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The load/unload response ratio YQ with the geophysical parameter coda Q-1 of the crust as response is denned in this study.The variation in YQ-1 before and after the Northridge earthquake of January 17,1994(California)has been investigated by using the data of coda Q-1 with frequencies of 1.5,3.0,6.0,12.0,and 24.0 Hz in the Southern California from 1987 to 1994.It can be found that YQ-1 for coda waves with all frequencies,the frequency of 12.0 Hz excluded,ascended to a certain extent prior to the occurrence of the rnainshock and returned to normality after the main shock.  相似文献   

In this paper, the theory of the load/unload response ratio is applied to the prediction of the reservoir-induced earthquakes, and variation of the load/unload response ratio Y preceding the occurrence of main shocks of the reservoir-induced earthquakes in Xinfengjiang, Foziling, Danjiangkou, and Shenwo. The results show that the load/unload response ratio Y rises evidently prior to the main shocks.  相似文献   

Implementing acoustic emission experiments with large rock samples, LURR (Load/Unload Response Ratio) theory was studied. The loading conditions in the experiments were designed to simulate the complicated loading process of underground rocks. The damages emerging inside the rock samples were recorded by the acoustic emission technique during the loading process. The experimental results were consistent with prediction by LURR theory. Integrating the changing processes of LURR value Y and the location process of acoustic emission events showed agreement between the variation of LURR value Y and the damage evolution inside the rocks. Furthermore, the high value of Y emerged before the complete breakdown of materials. Therefore, the damage evolution of rock specimen can be quantitatively analyzed with LURR theory, thus the failure of the rock materials and the earthquake occurrence may be predicted. The experimental results gave a further verification of LURR theory.  相似文献   

加卸载响应比(LURR)理论的实验研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
利用大尺度岩石试件破坏声发射实验,对加卸载响应比(Load/Unload Response Ratio)理论进行了实验研究。实验采用的加载条件力求能够模拟地下岩石的复杂受力过程。在加载过程中,岩石试件内部出现的损伤用声发射技术进行了记录。实验数据经过分析之后所得的结论与加卸载响应比理论预测的结果相符合。把加卸载响应比值Y的变化情况与声发射事件定位的过程相对比,也可以进一步看出岩石材料内部的损伤发展过程与加卸载响应比Y值的变化具有一致性。而高Y值的异常情况出现,又是在材料发生最终破坏之前,所以,可以用加卸载响应比理论定量地分析岩石试件损伤演化情况,从而对岩石材料的破坏及地震做出预测。实验结果再一次验证了加卸载响应比理论。  相似文献   

将海南岛及其近海的地震应变能作为响应因子,对该地区的中强以上的地震在震前的加卸载响应比异常特征进行了分析和研究,认为地震前的加卸载响应比异常是该地区中期或者短期的前兆异常,为该地区中短期地震监测和预报提供了一种手段。  相似文献   

黑龙江及周边地区中强地震前加卸载响应比特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取所研究区域地震能量的贝尼奥夫应变(相当于室内岩石实验中的声发射)作为响应,以黑龙江及其周边地区2005年以来14次ML 5.0以上地震作为震例,检验卸载响应比理论的预测效果,提取异常特征,初步总结该方法的时、空、强预测指标,发现具有一定的预报效能。  相似文献   

运用地磁加卸载响应比方法(LURR)对华北地区23个地磁台站2008—2014年的数字化地磁相对记录数据进行计算分析,结果显示华北地区7年内发生了38次共计10组加卸载响应比异常,其中7组有震例对应,在选定的24次震例中16次有震前异常。经统计发现各次异常发生时其异常面积与最大异常强度成正比关系,各组异常内累计异常台站数量与组内地震辐射能量有一定相关性。对有震例的7组异常分析后认为多数情况下组内各次异常之间有一定联系,主要表现为位置的连续性及继承性,并且发现震中位置和异常位置分布有一定关系。  相似文献   

祁连山地震带两次中强地震前的加卸载响应比异常   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了祁连山地震带两次中强地震前的加卸载响应比异常特征,讨论了基于天然地震序列的样本条件对加卸载响应比计算结果的影响,提出处理序列中4.0级以上地震的新方法。  相似文献   

平谷台地磁加卸载响应比与地震   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
将磁暴过程作为地球磁场对太阳风的加卸载响应,分析了平谷台1995年1月至1998年4月期间磁暴场的暴时扰日变化Ds(Z)的响应比值P(Z)的变化。发现P(Z)高值与平谷台550km,左右范围内MS≥50的中强主震有较好的对应。  相似文献   

该文首先将汶川余震序列分成西南、 东北两段, 用加卸载响应比方法分别进行分析, 结果表明震后两段的响应比值都比较低, 明显小于1, 这可判断汶川地震属于主余震型地震; 且地震序列中的强余震(M≥5.0)发生前加卸载响应比值出现明显异常, 大都是加卸载响应比出现峰值, 之后发生强余震。 考虑到主震后余震的时空丛集现象, 结合ETAS模型对原有的加卸载响应比计算式进行改造, 并分析了主震之后15天的改造后响应比值, 发现改造后的响应比在一定程度上消除了丛集的影响, 并展示了对紧随主震发生的强余震的预测能力。  相似文献   

The load/unload experiments on rock failure under pressure have been carried out in Material Test System (MTS) in the Laboratory for Non-linear Mechanics of Continuous Media (LNM), Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and load/unload response ratio (LURR) values with strain as response (i.e. inverse elastic constant as response rate) have been obtained. The experimental results are in accordance with theoretical results and those in real earthquakes: LURR rises just before rock failure. So LURR can be used as the precursor of rock failure and earthquake prediction.  相似文献   

利用加卸载响应比理论在1994年底对中国大一年左右尺度的地震趋势预测,总体上是符合实际情况的。在1995年还发展了基于高响应比区向未来震中延迁移、全聚的规律对地震的时空强参数进行预测的方法。并据此对云南孟连地震作了中期预测,该次地震的时空强参数都在预测范围内。  相似文献   

罗杰 《华南地震》2008,28(1):85-91
以地震应变能作为响应因子,研究了1997至2007年赣粤闽交界及邻区4.0级(ML≥4.0)以上中强地震临震前的加卸载响应比(Y值)的基本变化特征,研究结果表明,80%以上的地震在临震前Y值呈现出高值异常形态。因而它可以作为此地区地震预测的一种手段。  相似文献   

加卸载响应比理论用于矿震预测的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
加卸载响应比(LURR)理论是一种前景很好的中期地震预测方法,通常在强烈地震发生前的数月至1~2年LURR出现高值,因而LURR可以作为强烈天然地震的前兆,用此方法曾经成功地预测过Northridge地震(1994年1月17日,M6.7,美国加州),Kanto地震(1996年9月11日,M6.6,日本)及不少发生在中国的天然地震。用房山煤矿1992年8月至1993年7月的微震资料,计算了全年内7组M>2.1矿震前的加卸载响应比Y值,其中5组矿震前Y值均明显大于1(Y≥2.9)。以上结果表明,加卸载响应比理论有可能用于矿震的预测。  相似文献   

Thespatialtemporalevolutioncharacteristicsoftheload/unloadresponseratio(LURR)anditsimplicationsforpredictingthethreeelementso...  相似文献   

加卸载响应比(LURR)是根据岩石应力-应变关系的动态演化规律提出的地震预测方法。以Benioff应变为响应量,分析青海玛多M_S7.4地震前震中及其周边400 km内的LURR异常的演化特征发现,在震前一个月LURR值达到最高值,半个月之后出现高值回落的现象,说明此时孕震区岩石介质已进入屈服阶段的末端。在此基础上,利用NOAA卫星地面长波辐射(OLR)数据,分析高值回落后(5月14—25日)地面长波辐射值的短临异常演化规律。结果显示:震前在空间上仅仅在震中北部出现OLR显著且连续的短临异常变化并呈现向震中扩展的趋势,在时间上整个演化过程经历了初始增温-异常扩展-达到峰值-异常减弱-地震发生-异常消失等6个阶段。LURR和OLR震前短临异常特征说明,回落前的LURR高值反映了岩石介质屈服阶段的结束,OLR在一定程度上可以表征处于临界状态的活动断层的构造应力累积状态,综合研究两种物理参量震前异常演化特征,有助于更准确评估地震活动趋势。  相似文献   

地球磁场对太阳风的加卸载响应与地震   总被引:28,自引:10,他引:28  
将磁暴过程作为地球磁场对太阳风的加卸响应,计算分析了北京地磁台1965.1-1979.12和1989.1-1991.12共18年垂直分量Z的暴时场Dst加卸载响应比值fD(Z)的变化。  相似文献   

IntroductionThetheoryoftheload/unloadresponseratio(LURR)hasbeenproposedabouttenyears(YIN,YIN,1991).Thetheoreticalstudieshavebeendevelopedfromtheoreticalanalysistorockexperimentandnumericalsimulation(SHI,etal,1994;WANG,etal,1999).IncharacteristicsoftheLURRanomalies,atfirst,weonlyanalyzedthevariationoftheload/unloadresponseratio(LURR)versustimeinthefixedregions(YIN,etal,1994;YIN,etal,1995).Thenwestudiedthetempo-spatialevolutionfeaturesoftheLURRintheseismogenicprocessanddevelopedthe…  相似文献   

IntroductionIn the book Future CataS~ologr published in 1992, we proposed a viewpoiflt on using the"criterion of activity in quiescence" to predict big eathquake (MsZ7) (GUO, et al, 1992), and predicted in the book that in futore several years or in ten years a big earthquake (Ms27) will be possible to occur in the Zhongdian and nearby in Yunnan Province. In the 1994 nation-wide earthquake tendency consultation meeting we pointed out, once more, in the Zhongdian region of Yunnan Province…  相似文献   

We summarise the results of seismological studies related to triggering mechanisms, driving forces and source processes of the West Bohemia/Vogtland earthquake swarms with the aim to disclose the role of crustal fluids in the preparation, triggering and governing of the swarms. We present basic characteristics distinguishing earthquake swarms from tectonic mainshock-aftershock sequences and introduce existing earthquakes swarm models. From the statistical characteristics and time-space distribution of the foci we infer that self-organization is a peculiarity of West Bohemia/Vogtland swarms. We discuss possible causes of the foci migration in these swarms from the viewpoint of co-seismic and/or post-seismic stress changes and diffusion of the pressurized fluids, and we summarize hitherto published models of triggering the 2000-swarm. Attention is paid to the source mechanisms, particularly to their non-shear components. We consider possible causes of different source mechanisms of the 1997-and 2000-swarms and infer that pure shear processes controlled solely by the regional tectonic stress prevail in them, and that additional tensile forces may appear only at unfavourably oriented faults. On data from the fluid injection experiment at the HDR site Soultz (Alsace), we also show that earthquakes triggered by fluids can represent purely shear processes. Thus we conclude that increased pore pressure of crustal fluids in the region plays a key role in bringing the faults from the subcritical to critical state. The swarm activities are mainly driven by stress changes due to co-seismic and post-seismic slips, which considerably depend on the frictional conditions at the fault; crustal fluids keep the fault in a critical state. An open question still remains the cause of the repeatedly observed almost simultaneous occurrence of seismic activity in different focal zones in a wider area of West Bohemia/Vogtland. The analysis of the space-time relations of seismicity in the area between 1991 and 2007 revealed that during a significant part of this time span the seismicity was switching among distant focal zones. This indicates a common triggering force which might be the effect of an increase of crustal-fluid pore-pressure affecting a wider epicentral region.  相似文献   

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