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INTRODUCTIONThephenomenonof“quiescence”beforestrongearthquakeshaswidelybeenaccepted .However,isitreallyquietbeforeanearthquake ?Accordingtorecordsfromshortperiodseismographs,itis“quiet”beforeearthquake ,butaccordingtotherecordsofbroadbandseismograph ,thismaynotbetrue .Thekeytothismatterishowtogetreliableinformation .Earlyinthe 1 970’s,manyseismologiststhoughtthattheultra lowfrequencywaveformrecordedbybroadbandseismometersbeforeearthquakescamefromfore sliporslow extending (Rikitake ,…  相似文献   

Schumann resonances (SR) are the electromagnetic oscillations of the spherical cavity bounded by the electrically conductive Earth and the conductive but dissipative lower ionosphere (Schumann in Z Naturforsch A 7:6627–6628, 1952). Energetic emissions from the Sun can exert a varied influence on the various parameters of the Earth’s SR: modal frequencies, amplitudes and dissipation parameters. The SR response at multiple receiving stations is considered for two extraordinary solar events from Solar Cycle 23: the Bastille Day event (July 14, 2000) and the Halloween event (October/November 2003). Distinct differences are noted in the ionospheric depths of penetration for X-radiation and solar protons with correspondingly distinct signs of the frequency response. The preferential impact of the protons in the magnetically unshielded polar regions leads to a marked anisotropic frequency response in the two magnetic field components. The general immunity of SR amplitudes to these extreme external perturbations serves to remind us that the amplitude parameter is largely controlled by lightning activity within the Earth–ionosphere cavity.  相似文献   

This paper includes an analysis of the influence of soil plasticity on the seismic response of micropiles. Analysis is carried out using a global three-dimensional modeling in the time domain. The soil behavior is described using the non-associated Mohr–Coulomb criterion. Both the micropiles and the superstructure are modeled as three-dimensional beam elements. Proper boundary conditions are used to ensure waves transmission through the lateral boundaries of the soil mass. Analyses are first conducted for harmonic loadings and then for real earthquake records. They show that plasticity could have a significant influence on the seismic response of the soil–micropiles–structure systems. This influence depends on the amplitude of the seismic loading and the dominant frequencies of both the input motion and the soil–piles–structure system.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe Toupo Fault is located in the southwestern part of Anhui Province and to the south of theTancheng-Lujiang Fault zone.Its strikeis closetothe mainfault of Tancheng-Lujiang.Therefore somepeople thinkit to be part of the Tancheng-Lujiang Fault zone(Sun Ronggui,et al,1984).The faultstrikes N60°~70°Ein a linear route that is clear on satellitic image.It plays an important role incontrolling the tectonics,geomorphology and distribution of Mesozoic-Cenozoic basins and s…  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The solar activity at different latitudes is analyzed based on daily observations at Kodaikanal, Mount Wilson, Sacramento Peak, and Meudon observatories in the CaIIK...  相似文献   

Permeability differences in multi-cycle loess–paleosol aeolian sediments, which are still poorly understood, have the potential to significantly improve our understanding of climatic change during the glacial–interglacial periods of the Quaternary. In this study, the permeability of a well-preserved and continuous loess–paleosol sequence in the South Jingyang Plateau was investigated. Weathering intensity was inferred using a series of climate proxies including grain-size distribution, magnetic susceptibility and mineralogy. The results of laboratory tests showed that the average saturated hydraulic conductivity of loess layers is higher than that of paleosol layers. Also, clear differences between loess and paleosol were found in terms of depth variations of the vertical and horizontal saturated hydraulic conductivities. Differences in loess–paleosol were also found for other proxies for pedogenic weathering [i.e. clay content, sand content, Kd value (ratio of coarse silt to clay), magnetic susceptibility, dolomite content and the ratios of hornblende/illite and hornblende/chlorite]. Our results showed a high permeability of loess layers associated with weak pedogenic weathering during cold/dry paleoclimatic conditions in glacial stages. On the contrary, paleosol layers developed in a warm/humid climate during the interglacial stages experienced strong pedogenic weathering that resulted in lower permeability. Based on these results, we construct a connection between Quaternary climate change theory and the modern hydrological system. This provides a scientific basis for investigating the distribution and pollution of groundwater resources in the local region. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Hydrothermal circulation is the key process of hydrothermal activity. Modern seafloor hydrothermal circulation can be divided into three parts: convective cells in the oceanic curst, interface between seafloor and ocean and hydrothermal plume. Hydrothermal convection in the crust is the dominant part of the whole seafloor hydrothermal circulation. The distribu-tion and nature of hydrothermal system in the oceanic crust are controlled by crust thermal structures and permeability …  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - A new reconstruction of the number of sunspots (SN) in 1000–1700, along with possible errors, has been obtained based on an analysis of auroral observations at...  相似文献   

The relationship between aquifer hydraulic conductivity and aquifer resistivity, either measured on the ground surface by vertical electrical sounding (VES) or from resistivity logs, or measured in core samples have been published for different types of aquifers in different locations. Generally, these relationships are empirical and semi-empirical, and confined in few locations. This relation has a positive correlation in some studies and negative in others. So far, there is no potentially physical law controlling this relation, which is not completely understood. Electric current follows the path of least resistance, as does water. Within and around pores, the model of conduction of electricity is ionic and thus the resistivity of the medium is controlled more by porosity and water conductivity than by the resistivity of the rock matrix. Thus, at the pore level, the electrical path is similar to the hydraulic path and the resistivity should reflect hydraulic conductivity. We tried in this paper to study the effect of degree of groundwater saturation in the relation between hydraulic conductivity and bulk resistivity via a simple numerical analysis of Archie’s second law and a simplified Kozeny-Carmen equation. The study reached three characteristic non-linear relations between hydraulic conductivity and resistivity depending on the degree of saturation. These relations are: (1) An inverse power relation in fully saturated aquifers and when porosity equals water saturation, (2) An inverse polynomial relation in unsaturated aquifers, when water saturation is higher than 50%, higher than porosity, and (3) A direct polynomial relation in poorly saturated aquifers, when water saturation is lower than 50%, lower than porosity. These results are supported by some field scale relationships.  相似文献   

Faulting and weathering can endanger quarry operations by decreasing the total reserve, quarry’s useful life and production value. We investigated weathering and faulting problems in the Çatalca granite quarry at Istanbul in Turkey, using the Very Low Frequency (VLF) method. VLF method is an electromagnetic method which is very successful in locating vertical discontinuities such as faults and fracture zones. This method measures the apparent resistivity of the rocks in the region, besides the electromagnetic parameters such as tilt angle and ellipcity. Apparent resistivity is a very sensitive parameter to water presence inside the pores and fractures of the rocks. This feature enables the VLF method to map the boundaries between the fresh and cracked granite and altered zones in the quarry. In this work we mapped the faults and weathered zones within the granite in Çatalca quarry and found a high resistivity zone at the central part of the survey area which may be suitable for production. This study also shows the efficiency of the VLF method in understanding the structural and textural features of a quarry and estimating zones with high quality rocks for production planning.  相似文献   

This article studies long-period variations in the Earth’s upper atmosphere density over several solar activity cycles, using long-term data on the evolution of motion of three artificial satellites (Intercosmos-19, Meteor-1-2, and Cosmos-1154) in orbits at heights of 400–1000 km. The time interval when the satellites were in the orbits covered three solar activity cycles (partly the 21st, completely the 22nd, and partly the 23rd). It is found that the variations in the average density of the upper atmosphere at heights of 400–600 km in the 1980–2000 period were governed by the changes in the solar activity level.  相似文献   

The Qinghai–Tibet Plateau has a vast area of approximately 70×104 km2 of alpine meadow under the impacts of soil freezing and thawing, thereby inducing intensive water erosion. Quantifying the rainfall erosion process of partially thawed soil provides the basis for model simulation of soil erosion on cold-region hillslopes. In this study, we conducted a laboratory experiment on rainfall-induced erosion of partially thawed soil slope under four slope gradients (5, 10, 15, and 20°), three rainfall intensities (30, 60, and 90 mm h−1), and three thawed soil depths (1, 2, and 10 cm). The results indicated that shallow thawed soil depth aggravated soil erosion of partially thawed soil slopes under low hydrodynamic conditions (rainfall intensity of 30 mm h−1 and slope gradient ≤ 15°), whereas it inhibited erosion under high hydrodynamic conditions (rainfall intensity ≥ 60 mm h−1 or slope gradient > 15°). Soil erosion was controlled by the thawed soil depth and runoff hydrodynamic conditions. When the sediment supply was sufficient, the shallow thawed soil depth had a higher erosion potential and a larger sediment concentration. On the contrary, when the sediment supply was insufficient, the shallow thawed soil depth resulted in lower sediment erosion and a smaller sediment concentration. The hydrodynamic runoff conditions determined whether the sediment supply was sufficient. We propose a model to predict sediment delivery under different slope gradients, rainfall intensities, and thawed soil depths. The model, with a Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency of 0.95, accurately predicted the sediment delivery under different conditions, which was helpful for quantification of the complex feedback of sediment delivery to the factors influencing rainfall erosion of partially thawed soil. This study provides valuable insights into the rainfall erosion mechanism of partially thawed soil slopes in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau and provides a basis for further studies on soil erosion under different hydrodynamic conditions.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The shape and dynamics of an unusual disturbance in the Pc1 geomagnetic pulsation range recorded by ground-based induction magnetometers during the morning hours...  相似文献   

A series of undrained cyclic triaxial tests were performed on sand–clay mixtures with various sand–clay mixing ratios. Prior to the primary tests, the threshold fines content was examined by consistency tests, which was found to be approximately 20%. For sand–clay mixtures with a sand-matrix (fines content less than the threshold fines content), the cyclic shear strength of low-density mixtures increases and that of high-density mixtures decreases with increasing fines content. However, for sand–clay mixtures with a fines-matrix (fines content greater than the threshold fines content), there exists a unique correlation between the cyclic shear strength and global void ratio for different fines content. The equivalent granular void ratio is introduced in this paper to account for the contribution ratio of the fines to soil skeleton. As a result, a unique relationship between cyclic shear strength and equivalent granular void ratio was observed for pure sand and sand–clay mixtures with a sand-matrix.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—The spectra of geomagnetic variations calculated in the period range close to planetary waves—5, 10, and 16 days—are analyzed. The...  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - During geomagnetic substorms, the current sheet in the Earth’s magnetotail can transversely reduce in thickness from a few radii of the Earth (RE) to one to...  相似文献   

An investigation on the temporal and spatial variation of ozone using the total column ozone (TCO) values during the cyclonic activities over North Indian Ocean (NIO) is carried out during the period from 1997 to 2012. The stepwise variation of TCO during the passage of the tropical cyclones over the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea of the NIO is examined. The anomalies in TCO are estimated at each step of the life span of the cyclones starting from the genesis to landfall stages. The result reveals that the TCO values are quite high prior to the formation of the depression over NIO; however, at the stage of cyclogenesis it decreases which, with the increase in the intensity of the cyclones, further decreases and becomes minimum near the coast during the landfall. The maximum negative anomaly in TCO is observed for maximum intensity of the tropical cyclones as well as during the landfall. The result further shows that when the cyclones die out after the landfall the TCO regains the normal value. It is further observed that the reduction in TCO enhances the accumulated cyclone energy over NIO. The result finally shows that, the higher the energy of the cyclones, the lower becomes the stratospheric warming, that is, the higher the stratospheric cooling.  相似文献   

The scattered reflections and multiple traces regularly recorded on the topside sounding ionograms of the Interkosmos-19 satellite in the frequency range of 7–10 MHz are considered. The reflected radio signals in this frequency range appear both above and below the critical frequency of the regular layer F2. They are observed at all altitudes of the topside ionosphere from hmF2 to a satellite altitude of 1000 km. It is shown that these phenomena regularly appear at high latitudes (≥60° ILAT) and, less often, in the equatorial region. The scattered reflections indicate the presence of small-scale irregularities, and continuous traces are a consequence of total internal reflection from large-scale irregularities. Small-scale irregularities evidently form within a large-scale irregularity. Ray tracing shows that the size of large-scale irregularities is hundreds of kilometers in height and tens of kilometers in latitude. The appearance of scattered reflections and multiple traces at high latitudes is nearly independent of local time; in the equatorial region, they appear only in the interval of 20–08 LT. All of this agrees well with other observations of irregularities in the ionospheric plasma of different scales.  相似文献   

Where the Yellow River flows through the Haiyuan-Tongxin arc-form tectonic region on the northeastern side of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau, as many as 10~21 basis and erosion terraces have been produced, among which the biggest altitude above river level is 401m and the formation age of the highest terrace is 1.57 Ma B.P. Based on comparative analysis of the Yellow River terraces located separately in the Mijiashan mountain, the Chemuxia gorge, the Heishanxia gorge and the other river terraces in the vast extent of the northern part of China, it has been found that the tectonic processes resulting in the formation of the terrace series is one of multi-gradational features, i.e., a terrace series can include the various terraces produced by tectonic uplifts of different scopes or scales and different ranks. The Yellow River terrace series in the study region can be divided into three grades. Among them, in the first grade there are 6 terraces which were formed separately at the same time in the vast extent of the northern part of China and represent the number and magnitude of uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau since 1.6 Ma B. P. ; in the second grade there are 5 terraces which were separately and simultaneously developed within the Haiyuan-Tianjingshan tectonic region and represent the number and magnitude of uplift of this tectonic region itself since 1.6Ma B. P.; in the third grade there are 10 terraces which developed on the eastern slope of the Mijiashan mountain and represent the number and amplitude of uplift of the Haiyuan tectonic belt itself since 1.6Ma B.P. Comparison of the terrace ages with loess-paleosoil sequence has also showed that the first grade terraces reflecting the vast scope uplifts of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau are very comparable with climatic changes and their formation ages all correspond to the interglacial epochs during which paleosoils were formed. This implies that the vast extent tectonic uplifts resulting in river down-cutting are closely related to the warm-humid climatic periods which can also resnit in river downward erosion after strong dry and cold climatic periods, and they have jointly formed the tectonic-climatic cycles. There exists no unanimous and specific relationship between the formation ages of the second and third grade terraces and climatic changes and it is shown that the formation of those terraces was most mainly controlled by tectonic uplifts of the Tianjingshan block and the Haiyuan belt. The river terraces in the study region, therefore, may belong to 2 kinds of formation cause. One is a tectonic-climatic cyclical terrace produced jointly by vast extent tectonic uplifts and climatic changes, and the terraces of this kind are extensively distributed and can be well compared with each other among regions. Another is a pulse-tectonic cyclical terrace produced by local tectonic uplifts as dominant elements, and their distribution is restricted within an active belt and can not be compared with among regions.  相似文献   

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