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The assessment of seismic activity in the shallow continental mantle has long been hindered by the low resolution of both seismic imaging and earthquake locations in young collision zones. Here, we combine the most recent and high-resolution image of the lithospheric structure of the Western Alps with a high quality dataset of anomalously deep earthquakes recorded in the same area in the past 25 yrs. We show that these earthquakes are aligned on an active lithospheric strike-slip fault, and we provide evidence that this fault is located in the mantle wedge beneath the Adriatic Moho. Our results: (i) provide direct evidence that deep material can be seismogenic or not depending on the lithology; (ii) confirm the role of serpentinization in favoring the aseismic creep of mantle rocks; and (iii) demonstrate that the upper mantle can be stiff and seismogenic not only in cold cratons, but also in young orogenic belts.  相似文献   

During the late Pliocene, K-rich minette and leucitite lavas erupted in the western Mexican Volcanic Belt near the town of Los Volcanes, a region which is located much closer to the Middle America Trench than the main line of currently active andesite stratovolcanoes. During this period the tectonic regime in western Mexico was highly complex due to the simultaneous occurrence of active subduction of the young Rivera Plate, and rifting caused by crustal extension. Most of these basic lavas contain phenocrysts of phlogopite, augite and apatite, along with microphenocrysts of leucite and Fe-Ti oxide. Olivine is absent from all but two of the flows: one an olivine leucitite, and the other a felsic minette. The phlogopite phenocrysts and high whole rock Fe2O3/FeO ratios which are characteristic of this suite record evidence of high magmatic water contents and oxygen fugacities. All of these rock types are highly enriched in the large ion lithophile and light rare earth elements, with Sr5100 ppm, Ba4800 ppm and Ce330 ppm. They are also mildly enriched in the high field strength elements (e.g. Zr 260–700 ppm) and display the strong relative enrichment of the LILE over the HFSE that is characteristic of magmas erupted in convergent margins. Consideration of high pressure phase equilibria in the Mg2SiO4-CaMgSi2O6-KAlSiO4-SiO2 system shows that the minettes from this region are not related through fractional crystallization to the more MgO-rich, olivinebearing minettes which have erupted in other parts of the western Mexican Volcanic Belt during the Quaternary. This conclusion is consistent with both the trace element geochemistry of these lavas and with the results of fractional crystallization models. Instead, the data suggests that these high-K magmas were derived from a source region which consists predominantly of phlogopite, clinopyroxene and apatite, and which has formed through hydrous enrichment of the subarc mantle in response to subduction.  相似文献   

Primitive magmas in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) span a wide geochemical range that includes calc-alkaline basalt and basaltic andesite, potassic shoshonites, and intraplate alkaline basalts, indicating that the subarc mantle wedge is chemically heterogeneous. The aim of this study is to experimentally constrain the origins of potassic lavas that have erupted along the volcanic front in the TMVB. We used a piston-cylinder apparatus to determine the P–T–H2O near-liquidus phase relations for two primitive potassic lavas: a hornblende trachybasalt (shoshonite) from Cerro La Pilita in the central TMVB and a high-K calc-alkaline basalt from Ayutla in the western TMVB. Experiments were conducted at mantle pressures (0.8–2.5 GPa) and temperatures (1,100–1,400 °C) with 1.5–6 wt% H2O. Results show that both samples were last equilibrated with an olivine + clinopyroxene assemblage at upper mantle pressures. Integrating our results with trace element characteristics, we conclude that the potassic magmas formed by a complex, multistage process in which melts from the hottest part of the mantle wedge either reequilibrated with clinopyroxene-rich veins in the shallow upper mantle or caused melting of such veins by advective heating. We combine our results with previous experiments on TMVB lavas to provide an along-arc perspective of melt equilibration depths in the mantle wedge. The results suggest that although melts may initially form deep in the wedge, they commonly reequilibrate with heterogeneous mantle at shallower depths. Primitive, medium-K basaltic andesites in the TMVB form by reequilibration with harzburgite, which we infer to be a common lithology in the upper mantle, whereas some potassic magmas like the ones studied here form through reequilibration with or melting of veins of olivine + clinopyroxene ± phlogopite. Though somewhat rare at the volcanic front relative to the more abundant medium-K volcanic rocks, the potassic magmas are an important lava type for revealing mantle chemical heterogeneities.  相似文献   

The Plio-Quaternary Ayutla and Tapalpa volcanic fields in thevolcanic front of the western Mexican Volcanic Belt (WMVB) containa wide variety of alkaline volcanic rocks, rather than onlycalc-alkaline rocks as found in many continental arcs. Thereare three principal rock series in this region: an intraplatealkaline series (alkali basalts and hawaiites), a potassic series(lamprophyres and trachylavas), and a calc-alkaline series.Phlogopite-clinopyroxenite and hornblende-gabbro cumulate xenolithsfrom an augite minette lava flow have orthocumulate textures.The phlogopite-clinopyroxenite xenoliths also contain apatiteand titanomagnetite and probably formed by accumulation of mineralsfractionated from an augite minette more primitive than thehost. The intraplate alkaline series is probably generated bydecompression melting of asthenospheric mantle as a result ofcorner flow in the mantle wedge beneath the arc. Alkaline magmasmay be common in the WMVB as a result of prior metasomatism(during Tertiary Sierra Madre Occidental magmatism) of the Mexicansub-arc mantle. Generation of the more evolved andesites anddacites of the calc-alkaline series is due to either combinedassimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) or magma mixing.The preponderance of alkaline and hydrous lavas in this regiondemonstrates that these lava types are the norm, rather thanthe exception in western Mexico, and occur in regions that arenot necessarily associated with active rifting. KEY WORDS: arc basalt; subduction; alkali basalt; minette; hawaiite; metasomatism  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1116-1132
The Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB) is a major linear belt of Miocene to present-day volcanism in southern Mexico. Its origin has been controversial, although the majority opinion views it as a volcanic arc related to the subduction of the Cocos plate under the North American plate. Both calc-alkaline and alkaline volcanism characterize the belt; the latter has been previously cited as indicative of the role of a mantle plume. Here we present objections to these explanations, and conclude on the basis of geological, geochemical, and geophysical data that the MVB is unrelated to subduction or to a mantle plume, and is instead a rift-like structure experiencing active extension. Calc-alkaline or alkaline geochemistry of magmas is not useful for inferring tectonic setting, but reflects source parameters and petrogenetic processes. For the MVB, calc-alkaline geochemistry suggests crustal contamination, and the OIB-like geochemistry suggests an enriched mantle source. Our proposal of a heterogeneous mantle beneath the MVB comprising “normal” mantle and metasomatic, enriched veins, can explain the close association in space and time of calc-alkaline and alkaline volcanism throughout the belt.  相似文献   

The Quaternary Acatlán Volcanic Field (AVF) is located at the western edge of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB). This region is related to the subduction of the Pacific Cocos and Rivera plates beneath the North American plate since the late Miocene. AVF rocks are products of Pleistocene volcanic activity and include lava flows, domes, erupted basaltic andesite, trachyandesite, trachydacite, and rhyolite of calc–alkaline affinity. Most rocks show depletion in high field-strength elements and enrichment in large ion lithophile elements and light rare earth elements as is typical for magmas in subduction-related volcanic arcs. 87Sr/86Sr values range from 0.70361 to 0.70412, while Nd values vary from +2.3 to +5.2. Sr–Nd isotopic data plot along the mantle array. On the other hand, lead isotope compositions (206Pb/204Pb=18.62–18.75, 207Pb/204Pb=15.57–15.64, and 208Pb/204Pb=38.37–38.67) give evidence for combined influences of the upper mantle, fluxes derived from subducted sediments, and the upper continental crust involved in magma genesis at AVF. Additionally δ18O whole rock analyses range from +6.35‰ in black pumice to +10.9‰ in white pumice of the Acatlán Ignimbrite. A fairly good correlation is displayed between Sr as well as O isotopes and SiO2 emphasizing the effects of crustal contamination. Compositional and isotopic data suggest that the different AVF series derived from distinct parental magmas, which were generated by partial melting of a heterogeneous mantle source.  相似文献   

Spinel harzburgite and websterite mantle xenoliths from Simcoe volcano in southern Washington represent fragments of mantle lithosphere from the back-arc side of the Cascade arc front. Previous studies have shown that metasomatism by either silica-rich fluids or hydrous melts crystallized phlogopite, imparted high oxygen fugacities (0.3 to 1.4 log units above QFM), and more radiogenic Os isotopic compositions on these peridotites. These features are consistent with part or all of the metasomatic agent being derived from the Juan de Fuca slab. New Re–Os, Sm–Nd, Sr, and U–Th–Pb isotopic data shed further light on the origin and composition of the metasomatic agent. The clinopyroxenes from the xenoliths have correlated Pb isotopic compositions (206Pb/204Pb=18.63–19.55, 207Pb/204Pb=15.56–15.63, 208Pb/204Pb=38.22–38.87). The most radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions extend beyond the most radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions for the Cascade arc lavas and display a shallower trend. Mixtures between Juan de Fuca basalts and pelagic or terrigenous sediments would result in Pb isotopic compositions that are not radiogenic enough in 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb at the high 206Pb/204Pb end of this array. Therefore, models for rapid transfer of components from the slab to the mantle lithosphere are not viable in this case. Instead, a multi-stage model is preferred. In the first stage, the slab component is transferred via fluid or melt into, and reacts with the hanging wall mantle. This results in a residual slab depleted in Pb relative to U and Th, and consequent high U/Pb and Th/Pb. Additional dehydration or melting of the slab imparts this chemical signature to the peridotite in the hanging wall. In the second stage, the hybridized hanging wall peridotite evolves for tens of million years until corner flow drags it down to deeper levels in the mantle wedge where melting occurs in response to higher temperatures. In the third stage, this melt migrates upward where it metasomatizes the mantle lithosphere represented by the Simcoe xenoliths. Trace element compositions of the clinopyroxenes, and the presence of high alkali glasses in the xenoliths, are consistent with the metasomatic agent derived from the hybridized hanging wall being alkali-rich, and possibly similar to potassic-rich lavas found in arc and back-arc settings. These data therefore demonstrate the importance of the hybridized hanging wall mantle above slabs as a source for melts which can be metasomatic agents in the upper mantle, and as a site for storage of material derived from the slab for periods of at least tens of million years.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments on natural, hydrous basalts at 1–4 GPa constrain the composition of “unadulterated” partial melts of eclogitized oceanic crust within downgoing lithospheric slabs in subduction zones. We complement the “slab melting” experiments with another set of experiments in which these same “adakite” melts are allowed to infiltrate and react with an overlying layer of peridotite, simulating melt:rock reaction at the slab–mantle wedge interface. In subduction zones, the effects of reaction between slab-derived, adakite melts and peridotitic mantle conceivably range from hybridization of the melt, to modal or cryptic metasomatism of the sub-arc mantle, depending upon the “effective” melt:rock ratio. In experiments at 3.8 GPa, assimilation of either fertile or depleted peridotite by slab melts at a melt:rock ratio 2:1 produces Mg-rich, high-silica liquids in reactions which form pyrope-rich garnet and low-Mg# orthopyroxene, and fully consume olivine. Analysis of both the pristine and hybridized slab melts for a range of trace elements indicates that, although abundances of most trace elements in the melt increase during assimilation (because melt is consumed), trace element ratios remain relatively constant. In their compositional range, the experimental liquids closely resemble adakite lavas in island-arc and continental margin settings, and adakite veins and melt inclusions in metasomatized peridotite xenoliths from the sub-arc mantle. At slightly lower melt:rock ratios (1:1), slab melts are fully consumed, along with peridotitic olivine, in modal metasomatic reactions that form sodic amphibole and high-Mg# orthopyroxene.  相似文献   

 All six Holocene volcanic centers of the Andean Austral Volcanic Zone (AVZ; 49–54°S) have erupted exclusively adakitic andesites and dacites characterized by low Yb and Y concentrations and high Sr/Y ratios, suggesting a source with residual garnet, amphibole and pyroxene, but little or no olivine and plagioclase. Melting of mafic lower crust may be the source for adakites in some arcs, but such a source is inconsistent with the high Mg# of AVZ adakites. Also, the AVZ occurs in a region of relatively thin crust (<35 km) within which plagioclase rather than garnet is stable. The source for AVZ adakites is more likely to be subducted oceanic basalt, recrystallized to garnet-amphibolite or eclogite. Geothermal models indicate that partial melting of the subducted oceanic crust is probable below the Austral Andes due to the slow subduction rate (2 cm/year) and the young age (<24 Ma) of the subducted oceanic lithosphere. Geochemical models for AVZ adakites are also consistent with a large material contribution from subducted oceanic crust (35–90% slab-derived mass), including sediment (up to 4% sediment-derived mass, representing approximately 15% of all sediment subducted). Variable isotopic and trace-element ratios observed for AVZ adakites, which span the range reported for adakites world-wide, require multistage models involving melting of different proportions of subducted basalt and sediment, as well as an important material contribution from both the overlying mantle wedge (10–50% mass contribution) and continental crust (0–30% mass contribution). Andesites from Cook Island volcano, located in the southernmost AVZ (54°S) where subduction is more oblique, have MORB-like Sr, Nd, Pb and O isotopic composition and trace-element ratios. These can be modeled by small degrees (2–4%) of partial melting of eclogitic MORB, yielding a tonalitic parent (intermediate SiO2, CaO/Na2O>1), followed by limited interaction of this melt with the overlying mantle (≥90% MORB melt, ≤10% mantle), but only very little (≤1%) or no participation of either subducted sediment or crust. In contrast, models for the magmatic evolution of Burney (52°S), Reclus (51°S) and northernmost AVZ (49–50°S) andesites and dacites require melting of a mixture of MORB and subducted sediment, followed by interaction of this melt not only with the overlying mantle, but the crust as well. Crustal assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) processes and the mass contribution from the crust become more significant northwards in the AVZ as the angle of convergence becomes more orthogonal. Received: 1 March 1995 / Accepted: 13 September 1995  相似文献   

The Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) is an igneous arc built above the Middle America subduction zone. Its western section is being extended orthogonally to its axis by several arrays of active normal faults with a combined length of 450 km and including up to 1.5 km of throw. Until now, intra-arc extension in the TMVB has been considered the result of either rifting or retreat of the Rivera and Cocos plates. Observations worldwide and numerical models, however, appear to contradict these ideas. Continental extension in convergent margins takes place where the upper plate moves away from the trench, and the subduction zone is only weakly coupled with the overlying plate. In western Mexico, neither of these relationships applies. A new numerical model presented here is able to explain satisfactorily the state of brittle failure of the TMVB. The model embodies the first-order physics of the northern Middle America subduction zone, and its boundary conditions are consistent with the convergence history of the Rivera and North America plates. Modelling results show that periods of accelerated subduction between the Rivera and North America plates give rise to an increase in suction force under the fore arc. The over-riding plate then bends downwards, building up tensional stress inside the volcanic arc. Failure of the arc follows within 1 million years of pulse initiation. Analysis of the results shows that the steep subduction angle of the Rivera slab, the relief of the volcanic plateau, and the thermal weakening of the lower crust facilitated the failure of the arc. The model demonstrates that a highly coupled subduction zone can cause extension, albeit limited, in the over-riding plate.  相似文献   

We present the geochemical and isotopic characteristics of Pleistocene to Holocene olivine-bearing mafic rocks from the Sierra de Chichinautzin (SCN) volcanic field, located in the central part of the Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB). Some have geochemical characteristics of primary magmas, and their MORB-normalized patterns are similar to those displayed by extension-related mafic rocks. The SCN primary magmas show a limited range in 87Sr/86Sr (0.70348-0.70397; average(n = 7) = 0.70370 ± 0.00019), and 143Nd/144Nd (0.51279-0.51294; average(n = 6) = 0.51288 ± 0.00006).~New mineral and whole-rock chemical data allow estimation of eruption temperatures and assure the near-primary nature of the studied samples. Equilibrium temperatures for the primary magmas were in the range 1070-1150°C. Trace-element concentration data for near-primary magmas from the SCN are used to develop a partial melting inversion model, the first for any area of the MVB. The source composition calculated by this inversion method shows an enrichment in highly incompatible elements (e.g., [CLa/CYb]n ~2.2), where []n represents mande-normalized values), without a decoupling between LILE, REE, and HFSE. This relationship supports a rift-related origin for SCN volcanism. The calculated REE composition of the mantle source is comparable to that observed in mande xenoliths of central Mexico. Concentration ratios of incompatible elements have also been used to infer 7-16% as the approximate range in degree of partial melting of the mantle. These results reinforce the hypothesis that SCN mafic magmatism reflects partial melting of an enriched lithospheric mantle in an extensional tectonic setting, precluding participation of the subducted Cocos plate in the genesis of these magmas.  相似文献   

应用岩石组合及元素地球化学组合特征,已经能够较成熟的研究区域构造一岩浆演化过程,界定区域构造演化的时空界限。双峰式火山岩组合可形成于不同的大地构造背景下,笔者对不同的大地构造背景形成的双峰式火山岩的岩石学和地球化学特征进行了总结,针对在博格达造山带发现的双峰式火山岩,讨论其对构造一岩浆演化指示作用。博格达双峰式火山岩岩石组合及元素地球化学特征表明:裂谷作用始于早石炭世,结束于晚石炭世晚期或早二叠世早期。博格达裂谷作用存在东西时空差异性,根据裂谷演化早期双峰式火山岩的空间及东西天山在石炭纪火山活动的的差异,推断博格达西段裂谷作用稍微早于东段开始,但由于区域构造演化差异,裂谷演化程度东段强于西段,而东段可能早于西段裂谷闭合。  相似文献   

In the western Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt voluminous silicic volcanism has been associated with the rifting of the Jalisco block from mainland Mexico. Rhyolitic volcanism started at 7.5 Ma after a major pulse of basaltic volcanism aged 11–8.5 Ma associated with slab detachment. This was followed by a second period, between 4.9 and 2.9 Ma, associated with rhyolitic domes and ignimbrite coexisting with basaltic volcanism. The similarity in rare earth element contents between basalts and rhyolites excludes a simple liquid line of descent. The low Ba and Sr contents and the ferroan character of the rhyolites suggest extensive fractional crystallization. Late Miocene–early Pliocene rhyolite Sr isotope values are only slightly more radiogenic than the basalts, whereas Nd isotope ratios are indistinguishable. We successfully modelled the 7.5–3 Ma silicic magmatism as a result of partial melting of crustal gabbroic complexes that we infer to have formed in the mid-lower crust due to the high-density Fe-enriched composition of the late Miocene basaltic volcanism. Slab rollback since ~7.5 Ma favoured decompression melting and arrival of additional mafic magmas that intruded in the lower crust. These basalts heated and melted the gabbroic complexes forming the silicic magmas, which subsequently underwent assimilation and fractional crystallization processes. The first silicic pulse was emplaced during a period of low tectonic activity. Extensional faulting since the Pliocene favours the eruption of both silicic magma and lesser amount of mafic lavas.  相似文献   

邹东雅  张宏福 《岩石学报》2023,39(1):104-118



About half the diamonds studied from the Cenozoic placer deposits along the Namibian coast belong to the peridotitic suite. The peridotitic mantle source is heterogeneous ranging from lherzolitic to strongly Ca depleted (down to 0.24 wt.% CaO in garnet) and shows large variations in Cr/Al ratio, illustrated by very low to very high Cr2O3 contents in garnet (2.6–17.3 wt.%). The Cr-rich end of this range includes exceptionally high Cr2O3 contents in Mg-chromite (70.7 wt.%) and clinopyroxene (3.6 wt.%). Garnet-olivine thermometry appears to indicate two groups, one that equilibrated at temperatures between 1200 and 1220°C and a second between 960 and 1100°C. Combined estimates of pressure and temperature based on garnet-orthopyroxene pairs indicate a large variance in geothermal gradients, corresponding to 38–42 mW/m2 surface heat flow.

The trace-element composition of peridotitic garnet inclusions (determined by SIMS) also indicates large diversity. Two principal groups, corresponding to different styles of metasomatic source enrichment, are recognized. The first group ranges from extremely LREEN-depleted patterns, through trough-shaped REEN to sinusoidal patterns with the position of the first peak gradually moving from the LREEN to the MREEN. This series of REE patterns is interpreted to reflect a range of metasomatic agents with decreasing LREE/HREE. Only in the case of the two garnets with REEN peaking at Sm–Eu is this process connected with enrichment in Zr, without significant introduction of Y and Ti. The metasomatism responsible is interpreted as reflecting percolation of CHO-fluids through harzburgite under sub-solidus conditions. A second group of garnets shows an increase from LREEN–MREEN and almost flat (lherzolitic garnet) to moderately declining MREEN–HREEN at super-chondritic levels. This second style of metasomatism is caused by an agent carrying HFSE and showing only moderate enrichment in LREE over HREE, which points towards silicate melts.  相似文献   

Two areas with different types of hydration (serpentinization), which occurred in two settings distinct in temperatures, pressures, and stresses, are spatially individualized in the ophiolitic ultramafic massifs of the Polar Urals. The high-temperature hydration of ultramafic rocks occurred in the lithosphere of the mantle wedge directly above the subducted slab. The initial conditions of hydration are limited to 1.2–2 GPa and 650–700°C; a stable assemblage of olivine + antigorite + magnetite → amphibole → talc → chlorite was formed at 0.9–1.2 GPa and 550–600°C. The low-temperature mesh lizardite–chrysotile serpentinization occurred in the crustal, near-surface conditions. Both types of hydration were accompanied by release of hydrogen, which participates in abiogenic CH4 synthesis in the presence of CO2 dissolved in water.  相似文献   

Nominally anhydrous phases (clinopyroxene (cpx), orthopyroxene (opx), and olivine (ol)) of peridotite xenoliths hosted by the Cenozoic basalts from Beishan (Hebei province), and Fansi (Shanxi province), Western part of the North China Craton (WNCC) have been investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR). The H2O contents (wt.) of cpx, opx and ol are 30–255 ppm, 14–95 ppm and ~ 0 ppm, respectively. Although potential H-loss during xenolith ascent cannot be excluded for olivine, pyroxenes (cpx and opx) largely preserve the H2O content of their mantle source inferred from (1) the homogenous H2O content within single pyroxene grains, and (2) equilibrium H2O partitioning between cpx and opx. Based on mineral modes and assuming a partition coefficient of 10 for H2O between cpx and ol, the recalculated whole-rock H2O contents range from 6 to 42 ppm. In combination with previously reported data for other two localities (Hannuoba and Yangyuan from Hebei province), the H2O contents of cpx, opx and whole-rock of peridotite xenoliths (43 samples) hosted by the WNCC Cenozoic basalts range from 30 to 654 ppm, 14 to 225 ppm, and 6 to 262 ppm respectively. The H2O contents of the Cenozoic lithospheric mantle represented by peridotite xenoliths fall in a similar range for both WNCC and the eastern part of the NCC (Xia et al., 2010, Journal of Geophysical Research). Clearly, the Cenozoic lithospheric mantle of the NCC is dominated by much lower water content compared to the MORB source (50–250 ppm). The low H2O content is not caused by oxidation of the mantle domain, and likely results from mantle reheating, possibly due to an upwelling asthenospheric flow during the late Mesozoic–early Cenozoic lithospheric thinning of the NCC. If so, the present NCC lithospheric mantle mostly represents relict ancient lithospheric mantle. Some newly accreted and cooled asthenospheric mantle may exist in localities close to deep fault.  相似文献   

Major and trace element, Sr–Nd–Pb isotope and mineral chemical data are presented for post-collisional late Cenozoic shoshonitic volcanic rocks from the western Kunlun Mountains, NW China. They are distributed in two approximately E–W striking sub-belts, with the lavas in the southern sub-belt having been generated earlier than those in the northern sub-belt. The mineralogy of the rocks reflects crystallization from moderate temperature magmas (700–1000 °C) with high oxygen and water fugacities. They are geochemically characterized by relatively low TiO2, Al2O3 and FeO and high alkalies coupled with very high contents of incompatible element concentrations. Remarkably negative Nb, Ta and Ti anomalies are displayed on primitive mantle-normalized incompatible element patterns. In addition, they show a relatively broad range of low εNd (−1.8 to −8.7) at more restricted 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7081–0.7090). Pb isotopes are characterized by a range of 207Pb/204Pb (15.48–15.74) and 208Pb/204Pb (38.30–39.12) ratios at relatively invariant 206Pb/204Pb (18.60–18.83) values, except one sample with a ratio of 18.262, leading to near-vertical arrays. The lavas from the northern sub-belt have relatively high 87Sr/86Sr ratios. All lavas have extremely high La/Yb ratios, probably reflecting that the magmas were derived from a metasomatized lithospheric mantle source containing phlogopite–hornblende garnet peridotite affected by subducted sediments and hydrous fluids, rather than from a depleted asthenopheric mantle source or mantle plume source. However, the lavas from the southern sub-belt were derived from a lower degree of melting of more highly metasomatized sub-lithospheric mantle in comparison with those from the northern sub-belt. Processes responsible for partial melting of metasomatized lithospheric mantle and post-collision magmatism in the western Kunlun could be a consequence of continuously conductive heating of upwelling, hot asthenospheric mantle following the delamination subsequent to thickening, which is consistent with the spatial and temporal geochemical variations in shoshonitic rocks in Tibet.  相似文献   

In situ trace element analyses of constituent minerals in mantle xenoliths occurring in an alnöite diatreme and in nephelinite plugs emplaced within the central zone of the Damara Belt have been determined by laser ablation ICP-MS. Primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns of clinopyroxene and amphibole indicate the presence of both depleted MORB-like mantle and variably enriched mantle beneath this region. Clinopyroxenes showing geochemical depletion have low La/Smn ratios (0.02–0.2), whereas those showing variable enrichment have La/Smn ranging up to 3.8 and La/Ybn to 9.1. The most enriched clinopyroxenes coexist with amphibole showing similar REE patterns (La/Smn = 1.3–4.1; La/Ybn = 4.5–9). Primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns allow further groups to be distinguished amongst the variably enriched clinopyroxenes: one having strong relative depletion in Rb–Ba, Ta–Nb and relative enrichment in Th–U; another with similar characteristics but with additional strong relative depletion in Zr–Hf; and one showing no significant anomalies. Amphiboles show similar normalized trace element patterns to co-existing clinopyroxene. Clinopyroxene and amphiboles showing LREEN enrichment have high Sr and low Nd isotope ratios compared to clinopyroxene with LREE-depleted patterns. Numerical simulation of melt percolation through the mantle via reactive porous flow is used to show that the chromatographic affect associated with such a melt migration process is able to account for the fractionation seen in La–Ce–Nd in cryptically metasomatized clinopyroxenes in Type 1 xenoliths, where melt–matrix interactions occur near the percolation front, whereas REE patterns in clinopyroxenes proximal to the source of metasomatic melt/fluid match those found in modally metasomatized Type 2 xenoliths. The strong fractionation between Rb–Ba, Th–U and Ta–Nb shown by some cryptically metasomatized xenoliths can be also accounted for by reactive porous flow, provided amphibole crystallizes from the percolating melt/fluid close to its source. The presence of amphibole in vein-like structures in some xenoliths is consistent with this interpretation. The strong depletion in Zr–Hf in clinopyroxene and amphibole in some xenoliths cannot be accounted for by melt migration processes and requires metasomatism by a separate carbonate-rich melt/fluid. When taken together with published isotope data on these same xenoliths, the source of metasomatic enrichment of the previously depleted (MORB-like) sub-Damaran lithospheric mantle is attributed to the upwelling Tristan plume head at the time of continental breakup.  相似文献   

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