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天山是我国现代冰川主要分布区之一。天山冰川的融水对天山南北广大的农田灌溉,起着极为重要的作用,素有高山固体水库之称。为了估算这些固体水库的储量,必须了解冰川的厚度;选择不同类型的冰川,用雷达法和重力法进行冰川厚度的测定,并由此建立了推算天山冰川厚度的公式,对天山冰川的储水量进行计算,以便供大家参考使用。  相似文献   

近期中国天山冰川状况和气候变化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
据中国冰川目录和天山南北树木年轮年表恢复近500年的气候要素我国天山现代冰川8900条,面积9192.43km~2,冰储量1010.5km~3,主要分布在天山西部5000m以上的高山地带。近30年的天山冰川考察及29年乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川物质平衡:观测资料分析表明,中国天山现代冰川普遍处于退缩阶段。预计2000年气候将出现降水偏多的趋势。  相似文献   

中国天山山区的积雪、雪害及其防治研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天山山系是横亘亚洲中部的伟大山系。在中国新疆境内的天山山脉,东西长1700多公里,南北宽100——400公里,主要山脉的海拔在4,000米以上,主峰托木尔蜂7,443.8米。但两侧山麓平原海拔不足千米,所以天山显得巍峨高峻。天山腹地广阔,自然资源丰富,山区冰雪水利资源,根据最新统计:天山现代冰川有6896条,冰川面积9548.45平方公里,冰川总储水量约3600亿公方。高山冰雪融水灌溉着天山南北的片片绿洲,合理利用高山冰雪资源,是夺取农牧业增产的一个重要方面。天山是我国西北高寒地区多雪山系之一。广泛分布于天山山区的积雪,尤其是冬季季节  相似文献   

1959年来中国天山冰川资源时空变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于两期冰川编目数据与气象数据,对天山1959年来冰川资源的时空变化特征进行研究。研究发现:① 天山地区现有冰川7934条,面积7179.77 km2,冰储量756.48 km3。冰川数量以面积< 1 km2的冰川居多,面积以1~10 km2和≥ 20 km2的冰川为主,冰川集中分布在海拔3800~4800 m之间。② 在四级流域中,阿克苏河流域冰川面积最大为1721.75 km2,面积最小的是伊吾河流域,为56.03 km2。在各市(州)中,阿克苏地区冰川资源量最多,其面积和储量分别占天山总量的43.28%和68.85%;冰川资源量最少的市(州)是吐鲁番地区,面积和储量仅占天山总量的0.23%和0.07%。③ 1959年来,天山地区冰川面积减少了1619.82 km2(-18.41%),储量亏损了104.78 km3(-12.16%),其中数量以< 1 km2的冰川减少最多,面积减少以< 5 km2的冰川最为严重。④ 冰川变化呈现明显的区域差异,变化速度最快的是天山东段博格达北坡流域,变化最慢的是中部的渭干河流域。初步分析认为夏季气温显著上升带来的消融大于年内降水带来的积累是天山冰川退缩的主要原因。  相似文献   

天山的冰川现状与未来气候趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
天山东段哈密庙儿沟、乌鲁木齐河源冰川;中段卡拉格玉格冰川和阿克希拉克山地冰川;西段图尤克苏冰川及其他冰川,本世纪40年代起一直处于退缩状态(较少冰川例外)。冰川物质平衡观察显示出80年代比以前突出的亏损。反映了中亚天山地区气候干暖趋势增强。应用新疆气候、水文和树木年轮研究成果综合分析,预测2000年新疆天山地区气候将出现降水偏多、气温维持平均值或略有下降的趋势。  相似文献   

人类活动与天山现代冰川退缩   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在系统分析了中亚天山山两个长期进行物质平衡监测的乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川和图尤克苏冰川的资料,并引用其他研究成果后,发现中亚天山现代冰川1970年-1990年比1930年-1970年明显的退化。近20年多来,中亚天山冰川加速退缩,解体,与被工业排放污染了大气有关。  相似文献   

新疆阿尔泰山、天山和昆仑山是我国现代冰川分布最广泛的地区,古冰川遗迹也很明显、典型。冰川不但是这些山区气候的产物,而且是新疆重要的环境因子和水源。因此,新疆的冰川研究具有科学理论和生产实际的双重意义。1958年,中国科学院高山冰雪利用研究队的成立,标志着我国冰川专门考察的开始。此后不久,我国开展新疆冰川研究,至今已有30年历史。  相似文献   

天山一号冰川一年退缩4米"每年5至9月是天山一号冰川消融的高峰阶段,一个月后退约一米。总体来说,一年退缩4米多。从1959年至2010年,冰川共计减薄15米多。"中科院天山冰川观测试验站站长李忠勤说,一号冰川自观测以来一直处于退缩状态,20世纪80年代以来,退缩呈加速趋势。冰川表面已形成较明显冰面河1962年至2006年间面  相似文献   

喀尔里克山和巴尔库山位于新疆哈密地区天山最东端。山势较为低缓,海拔一般在4000米左右。高山地带固态降水的长期积累,发育了现代冰川。雪冰融水孕育着河流下游片片绿洲。峰区现代冰川的分布呈现大集中、小分散的特征。悬冰川115条,占冰川总数的50%以上,广泛地悬挂在两山的南北坡。长度在3公里以上的较大冰川有24条,其中96%分布在喀尔里克山,而且集中于东径94°16′—34′之间的南坡。为了进一步揭示我国天山东部冰川作用的特征,我们选择喀尔里克峰区进行有关问题的讨论。  相似文献   

近50年来中国天山冰川面积变化对气候的响应   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
基于1960 年以来中国天山各流域冰川面积变化的统计分析,系统地研究了中国天山冰川面积变化对气候的响应情况。结果表明,近50 年来中国天山冰川的面积缩小了11.5%,对研究时段统一化后发现面积年均退缩率为0.31% a-1。各流域冰川面积退缩速度存在一定差异,但冰川加速消融趋势明显。天山地区14 个气象站的气温与降水量倾向率平均值分别为0.34 oC·(10 a)-1与11 mm·(10 a)-1,气温在干季增幅大而在湿季增幅略小,降水量在干季增长缓慢而在湿季增长显著,这样的气候变化趋势有助于天山冰川的退缩。  相似文献   

基于第二次冰川编目的中国冰川现状   总被引:27,自引:6,他引:21  
以2004年之后的Landsat TM/ETM+和ASTER遥感影像为基础,参考第一次中国冰川目录及其他文献资料,经过影像校正、自动解译、野外考察、人工修订、交互检查和成果审定等技术环节,完成占全国冰川总面积85.5%的现状冰川编目,确定中国目前共有冰川48571条,总面积约5.18×104βkm2,约占全国国土面积的0.54%,冰川储量约4.3~4.7×103βkm3。中国冰川数量和面积分别以面积<0.5βkm2的冰川和面积介于1.0~50.0βkm2的冰川为主,面积最大的冰川是音苏盖提冰川(359.05βkm2)。中国西部14座山系(高原)均有冰川分布,其中昆仑山冰川数量最多,其次是天山、念青唐古拉山、喜马拉雅山和喀喇昆仑山,这5座山系冰川数量占全国冰川总数量的72.3%;冰川面积和冰储量位列前3位的山系分别为昆仑山、念青唐古拉山和天山,尽管喀喇昆仑山冰川数量和面积均小于喜马拉雅山,但前者冰储量高于后者。从冰川海拔分布来看,海拔4500~6500βm之间是冰川集中发育区域,约占全国冰川总面积的4/5以上。冰川资源在各流域分布差异显著,东亚内流区(5Y)是中国冰川分布数量最多、面积最大的一级流域,约占全国冰川总量的2/5以上;黄河流域(5J)是冰川数量最少、规模最小的一级流域,仅有冰川164条,面积126.72βkm2。新疆和西藏的冰川面积和冰储量约占全国冰川总面积的9/10。  相似文献   

Glaciers are the most important fresh-water resources in arid and semi-arid regions of western China. According to the Second Chinese Glacier Inventory (SCGI), primarily compiled from Landsat TM/ETM+ images, the Qilian Mountains had 2684 glaciers covering an area of 1597.81±70.30 km2 and an ice volume of ~84.48 km3 from 2005 to 2010. While most glaciers are small (85.66% are <1.0 km2), some larger ones (12.74% in the range 1.0–5.0 km2) cover 42.44% of the total glacier area. The Laohugou Glacier No.12 (20.42 km2) located on the north slope of the Daxue Range is the only glacier >20 km2 in the Qilian Mountains. Median glacier elevation was 4972.7 m and gradually increased from east to west. Glaciers in the Qilian Mountains are distributed in Gansu and Qinghai provinces, which have 1492 glaciers (760.96 km2) and 1192 glaciers (836.85 km2), respectively. The Shule River basin contains the most glaciers in both area and volume. However, the Heihe River, the second largest inland river in China, has the minimum average glacier area. A comparison of glaciers from the SCGI and revised glacier inventory based on topographic maps and aerial photos taken from 1956 to 1983 indicate that all glaciers have receded, which is consistent with other mountain and plateau areas in western China. In the past half-century, the area and volume of glaciers decreased by 420.81 km2 (–20.88%) and 21.63 km3 (–20.26%), respectively. Glaciers with areas <1.0 km2 decreased the most in number and area recession. Due to glacier shrinkage, glaciers below 4000 m completely disappeared. Glacier changes in the Qilian Mountains presented a clear longitudinal zonality, i.e., the glaciers rapidly shrank in the east but slowly in the central-west. The primary cause of glacier recession was warming temperatures, which was slightly mitigated with increased precipitation.  相似文献   

1959-2008年新疆阿尔泰山友谊峰地区冰川变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
 利用1959年地形图、2008年ASTER数字遥感影像及数字高程模型,在地理信息系统技术支持下分析了新疆阿尔泰山友谊峰地区冰川的变化特征。研究表明:1959-2008年该区冰川整体呈萎缩趋势,且变化幅度相对较大。相对于1959年,2008年冰川面积和数量分别变化-32.5%和-27.9%。其中,小于1 km2的冰川面积平均变化率为-66.7%,面积小于0.5 km2的冰川面积变化率大于-70%,面积大于1 km2以上的冰川面积变化率为-35.0%,1~5 km2的冰川面积变化率为-27.9%。冰川末端平均后退253 m,末端退缩比例为-18.3%,且南坡冰川末端变化率大于北坡。分析发现,研究区冰川面积亏损较大主要缘于该区小冰川分布数量较多(面积小于1 km2的冰川数量达75%),对气候变化的响应较为敏感。  相似文献   

Zhang  Zhengyong  Liu  Lin  He  Xinlin  Li  Zhongqin  Wang  Puyu 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(1):101-114

Mountain glaciers, which perform a unique and irreplaceable ecological service, provide the material basis and characteristic cultural foundation of the ecological environment and sustainable socio-economic development in arid areas. However, few studies have estimated the service value of glaciers in regulating ecological environment and providing human welfare. According to the statistics of the First and Second Chinese Glacier Inventory (FCGI/SCGI), this study analyzed the variations in glacier area and ice volume in the Tianshan Mountains in China and modeled the ecosystem service function of mountain glaciers. The service value per unit area and equivalent factor methods were combined to determine the annual value of the ecological service provided by glaciers in the study area. The results show that: (1) In the period 1970–2010, the glacier area decreased by 1274 km2 (the ratio of area shrinkage was 13.9%) and the annual average decrease in ice volume was 4.08×109 m3. The increase in glacier area at high altitudes (> 5200 m) may be due to the fact that glacier accumulation caused by increasing precipitation is greater than glacier melting caused by rising temperatures. (2) The annual value of the ecological service provided by glaciers in the study area is 60.2 billion yuan. The values of climate regulation, hydrological regulation, and freshwater resource supply account for 66.4%, 21.6%, and 9.3% of the total value respectively. The annual value of the ecological service provided by hydroelectric power is 350 million yuan. (3) From a comparative analysis of the glaciers, forest, grassland and wetland ecosystems, the supply of freshwater resources/physical production and ecological regulation represent the main contributions of the four types of system, and the ecosystem service value of glaciers per unit area is higher than that of other types of ecosystem. This research will improve the understanding of the impact of glaciers on human welfare and maintenance of the ecological environment and will promote the ecological security of the cryosphere, environmental protection, and the sustainable use of resources.


1970-2016年冈底斯山冰川变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于修订后的中国两次冰川编目数据及2015-2016年Landsat OLI遥感影像,对冈底斯山1970-2016年的冰川时空变化特征进行分析,并利用相应时段的气温和降水数据,对冰川变化原因进行探讨,为全面认识冈底斯山在气候变暖背景下冰川的响应规律及区域水资源合理利用提供科学依据。结果表明:① 2015-2016年冈底斯山共有冰川3953条,面积1306.45 km 2,冰储量约58.16 km 3;冰川数量以面积< 0.5 km 2的冰川为主,面积则以介于0.1~5 km 2的冰川为主。② 1970-2016年冈底斯山冰川面积共减少854.05 km 2(-39.53%),冰川面积变化相对速率高达-1.09%/a,消融期气温升高是导致该山区冰川退缩的最主要原因。与中国西部其他山系冰川变化相比,冈底斯山是冰川退缩最为强烈的地区,且近年来冰川退缩呈加快趋势。③ 冈底斯山冰川面积减少主要集中在海拔5600~6100 m之间,海拔6500 m以上区域基本没有变化。除南朝向和东南朝向外,冈底斯山其他朝向冰川数量和面积均呈减少趋势,其中北朝向冰川面积减少最多,西北朝向冰川面积变化最快。④ 冈底斯山冰川面积变化自西向东呈加快趋势,其中东段冰川面积变化相对速率高达-1.72%/a,中段次之(-1.67%/a),西段仅为-0.83%/a。  相似文献   

The Tianshan Mountains is a wet island in arid central Asia, and precipitation amount across the mountains is much larger than that in the surrounding low-lying areas. To investigate the regional water cycle in arid central Asia, stable isotope composition in precipitation has received increased attention during the past decades. This paper reviewed current knowledge of observed and simulated stable isotope ratios in precipitation across the Tianshan Mountains. The temperature effect of stable isotopes in precipitation has been widely accepted in arid central Asia and can be applied to paleoclimate reconstruction using ice cores. The seasonality of precipitation isotopically enriched in summer months and depleted in winter months is usually attributed to westerly-dominated moisture, but different trajectory paths to the northern and southern slopes of the Tianshan Mountains can still be modelled. The proportional contribution and its uncertainty of surface evaporation and transpiration to local precipitation can be estimated using the isotope approach, and transpiration plays a dominant role in recycled moisture for oasis sites. The impact of below-cloud evaporation on precipitation stable isotopes on the southern slope is usually larger than that on the northern slope.  相似文献   

基于天山托木尔峰青冰滩72号冰川2008年高精度差分GPS测量资料,2009年末端重复测量数据以及1964年地形图,通过对比研究近45 a来该冰川的变化特征,结果表明:1964~2009年,青冰滩72号冰川末端退缩1 852 m,年均后退41 m,由此造成面积减少约为1.53 km2,年均减少0.03 km2;1964~2008年,冰舌平均减薄9.59±6 m,年均减薄约0.22±0.14 m,冰储量亏损达14.1±8.8×10-3 km3(12.7±7.9×10-3 km3 w.e.)。与天山其它区域典型监测冰川相比,青冰滩72号冰川消融强烈,是区域气候、末端海拔、冰川类型、表碛覆盖等因素综合影响的结果。  相似文献   

基于遥感与GIS的库克苏河流域冰川变化研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
以伊犁河上游库克苏河流域冰川为例,利用1963年地形图、2004年的ASTER数字遥感影像资料及数字高程模型,通过遥感图像处理和分析提取研究区冰川范围,并在地理信息系统技术支持下分析该地区冰川的变化情况.研究表明1963-2004年库克苏河流域冰川整体变化幅度较大,冰川表现为萎缩的趋势,2004年冰川面积、冰储量比19...  相似文献   

1960年以来中国天山冰川面积及气候变化   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
Based on the statistics of glacier area variation measured in the Chinese Tianshan Mountains since 1960,the response of glacier area variation to climate change is discussed systematically.As a result,the total area of the glaciers has been reduced by 11.5% in the past 50 years,which is a weighted percentage according to the glacier area variations of 10 drainage basins separated by the Glacier Inventory of China (GIC).The annual percentage of area changes (APAC) of glaciers in the Chinese Tianshan Mountains is 0.31% after the standardization of the study period.The APAC varies widely for different drainage basins,but the glaciers are in a state of rapid retreat,generally.According to the 14 meteorological sta-tions in the Chinese Tianshan Mountains,both the temperature and precipitation display a marked increasing tendency from 1960 to 2009 at a rate of 0.34℃·(10a)-1 and 11 mm·(10a) -1,respectively.The temperature in the dry seasons (from November to March) increases rapidly at a rate of 0.46℃·(10a)-1,but the precipitation grows slowly at 2.3 mm·(10a)-1.While the temperature in the wet seasons (from April to October) grows at a rate of 0.25℃·(10a)-1,but the precipitation increases at 8.7 mm·(10a)-1.The annual and seasonal climatic trends ac-celerate the retreat of glaciers.  相似文献   

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