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We study the rate of radial diffusion of planetesimals due to mutual gravitational encounters under Hill’s approximations in the three-body problem. Planetesimals orbiting a central star radially migrate inward and outward as a result of mutual gravitational encounters and transfer angular momentum. We calculate the viscosity in a disk of equal-sized planetesimals due to their mutual gravitational encounters using three-body orbital integrations, and obtain a semianalytic expression that reproduces the numerical results. We find that the viscosity is independent of the velocity dispersion of planetesimals when the velocity dispersion is so small that Kepler shear dominates planetesimals’ relative velocities. On the other hand, in high-velocity cases where random velocities dominate the relative velocities, the viscosity is a decreasing function of the velocity dispersion, and is found to agree with previous estimates under the two-body approximation neglecting the solar gravity. We also calculate the rate of radial diffusion of planetesimals due to gravitational scattering by a massive protoplanet. Using these results, we discuss a condition for formation of nonuniform radial surface density distribution of planetesimals by gravitational perturbation of an embedded protoplanet.  相似文献   

Planetesimals encountering with a planet cannot be captured permanently unless energy dissipation is taken into account, but some of them can be temporarily captured in the vicinity of the planet for an extended period of time. Such a process would be important for the origin and dynamical evolution of irregular satellites, short-period comets, and Kuiper-belt binaries. In this paper, we describe the basic formulation for the study of temporary capture of planetesimals from heliocentric orbits using three-body orbital integration, such as the definition of the duration and rate of temporary capture, and present results in the case of low random velocity of planetesimals. In the case of planetesimals initially on circular orbits, we find that planetesimals undergo a close encounter with the planet before they become temporarily captured. When planetesimals are scattered by the planet into the vicinity of one of periodic orbits around the planet, the duration of temporary capture tends to be extended. Typically, these capture orbits are in the retrograde direction around the planet. We evaluate the rate of temporary capture of planetesimals, and find that the ratio of this rate to their collision rate on to the planet increases with increasing semimajor axis of the planet. Similar results are obtained for planetesimals with non-zero but small random velocities, as long as Kepler shear dominates the relative velocity between the planet and planetesimals. For larger initial random velocities of planetesimals, temporary capture in both prograde and retrograde directions with much longer duration becomes possible.  相似文献   

We investigate the orbital evolution of planetesimals in a self-gravitating circumstellar disc in the size regime (∼1–5000 km) where the planetesimals behave approximately as test particles in the disc's non-axisymmetric potential. We find that the particles respond to the stochastic, regenerative spiral features in the disc by executing large random excursions (up to a factor of 2 in radius in ∼1000 yr), although typical random orbital velocities are of the order of one tenth of the Keplerian speed. The limited time frame and small number of planetesimals modelled do not permit us to discern any net direction of planetesimal migration. Our main conclusion is that the high eccentricities (∼0.1) induced by interaction with spiral features in the disc is likely to be highly unfavourable to the collisional growth of planetesimals in this size range while the disc is in the self-gravitating regime. Thus if , as recently argued by Rice et al., the production of planetesimals gets under way when the disc is in the self-gravitating regime (either at smaller planetesimal size scales, where gas drag is important, or via gravitational fragmentation of the solid component), the planetesimals thus produced would not be able to grow collisionally until the disc ceases to be self-gravitating. It is unclear, however, given the large amplitude excursions undergone by planetesimals in the self-gravitating disc, whether they would be retained in the disc throughout this period, or whether they would instead be lost to the central star.  相似文献   

We explore the cross section of giant planet envelopes at capturing planetesimals of different sizes. For this purpose we employ two sets of realistic planetary envelope models (computed assuming for the protoplanetary nebula masses of 10 and 5 times the mass of the minimum mass solar nebula), account for drag and ablation effects and study the trajectories along which planetesimals move. The core accretion of these models has been computed in the oligarchic growth regime [Fortier, A., Benvenuto, O.G., Brunini, A., 2007. Astron. Astrophys. 473, 311-322], which has also been considered for the velocities of the incoming planetesimals. This regime predicts velocities larger that those used in previous studies of this problem. As the rate of ablation is dependent on the third power of velocity, ablation is more important in the oligarchic growth regime. We compute energy and mass deposition, fractional ablated masses and the total cross section of planets for a wide range of values of the critical parameter of ablation. In computing the total cross section of the planet we have included the contributions due to mass deposited by planetesimals moving along unbound orbits. Our results indicate that, for the case of small planetary cores and low velocities for the incoming planetesimals, ablation has a negligible impact on the capture cross section in agreement with the results presented in Inaba and Ikoma [Inaba, S., Ikoma, M., 2003. Astron. Astrophys. 410, 711-723]. However for the case of larger cores and high velocities of the incoming planetesimals as predicted by the oligarchic growth regime, we find that ablation is important in determining the planetary cross section, being several times larger than the value corresponding ignoring ablation. This is so regardless of the size of the incoming planetesimals.  相似文献   

When protoplanets growing by accretion of planetesimals have atmospheres, small planetesimals approaching the protoplanets lose their energy by gas drag from the atmospheres, which leads them to be captured within the Hill sphere of the protoplanets. As a result, growth rates of the protoplanets are enhanced. In order to study the effect of an atmosphere on planetary growth rates, we performed numerical integration of orbits of planetesimals for a wide range of orbital elements and obtained the effective accretion rates of planetesimals onto planets that have atmospheres. Numerical results are obtained as a function of planetesimals’ eccentricity, inclination, planet’s radius, and non-dimensional gas-drag parameters which can be expressed by several physical quantities such as the radius of planetesimals and the mass of the protoplanet. Assuming that the radial distribution of the gas density near the surface can be approximated by a power-law, we performed analytic calculation for the loss of planetesimals’ kinetic energy due to gas drag, and confirmed agreement with numerical results. We confirmed that the above approximation of the power-law density distribution is reasonable for accretion rate of protoplanets with 1-10 Earth masses, unless the size of planetesimals is too small. We also calculated the accretion rates of planetesimals averaged over a Rayleigh distribution of eccentricities and inclinations, and derived a semi-analytical formula of accretion rates, which reproduces the numerical results very well. Using the obtained expression of the accretion rate, we examined the growth of protoplanets in nebular gas. We found that the effect of atmospheric gas drag can enhance the growth rate significantly, depending on the size of planetesimals.  相似文献   

T.M. Davison  G.S. Collins 《Icarus》2010,208(1):468-481
Collisions between planetesimals at speeds of several kilometres per second were common during the early evolution of our Solar System. However, the collateral effects of these collisions are not well understood. In this paper, we quantify the efficiency of heating during high-velocity collisions between planetesimals using hydrocode modelling. We conducted a series of simulations to test the effect on shock heating of the initial porosity and temperature of the planetesimals, the relative velocity of the collision and the relative size of the two colliding bodies. Our results show that while heating is minor in collisions between non-porous planetesimals at impact velocities below 10 km s−1, in agreement with previous work, much higher temperatures are reached in collisions between porous planetesimals. For example, collisions between nearly equal-sized, porous planetesimals can melt all, or nearly all, of the mass of the bodies at collision velocities below 7 km s−1. For collisions of small bodies into larger ones, such as those with an impactor-to-target mass ratio below 0.1, significant localised heating occurs in the target body. At impact velocities as low as 5 km s−1, the mass of melt will be nearly double the mass of the impactor, and the mass of material shock heated by 100 K will be nearly 10 times the mass of the impactor. We present a first-order estimate of the cumulative effects of impact heating on a porous planetesimal parent body by simulating the impact of a population of small bodies until a disruptive event occurs. Before disruption, impact heating is volumetrically minor and highly localised; in no case was more than about 3% of the parent body heated by more than 100 K. However, heating during the final disruptive collision can be significant; in about 10% of cases, almost all of the parent body is heated to 700 K (from an initial temperature of ∼300 K) and more than a tenth of the parent body mass is melted. Hence, energetic collisions between planetesimals could have had important effects on the thermal evolution of primitive materials in the early Solar System.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments we determine the mass gain and loss in central collisions between centimetre- to decimetre-size SiO2 dust targets and submillimetre- to centimetre-size SiO2 dust projectiles of varying mass, size, shape and at different collision velocities up to ∼56.5 m s−1. Dust projectiles much larger than 1 mm lead to a small amount of erosion of the target but decimetre targets do not break up. Collisions produce ejecta, which are smaller than the incoming projectile. Projectiles smaller than 1 mm are accreted by a target even at the highest collision velocities. This implies that net accretion of decimetre and larger bodies is possible. Independent of the original size of a considered projectile, after several collisions, all fragments will be of submillimetre size which might then be (re)accreted in the next collision with a larger body. The experimental data suggest that collisional growth through fragmentation and reaccretion is a viable mechanism to form planetesimals.  相似文献   

Detectable debris discs are thought to require dynamical excitation ('stirring'), so that planetesimal collisions release large quantities of dust. We investigate the effects of the secular perturbations of a planet, which may lie at a significant distance from the planetesimal disc, to see if these perturbations can stir the disc, and if so over what time-scale. The secular perturbations cause orbits at different semimajor axes to precess at different rates, and after some time   t cross  initially non-intersecting orbits begin to cross. We show that   t cross∝ a 9/2disc/( m pl e pl a 3pl)  , where   m pl, e pl  and   a pl  are the mass, eccentricity and semimajor axis of the planet, and   a disc  is the semimajor axis of the disc. This time-scale can be faster than that for the growth of planetesimals to Pluto's size within the outer disc. We also calculate the magnitude of the relative velocities induced among planetesimals and infer that a planet's perturbations can typically cause destructive collisions out to 100 s of au. Recently formed planets can thus have a significant impact on planet formation in the outer disc which may be curtailed by the formation of giant planets much closer to the star. The presence of an observed debris disc does not require the presence of Pluto-sized objects within it, since it can also have been stirred by a planet not in the disc. For the star ε Eridani, we find that the known radial velocity planet can excite the planetesimal belt at 60 au sufficiently to cause destructive collisions of bodies up to 100 km in size, on a time-scale of 40 Myr.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend our numerical method for simulating terrestrial planet formation to include dynamical friction from the unresolved debris component. In the previous work, we implemented a rubble pile planetesimal collision model into direct N -body simulations of terrestrial planet formation. The new collision model treated both accretion and erosion of planetesimals but did not include dynamical friction from debris particles smaller than the resolution limit for the simulation. By extending our numerical model to include dynamical friction from the unresolved debris, we can simulate the dynamical effect of debris produced during collisions and can also investigate the effect of initial debris mass on terrestrial planet formation. We find that significant initial debris mass, 10 per cent or more of the total disc mass, changes the mode of planetesimal growth. Specifically, planetesimals in this situation do not go through a runaway growth phase. Instead, they grow concurrently, similar to oligarchic growth. The dynamical friction from the unresolved debris damps the eccentricities of the planetesimals, reducing the mean impact speeds and causing all collisions to result in merging with no mass loss. As a result, there is no debris production. The mass in debris slowly decreases with time. In addition to including the dynamical friction from the unresolved debris, we have implemented particle tracking as a proxy for monitoring compositional mixing. Although there is much less mixing due to collisions and gravitational scattering when dynamical friction of the background debris is included, there is significant inward migration of the largest protoplanets in the most extreme initial conditions (for which the initial mass in unresolved debris is at least equal to the mass in resolved planetesimals).  相似文献   

P. Thébault  F. Marzari 《Icarus》2006,183(1):193-206
We investigate classical planetesimal accretion in a binary star system of separation ab?50 AU by numerical simulations, with particular focus on the region at a distance of 1 AU from the primary. The planetesimals orbit the primary, are perturbed by the companion and are in addition subjected to a gas drag force. We concentrate on the problem of relative velocities Δv among planetesimals of different sizes. For various stellar mass ratios and binary orbital parameters we determine regions where Δv exceed planetesimal escape velocities vesc (thus preventing runaway accretion) or even the threshold velocity vero for which erosion dominates accretion. Gaseous friction has two crucial effects on the velocity distribution: it damps secular perturbations by forcing periastron alignment of orbits, but at the same time the size-dependence of this orbital alignment induces a significant Δv increase between bodies of different sizes. This differential phasing effect proves very efficient and almost always increases Δv to values preventing runaway accretion, except in a narrow eb?0 domain. The erosion threshold Δv>vero is reached in a wide (ab,eb) space for small <10-km planetesimals, but in a much more limited region for bigger ?50-km objects. In the intermediate vesc<Δv<vero domain, a possible growth mode would be the type II runaway growth identified by Kortenkamp et al. [Kortenkamp, S., Wetherill, G., Inaba, S., 2001. Science 293, 1127-1129].  相似文献   

We develop a simple model for computing planetary formation based on the core instability model for the gas accretion and the oligarchic growth regime for the accretion of the solid core. In this model several planets can form simultaneously in the disc, a fact that has important implications especially for the changes in the dynamic of the planetesimals and the growth of the cores since we consider the collision between them as a source of potential growth. The type I and type II migration of the embryos and the migration of the planetesimals due to the interaction with the disc of gas are also taken into account. With this model we consider different initial conditions to generate a variety of planetary systems and analyse them statistically. We explore the effects of using different type I migration rates on the final number of planets formed per planetary system such as on the distribution of masses and semimajor axis of extrasolar planets, where we also analyse the implications of considering different gas accretion rates. A particularly interesting result is the generation of a larger population of habitable planets when the gas accretion rate and type I migration are slower.  相似文献   

Galactic winds and mass outflows are observed both in nearby starburst galaxies and in high-redshift star-forming galaxies. We develop a simple analytic model to understand the observed superwind phenomenon with a discussion of the model uncertainties. Our model is built upon the model of McKee & Ostriker for the interstellar medium. It allows one to predict how properties of a superwind, such as wind velocity and mass outflow rate, are related to properties of its starforming host galaxy, such as size, gas density and star formation rate. The model predicts a threshold of star formation rate density for the generation of observable galactic winds. Galaxies with more concentrated star formation activities produce superwinds with higher velocities. The predicted mass outflow rates are comparable to (or slightly larger than) the corresponding star formation rates. We apply our model to both local starburst galaxies and high-redshift Lyman break galaxies, and find its predictions to be in good agreement with current observations. Our model is simple and so can be easily incorporated into numerical simulations and semi-analytical models of galaxy formation.  相似文献   

Vladimir Svetsov 《Icarus》2011,214(1):316-326
I have performed 3D numerical hydrodynamic simulations of impacts of stony projectiles on stony planar targets in a range of impact velocities from 1.25 to 60 km/s. The projectile and target masses ejected at speeds greater than some given values have been calculated. This provided a possibility to determine impact erosion of a target which undergoes bombardment with comparatively small bodies. The relative losses of target masses and masses of retained projectile material have been averaged over impact angles and approximated by analytical formulas as functions of impact and escape velocities. The balance between escaped material of a target and retained material of a projectile determines growth or reduction of a target mass. The target cratering erosion predominates over the projectile retention when the impacts have velocities of more than 3-5 times the escape velocity of a target. The results can be applied to collisions of planetary embryos with planetesimals, which have higher velocities than embryo-embryo impacts. Estimates for impact velocities 1-10 km/s show that while large embryos accrete planetesimals smaller embryos erode and can completely vanish or partly lose their silicate shells if they are differentiated. Application of calculated erosion efficiency to Mercury made it possible to test a hypothesis (Vityazev, A.V., Pechernikova, G.V., Safronov, V.S. [1988]. Formation of Mercury and removal of its silicate shell. In: Vilas, F., Chapman, C.R., Matthews, M.S. (Eds.), Mercury. Univ. Arizona Press., Tucson, pp. 667−669) that differentiated massive proto-Mercury has lost its mantle due to collisions with objects of moderate sizes. It turned out that in order for this to happen, relative collision velocities must exceed 25 km/s. As alternatives to the widely-known hypothesis of a giant impact on a massive proto-Mercury, other possibilities are considered, which do not require such high speeds. The first one is formation of a number of small-sized metal-rich embryos which lose their silicate shells due to cratering erosion. The second is that a small proto-Mercury was metallic and gained its mantle at the latest stage of its accumulation when it grew so large that the erosion became ineffective.  相似文献   

Wetherill GW  Stewart GR 《Icarus》1993,106(1):190-209
An earlier investigation of the formation of approximately 10(26) g planetary embryos from much smaller planetesimals (G.W. Wetherill and G.R. Stewart 1989, Icarus 77, 350-357) has been extended to include the effects of collisional fragmentation, the low relative velocity regime in which the effects due to solar gravity are important, and independent perturbations of eccentricity and inclination. In agreement with this earlier work, it if found that at 1 AU runaway growth occurs on a approximately 10(-5)-year time scale as a consequence of equipartition of energy between large and small planetesimals. It is now seen that the runaway is initiated after approximately 10(4) years, when the relative velocities of the larger bodies temporarily fall into the low-velocity regime, lowering their inclinations and increasing their gravitational capture rates. After approximately 2 X 10(4) years, relative velocities between most bodies emerge from the low-velocity regime, and these higher velocities tend to inhibit further runaway growth. This rapid runaway growth is self-regulated, however, by these same higher velocities, causing fragmentation of the smaller bodies. The velocities of the collision fragments are reduced by gas drag, facilitating their capture by the growing runaway embryos. Variations in which different fragmentation models are used, or long-range forces between nonrunaway bodies are absent, give similar results. When fragmentation is not included, the time scale for growth increases to approximately 3 X 10(5) years as a result of loss of the self-regulating process described above.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of planet growth in the outer solar system shows thatgrwoth of Uranus and Neptune occurs in reasonably short time, well below the actual age of the system, without the need for ad hoc assumptions about excess mass or artificially low relative velocities among the icy planetesimals. Low velocities, which speed accretion, are a natural consequence of the non-power-law size distribution of planetesimals, just as in our earlier simulations of terrestial planet growth. Initial planetesimals of size ~ 100 km, predicted by formal expressions for gravitational instability in a thin disk of solid material, failed to produce sufficient debris in the size range 1 to 10 km to account for population of the Oort cloud with comet-sized bodies. However, our model of nonhomologous settling of grains to the midplane of the solar system shows that gravitational clumping did not wait until all solid material had settled to the midplane, as had been assumed in earlier models. Rather, the clumping occurred in successive portions of the material that reached the midplane, producing “initial” planetesimals probably of comet-like sizes. Models of subsequent collisional evolution show that such an initial size distribution, similar to known comets, would have been required in order to have an adequate comet-like size distribution available to feed the Oort cloud as the other planets reach full size. Comets are probably unaltered remnants of the initial population of planetesimals in the outer solar system, not fragments of larger bodies.  相似文献   

There are obtained upper limits for the relative velocity at infinity of accreting planetesimals for a nearly constant mass of the largest accreting planetesimal and also in the case of variable mass. We conclude, that while the larger planets cannot be brought to the stage of rotational instability by stochastic collisions, the asteroids could be brought. provided that the relative velocities in the asteroid belt were larger than about 2 km s–1.  相似文献   

Safronov's statement that relative velocities of planetesimals are on the order of the escape velocity of the largest body of the population is shown to be correct only when a major part of the total mass resides in several large bodies. In the first stage of accumulation, runaway accretion produces large bodies separated by mass form the remaining population. At this stage, relative velocities of planetesimals are much smaller than those adopted earlier. This requires a modification of Schmidt's scheme of accumulation of the Earth and other terrestrial planets from material in their feeding zones. This also leads to removal of the author's arguments (Levin 1972c) in favor of a protoplanetary nebula with an extended, massive periphery.Paper presented at the Conference on Protostars and Planets, held at the Planetary Science Institute, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, between January 3 and 7, 1978.  相似文献   

As planetary embryos grow, gravitational stirring of planetesimals by embryos strongly enhances random velocities of planetesimals and makes collisions between planetesimals destructive. The resulting fragments are ground down by successive collisions. Eventually the smallest fragments are removed by the inward drift due to gas drag. Therefore, the collisional disruption depletes the planetesimal disk and inhibits embryo growth. We provide analytical formulae for the final masses of planetary embryos, taking into account planetesimal depletion due to collisional disruption. Furthermore, we perform the statistical simulations for embryo growth (which excellently reproduce results of direct N-body simulations if disruption is neglected). These analytical formulae are consistent with the outcome of our statistical simulations. Our results indicate that the final embryo mass at several AU in the minimum-mass solar nebula can reach about ∼0.1 Earth mass within 107 years. This brings another difficulty in formation of gas giant planets, which requires cores with ∼10 Earth masses for gas accretion. However, if the nebular disk is 10 times more massive than the minimum-mass solar nebula and the initial planetesimal size is larger than 100 km, as suggested by some models of planetesimal formation, the final embryo mass reaches about 10 Earth masses at 3-4 AU. The enhancement of embryos’ collisional cross sections by their atmosphere could further increase their final mass to form gas giant planets at 5-10 AU in the Solar System.  相似文献   

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