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Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The relationship between the fractional area of coronal holes and the maximum velocity of the fast solar wind at 1 AU based on AIA/SDO and ACE/SWEPAM observations is...  相似文献   

In this contribution we discuss the geometry-free GPS single baseline model and show how the least-squares ambiguities are affected by changes in the stochastic model. We particularly pay attention to the effect of time correlation, cross-correlation and satellite elevation dependence. We also differentiate between the impact on the location of the ambiguity search space and the impact on the size and shape of the search space. The analysis is carried out for both the model in which the ionospheric delays are assumed absent, and for the model in which they are assumed present. The former model is applicable to short baselines only.  相似文献   

张风霜  畅柳 《地震》2017,37(1):92-102
利用2010—2015年陆态网络GPS连续观测站的三维站坐标时序资料, 在采用最大似然估计MLE方法计算得到云南地区GPS基准站三维站坐标分量最优噪声模型的基础上, 进一步定量对比分析了有色噪声和白噪声模型下陆态网络GPS连续站速度场稳定性与时间序列长度的关系。 结果表明: 在闪烁噪声模型下, 中国大陆大部分地区GPS连续站1 a时段的速度不确定度大。 而随着时间的逐年累积, 闪烁噪声模型下的速度不确定度与同时段白噪声模型下的差异逐步减小, 闪烁噪声模型下3~4 a时段的速度不确定度与同时段白噪声模型的差异小于0.2 mm。 研究说明在有色噪声模型下要获得高精度的速度场需要3~4 a的观测数据, 白噪声模型下GPS速度场精度可靠可信的前提是采用不少于3~4 a的数据。  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The results of the forecasting of quasi-stationary and transient solar wind streams velocity for a period from May to December 2010 are presented. The velocity of...  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - This paper considers the possibility of the deep trough formation in the integral amplitude–frequency dependence of the wave field at the classical limiting paths...  相似文献   

The nuclear interactions of solar-flare-accelerated protons and ions with the solar atmosphere and the deeper layers of the Sun lead to the formation of several stable and radioactive isotopes. This article examines the GEANT4 depth profiles of 2H, 3H, 3He, 6Li, 7Li, 10Be, and 14C. When accelerated particles pass through a layer of 0.1–2 g cm–2, 6Li, 7Li, 10Be, and 14C isotopes form in sufficient amounts to explain their anomalous abundances in lunar soil samples. It is assumed that they escape into interplanetary space with coronal mass ejections immediately after the flare.  相似文献   

In this paper, the correlation coefficient between the ion fluxes in the solar wind and the magnetosheath is analyzed with the use of data of two satellites of the THEMIS mission and the THEMIS/Spektr-R satellites obtained in 2008 and 2011?2014, respectively. We have distinguished the conditions in which a high level of correlation between the measurements in the solar wind and the magnetosheath is observed, i.e., the correlation coefficient exceeds 0.7. As key factors, we consider both direct parameters of the solar wind, such as the density, the magnetic field magnitude, the magnetosonic Mach number, and the ratio β of the thermal pressure to the magnetic, and a more general factor—the type of large-scale structure of the solar wind. In addition, the effect of the satellite location in the magnetosheath relative to its boundaries—the bow shock and the magnetopause—on the correlation level is considered. It has been shown that, in roughly one third of cases, the plasma structures of the solar wind undergo a strong modification at the bow shock and in the magnetosheath, which results in a low correlation level corresponding to a correlation coefficient of less than 0.5; a high correlation level is observed in half of cases, i.e., the plasma structures are weakly disturbed. It has been determined that (1) the low correlation level in the magnetosheath behind quasi-perpendicular bow shock is more often observed near the magnetopause than in region just behind the bow shock, (2) the probability of observations of a high correlation level is independent of the profile shape of the quasi-perpendicular bow shock, and (3) the high correlation is more probable for the events corresponding to the solar wind of the Corotating Interaction Region (CIR) type than for those with the other solar wind types observed in the considered period.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The dependence of the local annual asymmetry index AI on solar activity has been analyzed based on daily data on the noon values of the F2-layer maximum electron...  相似文献   

Parameters of the interplanetary magnetic field and solar wind plasma during periods of 163 isolated substorms have been studied. It is shown that the solar wind velocity V and plasma density N remain approximately constant for at least 3 h before substorm onset Т o and 1 h after Т o . On average, the velocity of the solar wind exhibits a stable trend toward anticorrelation with its density over the whole data array. However, the situation is different if the values of V and N are considered with respect to the intensity of substorms observed during that period. With the growth of substorm intensity, quantified as the maximum absolute value of AL index, an increase in both the solar wind plasma velocity and density, at which these substorms appear, is obsreved. It has been found that the magnitude of the solar wind dynamic pressure P is closely related to the magnetosphere energy load defined as averaged values of the Kan–Lee electric field EKL and Newell parameter dΦ/dt averaged for 1 h interval before Т o . The growth of the dynamic pressure is accompanied by an increase in the load energy necessary for substorm generation. This interrelation between P and values of EKL and dΦ/dt is absent in other, arbitrarily chosen periods. It is believed that the processes accompanying increasing dynamic pressure of the solar wind result in the formation of magnetosphere conditions that increasingly impede substorm generation. Thus, the larger is P, the more solar wind energy must enter the Earth’s magnetosphere during the period of the growth phase for substorm generation. This energy is later released during the period of the substorm expansion phase and creates even more intense magnetic bays.  相似文献   

— Pressure-induced variations in pore geometry were studied on dry- and fluid- saturated samples by means of electrical impedance spectroscopy and permeability measurements. Hydrostatic pressures (up to 120 MPa) and uniaxial pressures (up to failure) were applied. Hydrostatic pressures reduce the aspect ratio of cracks and thus cause a decrease of permeability and electrical bulk conductivity. The opposite was observed in uniaxial pressure experiments where new cracks were formed and consequently permeability and electrical conductivity were increased. More specific informations of these generated observations were derived from the interpretation of the frequency dispersion of the complex electrical conductivity. This least-squares-refinement considers electrochemical interactions between the fluid pore electrolyte and the inner surface of the sample, thus providing informations on the pore geometry and pressure-induced variations. Consequently changes in aspect ratio, size and geometry of the pore system can be detected by means of impedance spectroscopy.  相似文献   

基于环境激励的桥梁健康监测方法是未来的发展方向。我们采用宽频带地震计Guralp CMG-6TD,建立了在线桥梁监测系统,对北京市昌平区鲁疃西路大桥进行了连续监测。分别使用随机子空间识别获得桥梁模态参数和尾波干涉法监测桥梁波速变化。结果表明:(1)采用的高灵敏度宽频带速度型地震计,能够连续准确记录宽频带范围内的三分量振动信号,非常适用于长期桥梁动态监测;(2)基于连续记录的环境激励信号,随机子空间法能够稳定可靠地识别桥梁低阶模态参数,尾波干涉法能够连续精确地监测桥梁材料的细微波速变化;(3)温度变化会引起桥梁材料的弹性模量发生显著变化。波速变化呈现振幅为1%的日变化特征,与温度变化呈明显的反相关性,温度敏感系数约为。同时模态频率的变化不太明显,说明波速可能是比模态频率更为敏感的量化损伤指标;(4)模态频率是桥梁整体状态的一种度量,而波速变化可以监测桥梁局部材料弹性性质的变化。将这两者结合起来,利用环境激励信号,连续准确识别桥梁模态频率以及监测波速变化,对于桥梁健康监测具有潜在重要应用价值。  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The statistical, nonlinear, nonmonotonic dependence of the daily mean values of the solar “constant” on the daily Wolf numbers has been established. The...  相似文献   

—We examine the possibility of seismic anisotropy in the asthenosphere due to present plate motion using SKS splitting results. The fast directions of anisotropy correlate weakly with the directions of the absolute plate motion (APM) for all APM models. Weak correlation indicates the possibility of asthenospheric anisotropy as well as frozen anisotropy in the lithosphere. Detection of strain rate dependence of anisotropy is helpful to further conclusion of the problem. The selection of reference frame is important to describe shear deformation in the asthenosphere beneath continent due to plate motion. The behavior of hot spots to the mesosphere, fixed or drifted by mantle return flow, is a key of the selection of the reference frame. For the NNR-NUVEL1 model, APM correlated anisotropy appears only at plate velocity faster than 1.4 cm/yr. It suggests the new possibility of the formation of asthenospheric anisotropy in addition to frozen anisotropy in the lithosphere. A critical plate velocity for the formation of anisotropy can be caused by the dislocation-diffusion transition as a function of strain rate on a deformation mechanism map of the upper mantle olivine.  相似文献   

系统自振频率限制是海上风机结构设计中的一个关键因素。运行状态下风机动力荷载会引起基础的水平侧移,较大的水平侧移会导致基础刚度的降低,进一步影响风机系统的自振频率。该文基于有限元软件ABAQUS平台,建立单桩式海上风机结构系统的自振频率数值模型,并讨论运行状态下基础水平侧移对大直径海上风机系统自振频率的影响。模型中考虑了塔筒的变截面特性;桩-土相互作用通过p-y曲线方法模拟;桩和塔采用梁单元模拟;通过Pushover分析汇总出水平侧移引起的桩顶水平刚度。研究结果表明:桩基侧向位移会降低风机结构体系的自振频率;桩基侧向位移对基频的影响较小,对高阶频率的影响显著;大直径海上风机的频率计算中可忽略风机运行状态对体系自振频率的影响。  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - Forbush decreases of cosmic rays are caused by two types of solar sources: coronal holes and coronal mass ejections. In some cases, the identification of the solar...  相似文献   

Summary The effect of the IMF sector boundary crossing (IMF SBC) in the vorticity area index (VAI) — the well-known dip in the VAI after IMF SBC — is found to be independent of the IMF SBC effect in the cosmic ray flux. This finding refutes a recent suggestion by Lundstedt [1] that the IMF SBC effect in VAI is caused by a decrease in cosmic ray flux, but supports the concept of the IMF SBC effects in the ionosphere and atmosphere developed by Latovika [2–4]. Cosmic rays seem to affect the troposphere in another way.
¶rt;mu nu mau nam aum n ( ) a u¶rt; na¶rt;u aumu () — um uu n — a¶rt; auu m ma nm uu . mm mam nam ¶rt;a n¶rt;u ¶rt;m¶rt;a [1], m m a nuu nma uu , n¶rt;¶rt;uam nu m u u am, aum amu [2–4]. am m uu u m um a mn ¶rt;u a.

Many earthquakes occurred during the period 1994 -1996 in Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces, Southwest China. Taking the process of the initial main phase recovery phase of the magnetic storm as the process of load-unload response of the geomagnetic field to the solar wind, we have estimated and analyzed the distribution in time and space of the load-unload response ratio P(z) of the storm time disturbance daily variation of the vertical component Z of the geomagnetic field at ten stations in Southwest China. We found that the area with high ratio P(z) was just the area where moderately strong earthquakes would occur from 44 days to 15 months later. The relationship between the high ratio P(z) and weather disasters in both seismic and non-seismic areas is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The correlation between the variations of geomagnetic cutoff rigidity ΔR and interplanetary parameters and the Dst index of geomagnetic activity during one moderate...  相似文献   

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