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Two large explosions were recorded by a dense array of strong-motion accelerometers and rotational seismometers in northeastern Taiwan associated with a Taiwan Integrated Geodynamics Research long-range refraction experiment. The objective of this experiment was to test the response of the experimental eentec rotational seismometers against calculated array rotations. Computed array rotation rates are seen to have little variation across the array, but point rotation rate measurements obtained from individual rotational seismometers show significant deviations with each other and with the array rotation rates in the ranges of 3?C5?Hz and, especially, 3?C50?Hz. A cross-correlation method was used to compare array-computed rotation rates and point rotation rate measurements in the frequency band of 3?C5?Hz with the result that the absolute value of the normalized maximum correlation coefficient for each station set varied from 0.45 to 0.97 with an average of 0.84. Amplitude differences of the point rotation rate measurements are seen to be factors of 0.2 to 1.8 times the array rotations as well. It is not likely that the differences seen in the point and array-computed rotation rates are due to nonlinear or heterogeneous site conditions under each array element since these effects should also be seen in the acceleration data used to determine rotation rate. A rigorous method for accurately calibrating rotation rate instruments is needed to understand their response in the field.  相似文献   

Spatial derivatives of the seismic wave field are known to be sensitive to various site effects (e.g., cavity effects, topography, and geological inhomogeneities). In this study, the focus is on strain rotation coupling that can cause significant differences between point measurements compared to array-derived rotational motions. The strain rotation coupling constants are estimated based on finite element simulations for inhomogeneous media as well as for the 3D topography around Wettzell, Germany (the location of the G ring laser). Using collocated array and ring laser data, the coupling constants of the ring laser itself are shown to be small. Several examples are shown to illustrate the order of magnitude that strain-induced rotation might have on the seismograms in the near field of volcanoes as well as in the far field and in the low-frequency spectrum (free oscillations).  相似文献   

This short article evaluates the stochastic method of ground motion simulation for Bucharest area using both the single-corner frequency model and recently introduced double-corner frequency models. A dedicated Q model is derived using ground motions obtained during the largest Vrancea earthquakes from the past 30 years. The simulated ground motions are tested against the observed data from the Vrancea earthquakes of August 1986 and May 1990. Moreover, the observed data are also compared against simulations obtained using the Q model derived by Oth et al. (2008). Finally, the results of the simulations show that the derived Q model is better suited for larger magnitude events, while the Q model of Oth et al. (2008) provides better results for smaller earthquakes.  相似文献   

提出了多频分量相位演化零点时间的概念.对于复杂非平稳地震动过程,为降低求解多频分量相位演化零点时间的工作量,引入地震波波群演化的思想,在地震波相位谱敏感性分析的基础上,考察了典型实测地震动时程的模拟.结果表明,拟合地震动过程与实测非平稳地震动吻合较好,本文提出的相位谱重构方法具有重要的实践意义.同时,这一方法也为非平稳...  相似文献   

运用经验格林函数法模拟了2008年5月12日汶川8.0级大地震的近场强地面运动.拟合过程中,首先参考其他学者反演结果给出的滑动量分布的特征,确定强震动生成区的大致范围;然后利用Somerville等(1999)提出的地震矩与凹凸体面积间的经验关系式确定强震动生成区(SMGA)细小划分的初值,继而利用遗传优化算法确定以上两者的最优值及其他震源参数.数值模拟波形同实际地震观测记录在时间域和频率域分别进行了比较,结果显示,在所选取的18个观测台中,多数台站的数值模拟结果同实际观测结果符合得很好,特别是大于1 Hz的高频部分.我们发现断层面上有5个强震动生成区,其中两个的位置与其他学者反演的滑动量集中分布区相一致,但强震动生成区规模和上升时间比Somerville等(1999)获得的定标率外延的估计值要小.  相似文献   

通过EMD方法将地震动分解成若干固有模态函数,提出了用固有模态函数的时变VARMA建模实现地震动仿真的思路。算例分析表明,该方法充分利用了固有模态函数的特性,解决了直接基于ARMA或VARMA模型建模的仿真方法所面临的模型判阶的难题,并可同时考虑地震动的强度和频率非平稳特性,使仿真地震动与实际地震动在能量时频分布特性上具有较好的一致性且样本统计性较好,弹性及弹塑性反应谱拟合精度较高。  相似文献   

This brief article presents a quantitative analysis of the ability of eight published empirical ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs) for subduction earthquakes (interface and intraslab) to estimate observed earthquake ground motions on the islands of the Lesser Antilles (specifically Guadeloupe, Martinique, Trinidad, and Dominica). In total, over 300 records from 22 earthquakes from various seismic networks are used within the analysis. It is found that most of the GMPEs tested perform poorly, which is mainly due to a larger variability in the observed ground motions than predicted by the GMPEs, although two recent GMPEs derived using Japanese strong-motion data provide reasonably good predictions. Analyzing separately the interface and intraslab events does not significant modify the results. Therefore, it is concluded that seismic hazard assessments for this region should use a variety of GMPEs in order to capture this large epistemic uncertainty in earthquake ground-motion prediction for the Lesser Antilles.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive study on the rigid block sliding displacement of slopes subjected to ground motions with large velocity pulses. A comparison of the performance of various existing empirical displacement models is provided through analyses of the displacement residuals of slopes subject to pulse-like motions. Except for the PGA- and PGV-based Saygili and Rathje model (2008, referred to as SR08), positive medians of residuals are observed for selected models, indicating an under-estimation. There is a negative constant shift in the total residuals for the SR08 model, which can be easily fixed by changing the constant term in the predictive equation. The residuals from the SR08 model also have the smallest standard deviation compared to the other models. A modified SR08 model is developed for predicting rigid block sliding displacements for pulse-like motions. The modified predictive model is used in probabilistic seismic displacement analyses of slopes in a hypothetical near-fault region.  相似文献   

Summary Objective criteria are obtained for irrotational frictionless flow in the case of pure geostrophic, isallobaric and thermal wind flow. For rotational flow, a criterion is obtained in the case of non-permanent barotropic conditions, by introducing the concept ofabsolute potential vorticity. These criteria permit practical discrimination of conditions related to rotational or irrotational motion in the atmosphere, in an objective way.  相似文献   

旋转地震学是一门全面研究由地震、爆破以及周围环境震动引发的地面旋转运动的新兴学科.随着观测水平的提高及旋转运动研究的深入,旋转运动研究的重要性也逐渐突显出来.目前国际上对于旋转地震学研究较多,而中国大陆地区鲜有文章提及旋转运动观测.本文从3个方面对旋转运动观测进行描述.首先基于经典弹性力学,介绍了旋转运动的基本理论,表明可以通过直接、间接的两种方法获得旋转量.其次介绍了旋转运动观测进展,表明观测技术的发展对旋转运动的观测具有重要影响.最后考虑到中国台湾是旋转运动观测研究较早并且较为深入的地区,重点介绍了中国台湾地区的观测实例.本文对旋转运动观测进展进行梳理,期望对国内开展旋转地震学观测及研究提供一定的帮助.  相似文献   

利用汶川地震获得的数字强震记录研究了汶川近场无速度脉冲、近场含速度脉冲和远场(盆地效应)地震动的弹性和弹塑性反应谱,后者包括等延性强度折减系数谱Rμ、等延性位移比谱Cu和等强度折减系数位移比谱CR.与相同场地条件PEER近场无速度脉冲、集集近场含速度脉冲地震动的谱进行了比较.汶川近场含速度脉冲地震动的弹性反应谱在0.2~0.8s周期内明显偏小,而它的弹塑性反应谱在短周期段(0.1 ~0.4 s)与汶川近场无速度脉冲地震动谱差别不大,但等延性强度折减系数谱Ru要大于集集地震含速度脉冲地震动的谱,而等延性位移比谱Cu和等强度折减系数位移比谱CR则小于集集地震动情况,此后随周期增长(至0.6 ~1.Os后)它们都逐渐过渡至与集集地震动的谱相当.汶川远场(盆地效应)地震动的弹性反应谱具有较宽并随周期缓慢增长的平台值和较长的特征周期,可达1.7s及以上.提出了远场(盆地效应)与近场地震动的弹性反应比谱和弹塑性位移比谱的概念.  相似文献   

2008年汶川地震近断层竖向与水平向地震动特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
选取分布在北川—映秀中央断裂两侧断层距120 km以内的40个强震动台站的记录,对汶川地震近断层地震动竖向和水平向加速度峰值、速度峰值、竖向和水平向加速度反应谱及谱比值进行了统计分析.研究表明:(1)地震动加速度峰值有显著的上盘效应,经验衰减模型的结果表明,在距地表破裂3~60 km的范围内,龙门山发震断层上盘一侧竖向与水平向的加速度峰值要比衰减模型得到的平均值大30%~40%.上盘的加速度峰值残差大部分是正值,而断层下盘残差大部分为负;水平地震动的东西分量幅值总体要大于南北分量,东西分量衰减相对较慢.(2)地震动长周期成分较弱,加速度反应谱值随周期增大而迅速减小,在周期1.0 s 时,即使在靠近中央断裂的最大加速度反应谱值也只有0.5 g;地震动加速度反应谱谱比值(竖向/水平向)沿龙门山断层周围的分布,在较长周期(T=0.2 s, 0.5 s, 1.0 s)与短周期(T=0.05 s, 0.1 s)有明显的不同.(3)近断层竖向地震动显著,地震动加速度峰值比在(竖向/水平向)可达1.4.在龙门山发震断层的上盘,地震动加速度峰值比整体上比下盘要大,竖向地震动尤为剧烈.部分近断层记录的地震动谱比值(竖向/水平向)在短周期(< 0.1 s)甚至超过1.5,统计分析还表明谱比值在短周期段(< 0.1 s)随断层距的增大而减小.  相似文献   

基于汶川地震同震地下水位变化反演含水层体应变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
许多地下流体监测井在地震发生时都能记录到同震水位变化,而利用地下水位的同震响应特征以及水位固体潮效应可以反演地震对含水层产生的体应变量.本文尝试从大尺度上对大地震引起的体应变变化进行研究,为此收集了位于我国大陆不同构造活动区5口地下流体监测井两年半的水位数据资料进行分析,去除干扰项,提取出水位固体潮成分,进行调和分析求取潮汐因子,并反演出汶川MS8.0地震对这5口井所在含水层产生的体应变量.结果显示,汶川大地震对这5口井 含水层造成的体应变量基本在10-7量级. 地震引起的体应变随距离的衰减规律比较复杂,其不仅与震中距有关,而且与活动断裂带的展布和地壳岩体结构等密切相关.   相似文献   

The duration, total power, rms amplitude, and peak ground acceleration (PGA) are examined using the data from the KiK-net digital borehole accelerograph arrays in Japan during three large earthquakes. We investigate correlations between the duration, PGA on the surface and hypocentral distance, instrumental seismic intensity, and the local site conditions. Also considered in this paper, are correlation between the duration and PGA. This present study suggests that PGA is inversely proportional to the duration.Comparing the duration, total power, rms amplitude, and PGA on the surface with those at the bottom of borehole, the duration and maximum amplitude characteristics of earthquake ground motions are investigated with emphasis on site amplification due to the local site conditions. The difference of amplification factors is not only site-dependent but also event-dependent. The comparison of the site amplification factors and the average shear-wave velocity in the upper 30-m showed a good agreement.This paper indicated that the duration and amplitude characteristics suffer a reciprocal effect due to the local site conditions and the site dependency of maximum amplitude PGA is greater than that of the duration. In view of the results, the duration is not less important than the maximum amplitude and frequency content in earthquake engineering. Moreover, this study provided meaningful information of input motion available to earthquake-resistant design.  相似文献   

A common effective method to reduce the seismic response of liquid storage tanks is to isolate them at base using base-isolation systems. It has been observed that in many earthquakes, the foregoing systems significantly affect on the whole system response reduction. However, in exceptional cases of excitation by long-period shaking, the base-isolation systems could have adverse effects. Such earthquakes could cause tank damage due to excessive liquid sloshing. Therefore, the numerical seismic response of liquid storage tanks isolated by bilinear hysteretic bearing elements is investigated under long-period ground motions in this research. For this purpose, finite shell elements for the tank structure and boundary elements for the liquid region are employed. Subsequently, fluid–structure equations of motion are coupled with governing equation of base-isolation system, to represent the whole system behavior. The governing equations of motion of the whole system are solved by an iterative and step-by-step algorithm to evaluate the response of the whole system to the horizontal component of three ground motions. The variations of seismic shear forces, liquid sloshing heights, and tank wall radial displacements are plotted under various system parameters such as the tank geometry aspect ratio (height to radius), and the flexibility of the isolation system, to critically examine the effects of various system parameters on the effectiveness of the base-isolation systems against long-period ground motions. From these analyses, it may be concluded that with the installation of this type of base-isolation system in liquid tanks, the dynamic response of tanks during seismic ground motions can be considerably reduced. Moreover, in the special case of long-period ground motions, the seismic response of base-isolated tanks may be controlled by the isolation system only at particular conditions of slender and broad tanks. For the case of medium tanks, remarkable attentions would be required to be devoted to the design of base-isolation systems expected to experience long-period ground motions.  相似文献   

Strong ground motions are estimated for the Pacific Northwest assuming that large shallow earthquakes, similar to those experienced in southern Chile, southwestern Japan, and Colombia, may also occur on the Cascadia subduction zone. Fifty-six strong motion recordings for twenty-five subduction earthquakes ofM s7.0 are used to estimate the response spectra that may result from earthquakesM w<81/4. Large variations in observed ground motion levels are noted for a given site distance and earthquake magnitude. When compared with motions that have been observed in the western United States, large subduction zone earthquakes produce relatively large ground motions at surprisingly large distances. An earthquake similar to the 22 May 1960 Chilean earthquake (M w 9.5) is the largest event that is considered to be plausible for the Cascadia subduction zone. This event has a moment which is two orders of magnitude larger than the largest earthquake for which we have strong motion records. The empirical Green's function technique is used to synthesize strong ground motions for such giant earthquakes. Observed teleseismicP-waveforms from giant earthquakes are also modeled using the empirical Green's function technique in order to constrain model parameters. The teleseismic modeling in the period range of 1.0 to 50 sec strongly suggests that fewer Green's functions should be randomly summed than is required to match the long-period moments of giant earthquakes. It appears that a large portion of the moment associated with giant earthquakes occurs at very long periods that are outside the frequency band of interest for strong ground motions. Nevertheless, the occurrence of a giant earthquake in the Pacific Northwest may produce quite strong shaking over a very large region.  相似文献   

本文主要以GPS、精密水准观测和卫星SAR遥感图像分析2008年汶川特大地震同震位移特征.GPS数据包括:(1)四川盆地和川西高原地区各类国家等级GPS网点复测;(2)沿破裂带国家天文大地网GPS复测.前者推算的同震位移测定精度优于2 cm,后者6~8 cm.SAR遥感资料包括:(1)ALOS 卫星升轨相位干涉图像,精度优于8 cm;(2)ALOS和ENVISAT卫星影像合成的三维位移图,精度优于0.5 m.同震位移场显示,断层下盘(四川盆地)变形总体呈扇形集中指向震中,断层上盘(龙门山)变形总体上呈逆时针旋转态势,最大的实测水平位移5.5 m.汶川、理县、茂县等地测站位移指向破裂带方向,而平武、青川等地测站逐渐转变为平行,乃至远离破裂带方向,与汶川地震逆冲兼走滑的破裂特征一致.断层上盘大幅隆升,下盘靠近断层的区域以下沉为主,远场表现为幅度很小的隆升,垂直升降区域间,有一条与龙泉山断裂带平行的升降过渡带,调节龙泉断层的应力状态.用实测变形场检验多个地震波破裂模型表明,近场(距离断层50 km) 模型形变准确度可达40~50 cm, 远场精度优于5 cm.  相似文献   

本文主要以GPS、精密水准观测和卫星SAR遥感图像分析2008年汶川特大地震同震位移特征.GPS数据包括:(1)四川盆地和川西高原地区各类国家等级GPS网点复测;(2)沿破裂带国家天文大地网GPS复测.前者推算的同震位移测定精度优于2 cm,后者6~8 cm.SAR遥感资料包括:(1)ALOS 卫星升轨相位干涉图像,精度优于8 cm;(2)ALOS和ENVISAT卫星影像合成的三维位移图,精度优于0.5 m.同震位移场显示,断层下盘(四川盆地)变形总体呈扇形集中指向震中,断层上盘(龙门山)变形总体上呈逆时针旋转态势,最大的实测水平位移5.5 m.汶川、理县、茂县等地测站位移指向破裂带方向,而平武、青川等地测站逐渐转变为平行,乃至远离破裂带方向,与汶川地震逆冲兼走滑的破裂特征一致.断层上盘大幅隆升,下盘靠近断层的区域以下沉为主,远场表现为幅度很小的隆升,垂直升降区域间,有一条与龙泉山断裂带平行的升降过渡带,调节龙泉断层的应力状态.用实测变形场检验多个地震波破裂模型表明,近场(距离断层50 km) 模型形变准确度可达40~50 cm, 远场精度优于5 cm.  相似文献   

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