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This article seeks to contribute to the literature on female labour in the pipfruit industry in New Zealand and Chile. As added workers seeking to supplement household incomes by casualised, seasonal employment, these female workers are significant contributors to what are often declining household incomes, given changes in production and the labour market of the 1990s. But this enhanced role continues to exist alongside normative expectations about domestic roles and responsibilities. This research reports on a survey that was completed by female workers in both Chile and New Zealand. While there are differences in the respective labour markets of the two countries concerned, the role of women in balancing employment and domestic responsibilities is characteristic of both situations. It is the intersection between normative expectations and participation in casual/seasonal labour in the two research sites that is the focus of this article.  相似文献   

In common with many other advanced capitalist nations, the rolling back of the state in New Zealand has seen a decline in direct state intervention in heal and regional economies. Yet since 2000 the current Labour Coalition Government has sought to promote a renaissance in economic development at local and regional scales. A survey of New Zealand territorial local authorities indicates involvement in heal economic development (LED) is a recent phenomenon involving facilitation of outside agencies which is orientated toward tourist, advisory and promotional activities. The implications of these findings for future research in an environment of ‘revitalised’ policy and practice in the New Zealand context is explored.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on information flows and the need for change in cottage industries in rural Indonesia. The context for small-scale business entrepreneurs has changed dramatically during the last decade of economic liberalisation and crisis. Emerging market opportunities, as well as national and international competition, now challenge indigenous businesses in their different geographical settings, and new information is indispensable for survival and growth. The principal question in the paper is whether small-scale agribusiness entrepreneurs are able to identify and utilise existing knowledge for the purpose of improving their competitive strength. By using case studies taking an actor's perspective, the empirical data give insight into the small entrepreneurs' perceptions of their business environments and the hindrances to innovation. Theories on dual economies, path dependence and information asymmetry form the basis for analysing two cases of Javanese agribusiness. The paper concludes that a gap prevails between "traditional" and "modern" sectors of this society, and that cottage industries have much to gain from linking up with external agencies. Regional universities may play a crucial role in enhancing information flows and disseminating competence.  相似文献   

A review of social research on rural New Zealand undertaken as part of the National Science Challenge (NSC 11) “Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities” allows a fresh look at rural development within the context of New Zealand's colonial history. The research suggests that government development programmes and legislation privileged those responsible for producing the bulk of New Zealand's export income. Cultural attitudes, structural inequalities and a failure to understand how the character of, and social relations in, rural areas have changed has impeded particularly Māori economic growth, the participation of women, and non‐farm sectors of rural society, to the detriment of all.  相似文献   

Geography seems to be in good hands in New Zealand's schools and universities, but we cannot afford to be complacent. What are the key priorities for further strengthening geography in New Zealand in the years ahead? The New Zealand Geographical Society has to play a crucial role by helping to bring together geographers in the different sectors, as well as in promoting New Zealand geography internationally, and raising its profile in the media. Most of all, we need to demonstrate the vibrancy, significance and relevance of geography to the wider community.  相似文献   

The New Zealand government approach to regional development and the economy more broadly has oscillated from the 1970s economic growth and investment focus to 1980s neoliberal neglect, followed by the more recent rediscovery of the regions' importance in national economies, all with tenuous outcomes. This paper explores the changing scope of regional development initiatives by successive New Zealand governments over the last 60 years to show a pattern of opportunism and neglect that suggests regional development is more aligned to electoral priorities than regional success.  相似文献   

Concern about coastal sedimentation in New Zealand is widespread. As a result, many regional councils now undertake monitoring programmes to understand the rate of change that is occurring within estuarine environments. A variety of techniques are used to understand estuarine infill from short‐term (fixed rods, marker layers, laser surveying) to long‐term studies (coring). Short‐term studies provide detailed but temporally restricted data sets, while coring studies provide long‐term generalised data. This paper reviews the common methods used within New Zealand and suggests that a combination of both methods is the ideal for understanding sediment infill.  相似文献   

Regional governance to address climate change is being constituted in New Zealand through domestic policy measures and international discourses. We examine climate change responses in two regions: Marlborough and Waikato. Informants expressed a desire for more transparent government policy; that planning for climate change makes good business sense for farmers and other businesses; that technology is sought to increase productivity and decrease environmental impact; and research networks build capacity for local action, linking sectors and organisations. Often conflicting, these responses to climate change were informed by a mix of discourses shaping New Zealand, including participatory democracy, the knowledge economy and sustainable development.  相似文献   

U.S. commercial bank failures approached historically high levels in the 1980s. The collapse of such institutions can have severe impacts on local economies, disrupting the supply of available investment credit. This paper situates bank failures within the broader transformation of global capitalism in the late 20th century. Next, it reviews the causes of bank insolvency, including mismanagement, deregulation, the glutted commercial real estate market, and depressed agricultural and petroleum-dependent local economies. It then illustrates multiple aspects of the spatial distribution of bank failures. A pooled time-series regression analysis, using primary causal variables as well as location quotients of state output in four industrial sectors, indicates that with the vital exception of petroleum, and to a lesser extent services, regional economic structure is not strongly related to bank failures. This finding likely reflects the structural and spatial transformation of the industry as it adapted to the highly competitive conditions of the last decade.  相似文献   

This paper explores the partnership between a community group and a geography department to assess the wind energy potential of the Blueskin Bay region in southern New Zealand. The partnership has provided opportunities for research and is of strategic importance. Year‐long wind observations and numerical modelling have revealed that the hills surrounding Blueskin Bay show potential for wind energy generation. Despite challenges for both parties, the university–community partnership has allowed a successful research platform to be established.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper uses Butler's (1990) concept of performativity to explore the constructions of feminine and masculine identities integral to the gendered bodily performance in 'interactive' service economies. The empirical research for this paper is based on Fat Freddie's student pub in Aotearoa/New Zealand, and was collected over an eight-week period using an ethnographic methodology. While Butler argues we 'do' gender, I explore how these 'fabrications' are naturalized, and the effect this has on the division of labour within Fat Freddie's. While these performances are regulatory, they are, however, unstable and alternate subject positionings can be adopted. I discuss how these subject positionings within Fat Freddie's can disrupt dichotomized gendered divisions and hegemonic understandings of appropriate gendered roles and identities.  相似文献   

Abstract: In this paper I examine the intentional act of transforming the colour of one's skin – sun‐tanning – by Pākehā at three New Zealand beaches: Papamoa, Mount Maunganui, and Takapuna. Recent debates about the construction of whiteness are outlined before discussing the historical significance of beaches and sun to New Zealand's leisure culture. This paper seeks to de‐naturalize whiteness through the disclosure of gendered leisure practices of tanning. Empirical material reveals that Pākehā, who actively seek brown skin, negotiate a number of racialized and gendered ‘truths’ as their sun‐tan transforms their bodies. I conclude by arguing that geographers need to be more attentive to the ways in which place constructs particular forms of gendered whiteness.  相似文献   

为保持持续的竞争优势、增强旅游企业的发展能力和保证旅游研究成果在旅游决策中的应用,新西兰先后制定了3个旅游研究战略。新西兰旅游研究具有产业导向明显、广泛支持与参与、研究的连贯性和成果的应用性等特点。该文分析我国旅游研究的现状及其原因,从利益相关者的视角探讨我国旅游研究参与主体之间的关系,并借鉴新西兰的经验,从加强旅游研究的宏观管理、推进产业导向的旅游研究、建立健全旅游研究的合作机制等方面提出促进我国旅游研究发展的若干对策与措施。  相似文献   

The process of government restructuring in New Zealand has seen the emergence of the free market and competition as prevailing ideologies in the policy environment. At the local government level, tourism development has become a key strategy through which a new entrepreneurial stance has been articulated. As a research topic, entrepreneurship has been the orised for the most part in the context of the private sector. This paper explores some important characteristics in the nature of entrepreneurship in local government drawing on recent examples from around New Zealand. The paper illustrates issues related to the agency of individuals and underlying value systems that underpin entrepreneurial activity in the public sector.  相似文献   

Australia's labour market is most influenced by international migration among OECD nations, but Australian research on this issue focuses almost exclusively on permanent settlement migration. The present paper, however, demonstrates that non-permanent migration has an important impact on the Australian labour market, although such migrants are not included in standard data collections and research on migrants and the labour market. A number of data sources are utilised to estimate the labour-market impact of Working Holiday Makers, Temporary Business Entrants, Overseas Students, and New Zealand temporary migrants. It is shown that their impact is equivalent to more than 400?000 full-time jobs. However, the effect is magnified because it is concentrated in particular sectors of the economy and in particular communities within Australia. A number of issues relating to temporary migration are discussed, including the nature of its relationship with permanent migration, the effects on job training, and the implications for regional development.  相似文献   

Summary. Seismic anisotropy within the upper mantle originates from the preferred orientation of highly anisotropic single crystals. The symmetry and magnitude of anisotropy depend upon: (1) the volume percentages of the minerals constituting the upper mantle, (2) the degree and symmetry of preferred orientation of each mineral and (3) the alignment of the minerals' crystallographic axes relative to one another. The nature of upper mantle anisotropy can be examined by studying mineral orientations within ultramafic rocks which were once part of the mantle. Petrofabric data for olivine and pyroxene have been used to obtain velocity anisotropy patterns over large regions of ultramafic rocks from the Samail ophiolite, Oman, the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus, the Bay of Islands ophiolife, Newfoundland, the Twin Sisters ultramafic, Washington, USA, the Dun Mountain ophiolite, New Zealand, the Red Hills ophiolite, New Zealand and the Red Mountain ophiolite, New Zealand. The compressional wave anisotropy calculated for these massifs ranges from 3 to 8 per cent, in excellent agreement with observed seismic anisotropy in the upper continental and oceanic mantle. The symmetry varies from orthorhombic to axial, with the axial symmetry axis corresponding to the olivine a-axes maxima and subparallel to spreading directions in oceanic upper mantle. Pyroxene a -, b - and c -axes maxima generally parallel olivine b -, c - and a -axes, respectively, and anisotropy decreases with increasing pyroxene content. Shear-wave splitting is predicted for all propagation directions within the upper mantle. Symmetry is also orthorhombic or axial, with the minimum difference in velocity between the two shear-waves parallel to the maximum compressional wave velocity.  相似文献   

Urban transport systems have key roles in supporting environmental sustainability. New Zealand's transport planning arrangements are promoted as a model by agencies such as the World Bank. This paper explores the New Zealand transport planning framework using a case study of the Wellington region's strategic balancing of transport modes and projects. The paper argues that despite some positive rhetoric, concerns about the sustainability of transport planning in Wellington remain. The paper concludes by discussing the need to reassess New Zealand's national framework, and identifies some directions for reform.  相似文献   

Studies of UK rural industrialization have traditionally sought to explain the success of rural SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) in terms of their capacity for innovative or enterprising behaviour. In turn, this has led researchers to focus their attention on the material aspects of competitive behaviour, particularly those connected to technology and technological exploitation, at the expense of more intangible aspects such as the advantages gained from novel working practices and marketing strategies. In particular, the notion of 'quality' as a determinant of competitive behaviour, an idea gaining increased emphasis within literature concerning rural SMEs in the food, farming and craft sectors, has been neglected in wider studies of rural industrialization. However, this paper contends that both 'formal' and 'informal' constructions of quality are significant factors in the success of manufacturers outside these specific sectors.  相似文献   

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