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In this paper we present new macrofossils of semi-aquatic fern Family Marsileaceae consisting of leaves and leaflets from the upper Hauterivian- lower Barremian Pinilla de los Moros Formation, Salas de los Infantes village, Burgos province, north of Spain. The leaves show two elliptic to flabellate-shaped leaflets that are joined to a petiole. Leaflets present entire margins and dichotomous anastomosed vein pattern. Comparison between the studied leaves and other marsileaceous leaves indicates close similarities with Regnellites nagashimae species. These leaves were deposited in a related fluvial environment near to the place where semi-aquatic plants grew. The studied macrofossils constitute at present the earliest record of leaves of Family Marsileaceae in the Mesozoic of Eurasia at the moment.  相似文献   

Five successive ammonite assemblages are distinguished in the basal part (Riasanites rjasanensis Zone s. l.) of the Ryazanian Stage of the East European platform. These are (from the base upward) (1) Hectoroceras tolijense; (2) Hectoroceras kochi; (3) Riasanites swistowianus; (4) Riasanites rjasanensis; and (5) Transcaspiites transfigurabilis assemblages. Two lower assemblages consist entirely of boreal taxa, which occur in association with diverse ammonites of the Tethyan origin higher in the section. The data obtained show that three upper assemblages are correlative with the Berriasian Dalmasiceras tauricum, Riasanites rjasanensis-Spiticeras cautleyi, and Euthymiceras euthymi subzones of the northern Caucasus. The succession of five–six ammonite assemblages established in the East European platform above the top of the Craspedites nodiger Zone may correspond to the same number of ammonite assemblages characterizing lower subzones of the standard Berriasian. Berriasella rulevae Mitta, sp. nov. from the upper part of the Riasanites rjasanensis Zone (transfigurabilis biohorizon) is described.  相似文献   

新反鸟化石(Gracilornis jiufotangensis gen. et sp. nov.)产于辽宁省朝阳地区早白垩世九佛堂组。根据该反鸟的骨骼细弱、肢骨关节发达、胸骨与躯干相比较小(胸骨宽与躯干长比率约为0.11;胸骨长与躯干长比率约为0.13)等不同于其他已知反鸟的特征,建立一新属种,归于华夏鸟科(Cathayornithidae)。  相似文献   

A new genus, Cretaproscolia, and three new species of scoliid wasps, Archaeoscolia hispanica, Cretoscolia montsecana and Cretaproscolia josai, are described from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain and Brazil. The species representing the new genus is attributed to the plesiomorphic extant subfamily Proscoliinae, while the two other new species are assigned to two previously described genera in the extinct, archaic subfamily Archaeoscoliinae. The Brazilian species is the first Mesozoic scoliidid to have been described from the New World.  相似文献   

Copper-nickel deposits are abundant sources of cobalt and noble metal mineralization and there-fore attract great attention from both scientists and manufacturers. This investigation is concerned with the new Upper Kingash copper-nickel deposit. This article discusses the results of the examination of ore compositions and the interrelation of ore minerals and the distribution of platinum group elements, cobalt, and nickel in the ores of the Upper Kingash deposit.  相似文献   

A new species, Eoptychoptera cantabrica sp. nov. is described from the Albian El Soplao amber-bearing deposits based on a single male with an elongated proboscis, unknown among extant members of Ptychopteridae. It represents the youngest record of the species-diverse genus Eoptychoptera. A pupa of Eoptychoptera sp. with a long respiratory horn, typical of extant ptychopterids, is described from Las Hoyas limestones, where adult fossil ptychopterids have yet to be discovered. A key to species of Eoptychoptera, based on wing venation, and a distribution map of Cretaceous Ptychopteridae are provided. The climatic preferences and mouthparts of Mesozoic and recent Ptychopteridae are discussed.  相似文献   

There are ten known Lower Cretaceous localities for skeletal remains of choristoderes in Siberia (Russia). Choristoderan remains at all these localities are represented by isolated bones, usually by isolated vertebrae of Choristodera indet. Three choristoderan taxa in two geological units were identified: the non-neochoristodere Khurendukhosaurus sp. (possibly closely related to the long-necked Sino-Japanese hyphalosaurids) from the Murtoi Formation, Transbaikalia; cf. Khurendukhosaurus sp. and the “Shestakovo choristodere” with possible neochoristoderan affinities from the Ilek Formation, Western Siberia. All these three choristoderan taxa had a microanatomical organization of vertebrae similar to that of in advanced large neochoristoderes (vertebral centra with tight spongiosa). The Siberian fossil record includes the westernmost (Shestakovo locality, Ilek Formation) and the northernmost (Teete locality, the Sangarian Group) occurrences of the Early Cretaceous choristoderes in Asia. Like in other regions of Asia, Siberian localities are characterized by the absence of neosuchian crocodyliforms.  相似文献   

Two new genera and three new species of the Mesozoic family Aeotheogrammatidae are described from the Lower Cretaceous of Yixian Formation (Liaoning Province, China): Cyclicogramma rotundum gen. et sp. nov. and Aetheogramma bistriatum sp. nov. from Huangbanjigou, and Curtogramma ovatum gen. et sp. nov. from Dawangzhangzi. The hind wing of Cyclicogramma rotundum gen. et sp. nov. differs from that of other species by its smaller size, its overall shape, RP bearing only two oblique radial branches, and its configurations of CuP, AA1, and AA2. Aetheogramma bistriatum sp. nov. is closely related to A. speciosum Ren and Engel, 2008, but distinguished from the latter by its distinctive configuration of RP1, and the narrower and longer AA2 space in the hind wing. Curtogramma ovatum gen. et sp. nov. is distinguished from all other species of the family by the forewing with M forking very far from the wing base.  相似文献   

Le genre Spalacotherium Owen fût initialement créé à partir de spécimens provenant du Groupe de Purbeck en 1854. Cet article décrit une nouvelle espèce, S. evansae, provenant d'un site purbeckien découvert en 1986; celle-ci est représentée non seulement par des molaires inférieures et supérieures mais peut-être aussi par des molaires de lait. Le genre Tinodon n'était, jusqu'à maintenant, connu que dans la Formation Morrison du Wyoming, USA, un peu plus ancienne que celle de Purbeck; quelques molaires inférieures et surtout une molaire supérieure du même gisement sont attribuées à une nouvelle espèce, T. micron, ce qui ajoute un genre à la liste des taxons communs aux deux formations. La molaire supérieure de T. micron est particulièrement intéressante en ce qu'elle fournit des indications sur un taxon occupant une position clé dans la phylogénie des symmétrodontes, tout en soulevant le problème d'homologie des tubercules.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The first finding of the docodontan (a lower molar of Sibirotherium sp.) from the Bol’shoi Kemchug 3 locality (Ilek Formation, Lower Cretaceous) in Krasnoyarsk...  相似文献   

Two new palaeoleontid species, Baisopardus escuilliei sp. nov. and Baisopardus pumilio sp. nov., are described, based on compression fossils from the Crato Formation in northeastern Brazil. The external morphology, particularly the wing venations, are analysed and compared with all genera of Palaeoleontidae. The previously proposed synonymy of Baisopardus with Neurastenyx is discussed. Neurastenyx, proven to be a poorly known genus based on an incomplete type fossil, is limited to its sole type species as a Myrmeleontoidea incertae sedis nov. sit. Consequently the genus Baisopardus is restored and all the other species previously included in Neurastenyx are transferred into Baisopardus.  相似文献   

The lower Mesozoic of the Traras mount starts with the so-called Red Series, which lays uncomformably on the folded and granitized Paleozoic basement. This series is overlain by Middle Liassic limestones. On the basis of its lower and upper limits and the lack of dating evidence, former authors attribute a Permian to lower Liassic (Sinemurian) age for this series. Palynological results allow to range it in the upper Triassic probably Norian-Rhetian. The Red Series is studied from five sections that depict important thickness and facies variations from southwest to the northeast, inferring the irregularities of the Hercynian erosional surface. In the Central Traras, this series shows over 130-m-thick micaceous sandy conglomeratic units, deposited within alluvial fans, where the bedrock source corresponds to granite of Nedroma or its equivalent. In the southern and eastern Traras, where the series’ thickness respectively does not exceed 30 m and averages 40–80 m, besides alluvial deposits issued from hercynian basement erosion, it exhibits volcanic evidences interbedded by lacustrine deposits. Vertical and spatial distribution depicts synsedimentary infilling of narrow elongated rift basins, typically half-grabens, bounded on one side by a normal fault or a series of normal faults trending NNE-SSW to NW-SE, inherited from the hercynian event. The study of tectonostratigraphic units permitted to put forward geodynamics of the infilling basins.  相似文献   

A new genus with two new species, Orentalphila gravia gen. et sp. nov. and O. caloa sp. nov., and three new species in two known genera, Sinosciophila angustia sp. nov., Sinosciophila seboa sp. nov. and Similsciophila undulata sp. nov., are described from the Lower Cretaceous of Yixian Formation at Huangbanjigou, Beipiao City, western Liaoning, China. These new taxa, representing the first records of mesosciophilids from this locality, provide morphological information and diversity for Mesosciophilidae in the Early Cretaceous. An updated key to known genera of Mesosciophilidae is provided. In addition, according the generic diagnosis revised by Zhang, 2007, Mesoplecia antiqua Hao and Ren, 2009 should be transferred to Mesosciophila Rohdendorf, 1946.  相似文献   

Teleostean saccular otoliths from the upper part of the late Hauterivian Lower Weald Clay Formation of the Wealden Supergroup exposed at Langhurstwood Quarry, West Sussex, UK, and Clockhouse Brickworks, Surrey, UK are described for the first time. Two new species of the genus Leptolepis, Leptolepis wealdensis and Leptolepis toyei are described. Many of the specimens are densely packed on individual bedding planes and they are interpreted as coprocoenotic accumulations. Additional mechanisms of deposition and concentration are discussed, in particular wave action. Ontogenetic series show isometric growth of the otoliths, and some specimens show growth rings on two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

Four successive assemblages of Berriasian brachiopods distinguished for the first time in the Crimea are correlated with concurrent subdivisions of the ammonoid scale. Berriasian brachiopods are represented by 44 species of 27 genera and 14 families, which are most complete in terms of taxonomic composition as compared to other concurrent brachiopod faunas known elsewhere. The assemblages are dominated by local species. As is proved, the Berriasian brachiopods studied are appropriate for age determination, subdivision and correlation of their host deposits. Their geographic distribution that has been analyzed elucidates connections of the Berriasian sea basins within the Mediterranean paleozoogeographic region.  相似文献   

The Late Cretaceous Pterophyllum species survived as relict elements in areas influenced by volcanism in the North-East of Russia. Two new species are described: P. philippoviae Gnilovskaya from the Turonian-Coniacian deposits of the Vetvinskaya Unit (Penzhina and Oklan Rivers interfluve, Magadan Region) and P. terechoviae from the Maastrichtian deposits of the Kakanaut Formation (Kakanaut River Basin, Koryak Upland). The upper boundary of Pterophyllum stratigraphic range is extended from the Turonian-Coniacian up to the K/Pg boundary. Pterophyllum terechoviae is the youngest member of the genus and probably the latest occurrence of Bennettitales in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - This study evaluates for the first time Hf-isotope characteristics of zircon from dunite of the Kondyor massif, which is closely related to an economic platinum placer...  相似文献   

One new osmylid genus and species, Burmaleon magnificus, and one new nymphid genus and species Rafaelnymphes cratoensis are described, respectively based on inclusions in the Cretaceous Burmese amber and on a compression fossil from the Crato Formation in Brazil. The nymphid Araripenymphes seldeni, from the Crato Formation, is redescribed on the basis of a new specimen, showing possible sexual dimorphism in wing coloration, a feature extremely rare among the Neuroptera. In a recently published phylogenetic analysis of the family, the attribution to the fossil taxa (versus rejection) of the larval characters proper to the modern nymphids, has a crucial impact on the resolution of the phylogeny. The compression fossils currently attributed to the Nymphidae should be revised because their wing venation alone is not really sufficient for an accurate family attribution to Nymphidae rather than to another family of Neuroptera (viz. Osmylidae).  相似文献   

A specimen collected from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, China, represents a new genus and species of troodontid theropod. The new taxon is named and described on the basis of the holotype and the only known specimen, which comprises an articulated skeleton with the presacral vertebral, shoulder girdle and forelimbs missing as preserved. Diagnostic features of the new species include nasals that are sinusoid in lateral view, absence of a passage connecting the antorbital and maxillary fenestrae, relatively large teeth, plate-like chevrons forming a band along most of the length of the tail, and a long neck between the femoral head and shaft. The temporal constraints of the three paravian groups (Troodontidae, Dromaeosauridae and Aves) combined with the character distributions among the earliest known troodontids indicate a rapid evolution at the base of the Troodontidae.  相似文献   

Vertebrate fossils of Yunnan are only previously known by a few tragmentaryfinds belonging to early Tertiary and Plio-Pleistocene age. In October 1938, Mr. M.N. Bien of the Geological Survey of China discovered a rich fossiliferous formationwith two levels of vertebrate remains. Most of the well-preserved fossils were derivedfrom the lower level and contain remains of Dinosaurs which are still under the  相似文献   

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