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The stock of Bigeye tuna(Thunnus obesus) in the Indian Ocean supports an important international fishery and is considered to be fully exploited. The responsible management agency, the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission(IOTC), does not have an explicit management decision-making framework in place to prevent over-fishing. In this study, we evaluated three harvest control rules, i) constant fishing mortality(CF), from 0.2 to 0.6, ii) constant catch(CC), from 60000 to 140000 t, and iii) constant escapement(CE), from 0.3 to 0.7. The population dynamics simulated by the operating model was based on the most recent stock assessment using Stock Synthesis version Ⅲ(SS3). Three simulation scenarios(low, medium and high productivity) were designed to cover possible uncertainty in the stock assessment and biological parameters. Performances of three harvest control rules were compared on the basis of three management objectives(over 3, 10 and 25 years): i) the probability of maintaining spawning stock biomass above a level that can sustain maximum sustainable yield(MSY) on average, ii) the probability of achieving average catches between 0.8 MSY and 1.0 MSY, and iii) inter-annual variability in catches. The constant escapement strategy(CE=0.5), constant fishing mortality strategy(F=0.4) and constant catch(CC=80000) were the most rational among the respective management scenarios. It is concluded that the short-term annual catch is suggested at 80000 t, and the potential total allowable catch for a stable yield could be set at 120000 t once the stock had recovered successfully. All the strategies considered in this study to achieve a ‘tolerable' balance between resource conservation and utilization have been based around the management objectives of the IOTC.  相似文献   

Catch and effort data were analyzed to estimate the maximum sustainable yield(MSY) of King Soldier Bream, Argyrops spinifer(Forssk?l, 1775, Family: Sparidae), and to evaluate the present status of the fish stocks exploited in Pakistani waters. The catch and effort data for the 25-years period 1985–2009 were analyzed using two computer software packages, CEDA(catch and effort data analysis) and ASPIC(a surplus production model incorporating covariates). The maximum catch of 3 458 t was observed in 1988 and the minimum catch of 1 324 t in 2005, while the average annual catch of A. spinifer over the 25 years was 2 500 t. The surplus production models of Fox, Schaefer, and Pella Tomlinson under three error assumptions of normal, log-normal and gamma are in the CEDA package and the two surplus models of Fox and logistic are in the ASPIC package. In CEDA, the MSY was estimated by applying the initial proportion(IP) of 0.8, because the starting catch was approximately 80% of the maximum catch. Except for gamma, because gamma showed maximization failures, the estimated results of MSY using CEDA with the Fox surplus production model and two error assumptions, were 1 692.08 t(R 2 =0.572) and 1 694.09 t( R 2 =0.606), respectively, and from the Schaefer and the Pella Tomlinson models with two error assumptions were 2 390.95 t( R 2 =0.563), and 2 380.06 t( R 2 =0.605), respectively. The MSY estimated by the Fox model was conservatively compared to the Schaefer and Pella Tomlinson models. The MSY values from Schaefer and Pella Tomlinson models were the same. The computed values of MSY using the ASPIC computer software program with the two surplus production models of Fox and logistic were 1 498 t(R 2 =0.917), and 2 488 t( R 2 =0.897) respectively. The estimated values of MSY using CEDA were about 1 700–2 400 t and the values from ASPIC were 1 500–2 500 t. The estimates output by the CEDA and the ASPIC packages indicate that the stock is overfished, and needs some effective management to reduce the fishing effort of the species in Pakistani waters.  相似文献   

Delay-difference models are intermediate between simple surplus-production models and complicated age-structured models. Such intermediate models are more efficient and require less data than age-structured models. In this study, a delay-difference model was applied to fit catch and catch per unit effort(CPUE) data(1975–2011) of the southern Atlantic albacore(Thunnus alalunga) stock. The proposed delay-difference model captures annual fluctuations in predicted CPUE data better than Fox model. In a Monte Carlo simulation, white noises(CVs) were superimposed on the observed CPUE data at four levels. Relative estimate error was then calculated to compare the estimated results with the true values of parameters α and β in Ricker stock-recruitment model and the catchability coefficient q. α is more sensitive to CV than β and q. We also calculated an 80% percentile confidence interval of the maximum sustainable yield(MSY, 21756 t to 23408 t; median 22490 t) with the delay-difference model. The yield of the southern Atlantic albacore stock in 2011 was 24122 t, and the estimated ratios of catch against MSY for the past seven years were approximately 1.0. We suggest that care should be taken to protect the albacore fishery in the southern Atlantic Ocean. The proposed delay-difference model provides a good fit to the data of southern Atlantic albacore stock and may be a useful choice for the assessment of regional albacore stock.  相似文献   

Using surplus production model packages of ASPIC(a stock-production model incorporating covariates) and CEDA(Catch effort data analysis),we analyzed the catch and effort data of Sillago sihama fishery in Pakistan.ASPIC estimates the pa-rameters of MSY(maximum sustainable yield),Fmsy(fishing mortality),q(catchability coefficient),K(carrying capacity or unexploited biomass) and B1/K(maximum sustainable yield over initial biomass).The estimated non-bootstrapped value of MSY based on logistic was 598 t and that based on the Fox model was 415 t,which showed that the Fox model estimation was more conservative than that with the logistic model.The R2 with the logistic model(0.702) is larger than that with the Fox model(0.541),which indicates a better fit.The coefficient of variation(cv) of the estimated MSY was about 0.3,except for a larger value 88.87 and a smaller value of 0.173.In contrast to the ASPIC results,the R2 with the Fox model(0.651-0.692) was larger than that with the Schaefer model(0.435-0.567),indicating a better fit.The key parameters of CEDA are:MSY,K,q,and r(intrinsic growth),and the three error assumptions in using the models are normal,log normal and gamma.Parameter estimates from the Schaefer and Pella-Tomlinson models were similar.The MSY estimations from the above two models were 398 t,549 t and 398 t for normal,log-normal and gamma error distributions,re-spectively.The MSY estimates from the Fox model were 381 t,366 t and 366 t for the above three error assumptions,respectively.The Fox model estimates were smaller than those for the Schaefer and the Pella-Tomlinson models.In the light of the MSY estimations of 415 t from ASPIC for the Fox model and 381 t from CEDA for the Fox model,MSY for S.sihama is about 400 t.As the catch in 2003 was 401 t,we would suggest the fishery should be kept at the current level.Production models used here depend on the assumption that CPUE(catch per unit effort) data used in the study can reliably quantify temporal variability in population abundance,hence the mod-eling results would be wrong if such an assumption is not met.Because the reliability of this CPUE data in indexing fish population abundance is unknown,we should be cautious with the interpretation and use of the derived population and management parameters.  相似文献   

The Pacific saury Cololabis saira is a commercially important pelagic species with wide distribution in the North Pacific Ocean. Previous studies identified two geographical groups by comparing the radius of otolith annual rings(ROA) of the fish collected during the pre-fishing season. Moreover, understanding the group composition in the mixed catch from the fishing ground is essential for sustainable exploitation of this species. Using samples collected during the fishing season(July–November) from 2016 to 2018, the potential of applying otolith shape analysis as a tool to identify these two mixed groups was tested in this research. Two otolith morphotypes that belong to the eastern group and western group were identified by K-means cluster analysis using Fourier coefficients and ROA. The high classification success of random forest further confirmed the effectiveness of otolith shape analysis. The western group accounted for the majority of catch in July and August at 160?E. With the passing of sampling time and fishing fleets moving westward, the proportion of eastern group gradually increased and finally reached more than 60% of the whole catch in November at 150°E. This result suggests that the eastern and western groups are well mixed during spawning migration. In addition, the temporal and spatial dynamics of their catch composition provide information for their migration route. This study is helpful for improving fisheries management and understanding the short-term stock fluctuation of Pacific saury.  相似文献   

Surplus production models(SPMs) are among the simplest and most widely used fishery stock assessment models. The catch-effort data analysis(CEDA) and a surplus production model incorporating covariates(ASPIC) are softwares for analyzing fishery catch and fishing effort data using nonequilibrium SPMs. In China Fishery Statistical Yearbook, annual fishery production and fishing effort data of the Yellow Sea, Bohai Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea have been published from 1979 till present.Using its catch and fishing effort data from 1980 to 2018, we apply the CEDA and ASPIC to evaluate fishery resources in Chinese coastal waters. The results show that the total maximum sustainable yield(MSY) estimate of the four China seas is 10.05–10.83 million tons, approximately equal to the marine fishery catch(10.44 million tons) reported in 2018. It can be concluded that China's coastal fishery resources are currently fully exploited and must be protected with a precautionary approach. Both softwares produced similar results; however, the CEDA had a much higher R2 value(above 0.9) than ASPIC(about 0.2), indicating that CEDA can better fit the data and therefore is more suitable for analyzing the fishery resources in the coastal waters of China.  相似文献   

Study of the distribution and migration of the common squid,Todarodes pacificus Steenstrup,basedon the index of important fishing ground(P) and fisheries statistics on the Yellow Sea and northern EastChina Sea during 1980—1991 showed that:1.Its catch in the fishing period(June to November) is 91.77% of the annual yield.The fishingground distributes over the northem and middle Yel1ow Sea and adjacent area of the Changjiang Estuary.2. It over-winters in the northem East China Sea and waters adjacent to Goto Island from De-cember to February and spawns in waters near Haijiao Is1and and west of Kyushu. The main stock mi-grates along 123°30′E to the ChangJiang Estuary, Haizhou Bay. offsea from Shidao to Qingdao,mideastern Yellow Sea, and offsea Weihai and Haiyang Island succesively for feeding after April. The sur-plus stock migrates again to the wintering ground in December.3.The favorable feeding temperature is 6-23℃(optimum of l3-20℃ in the Changjiang Estua-ry and 7-13℃ in the northern and middle Yel  相似文献   

The instantaneous total mortality rate(Z) of a fish population is one of the important parameters in fisheries stock assessment. The estimation of Z is crucial to fish population dynamics analysis,abundance and catch forecast,and fisheries management. A catch curve-based method for estimating time-based Z and its change trend from catch per unit effort(CPUE) data of multiple cohorts is developed. Unlike the traditional catch-curve method,the method developed here does not need the assumption of constant Z throughout the time,but the Z values in n continuous years are assumed constant,and then the Z values in different n continuous years are estimated using the age-based CPUE data within these years. The results of the simulation analyses show that the trends of the estimated time-based Z are consistent with the trends of the true Z,and the estimated rates of change from this approach are close to the true change rates(the relative differences between the change rates of the estimated Z and the true Z are smaller than 10%). Variations of both Z and recruitment can affect the estimates of Z value and the trend of Z. The most appropriate value of n can be different given the effects of different factors. Therefore,the appropriate value of n for different fisheries should be determined through a simulation analysis as we demonstrated in this study. Further analyses suggested that selectivity and age estimation are also two factors that can affect the estimated Z values if there is error in either of them,but the estimated change rates of Z are still close to the true change rates. We also applied this approach to the Atlantic cod(G adus morhua) fishery of eastern Newfoundland and Labrador from 1983 to 1997,and obtained reasonable estimates of time-based Z.  相似文献   

The original purpose of Vessel Monitoring System(VMS) is for enforcement and control of vessel sailing. With the application of VMS in fishing vessels, more and more population dynamic studies have used VMS data to improve the accuracy of fisheries stock assessment. In this paper, we simulated the trawl trajectory under different time intervals using the cubic Hermite spline(c Hs) interpolation method based on the VMS data of 8 single otter trawl vessels(totally 36000 data items) fishing in Zhoushan fishing ground from September 2012 to December 2012, and selected the appropriate time interval. We then determined vessels’ activities(fishing or non-fishing) by comparing VMS speed data with the corresponding speeds from logbooks. The results showed that the error of simulated trajectory greatly increased with the increase of time intervals of VMS data when they were longer than 30 minutes. Comparing the speeds from VMS with those from the corresponding logbooks, we found that the vessels’ speeds were between 2.5 kn and 5.0 kn in fishing. The c Hs interpolation method is a new choice for improving the accuracy of estimation of sailing trajectory, and the VMS can be used to determine the vessels’ activities with the analysis of their trajectories and speeds. Therefore, when the fishery information is limited, VMS can be one of the important data sources for fisheries stock assessment, and more attention should be paid to its construction and application to fisheries stock assessment and management.  相似文献   

In recent years,China has paid more and more attention to the development of marine economy and the management and protection of fishery resources.The management departments at all levels regulate and manage the fishing behavior of fishing vessels through the data of fishing trajectories.In this paper,the distribution of shrimp farms in the East China Sea is predicted by studying the trajectories and behavior patterns of shrimp boats in the system of fishing trajectories.At the same time,a set of shrimp farm distribution management system based on Back Propagation algorithm is established.It can monitor the trajectories of fishing boats and the distribution of shrimp groups in real time,which effectively improves the work efficiency and management mode of the management department.It also plays a positive role in regulating the behavior of fishing boats at sea.  相似文献   

The generalized linear model (GLM) and generalized additive model (GAM) were applied to the standardization of catch per unit effort (CPUE) for Chilean jack mackerel from Chinese factory trawl fishing fleets in the Southeast Pacific Ocean from 2001 to 2010 by removing the operational, environmental, spatial and temporal impacts. A total of 9 factors were selected to build the GLM and GAM, i.e., Year, Month, Vessel, La Nifia and E1 Nifio events (ELE), Latitude, Longitude, Sea surface temperature (SST), SST anomaly (SSTA), Nino3.4 index and an interaction term between Longitude and Latitude. The first 5 factors were significant components in the GLM, which in combination explained 27.34% of the total variance in nominal CPUE. In the stepwise GAM, all factors explained 30.78% of the total variance, with Month, Year and Vessel as the main factors influencing CPUE. The higher CPUE occurred during the period April to July at a SST range of 12-15℃ and a SSTA range of 0.2-1.0℃. The CPUE was significantly higher in normal years compared with that in La Nifia and E1 Nifio years. The abundance of Chilean jack mackerel declined during 2001 and 2010, with an increase in 2007. This work provided the relative abundance index of Chilean jack mackerel for stock as- sessment by standardizing catch and effort data of Chinese trawl fisheries and examined the influence of temporal, spatial, environ- mental and fisheries operational factors on Chilean jack mackerel CPUE.  相似文献   

The relationship between the spatiotemporal distribution of three dominant small pelagic fishes,including chub mackerel(Scomber japonicus),horse mackerel(Trachurus trecae)and round sardinella(Sardinella aurita),and the environmental factors in Mauritanian waters were analyzed by using 4 years of logbook data of commercial purse seine fisheries to improve the efficiency of fishery and management of sustainable exploitation.A Tweedie-generalized additive model(GAM)of 8-day average catches and the monthly geostatistical analysis of daily catches were used in this study to analyze the influence of environmental factors on catch per unit of effort(CPUEs)and to map the spatial distribution of three mixed dominant small pelagic fishes,respectively.A 10'×10' grid was used,and environmental factors were processed from remote sensing,including 8-day average sea surface temperature(SST),the nearest distance between SST fronts and CPUE position(Df),chlorophyll-a(Chl-a)concentration,salinity,and eddy kinetic energy.Results showed that 1)the distribution of three dominant small pelagic fishes might be related to the intensity of upwelling in Mauritanian waters;2)oceanic fronts might play a key role in the ecology of chub mackerel,horse mackerel,and round sardinella;3)Chl-a concentration might be associated with the feeding grounds of chub mackerel;4)the target species distribution appeared sensitive to gradient changes in the amount of salinity;5)three zones(northern,central,and southern)with variable abundances were delineated;and 6)a high concentration of the center of gravity in the central zone might be related to the strong upwelling of nutrient-rich waters.This study can provide new insights to enhance the fishery efficiency and sustainable exploitation management of purse seiners in certain area off Mauritania.  相似文献   

We used generalized additive models (GAM) to analyze the relationship between spatiotemporal factors and catch, and to estimate the monthly marine fishery yield of single otter trawls in Putuo district of Zhoushan, China. We used logbooks from five commercial fishing boats and data in government’s monthly statistical reports. We developed two GAM models: one included temporal variables (month and hauling time) and spatial variables (longitude and latitude), and another included just two variables, month and the number of fishing boats. Our results suggest that temporal factors explained more of the variability in catch than spatial factors. Furthermore, month explained the majority of variation in catch. Change in spatial distribution of fleet had a temporal component as the boats fished within a relatively small area within the same month, but the area varied among months. The number of boats fishing in each month also explained a large proportion of the variation in catch. Engine power had no effect on catch. The pseudo-coefficients (PCf) of the two GAMs were 0.13 and 0.29 respectively, indicating the both had good fits. The model yielded estimates that were very similar to those in the governmental reports between January to September, with relative estimate errors (REE) of <18%. However, the yields in October and November were significantly underestimated, with REEs of 36% and 27%, respectively.  相似文献   

To improve fishing gear efficiency, it is important to understand the interactions among sea current, fishing vessel, line hauler, and catches during pelagic longline gear retrieval. In this study, fishing gear configuration parameters, operational parameters, and 3 D ocean current data were collected from Indian Ocean. Dynamic models of pelagic longline gear retrieval were built using the lumped mass method and solved using the Euler-Trapezoidal method. From the results, the pulling force of line hauler exerted on the gear was 2800–3600 N. There were no significant differences(P > 0.05) between the time of the hook retrieval measured at sea and that obtained from the simulation. The absolute values of the movement velocity at representative nodes along the X, Y, and Z axes were 0.01–25.5 m s-1. These results suggest that the dynamic model of longline fishing gear retrieval can be used to analyze the interactions among sea current, fishing vessel, line hauler, longline gear, and catches, and to acquire the basic data for optimizing the design of the line hauler. Moreover, the model can serve as a reference to study the hydrodynamic performance of other fishing gears during the hauling process.  相似文献   

Evaluating the impact of spatio-temporal scale on CPUE standardization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study focused on the quantitative evaluation of the impact of the spatio-temporal scale used in data collection and grouping on the standardization of CPUE(catch per unit effort).We used the Chinese squid-jigging fishery in the northwestern Pacific Ocean as an example to evaluate 24 scenarios at different spatio-temporal scales,with a combination of four levels of temporal scale(weekly,biweekly,monthly,and bimonthly)and six levels of spatial scale(longitude×latitude:0.5°×0.5°,0.5°×1°,0.5°×2°,1°×0.5°,1°×1°,and 1°×2°).We applied generalized additive models and generalized linear models to analyze the24 scenarios for CPUE standardization,and then the differences in the standardized CPUE among these scenarios were quantified.This study shows that combinations of different spatial and temporal scales could have different impacts on the standardization of CPUE.However,at a fine temporal scale(weekly)different spatial scales yielded similar results for standardized CPUE.The choice of spatio-temporal scale used in data collection and analysis may create added uncertainty in fisheries stock assessment and management.To identify a cost-effective spatio-temporal scale for data collection,we recommend a similar study be undertaken to facilitate the design of effective monitoring programs.  相似文献   

In the coastal catchments of Shandong Province the water scarcity is aggravated due to saltwater intrusion, reducing the usability of water resources available. Such a situation calls for sustainable integrated water resources management (IWRM). The idea for the objectives and implementation of the IWRM are explained in this paper. The general objective of the planned project disscussed in the present study is to bring together German traditional expertise in water resources management and newer developments in the context of the European Water Framework Directive; the research efforts aim to relieve the desperate water scarcity situation in the costal area of Shandong Province.  相似文献   

Fish traps were investigated to understand the effects of season, bait type, trap size, and trap soak time on catch rates, catch composition, and trap loss rates from March 2004 to September 2005, to improve the performance and management of Kuwait’s gargoor (cage style fish trap) fishery, which used to be the nation’s most important one in terms of value and landings volume. Catch rates were the highest in April/May (5-8 kg/trap haul) and again in December (7 kg/trap haul). Bait type and trap size also affected catch rates and species composition. Of the seven baits tested, the best catch rates, >5 kg/trap haul, occurred with cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis), but wolf-herring (Chirocentrus dorab) and mullet (Liza klunzingeri) also produced good results (4-5 kg/trap haul). Within the five tested sizes, the two largest-sized traps captured more fish and larger size fish. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed significant differences of catch rate among traps with different baits as well as among traps of different sizes. Duncan test further revealed these differences between two specific baits and sizes. Cluster Analysis of species composition showed more differences among different baits than among different trap sizes. Longer soak times did not result in larger catch rates, but increased trap loss. About 10-day soak time resulted in trap loss 7%, while 40-day soak time could result in a loss of around 20%. Consequently, it is recommended that the gargoor be checked every 10 or fewer days. The average overall catch rate during the study period was lower than that of 1980s (4.5 vs. 5.8 kg/trap haul), indicating a possible decline of fish abundance in Kuwait’s waters. It is recommended that the number of gargoor fishing boats and gargoors from each boat should be limited to allow stock rehabilitation.  相似文献   

To provide a scientific and technological base for fishery administration, holding a moratorium on fishing, and combating habitat degradation, a shrimp stock survey was carried out in May, August, and November 1998 and in February 1999. The study was conducted in the area between 26o00′ N and 33o00′ N and to the west of 127o00′ E in the East China Sea using a multi-sac trawl-net, with 115 stations being sampled. Up to 2001, we had found 121 species, which belong to 63 genera under 22 families, and 41 species are of high economic value and in great abundance. Nine shrimp species were of great economic importance, whose stock accounted for 76.8% of the demersal total. They were Parapenaeus fissuroides, Metapenaeopsis philippi, Palaemon gravieri, Metapenaeopsis barbata, Solenocera koelbeli, Solenocera crassicornis, Trachypenaeus curvirostris, Solenocera melantho and Parapenaeopsis hardwickii (listed in stock order). The nine species belong to the eurythermal and eurysaline community and high thermal and high saline community, had different migration patterns and stocks, and their distribution patterns could be generally classified into three types:(1) dominating in the north or the south;(2) dominating to the north of and in the coast to the south of 30o00′ N;and (3) dominating to the east of 60 m isobath, which were related to six water masses in the ECS near two lines, i.e., the 60 m isobath and 30o00′N latitudinal lines. Densely habited shrimps were found in all four seasons due to temperature and salinity frontiers and upwelling. The general stock density index was relatively higher in spring, summer, and autumn, when it surpassed 10 kg/h, while in winter, it was only 6.8 kg/h which might be caused by overfishing. According to the spawning areas of the nine species and their distribution patterns, to attain sustainable development of the shrimp fishery in the ECS, it is imperative to protect fishing areas and to hold a moratorium on catching to the west of 60 m isobath from April through October, and between 60 m and 100 m isobaths and to the south of 30oN from June through August and to limit fishing in winter.  相似文献   

The effect of tourism on water environments has received a high degree of interest in the study of eco-tourism.Based on the analysis of the relationship between tourist activities and the water environment in the Liupan Mountain eco-tourism zone,the case study area,a Water Environment of Tourism Area Model(WETAM) is built to simulate the temporal and spatial changes in water quality and the response saturation thresholds under four sewage treatment scenarios.The results imply the following:(1) WETAM performs well in modeling a water environment to represent the dynamic process of water quality change in response to tourist activities.(2) Under four sewage treatment scenarios(fundamental,low,medium,and high),the threshold shows an obvious uptrend.(3) The response threshold of water quality with respect to the interference of tourist activities fluctuates seasonally due to changes in tourist density.(4) The thresholds differ significantly among five tourism functional areas.According to the response saturation threshold of the water environment,effective control based on the scale and intensity of tourist activities is important for a successful transformation of this tourism destination's development strategies.Therefore,the integrated management of water pollution in tourism areas plays a crucial role in sustainable tourism development.  相似文献   

Based on catch and effort data of tuna longline fishery operating in the South Pacific Ocean, the South Pacific al-bacore stock was assessed by an improved Schaefer model. The results revealed that the intrinsic growth rate was about 1.28374 and carrying capacities vareied in the range from 73734 to 266732 metric tons. The growth ability of this species is remarkable. Stock dynamics mainly depends on environmental conditions. The stock is still in good condition. However, the continuous decreasing of biomass in recent years should be noticed.  相似文献   

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