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鉴于海洋地质资料接收、立卷、编目、存放、日常管理和使用的现状,海洋地质资料档案管理系统应运而生。基于利用Oracle大型数据库管理系统、Flex技术,采用面向服务(SOA)的软件体系架构,基于Java的集成开发环境,围绕地质资料的管理、共享服务与开发利用的应用需求,进行管理信息系统软件开发,建立具有数据输入输出、数据编辑、空间浏览查询、统计分析输出、图件文档显示及条形码管理等功能。该系统不仅减少了数据录入以及手工标注,并且查询方便快捷,提升了海洋地质资料档案管理部门信息服务水平,对实现海洋信息资源共享起到了积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

在海洋数据体量快速积累和数据技术迅猛发展的时代背景下,海洋数据高效管理和价值挖掘成了重点课题之一。文章结合密码学中非对称加密技术(同态加密)和区块链中智能合约技术,构建“双链并行结合智能合约”的地区海洋数据安全共享系统。该双链系统中,“海洋数据注册链”管理共享节点、“海洋数据匹配链”管理待匹配节点,通过智能合约自动执行供需双方的资源有偿共享。该系统既促进了不同地区间的海洋数据共享流转,又保护了资源供应方的合法控制权,实现了对链上流通海洋数据的有效管理与监控,是区块链技术与传统海洋资源调查数据库相结合的海洋资源创新产物,理论上解决了不同地区间海洋经济发展中的海洋基础数据共享问题。  相似文献   

为了共享中国30年来获取的南北两极科学考察数据,基于Python语言,设计了具有数据检索、数据发布、数据申请审批、数据应用等功能的分布式共享信息系统。目前系统已对外服务,成为我国唯一向国内外开放共享的极地元数据平台,促进了更深层次的国际项目合作和数据共享。  相似文献   

为了改善系统界面友好性、增强系统功能性并提高开发效率,运用ExtJS框架实现了基于B/S架构的青岛海洋科学数据共享平台专项数据库系统的前台界面。系统界面美观,操作方便,开发效率高,维护规范。  相似文献   

开放共享是地理信息应用的重要研究方向,是实现陆海空地理信息融合的有效方式之一,是地理信息进一步融入信息行业的重要趋势。对于地理空间数据的开放共享已经得到普遍认可,但是对于地图符号的共享却未得到应有的重视,也未形成统一认识。本文对四个适合于地图符号共享的成像模型(Post Script、HPGL、True Type和SVG)进行了梳理总结,分析比较了各自的优缺点,认为SVG可作为陆海空地图符号统一的基础。  相似文献   

The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea declares the seabed beyond national jurisdiction and its mineral resources as the “common heritage of mankind” (CHM). This article examines the operationalisation of the CHM principle in the international seabed mining regime, with focus placed on the sharing of benefits derived from mining. The article begins by providing an overview of the CHM principle, before examining four modalities provided for in the Convention, both institutional and substantial, and their role in giving effect to the CHM principle: (1) financial benefits; (2) the “Enterprise”; (3) the parallel system of reserved areas; and, (4) marine scientific research. Finally, overarching issues are discussed and some suggestions on ways forward are presented. The article considers that the deep seabed mining regime is not yet ready to effectively share the benefits derived from the common heritage of mankind. In particular, the future of the Enterprise is uncertain and changes to the so-called parallel system that affect the CHM have received minimal discussion. Moreover, a lack of publicly available research data related to seabed mining is hindering current benefits for humankind. However, work is underway at the International Seabed Authority to establish rules and policies with respect to the sharing of financial benefits. While the CHM principle remains largely untested, approaches that are transparent, inclusive, accountable, and equitable are more likely to be successful.  相似文献   

After many years of Common Fisheries Policies in the European Union, 88% of stocks are still being fished beyond their Maximum Sustainable Yield. While several Member States and the European Commission are moving toward Individual Transferable Quotas as a solution, France has declared its opposition to such marketization of fishing access rights and a national law has classified fisheries resources as a collective heritage. This paper discusses the evolution of the French system, principally its distribution of access rights by the Producer Organizations instead of the market. However, the Producer Organizations, which are more linked to the industrial fleet organizations, have not always modified their sharing formulae to include small-scale fisheries, resulting in a demand for more transparency and equity.  相似文献   

为加快海洋防灾减灾信息共享,有力支撑海洋防灾减灾决策,文章概述我国海洋防灾减灾信息共享现状,分析存在的体制机制问题,并提出对策建议。研究结果表明;我国海洋防灾减灾工作的信息支撑主要包括海洋和气象观测监测信息、海洋预报信息、海洋防灾减灾对象及其主体信息以及救灾措施和政策法规信息,通过全国海洋科学数据共享平台等实现信息共享;针对目前海洋防灾减灾信息共享在组织领导机构、统筹规划协调、标准规范和技术支撑、服务意识以及专业人才等体制机制方面存在的不足,亟须组建信息管理机构、构建标准规范体系、开发信息共享平台、提高共享服务意识、培养专业技术队伍和实施考核激励办法。  相似文献   

With the development of hydrographic work and information techniques, the traditional work mode is not suitable for the Chinese Marine Safety Administration Bureau (CMSAB). Aiming at the separation of charts production and management, a new idea that is the integration of production, management, and quality control is presented. Geographic Information System (GIS), Management Information System (MIS), Office Automation (OA) and Spatial Database Management (SDM) advanced techniques are introduced into the workflows in CMSAB. To realize information sharing, a mixed mode with Browser/Server (B/S) mode and Client/Serve (C/S) mode are adopted. Based on the above ideas and strategies, an integrated system named Hydrographic Production And Management Information System (HYPAMIS) was developed. The whole workflow and three subworkflows including survey management workflow, production workflow, and quality control workflow of are outlined after re-engineering the CMSAB organization. Some design principles and key techniques of the HYPAMIS including the cooperation of GIS and MIS, object-oriented spatial data model and management, data management based on database, and security control are illustrated in detail. Then the implementation of the system is introduced briefly. Finally, performance evaluation of the system and future work is given.  相似文献   

With the development of hydrographic work and information techniques, the traditional work mode is not suitable for the Chinese Marine Safety Administration Bureau (CMSAB). Aiming at the separation of charts production and management, a new idea that is the integration of production, management, and quality control is presented. Geographic Information System (GIS), Management Information System (MIS), Office Automation (OA) and Spatial Database Management (SDM) advanced techniques are introduced into the workflows in CMSAB. To realize information sharing, a mixed mode with Browser/Server (B/S) mode and Client/Serve (C/S) mode are adopted. Based on the above ideas and strategies, an integrated system named Hydrographic Production And Management Information System (HYPAMIS) was developed. The whole workflow and three subworkflows including survey management workflow, production workflow, and quality control workflow of are outlined after re-engineering the CMSAB organization. Some design principles and key techniques of the HYPAMIS including the cooperation of GIS and MIS, object-oriented spatial data model and management, data management based on database, and security control are illustrated in detail. Then the implementation of the system is introduced briefly. Finally, performance evaluation of the system and future work is given.  相似文献   

IPv6作为下一代互联网的核心技术,必然会逐步取代IPv4。但在相当长的一段时期内,IPv6会与IPv4共存。利用Java的网络编程设计与实现了1种P2P文件共享系统。该系统能够布署在纯IPv4、IPv6网络上,也可以布署在IPv4/IPv6混合组网的网络上,因此实现了P2P文件共享系统在IPv4和IPv6网络上的无缝连接。  相似文献   

海洋动力环境立体监测数据共享服务系统的设计及实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以福建省海洋动力环境立体监测数据为例,在分析监测数据来源形成特点的基础上,基于分布式数据库、网络地理信息系统(WebGIS)等技术设计了一个海洋立体监测数据的共享服务系统,并详细介绍了共享服务系统采用的数据组织结构、总体框架、业务功能模块以及空间数据发布与服务的实现方法,最后给出典型应用例子的用户界面。  相似文献   

There is an increasing pressure on the fisheries to avoid bycatch and discards. In the EU this is seen in landing obligations in the new Common Fisheries Policy. The European fisheries are thus under pressure to be highly selective both in adjusting catches to the individual or collective quota combinations and to be size selective in order to optimise the economic outcome of the available quota. This paper proposes a strategy of time-place selectivity by sharing real-time data and information between vessels about areas with high abundance of unwanted species and sizes (hotspots). The paper examines use of time-place regulation, risks/benefits of sharing knowledge and experiences from a previous real-time information sharing system as basis for developing the four models for fisher's sharing of information. The models differ with regard to data and information collection methods, who owns and access the data and hotspot warnings. The models are tested through a discussion of the possible application of the models in the context of the nephrops trawl fishery in Kattegat and Skagerrak. Based on this the models are proposed as possible tools for the fishing industry and managers when adjusted to specific local conditions, and a recommendation for policy support of development of information sharing systems is outlined.  相似文献   

海域使用后评估是近年来海洋发达国家在海洋工程管理方面应用较成熟的管理手段,其对海洋工程项目的实施进行总体评价,进而提升工程项目的管理效率和管理部门的决策能力,对于海域资源的集约节约利用和可持续发展具有重要意义。我国在此领域已有初步研究但刚刚起步,尚未结合实践建立起可遵循的海域使用后评估的完整工作流程,在指标体系的全面性、合理性和指标数据的可获取性方面未能得到很好的验证。文章构建包括围填海海域使用的经济效益、社会效益、海域空间开发利用情况、生态环境效益和管理要求执行情况5项指标在内的后评估指标体系,分别基于对各项指标的评估,建立围填海海域使用后评估的综合评估方法,使后评估指标方法体系更具全面性、合理性、生态性和数据可获取性。  相似文献   

WebGIS技术在海洋信息共享中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
开展海洋信息共享,是我国实现海洋可持续发展的重要基础。海洋基础地理信息以及与空间位置有关的海洋属性信息是海洋信息共享的重要内容,而WebGIS技术可以把这些地理信息及属性信息可以用矢量化图形的方式为社会各界提供网络GIS服务,把枯燥的海洋信息数据以生动直观的方式反映海洋各种现象以及属性。文章就海洋信息共享的海洋基础地理底图研制以及海洋信息WebGIS系统实现等关键技术展开讨论,探索实现海洋信息共享服务的技术路径以及WebGIS在海洋信息共享中的重要作用和发展前景。  相似文献   

海洋重大科技基础设施是为在海洋科学技术前沿取得重大突破, 解决经济社会发展和国家安全中的战略性、基础性和前瞻性科技问题而建设的大型复杂科学研究系统。本文介绍了中国科学考察船、海底观测网、潜水器等海洋领域重大科技基础设施的建设情况, 对海洋重大科技基础设施建设成效和当前存在的问题进行了分析。当前海洋重大科技基础设施支撑能力明显提升, 综合效益日益显现, 但仍存在统筹谋划不足、国产化水平有待提升、开放共享机制不够健全和人才队伍建设有待加强等问题。基于上述问题, 提出要统筹谋划海洋重大科技基础设施建设, 建立健全开放共享机制, 同时还要加强专业人才队伍建设, 确保设施稳定高效运行。  相似文献   

当前,我国正在全面开展智慧海洋建设,各种新研发观测平台不断涌现,但是围绕智慧海洋的信息化建设仍显落后,在数据管理、质量控制方法和系统开发等方面与发达国家仍存在较大差距。文章通过分析国内外海洋共享应用平台的发展趋势及其特点,从数据管理方法、质量控制和系统设计开发等多个方面找出差距所在。研究表明,与国外相比,国内存在共享平台业务化运行不多的问题,为实现数据的规范化,并给出尽快制定针对不同观测平台数据管理规范、加强数据质量控制方法研究、加强具备专业知识的系统设计人才培养等建议。  相似文献   

声速是海洋声呐测量中最重要的声学参数之一。拖缆式声速剖面仪可提供实时测量功能,但其缆长不能满足深海测量要求;自容式声速剖面仪可满足深海测量要求,但工作效率低。如何提高野外深海声速剖面测量工作效率是深海调查一项非常有意义的工作。文中详细介绍了基于声学调制解调器的声速剖面遥测系统的主要结构和功能,揭示了水声通信技术在深海非铠装缆测量中的应用优势。  相似文献   

针对海岛信息的特点,结合建立海岛管理信息系统的需求,利用ArcGIS Server技术,借助Visual Studio.NET开发平台,提出基于B/S和C/S的混合架构来构建海岛信息管理系统的思想,设计了系统的基本框架、功能和数据库,探讨了系统实现过程中的关键技术,并以辽宁省海岛为例研发了该系统,实现了海岛的集中统一管理和高效、灵活的数据查询统计以及信息共享,提高了海岛管理的信息化、高效化和科学化,并以可视化的方式为海岛开发利用与保护提供了一种新的决策支持方法。  相似文献   

2017年我国"蛟龙"号载人潜水器完成了为期5年的试验性应用,期间累计下潜100余次,形成和建立了科学完善的应用保障体系和专业的应用人才队伍。以"蛟龙"号试验性应用中运行与保障的实践经验为基础,针对其中设备与备品备件管理、运行作业管理、拆检总装管理、数据资料查询与利用等方面的重要需求,设计开发了一套"蛟龙"号载人潜水器运行与保障信息管理系统,通过信息化平台实现设备资源、作业成果以及经验积累传承之间的高效衔接与复用,最大限度地降低装备运行成本、提高作业效率、保障海上作业安全。文章提出的载人潜水器运维体系能够为我国其他行业或部门的载人潜水器、远程缆控机器人(ROV)、水下自治机器人(AUV)等重大海洋装备的运行与保障提供有益参考借鉴。  相似文献   

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