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爆发性气旋的统计研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
用1980~1989年资料,统计了发生在北半球的爆发性气旋的若干特征,并通过不同区域,不同时间及强度的爆发性气旋发生的频率的对比,得到了一些有意义的结果。  相似文献   

1.引言在过去十年中,温带海洋迅速加强的气旋已受到了相当大的重视。这种重视相当大地受到早期业务模式在预报这种风暴所经受到的困难所刺激(Leary,1971等)。例如,Sanders 和 Gyakum(1980)曾发现:在1978和  相似文献   

北太平洋爆发性气旋的气候特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用1968—1987年的海平面天气图资料,分析了爆发性气旋的气候特点。主要内容有:爆发性气旋的发生频率,频率的时间分布,地理分布,大风强度及分布方位、气旋爆发前后的大风、中心气压、加深率等要素的变化。  相似文献   

登陆广东的热带气旋的统计特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据1949~1993年的热带气旋资料对登陆广东的热带气旋进行了统计分析,得到一些可供预报参考的、登陆广东的热带气旋活动规律及统计关系。1 登陆广东的热带气旋的分布特征1-1 年际变化特征在1949~1993年的45年间,共有177个热带气旋登陆广东,平均每年3-93个。最多为7个,共有4年;最少1个,只有2年。1-2 月际变化特征45年中,除1~4月外,其余各月均有热带气旋登陆广东。最早的是5105号热带气旋(1951年5月13日在台山~斗门间登陆),最迟是7439号热带气旋(1974年1…  相似文献   

本文利用1975—1984年12—2月北太平洋爆发性温带气旋资料以及500 hPa天气图,概括出气旋爆发式加强前12小时五种环流型,即北美高压型(NAH)、东太平洋高压型(EPH)、中太平洋高压型(MPH)、白令海阻高型(BBH)、太平洋低压型(PL)。以NAH型和EPH型出现的机会最多,稳定时间最长,并且在这两种天气形势下气旋最易发展。另外本文还分析了气旋爆发后的路径趋势,指出在形势稳定期,气旋爆发后的路径亦稳定;在形势调整期,气旋后期路径随太平洋长波系统的演变而变化。  相似文献   

华南热带气旋特大暴雨的统计特征   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
利用1960-1989年《台军年鉴》资料,从时特大暴雨、日特大暴雨、过程特大暴雨三方面统计分析了华南热带气旋特大暴雨的基本特征。并采用相对落区分布图的方法分析了不同时段、不同地区、不同路径华南热带气旋时特大暴雨的分布规律。  相似文献   

影响南宁热带气旋路径统计特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1965~2003年39年资料,对比分析了影响广西与南宁的热带气旋影响频数与路径异同,得到影响南宁市的热带气旋气候统计分布特征,供南宁市热带气旋路径预报时参考。  相似文献   

影响北部湾地区热带气旋特征统计和分类   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

王常甫 《气象科学》1999,19(2):179-182
本文利用国际气象船舶报资料对北大西洋海区的风场特征和海浪的分布规律及季节变化进行了分析研究,得到了该地区风场特征与海浪季节变化的规律。  相似文献   

利用1965~2003年39年资料,对比分析了影响广西与南宁的热带气旋影响频数与路径异同,得到影响南宁市的热带气旋气候统计分布特征,供南宁市热带气旋路径预报时参考.  相似文献   

利用 CloudSat卫星数据处理中心(Cloudsat Data Processing Center,CloudSat DPC)提供的CloudSat卫星数据、欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,ECMWF)提供的ERA5再分析资料和美国国家航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration,NASA)提供的 Aqua卫星可见光云图,对冬春季发生在大西洋上四个爆发性气旋个例的云微物理参量垂直分布特征进行了分析。结果表明:爆发性气旋中心云系多为层积云或积云,中心外围云系以雨层云为主,雨层云外部往往伴随着相似高度的高层云,气旋冷锋云带内以雨层云、高层云和高积云为主,冰粒子出现的最低高度与0℃等温线高度几乎重合;冰粒子有效半径随高度的增加而减小,而冰粒子数浓度随高度増加而増大;冰水含量大值区主要位于雨层云中部;液态水主要分布在高层云和层积云底部,冬季爆发性气旋个例内的液态水含量大于春季。  相似文献   

Cyclone activity and life cycle are analysed in the coupled GCMs ECHAM5/OM and ECHAM4/OPYC3. First, the results for the present climate (1978–1999) are compared with ERA-40 and NCEP/NCAR reanalyses, showing a drastic improvement in the representation of cyclone activity in ECHAM5/OM compared to ECHAM4/OPYC3. The total number of cyclones, cyclone intensity, propagation velocity and deepening rates are found to be much more realistic in ECHAM5/OM relative to ECHAM4/OPYC3. Then, changes in extra tropical cyclone characteristics are compared between present day climate and future climate under the emission-scenario A1B using ECHAM5/OM. This comparison is performed using the 20-year time slices 1978–1999, 2070–2090 and 2170–2190, which were considered to be representative for the various climate conditions. The total number of cyclones does not undergo significant changes in a warmer climate. However, regional changes in cyclone numbers and frequencies are evident. One example is the Mediterranean region where the number of cyclones in summer increases almost by factor 2. Some noticeable changes are also found in cyclone life cycle characteristics (deepening rate and propagation velocity). Cyclones in the future climate scenario tend to move slower and their deepening rate becomes stronger, while cyclone intensity does not undergo significant change in a warmer climate. Generally, our results do not support the hypothesis of enhanced storminess under future climate conditions.  相似文献   

The occurrence of extreme cyclones is analysed in terms of their relationship to the NAO phase and the dominating environmental variables controlling their intensification. These are latent energy (equivalent potential temperature 850 hPa is used as an indicator), upper-air baroclinicity, horizontal divergence and jet stream strength. Cyclones over the North Atlantic are identified and tracked using a numerical algorithm, permitting a detailed analysis of their life cycles. Extreme cyclones are selected as the 10% most severe in terms of intensity. Investigations focus on the main strengthening phase of each cyclone. The environmental factors are related to the NAO, which affects the location and orientation of the cyclone tracks, thus explaining why extreme cyclones occur more (less) frequently during strong positive (negative) NAO phases. The enhanced number of extreme cyclones in positive NAO phases can be explained by the larger area with suitable growth conditions, which is better aligned with the cyclone tracks and is associated with increased cyclone life time and intensity. Moreover, strong intensification of cyclones is frequently linked to the occurrence of extreme values of growth factors in the immediate vicinity of the cyclone centre. Similar results are found for ECHAM5/OM1 for present day conditions, demonstrating that relationships between the environment factors and cyclones are also valid in the GCM. For future climate conditions (following the SRES A1B scenario), the results are similar, but a small increase of the frequency of extreme values is detected near the cyclone cores. On the other hand, total cyclone numbers decrease by 10% over the North Atlantic. An exception is the region near the British Isles, which features increased track density and intensity of extreme cyclones irrespective of the NAO phase. These changes are associated with an intensified jet stream close to Europe. Moreover, an enhanced frequency of explosive developments over the British Isles is found, leading to more frequent windstorms affecting Europe.
Joaquim G. PintoEmail:

Analysis of the climatic characteristics of the tropical cyclones that affect China yields several interesting features. The frequency of these tropical cyclones tended to decrease from 1951 to 2005, with the lowest frequency in the past ten years. The decrease in the frequency of super typhoons is particularly significant. The main season of tropical cyclone activities is from May to November, with an active period from July to September. There are three obvious sources of these tropical cyclones and they vary with seasons and decades. Their movement has also changed with seasons. On average, these tropical cyclones affect China for 5.6 months annually and the period of influence decreases in the past decades. An analysis of daily data indicates that the days of typhoon influence are shorter in winter and spring and longer in summer. The frequency of tropical cyclones is the largest over southeastern China, decreasing northwestward. Taiwan is the region that is affected by tropical cyclones most frequently. The average annual precipitation associated with tropical cyclones has also decreased gradually northwestward from southeastern China.  相似文献   

利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)提供的0.5°×0.5° ERA-Interim再分析资料,麦迪逊-威斯康星大学气象卫星研究所(CIMSS)提供的地球静止环境业务卫星(GOES-EAST)红外卫星云图和天气预报模式(WRF)的模拟结果,对2018年1月3—6日发生在北大西洋上的一个具有“T”型(T-bone)锋面结构的超强爆发性气旋进行分析。该爆发性气旋在较暖的湾流上空生成,沿海表面温度大值区向东北方向快速移动,生成后6 h内爆发性发展,24 h中心气压降低48.7 hPa。高空槽加深、涡度平流加强和低层较强的大气斜压性为气旋快速发展提供了有利的环流背景场。由于气旋发展迅速,低层相对涡度急剧增大,低压中心南部来自西北方向的干冷空气随气旋式环流快速向东推进,与东南暖湿气流汇合,锋生作用较强。较暖的洋面对西北冷空气的加热作用使得交汇的冷、暖空气温度梯度较小。减弱东移的冷锋与暖锋逐渐形成近似垂直的“T”型结构。用Zwack-Okossi方程诊断分析表明,非绝热加热、温度平流和正涡度平流是该爆发性气旋发展的主要影响因子。气旋初始爆发阶段,西北冷空气进入温暖的洋面,海洋对上层大气感热输送和潜热释放较强,非绝热加热对气旋快速发展有较大贡献。气旋进一步发展,“T”型锋面结构显著,温度平流净贡献较大,对气旋的发展和维持起重要作用。   相似文献   


2022年2月中旬,北大西洋冬季风暴“尤尼斯”(Eunice)给欧洲中、西部带来严重自然灾害。以卫星观测数据为主,研究了“尤尼斯”发生的环境场、卫星水汽图像干侵入特征、对流层中高层位涡强迫对爆发性发展的影响等。结果表明:“尤尼斯”活动期间,北半球高纬度西半球偏冷、东半球偏暖,极涡偏向北美大陆,北美极区附近平均气温偏低。“尤尼斯”的生成和北美极区附近极涡分裂南下的冷空气沿着西风带东传有关。爆发性发展期间,海平面气压下降率约40 hPa/(24 h),远超爆发性发展指标(24 hPa/(24 h)),且出现在海温正距平区。格陵兰岛南部气旋提供的极区冷空气对爆发性发展尤为重要,该冷空气在北大西洋洋面形成强西北风转偏西风,表现为排列整齐的大范围细胞状积云一直延伸至风暴中心附近,卫星水汽图像上表现为快速增强的干侵入特征,并伴有高位涡异常。发展至最强阶段,高位涡向下伸展,400 hPa最强高位涡区位于风暴中心的正上方,500 hPa以下高位涡向东南方向倾斜,并伴随着对流层中、下层强下沉运动,下沉运动为低空风速增强提供了一定的高空能量来源,高位涡侵入的下方也有利于低层气旋式环流发展。


According to the national standard(2006)on tropical cyclone(TC)intensity,TCs are categorized into six intensity types,namely,tropical depression(TD),tropical storm(TS),severe tropical storm(STS), typhoon(TY),severe typhoon(STY),and super severe typhoon(SSTY).Fifty-eight years(1949–2006)of the datasets from the Yearbook of Typhoons and Yearbook of Tropical Cyclones were used to study the variation characteristics of TCs making landfalls in mainland China,Hainan and Taiwan islands.The main results are as foll...  相似文献   

新疆春季降水与北大西洋海温关系的事实分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
首先计算了新疆的北疆、南疆和天山山区的春季降水量与北大西洋海温场的滞后和同期相关系数,发现新疆春季降水距平总体上与前一年7月北大西洋海温距平 (SSTA) 场相关最好。然后又采用奇异值分解 (SVD) 法找到了两场之间较好的对应分布型,并由实测资料得到验证。  相似文献   

The global UK Met office Unified Model (UM) is currently operational at National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF), the global model named as NCUM. An inter-comparison of two different versions of NCUM has been carried out for simulating the track and intensity of Tropical Cyclones (TCs), which formed over the Bay of Bengal (BoB). For this purpose, two series of numerical experiments named as NCUM25 (New Dynamical core with NCUM N512 resolution) and NCUM17 (ENDGame core with NCUM N768 resolution and upgraded physics and data assimilation scheme) are carried out with seven different initial conditions (ICs) for two TCs. The results suggested that the location, intensity, and vertical structure of the TCs are reasonably well predicted by the NCUM17 over the NCUM25. The Direct Position Error (DPE) and landfall error of TCs are reduced in the NCUM17 in comparison to the NCUM25 for all initial conditions. The mean DPEs and intensity error are reduced by 21–41% and 18–21% in NCUM17 over NCUM25 in both the cases respectively. Improvements in mean landfall position errors are shown to range from 43 to 65% in the NCUM17 as compared to the NCUM25. The mean statistical skill scores for rainfall are considerably improved in NCUM17.  相似文献   

利用高时空分辨率的欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECMWF)对全球气候的第五代大气再分析数据集(European Re-Analyses 5, ERA5),对比分析了2020年7月淮河上游地区的两次江淮气旋过程,并结合海洋—大气—波浪—泥沙耦合模式(Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport modeling system, COAWST)进行敏感性试验,探讨同一气候尺度背景下,高低频大气环流形势和海气耦合作用对江淮气旋的影响。结果表明,低空环流形势的高频变化和海表温度的升高对气旋的大风影响和强度发展有重要作用。低空环流形势中,存在“气旋—反气旋—气旋”环流天气尺度波列,易造成气旋大风叠加增强;海气交互界面的高海表温度加热作用导致的感热和潜热释放通过气旋北部弯曲锋面强烈的上升运动,为气旋发展提供能量,促进气旋入海后爆发性增强。  相似文献   

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