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中国电离层TEC现报系统   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
作为最重要的电离层参量之一,电离层电子浓度总含量(TEC)可以通过当前广泛使用的全球定位系统(GPS)的信标进行观测.我们在我国北起漠河、经北京和武汉、南到三亚四个观测站建立了GPS接收站,经单站数据处理后将原始的单站GPS TEC观测数据上载到北京数据处理中心;采用我们发展的经验基函数模式算法,用实测数据估算格点TEC并提供给用户,同时生成覆盖中国疆域的TEC地图并在因特网上实时发布.这一电离层TEC现报系统是我国首个类似的技术系统,在观测站布局和TEC地图算法上有所创新.该系统已用于实时监测我国电离层环境,并可为我国卫星定位导航和测控等技术系统的电波修正提供实测电离层数据.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The work presents an analysis of changes in the correlation coefficient between the total electron content variations at magnetically conjugate points calculated based...  相似文献   

By analyzing the variations of global electron content (GEC) during geomagnetic storm events, the ratio “GEC/GECQT” is found to be closely correlated with geomagnetic Kp index and time weighted Dst index, where GECQT is the quiet time reference value. Moreover, the GEC/GECQT will decrease with the increase of the solar flux F10.7 index. Furthermore, we construct a linear model for storm-time response of GEC. Eighty-two storm events during 1999–2011 were utilized to calculate the model coefficients, and the performance of the model was tested using data of 8 storm events in 2012 by comparing the outputs of the model with the observed GEC values. Results suggest that the model can capture the characteristics of the GEC variation in response to magnetic storms. The component describing the solar activity influence shows a counteracting effect with the geomagnetic activity component; and the influence of Kp index causes an increase of GEC, while the time weighted Dst index causes a decrease of GEC.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - Under the assumption that the evolution of the total electron content (TEC) in a quiet ionosphere can be described within the framework of the linear dynamic-stochastic...  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The features of the annular solar eclipse of June 21, 2020, in variations of the ionospheric total electron content (TEC) were analyzed using GPS observations of the IGS...  相似文献   

邹镇宇  张俊  薛兵 《地震》2012,32(3):78-86
地震数据采集是数字化地震观测的重要环节, 因为模拟数字转换器(A/D)是地震数据采集器的重要部件, A/D的技术水准在很大程度上决定了数据观测质量。 放大器及A/D的漂移和 1/f噪声是数据采集器漂移的主要来源, 对以低频信号观测为主要特征的地震观测有较大影响。 为降低其影响, 本文在算法上对此问题做了一些探讨, 在目前autozero技术上做出一些改进, 即用调制解调技术来降低1/f噪声对信号精度的影响, 并做了相应的算法模拟。 在此基础上, 对算法做了进一步改进, 利用高次谐波加权求和使输出信噪比得到一定程度的提高。 结果表明, 通过优化解调算法, 可以进一步提高信噪比约2 dB, 对试验电路获得的测试数据应用优化解调算法也证实了这一点。  相似文献   

West African countries have been exposed to changes in rainfall patterns over the last decades, including a significant negative trend. This causes adverse effects on water resources of the region, for instance, reduced freshwater availability. Assessing and predicting large-scale total water storage (TWS) variations are necessary for West Africa, due to its environmental, social, and economical impacts. Hydrological models, however, may perform poorly over West Africa due to data scarcity. This study describes a new statistical, data-driven approach for predicting West African TWS changes from (past) gravity data obtained from the gravity recovery and climate experiment (GRACE), and (concurrent) rainfall data from the tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) and sea surface temperature (SST) data over the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. The proposed method, therefore, capitalizes on the availability of remotely sensed observations for predicting monthly TWS, a quantity which is hard to observe in the field but important for measuring regional energy balance, as well as for agricultural, and water resource management. Major teleconnections within these data sets were identified using independent component analysis and linked via low-degree autoregressive models to build a predictive framework. After a learning phase of 72 months, our approach predicted TWS from rainfall and SST data alone that fitted to the observed GRACE-TWS better than that from a global hydrological model. Our results indicated a fit of 79 % and 67 % for the first-year prediction of the two dominant annual and inter-annual modes of TWS variations. This fit reduces to 62 % and 57 % for the second year of projection. The proposed approach, therefore, represents strong potential to predict the TWS over West Africa up to 2 years. It also has the potential to bridge the present GRACE data gaps of 1 month about each 162 days as well as a—hopefully—limited gap between GRACE and the GRACE follow-on mission over West Africa. The method presented could also be used to generate a near-real-time GRACE forecast over the regions that exhibit strong teleconnections.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - Numerical values of the criteria for the efficiency of the determination of the critical frequency of the F2 layer of ionosphere over European Russia are calculated with...  相似文献   

An investigation of the response of the mid-high, mid and low latitude critical frequency foF2 to the geomagnetic storm of 15 July 2000 is made. Ground-based hourly foF2 values (proportional to square root of peak electron density of F2-layer) from four chains of ionospheric stations located in the geographic longitude ranges 10°W–35°E, 60°E–120°E, 130°E–170°E, 250°E–295°E are used. Relative deviations of foF2 are considered. The main ionospheric effects for the considered storm are: long-duration negative disturbances at mid-high latitudes in summer hemisphere in sectors where the storm onset occurred in the afternoon/night-time hours; short-duration positive disturbances in the summer hemisphere at mid-high latitudes in the pre-sunset hours during the end of main phase-first stage of the recovery; small and irregular negative disturbances in the low latitude winter hemisphere which predominate during the main phase and first part of the recovery, and positive disturbances in both hemispheres at mid-high and mid latitudes prior to the storm onset irrespective of the local time. In addition, the validity of some physical mechanisms proposed to explain the F2 region behaviour during disturbed conditions is considered. gus-mansilla@hotmail.com  相似文献   

Conventional method of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) using the Cornell–McGuire approach requires identification of homogeneous source zones as the first step. This criterion brings along many issues and, hence, several alternative methods to hazard estimation have come up in the last few years. Methods such as zoneless or zone-free methods, modelling of earth’s crust using numerical methods with finite element analysis, have been proposed. Delineating a homogeneous source zone in regions of distributed seismicity and/or diffused seismicity is rather a difficult task. In this study, the zone-free method using the adaptive kernel technique to hazard estimation is explored for regions having distributed and diffused seismicity. Chennai city is in such a region with low to moderate seismicity so it has been used as a case study. The adaptive kernel technique is statistically superior to the fixed kernel technique primarily because the bandwidth of the kernel is varied spatially depending on the clustering or sparseness of the epicentres. Although the fixed kernel technique has proven to work well in general density estimation cases, it fails to perform in the case of multimodal and long tail distributions. In such situations, the adaptive kernel technique serves the purpose and is more relevant in earthquake engineering as the activity rate probability density surface is multimodal in nature. The peak ground acceleration (PGA) obtained from all the three approaches (i.e., the Cornell–McGuire approach, fixed kernel and adaptive kernel techniques) for 10% probability of exceedance in 50?years is around 0.087?g. The uniform hazard spectra (UHS) are also provided for different structural periods.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The behavior of the critical frequency of the F2 layer, foF 2, during the 3 days preceding a magnetic storm is analyzed. A total of 254 storms in 1976–2010...  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - An attempt is made in this study to evaluate the potential predictability of the TEC field (its deviation from the weekly average) at hourly time scales based on...  相似文献   

目前横波预测的方法大致可以分为两种:经验公式预测和理论岩石物理模型。由于经验公式预测一般具有区域性,研究者更重视岩石物理模型预测。目前大多数岩石物理模型预测横波的方法假定地下流体的物性参数(速度和密度)不受地层深度的影响,且孔隙扁率是恒定的,实际上这并不科学。因为矿物的体积模量和剪切模量随所处地层深度发生改变,而对于孔隙扁率则随颗粒形状、孔隙度等的变化有较大变化。针对这些情况,提出一种新的改进的Xu-White横波预测方法,并可取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

郑洪艳  田晓 《中国地震》2020,36(2):305-316
采用启发式分割算法(BG算法)对唐山台跨断层形变观测时间序列进行均值突变检测。以此为基础,通过计算突变前后子序列均值变化量,探讨唐山台跨断层形变的阶段性变化特征。结合台站及其周围典型震例,分层次统计突变距离发震日的时间间隔,计算虚报率、漏报率和R值,并对唐山台跨断层形变的预报效能进行定量评估。结果显示,唐山台跨断层形变阶段性变化特征显著;各测项突变后对应发生地震的概率均不低于50%,突变距发震日的最短时间间隔自当天到2个月不等;水准的预报效能整体上略优于基线,而断层垂向分量和张压分量的预报效能整体上优于走滑分量。  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - Ionosonde measurements of the critical frequency of the ionospheric F2 layer (foF2) at Wakkanai station (Japan) are analyzed with the method of superposed epochs. The...  相似文献   

李晋 《华南地震》2010,30(Z1):161-166
针对广州市部分城区震害预测项目,结合广州城市发展情况,分析了基础资料的采集更新需求,对利用遥感解译技术采集建筑物等相关信息,通过一定的技术分析和处理,实现对震害预测基础资料的数据更新进行了可行性分析。  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The paper proposes a model for predicting the integral daily fluxes (fluences) of relativistic electrons (RE) (E > 2 MeV) of the Earth's outer radiation belt...  相似文献   

谱分解技术在储层预测中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的: 在传统的地震资料解释中存在着复杂地质体的反射层位准确拾取难、沿单一解释层位提取属性不客观等不足。文中介绍一种适用于三维地震数据体的短时窗谱分解和调谐三维体技术。方法:该技术针对薄层单元地质体计算属性,它利用有限带宽地震子波内各种频率分量特性。结果:精细刻划复杂地质体内部地层反射特征,从而客观揭示复杂储层的纵横向变化趋势。结论:以缝洞型碳酸盐岩溶洞实例结果说明方法的有效性。  相似文献   

We present a methodology to construct three-dimensional deformation maps using different parameters that can be extracted using SAR data. We apply the methodology using ENVISAT SAR data before and after the December 26th, 2003 Mw 6.6 Bam earthquake in Iran to determine spatial quasi-continuous three-dimensional coseismic deformation maps. Two near vertical deformation offset components are computed using Envisat ASAR differential interferometry (DInSAR), while two horizontal deformation offset components are measured using sub-pixel correlation techniques applied to ASAR amplitude images. Using the presented methodology, we combine four unevenly precise independent projections of surface coseismic deformation to obtain the full three-dimensional coseismic deformation field caused by an earthquake. The full 3-D coseismic displacement vector is modeled using elastic deformation models constraining details of the fault geometry and slip distribution at depth. Results from the inversion are interpreted in the framework of the Iranian present-day tectonism. Full exploitation of dense 3-D coseismic surface deformation using SAR data, even for moderate earthquakes, should facilitate distinguishing between different interpretations of the mechanical properties of seismically active areas and within the inherent ambiguity of the geophysical inversion solutions.  相似文献   

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