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Observation data of along-estuary and lateral current velocities over a transect located at the South Channel of the Yangtze estuary was obtained during a spring tide in August 2011.Harmonic analysis was done on the current velocities to get a mean component and a semi-diurnal component.Based on these two components,the driving mechanisms of mean lateral flow and M2 lateral tidal flow are shown and analyzed respectively.The dominant driving force of mean lateral flow is nonlinear advection and that of lateral M2 tidal flow is Coriolis force.The friction plays an important role near the bottom and surface for both lateral mean flow and M2 tidal flow.  相似文献   

The Hilina Formation comprises the oldest sequence of lava flows and tuffs exposed on Kilauea Volcano. These rocks are only exposed in kipukas in younger Puna Formation lavas along cliffs on the south flank of Kilauea Volcano. Locally, tuffs and flows of the Pahala Formation separate the underlying Hilina Formation rocks rom the overlying Puna Formation rocks. Charcoal collected from the base of the Pahala Formation yielded a C14 age of 22.800±340 years B.P. which defines a minimum age for the Hilina Formation. Hilina Formation lavas crop out over a wide region and probably originated from the summit area and from both rift zones. The Hilina Formation contains both olivine-controlled and differentiated lavas (using the terminology ofWright, 1971). The olivine-controlled lavas of the Hilina Formation are distinguishable mineralogically and geochemically from younger olivine-controlled Kilauea lavas. The younger lavas generally contain discrete low-calcium pyroxene grains. greater glass contents, higher K2O/P2O5 ratios and lower total iron contents. Similar geochemical trends prevail for Manuna Loa lavas, and may typify the early lavas of Hawaiian shield volcanoes. Despite these similarities, the Hilina Formation (and all Kilauea) lavas have higher TiO2 and CaO, and lower SiO2 and Al2O3 contents than Mauna Loa Lavas. These differences have existed for over 30,000 years. Therefore, it is unlikely that the older lavas of Kilauea are compositionally similar to recent Mauna Loa lavas as was previously suggested. K2O, TiO2, Na2 and Zr contents of lavas from a stratigraphic sequence of Hilina Formation lavas are variable. These variations may be utilized to subdivide the sequence into geochemical groups. These groups are not magma batches. Rather, they represent lavas from batches whose compositions may have been modified by crystal fractionation and magma mixing.  相似文献   

Zoned spinel of unusual composition and morphology has been found in massive pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite-pent-landite ore from the La Perouse layered gabbro intrusion in the Fairweather Range, southeastern Alaska. The spinel grains show continuous zoning from cores with up to 53 wt.% Cr2O3 to rims with less than 11 wt.% Cr2O3. Their composition is exceptional because they contain less than 0.32 wt.% MgO and less than 0.10 wt.% Al2O3 and TiO2. Also notable are the concentrations of MnO and V2O3, which reach 4.73 and 4.50 wt.%, respectively, in the cores. The spinel is thought to have crystallized at low oxygen fugacity and at temperatures above 900°C, directly from a sulfide melt that separated by immiscibility from the gabbroic parental magma.  相似文献   

A bimodal volcanic suite with KAr ages of 0.05–1.40 Ma was collected from the Sumisu Rift using alvin. These rocks are contemporaneous with island arc tholeiite lavas of the Izu-Ogasawara arc 20 km to the east, and provide a present day example of volcanism associated with arc rifting and back-arc basin initiation. Major element geochemistry of the basalts is most similar to that of basalts found in other, more mature back-arc basins, which indicates that back-arc basins need not begin their magmatic evolution with lavas bearing strong arc signatures.Volatile concentrations distinguish Sumisu Rift basalts from island arc basalts and MORB. H2O contents, which are at least four times greater than in MORB, suppress plagioclase crystallization. This suppression results in a more mafic fractionating assemblage, which prevents Al2O3 depletion and delays the initiation of Fe2O3(tot) and TiO2 enrichment. However, unlike arc basalts,Fe3+/ΣFe ratios are only slightly higher than in MORB and are insufficient to cause magnetite saturation early enough to suppress Fe2O3(tot) and TiO2 enrichment. Thus, major element trends are more similar to those of MORB than arcs.H2O, CO2 and S are undersaturated relative to pure phase solubility curves, indicating exsolution of an H2O-rich mixed gas phase. HighH2O/S, highδD, and low (MORB-like)δ34S ratios are considered primary and distinctive of the back-arc basin setting.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the chemical and isotopic compositions of escaped gases from the Rehai geothermal area in Tengchong county of Yunnan Province. Results indicate that there is the mantle-derived magmatic intrusion in shallow crust at this area. Modern mantle-derived magmatic volatiles are being released currently in a steady stream by way of active faults. The escaped gases are mostly composed of CO2, together with subordinate amounts of H2S, N2, H2, CH4, SO2, CO and He. At the studied area, the north-south directed fault is the deepest, and it may be interlinked with the deep-seated thermal reservoir that would be directly recharged by the mantle-derived magmatic volatile. The He, C isotopic evidence reveals that the modern active magma beneath Rehai area may originate from the historical mantle-derived magma which caused the latest eruptive activity of volcanoes in that region.  相似文献   

Large projectiles impacting the Earth will cause severe shock heating and chemical reprocessing of the Earth's atmosphere. This occurs during atmospheric entry and, more importantly, as a result of the supersonic plume ejected on impact. In particular, very large amounts of nitric oxide would result from the impact of the putative Cretaceous-Tertiary bolide(s). We present models of the shock chemistry, the conversion of NO to NO2 and thence to nitrous and nitric acids, and the global dispersion of the NO2 and acids. Two plausible projectiles are considered: an ice-rich long-period comet and a much smaller rock-metal asteroid. The comet produces semi-global atmospheric NO2 mixing ratios of 0.1% while the asteroid produces these high mixing ratios only in the immediate region of the impact. The comet produces concentrated nitrous and nitric acid rain with apH ≈ 0–1.5 globally. The asteroid produces rain with apH ≈ 0–1 near the impact and≈ 4–5 globally. Immediate environmental effects of these nitrogen species include inhibition of photosynthesis due to extinction of solar radiation by NO2, foliage damage due to exposure to NO2 and HNO3, toxicosis resulting from massive mobilization of soil trace metals, and respiratory damage due to exposure to NO2. The acid rain decreases the pH of the oceanic mixed layer affecting the stability of calcite with important implications for the survival of calcareous-shelled organisms and for exhalation of CO2 from the mixed layer to the atmosphere. Longer-term environmental effects perhaps≈ 1000years in duration include a global warming due to the sudden CO2 injection and the simultaneous extinction of the ocean micro-organisms which normally help remove CO2 from the atmosphere-mixed layer system. Havens for survival include carbonate-buffered lakes and burrows. This acid rain theory therefore serves to explain the peculiar selectivity of the extinctions seen at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. The first few years of acid rain will lead to massive weathering rates of continental soils characterized by large ratios of the relatively insoluble metals (e.g. Be2+, Al3+, Hg2+, Cu+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Tl3+, Pb2+, Cd2+, Mn2+, Sr2+) to the more soluble metals (Ca2+, Mg2+) which should have left a clear signal in the fossils of neritic organisms and in unperturbed neritic sediments near river deltas if such sediments still exist for the Cretaceous-Tertiary time frame.  相似文献   

The magnetotelluric (MT) method has been applied to the determination of the deep resistivity structure of the northeastern margin of the Parnaiba Basin. Transient electromagnetic (TEM) and MT data were collected in early 1999 along a 95 km long N–S line, extending from the coast across the projected subcrop position of a discontinuous fault found to the west of the study area that is believed to be a possible basin‐bounding fault. The MT data were processed to yield the TE‐ and TM‐mode responses and then corrected for static shift using central‐loop and single‐loop TEM data, respectively. Regularized 2D MT inversion was subsequently undertaken using a structured initial model with the near‐surface constrained by TEM inversion results. As a consistency check, we performed another set of 2D inversions using different smooth initial models. The various optimal 2D inversion models show clearly the presence of a major basement trough, over 2 km deep, located about 70 km from the coast. We interpret it as possibly marking the main basin margin and suggest that it may have implications for groundwater resource development in the area.  相似文献   

Recent understandings of planetary accretion have suggested that accumulation of a small number of large planetesimals dominates intermediate to final growth stages of the terrestrial planets, with impact velocity high enough to induce extensive melting of the planetesimal and target materials, resulting in formation of a large molten region in which gravitational segregation of silicate and metal, that is, core formation proceeds. In case of homogeneous accretion, volatiles contained in each planetesimal are likely subjected to partitioning among gas, silicate melt, and molten metallic iron at significantly high temperatures and pressures in such a massive molten region. Each phase would subsequently form the proto-atmosphere, -mantle, or-core, respectively. Such chemical reprocessing of H and C associated with core formation, which is followed by both degassing from mantle and atmospheric escape, may result in a diverse range of H2O/CO2 in planetary surface environments, which mainly depends on the H and C content relative to metallic iron in planetary building stones. This may explain inferred difference in volatile distribution between the Earth's (relatively H2O-rich, CO2-poor) and the martian (H2O-poor, CO2-rich) surface environments. Such volatile redistribution may be systematically described by using the retentivity of H2O, ξ, defined as follows: ξ = 1 − ([CO]0 + 2[CH4]0 + 2[C(gr)]0)/[H2O]0, where [i]0 represents mol number of species i partitioned into non-metallic phases, that is, gas and silicate melt in impact-induced molten region. When ξ > 0.5, relatively H2O-rich and CO2-poor surface environment may eventually evolve, although a small portion of H2O partitioned into the NON=metallic phases are possibly consumed by subsequent chemical reactions with reduced C-species with producing CO2 and H2. When ξ< 0.5, on the contrary, H2O consumption by the above reactions and selective loss of H2 to space may result in relative H2O-depleted and CO2-rich surface environment. Given the building stone composition by the two-component model by Ringwood (1977) and Wänke (1981), ξ is found to decrease with increasing the mixing fraction of the volatile-rich component: ξ > 0.5 for the mixing fraction smaller than about 15–20% and ξ < 0 for the mixing fraction larger than about 20–30%. This is not significantly dependent on temperature and pressure in molten region and H/C ratio in the building stone. The estimated mixing fraction of the volatile-rich component, about 10% for the Earth and 35% for Mars, is consistent with the observed difference in volatile distribution between the surfaces of both planets.  相似文献   

A 235.5 km2 headwater catchment of the Krishna River in the Deccan plateau lavas is dry for eight months of the year but receives intense monsoonal rains during four months. High initial suspended sediment concentrations fall as rapid vegetation growth provides increasing protection. During a six-year period annual suspended sediment yields from the deeply weathered kaolinitic soils ranged between 36.9 and 275.3 t km?2 in dry and wet years respectively.  相似文献   

Comparison of groundwater quality data ten years apart and sampling of shallow level water and soil gas CO2 indicates that the groundwaters below Birmingham are becoming more acidic. Six potential causes are considered: (1) rise of water level into the carbonate-poor upper levels of the sandstone aquifer; (2) oxidation of the Quaternary deposits overlying the aquifer; (3) inorganic acid spills; (4) other acidic recharge; (5) oxidation of inorganic pollutants; (6) degradation of industrial organic pollutants. Chemical and hydrogeological data suggest that (3), (5) and (6) are dominant in different parts of the city. The rate of fall in pH of 0.6 units over ten years is worrying with regard to increased solubility of toxic metals.  相似文献   

Kawah Putih is a summit crater of Patuha volcano, West Java, Indonesia, which contains a shallow, 300 m-wide lake with strongly mineralized acid–sulfate–chloride water. The lake water has a temperature of 26–34°C, pH=<0.5–1.3, Stot=2500–4600 ppm and Cl=5300–12 600 ppm, and floating sulfur globules with sulfide inclusions are common. Sulfur oxyanion concentrations are unusually high, with S4O62−+S5O62−+S6O62−=2400 – 4200 ppm. Subaerial fumaroles (<93°C) on the lake shore have low molar SO2/H2S ratios (<2), which is a favorable condition to produce the observed distribution of sulfur oxyanion species. Sulfur isotope data of dissolved sulfate and native sulfur show a significant 34S fractionation (ΔSO4–Se of 20‰), probably the result of SO2 disproportionation in or below the lake. The lake waters show strong enrichments in 18O and D relative to local meteoric waters, a result of the combined effects of mixing between isotopically heavy fluids of deep origin and meteoric water, and evaporation-induced fractionation at the lake surface. The stable-isotope systematics combined with energy-balance considerations support very rapid fluid cycling through the lake system. Lake levels and element concentrations show strong seasonal fluctuations, indicative of a short water residence time in the lake as well.Thermodynamic modeling of the lake fluids indicates that the lake water is saturated with silica phases, barite, pyrite and various Pb, Sb, Cu, As, Bi-bearing sulfides when sulfur saturation is assumed. Precipitating phases predicted by the model calculations are consistent with the bulk chemistry of the sulfur-rich bottom sediments and their identified mineral phases. Much of the lake water chemistry can be explained by congruent rock dissolution in combination with preferential enrichments from entering fumarolic gases or brines and element removal by precipitating mineral phases, as indicated by a comparison of the fluids, volcanic rocks and lake bed sediment.Flank springs on the mountain at different elevations vary in composition, and are consistent with local rock dissolution as a dominant factor and pH-dependent element mobility. Discharges of warm sulfate- and chloride-rich water at the highest elevation and a near-neutral spring at lower level may contain a small contribution of crater-lake water. The acid fluid-induced processes at Patuha have led to the accumulation of elements that are commonly associated with volcano-hosted epithermal ore deposits. The dispersal of heavy metals and other potentially toxic elements from the volcano via the local drainage system is a matter of serious environmental concern.  相似文献   

The petrology of the highly phyric two-pyroxene andesitic to dacitic pyroclastic rocks of the November 13, 1985 eruption of Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia, reveals evidence of: (1) increasingly fractionated bulk compositions with time; (2) tapping of a small magma chamber marginally zoned in regard to H2O contents (1 to 4%), temperature (960–1090°C), and amount of residual melt (35 to 65%); (3) partial melting and assimilation of degassed zones in the hotter less dense interior of the magma chamber; (4) probable heating, thermal disruption and mineralogic and compositional contamination of the magma body by basaltic magma “underplating”; and (5) crustal contamination of the magmas during ascent and within the magma chamber. Near-crater fall-back or “spill-over” emitted in the middle of the eruptive sequence produced a small pyroclastic flow that became welded in its central and basal portions because of ponding and thus heat conservation on the flat glaciated summit near the Arenas crater. The heterogeneity of Ruiz magmas may be related to the comparatively small volume (0.03 km3) of the eruption, nearly ten times less than the 0.2 km3 of the Plinian phase of Mount St. Helens, and probable steep thermal and PH2O gradients of a small source magma chamber, estimated at 300 m long and 100 m wide for an assumed ellipsoidal shape.  相似文献   


Oils, condensates and natural gases in the Kekeya Field, southeast depression of the Tarim Basin were studied for their geochemical characteristics. According to the distribution analysis of the C2/C3 values with C1/C2 values, C2/C3 values with C1/C3 values, as well as C2/C3 values with dryness index, there are two different types of natural gases in the studied field, which are spatially regularly distributed. One is the oil cracking gas, located on shallow reservoirs over X 25 reservoir, namely Upper oil legs; the other is kerogen cracking gas, located on X 27 reservoirs, X8 reservoirs and E2 k reservoirs, namely Lower oil legs. In addition, the distribution patterns of molar concentration of oils and condensates with different carbon numbers of the n-alkanes in the Kekeya Field indicate that the crude oils have experienced several kinds of secondary alterations, which were closely related to the charging of gaseous hydrocarbons after petroleum accumulation. These results indicate that, based on the research of δ 13C values of individual hydrocarbons, heptane values and isoheptane values of light hydrocarbons and aromatic maturity parameters for oils, condensates and natural gases, oils and gases were charged at different geological time in the Kekeya Field.


Six stations along the Upper Rhone River above Lake Geneva were sampled by continuous flow centrifuge for recovery of suspended sediment. The samples were taken four times, once in 1982 and three times in 1983. In addition the mouth of the river was sampled in a like manner every two weeks during 1982 until August 1983. Samples were analysed for the major elements SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, MgO, Na2O, CaO, and Fe2O3; for trace elements, Zn, Cu, Ni, Mn, and Cr; for Org. C and Kjeldahl N; and the forms of phosphorus bound as Organic P (OP), Apatite P (AP), and Non Apatite Inorganic P (NAIP). The major elements and trace metals confirmed that there is virtually no change in the major geochemical characteristics of the suspended solids in the Rhone, spatially or temporally, indicating that this river is a well-mixed sedimentary system. AP also remained consistent in concentration throughout the year. Sediment recovered during the winter low flow, low turbidity period has been designated SED 1 whereas sediment from the high flow, high turbidity summer condition of the river has been designated SED 2. Org C, OP, and NAIP show a dramatic decrease in concentration from SED 1 to SED 2. The decline is ascribed to dilution of a relatively constant supply of organic matter and phosphorus derived mainly from point source sewage treatment plants to the Rhone. This results in variable partitioning of the OP/NAIP and Org C under the different turbidity condition in the river between winter and summer. This interpretation is confirmed by a low and consistent C-N ratio which except for March remains below 10. Higher values in March may be indicative of soil erosion during spring melt in the agricultural lands of the Rhone Valley. The estimated proportion of particulate bio-available phosphorus is 14 per cent for SED 1 and 7 per cent for SED 2. These low values would suggest that there would be no observable direct effect on the primary production of the receiving waters of Lake Geneva, which would thus respond only to the cumulative loading of phosphorus from the Rhone River.  相似文献   

Oils, condensates and natural gases in the Kekeya Field, southeast depression of the Tarim Basin were studied for their geochemical characteristics. According to the distribution analysis of the C2/C3 values with C1/C2 values, C2/C3 values with C1/C3 values, as well as C2/C3 values with dryness index, there are two different types of natural gases in the studied field, which are spatially regularly distributed. One is the oil cracking gas, located on shallow reservoirs over X 5 2 reservoir, namely Upper oil legs; the other is kerogen cracking gas, located on X 7 2 reservoirs, X8 reservoirs and E2 k reservoirs, namely Lower oil legs. In addition, the distribution patterns of molar concentration of oils and condensates with different carbon numbers of the n-alkanes in the Kekeya Field indicate that the crude oils have experienced several kinds of secondary alterations, which were closely related to the charging of gaseous hydrocarbons after petroleum accumulation. These results indicate that, based on the research of δ 13C values of individual hydrocarbons, heptane values and isoheptane values of light hydrocarbons and aromatic maturity parameters for oils, condensates and natural gases, oils and gases were charged at different geological time in the Kekeya Field.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to demonstrate the relationships among devitrification, vapor phase alteration, localization of gas emanations into fumarolic pipes, and initial deformation of the ash flow sheet during cooling and lithification. Utilizing a unique and temporary exposure of the Tshirege Member of the Bandelier Tuff near Los Alamos, New Mexico, we identify several zones of distinctly preserved fossil fumarolic activity. The fumarolic zones vary in width from a few centimeters to more than a meter. Almost ubiquitously, these zones demonstrate fines-depletion, induration of the margins, upward-flaring geometries, and intense fracturing of overlying geologic units. The fumaroles were preferentially located on post welding, early formed cooling joints that vented to the surface after the vapor phase alteration stage. The pipes were regularly spaced at distances of approximately 4.5?m (N–S) to 7?m (E–W). In turn the pipes were covered by a surge deposit and overlying tuff which rapidly lithified. The overlying tuff was then brecciated during continued fumarolic pipe emissions. Geochemical evaluations confirm the presence of high-temperature mineral (scapolite) indicative of transport of hot volcanic gases through these zones. The pipe centers and walls are depleted in SiO2, and enriched in Al2O3 and FeO. The overlying tuff breccia zones are enriched in Al2O3, FeO and MgO, and depleted in SiO2, NaO, and K2O. From comparison to other ignimbrite cooling histories, the fissures, fumaroles, and structures observed all likely formed in the first few decades after the deposition of the upper Tshirege subunits. This may have significant implications as to timing of initial cooling fractures and subsequent consolidation of gas emission pathways.  相似文献   

Abstract Electron spin resonance (ESR) analyses of quartz grains in fault gouge were performed for a core sample taken from the Nojima Fault that moved during the 1995 Kobe earthquake (Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake). Distribution of radiation-induced defects in the gouge at a depth of 389.4 m was measured by extracting quartz grains from seven discrete positions within 30 mm of the fault plane on the granite side. The decrease in E'1 and Al centers was observed within 2 mm of the fault plane, suggesting partial annealing due to faulting. Partial annealing even at that depth suggested that conventional ESR dating, which is based on the hypothesis of complete annealing during faulting, was not applicable. Theoretical calculations of the temperature rise and of the thermal annealing of defects have been made by assuming a simple annealing model of heat generation on the fault plane. Thermal energy was calculated to have been approximately 8 MJ/m2 to explain the profile of the heat-affected region. Thermal energy was much larger than the one estimated from hydrothermal solution, and corresponded to the frictional heat calculated for a normal stress of 20 MPa, a displacement of 2 m, and a frictional coefficient of 0.2.  相似文献   

The transformation of snowmelt water chemical composition during melt, elution and runoff in an Arctic tundra basin is investigated. The chemistry of the water flowing along pathways from the surface of melting snow to the 95·5 ha basin outlet is related to relevant hydrological processes. In so doing, this paper offers physically based explanations for the transformation of major ion concentrations and loads of runoff water associated with snowmelt and rainfall along hydrological pathways to the stream outlet. Late‐lying snowdrifts were found to influence the ion chemistry in adjacent reaches of the stream channel greatly. As the initial pulse of ion‐rich melt water drained from the snowdrift and was conveyed through hillslope flowpaths, the concentrations of most ions increased, and the duration of the peak ionic pulse lengthened. Over the first 3 m of overland flow, the concentrations of all ions except for NO increased by one to two orders of magnitude, with the largest increase for K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+. This was roughly equivalent to the concentration increase that resulted from percolation of relatively dilute water through 0·25 m of unsaturated soil. The Na+ and Cl? were the dominant ions in snowmelt water, whereas Ca2+ and Mg2+ dominated the hillslope runoff. On slopes below a large melting snowdrift, ion concentrations of melt water flowing in the saturated layer of the soil were very similar to the relatively dilute concentrations found in surface runoff. However, once the snowdrift ablated, ion concentrations of subsurface flow increased above parent melt‐water concentrations. Three seasonally characteristic hydrochemical regimes were identified in a stream reach adjacent to late‐lying snowdrifts. In the first two stages, the water chemistry in the stream channel strongly resembled the hillslope drainage water. In the third stage, in‐stream geochemical processes, including the weathering/ion exchange of Ca2+ and Mg2+, were the main control of streamwater chemistry. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

京津冀晋地区水位潮汐响应函数动态特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈华静 《地震》2002,22(4):9-16
计算了北京、天津、河北和山西地区20口水位井1983~ 2001年水位观测的潮汐响应函数, 给出M2、O1、K1、S1 波的潮汐因子及相位滞后等参数。基于M2 波潮汐因子及其相对中误差的大小, 分析了M2 波月序列潮汐因子的动态特征。给出对各水位井的监测效能进行定量评定的一种物理特征指标。  相似文献   

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