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我院自80年初开展CT以来,先后引进美国、日本、荷兰、西德等厂家的CT扫描机。目前我院正在使用的两台全身扫描机一台为Philips TOMSCAN 350于1985年8月引进使用。另一台系西门子CR 于1989年8月引进使用,并有一台MRI 机,系西门子高磁场1.0Tes,我院尚有先进的B 超机近10台、DSA3台、X线机30余台进口洗片机10台.  相似文献   

中心系统是四川测震台网运行核心,关系到台网速报、编目、维修、网络监控、信息报送以及数据服务等工作的正常开展。机房信息交换正常运转离不开恒温数据机房。IT硬件(对温度变化敏感)产生集中热负荷,严重时导致设备停机中断,造成台网中心系统瘫痪。中心机房必须安全稳定、可靠运行,在以往工作中,关注点往往集中在硬件和软件上,而忽视空调的重要性。  相似文献   

螺旋CT机滑环结构探讨与维修   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文主要根据CT基本原理和结构,重点说明螺旋CT机滑环类型、结构及工作原理,介绍经过实际使用的螺旋CT机滑环性能与应用效果,说明优点和不足之处,在CT滑环维修方面,从实际工作出发,说明维修方法、步骤及注意事项,为今后设计、生产、使用和维修提供有用的帮助。  相似文献   

基于Android平台的地震设备维修管理系统   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
针对目前地震设备维修面临的严峻形势,设计一种基于Android平台的地震设备维修管理系统,面向地震设备维修人员,对于地震台站设备故障,在现场维修过程中,能够获取设备维修历史数据,有利于设备故障的分析和判断,且维修完成后,能够上传维修信息,防止重要信息遗漏。该系统实时、高效的特点,对设备故障的现场处理具有积极作用。  相似文献   

保证CT的可靠运行,提供最佳质量的CT图,已成为临床放射全面质量控制的重要内容之一,本文以TCT80A和GE9000两台CT机为例,从维修角度谈CT机的质量保证。  相似文献   

全身CT扫描机是一个庞大、复杂的机电一体化系统。各国的CT厂商都在努力提高CT开机率,除精心设计、制造提高可靠性外,另外的途径是出现故障后及时维修,为此,我们在研制生产我国第一台全身CT机CT-C6000同时,研制成功了CT远程维修诊断。即借助于普通电话网,在公司总部就可以实现对千里之外的CT机故障进行诊断与维修。  相似文献   

北京急救中心现使用美国CG公司Sytec-4000 CT机并有1000mA血管造影机和500mA普通X线照相机,移动式C形臂贮存图象X 线机10多台床边照相机,另有B 超及超声心动机等。医院配备二名专业维修工程师.CT 机从未买保修,除必须进口备件外一般都能自己解决维修问题。全年无故障进行比买保修的85%还高,一般有90%以上.从87年开院以来已完成CT 扫描2万人次以上,87—92年使用的CT 机为CGR—9000型,93年以后使用Sytec—4000型。本院诊断医师有中高级职称4人,一名主任医师,一名副主  相似文献   

工业建筑中,由于工艺的需要常布置大量的动力设备,且动力设备与结构相连。某火力发电厂的重要结构,在其钢平台上布置有64台直径为9.14 m的低频运转风机,风机运转频率与结构基频接近。试验设计了该结构包括风机的1/4模型,首先进行动力特性测试,再按照不同工况使风机群按照不同频率运转,测试结构的振动位移反应。分析认为,虽然风机运转引起的结构振动位移绝对值不大,但该动力位移是结构正常工作时频繁出现的,应注意结构的疲劳破坏;风机低频运转对结构的影响要大于高频运转对结构的影响,在实际工程中,风机运转频率接近结构前三阶频率时应跨越。  相似文献   

长期以来,对前兆台网仪器的管理缺乏系统性。为此,研发了前兆仪器管理系统。该系统实现了对前兆仪器从购买到淘汰整个生命周期的管理,其中包括安装、接入、运行、故障、停测、报废等,以及仪器故障维修流程的管理,其中包括故障登记、处理、维修、备机备件库等。基于这些信息,对仪器及故障维修情况进行综合统计分析,为管理决策提供信息支持。本文主要介绍了该系统设计的一些主要技术方面和系统实现的主要功能。  相似文献   

本文主要讲述我院在缺少必备的医疗设备维护图纸资料的情况下,岛津SCT—4800 CT机的应用与维修的经验。  相似文献   

有关水库诱发地震问题的研究目前仍处于探索阶段,而水库诱发地震震例是深入研究水库诱发地震的宝贵基础资料。科学合理地对这些资料进行高效管理,无疑会加快水库诱发地震的研究步伐。文中介绍的水库诱发地震震例数据库管理系统,是以Visual Studio 2008为开发平台,C++作为开发语言。由于采用了面向对象的分析与设计方法,以及使用组件技术进行开发,使得该管理系统不仅界面友好、操作方便,而且具有良好的可维护性、可扩充性和升级换代能力。该系统的建立和使用有助于深入进行水库诱发地震的基础研究  相似文献   

We present an innovative approach for seismic image enhancement using multi‐parameter angle‐domain characterization of common image gathers. A special subsurface angle‐domain imaging system is used to generate the multi‐parameter common image gathers in a summation‐free image space. The imaged data associated with each common image gathers depth point contain direction‐dependent opening‐angle image contributions from all the available incident and scattered wave‐pairs at this point. Each direction‐dependent opening‐angle data can be differently weighted according to its coherency measure. Once the optimal migration velocity is used, it is assumed that in the actual specular direction, the coherency measure (semblance) along reflection events, from all available opening angles and opening azimuths, is larger than that along non‐specular directions. The computed direction‐dependent semblance attribute is designed to operate as an imaging filter which enhances specular migration contributions and suppresses all others in the final migration image. The ability to analyse the structural properties of the image points by the multi‐parameter common image gather allows us to better handle cases of complicated wave propagation and to improve the image quality at poorly illuminated regions or near complex structures. The proposed method and some of its practical benefits are demonstrated through detailed analysis of synthetic and real data examples.  相似文献   

Bog systems tend to have a flashy hydrological regime with low baseflows and rapid and high storm peaks. Water derived from peatlands often contains significant amounts of organic humic and fulvic materials which form the largest fraction of the dissolved organic carbon component of the fluvial carbon flux. However, most estimates of dissolved organic carbon flux from peatlands are based on sampling that is infrequent and which may miss the periods of high flux during storm events. In order to better characterize the behaviour and fluxes of fluvial carbon it is necessary to operate more frequent sampling. This paper presents data from a continuously operating field‐based spectrophotometer simultaneously measuring absorbance across 200–730 nm at 2·5 nm intervals in runoff from an upland peatland stream. It is shown that absorbance at different wavelengths that have previously been used to characterize dissolved organic carbon varies rapidly during storm events. The probe is shown to even detect changes in absorbance characteristics in response to rainfall events before the stream discharge starts to rise. The high‐resolution behaviour of absorbance characteristics during storm events is different depending on the wavelength studied. Thus, the choice of wavelength used as a proxy for dissolved organic carbon needs careful attention and it may be that automated spectrophotometric methods which provide rich time‐series data from across the spectrum can tell us more about fluxes, processes and sources of aquatic carbon in peatland systems in the future than traditional practices have hitherto allowed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

介绍了一个对磁带记录的连续波形数据进行浏览和处理的图形用户界面工具软件.它可以对磁带介质进行多种操作,并对抽取的连续波形文件进行各种处理.该工具提供图形化的菜单、按钮等操作方式,使用方便、灵活、有效.  相似文献   

In order to study the relationship between water composition and stream flow rate, it is desirable to sample at a frequency related to flow rate, especially during storm events. In a rural catchment of 18 ha near Oxford, the rate of rainfall was found to be linearly related to discharge on the rising limb of the stream hydrograph. A sampling system was therefore designed in which electrical pulses from a tipping-bucket raingauge were used to initiate and control the action of an automatic water sampler. A threshold rainfall intensity is set above which sampling commences. Sampling then continues at regular increments of rainfall until the intensity drops below the threshold, after which sampling occurs at regular intervals during the period that the stream flow reverts to normal. The CMOS electrical circuits which control the sampling also operate a cassette tape recorder which records the time of each tip of the raingauge and operation of the sampler. Since the sytem is designed to impose very little additional load on the battery which powers the water sampler, and can operate unattended for at least a fortnight, it is ideal for use in small, remote catchments. The system has been extended to include measurements of water temperature and could provide other measurements as well.  相似文献   

湛江市数字遥测地震台网位于地震重点监视区的粤、桂、琼交界地区,采用国产数字无线遥测地震系统设备,智能型、自动化程度高,操作简便,地震数据处理结果快速、准确,是一个高效能的地方性地震监测台网。介绍了该台网的布局、监测能力、技术要求及效能。  相似文献   

熊峰 《高原地震》2013,25(2):17-21
在对内蒙古形变台网观测环境、观测系统、观测质量、预报与应用、观测效能各方面综合评价监测效能的基础上,对观测资料的精度进行了延续性评定。客观准确评定、计算观测资料序列的精度指标是为了更好地使用资料和维护系统的正常运行。以M2波潮汐因子为基础对观测资料做量化评定,更注重观测手段的科学性与在地震监测中的实用性。  相似文献   

It has been more than a year since Don left us.He left us so suddenly.We planned to have a phone call after he settled down at his new house.However,it never ha...  相似文献   

以通州地震台2008年观测数据为例,给出了地电阻率绘图打印程序的设计与实现。重点讨论了面向对象的程序设计方法、双缓冲绘图技术及所见即所得打印的实现。程序可与SODE数据库进行无缝集成,有多种绘图输出样式,操作简单,交互性好,在多个地震台站得到成功应用。  相似文献   

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