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Geotectonics - Studies carried out by the authors show that the uplift of Central Asia situated between the eastern Alpine–Himalayan and western Altai–Stanovoy orogenic belts formed in...  相似文献   

华北东部上地幔破裂带   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用天然地震的走时和S波震相的层析成像方法可以提供上地幔S波速度扰动精细图像。我们对华北东部(32°~44°N,114°~126°E)进行了高分辨率S波地震层析成像研究,揭示了苏鲁及环渤海地区上地幔速度结构的差异,为研究该区域深部构造演化提供新的地球物理证据和制约。本次成像取得的最醒目的成果是揭示了由波速剧烈变化指示的两条上地幔破碎带,它们分别出现在渤海湾裂谷区与苏鲁超高压变质带下方。苏鲁超高压变质带下方上地幔破碎带包含多个有序排列的高速团块,推测与扬子走滑并向前俯冲、以及前锋超高压变质块体拆沉及折返作用有关。地幔地震S波速的成像结果支持华北东部渤海湾地区发育地幔热羽柱体系的观点,并对地幔热羽柱的鉴识提供了新的标识。  相似文献   

青藏高原及其部分邻区地震各向异性和土地幔特征   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
通过研究在青藏高原及其部分邻区由三分量宽频地震资料获得的剪切波各向异性的特征,得出了上地幔构造的若干认识,在本区200km以上的上地幔范围内各向异性的方向性变化主要是上地幔物质运移方向的影响,各地体的岩石圈与地壳在相当长时间内是连贯的运移,各向异性的主要方向决定于上地幔承受的主应力剪切作用方向常常与地表的山系和构造方向不一致,最强的各向异性特征出现在高速体地体边缘,与深部热的地幔物质有关,在各地体边缘的走滑断裂附近各向异性与断裂带走向一致。  相似文献   

Measurements of shear wave splitting at 43 three-component seismic stationsshow very big difference in anisotropy on both sides of the Indus-Yarlung Zangbo suture(ITS), but little difference on both sides of the older Bangong-Nujiang suture (BNS) and theJinsha River suture (JS) to its north. Obvious discrepancy exists between the anisotropy direc-tion and the superficial tectonic trends, which is not explicable directly by the coherent uppermantle deformation usually supposed to occur in consistency with the trend of a collisional belt.On the other hand, strong spatial relationships are observed from the anisotropy results, such asthe orthogonal directions of anisotropy on both sides of ITS and the good correlation betweenthe region of larger magnitude of anisotropy and the zone of inefficient Sn propagation ofQiangtang as well as the systematic rotation of the directions of anisotropy, which should testifysome much more complicated aspects of the continental convergence mechanism. To the best ofour data, we tend to suppose that the Qinghai-Tibet plateau might result from a mechanismcomplicated by the coexistence of Argand's underthrusting and Dewey's diffuse deformation.  相似文献   

南黄海盆地中部隆起上古生界沉积环境探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CSDP-2井是大陆架科学钻探计划(CSDP)在南黄海盆地中部隆起实施的第一口连续取芯井,完井深度2 843.18 m,平均取芯率高达97.7%。综合利用该井岩芯、测井、岩石薄片及古生物化石资料,准确识别出南黄海盆地中部隆起上古生界的岩石类型、沉积构造、岩性组合序列等特征,进而探讨研究区沉积环境及其垂向演化规律。研究结果显示:CSDP-2井所钻遇的二叠系、石炭系、泥盆系地层既包含碎屑岩也包含碳酸盐岩,发育了三角洲相、滨岸相、潮坪相、碳酸盐岩台地相、浅海陆棚相等多种沉积相类型;南黄海盆地晚古生代先后经历了两个完整的海侵-海退旋回,自下而上发育碎屑岩浅海-潮坪沉积体系、碳酸盐岩潮坪-潟湖-颗粒滩沉积体系和碎屑岩三角洲沉积体系,反映了研究区由海相向海陆过渡相逐渐演化的沉积充填过程。  相似文献   

CaCO3 is an important component of marine sediments and one of the major deep-carbon carriers at subduction zones. Some subducted CaCO3 can be dissolved in subduction fluids and recycled back to the surface via arc volcanoes degassing. At the same time, there still remain large amounts of CaCO3 and its reaction products, which could be further transported into Earth’s deep interior. These internal processes link atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere with the deep...  相似文献   

Fluids and Melts in the Upper Mantle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a direct study of the fluids and melts in the upper mantle by examining the fluid inclusions, melt inclusions and glasses trapped in the mantle lherzolite xenoliths entrained by Cenozoic alkali basalts (basanite, olivine-nephelinite and alkali-olivine basalt) from eastern China. The study indicates that the volatile components, which are dissolved in high-pressure solid mineral phases of mantle peridotite at depths, may be exsolved under decompressive conditions of mantle plume upwelling to produce the initial free fluid phases in the upper mantle. The free fluid phases migrating in the upper mantle may result in lowering of the mantle solidus (and liquidus), thereby initiating partial melting of the upper mantle, and in the meantime, producing metasomatic effects on the latter.  相似文献   

以详细的岩石学研究为基础,综合利用碳、氧、锶同位素等地球化学资料,深入分析了塔里木盆地中央隆起区上寒武统—下奥陶统白云石化流体演化规律以及白云岩成因机制。结果表明,上寒武统白云岩主要由泥晶—粉晶白云岩、微生物白云岩和(残余)颗粒白云岩等原始结构保留较好的白云岩构成,其C、Sr同位素与同期海水相近,O同位素值偏正,属于同生/准同生期与轻微蒸发海水有关的白云石化的产物;下奥陶统白云岩以细晶自形—半自形白云石为主,原始结构保留差,其C、Sr同位素与同期海水近似,但O同位素值略微偏负,主要为浅埋藏期白云石化的产物。部分早期白云岩在中—深埋藏过程中受埋藏重结晶和构造—热液白云石化的影响,形成细晶—粗晶他形白云岩和缝洞鞍形白云石充填物,该阶段白云石化流体主要来自于地层内封存的海源流体、深部热液以及蒸发岩层间热卤水,多期多源流体的共同作用导致该类白云岩具有较宽的Sr同位素组成和明显负偏的O同位素值。总体上,研究区白云岩具有早期形成(近地表到浅埋藏期大规模交代)、中期加强(中—深埋藏期部分重结晶)、晚期改造(热液局部调整)的整体演化趋势。  相似文献   

在塔里木盆地中央隆起区,下古生界白云岩储层中的白云石充填物从形态上可分为菱形和鞍状两类,它们具有不同的岩石学特征,菱形白云石内部结构简单均一,而鞍状白云石内部结构比较复杂,由内核、环带和外缘三部分组成。地球化学组成分析表明,菱形白云石可能形成于成岩作用的早期,成岩物质可能来源于改造的海水,其沉淀是一个相对稳定的过程,后期仅少量受到富铁流体的改造。而鞍状白云石的形成则可能与断裂诱发的深部热流体活动密切相关,其物质可能来源于深部热液在运移过程中对围岩白云石的溶解,鞍状白云石内部复杂的结构可能反映了断裂的幕式活动。因此,两类白云石充填物反映了不同的成岩流体环境,特别是鞍状白云石很可能是热液溶蚀作用发生的重要标志。在白云岩储层研究中,今后需要进一步深入详细分析充填物的产状、充填作用发生的时间和机制,对于研究分析白云岩储层形成机制和储层预测都有重要意义。  相似文献   

The Huimin (惠民) depression is a third-level tectonic element of the Bohai (渤海) Bay basin in eastern China. The central uplift belt is the most important oil and gas accumulation zone in the depression, but the lack of adequate geological studies in the area has greatly hindered exploration and development. In this article, using seismic data, fracture mechanics, and a combination of data on fault growth indices and fault throws, we present an analysis of tectonic activity in the central uplift belt and adja...  相似文献   

According to computed results of the mantle traction field beneath the lithosphere based on satellite-modelled gravity anomalies of different degrees, it has been revealed that the three types of mantle convection on different scales existing in the South China Sea region is the key factor controlling the geodynamics. The mantle convection models on large and middle scales have been proved by natural seismic S-wave tomographic data and interpreted by using the present mantle plume concept In consideration of other relevant geological and geophysical data, the authors put emphasis on discussing the expression form, origin and age of the Indochina mantle plume and its important effect on the conversion of organic matter and hydrocarbon accumulation in Cenozoic basins.  相似文献   

支霞臣  秦协 《地球科学》2006,31(1):23-30
Re-Os同位素体系为研究地幔的成分-结构-演化提供了新的地球化学示踪和定年的工具.上地幔Os同位素组成演化的球粒陨石模型是Re-Os体系用于地幔物质定年的基础, 尤其在采用Re亏损模式年龄和Os同位素代理等时线年龄时.综合了铁陨石和各类球粒陨石、地幔橄榄岩包体和蛇绿岩豆荚状铬铁矿的Re-Os同位素体系研究的近期成果, 为认识对流上地幔Os同位素组成的演化提供了制约.对河北遵化蛇绿岩豆荚状铬铁矿岩的研究, 获得新太古代(2.5 Ga)时形成豆荚状铬铁矿的对流上地幔的187Os/188Os=0.110 2, 与球粒陨石型模式的一致.文献中常用的球粒陨石模式的参数如下: 地球形成时(4.558 Ga)初始值187Os/186Os为0.095 31, 现代值分别采用碳质球粒陨石的187Os/186Os比值为0.127 0和原始上地幔(PUM)的187Os/186Os比值为0.129 6, PUM与普通球粒陨石和顽火球粒陨石的187Os/186Os比值接近.   相似文献   

峨眉山地幔柱上升的沉积响应及其地质意义   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
研究表明西南地区峨眉山玄武岩下伏茅口组的部分缺失是峨眉山地幔柱的快速上升及其所形成的地壳穹状隆起造成的。对该地区中、晚二叠世沉积记录的研究也支持上述结论。通过野外实地地质考察和室内综合研究发现,西南地区峨眉山玄武岩之下零星发育一套碎屑岩系,其主要分布在穹状隆起的边缘。在隆起西缘盐源平川一带,为一岩性以砾岩、砂岩为主的低位水下扇;在隆起的东北缘普格、巧家、武定一带,峨眉山玄武岩之下发育一层砾石,主要为茅口组灰岩的灰岩质砾岩;昆明西山地区的灰岩质砾岩中灰岩砾石的磨圆较好,可能代表古河谷沉积。在茅口组顶部古剥蚀面上还零星可见一层厚几米至十几米残积相碎屑岩或底砾岩。上述碎屑岩系的厘定及对其空间分布和沉积环境的研究表明,上扬子西缘峨眉山玄武岩喷发前地壳发生快速穹状抬升,碎屑岩是峨眉山地幔柱上升造成的沉积响应;地幔柱的上升还造成上扬子中、晚二叠世区域岩相古地理的突变和隆起区古喀斯特的形成。这些为峨眉山大火成岩省地幔柱形成机制提供了进一步佐证,同时深化了对晚古生代上扬子西缘构造的认识。  相似文献   

The Braccia gabbro of Val Malenco, Italian Alps, intruded 275My ago during Early Permian lithospheric extension. The intrusiontook place along the crust–mantle transition zone andcaused granulite metamorphism of lower-crustal and upper-mantlerocks. The magmatic crystallization of the gabbro was outlastedby ductile deformation, which is also observed in the otherrocks of the crust–mantle transition. Two stages of retrogrademetamorphism followed. Mineral parageneses in garnet–kyanitegneiss, metagabbro, and metaperidotite record a first stageof near-isobaric cooling under anhydrous conditions. The stabilizedcrust–mantle transition then persisted over a period ofabout 50 My into the Late Triassic. Exhumation of the crust–mantlecomplex began with the onset of continental rifting during EarlyJurassic. This stage of retrograde metamorphism is recordedby near-isothermal decompression and partial hydration of thegranulitic mineral assemblages. The whole crust-to-mantle complexwas then exposed in the Tethyan ocean near its Adriatic margin.The magmatic assemblage of the Braccia gabbro formed at 1–1·2GPa and 1150–1250°C. Microstructures show that thegabbroic rocks evolved from olivine gabbros through spinel togarnet granulite whereas the peridotites recrystallized withinthe spinel peridotite field and the pelitic granulites remainedin the stability field of kyanite. Such an evolution is characteristicof isobaric cooling after magmatic underplating. Granuliticmineral assemblages record cooling from 850°C to 650°Cwith decompression to 0·8 ± 0·1 GPa, anddP/dT <  相似文献   

The composition of gases trapped in olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene in Iherzolite xenoliths collected from different locations in eastern China has been measured by the vacuum stepped-heating mass spectrometry. These xenoliths are hosted in alkali basalts and considered as residues of partial melting of the upper mantle, and may contain evidence of mantle evolution. The results show that various kinds of fluid inclusions in Iherzolite xenoliths have been released at distinct times, which could be related to different stages of mantle evolution. In general, primitive fluids of the upper mantle (PFUM) beneath eastern China are dominated by H2, CO2 and CO, and are characterized by high contents of H2 and reduced gases. The compositions of PFUM are highly variable and related to tectonic settings. CO, CO2 and H2 are the main components of the PFUM beneath cratons; the PFUM in the mantle enriched in potassic metasomatism in the northern part of northeastern China has a high content of H2, while CO2 a  相似文献   

根据岩心及薄片观察,按照矿物晶体的大小、形状以及自形程度的差异,将塔里木盆地中央隆起中部中下奥陶统碳酸盐岩地层中的白云石分为6种类型,包括泥微晶白云石、粉—细晶自形—半自形漂浮状白云石、粉—细晶半自行—他形白云石、粉—细晶自形(环带)白云石、细—粗晶他形白云石、粗晶鞍形白云石。综合不同类型白云石的结构特征、碳氧锶同位素值、阴极发光等特征,认为中下奥陶统白云石主要由三种成岩作用形成:泥微晶白云石主要是在准同生期由回流白云石化形成;大部分粉—粗晶白云石是在埋藏期由埋藏白云石化形成,其中浅埋藏期是大规模白云石化的阶段;粗晶鞍形白云石主要由与高温热液活动相关的热液白云石化形成。  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The lithofacies analysis of the Mamon sequence showed that secondary kaolin deposits, forming a new kaolin-bearing province in the southern part of the Voronezh Anteclise,...  相似文献   

上地幔硅酸盐矿物中的磷含量是磷在地球深部的存在及循环研究的重要内容之一,对于理解和深刻认识上地幔磷的地球化学特征具有重要意义.对石榴子石、橄榄石及辉石中磷的固溶度进行详细的研究将会丰富深部磷循环的研究内容,为理解磷的深部地球化学行为提供科学依据.本文基于天然样品和高温高压实验研究结果,分析总结了上地幔硅酸盐矿物中磷的含量及磷进入硅酸盐矿物结构中的机制,探讨了压力、温度、氧逸度及矿物结构对上地幔硅酸盐矿物中磷含量的影响.  相似文献   

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