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Liu  Yang  Wang  Jingxiu  Yan  Yihua  Ai  Guoxiang 《Solar physics》1996,169(1):79-89
The gradients of line-of-sight magnetic fields in active region NOAA 6659 on 1991 June 8 have been calculated based on the photospheric and chromospheric magnetograms taken at Huairou Solar Observing Station. We found that high gradients coincided with high strengths of the transverse magnetic fields, implying a complicated configuration of the magnetic field in the lower atmosphere.For this extraordinarily flare-prolific region, a possible relationship between the gradients and the flares was inferred.  相似文献   

The rotation of sunspots in the solar active region NOAA 10930 was investigated on the basis of the data on the longitudinal magnetic field and the Doppler velocities using magnetograms and dopplergrams taken with the Solar Optical Telescope installed aboard the HINODE mission. Under the assumption of axial symmetry, areally-mean vertical, radial, and azimuthal components of the magnetic field and velocity vectors were calculated in both sunspots. The plasma in the sunspots rotated in opposite directions: in the leading sunspot, clockwise, and in the following sunspot, counterclockwise. The magnetic flux tubes that formed sunspots of the active region on the solar surface were twisted in one direction, clockwise. Electric currents generated as a result of the rotation and twisting of magnetic flux tubes were also flowing in one direction. Azimuthal components of magnetic and velocity fields of both sunspot umbrae reached their maximum on December 11, 2006. By the start of the X3.4 flare (December 13, 2006), their values became practically equal to zero.  相似文献   

NOAA active region 6659, during its June 1991 transit across the solar disk, showed highly sheared vector magnetic field structures and produced numerous powerful flares, including five white-light flares. Photospheric vector magnetograms of this active region were obtained at the Huairou Solar Observing Station of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory. After the resolution of the 180° ambiguity of the transverse magnetic field and transformation of off-center vector magnetograms to the heliographic plane, we have determined the photospheric vertical current density and discussed the relationship with powerful flares. The following results were obtained: (a) The powerful 3B/X12 flare on June 9, 1991 was triggered by the interaction between the large-scale electric current system and magnetic flux of opposite polarity. (b) The kernels of the powerful Hβ flare (sites of the white-light flare) were close to the peaks of the vertical electric current density. (c) Some small-scale structures of the vertical current relative to the magnetic islands of opposite polarity have not been found. This probably implies that the electric current is not always parallel to the magnetic field in solar active regions.  相似文献   

The active region NOAA 8032 of April 15, 1997 was observed to evolve rapidly. The GOES X-ray data showed a number of sub-flares and two C-class flares during the 8–9 hours of its evolution. The magnetic evolution of this region is studied to ascertain its role in flare production. Large changes were observed in magnetic field configuration due to the emergence of new magnetic flux regions (EFR). Most of the new emergence occured very close to the existing magnetic regions, which resulted in strong magnetic field gradients in this region. EFR driven reconnection of the field lines and subsequent flux cancellation might be the reason for the continuous occurrence of sub-flares and other related activities.  相似文献   

Huaning Wang 《Solar physics》1995,157(1-2):213-222
Longitudinal components of highly stressed magnetic fields in the active region NOAA 7640 on 26 December, 1993 have been studied. A physical parameter is suggested for describing the longitudinal components recorded in longitudinal magnetograms obtained before and after a 1N/M1.5 flare. By means of this parameter, quantitative comparisons among the pre-flare magnetograms, the post-flare magnetograms, and filtergrams (in H) have been executed. The main results are as follows: firstly, the areas with high values of the parameter are near the regions with newly emerging magnetic flux. Secondly, the maximum values of the parameter in the areas and the sizes of the areas are evidently decreased after the flare. Finally, the original bright point of the flare is near the areas and the flare kernels cover the areas when the flare is growing. According to these results, we conclude that the variation of the parameter is connected with that of highly stressed magnetic fields in the region and directly related to the flare.  相似文献   

Podgorny  A. I.  Podgorny  I. M. 《Solar physics》1998,182(1):159-162
Current-sheet creation in three dimensions above an active region is shown in a numerical experiment. The calculations are performed for the complex magnetic field of an active region. The PERESVET program solves the 3D resistive compressible MHD equations.  相似文献   

Horizontal proper motions were measured with local correlation tracking (LCT) techniques in active region NOAA 11158 on 2011 February 15 at a time when a major (X2.2) solar flare occurred. The measurements are based on continuum images and magnetograms of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory. The observed shear flows along the polarity inversion line were rather weak (a few 100 m s–1). The counter‐streaming region shifted toward the north after the flare. A small circular area with flow speeds of up to 1.2 km s–1 appeared after the flare near a region of rapid penumbral decay. The LCT signal in this region was provided by small‐scale photospheric brigthenings, which were associated with fast traveling moving magnetic features. Umbral strengthening and rapid penumbral decay was observed after the flare. Both phenomena were closely tied to kernels of white‐light flare emission. The white‐light flare only lasted for about 15 min and peaked 4 min earlier than the X‐ray flux. In comparison to other major flares, the X2.2 flare in active region NOAA 11158 only produced diminutive photospheric signatures (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present a detailed investigation of the evolution of observed net vertical current using a time series of vector magnetograms of the active region(AR) NOAA11158 obtained from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager. We also discuss the relation of net current to the observed eruptive events. The AR evolved from the βγ toβγδ configuration over a period of six days. The AR had two sub-regions of activity with opposite chirality: one dominated by sunspot rotation producing a strong CME,and the other showing large shear motions producing a strong flare. The net current in each polarity over the CME producing sub-region increased to a maximum and then decreased when the sunspots were separated. The time profile of net current in this sub-region followed the time profile of the rotation rate of the south-polarity sunspot in the same sub-region. The net current in the flaring sub-region showed a sudden increase at the time of the strong flare and remained unchanged until the end of the observation, while the sunspots maintained their close proximity. The systematic evolution of the observed net current is seen to follow the time evolution of total length of strongly sheared polarity inversion lines in both of the sub-regions. The observed photospheric net current could be explained as an inevitable product of the emergence of a twisted flux rope, from a higher pressure confinement below the photosphere into the lower pressure environment of the photosphere.  相似文献   

Observations and analyses of the 1B/M3 flare of 15 June, 1973 in active region NOAA 131 (McMath 12379) are presented. The X-ray observations, consisting of broadband photographs and proportional counter data from the Skylab/ATM NASA-MSFC/Aerospace S-056 experiment, are used to infer temperatures, emission measures, and densities for the flaring plasma. The peak temperature from the spatially resolved photographs is 25 × 106 K, while the temperature from the full-disk proportional counter data is 15 × 106 K. The density is 3 × 1010cm–3. The X-ray flare emission appears to come primarily from two low-lying curvilinear features lying perpendicular to and centered on the line where the photospheric longitudinal magnetic field is zero. Similarities in the preflare and postflare X-ray emission patterns indicate that no large-scale relaxation of the coronal magnetic configuration was observed. Also discussed are H and magnetic field observations of the flare and the active region. Finally, results of numerical calculations, including thermal conduction, radiative loss and chromospheric evaporation, are in qualitative agreement with the decay phase observations.Presently at NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center.  相似文献   

《Chinese Astronomy》1980,4(3):324-327
In the Winters of 1975 and 1977, observations of flare stars in the Taurus Cloud region were made with the 40 cm double astrograph of the Purple Mountain Observatory. Two flare stars and one repeat outburst of FH Tau were identified. We give also a comparison between the flare stars of this region and the ϱ Oph region.  相似文献   

We present SOHO/CDS observations taken during the gradual phase of the X17 flare that occurred on October 28, 2003. The CDS data are supplemented with TRACE and ground-based observations. The spectral observations allow us to determine velocities from the Doppler shifts measured in the flare loops and in the two ribbon kernels, one hour and a half after the flare peak. Strong downflows (>70 km s−1) are observed along the loop legs at transition-region temperatures. The velocities are close to those expected for free fall. Observations and results from a hydrodynamic simulation are consistent with the heating taking place for a short time near the top of the arcade. Slight upflows are observed in the outer edges of the ribbons (<60 km s−1) in the EUV lines formed at log T < 6.3. These flows could correspond to the so-called “gentle evaporation.” At “flare” temperatures (Fe xix, log T = 6.9), no appreciable flows are observed. The observations are consistent with the general standard reconnection models for two-ribbons flares.  相似文献   

Microwave Type III bursts with positive frequency drifting rate were found by Stahli and Benz (1987) for first time. Type III events are especially interesting because they are well-known to be signatures of electron beams in coronal plasma, and they are effective means for diagnosting of source plasma. A microwave burst consisting of some microwave type III burst groups was registered at Beijing Astronomical Observatory with the 2545–2645–2840 MHz synchronous observing system. The distributions of frequency drifting rate, half power duration, and intensity for each impulse in the groups have been statistically analysed. From this analysis, some important parameters for the dynamic process in the flare are deduced and discussed.  相似文献   

We study the magnetic and velocity field evolution in the two magnetically complex active regions NOAA 10486 and NOAA 10488 observed during October–November 2003. We have used the available data to examine net flux and Doppler velocity time profiles to identify changes associated with evolutionary and transient phenomena. In particular, we report detection of rapid moving features observed in NOAA 10486 during the maximum phase of the X17.2/4B superflare of October 28, 2003. The velocity of this moving feature is estimated around 40 km/s, i.e., much greater than the usual Hα flare-ribbons’ separation speed of 3–10 km/s, but similar to the velocity of seismic waves, i.e., ~ 45 km/s reported earlier by Kosovichev & Zharkova (1998).  相似文献   

An X17 class (GOES soft X-ray) two-ribbon solar flare on October 28, 2003 is analyzed in order to determine the relationship between the timing of the impulsive phase of the flare and the magnetic shear change in the flaring region. EUV observations made by the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) show a clear decrease in the shear of the flare footpoints during the flare. The shear change stopped in the middle of the impulsive phase. The observations are interpreted in terms of the splitting of the sheared envelope field of the greatly sheared core rope during the early phase of the flare. We have also investigated the temporal correlation between the EUV emission from the brightenings observed by TRACE and the hard X-ray (HXR) emission (E > 150 keV) observed by the anticoincidence system (ACS) of the spectrometer SPI on board the ESA INTEGRAL satellite. The correlation between these two emissions is very good, and the HXR sources (RHESSI) late in the flare are located within the two EUV ribbons. These observations are favorable to the explanation that the EUV brightenings mainly result from direct bombardment of the atmosphere by the energetic particles accelerated at the reconnection site, as does the HXR emission. However, if there is a high temperature (T > 20 MK) HXR source close to the loop top, a contribution of thermal conduction to the EUV brightenings cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

We present a multi-wavelength analysis of an eruption event that occurred in active region NOAA 11093 on 7 August 2010, using data obtained from SDO, STEREO, RHESSI, and the GONG Hα network telescope. From these observations, we inferred that an upward slow rising motion of an inverse S-shaped filament lying along the polarity inversion line resulted in a CME subsequent to a two-ribbon flare. Interaction of overlying field lines across the filament with the side-lobe field lines, associated EUV brightening, and flux emergence/cancelation around the filament were the observational signatures of the processes leading to its destabilization and the onset of eruption. Moreover, the time profile of the rising motion of the filament/flux rope corresponded well with flare characteristics, viz., the reconnection rate and hard X-ray emission profiles. The flux rope was accelerated to the maximum velocity as a CME at the peak phase of the flare, followed by deceleration to an average velocity of 590 km s−1. We suggest that the observed emergence/cancelation of magnetic fluxes near the filament caused it to rise, resulting in the tethers to cut and reconnection to take place beneath the filament; in agreement with the tether-cutting model. The corresponding increase/decrease in positive/negative photospheric fluxes found in the post-peak phase of the eruption provides unambiguous evidence of reconnection as a consequence of tether cutting.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a further study of the Ml class flare observed on October 22, 2002. We focus on the SOHO Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) spectral observations performed during a multi-wavelength campaign with TRACE and ground-based instruments (VTT, THEMIS). Strong blue-shifts are observed in the CDS coronal lines in flare kernels during the impulsive phase of this flare. From a careful wavelength calibration we deduce upflows of 140 km/s for the Fe XIX flare emission, with a pattern of progressively smaller flows at lower temperatures. Large line-widths were observed, especially for the Fe XIX line, which indicate the existence of turbulent velocities. The strong upflows correspond to full shifts of the line profiles. These flows are observed at the initial phase of the flare, and correspond to the “explosive evaporation”. The regions of the blueshifted kernels, a few arc seconds away from the flare onset location, could be explained by the chain reaction of successive magnetic reconnections of growing emerging field line with higher and higher overlying field. This interpretation is evidenced by the analysis of the magnetic topology of the active region using a linear force-free-field extrapolation of THEMIS magnetograms.  相似文献   

On October 24, 1991, a white-light flare was observed both from space and from the ground. A multi-waveband spectral analysis shows that the peak time of the continuum emission coincides well with that of a radio burst at 2840 MHz and with the hard X-ray emission. Three semi-empirical models, corresponding to the pre-flare condition and to the peak time of continuum emission both with and without non-thermal excitation and ionization of hydrogen by an electron beam, have been obtained. The results indicate that there is fast heating both in the chromosphere and the photosphere. Some evidence is given that this WLF is very likely a result of bombardment by an electron beam. By taking into account non-thermal effects, the chromospheric temperature of the semi-empirical model is significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Properties, including the time duration, polarization, quasi-periodical oscillations and so on, of the microwave spike emissions observed at 2.5 GHz and 2.6 GHz during the solar flare of 1991 May 16 are analyzed statistically. The left-handed and right-handed circular polarizations of the spike emissions at 2.5, 2.6 and 3.1 GHz are reported in detail. At these 3 frequencies, most of the spikes are superposed on both the rising (and maximum) and the descending phase of the burst. It is noteworthy that spikes also appeared superposed on the small bursts that appeared after the main burst. The spike emission lasted 17 minutes. Polarization reversals on different timescales appearing in the spike emissions at 2.5 and 2.6 GHZ are described. Our statistical analysis indicates that the polarization reversals at 2.5 and 2.6 GHz differ in characters on average, the polarization reversal at 2.5 GHz is earlier than that of 2.6 GHz by about 1.5 minutes, and polarization reversal of the spike emission is more frequent at 2.5 GHZ.  相似文献   

The solar active region NOAA 11158 produced a series of flares during its passage through the solar disk.The first major flare(of class X2.2) of the current solar cycle occurred in this active region on 2011 February 15 around 01:50 UT.We have analyzed the Dopplergrams and magnetograms obtained by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager(HMI) instrument onboard Solar Dynamics Observatory to examine the photospheric velocity and magnetic field changes associated with this flare.The HMI instrument provides high-quality Doppler and magnetic maps of the solar disk with 0.5 spatial scale at a cadence of 45 s along with imaging spectroscopy.We have identified five locations of velocity transients in the active region during the flare.These transient velocity signals are located in and around the flare ribbons as observed by Hinode in the Ca II H wavelength and the footpoints of hard X-ray enhancement are in the energy range 12–25 keV from RHESSI.The changes in shape and width of two circular polarization states have been observed at the time of transients in three out of five locations.Forward modeling of the line profiles shows that the change in atmospheric parameters such as magnetic field strength,Doppler velocity and source function could explain the observed changes in the line profiles with respect to the pre-flare condition.  相似文献   

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