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资料同化中的伴随方法及其在海洋中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
较系统地综述了资料同化中各种方法的分类,并着重说明了伴随方法的基本原理和具体实现步骤。并总结了伴随方法在海洋中的应用现状,并指出由于观测资料特别是遥感资料的日益丰富,伴随方法将有广泛地应用前景。  相似文献   

数据同化中的伴随方法及其有关问题的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
论述了数据同化中的伴随方法与泛函分析中的伴随算子的关系,指出经典的拉格朗日乘子法可以作为伴随方法的理论基础。关于伴随方法应用中只能利用模式的伴随观点,作者认为是有疑问的,并提出了新的观点,所作的数值模拟实验表明,方程的伴随有时明显优于模式的伴随,因而说明方程的伴随也应该引起足够的重视。  相似文献   

资料同化技术的发展及其在海洋科学中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李宏  许建平 《海洋通报》2011,30(4):463-472
同顾了资料同化技术,特别是基于最优控制和统计估计这两大理论基础发展起来的几种资料同化方法的研究进展,以及这些方法在海洋科学研究中的应用现状.可以看到,由于海洋观测资料(如地转海洋学实时观测阵(Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography,Argo)、热带大气海洋阵列(Trop...  相似文献   

在海洋动力系统的数值模拟中,海洋资料同化是一种能够有效融合多源海洋观测资料和数值模式的方法。它不仅可以显著地提高数值模拟的效果,构造海洋再分析资料场,还能有效减少海洋和气候预报时模式初始条件的不确定性。因此,海洋资料同化对于海洋研究和业务化应用具有非常重要的意义。资料同化方法的研究一直是大气、海洋科学的热门课题之一。其中,集合卡尔曼滤波器(EnKF)是一种有效的资料同化方法,自提出以来经过了20多年的发展和改进,已经在海洋资料同化中得到了广泛的研究和应用。近年来,随着动力模式的不断发展和计算能力的提高,粒子滤波器由于不受模型线性和误差高斯分布假设的约束,也逐渐成为了当前资料同化方法研究的热点。本文分析和总结了目前关于集合卡尔曼滤波器和粒子滤波器的一些最新理论研究结果,在贝叶斯滤波理论的框架下讨论了这两类算法的关联和区别,以及各自在资料同化实践中的优势和不足。在此基础上,我们探讨了粒子滤波器应用于海洋模式资料同化的主要困难和目前可行的一些解决方法,展望了集合资料同化方法研究的新趋势,为集合资料同化方法的进一步发展和应用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

最优插值方法在西北太平洋海温同化中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文开发出一套与三维温盐流数值模式POM相匹配的最优插值数值同化模块,具有将船舶报资料和Argo海温数据加入数值模拟的能力.利用该同化系统,本文对2001~2002年进行了数值模拟试验,通过模拟结果和未加入同化的模拟结果的对比表明,该同化系统能有效地改进三维海温模拟结果,使之更为接近于观测值.  相似文献   

介绍了国家气候中心(NCC)“全球海洋资料四维同化系统”(简称NCC-GODAS).该系统包含观测资料预处理系统、插值分析系统和所应用的动力模式.插值分析系统采用四维同化技术方案,在时间上设置一个4周的窗口,将此窗口之内的观测资料以一定的权重插入插值分析系统,在空间上采用三维变分方案.海洋动力模式为“九五”期间LASG研制的L30T63OGCM 1 0版本.文中考察了该系统从1982年到2003年3月在热带太平洋的部分同化分析结果,并与NCEP的再分析资料和EMC/NCEP的太平洋区域海洋资料同化系统的结果进行了对比分析.结果显示,该系统的同化结果(如SST,SSTA,Nino指数,次表层海温变化等)与NCEP的同期同化结果具有很好的一致性.同时,该系统得出的海洋同化资料气候场与海洋模式气候场相比,有显著的改进.表明该系统具有较好的同化能力,其同化结果可为海-气耦合模式进行季节和跨季节的气候预测业务提供可信的海洋初始场资料,同时还可以为相关研究提供海洋分析场.  相似文献   

海洋环流模式中卫星遥感资料同化的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物理海洋研究长久以来一直受到观测资料不足的制约,然而这一状况随着现代观测技术的迅猛发展得到了很大的改善。卫星遥感技术的发展提供了覆盖全球的、连续、实时的卫星观测数据,这是其他任何资料都无法比拟的。这些数据大部分难以直接运用来改善气候预测或数值模拟分析,然而资料同化技术的出现和发展改善了这一情况。  相似文献   

The effects of sea surface temperature(SST) data assimilation in two regional ocean modeling systems were examined for the Yellow Sea(YS). The SST data from the Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis(OSTIA) were assimilated. The National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center(NMEFC) modeling system uses the ensemble optimal interpolation method for ocean data assimilation and the Kunsan National University(KNU) modeling system uses the ensemble Kalman filter. Without data assimilation, the NMEFC modeling system was better in simulating the subsurface temperature while the KNU modeling system was better in simulating SST. The disparity between both modeling systems might be related to differences in calculating the surface heat flux, horizontal grid spacing, and atmospheric forcing data. The data assimilation reduced the root mean square error(RMSE) of the SST from 1.78°C(1.46°C) to 1.30°C(1.21°C) for the NMEFC(KNU) modeling system when the simulated temperature was compared to Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature(OISST) SST dataset. A comparison with the buoy SST data indicated a 41%(31%) decrease in the SST error for the NMEFC(KNU) modeling system by the data assimilation. In both data assimilative systems, the RMSE of the temperature was less than 1.5°C in the upper 20 m and approximately 3.1°C in the lower layer in October. In contrast, it was less than 1.0°C throughout the water column in February. This study suggests that assimilations of the observed temperature profiles are necessary in order to correct the lower layer temperature during the stratified season and an ocean modeling system with small grid spacing and optimal data assimilation method is preferable to ensure accurate predictions of the coastal ocean in the YS.  相似文献   

卫星遥感海表温度资料和高度计资料的变分同化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用国家气候中心正在发展的第二代全球海洋资料同化系统(BCC_GODAS2.0),针对多变量同化的协调性问题,发展了一种基于三维变分框架(3DVAR)下的高度计和海表温度(SST)相互约束的同化方法。该方法使海面高度和SST资料在同一个动力约束关系下进行同化。在一般方法中,海面高度和SST观测项是代价函数中2个独立的观测项,海面高度项引入动力高度计算公式,海表温度项用统计关系进行垂向投影。在代价函数的实际求解的计算过程中,虽然其总体积分效应受海面高度观测的约束,但整个水柱中各层温盐分析变量的调整是无序的。针对这个问题,文章提出一种新的同化方案。该方案将SST的观测项并入海面高度观测项中,海面高度的一部分,确切说是上层海洋部分,由SST决定,因此至少在SST的统计关系能影响到深度的上层海洋,在代价函数的求解过程中,温盐的调整是受较强的统计关系约束的,而这种统计关系的有效性已经在很多SST的同化试验中被其他学者广泛应用并证明。利用该方法,对1993—1997年的AVHRR卫星遥感海表温度资料进行变分同化试验,用TAO、OISST和SODA数据集进行检验证明,通过对卫星遥感资料的同化能够有效改进对海洋温度和盐度的估...  相似文献   

ATOVS亮温资料同化在台风数值模拟中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用三维变分同化技术,通过将ATOVS(Advanced TIROS-N Operational Vertical Sounder)(包括AMSUA和AMSUB微波辐射探测器及高分辨率红外辐射探测器HIRS)亮度温度资料直接同化进中尺度数值预报模式WRF中,以提高模式对台风路径的模拟精度。针对两个台风个例鲇鱼(2010)和纳沙(2011)进行了同化试验,结果表明:1)同化卫星亮温资料能够改善台风初始场结构(大气流场、温度场和水汽场),进而提高对台风路径的模拟精度;2)不同资料的同化效果不一样,同化AMSUA资料对台风的路径模拟有较明显的改善效果,而同化HIRS3资料和AMSUB资料则无明显改善效果;3)卫星资料同化对于改变环境引导气流有较大作用,可以通过影响副高的强弱和位置改变环境气流场,从而影响台风的路径。  相似文献   

海洋数据同化与数据融合技术应用综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了不同数据同化和数据融合方法在海洋环境监测与预测方面的应用、国内外相关业务单位的海洋分析和预报系统的现状,以及海洋数据同化将来的业务化应用的发展趋势。四维变分和集合卡尔曼滤波正在成为国际上海洋环境分析与预报的主要应用方向,海-气耦合数据同化以及海冰数据同化是目前数据同化方法研究的热点。  相似文献   

The response of an eddy-permitting ocean model to changes imposed by the use of different mean dynamic topographies (MDT) is analyzed in a multivariate assimilation context, allowing the evaluation of this impact, not only on the surface circulation, but also on the interior ocean representation. The assimilation scheme is a reduced-order sequential Kalman filter (SEEK). In a first set of experiments, high resolution sea surface temperature, along-track sea surface height and sea surface salinity from climatology are assimilated into a 1/3° resolution North and Tropical Atlantic version of the HYCOM model. In a second experiment, in situ profile data are assimilated in addition to the surface measurements.

The first set of experiments illustrates that important differences in the representation of the horizontal model circulation pattern are related to differences in the MDT used. The objective of assimilation is to improve the representation of the 3D ocean state. However, the imperfect representation of the mean dynamic topography appears to be an important limiting factor with regard to the degree of realism obtained in the simulated flow.

Vertical temperature and salinity profiles are key observations to drive a general circulation ocean model toward a more realistic state. The second set of experiments shows that assimilating them in addition to sea surface measurements is a far from trivial exercise. A specific difficulty is due to inconsistencies between the dynamic topography diagnosed from in situ observations and that diagnosed from sea surface height. These two fields obtained from different data sources do not contain exactly the same information. In order to overcome this difficulty, a strategy is proposed and validated.  相似文献   

The response of an eddy-permitting ocean model to changes imposed by the use of different mean dynamic topographies (MDT) is analyzed in a multivariate assimilation context, allowing the evaluation of this impact, not only on the surface circulation, but also on the interior ocean representation. The assimilation scheme is a reduced-order sequential Kalman filter (SEEK). In a first set of experiments, high resolution sea surface temperature, along-track sea surface height and sea surface salinity from climatology are assimilated into a 1/3° resolution North and Tropical Atlantic version of the HYCOM model. In a second experiment, in situ profile data are assimilated in addition to the surface measurements.

The first set of experiments illustrates that important differences in the representation of the horizontal model circulation pattern are related to differences in the MDT used. The objective of assimilation is to improve the representation of the 3D ocean state. However, the imperfect representation of the mean dynamic topography appears to be an important limiting factor with regard to the degree of realism obtained in the simulated flow.

Vertical temperature and salinity profiles are key observations to drive a general circulation ocean model toward a more realistic state. The second set of experiments shows that assimilating them in addition to sea surface measurements is a far from trivial exercise. A specific difficulty is due to inconsistencies between the dynamic topography diagnosed from in situ observations and that diagnosed from sea surface height. These two fields obtained from different data sources do not contain exactly the same information. In order to overcome this difficulty, a strategy is proposed and validated.  相似文献   

During 1999–2000, 13 bottom mounted acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) and 12 wave/tide gauges were deployed along two lines across the Korea/Tsushima Strait, providing long-term measurements of currents and bottom pressure. Tidally analyzed velocity and pressure data from the moorings are used in conjunction with other moored ADCPs, coastal tide gauge measurements, and altimeter measurements in a linear barotropic data assimilation model. The model fits the vertically averaged data to the linear shallow water equations in a least-squares sense by only adjusting the incoming gravity waves along the boundaries. Model predictions are made for the O1, P1, K1, μ2, N2, M2, S2, and K2 tides. An extensive analysis of the accuracy of the M2 surface-height predictions suggests that for broad regions near the mooring lines and in the Jeju Strait the amplitude prediction errors are less than 0.5 cm. Elsewhere, the analysis suggests that errors range from 1 to 4 cm with the exception of small regions where the tides are not well determined by the dataset. The errors in the model predictions are primarily caused by bias error in the model’s physics, numerics, and/or parameterization as opposed to random errors in the observational data. In the model predictions, the highest ranges in sea level height occur for tidal constituents M2, S2, K1, O1, and N2, with the highest magnitudes of tidal velocities occurring for M2, K1, S2, and O1. The tides exhibit a complex structure in which diurnal constituents have higher currents relative to their sea level height ranges than semi-diurnal constituents.  相似文献   

四维资料同化方法的特点分析和发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与把任意分布的观测值通过空间和时间插值分析到网格点的方法相比较 ,利用动力关系分析问题 ,其优势性十分明显。在一个能提供时间连续和动力耦合的模式预报方程中 ,有机地结合现在和过去的资料 ,即众所周知的四维资料同化。从目前经常应用的四维资料同化方法出发 ,详细分析了它们的特点和今后四维资料同化方法在预报模式中的应用前景。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the assimilation results from a global high resolution ocean model, the buoy observations from tropical atmosphere ocean(TAO) during August 2014 to July 2015 are employed. The horizontal resolution of wave-tide-circulation coupled ocean model developed by The First Institute of Oceanography(FIOCOM model) is 0.1°×0.1°, and ensemble adjustment Kalman filter is used to assimilate the sea surface temperature(SST), sea level anomaly(SLA) and Argo temperature/salinity profiles. The simulation results with and without data assimilation are examined. First, the overall statistic errors of model results are analyzed. The scatter diagrams of model simulations versus observations and corresponding error probability density distribution show that the errors of all the observed variables, including the temperature, isotherm depth of 20°C(D20), salinity and two horizontal component of velocity are reduced to some extent with a maximum improvement of 54% after assimilation. Second, time-averaged variables are used to investigate the horizontal and vertical structures of the model results. Owing to the data assimilation, the biases of the time-averaged distribution are reduced more than70% for the temperature and D20 especially in the eastern Pacific. The obvious improvement of D20 which represents the upper mixed layer depth indicates that the structure of the temperature after the data assimilation becomes more close to the reality and the vertical structure of the upper ocean becomes more reasonable. At last,the physical processes of time series are compared with observations. The time evolution processes of all variables after the data assimilation are more consistent with the observations. The temperature bias and RMSE of D20 are reduced by 76% and 56% respectively with the data assimilation. More events during this period are also reproduced after the data assimilation. Under the condition of strong 2014/2016 El Ni?o, the Equatorial Undercurrent(EUC) from the TAO is gradually increased during August to November in 2014, and followed by a decreasing process. Since the improvement of the structure in the upper ocean, these events of the EUC can be clearly found in the assimilation results. In conclusion, the data assimilation in this global high resolution model has successfully reduced the model biases and improved the structures of the upper ocean, and the physical processes in reality can be well produced.  相似文献   

海洋科学中的数据同化方法--意义、结构与发展现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫星观测数据的同化技术已成为海洋动力学研究的一个有效手段。详细讨论了数据同化方法的意义、系统结构及其发展近况,并总结了海洋科学研宄中的应用及发展状况.  相似文献   

海洋声场环境是决定海军作战行动成败的重要组成要素之一,海洋的垂直温度结构作为影响声速场的最重要因素,为了更精确更为实际的反映其分布特点,对其各种数据进行同化研究是十分必要的。文中针对海温数据来源的特点,提出了一种海温数据同化的最优插值方法,较好地完成了各种观测数据与背景数据的同化,并用各种数据进行了检验,其结果表明,利用最优插值法对海温数据进行同化处理是可行的,且同化效果比较理想。  相似文献   

对 ODV这一海洋数据视图应用软件包作了介绍。着重介绍了 ODV的主要特点、数据可视化模式、用户界面及其功能概要。  相似文献   

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