other two types. Fluid–rock interaction, oxygen fugacity (fO2), and temperature (T) are the main factors controlling element variation between the different magnetite types. Type I magnetite was formed by more extensive fluid–rock interaction than the other two types at moderate fO2 and T conditions. Type II magnetite is thought to have formed in relatively low fO2 and high-T environments, and Type III in relatively high fO2 and moderate-T environments. Ca?+?Al?+?Mn and Ti?+?V discrimination diagrams show that magnetite in the Xinqiao deposit is hydrothermal in origin and is possibly linked with skarn.  相似文献   

The Mount Black Pb‐Zn deposit is a quartz‐galena‐sphalerite replacement body in the Silurian Cooleman Limestone. Fluid inclusion homogenisation temperatures range from 120° to 170°C for paragenetically early sphalerite, to 210° to 315°C for late quartz, and 245° to 320°C for calcite from contiguous recrystallised limestone. Fluid salinities increased with rising temperature, during deposition of the minerals, and the fluid composition changed from NaCl‐rich to possibly CaCl2‐NaCl (‐?MgCl2)‐rich brines.

δ34S values of sphalerite and galena range from —8.1 to —2.7 per mil, and —13,5 to —4.4 per mil respectively. Although a magmatic source for sulphur is not excluded, it is suggested that most probably the sulphur was derived by biogenic reduction of sea‐water sulphate during diagenesis. Carbon and oxygen isotope data for the Cooleman Limestone range from compositions typical of Silurian marine carbonate in samples distant from the deposit, to fluctuating, but 12C‐ and 16O‐enriched in recrystallised material adjacent to the quartz‐sulphide rocks. 12C‐enrichment probably reflects organic carbon oxidation during karst formation, continuing later during limestone recrystallisation and accompanied by 16O‐enrichment during the action of saline formation waters.

The process of formation of the Mount Black deposit may have been analogous to that of Mississippi Valley‐type deposits, but modified by and/or resulting from, an increasing geothermal gradient caused by nearby synchronous intrusions.  相似文献   

The Yuerya gold deposit in eastern Hebei Province, China, is located on the eastern margin of the North China Craton and is hosted by Mesozoic Yanshanian granitoid rocks and adjacent Mesoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang Formation carbonates. The auriferous quartz veins in this deposit are dominated by pyrite, with subordinate sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and galena in a quartz-dominated gangue that also contains calcite, dolomite, barite, apatite, and fluorite. Gold is present as native gold and electrum, which are generally present as micron-size infillings in microfissures within pyrite and less commonly as tiny inclusions within pyrite, quartz, and tellurobismuthite. The pyrite in this deposit has high Co/Ni ratios and contains elevated concentrations of both of these elements, suggesting that the Yuerya gold deposit has a magmato-hydrothermal origin and that the ore-forming fluids that formed the deposit leached trace elements such as Co, Ni, As, and Au during passage through Archean metamorphic rocks, Mesoproterozoic carbonates, and the Yanshanian Yuerya granitoid. Pyrite in the study area has S/Se ratios and S isotopic compositions that suggest that the sulfur (and by inference the gold) within the deposit was sourced from magmato-hydrothermal fluids that were probably originally derived from Archean metamorphic rocks and Yanshanian granitoids. Tellurobismuthite in the study area is closely intergrown with gold and was the single telluride phase identified during this study. The fineness of gold associated with tellurobismuthite is greater than the fineness of gold associated with pyrite, although the fine particle size of the gold surrounded by tellurobismuthite means that the recovery of this gold is difficult, in turn meaning that the tellurobismuthite has little significance to the economics of the Yuerya gold deposit. Only trace amounts of sulfides are associated with the tellurobismuthite within the Yuerya gold deposit, suggesting that this mineral was deposited under conditions of low fS2 and/or high fTe2. In addition, the presence of tellurides within the Yuerya gold deposit reflects a genetic relationship between the deposit and magmatism. Quartz from mineralized veins in the study area has δ18O values of 11.2‰–12.9‰ and the fluids that formed these veins have δD values of − 78.3‰ to − 72.1‰. The δ34S values of pyrite within the deposit are rather restricted (2.3‰–3.5‰). These data, combined with the trace element geochemistry of sulfides within the deposit, suggest that the formation of the Yuerya gold deposit was closely related to both Archean metamorphic rocks and the Yanshanian Yuerya granitoid.  相似文献   

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