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EC?11481–2303 is a peculiar, hot, high-gravity pre-white dwarf. Previous optical spectroscopy revealed that it is a sdOB star with T eff=41?790 K, log?g=5.84, and He/H = 0.014 by number. We present an on-going spectral analysis by means of non-LTE model-atmosphere techniques based on high-resolution, high-S/N optical (VLT-UVES) and ultraviolet (FUSE, IUE) observations.We are able to reproduce the optical and UV observations simultaneously with a chemically homogeneous NLTE model atmosphere with a significantly higher effective temperature and lower He abundance (T eff=55?000 K, log?g=5.8, and He/H=0.0025 by number). While C, N, and O appear less than 0.15 times solar, the iron-group abundance is strongly enhanced by at least a factor of ten.  相似文献   

Using the energy variational method of magneto-solid-mechanical theory of a perfectly conducting elastic medium threaded by magnetic field, the frequency spectrum of Lorentz-force-driven global torsional nodeless vibrations of a neutron star with Ferraro’s form of axisymmetric poloidal nonhomogeneous internal and dipole-like external magnetic field is obtained and compared with that for this toroidal Alfvén mode in a neutron star with homogeneous internal and dipolar external magnetic field. The relevance of considered asteroseismic models to quasi-periodic oscillations of the X-ray flux during the ultra powerful outbursts of SGR 1806−20 and SGR 1900+14 is discussed.  相似文献   

In the context of white dwarf asteroseismology, we investigate the vibrational properties of a non-convective solid star with an axisymmetric purely toroidal intrinsic magnetic field of two different shapes. Focus is laid on the regime of node-free global Lorentz-force-driven vibrations about the symmetry axis at which material displacements have one and the same form as those for nodeless spheroidal and torsional vibrations restored by Hooke’s force of elastic shear stresses. Particular attention is given to the even-parity poloidal Alfvén modes whose frequency spectra are computed in analytic form, showing how the purely toroidal magnetic fields completely buried beneath the star surface can manifest itself in seismic vibrations of non-magnetic white dwarfs. The spectral formulae obtained are discussed in juxtaposition with those for Alfvén modes in the solid star model with the poloidal, homogeneous internal and dipolar external, magnetic field whose inferences are relevant to Alfvén vibrations in magnetic white dwarfs.  相似文献   

A numerical method is developed for solving the force-free magnetic field equation, × B = B, with spatially-varying . The boundary conditions required are the distribution of B n (viz. normal component of the field on the photosphere) as well as the value of in the region of positive (or negative) B n . Examples of calculations are presented for a simple model of a solar bipolar magnetic region. It is found that the field configuration and the energy stored in the field depend crucially on the distribution of . The present method can be applied to a more complex configuration observed on the Sun by making use of actual magnetic field measurements.On leave of absence from Department of Astronomy, University of Tokyo.  相似文献   

Observations show that small-amplitude prominence oscillations are usually damped after a few periods. This phenomenon has been theoretically investigated in terms of non-ideal magnetoacoustic waves, non-adiabatic effects being the best candidates to explain the damping in the case of slow modes. We study the attenuation of non-adiabatic magnetoacoustic waves in a slab prominence embedded in the coronal medium. We assume an equilibrium configuration with a transverse magnetic field to the slab axis and investigate wave damping by thermal conduction and radiative losses. The magnetohydrodynamic equations are considered in their linearised form and terms representing thermal conduction, radiation and heating are included in the energy equation. The differential equations that govern linear slow and fast modes are numerically solved to obtain the complex oscillatory frequency and the corresponding eigenfunctions. We find that coronal thermal conduction and radiative losses from the prominence plasma reveal as the most relevant damping mechanisms. Both mechanisms govern together the attenuation of hybrid modes, whereas prominence radiation is responsible for the damping of internal modes and coronal conduction essentially dominates the attenuation of external modes. In addition, the energy transfer between the prominence and the corona caused by thermal conduction has a noticeable effect on the wave stability, radiative losses from the prominence plasma being of paramount importance for the thermal stability of fast modes. We conclude that slow modes are efficiently damped, with damping times compatible with observations. On the contrary, fast modes are less attenuated by non-adiabatic effects and their damping times are several orders of magnitude larger than those observed. The presence of the corona causes a decrease of the damping times with respect to those of an isolated prominence slab, but its effect is still insufficient to obtain damping times of the order of the period in the case of fast modes.  相似文献   

Using polarimetric spectra obtained with the SOFIN spectrograph installed at the Nordic Optical Telescope, we detect a longitudinal magnetic field 〈Bz〉 = –168±35 G in the Of?p star HD 108. This result is in agreement with the longitudinal magnetic field measurement of the order of –150 G recently reported by the MiMeS team. The measurement of the longitudinal magnetic field in the Of?p star HD 191612 results in 〈Bz〉 = +450±153 G. The only previously published magnetic field measurement for this star showed a negative longitudinal magnetic field 〈Bz〉 = –220±38 G, indicating a change of polarity over ∼100 days. Further, we report the detection of distinct Zeeman features in the narrow Ca II and Na I doublet lines for both Of?p stars, hinting at the possible presence of material around these stars. The origin of these features is not yet clear and more work is needed to investigate how magnetic fields interact with stellar wind dynamics (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Motivated by the Fermi observations of someγ-ray pulsars in which the phases of radio andγ-ray peaks are almost the same,we investigate the outer gap model in a retarded dipole with a current-induced magnetic field and apply it to explain pulsedγ-ray properties of the Crab pulsar.Our results show that the observedγ-ray energy-dependent light curves,which almost align with the radio light curve and phase averaged spectrum for the Crab pulsar,are reproduced well.  相似文献   

High-resolution optical spectroscopy of the V2324 Cyg variable star associated with the IR source IRAS 20572+4919 is performed for the first time. More than 200 absorption features (mostly Fe II, Ti II, Cr II, Y II, Ba II, and Y II) are identified in the wavelength interval from 4549 to 7880 Å. The spectral type and rotation velocity of the star are found to be F0 III and V sin i = 69 km/s, respectively. Neutral-hydrogen and NaI D lines have complex P Cyg-type profiles. Neither systematic trend of radial velocity Vr with line depth Ro nor temporal variability of Vr have been found. We found that the value for the average heliocentric radial velocity is Vr = ?16.8 ± 0.6 km/s. The radial velocities inferred from the cores of the absorption components of the Hβ and NaI wind lines vary from ?140 to ?225 km/s (and the expansion velocities of the corresponding layers, from about 120 to 210 km/s). The maximum expansion velocity is found for the blue component of the split Hα absorption: 450 km/s for December 12, 1995. The method of model atmospheres is used to determine the following parameters of the star: effective temperature T eff = 7500 K, surface gravity log g = 2.0, microturbulence velocity ξ t = 6.0 km/s, and metallicity, which is equal to the solar value. The main peculiarity of the chemical composition of the star is the overabundance of lithium and sodium. The results cast some doubt on the classification of V2324 Cyg as a post-AGB star.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of polarization observations of asteroid 554 Peraga obtained with the UBVRI polarimeter using the 1.25 m telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory down to phase angles of 3.1°–16.6° from October to November 2006. The asteroid’s polarization phase curve is shown to have a negative branch with the parameters P min = −1.7% and αmin = 8.4°, which is typical of C-type asteroids. However, these data contradict the results of Zellner and Gradie (1976) obtained in March 1975 that the reflected light from the asteroid’s surface is positively polarized, ≈1% at phase angles of 8°–10°. Since the asteroid’s ecliptic longitudes differ by 160°-145° for the two observation periods, we discuss the possibility that the two sets of observations refer to the asteroid’s two hemispheres with different polarimetric properties.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of free-floating planets and their theoretical interpretation as celestial bodies, either condensed independently or ejected from parent stars in tight clusters, introduced an intriguing possibility. Namely, that some exoplanets are not condensed from the protoplanetary disk of their parent star. In this novel scenario a free-floating planet interacts with an already existing planetary system, created in a tight cluster, and is captured as a new planet. In the present work we study this interaction process by integrating trajectories of planet-sized bodies, which encounter a binary system consisting of a Jupiter-sized planet revolving around a Sun-like star. To simplify the problem we assume coplanar orbits for the bound and the free-floating planet and an initially parabolic orbit for the free-floating planet. By calculating the uncertainty exponent, a quantity that measures the dependence of the final state of the system on small changes of the initial conditions, we show that the interaction process is a fractal classical scattering. The uncertainty exponent is in the range (0.2–0.3) and is a decreasing function of time. In this way we see that the statistical approach we follow to tackle the problem is justified. The possible final outcomes of this interaction are only four, namely flyby, planet exchange, capture or disruption. We give the probability of each outcome as a function of the incoming planet’s mass. We find that the probability of exchange or capture (in prograde as well as retrograde orbits and for very long times) is non-negligible, a fact that might explain the possible future observations of planetary systems with orbits that are either retrograde (see e.g. Queloz et?al. Astron. Astrophys. 417, L1, 2010) or tight and highly eccentric.  相似文献   

We present 145 times of light maximum for high amplitude δ Scuti star BO Lyn based on several sky surveys(CRTS,DASCH,NSVS,OMC and Super WASP)and our photometric observations.Combining with the data in literature,a total of 179 times of light maximum are used to analyze the O-C diagram of BO Lyn.We find that it can be described by an upward parabolic component and a periodic variation with a period of 34.5±0.1 yr.The latter could be caused by the light travel time effect as a result of an additional companion orbiting in a highly elliptical orbit(e=0.64±0.03).Our study indicates that the companion’s luminosity cannot be ignored,and it should be a late A-type main-sequence star.The long-term period change of BO Lyn is also detected,and its value,1.52±0.26×10~(-3)d Myr~(-1),is consistent with evolutionary models.We suggest that more spectroscopic and photometric observations are needed in the future to confirm the nature of the BO Lyn system.  相似文献   

We simulate the evolution of supernova remnants(SNRs) in a strong magnetic field. Usually,supernovae explode in a normal interstellar medium with magnetic field of no more than 50 μG, which has been well studied. However, the surrounding magnetic field will be much stronger in some situations, such as in a galactic center. Therefore, we try to explore these situations. The simulations show that a strong magnetic field of 1 mG will align the motion of ejecta in a way similar to a jet. The ejecta propagating perpendicularly to the magnetic field will be reflected and generate a strong reverse shock. When the reverse shock converges in the explosion center, it will more or less flow along the central magnetic field. Finally,most of the ejecta will propagate parallel to the magnetic field.  相似文献   

In the solar corona, the magnetic flux rope is believed to be a fundamental structure that accounts for magnetic free energy storage and solar eruptions. Up to the present, the extrapolation of the magnetic field from boundary data has been the primary way to obtain fully three-dimensional magnetic information about the corona. As a result, the ability to reliably recover the coronal magnetic flux rope is important for coronal field extrapolation. In this paper, our coronal field extrapolation code is examined with an analytical magnetic flux rope model proposed by Titov D′emoulin, which consists of a bipolar magnetic configuration holding a semi-circular line-tied flux rope in force-free equilibrium. By only using the vector field at the bottom boundary as input, we test our code with the model in a representative range of parameter space and find that the model field can be reconstructed with high accuracy. In particular, the magnetic topological interfaces formed between the flux rope and the surrounding arcade, i.e., the "hyperbolic flux tube" and "bald patch separatrix surface," are also reliably reproduced. By this test, we demonstrate that our CESE–MHD–NLFFF code can be applied to recovering the magnetic flux rope in the solar corona as long as the vector magnetogram satisfies the force-free constraints.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the characteristics of the head-on collision between two dust-acoustic solitary waves (DASWs) in an adiabatic dusty plasma consisting of variable negatively charged dust grains, isothermal electrons and two-temperature isothermal ions in the presence of an external oblique magnetic field are investigated. Using the extended Poincaré–Lighthill–Kuo (PLK) method, the Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equations and the analytical phase shifts after the head-on collision of two solitary waves are derived. The effects of the magnetic field and its obliqueness, two different type of isothermal ions and the dust particles adiabaticity are discussed. It is found that these factors significantly affect the phase shifts.  相似文献   

The effect of a non-uniform magnetic field on the gravitational instability for a non-uniformly rotating, infinitely extending axisymmetric cylinder in a homogeneous medium has been studied. The Bel and Schatzman criterion of gravitational instability for a non-uniformly rotating medium is modified under the effect of a non-uniform/uniform magnetic field acting along the tangential and axial directions. As a consequence the stabilizing and destabilizing effect of the non-uniform magnetic field is obtained, a new criterion for the magneto-gravitational instability is deduced in terms of Alfven’s wave velocity; and it is also found that the Jeans criterion determines the gravitational instability in the absence of rotation and when the non-uniform/uniform magnetic field acts along the axis of the cylinder.  相似文献   

A search for linear polarization due to the transverse Zeeman effect in quiet regions near the heliographic north pole has been carried out. The aim is to determine new constraints on the properties of the hidden or turbulent magnetic flux of the Sun. As more than 90% of the total flux seen in magnetograms has its source in kG fluxtubes with an average filling factor of less than 1%, the term hidden magnetic flux refers to the field in the remaining 99% of the photospheric volume, which remains undetected in ordinary magnetograms (at available levels of spatial resolution and sensitivity).Simultaneous recordings of the Stokes I, Q, and V profiles of the Fei 5250.22 and 5247.06 Å lines with 5 × 5 sec of arc spatial resolution have been made with the NSO McMath solar telescope. The analysis shows how the observed Stokes Q amplitudes, as well as the Q/V ratio in combination with the 5250/5247 Stokes V line ratio, provide constraints on the field strength and the angular distribution of the field vectors of the hidden magnetic flux. The field has to be tangled with opposite polarities mixed on a subarcsec scale, and the field vectors have to have large inclinations with respect to the vertical direction, with an angular distribution not far from being isotropic in the photosphere. Constraints on the strength of this tangled or turbulent magnetic field have been obtained by previous methods, which are reconsidered in view of their dependence on the assumed angular distribution. An upper limit of 100 G comes from determinations of magnetic line broadening, a lower limit of 10 G from observed Hanle-effect depolarization.In our observations the linear polarization has been recorded with a precision of 10-4 with good spectral resolution. Further improvements are impeded by the lack of telescopes with large photon collecting areas and small instrumental polarization.  相似文献   

We search for the variable component of themagnetic field in γ Equ by studying four Nd III lines with the Main Stellar Spectrograph of the 6-m BTA telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory via accumulation and cyclic transfer of the electronic image of the Zeeman spectrum on the CCD. The single exposure time was set equal to 1/8 of the spectral variability period. We detected no variable component in the magnetic field of γ Equ with a period of 12.1 min in the November 5/6, 2003 observations.  相似文献   

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