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Magnetic fabric and rock magnetism studies were performed on three mafic dike swarms (total of 38 dikes) from the southernmost part of the São Francisco Craton (SFC) (Minas Gerais State, SE Brazil). They cut Archaean granite–gneiss–migmatite and paleoprototerozoic terranes. These swarms are classified as basic–noritic (Sm–Nd age  2.65 Ga), basic (Rb–Sr age  1.87 Ga) and metamorphic (Rb–Sr age  1.87 Ga) suites, in which the second is the most important. Magnetic fabrics were determined by applying both anisotropy of low-field magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and anisotropy of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (AARM). In most sites magnetic susceptibility is dominantly carried by ferromagnetic minerals, however, in some sites the paramagnetic contribution exceeds 70% of bulk susceptibility. Mainly coarse to fine-grained Ti-poor titanomagnetite up to pure magnetite carry the magnetic fabrics.Three primary AMS fabrics are recognized which are all coaxial with the AARM fabric. Normal AMS fabric is dominant in the basic suite (16 of 20 analyzed dikes) and occurs in 4 and 3 dikes from the basic–noritic and metamorphic suites, respectively. This fabric is interpreted as a result of magma flow in which the analysis of Kmax inclination permitted to infer that the majority of dikes were fed by inclined flows (30° < Kmax < 60°), although 44% of dikes from the basic suite were fed by horizontal or sub-horizontal flows (Kmax < 30°). Intermediate AMS fabric was found in 50% of dikes from the basic–noritic and metamorphic suites, but in only 2 dikes from the basic suite. It is interpreted as due to vertical compaction of a static magma column with the minimum stress along the dike strike. Inverse AMS fabric is a minority (2 dikes from each suite). The parallelism between AMS and AARM tensors for dikes with abnormal fabrics suggests a primary origin for them. Gyroremanent magnetization (GRM) effect was negligible for the majority of dikes, but it was found in two dikes from the basic suite with normal AMS fabric.Magnetic fabrics recognized for the three studied swarms do not depend on magnetic mineralogy, geochemical composition, dike strikes, nor the age of the swarms since the same magnetic minerals and magnetic fabric types are found in dikes from all suites. Inclined and horizontal flows allow us to infer the relative position of at least three magma sources (or magma chambers) from which the dikes were fed.  相似文献   

Granulite from 66 sites along the Além-Paraiba dextral shear zone were collected for magnetic analyses. The rocks were affected by the Braziliano orogeny, which was responsible for the present structural pattern. Magnetic fabrics were determined applying anisotropy of low—field magnetic susceptibility (AMS, all sites) and anisotropy of remanence magnetization (ARM, in 21 sites). The ferromagnetic minerals are magnetite, titanohematite, and in some samples, minor pyrrhotite. Hysteresis curves show that both para— and ferromagnetic minerals are the carriers of AMS. Thus AMS is due to the preferred crystallographic orientation of paramagnetic matrix minerals and titanohematite, to the shape anisotropy of magnetite grains, or to a combination of all three. ARM was performed imposing both anhysteretic remanence (AAR) and isothermal remanence (AIRM). The AMS, AAR, and AIRM fabrics are coaxial and are tectonic in origin. Their parallelism indicates that both ferromagnetic and paramagnetic minerals recorded the same metamorphic event. A passive—marker model is suggested for ferromagnetic minerals at the outcrop scale. The magnetic foliation is very close to the strike of the Além Paraíba shear zone, suggesting that this generated the local rock fabrics during the Braziliano orogeny.  相似文献   

Magnetic measurements were performed on apparently undeformed limestones and carbonate shales from 44 sites in nearly horizontal stratigraphic layers mainly from the basal units of the Neoproterozoic Bambui Group in the southern part of the São Francisco Basin. Rock magnetism, cathodoluminescence, transmitted and reflected light microscopy analyses reveal that there is a mix of ferromagnetic minerals, mainly magnetite and pyrrhotite, in most sites. In some sites, however, the ferromagnetic minerals are magnetite and hematite. Fine-grained pyrrhotite and pyrite accompany rare fine-grained graphite and probably amorphous carbon in some of stylolites, while pyrrhotite is also present as larger interstitial masses in coarse-grained domains outside, but close to the stylolites. Magnetic fabrics were determined applying both anisotropy of low-field magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and anisotropy of anhysteretic remanence magnetization (AAR). The AAR tensor was less well defined than the AMS fabric due to the low ferromagnetic mineral content. The analysis at the individual-site scale defines three AMS fabric types. The first type (two sites) shows Kmin perpendicular to the bedding plane, while Kmax and Kint are scattered within bedding plane itself. This fabric is usually interpreted as primary (sedimentary-compactional), typical of totally undeformed sediments. The second type shows the three well-clustered AMS axes with Kmin still perpendicular to the bedding plane. This fabric is the most important since it was found in the majority of the sites. The third type (two sites) is characterized by well-clustered Kmax in the bedding plane, while Kmin and Kint are distributed along a girdle. The second and third fabric types are interpreted as combinations of sedimentary-compactional and tectonic contributions at the earliest, and at a slightly later stage of deformation, respectively. AMS represents the contribution of all the rock-forming minerals, while AAR isolates the contribution of remanence-bearing minerals from the matrix minerals. However, rock magnetism shown that anhysteretic remanence only reaches grains with coercivity < 100 mT because the maximum AF in the majority of the available instruments is 100 mT. Therefore, hematite and pyrrhotite probably do not contribute to AAR, which is due to the shape-preferred orientation of magnetite grains. For some sites, the AMS and AAR fabric orientations are different, mainly with respect to the lineation orientations (Kmax and Amax, respectively). In general, Kmax is well developed and follows the trend of the main regional thrusts, fold axes and faults generated in the first deformational phase, while Amax follows both this trend and that of structural lineaments formed during the second deformational phase. These deformation phases arose from the compression, which occurred during the evolution of the Brasília fold belt during the last stages of the Brasiliano event. The magnetic fabrics of the apparently undeformed Bambui limestones are typical of very weakly deformed sediments, in which the depositional-compaction fabric has been partly overprinted by a tectonic one, with minimum susceptibility direction remaining perpendicular to bedding. This result is in agreement with the textures given by the petrographic observations.  相似文献   

The 616 ± 3 Ma (Ediacaran) Egersund doleritic dike swarm cuts across the Rogaland anorthosite province and its granulitic country rocks, in SW Norway. The structure of eight out of eleven main dikes of the swarm was investigated using the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) technique. Thermomagnetic data and values of the bulk magnetic susceptibility reveal a magnetic mineralogy dominated by Ti-poor titanomagnetite. Magnetic fabric and global petrofabric are coaxial, except in sites strongly affected by hydrothermal alteration, as demonstrated through image analysis. Asymmetrical dispositions of the magnetic foliation and lineation support the existence of a syn-emplacement, sinistral strike-slip shearing resolved on dike walls. Such asymmetrical fabrics are attributed to a transtension tectonic regime, in a context of oblique extension during the continental rifting phase which preceded the opening of the Iapetus Ocean along the SW margin (present-day orientation) of Baltica.  相似文献   

A theoretical model predicting how anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and vesicle fabrics are modified by shear stress resolved on the dike walls prior to the final cooling of magma is developed for vertical dikes. The resulting fabrics are asymmetric with respect to initial fabrics assumed to be symmetric. Application of this model together with collected data on magma flow direction, dike propagation direction and mechanism, and shear sense, allow us to interpret dike fabrics in terms of shear resolved on the dike walls during intrusion (en echelon arrangement, offsetting, and dike curvature). The interpretation of AMS and vesicle fabrics of the margins of four dikes shows a reasonable agreement with the proposed theoretical models, suggesting that asymmetric fabrics can be used to infer magma flow and may provide valuable information on the shear resolved on the dike walls during intrusion.  相似文献   

Magnetic fabrics from rocks with multiple mineral-preferred orientations may have anisotropy ellipsoids whose shape and orientation arise from the addition of two or more component fabrics. Our numerical models and experiments demonstrate that such composite magnetic fabrics do not directly reflect the shapes and/or orientations of the individual mineral fabrics and we provide criteria for the recognition and interpretation of composite fabrics in natural rocks. These criteria include:

1. (1) the orientation of the maximum susceptibility axis is located at the intersection of two planar fabrics, and

2. (2) the shape of the susceptibility ellipsoid changes from oblate to prolate and the degree of anisotropy decreases, as the relative intensity of two planar component fabrics becomes equal and as the angle between the planar fabrics increases.

Composite magnetic fabrics are observed in the shales and slates of the Martinsburg Formation, Lehigh Gap, Pennsylvania. Modeling of the AMS (anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility) and ARMA (anhysteretic remanent magnetization anisotropy) behavior constrains the relative degree of anisotropy of the bedding-parallel and cleavage-parallel fabrics. In particular, ARMA model results allow a good estimate of magnetite fabric strength.

We conclude that, in the presence of composite magnetic fabrics, quantitative measures of finite strain in deformed rocks are limited by the ability to accurately determine the degree of anisotropy and relative susceptibility of each component fabric. Such determinations require knowledge of the mineral(s) that are responsible for the measured magnetic fabric and their behavior during deformation.  相似文献   

Magnetic fabric and rock-magnetism studies were performed on the four units of the 578 ± 3-Ma-old Piracaia pluton (NW of São Paulo State, southern Brazil). This intrusion is roughly elliptical (~32 km2), composed of (i) coarse-grained monzodiorite (MZD-c), (ii) fine-grained monzodiorite (MZD-f), which is predominant in the pluton, (iii) monzonite heterogeneous (MZN-het), and (iv) quartz syenite (Qz-Sy). Magnetic fabrics were determined by applying both anisotropy of low-field magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and anisotropy of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (AARM). The two fabrics are coaxial. The parallelism between AMS and AARM tensors excludes the presence of a single domain (SD) effect on the AMS fabric of the units. Several rock-magnetism experiments performed in one specimen from each sampled units show that for all of them, the magnetic susceptibility and magnetic fabrics are carried by magnetite grains, which was also observed in the thin sections. Foliations and lineations in the units were successfully determined by applying magnetic methods. Most of the magnetic foliations are steeply dipping or vertical in all units and are roughly parallel to the foliation measured in the field and in the country rocks. In contrast, the magnetic lineations present mostly low plunges for the whole pluton. However, for eight sites, they are steep up to vertical. Thin-section analyses show that rocks from the Piracaia pluton were affected by the regional strain during and after emplacement since magmatic foliation evolves to solid-state fabric in the north of the pluton, indicating that magnetic fabrics in this area of the pluton are related to this strain. Otherwise, the lack of solid-state deformation at outcrop scale and in thin sections precludes deformation in the SW of the pluton. This evidence allows us to interpret the observed magnetic fabrics as primary in origin (magmatic) acquired when the rocks were solidified as a result of magma flow, in which steeply plunging magnetic lineation suggests that a feeder zone could underlie this area.  相似文献   

Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility(AMS)studies were carried out on a precisely dated(2216.0±0.9 Ma),450 km long N-S striking dyke in the Dharwar Craton,to determine the magma flow direction along the dyke length.In order to use the imbrication of the magnetic foliation,forty eight samples were collected from 13 locations along the length of the dyke.Magnetogranulometry studies show that AMS fabric is dominated by medium grained interstitial Ti-poor multidomain magnetite.The corrected anisotropy degree(P_j)of the samples was found to be low to moderate,between 1.007 and 1.072,which indicates primary magnetic fabric.The magnetic ellipsoid is either triaxial,prolate or oblate and clearly defines normal,intermediate and inverse magnetic fabrics related to magma flow during the dyke emplacement.The maximum susceptibility axes(K_(max))of the AMS tensor of the dyke is predominantly inclined at low angles(30°),with no systematic variation in depth along the N-S profile,indicating sub-horizontal flow even at mid crustal levels which could probably be governed by location of the focal region of the magma source(mantle plume?),flow dynamics together with the compressive stresses exerted by the overlying crust.  相似文献   

Dikes of the eastern Troodos ophiolite of Cyprus intruded at slow ocean-spreading axes with dips ranging up to 15° from vertical and with bimodal strikes (now NE–SW and N–S due to post-88 Ma sinistral microplate rotation). Varied dike orientations may represent local stress fields during dike-crack propagation but do not influence the spatial-distributions or orientation-distributions of dikes' magnetic fabrics, nor of their palaeomagnetic signals. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) integrates mineral orientation-distributions from each of 1289 specimens sampled from dikes at 356 sites over 400 km2 in the eastern Troodos ophiolite of Cyprus. In 90% of dikes, AMS fabrics define a foliation (kMAXkINT) parallel to dike walls and a lineation (kMAX) that varies regionally and systematically. Magma-flow alignment of accessory magnetite controls the AMS with a subordinate contribution from the mafic silicate matrix that is reduced in anisotropy by sea-floor metamorphism. Titanomagnetite has less influence on anisotropy. Occasionally, intermediate and minimum susceptibility axes are switched so as to be incompatible with the kinematically reasonable flow plane but maximum susceptibility (kMAX) still defines the magmatic flow axis. Such blended subfabrics of kinematically compatible mafic-silicate and misaligned multidomain magnetite subfabrics; are rare. Areas of steep magma flow (kMAX plunge ≥ 70°) and of shallow magma-flow alternate in a systematic and gradual spatial pattern. Foci of steep flow were spaced 4 km parallel to the spreading axes and 6 km perpendicular to the spreading axes. Ridge-parallel separation of steep flow suggest the spacing of magma-feeders to the dikes whereas ridge-perpendicular spacing of 6 km at a spreading rate of 50 mm/a implies the magma sources may have been active for 240 Ka. The magma feeders feeding dikes may have been ≤ 2 km in diameter. Stable paleomagnetic vectors, in some cases verified by reversal tests, are retained by magnetite and titanomagnetite. In all specimens, the stable components were isolated by three cycles of low-temperature demagnetization (LTD) followed by ≥ 10 steps of incremental thermal demagnetization (TD). 47% of primary A-components [338.2 /+ 57.2 n = 207, α95 = 3.9; mean TUB = 397 ± 8 °C] are overprinted by a B-component [341.4 /+ 63.5, n = 96, α95 = 8.7; mean TUB = 182 ± 11 °C]. A- and B-components are ubiquitous and shared equally by the N–S and NE–SW striking dikes. A-component unblocking temperatures (TUB) are zoned subparallel to the fossil spreading axis. Their spatial pattern is consistent with chemical remagnetization at some certain off-axis distance determined by sea-floor spreading. A-components indicate less microplate rotation and more northerly palaeolatitudes that are consistent with metamorphic remagnetization after some spreading from the ridge-axis. Thus, their magnetizations are younger than those of the overlying volcanic sequence for which ChRMs are commonly reported as 274 /+ 33 (88 Ma).  相似文献   

We resolve the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) axes along fault planes, cores and damage zones in rocks that crop out next to the Dead Sea Transform (DST) plate boundary. We measured 261 samples of mainly diamagnetic dolostones that were collected from 15 stations. To test the possible effect of the iron content on the AMS we analyzed the Fe concentrations of the samples in different rock phases. Dolostones with mean magnetic susceptibility value lower than −4 × 10−6 SI and iron content less than ∼1000 ppm are suitable for diamagnetic AMS-based strain analysis. The dolostones along fault planes display AMS fabrics that significantly deviate from the primary “sedimentary fabric”. The characteristics of these fabrics include well-grouped, sub-horizontal, minimum principal AMS axes (k3) and sub-vertical magnetic foliations commonly defined by maximum and intermediate principal AMS axes (k1 and k2 axes, respectively). These fabrics are distinctive along fault planes located tens of kilometers apart, with strikes ranging between NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW and different senses of motion. The obtained magnetic foliations (k1k2) are sub-parallel (within ∼20°) to the fault planes. Based on rock magnetic and geochemical analyses, we interpret the AMS fabrics as the product of both shape and crystallographic anisotropy of the dolostones. Preferred shape alignment evolves due to mechanical rotation of subordinate particles and rock fragments at the fault core. Preferred crystallographic orientation results from elevated frictional heating (>300 °C) during faulting, which enhances c-axes alignment in the cement-supported dolomite breccia due to crystal-plastic processes. The penetrative deformation within fault zones resulted from the local, fault-related strain field and does not reflect the regional strain field. The analyzed AMS fabrics together with fault-plane kinematics provide valuable information on faulting characteristics in the uppermost crust.  相似文献   

The Apiaí gabbro-norite is a massive fine-grained Neoproterozoic intrusion emplaced in a core of synformal structure that deforms low-grade marine metasedimentary rocks of the Ribeira Belt of south-eastern Brazil. The lack of visible magmatic layering or any internal fabric has been a major limitation in deciding whether the emplacement occurred before or after the regional folding. To assist in the tectonic interpretations, we combine low-field anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and silicate shape preferred orientation (SPO) to reveal the internal structure of the mafic intrusion. Magnetic data indicate a mean susceptibility of about 10−2 SI and a mean anisotropy degree (P) of about 1.08, essentially yielded by titanomagnetite. The magnetic and silicate foliations for P ≥ 1.10 are parallel to each other, while the lineations tend to scatter on the foliation plane, in agreement with the dominant oblate symmetry of the AMS and SPO ellipsoids. For lower P values, the magnetic and silicate fabrics vary from coaxial to oblique, and for P ≤ 1.05, their shapes and orientations can be quite distinct. The crystal size distribution (CSD) of plagioclase for P > 1.05 is log linear, in agreement with a bulk simple crystallisation history. These results combined show that for a strong SPO, corresponding to a magnetic anisotropy above 1.10, AMS is a reliable indicator of the magmatic fabric. They indicate that the Apiaí gabbro-norite consists of sill-like body that was inclined gently to the north by the regional folding.  相似文献   

Experimental shear zones and magnetic fabrics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Magnetic fabric analysis has been used as a non-destructive means of detecting petrofabric development during experimentally produced multi-stage, transpressive deformations in ‘shear zones’. Artificial, magnetic-bearing silicate sands and calcite sands, bonded with Portland cement, were deformed at room temperature and at 100 and 150 MPa confining pressure. The slip-rate for the shear zone walls was 0.73 × 10−4 mm s−1 and the maximum shear strains were about 0.38, across zones that were initially about 5 mm thick. The magnetic fabric ellipsoid rapidly spins so that the maximum and intermediate susceptibilities tend to become parallel to the shear zone walls throughout the sheared zone. The ellipsoid becomes increasingly oblate with progressive deformation. However, in all cases, the anisotropy is strongly influenced by the pre-deformation magnetic fabric. During deformation the cement gel collapses so that cataclasis of the mineral grains is suppressed. In the quartz-feldspar aggregates the magnetite's alignment is accommodated by particulate flow (intergranular displacements) of the grains. In the calcite aggregates stronger magnetic fabrics develop due to plastic deformation of calcite grains as well as particulate flow. However, the calcite grain fabrics are somewhat linear (LS) whereas the magnetic fabrics are planar (S >L). The preferred dimensional orientations of magnetite are weak and it is possible that the magnetic fabrics are due to intragranular rearrangements of magnetic domains.The transpressive shear zones are much more efficient than axial-symmetric shortening in the increase of anisotropy of the magnetic fabrics, especially in the case of the calcite aggregates. This suggests that flow laws derived for axial-symmetric shortening experiments may not be appropriate for non-coaxial strain histories such as those of shear zones.  相似文献   

西昆仑山前晚新生代沉积岩磁组构及构造意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
西昆仑山前晚新生代沉积岩磁组构特征表明,沉积岩原生磁组构受后期构造活动改变。磁组构测试结果表明晚新生代沉积岩生较明显变形,岩石磁化率椭球体指示磁面理较发育,反映岩石受压扁型变形为主。磁化率椭球体最小轴方向为NW,指示该区最大主压应力为NW,与区域构造分析结果相一致。  相似文献   

The Espinho Branco anatexite, located within a transcurrent, high-temperature shear zone in NE Brazil, was the subject of a comprehensive petrostructural study (Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility – AMS, Anisotropy of Anhysteretic Remanence – AAR, Electron Backscatter Diffraction – EBSD) to evaluate the compatibility of different fabrics with the kinematics of melt deformation. Magnetite dominates susceptibilities larger than 1 mSI and biotite displays [001] lattice directions consistent with AMS k3 axes. In contrast, migmatites with a susceptibility lower than 0.5 mSI and no visible mesoscopic foliation provide crystallographic fabrics distinct from AMS and AAR. However, AAR remains consistent with the regional strain field. These results suggest that the correlation of field, AMS and crystallographic fabrics is not always straightforward despite the relatively simple organisation of the magnetic fabric in the anatexite. We conclude that AMS recorded the final stages of the strain field in the migmatite irrespective of its complex mesoscale structures and contrasting crystallographic fabrics.  相似文献   

Oriented samples of sediments from Ariyalur Group, Cauvery Basin, south India, were studied for low field anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) measurements to unravel the magnetic fabrics and paleocurrent directions. The results of AMS parameters of the sediments indicate primary depositional fabrics for Sillakkudi, Ottakovil and Kallamedu sandstone formations and secondary fabric for Kallankurichchi limestone formation. The obtained low degree of anisotropy (P j ), oblate shape AMS ellipsoid and distribution of maximum (K 1) and minimum (K 3) susceptibility axes on equal area projection confirm the primary sedimentary fabric for Sillakkudi, Ottakovil and Kallamedu Formations. In the case of ferruginous, lower arenaceous, Gryphaea limestone and upper arenaceous limestone beds of Kallankurichchi Formation have recorded more than one fabric. The observed AMS parameters like shape factor (T) (prolate to oblate), q value and random distribution of minimum (K 3) and maximum (K 1) susceptibility axes are supported for secondary fabrics in Kallankurichchi Formation as a result of post-depositional processes. Based on petrographic studies, it can be established that K 1 AMS axis of biotite mineral could represent the flow direction. The established paleocurrent direction for Sillakkudi is NW–SE direction while Ottakovil and Kallamedu Formations recorded NE–SW direction. Overall the paleoflow directions observed for Ariyalur Group is NE–SW to NW–SE.  相似文献   

Magnetic fabric and rock-magnetic studies have been carried out for the non-fossiliferous, low- to medium-grade metasedimentary rocks in the southwestern part of the Okcheon metamorphic belt (OMB). Two major metamorphic events in the study area were previously recognized: regional metamorphism (M1) in the late Carboniferous to early Permian and contact metamorphism (M2) due to the intrusion of granite in the middle Jurassic. The metamorphic grade of the study area increases from the biotite zone in southeast through the garnet zone to the staurolite zone towards the northwest. Magnetic fabrics of the study area are generally well defined and can be characterized according to the metamorphic zones. Magnetic foliation is the dominant magnetic fabric in the biotite zone, while magnetic lineation prevails in both garnet and staurolite zones. We interpret the metamorphism-related deformation history of the study area based on magnetic fabrics, magnetic mineralogy and previously reported metamorphic evolution as follows. Penetrative NW-dipping cleavage, represented by magnetic foliation, was formed in the study area by prevailing NW–SE shortening event during the M1 regional metamorphism in the late Carboniferous–early Permian. This shortening event is interpreted to be associated with the collisional event between the North and South China blocks. Cleavages dipping steeply to the southeast in the staurolite zone are attributed to the pressure exerted from the intrusion of Jurassic granite in the northwestern area.  相似文献   

秦岭商丹构造带内发育的晚三叠世沙沟街韧性剪切带蕴含大量地质信息,很好地记录了秦岭印支期碰撞造山过程。为了探究该剪切带的运动学特征及其动力学背景,在野外观测、显微构造分析的基础上,对其中发育的糜棱岩进行了磁组构和运动学涡度研究。岩石磁学和磁组构分析结果显示:样品的平均磁化率Km值总体较高,载磁矿物主要为磁铁矿等铁磁性矿物;磁化率各向异性度PJ值较大,表明构造变形较为强烈;形态参数T值多大于0,反映磁化率椭球体以扁球体为主;磁线、面理优势产状与野外观测到的矿物线、面理较为一致。结合磁组构、边界断层以及C面理产状,认为沙沟街韧性剪切带具有左行走滑挤压的运动学特征。运动学涡度Wk值及其分布特征表明,沙沟街剪切带中纯剪切作用所占的比重总体大于简单剪切作用,并且剪切带的核部应位于北界断层附近。综合分析认为,沙沟街韧性剪切带的运动学特征反映了总体斜向汇聚背景下的局部走滑挤压,与商丹带西段发育的同期韧性剪切带具有完全反向的运动学指向,这可能与碰撞导致的侧向挤出构造有关  相似文献   

A 28-m-long section situated on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, Russia (74°N, 113°E) was extensively sampled primarily for the purpose of magnetostratigraphic investigations across the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary. The section consists predominantly of marine black shales with abundant siderite concretions and several distinct siderite cemented layers. Low-field magnetic susceptibility (k) ranges from 8 × 10− 5 to 2 × 10− 3 SI and is predominantly controlled by the paramagnetic minerals, i.e. iron-bearing chlorites, micas, and siderite. The siderite-bearing samples possess the highest magnetic susceptibility, usually one order of magnitude higher than the neighboring rock. The intensity of the natural remanent magnetization (M0) varies between 1 × 10− 5 and 6 × 10− 3 A/m. Several samples possessing extremely high values of M0 were found. There is no apparent correlation between the high k and high M0 values; on the contrary, the samples with relatively high M0 values possess average magnetic susceptibility and vice versa. According to the low-field anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), three different groups of samples can be distinguished. In the siderite-bearing samples (i), an inverse magnetic fabric is observed, i.e., the maximum and minimum principal susceptibility directions are interchanged and the magnetic fabric has a distinctly prolate shape. Triaxial-fabric samples (ii), showing an intermediate magnetic fabric, are always characterized by high M0 values. It seems probable that the magnetic fabric is controlled by the preferred orientation of paramagnetic phyllosilicates, e.g., chlorite and mica, and by some ferromagnetic mineral with anomalous orientation in relation to the bedding plane. Oblate-fabric samples (iii) are characterized by a bedding-controlled magnetic fabric, and by moderate magnetic susceptibility and M0 values. The magnetic fabric is controlled by the preferred orientation of phyllosilicate minerals and, to a minor extent, by a ferrimagnetic fraction, most probably detrital magnetite. Considering the magnetic fabric together with paleomagnetic component analyses, the siderite-bearing, and the high-NRM samples (about 15% of samples) were excluded from further magnetostratigraphic research.  相似文献   

Near Granite Falls, Minnesota sub-parallel pseudotachylyte, mafic dikes, and calcite veins crosscut Archean granulite facies rocks in the Minnesota River valley adjacent to the north-dipping Yellow Medicine Shear Zone (YMSZ; N80°E) that separates the Montevideo and Morton tectonic terranes. The docking of these two Archean terranes occurred prior to intrusion of the 2.067 Ga Kenora-Kabetogama dike swarm as demonstrated by aeromagnetic anomalies (correlated with field exposures) that cross the YMSZ without offset. Tectonic adjustments along the YMSZ associated with the Penokean Orogeny ( 1.8 Ga) are likely responsible for pseudotachylyte formation.Pseudotachylyte is exposed in 22 sub-parallel veins ( N80°E, 90°) each less than 2 cm wide across an outcrop width of 45 m. The pseudotachylyte matrix is commonly banded, and contains crystal fragments (quartz, plagioclase, amphibole, rutile, apatite, ilmenite, ulvöspinel), magnetite microlites, flow banding swirls, amygdules (filled with calcite, ankerite and siderite), collapsed vesicles, and abundant lithic clasts. Pseudotachylyte formed in a number of phases. Kinematic reconstruction is complex, utilizing winged porphyroclasts, S-C structures in the country rock, and fault drag indicators along the pseudotachylyte zones. Dextral motion along the YMSZ is the most common observation. Mechanically twinned calcite within amygdules in the pseudotachylyte preserves horizontal shortening normal to the pseudotachylyte strike. Calcite veins are apparently contemporaneous with the pseudotachylyte; one set preserves twinning strains identical to the calcite amygdule strains, and the second set contains a horizontal, vein-parallel (N70°E) shortening strain. The pseudotachylyte contains a flow fabric, as determined by AMS techniques, that is a proxy for vertical flow (Kmax is vertical). The Kenora-Kabetogama dikes, identified geochemically, are locally parallel to the pseudotachylyte and the adjacent YMSZ tectonic suture and preserve a vertical-to-horizontal, dike-parallel AMS fabric from east (Franklin) to west (Granite Falls). Hornblende andesite dikes (055°, 1.8 Ga) are not found south of the suture, are not associated with pseudotachylyte and have a different paleopole and AMS fabric.  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous coal deposits of the Khasyn coalfield are intruded by Palaeogene diabase dikes. The coal has vitrinite reflectance values of 2.0–2.5% Ro, and characteristics of normal anthracite at some distance from the dikes, but at direct contact with the dike two morphological coal varieties occur: coal inclusions in the diabase dike and dispersed carbonaceous matter within the dike rock. Both types of coaly matter have properties typical of anthracites: strong anisotropy, altered internal structure and high vitrinite reflectance values ranging from 3.8 to 5.5% Ro. The X-ray diffraction measurements of the interplanar spacing d(002) and the crystallite sizes Lc and La show rather similar values for coal inclusions in the dike and dispersed carbonaceous matter. The additional reflection at 3.37 Å, corresponding to semi-graphite admixture, occurs in the coal and carbonaceous matter inside the dike and is absent in the natural coal outside the dike.  相似文献   

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