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南海东北部陆坡海底微地貌特征及其天然气渗透模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海底天然气渗漏是海洋环境中广泛分布的自然现象,在世界各大洋中都有发现。海底渗漏可以极大地改变海底地貌特征,形成多种与之相关的微地貌类型。海底渗漏和天然气水合物的赋存具有密切的关系,海底渗漏区常伴有埋藏浅、饱和度高的天然气水合物。对南海东北部陆坡海域浅地层剖面、多波束测探和地震反射剖面等资料进行综合研究,识别出海底麻坑、海底丘状体、大型海底圆丘、泥火山等与海底天然气渗漏有关的微地貌类型,且麻坑、海底丘状体/大型海底圆丘、泥火山微地貌分别代表了浅覆盖层快速天然气渗漏、浅覆盖层中等速度天然气渗漏和厚覆盖层快速天然气渗漏3种天然气渗漏模式。具有海底丘状体微地貌及声空白反射特征的浅层天然气聚集带,成为块状水合物最理想的发育场所,这可能称为南海北部陆坡勘察块状水合物的重要识别标志。  相似文献   

孔隙水地球化学异常是天然气水合物勘探的重要工具之一,南海北部陆坡地区拥有良好的天然气水合物成藏潜力,孔隙水地球化学异常在南海的天然气水合物勘探中发挥了重要作用。其中与水合物直接相关的氯离子含量异常被用于识别神狐及东沙海域钻探区的水合物层和计算水合物饱和度。除直接指标外,浅表层沉积物中的硫酸盐含量及其他与早期成岩作用有关的地球化学异常作为间接指标可用于水合物的找矿预测,研究者们通过对硫酸盐还原过程的判别、硫酸盐甲烷接触界面的计算等方面对南海北部陆坡不同海域的沉积物甲烷通量进行了评估,预测出水合物可能的成藏区域。其他如碘含量、氧化还原敏感元素、氯同位素、地球化学模型等新的地球化学指标和计算机手段也被应用于南海北部陆坡区水合物成藏研究并取得了不错的成效。  相似文献   

天然气水合物成藏系统目前已越来越受到油气地质专家们的重视与关注。天然气水合物运聚成藏亦遵循从烃源供给到圈闭(高压低温稳定带)中运聚成藏的含油气系统理论。天然气水合物成藏系统的构成及形成,主要取决于充足的气源供给、较好的运聚输导系统和高压低温稳定带三大要素的时空耦合配置。为了深入剖析我国南海北部深水区天然气水合物成藏系统基本特征,在近年来所获南海北部天然气水合物勘探成果的基础上,根据天然气水合物成藏系统理论,重点从天然气水合物的烃源供给、流体输导系统和高压低温稳定带及其储集系统3方面,系统分析总结了我国南海北部陆坡神狐海域、东沙海域和西沙海槽天然气水合物成藏的基本地质条件与控制因素,建立了各区域不同类型天然气水合物成藏分布模式,尤其是提出了生物成因的“渗漏型”水合物成矿类型,以期能够为加快和促进南海天然气水合物勘查提供指导和参考借鉴。  相似文献   

南海北部陆缘天然气水合物初探   总被引:89,自引:8,他引:89  
根据天然气水合物存在的温度-压力条件,研究了南海北部的地球物理资料,发现有些地方在地震剖面上出现的海底反射BSR,而在另一些地方海底第一沉积的层速度偏高,比一般海洋沉积高0.2-0.64km/s。将这些地方海底第一层沉积界面处的温度-压力参数投于甲烷形成天然气水合物的温度-压力图上,发现它们的出现于水合物存在之区域中。  相似文献   

海底天然气渗漏是海洋环境中广泛分布的自然现象,在世界各大洋中都有发现。海底渗漏可以极大地改变海底地貌特征,形成多种与之相关的微地貌类型。海底渗漏和天然气水合物的赋存具有密切的关系,海底渗漏区常伴有埋藏浅、饱和度高的天然气水合物。对南海东北部陆坡海域浅地层剖面、多波束测深和地震反射剖面等资料进行综合研究,识别出海底麻坑、海底丘状体、大型海底圆丘、泥火山等与海底天然气渗漏有关的微地貌类型,且麻坑、海底丘状体/大型海底圆丘、泥火山微地貌分别代表了浅覆盖层快速天然气渗漏、浅覆盖层中等速度天然气渗漏和厚覆盖层快速天然气渗漏3种天然气渗漏模式。以海底丘状体微地貌及声空白反射特征的浅层天然气聚集带,成为块状水合物最理想的发育场所,这可能成为南海北部陆坡勘察块状水合物的重要识别标志。  相似文献   

南海陆坡天然气水合物成藏的构造环境   总被引:36,自引:4,他引:36  
南海是西太平洋最大的边缘海之一,其复杂的构造演化,形成了构造特征迥异的南海陆缘,有利于天然气水合物的发育,南海地区在中中新统以上发育了上中新统,上新统和第四系3套地层,3套地层所对应的地质时期的沉降速率在纵横向上的差别均较为悬殊,总体而言,南海第四纪整体沉降速率较大,为天然气水合物压力场环境的形成提供了有利条件,南海复杂的构造背景形成了丰富多彩的构造地质体,特定的构造地质体与水合物形成关系密切,这里讨论了滑塌体、泥底辟、增生楔等构造地质体在南海的分布情况,分析了上述构造体与气体水合物地震标志BSR之间的关系,以及特殊构造带在南海的展布规律,提出了特殊的造带中天然气水合物的成藏模式。  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡海底峡谷形成机制探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对南海北部地震剖面的解释,并结合地貌以及区域地质特征等,对发育于南海北部陆坡区的珠江口外、台湾浅滩南以及澎湖海底峡谷的地貌和构造特征进行分析和对比,并对其形成机制进行探讨。研究结果显示,各海底峡谷具有相似的走向,并均具有转向的特征,但是其形成机制却各不相同,由此形成的地貌特征也各不同:珠江口外海底峡谷的形成与珠江带来的大量陆上沉积物的搬运相关,形成了喇叭型的水道;台湾浅滩南海底峡谷的形成受到NW向断裂构造的控制,这些断裂构造形成了薄弱带,经过沉积流的侵蚀而形成狭长的水道,当进入下陆坡后由于海山的阻隔作用而转为近EW向;澎湖海底峡谷带的上段主要是由陆坡沉积流的下向侵蚀、崩塌和滑移形成的,而其下段则主要具有沿马尼拉海沟北向延伸段发育的特征。  相似文献   

天然气水合物是人类21世纪的重要能源。目前。全球范围内共有80余处获取水合物样品。识别水合物地震标志—似海底反射(BSR)的地区更为广泛。大量的钻孔资料和地震剖面显示:主动大陆边缘的增生楔和被动大陆边缘的断裂褶皱系、泥火山、泥底辟等构造为水合物聚集成藏的有利构造环境。世界范围内不同水合物产区的温压场及稳定域特征。差别较为明显。各水合物产区的构造背景与水合物发育区的温压场环境以及稳定域的展布规律存在明显的相关关系。本文分别讨论了主动大陆边缘的增生楔(以卡斯凯迪亚为例)和被动大陆边缘的泥火山(以Hakon Mosby泥火山为例)的温压场特征、水合物聚集规律和各自的成藏模式。在此基础上。作者还进一步讨论了南海坳隆断裂带与水合物之间的关系。认为坳隆断裂带分别在气源、疏导体系(断层、砂体)和温压场环境等三方面为水合物形成提供了有利条件。  相似文献   

南海陆坡天然气水合物饱和度估计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于双相介质理论和热弹性理论,建立了沉积层纵波速度与天然气水合物饱和度、弹性性质及地层孔隙度之间的关系。通过对比饱和水的理论P波速度与实际P波速度,可以得到天然气水合物饱和度。根据ODP184航次的电阻率、声波速度、密度等测井资料以及地质资料,初步推断南海陆坡存在天然气水合物。根据声波测井的纵波速度估算出南海1146和1148井天然气水合物饱和度分别为孔隙空间的25%~30%和10%~20%,1148井个别沉积层天然气水合物饱和度可达40%~50%。沉积层的纵波速度与饱和水速度差值越大,天然气水合物饱和度越高。  相似文献   

天然气水合物是近三十多年重视起来的一种新型能源,被誉为21世纪洁净替代燃料,已逐步引起越来越多国家政府、企业、科学家的广泛关注和高度重视。以南海北部陆坡作为研究案例,充分利用我国海域天然气水合物调查评价和钻探工程资料的优势,重点开展天然气水合物成藏机理和分布规律理论研究,通过成藏理论创新,提高成藏预测能力,具有重要的科学意义和应用价值。 围绕海洋天然气水合物成藏系统,国际上在物质来源及成因机理、物理化学特征、形成环境及成藏模式、分布规律和资源评价等方面取得了显著进展。我国南海北部陆坡天然气水合物调查评价发现了一系列天然气水合物存在的地质、地球物理、地球化学和生物证据,钻探发现并取得了天然气水合物实物样品,但尚有许多关键科学问题需要解决,包括天然气水合物成藏系统中气、水、沉积物和水合物间的相互作用,天然气水合物的物理、化学响应机理及构造运动和沉积作用对我国海域天然气水合物的控矿机理等。  相似文献   

The continental slope in the northern South China Sea(SCS) is rich in mesoscale eddies which play an important role in transport and retention of nutrients and biota. In this study, we investigate the statistical properties of eddy distributions and propagation in a period of 24 years between 1993 and 2016 by using the altimeter data. A total of 147 eddies are found in the continental slope region(CSR), including 70 cyclonic eddies(CEs) and 77 anticyclonic eddies(ACEs). For those eddies that appear in the CSR, the surrounding areas of Dongsha Islands(DS) and southwest of Taiwan(SWT) are considered as the primary sources, where eddies generated contribute more than 60% of the total. According to the spatial distribution of eddy relative vorticity, eddies are weakening as propagating westward. Although both CEs and ACEs roughly propagate along the slope isobaths, there are discrepancies between CEs and ACEs. The ACEs move slightly faster in the zonal direction, while the CEs tend to cross the isobaths with large bottom depth change. The ACEs generally move further into the basin areas after leaving the CSR while CEs remain around the CSR. The eddy propagation on the continental slope is likely to be associated with mean flow at a certain degree because the eddy trajectories have notable seasonal signals that are consistent with the seasonal cycle of geostrophic current. The results indicate that the eddy translation speed is statistically consistent with geostrophic velocity in both magnitude and direction.  相似文献   

The South China Sea (SCS) shows favorable conditions for gas hydrate accumulation and exploration prospects. Bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs) are widely distributed in the SCS. Using seismic and sequence stratigraphy, the spatial distribution of BSRs has been determined in three sequences deposited since the Late Miocene. The features of gas hydrate accumulations in northern SCS were systematically analyzed by an integrated analysis of gas source conditions, migration pathways, heat flow values, occurrence characteristics, and depositional conditions (including depositional facies, rates of deposition, sand content, and lithological features) as well as some depositional bodies (structural slopes, slump blocks, and sediment waves). This research shows that particular geological controls are important for the presence of BSRs in the SCS, not so much the basic thermodynamic controls such as temperature, pressure and a gas source. Based on this, a typical depositional accumulation model has been established. This model summarizes the distribution of each depositional system in the continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise, and also shows the typical elements of gas hydrate accumulations. BSRs appear to commonly occur more in slope-break zones, deep-water gravity flows, and contourites. The gas hydrate-bearing sediments in the Shenhu drilling area mostly contain silt or clay, with a silt content of about 70%. In the continental shelf, BSRs are laterally continuous, and the key to gas hydrate formation and accumulation lies in gas transportation and migration conditions. In the continental slope, a majority of the BSRs are associated with zones of steep and rough relief with long-term alternation of uplift and subsidence. Rapid sediment unloading can provide a favorable sedimentary reservoir for gas hydrates. In the continental rise, BSRs occur in the sediments of submarine fans, turbidity currents.  相似文献   

南海中北部中新世陆坡凹陷沉积充填与古陆坡形态演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对中德合作“南海地球科学联合研究”和“中国边缘海的形成演化及重大资源的关键问题”的有关航次获得的地震资料进行层序地层和沉积相解释,并结合前人的研究成果,对南海中北部陆坡凹陷的构造和沉积特征进行了研究.研究结果表明,南海中北部陆坡区凹陷的构造演化经历了裂陷期、裂陷-坳陷过渡期和坳陷期三个阶段,沉积环境经历了河流-湖泊、浅海和深海的演化过程,不同演化阶段形成不同的地形形态.南海中北部地形演变可分为三个阶段,即早第三纪、早中新世-中中新世中期和中中新世中期-现在,其中早中新世中期-中中新世中期的沉积充填使陆坡形态发生了重要的转变,这次转变基本上奠定了现代意义上的陆架-陆坡-海盆的格局.  相似文献   


With the continuous expansion of energy demand, the deep-water continental slope in the northern South China Sea has become one of the significant offshore oil and gas exploration regions. The frequent occurrence of marine geological hazards in this region, especially submarine landslides, can cause serious damage to engineering facilities. However, there have been few studies on the stability of the northern continental slope of the South China Sea; these studies mainly focused on a specific submarine slope or small-range evaluation, resulting in a lack of large-scale and quantitative understanding. Hence, considering the variation in the physical and mechanical properties of marine soils with depth, formulas for calculating the safety factor of submarine slopes by an infinite sliding model are established, and the factors affecting slope stability such as soil properties, slope gradient and horizontal seismic action are systematically investigated. Using GIS techniques, the terrain slope gradients and a historical seismic database of the northern South China Sea are obtained. Combined with soil mechanical parameters, a regional stability evaluation of the northern continental slope is carried out. Furthermore, the distribution of risk zones is given. On the whole, under strong seismic action, large-scale submarine slope instability occurs and must be highly considered when assessing risk. This achievement is of great significance to engineering sites, route selection and engineering risk assessment.  相似文献   

南海北部天然气水合物研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
天然气水合物是一种新型的储量巨大的绿色能源,是目前世界各国研究界的研究热点之一。我国以及美国、日本、印度、韩国等国家都采集到了天然气水合物的实物样品。虽然我国对天然气水合物的研究起步较晚,但近年来的研究已经取得了飞速的进步,而且也于2007年5月在南海北部陆坡的神狐海域成功采集到天然气水合物的实物样品,这是在南海海域首次获取天然气水合物实物样品,证实了南海北部蕴藏着丰富的天然气水合物资源,标志着我国天然气水合物调查研究水平又上了一个新的台阶。目前,南海北部陆坡已经作为我国天然气水合物未来开发的战略选区之一。在总结我国天然气水合物以往十几年研究工作的基础上,综述了我国天然气水合物近年来在南海北部的地质、地球物理、地球化学3个方面的研究进展,提出了未来天然气水合物勘探和研究的方向和建议。  相似文献   

In nature, a slope stability is determined by the ratio of a sliding resistance to a slide force. The slide force of a marine deep-water continental slope is mainly affected by sediment mechanics properties, a topography, and a marine seismic. However, the sliding resistance is mainly affected by sedimentary patterns and a sedimentary stress history. Both of these are different from case to case, and their impact can be addressed when the data are organized in a geographic information system(GIS). The study area on the continental slope in Zhujiang River Mouth Basin in South China Sea provides an excellent opportunity to apply GIS spatial analysis technology for the evaluation of the slope stability. In this area, a continental slope topography and a three-dimension(3-D) topography mapping show a sea-floor morphology and the distribution of a slope steepness in good detail, and the sediment analysis of seabed samples and an indoor appraisal reveals the variability of a sediment density near the sea-floor surface. On the basis of the results of nine geotechnical studies of submarine study areas, it has worked out that an equivalent cyclic shear stress ratio is roughly between 0.158 and 0.933, which is mainly depending on the initial water content of sediment. A regional density, slope and level of anticipated seismic shaking information are combined in a GIS framework to yield a map that illustrates a continental slope stability zoning under the influencing factors in Zhujiang River Mouth Basin in the South China Sea. The continental slope stability evaluation can contribute to north resources development in the South China Sea, the marine functional zoning, the marine engineering construction and adjust measures to local conditions, at the same time also can provide references for other deep-water slope stability analysis.  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡东沙海域海底丘状体气体与水合物分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘斌 《海洋学报》2017,39(3):68-75
海底丘状体在天然气水合物发育区是一种常见的微地貌,对丘状体的研究有助于理解海底流体渗漏模式以及水合物的赋存规律。本文研究南海北部陆坡东沙海域天然气水合物发育区海底丘状体的特征及其与水合物的关系。研究所用的数据包括准三维多道地震数据、多波束数据以及浅地层剖面数据。在多波束海底地形图上,丘状体表现为局部的正地形,直径大约为300 m,高出周围海底约50 m。浅地层剖面上存在明显的声空白以及同相轴下拉现象,指示了海底丘状体气体的分布以及流体运移的路径。丘状体周围明显的BSR表明局部区域可能发育有水合物,水合物钻探结果也证实了这一推测。三维多道地震剖面上,丘状体正下方存在空白反射区域,这与泥火山的地震反射特征类似。但空白反射区域内存在强振幅能量,而且丘状体正下方存在连续的反射层,这表明该丘状体并非泥火山成因。综合钻探结果以及三维地震成像结果,认为水合物形成过程引起的沉积物膨胀以及海底碳酸盐岩的沉淀是形成该丘状体的主要原因。  相似文献   

Previous studies of gas hydrate in the Dongsha area mainly focused on the deep-seated gas hydrates that have a high energy potential, but cared little about the shallow gas hydrates occurrences. Shallow gas hydrates have been confirmed by drill cores at three sites(GMGS2 08, GMGS2 09 and GMGS2 16) during the GMGS2 cruise, which occur as veins, blocky nodules or massive layers, at 8–30 m below the seafloor. Gas chimneys and faults observed on the seismic sections are the two main fluid migration ...  相似文献   

根据2016年3月和9月南海东北部陆坡区浮游动物垂直分层采样, 比较浮游动物种类组成、丰度和生物量的垂直分布和季节变化, 探讨影响其差异的原因。文中共鉴定浮游动物225种, 其中3月和9月分别出现150种和169种; 桡足类种数达132种, 其次是毛颚类和管水母类, 各18种; 浮游动物种数在50~100m水层最高, 一般随水深增加而减少。浮游动物丰度和生物量主要集中在0~100m, 二者在100m以深水层随深度增加而降低, 而水柱生物量在100~1000m占总水柱生物量的60%以上。浮游动物优势种季节和垂直变化明显, 3月近海种如普通波水蚤(Undinula vulgaris)和微刺哲水蚤(Canthocalanus pauper)等在100m以上水层丰度较高; 9月外海种如达氏筛哲水蚤(Cosmocalanus darwinii)和黄角光水蚤(Lucicutia flavicornis)等在100m以浅水层相对于3月丰度增加; 隆线似哲水蚤(Calanoides carinatus)在3月丰度和平均体长高于9月, 并且体长较大者主要分布在深层。浮游动物可分0~100m、100~400m和400~1000m三个群落, 因不同水层种类组成和丰度差异引起。浮游动物丰度和生物量的垂直变化与温度、叶绿素a质量浓度等因子呈显著正相关。南海东北部陆坡浮游动物季节和垂直变化受季风、沿岸流和中尺度涡的影响。  相似文献   

The exploration of unconventional and/or new energy resources has become the focus of energy research worldwide,given the shortage of fossil fuels.As a potential energy resource,gas hydrate exists only in the environment of high pressure and low temperature,mainly distributing in the sediments of the seafloor in the continental margins and the permafrost zones in land.The accurate determination of the thickness of gas hydrate stability zone is essential yet challenging in the assessment of the exploitation potential.The majority of previous studies obtain this thickness by detecting the bottom simulating reflectors(BSRs) layer on the seismic profiles.The phase equilibrium between gas hydrate stable state with its temperature and pressure provides an opportunity to derive the thickness with the geothermal method.Based on the latest geothermal dataset,we calculated the thickness of the gas hydrate stability zone(GHSZ) in the north continental margin of the South China Sea.Our results indicate that the thicknesses of gas hydrate stability zone vary greatly in different areas of the northern margin of the South China Sea.The thickness mainly concentrates on 200–300 m and distributes in the southwestern and eastern areas with belt-like shape.We further confirmed a certain relationship between the GHSZ thickness and factors such as heat flow and water depth.The thickness of gas hydrate stability zone is found to be large where the heat flow is relatively low.The GHSZ thickness increases with the increase of the water depth,but it tends to stay steady when the water depth deeper than 3 000 m.The findings would improve the assessment of gas hydrate resource potential in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

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