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《Applied Geochemistry》1993,8(6):605-616
The Cigar Lake U deposit is located in northern Saskatchewan in the eastern part of the Athabasca Sandstone Basin, and consists of a high-grade ore body (up to 55% U) located at a depth of ∼430 m. As part of a study to evaluate the analog features of this deposit with respect to a disposal vault for waste nuclear fuel, colloids (1–450 nm) and suspended particles (450nm) in groundwater have been investigated to evaluate their effect on element transport through the U deposit. Tangential-flow ultrafiltration was used to concentrate particles from 501 groundwater samples in order to characterize the size distribution, concentration, composition and natural radionuclide content of particles in representative parts of the U deposit. Although Cigar Lake groundwaters contain particles in all sizes ranging from 10 nm to slightly larger than 20 μm, most samples contained a relatively high concentration of colloids in the 100–400 nm size range. Particle compositions are similar to the composition of minerals in the sandstones and ore body, suggesting that particles in groundwater are generated by the erosion of fracture-lining minerals. As a result, particle concentrations in groundwater are affected by the integrity of the host rock. In some piezometers the high initial concentrations of suspended particles, which may have been drilling artifacts, decreased during the collection of the first 350 1. Although colloid concentrations fluctuated during sampling, there are no indications that these concentrations will be permanently reduced by continued groundwater pumping. The observed colloid and suspended particle concentrations in the deep groundwaters are too low to have a significant impact on radionuclide migration, provided that radionuclide sorption is reversible. If radionuclides are irreversibly sorbed to particles they cannot sorb to the host rock and their migration can only be evaluated with an understanding of particle mobility. The data for dissolved and particulate U, Th and Ra were used to calculate field-derived distribution ratios (Rd) between particles and groundwater. The wide range of observed Rd values indicates that these radionuclides in particulate form are not in equilibrium with groundwater. U-series isotope data indicated that most of the U and Ra on particles was derived from groundwater. Some particles could have retained their U for as long as 8000 a. The U and Ra contents of particles in the ore and surrounding clay zones are significantly higher than in particles from sandstone, suggesting that the clay has been an effective barrier to particle migration.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2000,15(2):141-155
A marine based argillaceous rock containing volcanic glass shards has been investigated to infer the long-term durability of vitrified nuclear waste in compacted bentonite, which is a candidate for buffer material constituting the engineered barrier system for nuclear waste disposal. Fission track ages indicate that the volcanic glass shards, andesitic scoria, have been buried in the argillaceous rock for about 1 Ma. Neither glass matrix dissolution nor precipitation on the surface was seen under an optical microscope. Little leaching of any element has been recognized by analyses using an electron microprobe analyzer. Secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis, however, indicates significant hydration which may dominantly be a permeation of molecular water.As an indicator of durability of glass against groundwater a normalized mass loss of Si (NLSi) has been evaluated for the volcanic glass based on free energy for hydration. The difference between estimated NLSi of the volcanic glass and that of a simulated waste glass is within one order so that the volcanic glass may be analogous to a waste glass with respect to durability to water. The argillaceous rock is analogous to the compacted bentonite with respect to physical properties such as dry-density, unconfined compression strength, porosity, and hydraulic conductivity. The ambient physical and chemical conditions surrounding the volcanic glass have been also investigated: temperature was in the range from 4 to 30°C due to the burial history of the volcanic glass. Over most of the past 1 Ma the volcanic glass has been in contact with groundwater originating from seawater. Thermodynamic calculations indicate (1) pH (=7.74–7.94) of the groundwater has mainly been controlled by dissolution of carbonate minerals, (2) the redox potential (Eh=−34–−73 mV) of the groundwater has dominantly been controlled by decomposition of organic materials to produce CH4(g), and (3) activity of aqueous silica of the groundwater was in equilibrium with SiO2 amorphous. Because of the equilibrium between aqueous silica and SiO2 amorphous, the volcanic glass did not dissolve during the burial.Vitrified nuclear waste sealed in compacted bentonite, therefore, will not dissolve significantly if buried in an environment as mentioned above.  相似文献   

In this study, we have investigated and clarified the processes occurring during the alteration of SON68 glass – the reference nuclear glass for the waste arising from reprocessing of spent fuel from light water reactors – at 50 °C in Callovo-Oxfordian clay groundwater in presence of magnetite. Magnetite is known to be one of the iron corrosion products expected to be present in the vicinity of glass in geological disposal conditions. The effects of the amount of magnetite relative to the glass surface and the transport of aqueous species during glass alteration were studied. A first series of experiments was focused on the effect of various magnetite amounts by mixing and altering glass and magnetite powders. In a second series of experiments, magnetite was separated from the glass by a diffusive barrier in order to slow down the transport of aqueous species. Glass alteration kinetics were analyzed and solids were characterized by a multiscale approach using Raman Spectroscopy, Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy, Energy-Dispersive X-ray and Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy coupled with Fe L2,3-edge and C K-edge NEXAFS.It appears that glass alteration increases with the amount of magnetite and that the transport of aqueous species is a key parameter. Several processes have been identified such as (i) the silica sorption on the magnetite surface, (ii) the precipitation of Fe-silicates in the vicinity of the glass (iii) the precipitation of SiO2 on the magnetite surface, (iv) the incorporation of Fe within the alteration layer. Process (iv) was not frequently observed, suggesting local variations in geochemical conditions. Moreover, this process is strongly influenced by the transport of aqueous species as indicated by the morphology and composition of the alteration layers. Indeed, when glass and magnetite are homogeneously mixed, the glass alteration layer consists of a gel enriched in Fe having the same Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratio as in magnetite. When both materials are separated by a diffusive barrier, the glass alteration layer consists of a porous gel (not enriched in iron) in presence of a mixture of Fe-silicates with Fe having the same valence as in magnetite, rare-earth precipitates and phyllosilicates. These results suggest that Fe incorporation within the alteration layer changes depending on the distance and the time required for dissolved Fe originating from the magnetite to reach the glass.  相似文献   

M. I. BURSIK 《Sedimentology》1995,42(6):831-838
A two-layer model for the flow and sedimentation within a salt wedge or highly stratified hypopycnal fluvial plume emptying into a fiord is developed from basic principles. From this model, it is found that the amount of suspended sediment of a particular grain size decreases as an exponential function of distance, and that the velocity and depth of the plume converge to constant values. The model is consistent with measurements from the plume of the Homathko River in Bute Inlet, British Columbia, Canada, and suggests that certain aspects of current empirical models of plume sedimentation are based upon sound principles.  相似文献   

Interactions between nuclear glass and Fe were investigated in a clayey environment to better understand the mechanisms and driving forces controlling the long-term behavior of high-level waste glass in a geological repository. An integrated experiment involving a Glass–Iron–Clay (GIC) stack was run at a laboratory scale in anoxic conditions for 2 years and the interfaces were characterized by a multiscale approach using scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Raman microspectroscopy and scanning transmission X-ray microscopy at the SLS Synchrotron. The characterization of glass alteration patterns on cross sections revealed an increase in glass alteration with the Fe content and the proximity between the glass and Fe. The alteration layers are polyphase and stratified with an inner porous gel layer incorporating Fe and an outer layer composed of nanocrystalline Fe-silicates. Several mechanisms which could affect the glass alteration kinetics and the transport properties of the alteration layer are proposed to explain this pattern: (i) consumption of hydrolyzed silica by precipitation of Fe-silicates; (ii) penetration of Fe within the gel porosity probably as precipitates such as Fe oxyhydroxide or Fe-silicates. These new data may imply some consequences when considering the long-term behavior of glass in geological disposal conditions.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1991,6(5):565-574
Natural colloids (1–450 nm) and suspended particles (>450 nm) were characterized in groundwaters of the Whiteshell Research Area of southern Manitoba to evaluate their potential role in radionuclide transport through fractured granite. Data on particle concentrations, size distributions, compositions and natural radionuclide content were collected to predict radionuclide formation and to provide a database for future colloid migration studies. The concentrations of colloids between 10 and 450 nm ranged between 0.04 and 1 mg/l. The concentrations of suspended particles, which require higher groundwater velocities for transport, varied from 0.04 to 14 mg/l. Colloid (10–450 nm) concentrations as low as these observed in Whiteshell Research Area groundwater would have a minimal effect on radionuclide transport, assuming that radionuclide sorption on colloids is reversible. If radiocolloid formation is not reversible, and radionuclide-containing colloids cannot sorb onto fracture walls, the importance of natural colloids in radionuclide transport will depend upon particle migration properties.  相似文献   

The elemental composition of suspended particles from the Yellow River is similar to those of the loess terraces and the world's average soils. The contents of Zn, Cu, Ni, Co and Pb in the suspended particles are higher in the Yangtze River than in the Yellow River, indicating pollution inputs or the high-side of natural variability.  相似文献   

Suspended particle samples from the Yellow River estuary were sorted into five grain size fractions to explore the effect of grain size distribution on organic matter content and composition. The n-alkanes and PAHs were determined for each size fraction. PAHs and n-alkanes were more abundant in the finer fractions and the loading decreases steadily with increasing of grain size. However, the total n-alkanes or PAHs normalized to organic C were lower in the smaller size fractions than those in the larger size fractions, suggesting n-alkanes or PAHs may be diluted by the addition of organic matter or gradually decreased by degradation in the smaller size fractions. The particulate n-alkanes in the Yellow River estuary consist of a mixture of compounds from terrigenous and riverine biogenic n-alkanes and more biogenic n-alkanes accumulate in finer particles. Particulate PAHs are related to combustion/pyrolysis processes of coal/wood, and the relative contribution of petrogenic PAHs increase with increasing grain size. The total particulate n-alkane and PAH discharges passing the Lijin Station are about 3.94 t d−1 and 0.52 t d−1, respectively. Fine particles (<32 μm) play a significant role in organic matter transfer.  相似文献   

Microscopic distribution and speciation of Na, Mg, Ni and Cs in a simulated (inactive) nuclear waste glass were studied using micro X-ray fluorescence (μ-XRF) and micro X-ray absorption spectroscopy (μ-XAS), after aqueous leaching during 12 years at 90 °C. Na and Mg are major constituents of the glass that can be used to determine the progress of the glass corrosion process and the nature of secondary alteration phases. Ni and Cs represent dose determining long-lived radionuclides (59Ni, 135Cs) in vitrified nuclear waste.The Na-Mg μ-XRF maps revealed that the core regions of the glass fragments are apparently unaltered and compositionally homogeneous, whereas rims and interstitial spaces are enriched with Mg-rich smectite formed during the leaching process. The micro X-ray absorption near edge structure (μ-XANES) spectra collected at the Mg K-edge in the altered zones show three sharp resonances typical for crystalline Mg-silicates. These resonances are distinctive of Mg occupying undistorted octahedral positions. In contrast, the μ-XANES spectra collected in the core zones of the glass fragments lack this resonance pattern and are identical to the spectra measured on the pristine (unleached) MW glass.Micro extended X-ray absorption fine structure (μ-EXAFS) and μ-XANES analyses at the Ni K-edge revealed three distinct Ni(II) species: (a) Ni uniformly distributed in the glass matrix, (b) micro-inclusions with high Ni concentrations and (c) Ni associated to the Mg-clay. The comparison with reference spectra of unleached MW and other Ni-bearing silicate glasses indicated that species (a) represents the original coordinative environment of Ni in the glass. The μ-EXAFS analyses revealed that species (b) is structural Ni in trevorite (NiFe2O4), which probably formed through unmixing processes during the cooling of the glass melt. The μ-EXAFS of species (c) could be successfully modeled assuming specific adsorption or incorporation of Ni into the lattice of trioctahedral Mg-clay minerals. Alternative models assuming other elements (Ni, Al, Fe) in addition to Mg in the second shell could not be fitted successfully.Aqueous concentration data were used to calculate the speciation of the leaching solutions. Saturation index (SI) calculations indicate undersaturation with respect to NiCO3 and NiSO4·7H2O, but oversaturation with respect to β-Ni(OH)2. The latter result is probably due to the omission of Ni borate and Ni silicate complexes in the speciation calculations, for which formation constants are not available. With the help of estimation techniques, we could infer that such complexes would dominate the Ni speciation and consequently reduce the SI below the saturation of β-Ni(OH)2.The μ-XRF maps show that Cs is uniformly distributed in the MW glass, since no region with high Cs concentration could be detected. The Cs LIII-edge μ-XAS spectra were all very similar independently of the degree of alteration, indicating similar coordination environments of Cs in the core regions of the glass as well as in the secondary clays. These spectra largely differ from that measured for pollucite (a potential secondary Cs-phase in altered glasses) implying that the coordination environments of Cs in the MW glass and in pollucite are fundamentally different.The present study shows that μ-XRF and μ-XAS are essential tools in determining the fate and the retention mechanisms of radionuclides released from nuclear waste during aqueous alteration. Our spectroscopic analyses allowed us to exclude formation of specific Ni and Cs secondary solids (e.g. nepouite, β-Ni(OH)2, pollucite) during the aqueous alteration. Ni and Cs are instead distributed as trace elements in the alteration phases formed by major elements during the leaching process. Our results imply that solid solution and/or adsorption equilibria, rather than pure phase solubility equilibria, are the adequate chemical models to determine Ni and Cs aqueous concentrations in performance assessments for radioactive waste repositories.  相似文献   

Distinctive uptake mechanisms of different radiotracers by red clays in seawater are elucidated from the magnitude and change of distribution coefficients (Kd) for up to 17 γ-emitting radiotracers as functions of equilibration time, suspended particle concentration and compositions of solids and seawaters. The adsorption of ionic metals onto colloids and subsequent coagulation of colloids onto larger particles are the dominant removal processes of metals in the aquatic environments of low suspended particle concentration.  相似文献   

The interaction of groundwater with cement in a geological disposal facility (GDF) for intermediate level radioactive waste will produce a high pH leachate plume. Such a plume may alter the physical and chemical properties of the GDF host rock. However, the geochemical and mineralogical processes which may occur in such systems over timescales relevant for geological disposal remain unclear. This study has extended the timescale for laboratory experiments and shown that, after 15 years two distinct phases of reaction may occur during alteration of a dolomite-rich rock at high pH. In these experiments the dissolution of primary silicate minerals and the formation of secondary calcium silicate hydrate (C–S–H) phases containing varying amounts of aluminium and potassium (C–(A)–(K)–S–H) during the early stages of reaction (up to 15 months) have been superseded as the systems have evolved. After 15 years significant dedolomitisation (MgCa(CO3)2 + 2OH  Mg(OH)2 + CaCO3 + CO32−(aq)) has led to the formation of magnesium silicates, such as saponite and talc, containing variable amounts of aluminium and potassium (Mg–(Al)–(K)–silicates), and calcite at the expense of the early-formed C–(A)–(K)–S–H phases. This occured in high pH solutions representative of two different periods of cement leachate evolution with little difference in the alteration processes in either a KOH and NaOH or a Ca(OH)2 dominated solution but a greater extent of alteration in the higher pH KOH/NaOH leachate. The high pH alteration of the rock over 15 years also increased the rock’s sorption capacity for U(VI). The results of this study provide a detailed insight into the longer term reactions occurring during the interaction of cement leachate and dolomite-rich rock in the geosphere. These processes have the potential to impact on radionuclide transport from a geodisposal facility and are therefore important in underpinning any safety case for geological disposal.  相似文献   

This investigation was carried out to assess the protective properties of the alteration film that develops during aqueous alteration of the French SON 68 (R7T7-type) nuclear glass, notably by examining the behavior of some network-forming cations in the presence of complexing anions. Glass alteration was studied here in the presence of orthophosphate ions. Comparisons were established between two series of tests performed with a solution containing orthophosphate ions and control tests performed under the same conditions but without phosphates. The first series of experiments was performed under initial rate conditions (i.e. in dilute media) to assess the effect of pH and phosphate concentration on the initial glass dissolution rate. Under these conditions, which ensure maximum chemical affinity of the glass dissolution reaction, phosphate adsorption occurs at the reaction interface only with acid pH values, at which the glass dissolution reaction is strongly inhibited. The elements that form complexes with the phosphates (Al, Fe, etc.) partially control glass dissolution in acidic media. Additional experiments carried out under saturated conditions — notably with respect to Si — in a solution enriched with phosphates showed that rare earth and Ca phosphates precipitated in the outer region of the alteration film, maintaining a glass dissolution rate significantly higher than in the control experiment. These observations have several implications. (1) Comparing the results obtained in the presence of phosphates and in the reference medium, the authors demonstrate deductively that glass dissolution is limited by the inner portion of the alteration film, i.e. the amorphous gel. (2) A kinetic law of SON 68 glass dissolution cannot be based on silica alone; the results of these experiments contradict Grambow’s model. (3) With regard to control of the glass dissolution kinetics by the protective properties of the gel, this type of experiment shows that the relation between the chemical composition and the microstructure of the gel is an important aspect in modeling the glass alteration kinetics, but that it is still poorly understood.  相似文献   

Data are presented on suspended particles and colloids in groundwaters from the Osamu Utsumi mine and the Morro do Ferro analogue study sites. Cross-flow ultrafiltration with membranes of different pore sizes (450 nm to 1.5 nm) was used to prepare colloid concentrates and ultrafiltrates for analyses of major and trace elements and U- and Th-isotopic compositions. Additional characterization of colloidal and particulate material was performed by ESCA, SEM and X-ray diffraction. The results indicate the presence of low concentrations of colloids in these waters (typically < 500 μg/l), composed mainly of iron/organic species. Minor portions of uranium and other trace elements, but significant fractions of the total concentrations of Th and REE in prefiltered waters (< 450 nm) were associated with these colloids.Suspended particles (> 450 nm), also composed mainly of hydrous ferric oxides and humic-like compounds, show the same trend as the colloids with respect to U, Th and REE associations, but elemental concentrations were typically higher by a factor of 1,000 or more. In waters of low pH and with high sulphate content, these associations are considerably lower. Due to the low concentrations of suspended particles in groundwaters from the Osamu Utsumi uranium mine (typically <0.5 mg/l), these particles carry only a minor fraction of U and the REE (<10% of the total concentrations in unfiltered groundwaters), but a significant, usually predominant fraction of Th (30–70%). The suspended particle load in groundwaters from the Morro do Ferro environment is typically higher than in those from the mine by a factor of 5 to 10. This suggests that U, Th and the REE could be transported predominantly by particulate matter. However, these particles and colloids seem to have a low capacity for migration.  相似文献   

悬移质颗粒运动的脉动强度   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
应用图象处理技术,量测了直径d=0.1~1.5mm的塑料颗粒和d=0.1~0.3mm的玻璃球颗粒在明槽恒定均匀水流中运动的脉动强度.试验发现:(1)靠近床面处,粗颗粒的脉动强度大于细颗粒的脉动强度,在靠近水面处,规律则相反;(2)细颗粒的脉动强度只是相对水深y/h的函数,而粒径较大颗粒的脉动强度和y/h及摩阻流速都有关;(3)重颗粒的脉动强度小于相同粒径的轻质颗粒的脉动强度.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(7):1152-1168
Powder samples of two inactive borosilicate glasses (MW and SON68), used as references for vitrified nuclear waste in Switzerland, were leached statically in pure water over more than 12a at 90 °C. Solution aliquots were taken at regular intervals in order to investigate the glass dissolution kinetics and the retention of elements representing radionuclides. At 5.7 and 12.2a, single tests were interrupted to investigate the corroded samples.Boron and Li concentration data indicate that the glass corrosion kinetics of the MW glass is about 10 times faster than for the SON68 glass, both in the transient and asymptotic phase of the leaching process. The alteration products were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM-STEM) coupled with energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) analyses. Alteration of the MW glass produced abundant magnesian clay minerals, as well as nanoparticles of lanthanide and Zr phosphates, whereas only small amounts Ca–Zn–Fe–Ni clay minerals were formed as alteration product of SON68.Retention factors were above 99% for most trace elements, indicating almost quantitative fixation of many radionuclides in the secondary phases. Solution concentration data were used to calculate aqueous speciations and saturation indices of potential secondary solids. The solutions are close to saturation with respect to simple lanthanide phosphates (in agreement with the TEM data) and quartz. The presence of quartz in the altered SON68 samples is corroborated by XRD data.In conclusion, the corrosion and radionuclide retention properties of SON68 seem to be more favorable than those of the MW glass. A major finding of this investigation was that glass degradation may strongly depend on minor compositional changes in the glass composition. The presence of Mg in the MW glass triggers the nucleation of secondary clay minerals, thereby promoting glass corrosion via silica removal. In the Mg-free SON68 glass the formation of clays, and hence the glass degradation, were considerably slower.  相似文献   

The greatest natural threats to the integrity of the geological barriers to nuclear wastes isolated in cavities mined at depths between 400 and 800 m are likely during rapid retreats of future ice sheets. The next major glacial retreat is expected at ca 70 ka, well within the lifetime of high grade nuclear waste, but it is not yet clear how long man's greenhouse effect may delay it.

This contribution discusses the potential problems posed to European waste isolation sites during erosion by ice and over-pressurizing of meltwater and gasses in a lithosphere flexed by major ice sheets. These depend on the target rocks and the location of the site with respect to the ice-streams and margins of future ice sheets of particular size.

No sites are planned under the centres of future ice sheets in Europe where end-glacial earthquakes can be expected to reactivate major faults, nor where ice can be expected to deepen and lengthen fjords along the Atlantic coast. Sites in the Alps may be vulnerable to radical changes in the patterns of glacial troughs. The stability and geohydrology of sites in coastal areas beyond future ice margins are threatened by river gorges when sea level falls ca 125 m or, in enclosed basins like the Mediterranean, ever lower. The greatest problems are likely in lowland regions exposed by the rapid retreat of thick ice fronts where large lakes on or under thick warm-based ice are dammed by more distal cold-based ice. Groundwater in subhorizontal fractures dilated by glacial unloading may reach over-pressures capable of hydraulically lifting megablocks of bedrock with fracture permeability and/or the ice damming them so that less permeable substrates are susceptible to incisions eroded to depths of ca 360 at locations controlled mainly by ice topography, kinematics and history.  相似文献   

Fractured archaeological glass blocks altered 1800 years in seawater are investigated because of their morphological analogy with vitrified nuclear waste. They provide an opportunity for understanding glass alteration in variable confined media (cracks), by studying an actual ancient system in a known stable natural environment. Characterization of the crack network from two-dimensional trace maps (length, alteration thickness, orientation) allows us to determine the three-dimensional geometric parameters (crack density, fracture ratio) and the percentage of alteration, using stereological relations. This methodology could be applied to nuclear glass. From a representative archaeological glass block, we showed that the surface developed by the cracks is 86 ± 27 times greater than the geometric surface but the volumetric alteration is 12.2 ± 4.1%, which is only 12 times greater than the volumetric alteration of the block periphery (about 1 vol%). This unexpected low value is explained by the large variation of the alteration thicknesses in the different types of cracks in relation with their location in the block. The alteration thickness is usually smaller in the internal zone than in the border zone. The alteration layers resulted from three main mechanisms (interdiffusion, glass dissolution, and secondary phase precipitation) leading to two different alteration products (a sodium-depleted layer and mainly a Mg-smectite). Geometric parameters such as the glass surface area/solution volume ratio and transport parameters (renewal of the alteration solution) strongly affected the glass dissolution kinetics. The confined conditions and the diffusive transport of reactive species favor low alteration kinetics. The precipitation of secondary phases also results in sealing of the cracks. Consequently, although it is not known if subcritical crack growth occurred, internal cracks account for only a minor contribution to the overall alteration. These results improve our understanding of alteration in cracks for assessing the predominant physical and chemical parameters that must be considered in long-term nuclear glass modeling.  相似文献   

Safe storage of radioactive waste is a major challenge for the nuclear industry. Mineralogy is a good basis for designing ceramics, which could eventually replace nuclear glasses. This requires a new storage concept: separation-conditioning. Basic rules of crystal chemistry allow one to select the most suitable structures and natural occurrences allow assessing the long-term performance of ceramics in a geological environment. Three criteria are of special interest: compatibility with geological environment, resistance to natural fluids, and effects of self-irradiation. If mineralogical information is efficient for predicting the behaviour of common, well-known minerals, such as zircon, monazite or apatite, more research is needed to rationalize the long-term behaviour of uncommon waste form analogs.  相似文献   

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