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For the evaluation of the effect of the nonuniform surface albedo to the emergent radiation from the atmosphere, the emergent radiation from the atmosphere bounded by the two-halves of the Lambert surface with different albedos is computed. The principal plane is assumed to be perpendicular to the boundary of surfaces. The atmosphere is assumed to be homogeneous, which is composed of aerosol, molecules, and absorbent gases. Their optical thicknesses are 0.25, 0.23, and 0.02, respectively. The model aerosol is of the oceanic and water soluble types.In the computational procedure, the emergent radiation is approximated by the contributions due to the multiple scattering in the atmosphere, directly attenuated radiation, and radiation due to single scattering in the atmosphere which is reflected by the Lambert surface (up to 4 interactive radiative modes between atmosphere and surface). For quantitative analysis, results are compared with those of the atmosphere-uniform surface model, where the multiple scattering is considered. The numerical simulation exhibits the extraordinary effect near the surface boundary of different albedos. The effect decreases exponentially with the distance from the boundary. It is a function of the observational position, difference of surface albedos, optical thickness and aerosol type.The upward radiance would simply be evaluated using the present scattering approximation method if the atmosphere is in clear condition. Whereas in hazy condition, the effect of multiple scattering in the atmosphere should be considered more precisely, since the upward radiance exhibit a strong dependence on observational nadir angles due to multiple scattering in the atmosphere. Furthermore, it depends on the optical characteristics of aerosols.  相似文献   

A new version is adopted for the evaluation of the upwelling radiation from atmosphere bounded by the surface, where the surface is composed of two half semi-infinite Lambert surfaces and a stream is inserted between them. The contrast of the stream is discussed with respect to the atmospheric effect. The width of the stream is considered to be 0.5, 1, and 3km; The solar and observational direction is located in the normal plane to the stream. The observational site is located at altitude 30km. The horizontal distance of observational site to the stream is fixed to 6.28 . The atmosphere is assumed to be homogeneous, which is composed of aerosol and molecules, where the model aerosol is of the oceanic type.In the computational procedure, a probability of radiation interacting with respective half surfaces and the stream are calculated based on the assumption of single scattering in the atmosphere, where isotropic scattering is undertaken. By use of this probability, the emergent radiation at the top of the atmosphere is calculated approximately by considering the radiative interactions between atmosphere and surfaces up to twice. The numerical simulation exhibits the extraordinary effect near the stream. The contrast of the stream depends upon the albedo of the surrounding surfaces. It increases with the increase of the stream width and decreases with the optical thickness.  相似文献   

A new way is adopted for the evaluation of the upwelling radiation from atmosphere bounded by two half-Lambert surfaces. The atmosphere is assumed to be homogeneous, and is composed of aerosol, molecules, and absorbent gases, where the model aerosol is of the oceanic and water soluble types.In the computational procedure, an iterative doubling-adding equation is expanded into a series of the radiative interaction modes between atmosphere and surface. Next, a probability of radiation interacting with respective half surfaces is calculated based on the assumption of single-scattering in the atmosphere. On the basis of this probability, the emergent radiation at the top of the atmosphere is approximately calculated by considering the radiative intractions to be twice as large. The effect of the multiple-scattering is fully taken into account. A numerical simulation exhibits the extraordinary effect near the two half-surface boundary of different albedoes. The effect of the other half-surface on the radiance decreases monotonically with the distance from the boundary. The present new version enable us to quantitatively discuss radiative transfer near the boundary of two half-surfaces even if the optical thickness is large and (or) surface albedo is great.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of the cliff on the radiation field, the upwelling radiation at the top of the atmosphere is computed over the cliff using the reflection and transmission functions derived from the doubling-adding method. The model is defined by the plane-parallel homogeneous atmosphere, which is composed of aerosol and molecules, and is bounded by the top level surface, cliff and low level surface. These surfaces may be assumed to be the Lambertian.In the computational procedure, the equation for the emergent radiation is expanded into a series of radiative interaction modes among atmosphere, surfaces and the cliff. In respective modes, probabilities of respective interactions are firstly evaluated. With the aid of these probabilities, the emergent radiation is calculated using the doubling-adding method for the model atmosphere bounded by the surfaces and cliff, where the above radiative interactions are considered upto twice as large to obtain the enough accuracy of simulation. The multiple scattering is considered.  相似文献   

The determination of the average path-length of photons emerging from a finite planeparallel atmosphere with molecular scattering is discussed. We examine the effects of polarisation on the average path-length of the emergent radiation by comparing the results with those obtained for the atmosphere where the scattering obeys the scalar Rayleigh function. Only the axial radiation field is considered for both cases.To solve this problem we have used the integro-differential equations of Chandrasekhar for the diffuse scattering and transmission functions (or matrices). By differentiation of these equations with respect to the albedo of single scattering we obtain new equations the solution of which gives us the derivatives of the intensities of the emergent radiation at the boundaries.As in the case of scalar transfer the principles of invariance by Chandrasekhar may be used to find an adding scheme to obtain both the scattering and transmission matrices and their derivatives with respect to the albedo of single scattering. These derivatives are crucial in determining the average path length.The numerical experiments have shown that the impact of the polarisation on the average pathlength of the emergent radiation is the largest in the atmospheres with optical thickness less than, or equal to, three, reaching 6.9% in the reflected radiation.  相似文献   

We have considered the transport equation for radiative transfer to a problem in semi-infinite non-conservative atmosphere with no incident radiation and scattering albedo 0 < 1. Usint the Laplace transform and the Wiener-Hopf technique, we have determined the emergent intensity and the intensity at any optical depth. We have obtained theH-function of Dasgupta (1977) by equating the emergent intensity with the intensity at zero optical depth.  相似文献   

We have considered the transport equation for radiative transfer to a problem in semi-infinite atmosphere with no incident radiation and scattering according to planetary phase function w(1 + xcos ). Using Laplace transform and the Wiener-Hopf technique, we have determined the emergent intensity and the intensity at any optical depth. The emergent intensity is in agreement with that of Chandrasekhar (1960).  相似文献   

The solution of the equation of radiative transfer in a medium exhibiting Rayleigh scattering, as developed by S. Chandrasekhar, has been used for an extensive series of computations(3) of the characteristics of the scattered and diffusely reflected radiation emerging from the top of an atmospheric model which corresponds in many respects to the sunlit portion of the earth's atmosphere. The first part of this two-part discussion dealt with the intensity, degree of polarization, plane of polarization and the neutral points of the emergent light as functions of sun elevation, direction in the downward hemisphere, optical thickness of the model atmosphere and reflectivity of the underlying surface. This second part is concerned with the upward flux obtained by an integration of the intensity over the entire hemisphere, for the incident radiation (a) being independent of wavelength or (b) having the spectral distribution of the extra-terrestrial solar radiation. Integration with respect to wavelength in the latter case, together with an approximation for the sphericity of the atmosphere, yields a value of 7.6 per cent for the earth's planetary albedo due to scattering by the clear atmosphere. An approximation for ozone absorption decreases the computed albedo to 6.9 per cent.  相似文献   

Radiation transfer in atmospheric aerosol media with general boundary conditions has been studied for anisotropic scattering. The considered aerosol medium assumed to have specular and diffused reflecting boundary surfaces and in the presence of internal source. The radiation transfer scattering parameters as single scattering albedo, asymmetry factor, scattering, absorption, extinction efficiencies and anisotropic scattering coefficient have been calculated using the Mie theory. The problem with general boundary conditions is solved in terms of the solution of source-free problem with simply boundary conditions. Pomraning-Eddington approximation is used to solve the source-free problem. For the sake of comparison, a weight function is introduced and used in two special forms. The calculated partial heat fluxes with the two methods are compared and showed good agreement. Some of our results are found in a good agreement with published data.  相似文献   

The upwelling radiation at the top of the atmosphere is computed over a circular lake which is located in the uniform Lambert surface, using a modified version of the doubling-adding method. The radiance over the lake is discussed with respect to the atmospheric effect. The radius of the lake is assumed to be 0.5, 1, and 3 km. The observational site is located at altitude 30 km. The zenith of the observational site is located in the plane which is determined by the zenith of the center of the lake and incident solar direction. The zenith angle of the observational site to the center of the lake is fixed to 6.28°. The atmosphere is assumed to be homogeneous, which is composed of aerosol and molecule, where the model aerosol is of the oceanic or the water soluble types.Numerical simulation exhibits an extraordinary effect near the lake. The radiance of the lake against the surrounding depends upon the albedo of the surrounding surface. It increases with the increase of the size of the lake and decreases with the optical thickness. At large optical depth, the radiance depends upon the aerosol characteristics. It shows little dependence on the solar zenith angle if less than 60°.  相似文献   

During the descent of the Huygens probe through Titan's atmosphere in January 2005, the Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) will perform upward and downward looking measurements at various spectral ranges and spatial resolutions. This internal radiation density could be estimated by radiative transfer calculations for Titan's atmosphere. However, to do this, the optical properties—i.e. volume extinction coefficient, single scattering albedo and scattering phase function—have to be prescribed at every altitude, and these are apriori not known. Herein, an inverse approach is investigated, which retrieves the single scattering albedo and the phase function of the aerosols from DISR observations. The method uses data from a DISR subinstrument, the Solar Aureole imager (SA), to estimate the optical properties of the atmospheric layer between two successive observation altitudes. A unique solution for one layer can in principle be calculated directly from a linear system of equations, but due to the sparseness of the data and the unavoidable noise in the measurements, the inverse problem is ill-posed. The problem is stabilized by the regularization method requiring smoothness of the resultant solution. A consistent set of solutions for all layers is obtained by iterating several times downward and upward through the layers. The method is tested in a simulated radiation density scenario for Titan, which is based on a microphysical aerosol model for the haze layer. Within this scenario, the expected coverage of SA data allows a reconstruction of the angular dependence of the scattering phase function with an explained variance better than 90%.  相似文献   

By performing the one-sided Laplace transform on the scalar integro-differential equation for a semi-infinite plane-parallel isotropic scattering atmosphere with a scattering albedo 0 1, an integral equation for the emergent intensity has been derived. Application of the Wiener-Hopf technique to this integral equation will give the emergent intensity. The intensity at any optical depth for a positive scattering angle is also derived by inversion. The intensity at any optical depth for a negative scattering angle is also derived in terms of Cauchy's principal value using Plemelj's formulae.  相似文献   

A discrete spherical harmonics method is developed for the radiative transfer problem in inhomogeneous polarized planar atmosphere illuminated at the top by a collimated sunlight while the bottom reflects the radiation. The method expands both the Stokes vector and the phase matrix in a finite series of generalized spherical functions and the resulting vector radiative transfer equation is expressed in a set of polar directions. Hence, the polarized characteristics of the radiance within the atmosphere at any polar direction and azimuthal angle can be determined without linearization and/or interpolations. The spatial dependent of the problem is solved using the spectral Chebyshev method. The emergent and transmitted radiative intensity and the degree of polarization are predicted for both Rayleigh and Mie scattering. The discrete spherical harmonics method predictions for optical thin atmosphere using 36 streams are found in good agreement with benchmark literature results. The maximum deviation between the proposed method and literature results and for polar directions \(\vert \mu \vert \geq0.1 \) is less than 0.5% and 0.9% for the Rayleigh and Mie scattering, respectively. These deviations for directions close to zero are about 3% and 10% for Rayleigh and Mie scattering, respectively.  相似文献   

Solar radiation is the primary energy source for many processes in Earth's environment and is responsible for driving the atmospheric and oceanic circulation. The integrated strength and spectral distribution of solar radiation is modified from the space-based {Solar {Radiation and {Climate (SORCE) measurements through scattering and absorption processes in the atmosphere and at the surface. Understanding how these processes perturb the distribution of radiative flux density is essential in determining the climate response to changes in concentration of various gases and aerosol particles from natural and anthropogenic sources, as is discerning their associated feedback mechanisms. The past decade has been witness to a tremendous effort to quantify the absorption of solar radiation by clouds and aerosol particles via airborne and space-based observations. Vastly improved measurement and modeling capabilities have enhanced our ability to quantify the radiative energy budget, yet gaps persist in our knowledge of some fundamental variables. This paper reviews some of the many advances in atmospheric solar radiative transfer as well as those areas where large uncertainties remain. The SORCE mission's primary contribution to the energy budget studies is the specification of the solar total and spectral irradiance at the top of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

By appealing to the reciprocity principle simple expressions are derived for the plane albedo and the transmissivity of a vertically inhomogeneous, plane parallel atmosphere. The plane albedo is shown to equal the angular distribution of the reflected intensity for isotropie Illumination of unit intensity incident at the top of the atmosphere, while the transmissivity equals the angular distribution of the transmitted intensity for isotropie illumination of unit Intensity incident at the bottom of the atmosphere. Chandrasekhar's solution of the planetary problem (including a Lambert reflecting lower boundary) in terms of the solution to the standard problem (no reflecting ground) is extended to apply to an inhomogeneous atmosphere resting on a surface that reflects radiation anisotropically but with no dependence on the direction of incidence (anisotropic Lambert reflector). The computational aspects are discussed and a procedure for computing the planetary albedo and transmissivity Is outlined for a vertically inhomogeneous, anisotropically scattering atmosphere overlying a partially reflecting surface. Numerical verification and illustration are also provided and it is shown that the assumed vertical variation of the single scattering albedo strongly affects the plane albedo but only weakly the transmissivity.  相似文献   

An attempt to evaluate the preliminary values of the Titan's surface albedo at 2 μm from the first Cassini-VIMS observations of the moon is presented. The methodology is based on the application of radiative transfer calculations and a microphysical model of the Titan atmosphere based on fractal aerosol. As a first guess, the surface has been considered flat and lambertian. The results are presented as a function of the geographical coordinates associated to the image pixels. The libRadtran package, using the radiative transfer equation solver DISORT 2.0, has been applied for the calculations. A test run to evaluate the model performances, using ground based observations of Titan as reference in the range of wavelengths 0.3-1.0 μm, has been carried out.The retrieved values of the surface albedo range between 0.03 and 0.22.  相似文献   

To evalute the effect of the non-uniform surface on the radiation field, the upwelling radiation at the top of the atmosphere bounded by the checkerboard type of terrain is computed using the modified doubling method. The terrain is composed of the square Lambert surfaces with two different albedoes. The dimension of the each square is assumed to be 0.5–6 km. The radiance of the terrain is discussed with respect to the atmospheric effect. The observational site is located at altitude 30 km. The corresponding projected point on the ground is located at the center of a square. The solar and observational direction is located in the plane parallel to the checkerboard squares. The atmosphere is assumed to be homogeneous, which is composed of aerosol and molecules, where the model aerosol is of the oceanic or the water soluble types.Numerical simulation exhibits the extraordinary effect near the edge of each squares. The radiance of the terrain depends upon the difference of albedoes and size of squares. It increases with the increase of the dimension of the square. It decreases with the optical thickness. At large optical thickness, the variation of radiation with zenith direction depends upon the aerosol characteristics. It shows little dependence on the solar zenith angle if less than 20°.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the perturbative influence of radiation reflected by the Earth's surface on the motion of an artificial satellite are discussed. We concentrate on consequences of the extreme models with anisotropic reflection on the Earth's surface (specular reflection, clouds with anisotropic phase function). The possible effects of Lála's modification of the Earth's albedo nominal value are investigated. The role of the satellite surface optical properties is pointed out in the context of the albedo effect. All mentioned models are purely numerical. The whole message of the paper can be summarized in the following items
  • -It is very doubtful that the 10?8 ÷ 10?9 m s?2 level is reached when determining the perturbing accelerations caused by the albedo effect in the case of the ERS-1 satellite due to poorly defined optical characteristics of the Earth's atmosphere, the Earth and the satellite's surface.
  • -In the general case this albedo effect uncertainty level is about 50% with respect to the averaged values, and probably as high as 100% with respect to the instantaneous values of the perturbing accelerations.
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    Earth-based UBV photometry, high-quality photographs from the Lowell Observatory collection, and Mariner 9 data have been combined with a new radiative transfer theory to derive physical parameters for the Martian surface and atmosphere, both before and during the 1971 dust storm. We find that the dust particles of the storm had a single-scattering albedo of 0.84 ± 0.02 and an asymmetry factor of 0.35 ± 0.10 in green (V) light. The geometric albedo of Mars was 0.15 and the phase integral 1.83, which yield 0.27 for the Bond albedo. The mean optical thickness of the “clear” atmosphere averaged over the whole planet was 0.15 ± 0.05 and was not detectably dependent on wavelength. Geometric albedos for the surface are 0.25 (light areas) and 0.17 (dark areas) in V, 0.095 in B (both areas), and 0.060 in U (both areas). The soil particles are moderately backward scattering with an asymmetry factor of ?0.20, indicating them to be rather opaque. The mean surface roughness, on a scale larger than that of individual dust particles and therefore large compared with the wavelength, is 0.57. This represents the depth/radius ratio of an average hole and it is only one-half as large as values typical for the Moon and asteroids.  相似文献   

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