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Geology of Ore Deposits - Abstract—The paper presents the results of mineralogical studies of tin–silver–polymetallic ores localized at the deep level (500–700 m below the...  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - In the Pd–Bi–Se system, the only known mineral containing all three elements is padmaite PdBiSe. Three compounds with different element ratios have been found...  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - Gold and silver mineralogy is studied in ores of the Biksizak base-metal deposit (South Urals, Russia). This is a skarn-related carbonate replacement mineralization...  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - The article describes magnetite–sulfide assemblages of minerals containing native gold and tellurides in the Pb–Zn–Fe ores of the Aktash skarn deposit in...  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The Ermakovo F–Be deposit, the largest Be deposit in Russia and one of the world’s largest deposits, is located in West Transbaikalia. The ores of the deposit...  相似文献   

Metallogenic Mechanism of the Tianbaoshan Pb—Zn Deposit,Sichuan   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
The Tianbaoshan Pb-Zn deposit in Sichuan Province,exhibiting open-space-filling and /or replacement textures,occurs as being of vine style in the Sinian(Late Proterozoic) carbonate rocks,and is simple in ore composition.A systematic study of lead isotope and rareearth elements reveals that the ore-forming materials were derived from multiple sources.The ultimate source of the sulfur in all stages in seawater sulfate but the reducing mechanisms are different,The carbon was derved from marine carbonate and organic matter,The ore-forming fluid,meteoric in origin,belongs to a Ca^2 -Mg^2 -Cl^--Hco3^- type of weak acidic to alkalic solutions with a salinity of about 5wt% NaCl.The ore was formed at the depth of about 1 km from 150 to 250℃ during the main stage of ore deposition.The heated meteoric water,after extracting ore materials from wall rocks,evolved into ore-forming solution with a low salinity, in which metals were trasported as chloride complexes such as PbCl,ZnCl and ZnCl.The metal-bearing solution moved upward along deep faults to low-pressure zones,where the metal ions reacted with reduced sulfur and were precipitated as sulfied minerals.The textures of the minerals were controlled by the rate at which the reduced sulfur was supplied.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - An Erratum to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1134/S1028334X22340013  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - It is shown that the giant Sikhote-Alin and Pamir deposits of boron are associated with fragments of the boron-bearing evaporite strata of paleoceanic atolls in the...  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The high REE concentrations (57.23–561.2 ppm) in thin-layered sulfide ores of the Talgan Cu–Zn massive sulfide deposit (Southern Urals) are related to the...  相似文献   

The Erlihe Pb–Zn deposit is an important mine of the Pb–Zn metallogenic zone in the South Qinling Orogen. It has been considered a sedimentary exhalative deposit in previous investigations because the ore body occurs concordantly at the transitional location of an upright fold. Re and Os isotopic analyses for paragenetic pyrites with sphalerite and galena from the ore body have been used to determine the timing of mineralization and to trace the source of metallogenic materials. The Re–Os isotopic data of four pyrite samples construct an isochron, yielding a weighted average age of 226±17 Ma (mean square weighted deviation=1.7), which is considered the main mineralization age. A dioritic porphyrite vein sample, showing weaker mineralization, was also dated using the SHRIMP zircon U–Pb isotopic method to constrain the youngest metallogenic age of the ore deposit, because it distributes along a group of tensional joints cutting not only the upright fold in the deposit field, but also the main ore bodies. The dioritic porphyrite sample yields a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 221±3 Ma, which is slightly younger than the Re–Os isotopic isochron age of the pyrites, considered as the upper age limit of the mineralization, namely the ending age of the mineralization. The Os isotopic compositions of sulfide minerals distribute within a range between Os isotopic compositions of the crust and the mantle, indicating that the ore deposit can be derived from magma-related fluid, and the metallogenic materials are most likely derived from the mixing source of the crust and the mantle. The Erlihe Pb–Zn deposit and associated dioritic porphyrite vein, important records of Qinling tectonic–magmatism–mineralization activities, were formed during the Triassic collisional orogeny processes.  相似文献   

The Wulasigou Cu-Pb-Zn deposit,located 15 km northwest of Altay city in Xinjiang,is one of many Cu-Pb-Zn polymetallic deposits in the Devonian Kelan volcanic-sedimentary basin in southern Altaids.Two mineralizing periods can be distinguished:the marine volcanic sedimentary PbZn mineralization period,and the metamorphic hydrothermal Cu mineralization period,which is further divided into an early bedded foliated quartz vein stage(Q1) and a late sulfide-quartz vein stage(Q2) crosscutting the foliation.Four types of fluid inclusions were recognized in the Q1 and Q2 quartz from the east orebodies of the Wulasigou deposit:H_2O-CO_2 inclusions,carbonic fluid inclusions,aqueous fluid inclusions,and daughter mineral-bearing fluid inclusions.Microthermometric studies show that solid CO_2 melting temperatures(T_(m,CO2)) of H_2O-CO_2 inclusions in Ql are from-62.3℃ to-58.5C,clathrate melting temperatures(T_(m,clath)l) are from 0.5 C to 7.5 C,partial homogenization temperatures(T_(h,CO2)) vary from 3.3℃ to 25.9℃(to liquid),and the total homogenization temperatures(T_(h,tot)) vary from 285℃ to 378℃,with the salinities being 4.9%-15.1%NaCl eqv.and the CO_2-phase densities being 0.50-0.86 g/cm~3.H_2O-CO_2 inclusions in Q2 have T_(m,CO_2) from-61.9℃ to-56.9℃,T_(m,clath)from 1.3℃ to 9.5℃,T_(h,CO2) from 3.4℃ to 28.7℃(to liquid),and T_(h,tot) from 242℃ to 388℃,with the salinities being 1.0%-15.5%NaCl eqv.and the CO_2-phase densities being 0.48-0.89 g/cm~3.The minimum trapping pressures of fluid inclusions in Q1 and Q2 are estimated to be 260-360 MPa and180-370 MPa,respectively.The δ~(34)S values of pyrite from the volcanic sedimentary period vary from2.3‰ to 2.8‰(CDT),and those from the sulfide-quartz veins fall in a narrow range of-1.9‰ to 2.6‰(CDT).The δD values of fluid inclusions in Q2 range from-121.0‰ to-100.8‰(SMOW),and theδ~(18)O_(H2O) values calculated from δ~(18)O of quartz range from-0.2‰ to 8.3‰(SMOW).The δD-δ~(18)O_(H2O)data are close to the magmatic and metamorphic fields.The fluid inclusion and stable isotope data documented in this study indicate that the vein-type copper mineralization in the Wulasigou Pb-Zn-Cu deposit took place in an orogenic-metamorphic enviroment.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Tungstenite of unusual shapes (spheroids, rings, threads, spirals, etc.) was found in scheelite of gold-bearing quartz–carbonate–pyrite–chalcopyrite...  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - The specific features of the chemical composition, isomorphism, and zoning have been studied for pyrochlore supergroup minerals (PSM) from metasomatic rocks of ore...  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Banded and rhythmically zoned textures are common within carbonate–sulfide–sulfosalts veins in the Ag–Pb–Zn Prognoz deposit. This pattern is...  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - The Gol’tsovoe Ag–Pb–Zn-deposit (1600 t silver in ores with an average grade of 1025 g/t Ag) is located on the southeastern flank of the Dukat mining...  相似文献   

The carbonate-hosted Pb–Zn deposits in the Sanjiang metallogenic belt on the Tibetan Plateau are typical of MVT Pb–Zn deposits that form in thrust-fold belts. The Jiamoshan Pb–Zn deposit is located in the Changdu area in the middle part of the Sanjiang belt, and it represents a new style of MVT deposit that was controlled by karst structures in a thrust–fold system. Such a karst-controlled MVT Pb–Zn deposit in thrust settings has not previously been described in detail, and we therefore mapped t...  相似文献   

The Hakkari nonsulfide zinc deposit is situated close to the southeastern border of Turkey. Here both sulfide and nonsulfide Zn  Pb ores are hosted in carbonate rocks of the Jurassic Cudi Group with features typical of carbonate-hosted supergene nonsulfide zinc mineralization. The regional strike extent of the mineralized district is at least 60 km. The age of the supergene deposit has not been determined, but it is probable that the main weathering happened during Upper Tertiary, possibly between Upper Miocene and Lower Pliocene. The Hakkari mineralization can be compared to other carbonate-hosted Zn–Pb deposits in Turkey, and an interpretation made of its geological setting. The zinc mineral association at Hakkari typically comprises smithsonite and hemimorphite, which apparently replace both sulfide minerals and carbonate host rock. Two generations of smithsonite are present: the first is relatively massive, the second occurs as concretions in cavities as a final filling of remnant porosity. Some zinc is also hosted within Fe–Mn-(hydr)oxides. Lead is present in cerussite, but also as partially oxidized galena. Lead can also occur in Mn-(hydr)oxides (max 30% PbO). The features of the supergene mineralization suggest that the Hakkari deposit belongs both to the “direct replacement” and the “wall-rock replacement” types of nonsulfide ores. Mineralization varies in style from tabular bodies of variable thickness (< 0.5 to 13 m) to cross-cutting breccia zones and disseminated ore minerals in pore spaces and fracture planes. At Hakkari a As–Sb–Tl(≫ Hg) geochemical association has been detected, which may point to primary sulfide mineralization, quite different from typical MVT.  相似文献   

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