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河谷地形的地震反应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
震害现象显示在一些覆盖层很薄的基岩河谷山区地震动分布差异明显.为了厘清各形状要素的均质地形模型对地震动特性的影响,侧重分析了河谷坡角、坡高及不对称坡体等要素对均质体河谷模型的地震动(PGA)的影响.研究结果表明:河谷地形谷底内部的地面运动幅值在坡角40°~50°范围内达到最大值;在高坡角的河谷内波衰减比较慢,波形相对较复杂;在深宽比较小时,高频和低频脉冲的地面加速度峰值都呈现同样的变化趋势,且谷底地面各个位置PGA变化不明显,随着深宽比的增加,高频脉冲的地震反应变化复杂,出现谷底中心加速度幅值大于山脚;河谷的不对称形状对谷底PGA有影响,谷底PGA最大的位置靠近坡高小的一侧,且坡角大的一侧山脚附近谷底PGA要小一些,即坡度和高差越大,会很大程度地增加河谷两侧坡体的临空面,并增大地震加速度的放大系数,凸起地形对地震响应有放大作用,对它附近区域却有抑制作用,而且坡高、坡角越大,抑制作用越明显.  相似文献   

基于动力子结构方法的场地地震反应分析方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文验证了将约束子结构法引入到复杂场地地震反应分析的可行性,并在此基础上提出了两种进一步提高计算效率的简化措施。结合土层有限元模型的自身特点,提出了标准子结构的概念,通过设置标准子结构,可减少相同子结构的重复计算。基于约束子结构本身的性质,假定土层计算区域为局部非线性,可简化等效线性化分析过程,通过数值试验给出了局部非线性区域的取值范围。算例表明,上述简化措施在提高大规模复杂场地地震反应分析计算效率方面具有显著的优势。  相似文献   

地形对地震烈度衰减的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文采用阶跃截面固体的一维弹性波传播模型,研究了地形对地震烈度衰减的影响。采用固体入射纵波来模拟无地形影响的地震烈度衰减;采用固体透射波来模拟有地形影响的地震烈度衰减。利用阶跃截面处的放松连续条件,得出了烈度与高度差的近似定量关系。同时,以新疆地区逆冲走滑型地震为例,讨论了烈度与高度差的近似定量关系描述地形对地震烈度衰减影响的有效性。  相似文献   

Based on the Anapa (ANN) seismic station records of ~40 earthquakes (MW > 3.9) that occurred within ~300 km of the station since 2002 up to the present time, the source parameters and quality factor of the Earth’s crust (Q(f)) and upper mantle are estimated for the S-waves in the 1–8 Hz frequency band. The regional coda analysis techniques which allow separating the effects associated with seismic source (source effects) and with the propagation path of seismic waves (path effects) are employed. The Q-factor estimates are obtained in the form Q(f) = 90 × f 0.7 for the epicentral distances r < 120 km and in the form Q(f) = 90 × f1.0 for r > 120 km. The established Q(f) and source parameters are close to the estimates for Central Japan, which is probably due to the similar tectonic structure of the regions. The shapes of the source parameters are found to be independent of the magnitude of the earthquakes in the magnitude range 3.9–5.6; however, the radiation of the high-frequency components (f > 4–5 Hz) is enhanced with the depth of the source (down to h ~ 60 km). The estimates Q(f) of the quality factor determined from the records by the Sochi, Anapa, and Kislovodsk seismic stations allowed a more accurate determination of the seismic moments and magnitudes of the Caucasian earthquakes. The studies will be continued for obtaining the Q(f) estimates, geometrical spreading functions, and frequency-dependent amplification of seismic waves in the Earth’s crust in the other regions of the Northern Caucasus.  相似文献   

—Shear (S) waves differ from compressional (P) waves because of their lower propagation velocities, their lower frequencies and due to the different character of their particle motion. The move-out of travel-time branches of S-wave reflections is different from P waves owing to the difference in the propagation velocities. To distinguish between P and S waves requires broadband-frequency acquisition, long receiver arrays and three-component recording. S-wave generation at the source and P-to-S-wave conversion at crustal interfaces can be very efficient, implying that there is a real danger of misinterpreting signals if only vertical components are used. On the other hand, integrated P- and S-wave studies promise to provide very efficient lithological discriminators in the crystalline crust, in particular concerning the quartz content, and indicators for rock anisotropy, which can be interpreted for the existence of fine layering, the direction of the recent stress regime (alignments of micro-fractures) or for the direction of palaeo-stress (alignments of minerals).  相似文献   

依据地震地质构造和断裂带几何特征,将临汾盆地及其周缘划分为6个研究区域,运用近27年经过精确定位的区域台网地震资料,采用多个地震活动参数值的组合,结合震源深度分布、历史强震背景,分析临汾盆地及其周缘各研究区的现今活动状态。结果表明,现今应力水平较高的3个区域分别为洪洞—临汾凹陷、侯马凹陷和峨眉台地。其中,洪洞—临汾凹陷为1303年洪洞8.0级地震的破裂区,现今应力水平仍然较高,其中深部出现的小震活动稀疏段可能表明其正处于破裂区的恢复阶段;侯马凹陷至峨嵋台地北缘自有史料记载以来,没有记录到M6以上地震,现今地震活动特征显示其处于较高应力水平下的相对闭锁状态,属于未来强震的危险区段;灵石隆起、辛置凸起和襄汾凸起现今应力水平相对较低,以中小地震活动为主要特征,强震危险性较小。  相似文献   

The first P-arrival-time data from 513 local earthquakes were analyzed to study lateral variation of the depth to the Conrad and Moho discontinuities beneath the Chugoku and Shikoku districts, southwest Japan, as well as to determine earthquake hypocenters and P-wave station corrections. The depth to the discontinuity was estimated by minimizing the travel-time residuals of more than 8700 first P arrivals observed at 55 seismic stations. The Conrad and Moho discontinuities are located within depth ranges of 15–25 km and 30–40 km, respectively. The Moho is deeper under the mountain area than under the Seto Inland Sea area, and especially deep under the Pacific Coast of the Shikoku district and the mountain area in the Chugoku district. The depth variation of the Moho is quite similar to the Bouguer gravity anomaly distribution and the lateral variations of the P-wave velocity. The deep Moho under the southern Shikoku is located at the portion in which the continental Moho under the island arc meets the oceanic Moho that is the boundary interface between the oceanic crust and the Philippine Sea (PHS) plate dipping toward the back arc. Although there are high mountains in the northern and middle Shikoku, the Moho is not so deep because subduction of the PHS plate prevents the Moho from getting deep, while the Moho is deep due to isostatic balance under the mountain area in the Chugoku district. In addition, we indicated the possibility that the upper boundary of the oceanic crust just above the high-velocity PHS plate is in contact with the deep Moho under the western Chugoku. The contact of the Moho with the oceanic crust can explain the markedly negative gravity anomaly observed in the western Chugoku and the later phase that appears just after the first P arrival from local earthquakes.  相似文献   

储层物性参数作为描述储层特性、储层建模和流体模式的重要指标,其准确估算可以为储层预测提供有力参考依据,但传统储层物性参数反演方法无法兼顾反演精度及空间连续性。针对上述问题,本文引入地震属性作为深度学习算法输入,针对地震属性之间存在的信息冗余特征,利用随机森林-递归消除法对地震属性进行约简预处理,最终建立一种基于地震属性约简的储层物性参数预测方法。实际数据测试结果表明,地震属性约简的深度学习储层物性参数预测结果具有良好的精度及横向分辨率,证实本文方法的有效性。  相似文献   

伽师-阿图什震区地壳深部结构特征的探测与研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对两条测深剖面资料的处理计算和综合研究后发现,研究区壳幔结构具有明显的分层性。不同的地质构造块体在速度结构,构造特征上显示出较大差异。上,下地壳的分界C界面和M界面是具有较大起伏变化的界面,由伽师下方最浅的30.0km(C界面),45.5km(M界面)向西昆仑山区急剧加深至44.0km和70.0km;塔里木块体较高的速度结构意味着地壳结构和对“稳定”的特性;根据伽师地区震源深度大多分布在20-40km这一现象,可以认为,C,M界面的局部隆起,低速异常体和深大断裂的存在对于伽师强震群的孕育和发生具有一定的控制作用。  相似文献   

利用海上大容量气枪震源、陆上地震台站(包括流动台站和固定台站)和海底地震仪首次在台湾海峡地区开展了深地震探测试验。试验结果表明, “延平2号”科考船气枪枪阵信号最远传播距离达280km, 成功获得了数万道高质量的地震数据, 并且识别了不同类型的P波震相。HX9剖面一维地壳结构模型表明, 由2个速度间断面产生的Pc及PmP两组反射波和基底折射波(Pg)所反映的地壳结构构成了该区基本的地壳结构特征, 康拉德界面和莫霍界面的深度分别为16.0~17.5 、28.0~29.5km。  相似文献   

The Buyuk Menderes Graben is a depression in the Menderes core complex of western Turkey. The region is one of the most rapidly deforming regions of continental crust in the world and has exceptionally high seismic activity. In this study, shallow and deep seismic studies were conducted at the Buyuk Menderes graben. These studies included surface geological mapping and two seismic reflection sections. Detailed modelling was performed with the seismic study. In addition to these, a moving windows power spectrum was applied to the Bouguer gravity profile data of the study area. Since no deep well is available in this area, the geological interpretation of the seismic stratigraphy is based on the correlation with the surface geology, this was combined with the major reflections and the seismic facies observed along the profiles, and, thus, four main seismic units can be distinguished in the basin fill. Structural features of the basin is driven by a complex extensional faults system, consisting of a low-angle, S-dipping Buyuk Menderes detachment and by its synthetic and antithetic splays, bordering the opposite flanks of the basin. As a result of conventional deep seismic reflection sections and gravity data, three layers were defined in the study area. The first layer occurs at a thickness of 6 km, and the second layer is between 13 and 18 km. The third layer is at ~33 km and may also emphasize Moho depth. The Buyuk Menderes graben has three clear reflectors which are base sediments, brittle-ductile transition, Moho and faults that show a half-graben floored by a detachment. The Moho depth is comparable with previous estimates. According to the results obtained, Bouguer gravity and seismic results are very much consistent with each other. It was observed that at the depths determined from seismic and gravity data, the distribution percentage of earthquake focal depths also rises.  相似文献   

赵明  陈石 《地震》2021,41(1):166-179
将识别地震的深度学习算法PhaseNet应用于四川台网和首都圈台网,对该模型的泛化能力进行了测试和评估。首先利用2010年1月至2018年10月首都圈台网199个地震台站记录的29328个事件(ML0~ML4)所对应的126761段事件波形,以及2019年4—9月四川及邻省部分台网227个地震台站记录的16595个事件(ML0~ML6.0)所对应的120233段事件波形分别建立了SC和CA测试数据集,并用预训练好的PhaseNet模型进行P、 S震相自动识别和到时拾取,并将拾取结果与人工拾取结果在不同误差阈值下进行对比。测试结果表明, PhaseNet在两个数据集上具有良好的震相检测能力(误差阈值为0.5 s),其P、 S震相检测的F1值都超过0.75,具有比较稳定的准确拾取P波到时能力(误差阈值0.1 s),其检测F1值均超过0.6,而S波到时拾取的F1值分别为0.33(SC)和0.53(CA)。进一步分析了测试结果与震中距、震级、...  相似文献   

The structure of Cerdanya Basin (north-east of Iberian Peninsula) is partly known from geological cross sections, geological maps and vintage geophysical data. However, these data do not have the necessary resolution to characterize some parts of Cerdanya Basin such as the thickness of soft soil, geometry of bedrock or geometry of geological units and associated faults. For all these reasons, the main objective of this work is to improve this deficiency carrying out a detailed study in this Neogene basin applying jointly the combination of passive seismic methods (H/V spectral ratio and seismic array) and electromagnetic methods (audio-magnetotelluric and magnetotelluric method). The passive seismic techniques provide valuable information of geometry of basement along the profile. The maximum depth is located near Alp village with a bedrock depth of 500 m. The bedrock is located in surface at both sites of profile. The Neogene sediments present a shear-wave velocity between 400 and 1000 m/s, and the bedrock basement presents a shear-wave velocity values between 1700 and 2200 m/s. These results are used as a priori information to create a 2D resistivity initial model which constraints the inversion process of electromagnetic data. We have obtained a 2D resistivity model which is characterized by (1) a heterogeneous conductivity zone (<40 Ohm m) that corresponds to shallow part of the model up to 500 m depth in the centre of the profile. These values have been associated with Quaternary and Neogene sediments formed by silts, clays, conglomerates, sandstones and gravels, and (2) a deeper resistive zone (1000–3000 Ohm m) interpreted as Palaeozoic basement (sandstones, limestones and slates at NW and conglomerates and microconglomerates at SE). The resistive zone is truncated by a discontinuity at the south-east of the profile which is interpreted as the Alp-La Tet Fault. This discontinuity is represented by a more conductive zone (600 Ohm m approx.) and is explained as a combination of fractured rock and a fluid network. The result highlights that the support between different geophysical methods is essential in producing geophysical meaningful models.  相似文献   

本文介绍了STM-PC微机系列上实现的地震测深资料现场收录系统,其中包括对模拟磁带地震记录进行A/D转换、数据采集等。在研究中,对时标信号的采集方式、六响报时信号处理、模拟回放电路的改进与采集速率等方面进行了试验,为高质量地进行A/D转换取得了经验。本文是以海城震区的实际资料为基础,对A/D转换的精度与效果进行了统计与分析,结果表明,该收录系统对模拟地震记录的A/D转换精度达到了规范要求。该收录系统与一般微机系列兼容,适用于我国目前使用的几种模拟磁带地震记录仪。  相似文献   

Utilizing data from controlled seismic sources to image the subsurface structures and invert the physical properties of the subsurface media is a major effort in exploration geophysics. Dense seismic records with high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and high fidelity helps in producing high quality imaging results. Therefore, seismic data denoising and missing traces reconstruction are significant for seismic data processing. Traditional denoising and interpolation methods rarely occasioned rely on noise level estimations, thus requiring heavy manual work to deal with records and the selection of optimal parameters. We propose a simultaneous denoising and interpolation method based on deep learning. For noisy records with missing traces, we adopt an iterative alternating optimization strategy and separate the objective function of the data restoring problem into two sub-problems. The seismic records can be reconstructed by solving a least-square problem and applying a set of pre-trained denoising models alternatively and iteratively.We demonstrate this method with synthetic and field data.  相似文献   

The data on magnetic susceptibility, thermomagnetic, and hysteresis parameters of bottom sediments from the North Caspian Basin demonstrate at least two types of temporal variations in their magnetic properties: relatively large-scale variations related to the transgressive-regressive rhythms of the sea level oscillations, and small-scale variations likely determined by local features of sedimentation and the magnetic fraction of the deposits. The latter is reflected in loamy sediments of transgressive phases, the magnetic fraction of which is largely composed of Fe sulfides, and primarily greigite.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—Analysis of P- and S-receiver functions for 19 seismic stations on the Balkan Peninsula has been performed. Half of the stations are in...  相似文献   

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