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The middle Miocene continental fluvial sediments of the Sangaredi Group in the western districts of the Futa Jallon-Mandingo bauxite-bearing province were initially more widespread. Their thickness in the axial zones of the main drainage systems (Paleocogon, Paleotomine, etc.) attained 150 m. The lower, early Miocene steps of topography formed during the first phase of regional neotectonic evolution were buried beneath these sediments by the end of middle Miocene. The sediments of the Sangaredi Group underwent substantial epigenetic alteration in the glei geochemical setting with removal of iron and bleaching. At the second stage of neotectonic uplifting and dissection, this low-Fe and high-Al protolith was again affected by lateritic weathering with formation of unique sedimentary-lateritic bauxites. The underlying bedrock was also affected by bleaching and lateritization with formation of high-quality infiltration-metasomatic bauxites with geliform cryptocrystalline structure and massive porcelainlike or oolitic texture. Both classes of bauxites are high-quality and of great economic importance.  相似文献   

河北阳原中新世玄武岩风化壳中首次发现红土型金矿异常   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者在1996~1999年完成河北阳原两幅1∶5万区域地质调查任务时,对测区内广泛分布的中新世玄武岩(即汉诺坝玄武岩)进行地质填图观察研究,发现该玄武岩具有多期多次喷发的特点,在喷发间隙期,发育一层良好的砖红色粘土即红土风化壳,厚1~2 m不等,在大同北部地区夹层增多,厚度加大,延长几十米至百余米。笔者对阳原县县城西北部白龙山玄武岩红土风化壳进行较为系统的捡块取样(共20块),测金分析结果表明含金一般为0.5×10~(-6)左右,最高达1.23×10~(-6)(表1),已达到金矿床的最低工业品位。  相似文献   

湖北蛇屋山金矿床含金碳酸盐岩风化成矿过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高帮飞 《地质与勘探》2011,47(3):361-369
为阐述含金碳酸盐岩的风化成土过程,以湖北蛇屋山红土型金矿床为例,系统开展了元素地球化学和矿物学研究.研究发现,从风化壳腐泥层→杂色粘土带,碱金属、FeO、MnO、有机碳(Morg)、稀土元素(REE)和高场强元素(HFSE)等元素,以及钾长石、斜长石和黄铁矿等矿物的含量逐渐降低.质量平衡计算表明,风化过程中Si、Fe、...  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩风化形成的红土保存着喀斯特发展演化历史证据,同时也是喀斯特地区土壤研究的重要对象。文章选取云 南石林地区的两处典型碳酸盐岩剖面为研究对象,对主量元素,微量元素及稀土元素在风化层的迁移特征及分布规律进行 研究,为探究风化层的成因提供依据。结果显示:(1) 以Ti为参比元素的剖面迁移特征表明,两剖面的主量元素在成土过 程中有相似的迁移规律,多数表现为淋失;微量元素略有差异,富集淋失程度不一。(2) UCC 标准化蜘蛛图显示,相对于 基岩,风化层中的Ca和Sr均出现亏损;与UCC相比,Fe、Ti等元素轻微富集,Mg、Ca、Na、K、P等元素显示了强烈的亏 损特征。(3) 基岩与风化层的REE分布模式相似,但风化层的稀土相对富集,轻稀土元素间的分异较大而重稀土元素间的 分异较小,且SJC剖面的轻、重稀土元素比值大于QST剖面;稀土元素球粒陨石标准化后,SJC剖面的Eu为负异常,剖面 上部和下部出现Ce负异常;QST剖面Ce负异常,Eu明显负异常。(4) 元素含量变化和元素对Al-Ti、Al-Fe及Zr-Hf相关性 说明剖面上覆红土是下伏基岩风化的结果。研究结果显示,两个剖面的元素地球化学特征与基岩存在很好的继承性,风化 层是基岩原位风化的产物。  相似文献   

鄂东南地区程潮大型矽卡岩型铁矿区岩体成因探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湖北程潮铁矿是鄂东南矿集区内最大的矽卡岩型铁矿床。为了系统研究矿区内不同侵入体的成因,对程潮矿区内不同时代的侵入体进行了矿物学、地球化学和Sr-Nd-Pb同位素研究。矿区内花岗岩、石英二长斑岩、闪长岩中的黑云母成分特征暗示它们均为壳幔物质混合成因的镁质黑云母;与成矿相关的花岗岩、石英二长斑岩中原生黑云母矿物学成分显示出原始岩浆具有高氧逸度的特征,高氧逸度为磁铁矿的形成提供了有利条件。岩石地球化学特征研究表明,不同类型的岩石都具有富钾和准铝质的特征,富集Rb、Ba、K等大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素。矿区岩石的(87Sr/86Sr)i值为0.705 0~0.709 1,εNd(t)值为-14.16~-6.95,206Pb/204Pb值为17.636~18.919,207Pb/204Pb值为15.451~15.613,208Pb/204Pb值为37.833~39.556。矿物学、地球化学、Sr-Nd-Pb同位素特征暗示矿区岩体为富集地幔发生部分熔融并同化混染了不同比例下地壳物质的产物,早期闪长岩((140±1) Ma)比晚期花岗岩和石英二长斑岩((128±1) Ma)的源区有更多的地幔成分,花岗岩和石英二长斑岩与闪长岩具有相近的锆石饱和温度(平均值分别为783、788、765℃)。  相似文献   

Whole rock Rb–Sr measurements were made on associatedbasic and acid intrusives and extrusives from the northern andsouthern ends of the Lebombo monocline with a view to determineif the acid rocks came from the mantle or from the crust. Inthe south, in Swaziland (now called Ngwame) and Zululand, rhyolitesand granophyres (age 202 14 m.y.) have an initial Si87–Sr86ratio of 0.7042 0.0005; in the north, in the Nuanetsi syncline,rhyolites (age 206 13 m.y.) and granites from ring complexes(age 177 7 m.y.) have initial ratios of 0.7081 0.0008 and0.7085 0.0007, respectively. The initial ratios of the basicrocks, basalts and gabbros, vary in both areas and have a rangefrom 0.7042 to 0.7125 which can be explained by crustal contamination.The low initial ratios and isotopic homogeneity of the acidmagmas over long distances (160 km) in Swaziland and Zululandare interpreted as implying that they were derived from themantle.  相似文献   


Hydrochemical analysis of the high-salinity lakes in the Ishim Plain (>250–300 g/L) located at the border with the Northern Kazakhstan uranium ore province is performed. The studies have shown that the main factor of concentration and redistribution of uranium in the lake basins of the Ishim Plain are the processes of intense salt deflation causing sanding of lakes and uranium depletion in the near-surface layer of the bottom deposits. The correlation between the hydroxide forms of uranium binding in the bottom lacustrine deposits of the Ishim Plain and the coffinite composition of the Semizbai deposit makes it possible to consider this province to be promising for the discovery of hydromineral uranium deposits.


琼东南盆地中央峡谷天然气成藏特征及其主控因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于地震、测井、岩芯、岩屑和天然气样品分析化验等资料,研究了中央峡谷天然气成藏特征,探讨了成藏主控因素与成藏模式。研究结果表明,晚中新世—早上新世沿琼东南盆地中央坳陷发育一条大型海底峡谷,称之为中央峡谷,峡谷内充填了多期相互叠置的浊积砂岩,平均孔隙度为15%~33%,渗透率为11×10-3~971.3×10-3μm2,为较好的储层;发育了岩性和构造-岩性复合两大类圈闭。峡谷的气源来自于崖城组的煤系地层,属于煤型气。烃源岩的有机质类型为Ⅱ2和Ⅲ型,以Ⅲ型为主;热演化程度处于成熟—高成熟阶段,晚中新世—上新世达到生烃高峰。琼东南盆地中央坳陷是一个高温高压的坳陷,实测地温梯度平均值高达4.2~4.6℃/100m,实测压力系数为1.20~2.15。在高温高压的环境下,盆地内孕育众多的底辟构造,而峡谷下伏的底辟构造与谷内相互叠置的复合砂体在空间上有效的配置构成了天然气垂向与侧向运移的输导体系,成为峡谷天然气成藏的关键因素。  相似文献   

峨口铁矿中硫化物的特征与成因研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐勇  乔葆 《世界地质》1996,15(3):37-40
硫是铁矿中的有害元素。峨口铁矿中硫主要以磁黄铁矿和黄铁矿两种形式存在。本区硫化物有三个形成期次。第五期为变质作用形成的星点状硫化物;第二期为变质后热液阶段形成的脉状硫化物;第三期为后期热液阶段形成的裂隙充填式硫化物。  相似文献   

The petrology of the East Otago Volcanic Province (late Miocene),including the Dunedin Complex, is dominated by undersaturatedsodic lavas and shallow intmsives whose compositions range fromalkali basalt, basanite, and nephelinite to trachyte and phonolite.A range of relatively potassic volcanic rocks is also developedin the Province. The degree of undersaturation and ratios suchas (FeO+Fe2O3):MgO and K2O:Na2O vary widely in rocks with comparabledifferentiation indices. Chemical and mineralogical data onwhole rock-glass pairs and variants of shallow intrusives inthe Province, assessed in conjunction with similar data fromother volcanic provinces, demonstrate the production of trachyticliquids from alkali basaltic parents and of phonolitic liquidsfrom basanitic parents. Fractionation trends in both sodic andpotassic series, defined by variation in differentiation indexand normative nepheline, indicate that the degree of undersaturationof the derivative salic liquids is dependent on that of theparent; the slope of the fractionation trend lines is influencedby additional factors, including Po2. The unequivocal productionof phonolite from trachyte in the East Otago Province has notbeen demonstrated. The mafic variants of theralites from Waihola and a basanite-pegmatoidassociation from Omimi are similar in composition, but the mostsalic differentiates from these differentiation sequences displaypronounced differences in their KO:Na2O ratios, tending towardsleuco-theralitic (cf. lugarite) and malignitic compositionsrespectively. A multicomponent spectrum of fractionation lineages is suggestedfor individual differentiated bodies and for lava series. Sodiclineages include: (I) alkali basalt–hawaiite–mugearite–benmoreite–trachyte;(2) a more undersaturated series from basanite through nephelinehawaiite, nepheline mugearite, and nepheline benmoreite, tophonolite; (3) a nephelinite series, more restricted in compositionalrange. The relatively high Fe: Mg ratios characterizing themugearitic variants are sometimes exhibited by members of themore potassic series in which, however, Fe:Mg ratios tend tobe characteristically lower. This feature is correlated withthe frequent occurrence of kaersutitic amphibole or its resorptionproducts, indicative of intratelluric fractionation under relativelyhydrous conditions and probably relatively high Po2. Certainnepheline trachyandesites from East Otago are described in detail.Trachy-basalt-trachyandesite-tristanite-trachyte and sanidinebasanite-nepheline trachyandesite-nepheline tristanite-phonolitelineages are also proposed, and the nomenclature of these moreseries discussed.  相似文献   

Pavement design in Senegal is based on a linear elastic behavior of pavement materials and the hypothesis of a static loading. However, previous works on the mechanical behavior of road materials showed that this one is reversible after several loading cycles and depends on the applied stress. The described behavior is from then on, purely nonlinear. One of the objectives of this research is to determine the parameters of response of lateritic pavement materials submitted to road traffic by using FEM. Therefore, experiments were made on gravel lateritic soils from Dougar, Sébikotane, Mont-Rolland, Pâ Lo and Ngoundiane. The Young’s modulus of the materials was defined in unconfined compression test while repeated load triaxial test was performed to determine the resilient modulus of the gravels and the appropriate model (Uzan model). An implementation was realized with Cast3M©. The importance of the nonlinearity was revealed in a very clear way and was crucial in the construction of the calculation algorithm. The observations for certain conditions showed that the values of the critical responses are more important for the linear model than for the nonlinear model. However, this trend should be validated by further studies.  相似文献   

湖南省铁矿成矿区带划分方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖南省铁矿成矿区带划分方案是"湖南省矿产资源潜力评价"项目的阶段性成果,该方案划分到Ⅴ级。Ⅰ-Ⅲ级成矿区带主要参照《中国成矿区带划分方案》[1]划分;Ⅳ级成矿带是以本省大地构造分区的四级构造单元为基础,结合本省矿产、物化探自然重砂异常分布情况而确定;Ⅴ级成矿区带只涉及铁矿,它是在完成了全省铁矿资源预测的基础上进行的,其划分依据充分。本文对各级成矿区带的划分原则进行了阐述,并对与铁矿有关的Ⅴ级成矿区特征进行了系统总结。  相似文献   

南方研究区下寒武统、上奥陶统—下志留统、下二叠统、上二叠统四套区域性古生代海相烃源岩可划分为7种有利沉积相:即深水泥质陆棚相、深水热水陆棚相、深水碳酸盐岩陆棚相、深水硅磷质台凹相、海湾澙湖相、近海湖盆沼泽相、前三角洲相。四套海相烃源岩的沉积—生物相图反映出这些相都不同程度与大洋相通。从早寒武世到晚二叠世,烃源岩的相类型向多样化发展。受都匀、东吴运动影响,有利相带的分布范围由大到小出现两个旋回。南方海相烃源岩的发育受板块运动、板内活动、三大古隆起、四个转换期、沉积—生物相等五个因素的控制。南方海相优质烃源岩的形成模式可概括为深水陆棚—底栖藻席模式,其特点是底栖藻类发育,沉积表面氧化而埋藏环境还原,并以此区别于已有的三种形成模式。研究区北面的秦岭洋,南面的华南洋(Pz1)、八布洋(Pz2)伸入扬子克拉通内部形成的不同时期"海湾体系",是海相烃源岩发育的摇篮,可作为南方海相油气勘探的一个重要领域。  相似文献   

The geochemical and Sm-Nd isotopic compositions of Palaeoproterozoie metasedimentary rocks from the Jiangxian and Zhongtiao Groups, distributed in the Zhongtiao Mountains in the North China Craton, have been carried out in order to evaluate the provenance, and tectonic setting of the sedimentary basin.  相似文献   

福建紫金山矿田中生代岩浆岩演化序列研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
福建紫金山矿田中生代岩浆活动分为晚侏罗世和早白垩世二幕,第一幕为晚侏罗世(154~149 Ma)挤压环境下的岩浆活动,表现为壳源S型花岗岩紫金山复式岩体与才溪岩体的侵位,复式岩体具有154 Ma、150 Ma及149 Ma三次脉动;才溪岩体侵位时代约150 Ma。第二幕发生于早白垩世(125~93 Ma)构造拉张、地幔上涌的环境,岩浆活动共4期,形成一套 I 型花岗岩及共源异相的火山岩、次火山岩,为成矿提供了物源和热源。其中第1期为早白垩世火山喷发与岩浆超浅层就位,形成石帽山群下段的英安岩及紫金山次火山岩(125~118 Ma);第2期表现为石帽山群下段安山岩喷发与四方岩体的侵位以及英安玢岩的形成(109~103 Ma);第3期表现为石帽山群下段英安岩的喷发和罗卜岭—紫金山似斑状花岗闪长(斑)岩的侵位以及龙江亭、二庙沟附近的石英闪长玢岩的形成(103~100 Ma);第4期表现为晚期罗卜岭斑岩的侵位、石帽山群上段流纹岩的喷发和大岩里花岗斑岩岩脉、金铜矿的石英斑岩脉等成矿后期无矿脉岩的形成(100~93 Ma)。晚侏罗世、早白垩世两个岩浆系统各自形成共源岩浆异地异相分异演化的格局。  相似文献   

新疆和静备战铁矿地处新疆西天山阿吾拉勒山东段,矿区晚古生代岩浆岩发育,出露有钾长花岗岩和钾长花岗斑岩。地球化学特征表明,SiO2=74.24%~75.88%,里特曼指数σ=2.11~2.3,全碱含量(Na2O+K2O)为8.32~8.65,A/CNK=0.868~1.009,属准铝质岩类,属高钾钙碱性系列,I型花岗岩。微量元素特征显示其岩浆源区组成比较复杂,显示了地壳组分参与的影响。ΣREE=96.38×10-6~158.02×10-6,LREE富集,具明显的δEu负异常,δEu=0.07~0.29,δCe=0.54~1.17,LREE/HREE=3.897~12.02。其产出环境为后碰撞构造环境,其花岗岩源区为下部地壳。  相似文献   

青海加当根斑岩型铜(钼)矿床位于东昆仑造山带,祁漫塔格-都兰造山亚带的东端,是近年来新发现的矿床,目前该矿床的研究程度较低。对矿区火成岩样品全岩地球化学测试结果表明,矿区含矿斑岩岩具有富硅、碱,贫钛、钙、镁,过铝质的特征,岩石系列属于高钾钙碱性系列。稀土元素上,总体表现为轻稀土富集型,具有Eu负异常。微量元素上,K、Rb、Ba等元素明显富集,Ta、Nb、Zr、Hf、等相对富集,P、Ti、Y、Yb等明显亏损,且不具有埃达克岩亲和性,微量和稀土元素特征反映出产于陆缘弧的环境。结合区域地质背景、岩石地球化学特征及判别图解,认为加当根矿区火成岩产于碰撞造山初期,陆缘弧与碰撞造山并存的环境,其成因起源于残留洋壳的脱水作用使地幔楔发生部分熔融。  相似文献   

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