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A detailed taphonomic study was undertaken at the Tayara site in order to determine the impact of natural processes such as surface water flow on spatial patterning and site formation. The study focused on Paleoeskimo level II, which contains many lithics and significant faunal remains. Level II integrity was assessed through spatial analysis and by examining the size distribution of lithic artifacts and bone orientation. Experimental knapping aimed at replicating Paleoeskimo lithic technology was used to assess the possible size sorting of lithics. The study indicates that artifact burial by water‐laid sediments did not result in a selective impoverishment in small‐sized lithics. Statistically significant lithic concentrations and associations suggest that spatial distribution was not significantly modified by site formation processes. However, slight post‐depositional changes were presumably induced by water flows in the form of statistically significant horizontal bone reorientations. These occurred when gently flowing water inundated bone accumulations without inducing significant washing or sorting of smaller lithic debris. The spatial integrity evaluation of the level II assemblage reveals a low degree of spatial disturbance and disorganization of the material (i.e., limited entropy), which is likely related to low‐energy hydraulic forces and rapid burial soon after Paleoeskimo occupation. The grouping and deposition of much of the occupation debris is likely the result of Paleoeskimo activities (e.g., knapping and butchering), and the lithics and fauna specimens are probably at or very near their original location. These results show the behavioral significance of the grouping and deposition of debris in Tayara's level II. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Shallowly buried archaeological sites are particularly susceptible to surface and subsurface disturbance processes. Yet, because cultural deposition often operates on short time scales relative to geologic deposition, vertical artifact distributions can be used to clarify questions of site formation. In particular, patterns in artifact distributions that cannot be explained by occupation histories must be explained by natural processes that have affected sites. Buried only 10–50 cm beneath the ground surface for 10,450 14C yr, the Folsom component at Barger Gulch Locality B (Middle Park, Colorado) exhibits many signs of post‐depositional disturbance. Through examination of variation in the vertical distribution of the artifact assemblage, we are able to establish that only a Folsom component is present. Using vertical artifact distributions, stratigraphy, and radiocarbon dating, we are able to reconstruct the series of events that have impacted the site. The Folsom occupation (˜10,450 14C yr B.P.) was likely initially buried in a late‐Pleistocene eolian silt loam. Erosion brought the artifacts to rest on a deflation surface at some time prior to 9400 14C yr B.P. A mollic epipedon formed in sediments that accumulated between 9400 and 7000 14C yr B.P. Some time after 5200 14C yr B.P., this soil was partially truncated, and artifacts that had previously dispersed upward created a secondary lag at its upper contact. This surface was buried again and artifact dispersal continued. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Surface scatters of Aboriginal stone artifacts have been exposed in many parts of inland Australia by accelerated erosion that followed the introduction of pastoralism by European settlers in the 19th century. This paper reports on a set of techniques developed to investigate and quantify the effects of these post‐discard disturbance processes in Sturt National Park in northwest NSW, Australia. Backwards, stepwise, linear regression showed the influence of geomorphic parameters such as slope gradient, elevation, landform, and contemporary surface processes on artifact distribution, with artifact maximum dimension as the dependent variable. The results indicate that, even at low gradients, artifact size and slope angle are significantly related, but that the variance in maximum dimension explained by gradient is very low. Similar results were found for the other geomorphic variables. We conclude that artifact movement by surface wash across these surfaces is unlikely to significantly affect artifact distribution. While vertically conflated surface scatters do not preserve “living floors” in a short‐term, functional sense, their apparent horizontal integrity allows investigation of the long‐term use of place by hunter‐gatherer people in the past. Insofar as assemblage integrity is important for assessing site significance in the heritage management industry, our methods provide a means for assessing the degree to which a site has been damaged by water flow. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Archaeologists rely on the spatial and temporal distribution of artifacts and other site‐based materials to understand the stratigraphic integrity of the matrix in which remains are embedded. Although they are aware of taphonomic and site formation processes that can cause post‐depositional movement of objects, misinterpretation can occur. We used high‐precision 230Th dating of branch corals found throughout cultural layers of a coastal Hawaiian midden to identify the effects of post‐depositional disturbances to the archaeological record. Fifteen corals distributed in three cultural layers of a Mo'omomi bay site on west Moloka'i, Hawaiian Islands, were 230Th dated between A.D. 1513 and A.D. 1623. Even though the cultural layers appeared visually intact, the positions of the dated coral samples indicate stratigraphic mixing as there is no positive age–depth correlation. Consequently, all cultural layers should be considered one analytical unit for analysis of contents. This study is applicable to other Pacific archaeological sites, especially throughout Hawaii and East Polynesia generally, that have well‐preserved branch coral for 230Th dating. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Paleoproterozoic granitoids are an important constituent of the Jiao–Liao–Ji Belt(JLJB). The spatial-temporal distribution and types of Paleoproterozoic granitoids are closely related to the evolution of the JLJB. In this paper, we review the field occurrence, petrography, geochronology, and geochemistry of Paleoproterozoic granitoids on Liaodong Peninsula, northeast China. The Paleoproterozoic granitoids can be divided into pre-tectonic(~2.15 Ga; peak age=2.18 Ga) and post-tectonic(~1.85 Ga) granitoids. The pre-tectonic granitoids are magnetite and hornblende–biotite monzogranites and granodiorites. Pre-tectonic monzogranites are widespread in the JLJB and have A_2-type affinities. In contrast, pretectonic granodiorites are only present in the Simenzi area and have adakitic affinities. The post-tectonic granitoids consist of porphyritic monzogranite, syenite, diorite, granodiorite, quartz monzonite, monzogranite, and granitic pegmatite, which are adakitic rocks and I-, S-, and A_2-type granitoids. The assemblage of pre-tectonic A_2-type granitoids and adakitic rocks indicates the initial tectonic setting of the JLJB was a continental back-arc basin. The assemblage of post-tectonic adakitic rocks and I-, S-, and A_2-type granitoids indicates a post-collisional setting. The 2.20–2.15 Ga A_2-type granitoids and adakitic rocks were associated with the initial stage of back-arc extension, and the peak of back-arc extension is inferred from the subsequent(2.15–2.10 Ga) mafic intrusive activity. The ~1.90 Ga adakitic rocks mark the beginning of the postcollisional stage, which was followed by the intrusion of low-temperature S-and I-type granitoids. High-to low-pressure granitoids(S-type) were generated during the peak of post-collisional lithospheric delamination and asthenospheric upwelling. The emplacement of later granitic pegmatites occurred during the waning of the orogeny.  相似文献   

Twenty thin sections were studied from Cactus Hill, a ca. 20 ka stratified sand dune site in Virginia, USA, with a Clovis and hypothesized pre‐Clovis component. The high‐resolution soil micromorphology investigation focused on testing the integrity of Clovis and pre‐Clovis stratigraphy from one location where there is a high density of artifacts. Site formation processes were dominated by eolian (dune) sand formation. There was also ephemeral topsoil development and associated occupation, along with their penecontemporaneous disturbance and dispersal by scavenging animals (assumed) and localized down‐working by small invertebrate mesofauna (as evidenced by aggregates of fine phytolith‐rich humic soil and fine soil‐coated charcoal fragments). Partial erosion of these occupation soils (deflation?) was followed by successive sand burial. Post‐depositional processes affecting these sand‐buried occupations involved only small‐scale bioturbation and overprinting of clay lamellae, suggesting site stratigraphy has been stable for a long time. Soil micromorphological analysis has defined a difference between occupational units (pre‐Clovis and Clovis) and sterile units found between these units as well as above and below. In summary, according to this analysis, the site appears intact with only minor disturbances affecting the long‐term integrity of the stratigraphy. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Dog Creek archaeological site (NcVi‐3), located in the northern Yukon, provides evidence of complex site transformational processes related to microclimatic conditions occurring since the mid‐Holocene. Geoarchaeological research at Dog Creek sought to interpret site formation processes in order to understand the relationship between surficial artifacts, buried artifacts, and stratified sediments. It also attempted to reconstruct the periglacial processes that were active in transforming the site and their relationships to microclimatic conditions. Sedimentology and fabric analysis show that artifacts were buried by solifluction and disturbed by frost heave and cryoturbation. Radiocarbon dating and pollen analysis demonstrated that solifluction took place approximately 5200–2000 years ago when a spruce forest existed at the site. This evidence suggests an onset of cooling conditions that continues to the present. After the mid‐Holocene, the spruce treeline began to move south toward its present position. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Despite a long history of glaciological research, the palaeo‐environmental significance of moraine systems in the Kebnekaise Mountains, Sweden, has remained uncertain. These landforms offer the potential to elucidate glacier response prior to the period of direct monitoring and provide an insight into the ice‐marginal processes operating at polythermal valley glaciers. This study set out to test existing interpretations of Scandinavian ice‐marginal moraines, which invoke ice stagnation, pushing, stacking/dumping and push‐deformation as important moraine forming processes. Moraines at Isfallsglaciären were investigated using ground‐penetrating radar to document the internal structural characteristics of the landform assemblage. Radar surveys revealed a range of substrate composition and reflectors, indicating a debris‐ice interface and bounding surfaces within the moraine. The moraine is demonstrated to contain both ice‐rich and debris‐rich zones, reflecting a complex depositional history and a polygenetic origin. As a consequence of glacier overriding, the morphology of these landforms provides a misleading indicator of glacial history. Traditional geochronological methods are unlikely to be effective on this type of landform as the fresh surface may post‐date the formation of the landform following reoccupation of the moraine rampart by the glacier. This research highlights that the interpretation of geochronological data sets from similar moraine systems should be undertaken with caution.  相似文献   

In 1963, E. Saurin and J.‐P. Carbonnel discovered the Sre Sbov site on an alluvial terrace of the Mekong River in central Cambodia. Saurin described a lithic typology dating to the Lower/Middle Pleistocene from this site. Although the original lithic assemblage has been lost, this typology has been used continuously as a reference by Southeast Asian prehistorians. In 2007, a Khmer–French team conducted excavations at Sre Sbov that yielded numerous pebbles and cobbles showing apparently convincing handmade removals, as Saurin had previously described. However, an in‐depth study of this assemblage, combined with a geological survey of the area, led to the conclusion that the stones were, in fact, of natural origin, and that for this reason their typology should be disregarded. Using satellite imagery and geological surveys, we explain how such a misinterpretation may have occurred and define a “buffer zone,” corresponding to the maximal extent of the proto‐Mekong River, where fluvially reworked pebbles and cobbles resembling artifacts may be recovered. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In order to better understand modern human behavioral variability in Hokkaido, Japan, we consider the geoarchaeology of the Kamihoronai‐Moi site in terms of its geochronology, stratigraphy, depositional environments, and post‐depositional disturbances. A Paleolithic component is stratigraphically situated between the Eniwa‐a (15,000–17,000 14C yr B.P.) and the Tarumae‐d (8000–9000 14C yr B.P.) tephras. Moreover, six AMS 14C ages on charcoal from a Pleistocene‐aged hearth feature are between 14,400 and 14,800 14C yr B.P. Quantitative examinations of patterns in artifact distributions show a low degree of vertical and horizontal displacement of chipped‐stone artifacts, suggesting that post‐depositional movement of the cultural material was insufficient to disrupt the original pattern of artifact distribution. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Acheulean sites are commonly recovered from sandy channel contexts, particularly in Africa. These sites frequently contain impressive concentrations of artifacts dominated by typical Acheulean large bifacial artifacts (‘handaxes,’ etc.). Possible influences of fluvial sedimentary processes in Acheulean site formation are explored through consideration of sedimentary context and detailed analysis of relevant artifact assemblage characteristics in part of a major Acheulean ‘Floor’ at Kalambo Falls, Zambia. The Kalambo Falls patterns are analyzed here with regard to influences of behavioral and natural processes in their formation, and are compared to those observed in Acheulean horizons at Montagu Cave, South Africa. Spatial concentration of bifaces and paucity of debitage at many Acheulean sites may be due largely to fluvial disturbance and winnowing, although a hominid preoccupation with large bifacial tools may be a bona fide behavior pattern at some sites. Better control over sedimentary context is necessary to elucidate the range of behaviorally-produced patterns at Acheulean sites.  相似文献   

Calcrete zones of cemented sands are found repeatedly at beach sites in the Mariana Islands, western Pacific region, with mid‐ to late‐Holocene artifacts and midden sealed within and beneath these layers. Three site‐specific cases demonstrate that the cementation process of the calcareous sand material post‐dated the deposition of artifacts and midden. Archaeological efforts must be prepared for deep excavation through zones of cemented sand. Also, recovery of preserved ancient materials can proceed by excavating large hardened blocks and soaking in light (5%) acid. This knowledge about formation process and recovery technique may prove useful not only in the Mariana Islands but also more broadly in other regions with similar settings. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper, we employed optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of sediments from two archaeological sites located in Navarino, Messenia, southwestern Greece, to deduce a chronology for the archaeological sites. Archaeological surveys identified two Paleolithic sites on fossilized coastal dunes. Chipped stone tool assemblages were identified eroding out of paleosols developed in the dunes. The assemblage from one site lacked distinct typological features and hence it was difficult to assign to a chronological period. The lithic assemblage from the other site contained artifacts that typologically can be assigned to the Levallois‐Mousterian. Previous efforts to date the artifact‐bearing sediments at these sites were unsuccessful. Using newer OSL dating methods (i.e., the Single‐Aliquot‐Regenerated Dose protocol and thermally transferred‐OSL[TT‐OSL]), we attempted to construct a chronological framework for Late Pleistocene human activity in the southwest Peloponnese. The revised OSL chronology for the first site is 28 ± 5 ka, while a luminescence age of 8 ± 1 ka for the second site only represents a later deflation event. Within the framework of Quaternary environmental change, the location of Paleolithic sites relative to the coast would have changed during the course of the Pleistocene. As a result, Paleolithic exploitation strategies would have been strongly influenced by the changing coastal geomorphology, encouraging hominids to adapt to new distributions of resources. OSL dating of the archaeological sites allowed us to connect traces of hominid activity with climatic stadials/interstadials of the later Pleistocene derived from existing relative sea‐level curves. Ultimately, these data permitted the reconstruction of regional Late Pleistocene paleogeography. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

王永  王军  纪占胜  翟庆国  肖序常 《地质通报》2009,28(9):1330-1334
藏北羌塘盆地腹地戈木错周围发现大量石制品,主要为细石核、细石叶、石片和石器,未发现大型打制石器和磨制石器。通过对石制品表面特征的观察,没有发现流水磨损的痕迹,认为这些石制品未经过后期搬运,为原地堆积。对石制品的初步研究表明,戈木错遗址的石制品主要为细小石器,使用的原料主要有硅质岩、玛瑙和燧石。将戈木错的细石器与藏北其他地点的细石器进行对比分析,发现其文化特征与藏北双湖、申扎等地具有一定的相似性,这说明藏北细石器基本属于相同的文化背景,有相同的起源,属于中国北方细石器文化的一部分。此外,从石制品的组合、加工技术特征及对环境的适应过程来看,其时代可能属于新石器时代早期。  相似文献   

A fish otolith assemblage from the Messinian ‘Lago‐mare’ deposits of the Colombacci Formation cropping out in the Montecalvo in Foglia Syncline, Marche, central Italy, is described. The assemblage displays a low diversity and consists of seven taxa belonging to three families: the Gobiidae, Myctophidae and Sciaenidae. Sciaenid otoliths are the most abundant elements representing 88% of the entire assemblage. The palaeoecological analysis reveals a coastal shallow marine environment strongly influenced by continental outflow. The low diversity and high abundance of the euryecious sciaenids are indicative of a very simplified food web, which probably represented an ecological response to the fluctuating environmental parameters and available food resources. The fish remains documented here provide an unambiguous evidence that normal marine conditions were present in the Mediterranean, at least in the upper part of the ‘Lago‐mare’ event, and unquestionably demonstrate that the marine refilling preceded the Mio‐Pliocene boundary. These findings clearly demonstrate that fishes, because of their mobility and migratory behaviour, represent a useful tool for the large‐scale interpretation of the environmental conditions of the Messinian Mediterranean water body. The necessity of a new scenario of palaeoenvironmental evolution for the post‐evaporitic Messinian of the Mediterranean is also discussed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Characterizing raw material of stone tools used by Late Neolithic and Copper Age communities is important for interpreting access to available sources and establishing regional routes of distribution. Ichnological analysis may be used to help characterize lithic material and determine the source of artifacts. Here we report for the first time the existence of trace fossils in artifacts from the Late Neolithic and Copper Age of southern Spain. Ichnological analysis indicates a trace fossil assemblage consisting of relatively scarce small‐sized Chondrites and abundant Phycosiphon. A regional survey of natural outcrops and chert quarries indicates the presence of discrete trace fossils only in the samples from geological formations that are part of the Campo de Gibraltar Complex. Ichnological composition in these samples is similar to that discerned in the artifacts and suggests that this was the probable source of the chert used in tool manufacture. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Fanta Stream site is an archaeological and paleontological locality in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The site contains a rich assemblage of fossil mammals and Acheulean artifacts of approximately 600 ka located in a rare high‐altitude context. A ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) survey was conducted in order to provide three‐dimensional imaging of the subsurface, which the authors use to interpret the geometry and distribution of fossil‐containing stratigraphic units. Utilizing the stream's natural cut bank exposure, we calibrate GPR data to known geologic units through radar facies analysis. Shallow, high‐amplitude coherent reflection geometries are attributed to volcanic tuff deposits, as these units exhibit subparallel continuous reflections consistent with planar stratified sedimentary deposition. Deeper, discontinuous reflection packages are interpreted as conglomeritic, fossil‐containing deposits. The results of the GPR survey outline the location of the Fanta Stream's paleodepositional features as well as suggest the extent of fossiliferous stratigraphic units for use in future excavations.  相似文献   

Understanding site formation processes is crucial for interpreting archaeological context patterns and hominin behaviour as these affect the preserved condition of a site and the integrity of archaeological remains. The fluvio‐lacustrine sequences in the Nihewan Basin of North China are rich sources of early Pleistocene archaeological sites, which offer an important opportunity to investigate human evolution and adapted behaviours in East Asia. Although many Palaeolithic sites have been reported from the Nihewan Basin, North China, few of them focus on site formation processes before interpreting the hominin behaviour patterns. Here, we present a site formation study of four archaeological layers (Layers 6D, 6C, 6B and 6A) in Trench 1 from the Donggutuo (namely DGT‐T1) site in the Nihewan Basin with an age of 1.1 Ma. Through the study of sedimentary contexts, spatial distributions of artefacts and fossils, intra‐assemblage category ratios, debitage size distributions, lithic abrasion, artifact orientation and planar dip, our results show that all the layers had been disturbed by low‐energy sheet wash across the lake shore setting, but to differing extents. The post‐depositional disturbance caused by water decreased from the lower to the upper layers, from Layer 6D to Layer 6A. This indicates that the archaeological remains in DGT‐T1 have not been subject to significant natural modifications and are thus suitable for studying early hominin behaviour in North China. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fine grained rodingite‐like rocks containing epidote, clinozoisite, garnet, chlorite, phengite and titanite occur within antigorite serpentinite boudins from the high‐pressure metamorphic Maksyutovo Complex in the Southern Urals. Pseudomorphs after lawsonite, resorption of garnet by chlorite and phengite and stoichiometry suggest the reaction lawsonite + garnet + K‐bearing fluid → clinozoisite + chlorite + phengite, and define a relic assemblage of lawsonite + garnet + chlorite + titanite ± epidote as well as a later post‐lawsonite assemblage of clinozoisite + phengite + chlorite + titanite. The reaction lawsonite + titanite → clinozoisite + rutile + pyrophyllite + H2O delimits the maximum stability of former lawsonite + titanite to pressures >13 kbar. P–T conditions of 18–21 kbar/520–540 °C result, if the average chlorite, Mg‐rich garnet rim and average epidote compositions are used as equilibrium compositions of the former lawsonite assemblage. These estimates indicate a similar depth of formation but lower temperatures to those recorded in nearby eclogites. The metamorphic conditions of the lawsonite assemblage are considerably higher than previously suggested and, together with published structural data, support a model in which a normal fault within the Maksyutovo complex acted as the major transport plane of eclogite exhumation. The maximum Si content of phengite and minimum Fe content in clinozoisite constrain the metamorphic conditions of the later pseudomorph assemblage to be >4.5 kbar and <440 °C. Rb–Sr isotopic dating of the pseudomorph assemblage results in a formation age of 339 ± 6 and 338 ± 5 Ma, respectively. These results support the recent exhumation models for this complex.  相似文献   

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