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2007与2008年夏季北极海冰变化特征及原因的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年进行的中国第三次北极科学考察是我国响应国际极地年(IPY)计划的一个重要组成部分.通过本次考察我们在物理海洋、海洋化学、生物海洋学、地质及地球物理等领域取得丰富的数据.国家海洋环境预报中心承担航线保障及海冰观测任务,预报和观测的同时,积累了大量现场气象和海冰观测数据及卫星云图资料.本文利用这些数据,结合极地共享数据及历史观测资料和再分析数据,对2008年夏季北极地区大气、海冰的特征进行综合分析,同时,通过对2008年与2007年夏季北极大气环流的比较分析,研究在全球变暖的背景下,影响北极夏季海冰分布的主导因素.  相似文献   

2008年夏季中国第3次北极科学考察期间,利用锚碇潜标对北冰洋楚科奇陆架海域进行了为期33 d的海流剖面、近底层温度与盐度连续观测。观测数据显示楚科奇陆架海域近底层海水温度出现了两次较大幅度的快速升降现象。结合此次科学考察R断面温盐深仪(CTD)观测资料、以及卫星遥感海表温度(SST)和海表风场等资料,综合分析表明:观测到的这种快速升、降温现象不仅发生在近底层;这种快速升、降温现象应该是由海水温度锋面在夏季整体缓慢北移的同时存在短暂南北摆动所导致;温度锋面的季节性北移属于北极气候特征,而温度锋面短暂的南北摆动则与短期天气过程有关。  相似文献   

中国第3次北极科学考察利用"雪龙"号考察船,2008年7月11日从中国上海基地码头起航,先后完成了对日本海、俄霍茨克海、白令海、楚科奇海台、加拿大海盆、门捷列夫海脊等海区的观测考察,圆满完成了所拟定的各项科考计划,历时77 d,于2008年9月25日回到上海.  相似文献   

加拿大是最大的北极国家之一。它对北极地区提出领土主权的要求已有很长的历史。经过100多年来的惨淡经营,加拿大对其北极地区的领土主权已基本确立。本文以历史角度探讨加拿大取得北极领土的过程以及遇到的障碍,有助于读者了解北极地区领土的分割状况。一、加拿大对北极陆地和岛屿的主权1870年,加拿大根据英国枢密院的一项命令取得了哈得孙湾的全部领土。但这一领土转让并不  相似文献   

<正>继1999年、2003年、2008年三次北极科学考察之后,执行我国第四次北极科学考察任务的北极考察队已经组成。应厦门市人民政府邀请,我国第四次北极科学考察队(以下简称北极考察队)暨"雪龙"号科学考察船于6月25日从上海出  相似文献   

有主有次,双管齐下——加拿大北极环境政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常晶  郭培清 《海洋世界》2009,(11):72-75
加拿大当前正在积极推行“北极环境政策”。一方面加拿大政府对治理北极环境问题予以了足够的重视,并且做出了一定程度的贡献;另一方面,则是为了服务其直接的国家利益——北极地区重要的战略地位、北极冰盖下蕴藏着的大量的自然资源、北极圈内潜在的广阔的科研价值以及加拿大对西北航道的利用和控制等。换句话说,加拿大的北极环境政策有实有虚,有主有次,双管齐下。  相似文献   

中国第三次北极科学考察是继1999年和2003年国家海洋局组织的两次北极考察后,在国际极地年,中国对北极地区进行的又一次更加深入、全面的综合性科学考察。本文对2008年第三次北极科学考察期间收集的现场气象资料进行了整理,分析和介绍了整个航次气象状况和预报情况。  相似文献   

1999年白令海夏季水文特征分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
利用1999年7~9月中国首次北极科学考察队北极科学考察,在白令海获得的42个站次的CTD资料,分析了白令海中北部的温度、盐度垂直分布特征,讨论了白令海的夏季表层水和冬季残留水的分布和结构,以及陆架坡折处温盐锋及白令海的水因特征.与多年平均资料相比,1999年7月夏季白令海冷中间层的温度,比多年平均温度低1℃以上,盐度低0.2左右.  相似文献   

快速变化中的北极海洋环境张占海著科学出版社出版2003年7-9月,由国家海洋局主持,国家海洋局极地考察办公室组织实施了中国第二次北极科学考察。考察队由"雪龙"号科学考察破冰船承载,前往北极洋加拿大海盆,考察了北纬80°以南的大范围海域,对北极海洋、海冰、大气进行了全面考察。  相似文献   

为了比较国产CTD与进口CTD之间的性能差别,除了在实验室进行检测,还必须进行海上的实地测量比对,即同时在海上下放国产和进口CTD,对两组数据进行比较。因为海上测量数据量巨大,常规数据处理软件无法胜任,以此为立足点,结合2008年规范化海上试验的经验,讲述Matlab程序在海上CTD数据比对中的规范化应用和为了解决两台仪器的时间不同步而采取的拐点比测法,同时简单介绍Word使用中的一些编程技巧。  相似文献   

The fractions of river runoff and sea-ice melted water in the Canada Basin in summer 2003 were determined by the salinity-18O system. The fraction of river runoff(fR) was high in the upper 50 m of the water column and decreased with depth and latitude. The signals of the river runoff were confined to water depths above 200 m. The total amount of river runoff in the Canada Basin was higher than that in other arctic seas, indicating that the Canada Basin is a main storage region for river runoff. The penetration depth of the sea-ice melted water was less than 50 m to the south of 78°N, while it was about 150 m to the north of 78°N. The total amount of sea-ice melted water was much higher to the north of 78°N than to the south of 78°N, indicating the sea-ice melted waters accumulated on the ice edge. The abundant sea-ice melted water on the ice edge was attributed to the earlier melted water in the southern Canada Basin and transported by the Beaufort Gyre or the reinforced melting of sea ice by solar radiation in the polynya.  相似文献   

A combination of δ~(18)O and salinity data was employed to explore the freshwater balance in the Canada Basin in summer 2008.The Arctic river water and Pacific river water were quantitatively distinguished by using different saline end-members.The fractions of total river water,including the Arctic and Pacific river water,were high in the upper 50 m and decreased with depth as well as increasing latitude.In contrast,the fraction of Pacific river water increased gradually with depth but decreased toward north.The inventory of total river water in the Canada Basin was higher than other arctic seas,indicating that Canada Basin was a main storage region for river water in the Arctic Ocean.The fraction of Arctic river water was higher than Pacific river water in the upper 50 m while the opposite was true below 50 m.As a result,the inventories of Pacific river water were higher than those of Arctic river water,demonstrating that the Pacific inflow through the Bering Strait is the main source of freshwater in the Canada Basin.Both the river water and sea-ice melted water in the permanent ice zone were more abundant than those in the region with sea-ice just melted.The fractions of total river water,Arctic river water,Pacific river water increased northward to the north of 82°N,indicating an additional source of river water in the permanent ice zone of the northern Canada Basin.A possible reason for the extra river water in the permanent ice zone is the lateral advection of shelf waters by the Trans-Polar Drift.The penetration depth of sea-ice melted waters was less than 30 m in the southern Canada Basin,while it extended to 125 m in the northern Canada Basin.The inventory of seaice melted water suggested that sea-ice melted waters were also accumulated in the permanent ice zone,attributing to the trap of earlier melted waters in the permanent ice zone via the Beaufort Gyre.  相似文献   

The warming of the Arctic Intermediate Water (AIW) is studied based on the analyses of hydrographic observations in the Canada Basin of the Arctic Ocean during 1985-2006. It is shown that how the anomalously warm AIW spreads in the Canada Basin during the observation time through the analysis of the AIW temperature spatial distribution in different periods. The results indicate that by 2006, the entire Canada Basin has almost been covered by the warming AIW. In order to study interannual variability of the AIW in the Canada Basin, the Canada Basin is divided into five regions according to the bottom topography. From the interannual variation of AIW temperature in each region, it is shown that a cooling period follows after the warming event in upstream regions. At the Chukchi Abyssal Plain and Chukchi Plateau, upstream of the Arctic Circumpolar Boundary Current (ACBC) in the Canada Basin, the AIW temperature reached maximum and then started to fall respectively in 2000 and 2002. However, the AIW in the Canada Abyssal Plain and Beaufort Sea continues to warm monotonically until the year 2006. Furthermore, it is revealed that there is convergence of the AIW depth in the five different regions of the Canada Basin when the AIW warming occurs during observation time. The difference of AIW depth between the five regions of the Canada Basin is getting smaller and smaller, all approaching 410 m in recent years. The results show that depth convergence is related to the variation of AIW potential density in the Canada Basin.  相似文献   

PCR-DGGE approach was used to analyze bacterial diversity in the bottom section of seven arctic sea ice samples colleted from the Canada Basin. Thirty-two 16S rDNA sequences were obtained from prominent DGGE bands. The closest relatives of these sequences are found to be those of cultivated or uncultured bacteria from antarctic or arctic sea ice. Phylogenetic analysis clustered these sequences or phylotypes within α- proteobacteria, γ-proteobacteria and CFB (cytophaga-flexibacter-bacteroides) group. Sequences belonging to γ-proteobacteria were dominant and members of the CFB group were highly abundant. It was suggested that the CFB group was the representative of the bottom section of sea ice samples.  相似文献   

利用加拿大环极冰间水道系统研究项目,作者对2007年11月24日至2008年1月26日北极群岛阿蒙森湾海域秋冬季节一年冰的物理和光学性质进行了观测研究。结果显示,观测期间的海冰厚度整体在27~108 cm范围内变化,积雪厚度仅为0~6 cm。海冰温度、盐度和密度在冰内的分布特征为:海冰表层最低温度为–22.4℃,底层最高温度为–2.2℃,冰内温度随深度单调增大;盐度变化范围为3.30~11.70,冰内盐度剖面呈现“C”形,即表层和底层盐度较大,而中间层盐度较小;海冰的平均密度略大,为(0.91±0.03)g/cm3。通过观测人造光源在海冰中的透射辐射谱分布,发现一年冰的光谱透射辐射在490 nm和589 nm处呈明显的双峰结构,但随着海冰厚度的增加,双峰结构逐渐减弱,体现了海冰对于不同谱段辐射能衰减作用的差异。在可见光范围内,裸冰和雪覆冰的吸收率最小值出现在490 nm,在443~490 nm范围内二者的吸收率随波长增大而降低,在490~683 nm范围内二者的吸收率随波长增大而升高,但雪覆冰的吸收率在可见光范围内基本保持不变,体现了雪覆冰吸收率的光谱独立性。一年冰的谱衰减系数随波长呈“U”字形分布,紫光和红光谱段的衰减系数较大,中间谱段的衰减系数较小,589 nm波长的衰减系数最小,为1.7 m–1。将谱衰减系数在可见光范围内积分,得到一年冰的积分漫射衰减系数约为2.3 m–1,略高于多年浮冰的漫射衰减系数1.5 m–1。阿蒙森湾一年冰与加拿大海盆北部多年浮冰辐射光学性质的差异,主要源于陆源物质输入引起的海冰内含物组分的改变,而不同组分对光谱的吸收和散射性质不同,进一步导致了光学性质的整体变化。  相似文献   

1Introduction Besidestheprecipitationandriverdischarges,the watersinthePacificOceanandtheAtlanticOceanare thesourcesoftheArcticOceanwater.TheAtlantic waterenterstheArcticOceanviatheFramStraitand theBarentsSea.Foritsdenserfeatureduetohigh salinity,mostofitsinkstothenorthofSvaldbardand circulatesinallthedeepbasinsintheArcticOcean, formingthedeepandbottomwatersoftheArcticO- cean(Aagaardetal.,1985;Rudelsetal.,1999).The BeringStraitistheonlychannelforthePacificwater toflowintotheArcticOce…  相似文献   

Variation of freshwater components in the Canada Basin during 1967–2010   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As a conservative tracer, oxygen isotopes in seawater are widely used for water mass analysis, along with temperature and salinity. In this study, seawater oxygen-18 datasets in the Canada Basin during 1967–2010 were obtained from the four cruises of the Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition(1999, 2003, 2008, and 2010) and the NASA database. Fractions of sea ice meltwater and river runoff were determined from the salinity-18O system. Our results showed that the river runoff decreased from the south to the north in the Canada Basin. The enhanced amount of river runoff observed in the southern Canada Basin may originate from the Mackenzie River, transported by the Beaufort Gyre. The river runoff component showed maximum fractions during 1967–1969, 1978–1979, 1984–1985, 1993–1994, and 2008–2010, indicating the refresh time of the river runoff was 5.0–16.0 a in the Canada Basin. The temporal variation of the river runoff was related to the change of the Arctic Oscillation(AO) index, suggesting the freshwater stored in the Canada Basin was affected by surface sea ice drift and water mass movement driven by atmospheric circulation.  相似文献   

On the basis of the arctic monthly mean sea ice extent data set during 1953-1984, the arctic region is divided into eight subregions,and the analyses of empirical orthogonal functions, power spectrum and maximum entropy spectrum are made to indentify the major spatial and temporal features of the sea ice fluctuations within 32-year period. And then, a brief appropriate physical explanation is tentatively suggested. The results show that both seasonal and non-seasonal variations of the sea ice extent are remarkable, and iis mean annual peripheral positions as well as their interannu-al shifting amplitudes are quite different among all subregions. These features are primarily affected by solar radiation, o-cean circulation, sea surface temperature and maritime-continental contrast, while the non-seasonal variations are most possibly affected by the cosmic-geophysical factors such as earth pole shife, earth rotation oscillation and solar activity.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of nutrient maximums at 70~200 m occurred only in the region of the Canada Basin among the world oceans. The prevailing hypothesis was that the direct injection of the low-temperature high-nutrient brines from the Chukchi Sea shelf (<50 m) in winter provided the nutrient maximums. However, we found that there are five problems in the direct injection process. Formerly Jin et al. considered that the formation of nutrient maximums can be a process of locally long-term regeneration. Here we propose a regeneration-mixture process. Data of temperature, salinity, oxygen and nutrients were collected at three stations in the southern Canada Basin during the summer 1999 cruise. We identified the cores of the surface, near-surface, potential temperature maximum waters and Arctic Bottom Water by the diagrams and vertical profiles of salinity, potential temperature, oxygen and nutrients. The historical 129Ⅰ data indicated that the surface and near-surface waters were Pacific-origin, but the waters below the potential temperature maximum core depth was Atlantic-origin. Along with the correlation of nutrient maximums and very low oxygen contents in the near-surface water, we hypothesize that, the putative organic matter was decomposed to inorganic nutrients; and the Pacific water was mixed with the Atlantic water in the transition zone. The idea of the regeneration-mixture process agrees with the historical observations of no apparent seasonal changes, the smooth nutrient profiles, the lowest saturation of CaCO3 above 400 m, low rate of CFC-11 ventilation and 3H-3He ages of 8~18 a around the nutrient maximum depths.  相似文献   

太平洋夏季水对加拿大海盆海冰的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋雪珑  周生启 《海洋学报》2014,36(11):38-45
近年来,北极海冰发生了大面积减少,减少的原因仍存在着争议。基于2003-2011年的水文和遥感卫星数据,对北冰洋加拿大海盆的太平洋水和海冰进行研究。通过对比2006年和2007年太平洋水位温与海冰密集度的空间分布,发现太平洋水暖异常于2007年1-3月进入加拿大海盆的中部,并可能导致了2007年夏季海冰大面积的融化。2003-2011年,在加拿大海盆的中部,太平洋水位温与海冰密集度存在着时间上的负相关。选取2007年8月,发现两者在空间上也存在着负相关。这很可能说明太平洋水暖异常在流动的过程中,向上输送了热量,在一定程度上,融化了海冰,从而触发海冰-反照率正反馈,导致海冰的减少。因此,通过白令海峡进入北冰洋的太平洋夏季水,对北极海冰面积的减少有着重要影响。  相似文献   

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