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Seismic downhole-array data provide a unique source of information on actual soil (and overall site) behavior over a wide range of loading conditions that are not readily covered by in-situ or laboratory experimentation procedures. In this paper, free-field downhole-array seismic records are employed to identify and model the recorded response at the Lotung (Taiwan) and Treasure Island (California) sites. At Lotung, a five-accelerometer array recorded the site response during 18 earthquakes (1985–1986). The Treasure Island site was instrumented in 1992 with an array of six accelerometers that recorded a low amplitude earthquake in 1993. Using this downhole data, correlation and spectral analyses are performed to evaluate shear wave propagation characteristics, variation of shear wave velocity with depth and site resonant frequencies and model configurations. In addition, the actual seismic shear stress-strain histories are directly evaluated from the recorded downhole accelerations. These histories provide valuable insight into the mechanisms of site amplification, damping and pore-pressure build-up. Computational simulations of these case histories are performed based on the identified mechanisms of site response. In a companion paper, two additional case histories of site liquefaction are analyzed using records of downhole seismic response.  相似文献   

Parallel computing is a promising approach to alleviate the computational demand in conducting large-scale finite element analyses. This paper presents a numerical modeling approach for earthquake ground response and liquefaction using the parallel nonlinear finite element program, ParCYCLIC, designed for distributed-memory message-passing parallel computer systems. In ParCYCL1C, finite elements are employed within an incremental plasticity, coupled solid-fluid formulation. A constitutive model calibrated by physical tests represents the salient characteristics of sand liquefaction and associated accumulation of shear deformations. Key elements of the computational strategy employed in ParCYCL1C include the development of a parallel sparse direct solver, the deployment of an automatic domain decomposer, and the use of the Multilevel Nested Dissection algorithm for ordering of the finite element nodes. Simulation results of centrifuge test models using ParCYCLIC are presented. Performance results from grid models and geotechnical simulations show that ParCYCLIC is efficiently scalable to a large number of processors.  相似文献   

编制完全耦合的三维排水有效应力动力反应分析程序,对可液化地基进行三维地震响应分析,探讨了不同土性参数、不同土层构成和不同附加压重等因素对可液化地基抗液化性能的影响。结果表明:在地震荷载作用下,天然饱和砂土地基中的超孔隙水压力随深度的增大而增大;在不同深度处,超孔压峰值到达的时刻比地震加速度峰值到达的时刻要晚;随输入地震加速度的减弱,深层处的超孔压开始消散或基本保持不变,浅层处的超孔压保持不变或略有上升,这一现象与土性参数、输入地震荷载的情况等因素有关;土性参数对土体本身的抗液化性能有重要影响,初始孔隙比越小,相对密度越大,土体的抗液化能力越强;附加压重有利于地基抗液化能力的提高;随着附加压重的增大,超孔压比减小;附加压重对地基中超孔隙水压力的增长有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

场地类别划分与抗震设计反应谱的讨论   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
介绍了新的抗震设计规范(2001—07—20发布,2002—01—01实施)中场地类别划分和地震影响系数的有关内容,指出其中一些不相协调之处。最后,针对不同的问题建议相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

The earthquake hazard has been evaluated for 10 km×10 km area around Kyeongju. The ground motion potentials were determined based on equivalent linear analysis by using the data obtained from in situ and laboratory tests. In situ tests include 16 boring investigations, 4 crosshole, 12 downhole, 26 spectral analysis of surface waves tests, and in the laboratory, resonant column tests were performed. The peak ground accelerations range between 0.141g and 0.299g on collapse level earthquake and between 0.050g and 0.120g on operation level earthquake, respectively, showing the high potential of amplification in the deep alluvial layer in Kyeongju area. Distribution maps of site amplification for the peak acceleration, amplification factors (Fa and Fv) and dominant site period of Kyeongju are constructed using geographic information system tools. The amplification factor based on the Korean seismic design guide underestimated the motion in short range and overestimated the motion in mid-period range in Kyeongju. The importance of site-specific analysis and the need for the improved site characterization method are introduced.  相似文献   

地震动强度对场地地震反应的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
通过对场地地震反应的研究发现,地震动强度不同,同样的场地对地震动的影响也不同,得到的反应谱形状也不同。目前我国抗震设计规范中不同烈度下的设计反应谱形状完全一致,没有考虑地震动强弱对相同场地反应谱形状的影响。  相似文献   

A mathematical model for the response spectra is determined using statistical analysis. The form of the model is first established using fifty computer simulated accelerograms. The final form is then used on twenty-five accelerograms from fifteen past United States earthquakes. This model smooths out peaks and valleys which are characteristic of the response spectrum of any single earthquake. Thus it serves as a ‘smooth design spectrum’ and can be used to approximate structural response to a future seismic event.  相似文献   

This paper aimed to examine the site dependence and evaluate the methods for site analysis of far-source ground motions. This was achieved through the examination of frequency content estimated by different methods based on strong ground motions recorded at twelve far-source stations in Shandong province during the Wenchuan earthquake. The stations were located in sites with soil profiles ranging from code classes Ⅰ to Ⅲ. Approaches used included the Fourier amplitude spectrum (FAS), the earthquake response spectrum (ERS), the spectral ratio between the horizontal and the vertical components (H/V), the spectral ratio between the spectra at the site and at a reference site (SRRS), and coda wave analysis (CWA). Results showed that major periods of these ground motions obtained by FAS, ERS and H/V ratio methods were all evidently larger than site dominant periods; the periods were also different from each other and mainly reflected the frequency content of long period components. Prominent periods obtained by the SRRS approach neither illuminated the long period aspect nor efficiently determined site features of the motions. The CWA resulted in a period close to site period for stations with good quality recordings. The results obtained in this study will be useful for the evaluation of far-source effect in constructing seismic design spectra and in selecting methods for ground motion site analysis.  相似文献   

考虑地基土液化影响的高层建筑地震反应分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了研究地基土液化对高层建筑地震反应的影响,本文简要介绍了分时段等效线性有效应力动力分析方法,且将其中的等效线性化方法改进为逐步迭代非线性方法,并利用ANSYS程序的参数化设计语言将这一分析方法并入ANSYS程序中,最后分析了考虑液化时桩基-高层建筑体系的地震反应。认为对于单层砂土-桩基-高层建筑体系来说,砂土的液化对上部结构地震反应有较大的影响;而对于本文采用的上海土-桩基-高层建筑体系来说,砂土层的液化未对上部结构的地震反应产生明显的影响。  相似文献   

利用汶川地震获得的数字强震记录研究了汶川近场无速度脉冲、近场含速度脉冲和远场(盆地效应)地震动的弹性和弹塑性反应谱,后者包括等延性强度折减系数谱Rμ、等延性位移比谱Cu和等强度折减系数位移比谱CR.与相同场地条件PEER近场无速度脉冲、集集近场含速度脉冲地震动的谱进行了比较.汶川近场含速度脉冲地震动的弹性反应谱在0.2~0.8s周期内明显偏小,而它的弹塑性反应谱在短周期段(0.1 ~0.4 s)与汶川近场无速度脉冲地震动谱差别不大,但等延性强度折减系数谱Ru要大于集集地震含速度脉冲地震动的谱,而等延性位移比谱Cu和等强度折减系数位移比谱CR则小于集集地震动情况,此后随周期增长(至0.6 ~1.Os后)它们都逐渐过渡至与集集地震动的谱相当.汶川远场(盆地效应)地震动的弹性反应谱具有较宽并随周期缓慢增长的平台值和较长的特征周期,可达1.7s及以上.提出了远场(盆地效应)与近场地震动的弹性反应比谱和弹塑性位移比谱的概念.  相似文献   

Site response to earthquake loading is one of the fundamental problems in geotechnical earthquake engineering. Most site response analyses assume vertically propagating shear waves in a horizontally layered soil–rock system and simply ignore the effect of site response to vertical earthquake motion, although actual ground motions are comprised of both horizontal and vertical components. In several recent earthquakes very strong vertical ground motions have been recorded, raising great concern over the potential effect of vertical motion on engineering structures. Being a step toward addressing this concern, this paper presents a simple and practical procedure for analysis of site response to both horizontal and vertical earthquake motions. The procedure involves the use of the dynamic stiffness matrix method and equivalent-linear approach, and is built in the modern MATLAB environment to take full advantages of the matrix operations in MATLAB. The input motions can be specified at the soil–bedrock interface or at a rock outcropping. A detailed assessment of the procedure is given, which shows that the procedure is able to produce acceptable predictions of both vertical and horizontal site responses.  相似文献   

Site response in the Qionghai Basin in the Wenchuan earthquake   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Amplification effects of soil site response can significantly impact ground motions, and must be considered in the seismic fortification of buildings/structures to prevent or mitigate this potential seismic hazard. Utilizing acceleration time histories from the main shock of the Wenchuan earthquake recorded at four stations (i.e., one on bedrock and three on soil) in the Qionghai Basin, the site responses from three soil sites are studied by using the traditional spectral ratio method. The bedrock site is selected as a reference site. This study found that peak ground accelerations (PGAs) on the soil sites are much larger than on bedrock, with EW, NS and UD components of 3.96–6.58, 6.27–10.98, and 3.17–6.66 times those of the bedrock site, respectively. The amplification effects of the soil sites on ground motions in the frequency range of 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz are significant, depending on the thickness of the soil layer and the frequency content of the site. A significant amplification occurs with high frequency components of ground motion at shallow soil sites, and low and high frequency components of ground motion at intermediate soil sites.  相似文献   

砂土自由场地震响应的离心机试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
离心机模型试验是研究岩土地震工程问题的有效手段。本文使用层状剪切箱,通过干落法制备了均匀的砂土模型,进行了离心机振动试验;观测了振动过程中孔隙水压力的发展,土体的加速度响应、侧向变形以及竖向沉降。结果表明,土体的运动和变形与孔隙水压力的发展密切相关,但离心机中的试验现象和现场观测的现象存在显著区别。研究结果增强了对振动过程中土-水之间相互作用机理的理解,同时为自由场地震响应分析方法的验证提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the use of ARMA models in earthquake engineering. Tools and methods applied to strong ground motion are discussed emphasizing simulation of probabilistic earthquake response spectra. The ARMA models are applied to Icelandic earthquake data and a tentative model for Icelandic earthquakes is presented. This model, which is derived using 54 accelerograms, is based on a low-order, time-invariant ARMA process excited by Gaussian white noise and amplitude modulated using a simple envelope function to account for the non-stationary characteristics. This simple model gives a reasonable fit to the observed ground motion. Further, this model produces accurate earthquake response spectra, which, combined with accompanying attenuation and duration formulae, might be useful in earthquake hazard and risk assessment.  相似文献   

地震动功率谱与反应谱的转换关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文详细评述了现今常用的几种加速度反应谱与功率谱的转换关系。对于小阻尼单质点体系而言,考虑到输入地震动是一非平稳的随机过程,又由于其传递函数的窄频带滤波特性,它的加速度反应将是一窄频带的非平稳随机过程。对于峰值系数水平的超越不是独立的,而是成群超越。据此本文考虑非平稳效应和对峰值系数水平的成群效应,对前人的转换关系进行了修正,并基于随机振动理论,给出了对工程上常用的频率平稳、强度非平稳的地震;动模型的功率谱和反应谱的转换关系。此转换关系对于长、短持时的地震动记录和反应谱长、短周期部分以及不同阻尼比的反应谱都能给出精度较高的结果。  相似文献   

Prediction of response spectra for earthquake engineering purposes is considered from a new point of view based on the dislocation theory of earthquakes. It is shown that the traditional scaling of response spectra by the predicted peak acceleration should be limited to the high-frequency end of the spectrum, and that the peak acceleration in the near field is not strongly correlated with earthquake magnitude. The amplitude of the long-period end of response spectrum at source to station distances greater than about 10 source dimensions should be scaled with seismic moment, while for distances less than about one source dimension this amplitude should be proportional to the permanent ground displacement. To reconcile the existing extensive data on seismicity of active regions based on magnitude scale, it is shown that magnitude can be used to determine approximately the seismic moment.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of nature of the earthquake on the assessment of liquefaction potential of a soil deposit during earthquake loading. Here, the nature of the earthquake is included via the parameter V, the ‘pseudo-velocity’, that is the gross area under the acceleration record of the earthquake at any depth below the ground surface. By analysing a number of earthquake records from different parts of the world, a simple method has been outlined to assess the liquefaction potential of a soil deposit based on the pseudo-velocity. For many earthquakes occurred in the past, acceleration records are available or can be computed at the ground level or some other depth below the ground surface. Therefore, this method is a useful tool at the preliminary design stage to determine the liquefaction potential before going into a detailed analysis. Validation of the method is carried out using a database of case histories consisting of standard penetration test values, acceleration records at the ground surface and field observations of liquefaction/non-liquefaction. It can be seen that the proposed method has the ability to predict soil liquefaction potential accurately, despite its simplicity.  相似文献   

A realistic definition of seismic input for the Catania area is obtained using advanced modeling techniques that allow us the computation of synthetic seismograms, containing body and surface waves. With the modal summation technique, extended to laterally heterogeneous anelastic structural models, we create a database of synthetic signals which can be used for the study of the local response in a set of selected sites located within the Catania area. We propose a ground shaking scenario corresponding to a source spectrum of an earthquake that mimics the destructive event that occurred on 11 January 1693. Making use of the simplified geotechnical map for the Catania area, we produce maps which illustrate the spatial variability of the SH waveforms over the entire area. Using the detailed geological and geotechnical information along a selected cross section, we study the site response to the SH and P-SV motion in a very realistic case, adopting and comparing different estimation techniques.  相似文献   

地震动反应谱变异系数分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用随机振动理论,分别考虑3种地震动随机过程模型,本文对反应谱变异系数及相关问题进行了深入分析。研究结果表明:在一定范围内,地震动模型、场地条件和结构体系阻尼比对结构加速度反应越零率有明显影响,但这三者对反应谱变异系数的量值影响不大。在工程设计中,可以采用白噪声模型按本文给出公式计算反应谱变异系数。  相似文献   

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