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High-frequency rotational motions of P-waves and coda waves were analysed using rotation rate sensors and strong motion array data from the 4 March 2008 TAiwan Integrated GEodynamics Research (TAIGER) explosion experiment in northeastern Taiwan. Theoretical and observational investigations focussed on the effects of this experiment on the free surface. The main goal of this study was to explore possible applications of combined measurements of artificial explosion-derived translational and rotational motions. Also investigated was the consistent ground rotation observed directly by rotation rate sensors and derived using translational seismic arrays. Common near-source high-frequency rotational motion observations and array-recorded translational motions from one shallow borehole explosion are analysed in this study. Using a half-space assumption of plane P-wave propagation across the recording site, we conclude that: (1) rotational motions induced by direct P-waves interacting with a free surface in theory can be used to estimate wave radial direction, velocity and anisotropic properties; (2) rotational motions derived from scattering are predominant among the observed rotations during the TAIGER explosion experiments and allow us to image the heterogeneous structure of the medium at the investigated site; and (3) rotation sensor measurements undertaken during TAIGER explosion experiments may be affected by cross-axis sensitivities, which need to be considered when using the data obtained during these experiments.  相似文献   

The engineering aspects of the 4 March 1977 Romanian earthquake are presented. They are based upon a field investigation conducted by the writers in Bucharest and in southern Romania in collaboration with members of the Building Research Institute of Romania, during the period 25–31 March 1977. This report covers general observations, data and evaluation on the character of the earthquake, structural damage inflicted by it, performance of different types of buildings during the earthquake and relief operations.  相似文献   

核爆、化爆、地震识别研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
地震学方法是监测地下核试验最为重要的方法.为准确鉴别地下核试验,不仅包括识别核爆炸与天然地震,还包括对化学爆炸震源类型的识别.论文从核爆炸与天然地震的识别、化学爆炸与地震的识别、核爆炸与化学爆炸的识别三个方面对国内外的研究状况分别进行了综述,较为详尽地阐述了从统计分析和信号处理的角度进行研究的进展状况,并对目前的研究进展进行了分析总结,最后对未来的核爆监测识别研究的发展趋势进行了展望,提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

对张掖中心地震台近期的前兆资料进行全面论证,并结合祁连山地震带地震活动性特征,对2008年3月30日肃南5.0级地震前兆异常特征进行研究.结果认为:此次地震的发生基本符合祁连山地震带地震活动的周期性特征,部分前兆资料有明显的短临异常显示.  相似文献   

2008年3月21日06时33分,新疆和田地区发生MS7.4地震,震中位于35.77°N,81.43°E,震源深度19km,距于田县城约110km,距和田市约215km.地震发生在西昆仑地震带和阿尔金地震带交汇区,塔里木盆地南部,靠近西昆仑山区边缘部分;震中位于西昆仑山中的阿什库勒盆地,附近存在新近纪火山活动,平均海拔高度5000m,属人烟稀少地区.  相似文献   

An analysis of the Zoeppritz-Wiechert and Golitsyn equations commonly used to calculate the energy of an earthquake showed that these equations are at variance with the physical assumptions made before deriving them. The value of seismic energy as found from the equations currently used for the purpose is overestimated by 1–2 orders of magnitude. It is suggested that the seismic energy of earthquakes can be found from its value over a half-period of the maximum swing.  相似文献   

The earlyP wave coda (5–15 sec after the first arrival) of underground explosions at the Nevada Test Site is studied in the time domain using 2082 teleseismic short-period recordings, with the intent of identifying near-source contributions to the signals in the frequency range 0.2–2.0 Hz. Smaller magnitude events tend to have relatively high coda levels in the 0.4–0.8 Hz frequency band for both Yucca Flat and Pahute Mesa explosions. Coda complexity in this low-frequency passband is negatively correlated with burial depth for Pahute Mesa events but is only weakly correlated with depth for Yucca Flat events. Enhanced excitation of relatively long-period scattered waves for smaller, less deeply buried events is required to explain this behavior. Coda complexity in the 0.8–1.1 Hz band is positively correlated with magnitude and depth for Pahute Mesa events, but has no such dependence for Yucca Flat events. This may result from systematic variations between the spectra of direct signals and coda arrivals caused bypP interference for the largest events, all of which were detonated at Pahute Mesa. Another possible explanation is a frequency-dependent propagation effect on the direct signals of the larger events, most of which were located in the center of the mesa overlying strong lateral velocity gradients in the crust and upper mantle. Event average complexity varies spatially for both test sites, particularly in the 0.8–1.1 Hz band, providing evidence for frequency-dependent focussing or scattering by near-source structure. Both the direct arrivals and the early coda have strong azimuthal amplitude patterns that are produced by defocussing by mantle heterogeneity. The direct arrivals have stronger coherent azimuthal patterns than the early coda for Pahute Mesa events, indicating more pronounced deep crustal and shallow mantle defocussing for the direct signals. However, for Yucca Flat events the direct arrivals have less coherent azimuthal patterns than the coda, suggesting that a highly variable component of near-source scattering preferentially affecting the downgoing energy is superimposed on a pattern produced by mantle heterogeneity that affects the entire signal. This complicated behavior of the direct arrivals may be the result of triplications and caustics produced by the complex basement structure known to underlie the Yucca Flat test site. The presence of strong azimuthal patterns in the early coda indicates that source strength estimates based on early coda are subject to biases similar to those affecting estimates based on direct arrivals.  相似文献   

2008年3月30日在甘肃省肃南县皇城镇一带发生了一次MS5.0地震。本文归纳总结了本次地震的基本地震参数、序列特征,利用P波资料计算了震源机制解,根据地震现场考察结果分析了烈度分布特征。综合本次地震的地质构造和历史地震活动背景、震源机制、余震分布、极震区长轴方向分析了本次地震的发震构造,结果显示本次地震的发震构造不清晰。  相似文献   

The fragmentation of magma and of the hosting country rocks is a major process in explosive eruptions. It is important to quantify the mechanical energy needed for fragmentation in order to assess the physical processes of this volcanic phenomenon. This paper presents a method to calculate the fragmentation energy of country rock using granulometry data of a typical phreatomagmatic Eifel maar volcano explosion. The total fracture area of country rock fragments in one tephra layer was quantified and related to the critical fragmentation energy of these country rocks. The rock parameters critical shear stress and critical fragmentation energy were determined experimentally, whereas the pre-volcanic crack inventory was measured in the field. The paper concludes with the calculation of the energy balance (i.e. partitioning of thermal energy into kinetical energy and mechanical energy of the fragmentation) of one Eifel maar volcanic explosion.  相似文献   

We used a novel system of three continuous wave Doppler radars to successfully record the directivity of i) Strombolian explosions from the active lava lake of Erebus volcano, Antarctica, ii) eruptions at Stromboli volcano, Italy, and iii) a man-made explosion in a quarry.  相似文献   

Decomposition of seismic moment tensors for underground nuclear explosions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Generally the decomposition of a seismic moment tensor is not unique. However, to favorably view the characteristics of a certain seismic source, one must decompose a seismic moment tensor into parts according to assumptions about the properties of the seismic source. Different from natural earthquakes in which the shear dislocation component plays a predominant role in the source process, and the seismic moment tensor can be separated into an isotropic component, a double couple, and a compensated linear vector dipole (CLVD), underground nuclear explosions have three major components in their source process, i.e., the explosion, the tensional spalling, and the tectonic strain release associated with the explosion. In such a situation the conventional moment tensor decomposition for earthquakes is not convenient to estimate the yield of the explosion and to characterize the tectonic strain release. In this paper, an alternative decomposition scheme is proposed to deal with the moment tensor of underground nuclear explosions, which might benefit the approach to study the tectonic strain release induced by underground nuclear detonations.  相似文献   

The parameters,stress field background,geological tectonics and seismic sequence of the March 21,2008,M_S 7. 4 Yutian,Xinjiang earthquake are discussed in this paper. The characteristics of seismic activity in the epicenter and its adjacent region before the earthquake are analyzed; and a comparison is made between the M_S 7. 4 Yutian earthquake sequence,the Wenchuan M_S 8. 0 earthquake sequence and the Wuqia M_S 6. 9 earthquake sequence. The results show the M_S 7. 4 Yutian earthquake occurred in the junction between the Altyn Tagh fault and the western Kunlun fault,resulting perhaps from the tensile fracture of the branch fault located southwest of the Ashikule basin due to left-1ateral dislocation of the Altyn Tagh fault; the seismic sequence is of main shock-aftershock type, the strongest aftershock being M_S 5. 8. The aftershocks attenuated quickly,and occurred in groups; the focal mechanism solutions and epicenter distribution have revealed a unilateral rupture source of this earthquake. Seismic activity shows that there was medium and medium-short term abnormity before the earthquake,but there was not short-imminent abnormity. Seismic activity of this earthquake sequence enhanced before the M_S 8. 0 Wenchuan and the M_S 6. 9 Wuqia earthquakes,showing the window effect to some extent.  相似文献   

In recent years, the measurement of rotational components of earthquake-induced ground motion became a reality due to high-resolution ring laser gyroscopes. As a consequence of the fact that they exploit the Sagnac effect, these devices are entirely insensitive to translational motion and are able to measure the rotation rate with high linearity and accuracy over a wide frequency band. During the last decade, a substantial number of earthquakes were recorded by the large ring lasers located in Germany, New Zealand, and USA, and the subsequent data analysis demonstrated reliability and consistency of the results with respect to theoretical models. However, most of the observations recorded teleseismic events in the far-field. The substantial mass and the size of these active interferometers make their near-field application difficult. Therefore, the passive counterparts of ring lasers, the fiber optic gyros can be used for seismic applications where the mobility is more important than extreme precision. These sensors provide reasonable accuracy and are small in size, which makes them perfect candidates for strong motion applications. The other advantage of fiber optic gyroscopes is that if the earthquake is local and shallow (like one occurred early this year at Canterbury, New Zealand), the large ring lasers simply do not have the dynamic range??the effect is far too large for these instruments. In this paper, we analyze a typical commercially available tactical grade fiber optic gyroscope (VG-951) with respect to the seismic rotation measurement requirements. The initial test results including translation and upper bounds of seismic rotation sensitivity are presented. The advantages and limitations of tactical grade fiber optic gyroscope as seismic rotation sensor are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between point cloudiness and sunshine derived cloud cover in India is investigated using data collected from 33 stations. It has been found that point cloudiness, in general, overestimates sunshine derived cloud cover. The latitudinal dependence of the overestimation is discussed. The significance of the precise quantification of cloudiness in radiation budget studies is briefly mentioned.  相似文献   

An electromagnetic field is generated through the accelerating movement of two equal but opposite charges of a single dipole. An electromagnetic field can also be generated by a time-varying infinitesimal point charge. In this study, a comparison between the electromagnetic fields of an infinitesimal point charge and a dipole has been presented. First, the time-domain potential function of a point source in a 3D conductive medium is derived. Then the electric and magnetic fields in a 3D homogeneous lossless space are derived via the relation between the potential and field. The field differences between the infinitesimal point charge and the dipole in the step-off time, far-source, and near-source zones are analyzed, and the accuracy of the solutions from these sources is investigated. It is also shown that the field of the infinitesimal point charge in the near-source zone is different from that of the dipole, whereas the far-source zone fields of these two sources are identical. The comparison of real and simulated data shows that the infinitesimal point charge represents the real source better than the dipole source.  相似文献   

Folding, faulting and large scale translation nappe movements are well-known classical collision zone features, which are also found in the Scandinavian Caledonides where lateral movements of up to a few hundred kilometres have been suggested. In contrast to this, azimuthal rotations around vertical axes are rarely or never observed geologically. In a few cases, palaeomagnetic data, however, show abnormal directions of the remanent magnetic components, which may indicate vertical axes of rotations. Different types and scales of palaeomagnetic interpretations are classified and discussed in relation to 5 examples from the Scandinavian Caledonides (the Särv nappe, the Lönset dome, the Fongen gabbro, the Sulitjelma gabbro, and the Trollfjord-Komagelv fault), and various models to explain segmental rotations of the crust are suggested.  相似文献   

2008年3月21日新疆于田发生7.3级地震,打破了中国大陆6年多的7级地震平静,成为我国近期较为显著的一次地震事件.综合分析MS≥4.0余震分布、震区断裂性质以及等震线长轴方向等资料,认为郭扎错断裂是这次地震的发震构造;据Harvard震源机制解分析,这次地震是在近NS向力的作用下,郭扎错断裂发生略带走滑分量的拉张破裂所致.通过地震前震区附近地震活动特征分析发现,于田地震发生在1996年以来新疆南部及邻区7级地震有序分布的空段;震前震区附近有4级地震空区形成,空区持续91个月后发生了2006年9月12日皮山5.8级"信号震",其后1.5年发生于田7.3级地震.  相似文献   

The seismic ground rotations are important with respect to spatial structural models, which are sensitive to the wave propagation. The rotational ground motion can lead to significant increasing of structural response, instability and unusual damages of buildings. Currently, the seismic analyses often take into account the rocking and torsion motions separately using artificial accelerograms. We present an exact analytical method, proposed by Nazarov [15] for computing of three rotational accelerograms simultaneously from given translational records. The method is based on spectral representation in the form of Fourier amplitude spectra of seismic waves, corresponding to the given three-component translational accelerogram. The composition, directions and properties of seismic waves are previously determined in the form of a generalized wave model of ground motion. It is supposed that seismic ground motion can be composed by superposition of P, SV, SH- and surface waves. As an example, the dynamic response analysis of 25-story building is presented. Here recorded (low-frequency) and artificial (high-frequency) accelerograms were used; each of them includes three translational and three rotational components. In this structural analysis, we have clarified primarily conditions under which rotational ground motion should be taken into account. Next, we have calculated three rotational components of seismic ground motion. Then they were taken as additional seismic loads components for further seismic analysis of the building. Note, soil–structure interaction (SSI) is not considered in this study. For computing, we use the special software for structural analyses and accelerogram processing (FEA Software STARK ES and Odyssey software, Eurosoft Co., Russia). It was developed and is used in engineering practice in the Central Research Institute of Building Constructions (TsNIISK, Moscow, Russia).  相似文献   

为研究天然地震事件和爆破事件识别算法,对上海测震台网记录的上海周边区域天然构造地震和爆破事件记录进行小波包分解,并提取特征向量,提出用支持向量机(SVM)识别天然构造地震和人工爆破的算法。结果表明,基于SVM算法的向量识别分类方法,在天然地震和爆破识别中是可用的,准确率预计达85%以上。  相似文献   

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