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We report the observation of the ground rotation induced by the M w = 9.0, 11th of March 2011, Japan earthquake. The rotation measurements have been conducted with a ring laser gyroscope operating in a vertical plane, thus detecting rotations around the horizontal axis. Comparison of ground rotations with vertical accelerations from a co-located force balance accelerometer shows excellent ring laser coupling at periods longer than 100?s. Under the plane wave assumption, we derive a theoretical relationship between horizontal rotation and vertical acceleration for Rayleigh waves. Due to the oblique mounting of the gyroscope with respect to the wave direction of arrival, apparent velocities derived from the acceleration/rotation rate ratio are expected to be always larger than or equal to the true wave propagation velocity. This hypothesis is confirmed through comparison with fundamental mode, Rayleigh-wave phase velocities predicted for a standard Earth model.  相似文献   

IntroductionEarthquake location is one of the inverse problems in seismology. The accurate earthquake source location is the basis of studies of earthquake images, the relation analysis between seismicity and tectonics, and the important parameters of earthquakes. It is also the basic data used to study the space distribution of aftershocks after a strong earthquake. The earthquake location accuracy mainly depends on reliability of the velocity models for the earth(s crust, the reasonable desi…  相似文献   

Impacts of the grounding of the oil tanker Jessica off San Cristóbal island, Galápagos, included both effects of oil on biota and also mechanical effects associated with a shallow furrow 50 m x 30 m gouged across the rocky seafloor and wreckage strewn over 7500 m(2). The wreckage represented a minor but potentially chronic source of pollution to the surrounding environment through delayed releases of oil, antifouling compounds and other toxic chemicals, and a possible source of exotic marine taxa. Investigation at the wreck site indicated that impacts on subtidal plant and macro-invertebrate communities were largely confined within 100 m of the wreck site itself. Observed population effects included significant increases in cover of opportunistic algae (filamentous green algae, filamentous red algae and Ulva sp.) and the hydroid Ectopleura media adjacent to the wreck, while densities of the green sea urchin Lytechinus semituberculatus significantly decreased from 0.3 m(-2) adjacent to the wreck to 11 m(-2) at 100 m distance.  相似文献   

The crop types and agricultural characteristic are reconstructed using the archaeobiological proxies of pollen, seed and phytolith at Xishanping site in Gansu Province between 5250 and 4300 cal a BP. The agricultural activity strengthened in Xishanping from 5100 cal a BP. It appeared the earliest cultivation of prehistoric rice in the most northwest China at 5070 cal a BP. The sudden disappearance of conifers and expansion of chestnut trees is likely to be the result of selective hewing of conifers and cultivation of chestnuts at about 4600 cal a BP. There existed 8 crop types of foxtail millet, broomcorn millet, rice, wheat, barley, oats, soybean and buckwheat at Xishanping between 4650 and 4300 cal a BP, which cover the main crop types of the two origin centers of East and West Asia. Not only has the wheat and barley been approved to spread to northwestern China, but the earliest complexity agriculture in Neo-lithic China appeared in Tianshui, Gansu Province.  相似文献   

Bastn?site is widespread in alkali granite, carbonatite and REE ore deposits. The U-Th-Pb ages of bastn?site can constrain the mineralization age. Currently, the lack of suitable in situ analysis reference material is the major obstacle of bastn?site U-Th-Pb geochronology. In this study, the matrix effects of U-Pb and Th-Pb age determination in bastn?site using glass NIST 610 as the external calibration reference were evaluated with the 193-nm excimer LA-ICP-MS analysis in normal and additional gases laser ablation modes. The obtained U-Th-Pb ages of bastn?site were approximately 7–11% lower than their reference values in the normal analytical mode(without additional gas). Fortunately, the determined systematic age biases in UTh-Pb dating were significantly reduced(less than 1–2%) with the addition of water vapor within the ablation chamber. This reduction may be attributed to the observed significant suppression of206 Pb/238 U and208 Pb/232 Th downhole fractionation in both NIST 610 glass and bastn?site by introducing a small quantity of water vapor in the ablation chamber. In addition, the obtained206 Pb/238 U and208 Pb/232 Th ages of bastn?site K-9, LZ1384, and MAD809 showed great consistency with their corresponding recommended values. The obtained results show that accurate and precise U-Th-Pb ages of bastn?site can be simultaneously obtained by using glass NIST 610 as the primary calibration standard in 193-nm LA-ICP-MS with the water vapor-assisted method. This simple and effective water vapor-assisted non-matrix-matched laser ablation method helps to promote the geological application of bastn?site U-Th-Pb geochronology.  相似文献   

Science China Earth Sciences - Due to the coarse temporal resolution of the best track databases for typhoons, some small-scale characteristics of typhoon motion have been neglected. In order to...  相似文献   

Sporopollen analysis on a 346 cm peat record at Dahu, Jiangxi, chronologically constrained by 16 AMS 14C datings, provides an opportunity to reconstruct the vegetation evolution stages responding to cli-mate change in South China since the last glacial maximum. The result shows that during 18330-15630 cal a B.P., broad-leaved forest dominated the area, corresponding to mild, cool and fairly humid climate. At the interval of 15630-11600 cal a B.P., several evergreen broad-leaved species appeared within the broad-leaved forest, indicating moderate and humid condition. During early Holocene, broad-leaved evergreen forest community was constructed as Castanopsis/Lithorcarpus principally developed, suggesting a warm and humid scenario until 6000 cal a B. P. Since 6000 cal a B. P., abrupt forest deterioration happened with an contemporary increase of fern and herb communities, repre-senting a turnover to relatively cool and dry condition and as well, possible impact from human activi-ties. Meanwhile, several relatively cool and dry events can be identified in the sporopollen record, they can be correlated to the North Atlantic Heinrich event, YD and Holocene millennial-scale oscillations, implying that the low latitude climate was coupled with high latitude influences. Moreover, the varia-tions of temperature and humidity since LGM at Dahu were much smaller when compared with the re-cords in north monsoonal China.  相似文献   

Northeastern China is located in the East Asian monsoon region; it is sensitive to both high and low latitude global climate systems. Loess deposits in the region have considerable potential as sensitive archives of past climate changes. However, research into loess deposition and climate change in this region is restricted by the lack of independent age control. In this study, coarse-grained quartz SAR OSL and K-feldspar post-IR infrared (IR) stimulated luminescence (post-IR IRSL; pIRIR290) methods have been used to date the Sanbahuo loess site in northeastern China. The quartz OSL characteristics are satisfactory. The measured pIRIR290 De's do not vary significantly with IR stimulation temperatures between 50 °C and 260 °C; a first IR stimulation temperature of 200 °C was adopted. Dose recovery tests were performed by adding different laboratory doses to both laboratory bleached (300 h SOL2) samples and natural samples; the results are satisfactory up to ∼800 Gy. Resulting quartz OSL and feldspar pIRIR290 ages are in good agreement at least back to ∼44 ka; beyond this feldspar pIRIR290 ages are older. The feldspar ages are consistent with the expected age of the S1 palaeosol (MIS 5). There appears to have been a period of fast loess deposition at ∼62 ka, perhaps indicative of winter monsoon intensification with a very cold and dry climate that lead to a serious desertification of dunefields in northeastern China.  相似文献   

It draws much attention of scientists how early hu- mans occupy and adapt to the rigorous climate and environment at high northern latitudes in East Asia after they stepped out of Africa, passed West Asia and finally arrived in East Asia[1-4]. Reliable age determi- nations of Paleolithic sites from northeastern Asia not only help to find out the earliest occupation of early humans in this region, but also relate to the founda- tion of the overall framework of human origin and migration[1-8]…  相似文献   

Methodofexpectedearthquakelossesestimationbasedonthefrequencyofseismicsiteintensity高孟潭Meng-TanGAO(InstituteofGeophysics,State...  相似文献   

This study presents a meta-analysis of radiocarbon ages for the environs of Göbekli Tepe – one of the oldest monumental structures worldwide – using cumulative probability functions to diachronically assess phases of geomorphodynamic activity as controlled by natural or anthropogenic drivers. We employ sediment cascades as a heuristic framework to study the complex responses of the geomorphological system to various triggers at local to supra-regional scales. Possible triggers include climatic variability as documented by supra-regional hydroclimatic proxy data, regional demographic trends, and local to regional socioeconomic developments such as the emergence of sedentism or the introduction and dispersal of livestock herding. Our results show that phases of intensified geomorphodynamic activity occurred between ca. 7.4–7.0 and 5.8–3.3 ka BP. These phases roughly coincide with phases of population growth in southern Turkey and climatic variations in Turkey and the Levant. The phase between ca. 5.8–3.3 ka BP also corresponds to the time when organized agriculture and the seeder plough were introduced. Also, the identified phases are in agreement with the general trend of varying geomorphodynamic activity in the Eastern Mediterranean as driven by human impact and climatic change. However, neither the Younger Dryas–Holocene transition nor the development of herding during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic left a clear signature. We demonstrate how the different depositional environments in the studied landscape compartments vary with respect to their spatiotemporal coverage and discuss challenges when trying to understand processes that once shaped landscapes of past societies. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

The Santa Maria di Collemaggio Basilica is an important cultural heritage site and exemplifies Romanesque-Gothic art in the Abruzzo region (central Italy). Erected in the second half of the XII century, the Basilica was severely damaged during the April 6, 2009 L’Aquila earthquake (MW 6.1). In particular, the area of the transept collapsed causing the dome to fall. A refined two-dimensional (2D) geotechnical model was built representing a section that includes the Basilica, in order to better understand the soil response of the Basilica site. The subsoil model was constrained using the geophysical and geotechnical data collected from the seismic microzonation studies, the reconstruction of private damaged buildings and other technical and scientific studies realized in the L’Aquila basin and in the area of the Basilica before and after L’Aquila earthquake. 2D site response analyses were performed to verify the presence of local site effects by comparing simulated versus experimental transfer functions. Moreover, a frequency–wavenumber (f–k) analysis was executed with the aim of evaluating the occurrence of surface waves generated within the basin. 2D seismic effects involve significant amplification in the period range of engineering interest, therein providing an appropriate elastic response spectrum for the restoration of the Basilica.  相似文献   

The results of studying the intensity of fluxes of 30–80 keV ions from the data of measurements of the NOAA (POES) sun-synchronous satellites during geomagnetic storms of different intensity are presented. For 15 geomagnetic storms with |Dst|max from ~37 to ~422 nT, the storm-time maximum ion fluxes in the near-equatorial region (trapped particles) and at high latitudes (precipitating particles) have been considered. It is shown that the maximum fluxes of trapped particles, which are considered a ring-current proxy, increase with the storm power. In this case, if a smooth growth of fluxes is recorded for storms with |Dst|max < 250 nT in the near-equatorial region, a significantly steeper growth of fluxes of trapped particles is observed when storm power increases during storms with |Dst|max > 250 nT. This may be evidence of both an increasing of the contribution of the ring current relative to magnetotail currents to the development of high-intensity storms and to a nonlinear link between the ring current and ion fluxes at low altitudes in the near-equatorial region. Despite large variations in fluxes of precipitating particles in the polar region above the boundary of isotropization, a decreasing tendency, as a whole, in fluxes of these particles is observed with increasing the storm intensity. This is the evidence of the effect of saturation of magnetotail currents and of an increase in the relative role of the ring current during strong magnetic storms.  相似文献   

The Stratospheric Regular Sounding project was planned to measure regularly the vertical profiles of several tracers like ozone, water vapor, NOx, ClOx and BrOx radicals, aerosol, pressure and temperature, at three latitudes, to discriminate between the transport and photochemical terms which control their distribution. As part of this project, the “Istituto di Fisica dell’Atmosfera” launched nine laser backscattersondes (LABS) on board stratospheric balloons to make observations of background aerosol and PSCs. LABS was launched with an optical particle counter operated by the University of Wyoming. Observations have been performed in the arctic, mid-latitudes and tropical regions in different seasons. Polar stratospheric clouds have been observed in areas inside and outside the polar vortex edge. A background aerosol was observed both in mid-latitudes and in arctic regions with a backscattering ratio of 1.2 at 692 nm. Very stratified aerosol layers, possibly transported into the lower stratosphere by deep convective systems, have been observed in the lower stratosphere between 20 and 29 km in the tropics in the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

The χMD matrix solver package is incorporated into USGS groundwater modeling software, such as MODFLOW-NWT, MODFLOW-USG, and MT3D. The solver is used to solve matrices assembled through numerical discretization of the groundwater flow equation, and solute transport equations. χMD has demonstrated its higher robustness, faster execution speed, and more efficient memory usage compared to the existing solvers for many types of groundwater flow problems. χMD uses preconditioned iterative Krylov-subspace methods and consists of preconditioning and acceleration modules. Because the solver package uses a variety of preconditioning features including level-based incomplete lower-upper (ILU) factorization method with a drop tolerance scheme, users must choose optimal preconditioning parameters to improve execution speed and robustness. In order to examine how the preconditioning parameters, ILU factorization level, and drop tolerance values affect the overall performance of the matrix solver, we evaluated five different groundwater model applications using MODFLOW-USG that include different numerical complexities. For those five cases, the number of discretization nodes varied from 10,000 cells to 730,300 cells. From the analysis, we found that the preconditioning parameters greatly affect execution times and memory usage of the preconditioning and acceleration procedures. In addition, a combination of the ILU level between five to seven and the drop tolerance value between 10−2 and 10−3 usually resulted in shorter overall execution time. Our study suggests that the users can elicit higher performance and robustness of the χMD matrix solver using this combination of the parameters and enhance computational efficiency of solving groundwater and solute transport problems.  相似文献   

Walden  H. 《Ocean Dynamics》1963,16(1):1-9
Summary The data for high wave conditions at position J on 16 December, 1959 were recently published in this journal (C. L. Bretschneider, H. L. Crutcher, J. Darbyshire et al. [1962]). With reference to this paper an attempt is made to hindcast those waves.
Versuch einer nachträglichen Berechnung des hohen Seeganges beim Ozean-Wetterschiff Weather Reporter auf der Position J am 17. Dezember 1959
Zusammenfassung Die Unterlagen zur Berechnung des hohen Seegangs auf der Position J am 16. Dezember 1959 wurden vor kurzem in dieser Zeitschrift veröffentlicht (C. L. Bretschneider, H. L. Crutcher, J. Darbyshire et al. [1962]). Unter Zugrundelegung dieser Arbeit wird versucht, den hohen Seegang aus den meteorologischen Gegebenheiten nachträglich zu berechnen (hindcast).

Essai de calculer ultérieurement les hautes vagues auprès du frégate météorologique «Weather Reporter» à la navirestation «J» le 17 décembre 1959
Résumé Les données pour le calcul de hautes vagues observées auprès de la navirestation «J» le 16 décembre 1959 ont été récemment publiées dans ce journal (C. L. Bretschneider, H. L. Crutcher, J. Darbyshire et al. [1962]). Partant de ce travail, on essaie d'estimer après-coup (hindcast) des conditions météorologiques cette forte mer.

See the paper by C. L. Bretschneider, H. L. Crutcher, J. Darbyshire et al. in: Dt. Hydrogr. Z.15, 243.  相似文献   

Today, in different countries, there exist sites with contaminated groundwater formed as a result of inappropriate handling or disposal of hazardous materials or wastes. Numerical modeling of such sites is an important tool for a correct prediction of contamination plume spreading and an assessment of environmental risks associated with the site. Many uncertainties are associated with a part of the parameters and the initial conditions of such environmental numerical models. Statistical techniques are useful to deal with these uncertainties. This paper describes the methods of uncertainty propagation and global sensitivity analysis that are applied to a numerical model of radionuclide migration in a sandy aquifer in the area of the RRC “Kurchatov Institute” radwaste disposal site in Moscow, Russia. We consider 20 uncertain input parameters of the model and 20 output variables (contaminant concentration in the observation wells predicted by the model for the end of 2010). Monte Carlo simulations allow calculating uncertainty in the output values and analyzing the linearity and the monotony of the relations between input and output variables. For the non monotonic relations, sensitivity analyses are classically done with the Sobol sensitivity indices. The originality of this study is the use of modern surrogate models (called response surfaces), the boosting regression trees, constructed for each output variable, to calculate the Sobol indices by the Monte Carlo method. It is thus shown that the most influential parameters of the model are distribution coefficients and infiltration rate in the zone of strong pipe leaks on the site. Improvement of these parameters would considerably reduce the model prediction uncertainty.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe wave propagation problems in saturated soil are very important for the civil engineering, geophysics and seismology. Biot (1956,1962) established the theory of wave propagation in saturated soil firstly, and hereafter many researchers have used Biot theory to study wave propagation problems in saturated soil. By using integral transform and potential function method, Philippacopoulos (1988) studied the Lamb(s problem of a vertical point force applied to the surface of saturate…  相似文献   

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