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We present a preliminary study of strong ground motion during the largest aftershock (Mw 5.8) of the 1999 Izmit earthquake (Mw 7.4), Turkey, at 11:55 on 13 September 1999. The peak ground acceleration observed near the epicentre of this aftershock was in agreement with that predicted by standard empirical prediction equations. Its spectral source parameters of the largest aftershock are also typical for a Mw 5.8 earthquake. At greater epicentral distances, there is an order-of-magnitude in scatter in peak ground acceleration values for this aftershock, which is attributed to site effects. The presence of thick layers of low-velocity sediments caused significant amplification of S-waves in the Avcılar district of Istanbul, at frequencies of 1 Hz, explaining the observed concentration of damage there as a result of the Izmit mainshock.  相似文献   

We analyse the source process and the aftershock distribution of the April 21, 1995, Ventimiglia, ML=4.7 earthquake using the records of permanent high dynamic broad-band seismic stations and a temporary network deployed on land and at sea few hours after the earthquake. This event occurred on the western Mediterranean coast, near the border between Italy and France, at a depth of 9 km, at a point where Alpine tectonic units and Late Oligocene extensional structure overlap and are currently undergoing compressional stress. The focal solutions of the mainshock and three aftershocks depict a dominant reverse faulting with an important strike-slip component, which underlines two nodal planes: a NW–SE-dipping north fault and a NE–SW-dipping south fault. We operate a careful re-location of the aftershocks using a master-event technique and data from the temporal network and obtain a predominant NW–SE alignment. Then, we analyse the rupture process using an empirical Green function approach. We find that the mainshock broke a 0.5 to 1 km fault length and that the rupture propagated during 0.1–0.2 s probably in a SE direction. Those two arguments, together with the recent fault trace that exists close to the epicentre, leads us to propose that this event expresses the reactivation of an old transverse NW–SE structure with a dextral movement. This study thus emphasizes the role of inherited, deep-rooted, transcurrent features in the tectonic reactivation of this passive margin. It also underlines the importance of combining short-period and broad-band seismology to better resolve and understand regional tectonic processes in areas of moderate seismic activity and complex geology.  相似文献   

姜振海 《地质科学》2021,56(4):1052-1061
分频反演是近年发展起来的一种先进的地震反演技术。大庆黑鱼泡南部探区存在鼻状构造,是油气富集有利部位。本文基于分频智能反演的储层预测研究,根据地震资料频谱确定分频参数:低频在8 Hz左右,主频35 Hz左右,高频60 Hz左右。根据地震频谱计算得到具有一定带宽的低、中、高频属性。运用支持向量机算法对目标曲线进行分频智能学习训练,学习后曲线相关性达到0.90,满足储层预测的要求。最终,本文将重构曲线与三维地震数据的非线性映射关系引入到二维地震进行分频智能反演,得到二维区阻抗体,对砂岩的预测性较好,为后续的地质建模提供了良好的基础输入数据。  相似文献   

松辽盆地徐家围子断陷深层火山岩储层具有埋藏深、 温度高、 压力大、 物性差、 非均质性强的特征。为了预测火山岩储层类型和质量在平面上的变化规律,本文讨论了影响火山岩储层物性的主要地质因素。结果表明,火山岩的物性主要受火山岩相(组)和所处对应碎屑岩成岩阶段的影响。距火山口越远的火山岩相组的火山岩储层,其孔隙度和渗透率越低。火山岩工业气层主要分布在晚成岩阶段A期以前的火山岩储层中。在晚成岩阶段B期,只有少量低产气层。本文充分考虑徐家围子断陷火山岩相和成岩作用对火山岩储层物性的影响与控制,应用成岩模拟软件,预测了成岩阶段的横向展布,通过叠合营三段火山岩相图和成岩阶段预测图,预测了火山岩储层的类型和质量,目前已发现工业气流的井主要分布在断陷中部的Ⅱ、 Ⅲ类火山岩储层中。  相似文献   

刘晓玲  陈建平 《地质通报》2010,29(4):571-580
内蒙古赤峰市阿鲁科尔沁旗地区地跨大兴安岭东坡、主峰、西坡3个成矿带,具有良好的成矿条件。在提取该地区的地质、物探、化探和遥感基础信息的基础上,以地质异常理论为指导,运用数理统计分析的方法和GIS技术,综合分析多源数据,提取不同的成矿信息标志,利用证据权重法对研究区进行成矿定量预测与评价。此次预测工作共选出15个证据因子层,对该地区以热液型矿床为主的有色金属矿产进行定量预测与评价,最终得出3个远景区。  相似文献   

李诗  陈建平  向杰  张志平  张烨 《地质通报》2019,38(12):2022-2032
在大数据的时代背景下,地质大数据逐渐趋于复杂化的模式与其间的空间关联性为基于机器学习算法的矿产资源定量预测带来了更大的挑战。利用深度卷积网络算法优异的分析性能来提取不同成矿条件下多种二维要素图层的空间分布特征与关联性是一项非常有意义的探索性实验。以松桃—花垣地区沉积型锰矿为例,利用深度卷积神经网络模型AlexNet挖掘Mn元素、沉积相、大塘坡组出露、断裂及水系的空间分布与锰矿矿床的就位空间的耦合相关性,以及不同的控矿要素之间的相关性,以此训练出二维矿产预测分类模型。经过训练后,可以得到验证准确率88.89%,召回率为66.67%,损失值0.08的深度卷积神经网络分类模型。应用该模型对未知区进行二维成矿预测,共圈定出91、96、154、184号4个成矿远景区,其中91号和154号的区域含矿概率为1,96号含矿概率为0.5。由此可见,预测区具有很大概率存在尚未发现的矿床。  相似文献   

河道砂体具有单层厚度薄、规模小、分布散、非均质强的特点,常规模型反演预测中存在模型化严重、横向分辨率低及容易破坏沉积体构造形态的问题,导致预测精度不高。本次研究利用分频构形反演方法进行河道砂的精准预测,充分考虑测井和地震的优势频带和波形变化特征,由低、中、高不同频带模型融合而成初始模型,然后在贝叶斯框架下,通过地震合成记录的约束,修正全频带的反演结果。在赵皇庄地区河道砂薄、小储层预测实践中,反演结果具有较高的纵、横向分辨率,砂体横向叠置关系和尖灭点合理、清晰,砂体平面分布规律符合曲流河沉积相砂体展布特征,预测分辨4 m以上厚度储层的符合率达到80%以上,较好支撑了该区的井位部署。所形成的基于分频构形反演的薄、小砂体精准预测方法,对类似地区或区带的地震储层预测具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the upper crustal structure of the Irpinia region, Southern Apennines thrust belt, Italy, through analysis and joint interpretation of gravity data, seismic reflection lines and subsurface information from many deep wells. The investigated region includes the epicentral area of the 1980 (Ms=6.9) Irpinia earthquake and is one of the Italian regions with the highest seismic hazard. The upper crustal structure is imaged by modeling a series of 15 SW-trending gravity profiles, spaced about 5 km apart, plentifully constrained by seismic reflection lines and wells, thus reducing the inherent ambiguity of the gravity modeling. Despite of the complexity of the modeled Bouguer anomalies, the application of a calibrating procedure to constrain the range of variability of the density values, as well as the use of geometric constraints, results in a good level of stability in the final density cross-sections, which in fact appear coherent both in the density values and in the geometrical features. The inferred model shows important lateral density variations that can be mostly related to NW-trending geologic structures. High-density bodies delineate carbonate platform thrust sheets and broad antiforms involving Mesozoic basinal rocks, while low-density shallow bodies are associated with Pliocene basins. In addition, important density (i.e. lithological) variations are evident along the strike of the range, the most relevant being an abrupt deepening of the Apulia Carbonate Platform in the southeastern part of the investigated region. In the epicentral region of the 1980 event, we find that the geometry of the high-density, high-velocity carbonates of the Apulia Platform appears correlated with the distribution of the aftershocks and with the P-wave velocity anomaly pattern as inferred from a previous local earthquake tomography. The structural highs of the Apulia Platform correspond to high-velocity regions, where aftershocks and coseismic slip of the mainshock are concentrated. This correlation suggests that the Apulia Carbonate Platform geometry played an important role in the rupture propagation and in the aftershock distribution.  相似文献   

靶窗的确定对海相页岩气储层增产改造具有重要意义。以川南长宁地区龙马溪组海相页岩气储层为研究对象,开展氩离子抛光扫描电镜、巴西圆盘实验和压裂施工统计,分析矿物颗粒粒径和断裂韧性、地应力对裂缝在水力压裂时能否快速穿透、稳定扩展、充分转向等方面的影响。针对现有方法未充分考虑储层压裂品质的情况,简化计算流程,分别采用声波、密度、伽马和矿物含量等建立脆延性指标,采用优化后的应力与应力差耦合模型建立应力差异指标,形成基于储层缝网可压性理论、根据测井解释曲线形态判别的靶窗预测方法。研究结果表明,脆延性指标和应力差异指标曲线呈现叠合度较高的Ⅰ类双"波谷"的层位最有利于开发,其次为Ⅱ类连续交错叠置的层位,最后为Ⅲ类不连续交错的层位。对长宁地区评价井、建产井的验证与实践表明,靶窗对应的指标多呈现双"波谷"形态,但靶窗对应的层位具有差异,区内自西向东靶窗呈现1小层—2小层—1小层的演化趋势。实现不同井区差异化靶窗的高钻遇率对单井获得较大储层改造规模、较高的测试产量和稳定的累计产量具有重要的控制作用。   相似文献   

广东省惠东县松坑荷寿下铁矿区因长期开采引发地面沉降、塌陷等一系列环境地质问题。矿区发生大型地面塌陷之面积达2300m2,深1~4m,地下水水位变化规律反映出地面塌陷的发展趋势:一般在塌陷前6d水位明显下降;4d下降幅度为67.4%;前2d水位急剧下降,下降幅度为109.4%。由此通过矿区地下水水位观测,可以预警、预报地面塌陷,从而减少因地面塌陷所造成的损失。  相似文献   

M 《Tectonophysics》2004,387(1-4):65-79
Broadband data from the Greek National Seismological Network are used to study the moderate size (M5.5) earthquake, which occurred on 2 December 2002 near the town of Vartholomio, in western Peloponnese (Greece). Time domain moment tensor inversion applied to retrieve the focal mechanism of the mainshock and of three of the larger aftershocks of the sequence, revealed almost pure strike-slip faulting along NW–SE or NE–SW trending nodal planes. The relative source time functions for the mainshock, obtained from an empirical Green's function analysis, do not reveal any clear directivity to any of the stations. A careful observer might suggest directivity towards NW, if any. Optimum values are 0.4 s for the rise time and 2.7 km/s for the rupture velocity. The spatial and temporal distribution of fault slip showed that the major part of the resolved slip occurred beneath the mainshock's epicenter, 20 km underneath the western coast of Peloponnese. This probably accounts for the considerable damage observed to the nearby towns. The resolution between the two nodal planes does not permit an identification of the fault plane; however the statistics on the slip distribution model, the preliminary analysis of aftershock locations and macroseismic data favour the NW–SE trending plane as the fault plane, which is connected with sinistral strike-slip motions. These are the first implications for sinistral strike-slip motions in this area and more data are needed in the future to get more reliable resolution of the motions.  相似文献   

The July 2003 sequence in the Gulf of Saros (Northeastern Aegean Sea) is investigated, in terms of accurate event locations and source properties of the largest events. The distribution of epicenters shows the activation of a 25-km long zone, which extends in depth between 9 and 20 km. The major slip patch of the 6 July 2003 Mw 5.7 mainshock is confined in a small area (45 km2), which coincides with the deeper (12–20 km) part of the activated zone. The epicenters of the sequence follow the northern margin of the Saros depression. This observation supports recent studies, according to which the continuation of the Ganos fault in the Gulf of Saros does not coincide with the fault along the northern coast of the Gelibolu peninsula, but it is located at the northern boundary of the Saros depression. This is further supported by the fact that the focal mechanisms of the mainshock and of the largest aftershocks of the 2003 sequence imply almost pure dextral strike-slip faulting, whereas the fault bounding the Gulf of Saros to the south appears as a normal fault on seismic sections. Thus, we infer that the principle deformation zone consists of a major strike-slip fault, which lies close to the northern margin of the Saros depression and this fault could be regarded as the continuation of the northern branch of the North Anatolian Fault into the Saros Gulf and North Aegean Trough as suggested by regional tectonic models. The northeastern extent of the 2003 sequence marks the western termination (at 26.3° E) of a long-term seismic quiescence observed in the period following the 1912 Ganos earthquake, which may be associated with the extend of the rupture of the particular earthquake.  相似文献   

Geochemical maps can provide us with much information on geology, earth surface processes and anthropogenic pressure and are valuable tools for ore prospecting and land management. Stream sediments represent an integral of the various possible sources of sediments upstream from the sampling point therefore there can be multiple signal sources but generally the prevailing signal source is the one related to bedrock geology. Stream sediments collected from active second-order channels including singular geological units, were selected in order to determine the geochemical characteristics of each unit. The aim of this study was to analyse their potential for using them to integrate geological interpretation and produce a geologically-oriented geochemical map. From the 770 samples collected for a regional geochemical mapping program, we selected 149 samples whose catchment basin included only one of the members recognized within the Marnoso–Arenacea formation. This Middle-Upper Miocene (Langhian–Tortonian) turbiditic unit forms the backbone of the Romagna Apennines and has been subdivided into 14 members according to age and lithostratigraphic criteria. The results indicate that there are marked differences in the composition of the members of the Marnoso Arenecea formation which indicate the provenance of the sediment and the palaeogeographic evolution of the units. By means of univariate and multivariate statistical analyses (Factor analyses) two main types of sediment compositions are identified: Tortonian members are characterized by sialic coarse grain- sediments while the Langhian–Serravallian members are richer in carbonate fraction, slightly enriched in a mafic contribution. This study elaborated the geochemical data from a geological point of view by integrating the information available in literature to spatially extend the interpretation based on limited site observation as for petrographic studies. In general, the geochemical map based on a geological unit could be a useful tool for carrying out the geological reconstruction of a complex area.  相似文献   

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is one of the effective means to deal with global warming, and saline aquifer storage is considered to be the most promising storage method. Junggar Basin, located in the northern part of Xinjiang and with a large distribution area of saline aquifer, is an effective carbon storage site. Based on well logging data and 2D seismic data, a 3D heterogeneous geological model of the Cretaceous Donggou Formation reservoir near D7 well was constructed, and dynamic simulations under two scenarios of single-well injection and multi-well injection were carried out to explore the storage potential and CO2 storage mechanism of deep saline aquifer with real geological conditions in this study. The results show that within 100 km2 of the saline aquifer of Donggou Formation in the vicinity of D7 well, the theoretical static CO2 storage is 71.967 × 106 tons (P50), and the maximum dynamic CO2 storage is 145.295 × 106 tons (Case2). The heterogeneity of saline aquifer has a great influence on the spatial distribution of CO2 in the reservoir. The multi-well injection scenario is conducive to the efficient utilization of reservoir space and safer for storage. Based on the results from theoretical static calculation and the dynamic simulation, the effective coefficient of CO2 storage in deep saline aquifer in the eastern part of Xinjiang is recommended to be 4.9%. This study can be applied to the engineering practice of CO2 sequestration in the deep saline aquifer in Xinjiang.  相似文献   

An amorphous or nanocrystalline calcium carbonate (ACC) phase with aragonite-like short-range order was found to be a transient precursor phase of calcite precipitation mediated by cyanobacteria of the strain Synechococcus leopoliensis PCC 7942. Using scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM), different Ca-species such as calcite, aragonite-like CaCO3, and Ca adsorbed on extracellular polymers were discriminated and mapped, together with various organic compounds, at the 30 nm-scale. The nucleation of the amorphous aragonite-like CaCO3 was found to take place within the tightly bound extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) produced by the cyanobacteria very close to the cell wall. The aragonite-like CaCO3 is a type of ACC since it did not show either X-ray or electron diffraction peaks. The amount of aragonite-like CaCO3 precipitated in the EPS was dependent on the nutrient supply during bacterial growth. Higher nutrient concentrations (both N and P) during the cultivation of the cyanobacteria resulted in higher amounts of precipitation of the aragonite-like CaCO3, whereas the amount of Ca2+ adsorbed per volume of EPS was almost independent of the nutrient level. After the onset of the precipitation of the thermodynamically stable calcite and loss of supersaturation the aragonite-like CaCO3 dissolved whereas Ca2+ remained sorbed to the EPS albeit at lower concentrations. Based on these observations a model describing the temporal and spatial evolution of calcite nucleation on the surface of S. leopoliensis was developed. In another set of STXM experiments the amount of aragonite-like CaCO3 precipitated on the cell surface was found to depend on the culture growth phase: cells in the exponential growth phase adsorbed large amounts of Ca within the EPS and mediated nucleation of ACC, while cells at the stationary/death phase neither adsorbed large amounts of Ca2+ nor mediated the formation of aragonite-like CaCO3. It is suggested that precipitation of an X-ray amorphous CaCO3 layer by cyanobacteria could serve as a protection mechanism against uncontrolled precipitation of a thermodynamically stable phase calcite on their surface.  相似文献   

林鑫  周军  张兵 《地质找矿论丛》2012,27(4):516-521
以新疆西准噶尔地区阿克巴斯陶1∶50 000万岩屑数据为对象,利用相关、偏相关分析和R型聚类分析确定研究区成矿元素组合为Cu-Mo-Zn-W-Sb-Bi-As(铜钼成矿组合)与Au-As-Bi(金成矿组合);基于主成分分析,以线性方法将2组成矿元素重组为新的变量N1(Cu-Mo-Zn-W-Sb-Bi-As)与N2(Au-Bi-As),新变量中各元素权重根据主成分分析所得特征向量值大小决定;运用分形含量-面积法提取新变量异常下限并生成综合异常图。结合野外地质检查,成功圈定两处成矿潜力区,为下一步工作提供有力依据。  相似文献   

单砂体研究是高含水开发区中后期层内剩余油挖潜、改善开发效果的重要基础工作。笔者通过岩心观察,结合电测曲线特征,总结出研究区等高程、叠置砂体、沉积相变3种砂体对比模式及水下分流河道、河口坝、远沙坝3种砂体成因类型。最后结合动态注采对应关系进行单砂体展布规律分析。研究结果为注采调控提供地质依据,为精细注水示范工程的开展奠定基础,对揭示储层非均质性和预测剩余油分布都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Prehistoric cultural material is commonly composed of chert, due in large part to its physical properties that are conducive to tool manufacture. Despite its ubiquity, archaeologists are faced with an arduous task when attempting to source chert artifacts to known quarries/deposits. The application of visible/near‐infrared reflectance (VNIR) spectroscopy to chert sourcing attains a cost‐efficient, fast, non‐destructive, and accurate means of identifying material type and geologic/geographic origin. This study examines the merits of VNIR spectroscopy within chert sourcing studies by highlighting a material‐based case study from the Dover Quarry sites, Tennessee. Results demonstrate the ability of VNIR spectroscopy to differentiate chert types from different geologic formations with 98% accuracy. However, accuracy significantly decreased when attempting to distinguish particular outcrops within the same formation. Although the application of VNIR spectroscopy to chert sourcing is in its experimental phase, the preliminary results compare favorably with other provenance techniques whose aim is to quantify inter‐outcrop variation. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

在构建分布式水文模型与生物地球化学模型的耦合模型(DTVGM-CASACNP)及应用元胞自动机-马尔科夫(CA-Markov)土地利用预测模型基础上,以滦河流域为例分析气候变化、土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)及CO2浓度升高对径流的影响。研究结果表明: DTVGM-CASACNP耦合模型以及CA-Markov模型在滦河流域均具有较好的适用性;气候变化与土地利用/植被覆盖变化对滦河流域径流的影响较CO2浓度升高的影响程度大;未来不同情景下滦河流域2020—2049年径流呈减小趋势,大部分情景下年径流较基准年减少,与非汛期相比,滦河流域未来汛期径流对不同情景更敏感,总体上在汛期径流相对基准年减少,而在非汛期径流相对基准年增加。  相似文献   

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