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概述了1988年12月16日出现在微波Ⅳ型大爆发上的快变分量观测特征,以及由MHD调制磁流管的磁场强度,而产生了12.5min和1.2min的长短准周期振荡,呈部分高能电子被磁场俘获,做同步加速回旋辐射,产生了微波Ⅳ型爆发,另一部分能电子以一定入射角喷注磁拱上,形成螺距角各为异性的空心束分布,其电子回旋不稳定性导致spike辐射。最后,用慢波模式计算了三个频率上的1.2min的准周期振荡,结果表明  相似文献   

概述了1988年12月16日出现在微波Ⅳ型大爆发上的快变分量观测特征,以及由MHD调制磁流管的磁场强度,而产生了12.5min和1.2min的长短准周期振荡。一部分高能电子被磁场俘获,做同步加速回旋辐射,产生了微波Ⅳ型爆发。另一部分高能电子以一定入射角喷注在磁拱上,形成螺距角各为异性的空心束分布,其电子回旋不稳定性导致spike辐射。最后,用慢波模式计算了三个频率上的1.2min的准周期振荡,结果表明振荡周期随频率的增加而增大,与观测结果相符。  相似文献   

陈晓娟 《天文学报》1997,38(1):25-33
云南天文台快速采样射电望远镜(1.42GHz,2.84GHz,4.00GHz)于1988年12月16日观测到一次特大微波IV型爆发。爆发从世界时08^h31^m结束。在70分钟的持续期内,爆发出现了五个主峰段,呈现出12.5分钟的长周期振荡和1.2分钟的短周期振荡。其中两个频率上出现了丰富的快速精细结构。根据爆发源区的扭斜磁场位形,本文提出振荡是MHD调制磁流管的磁场强度产生的,爆发是高能电子在磁  相似文献   

1988年12月16日世界时08h31min至09h41min,云南天文台PhoenixI日冕射电频谱仪(1.42GHz,2.84GHz,4.00GHz)收到一个罕见的微波Ⅳ型大爆发,爆发从米波Ⅳ型一直延伸到微波Ⅳ型,持续时间长,爆发强度大,爆发型别复杂。前后出现了五个主峰段,呈现出1.2min和1.25min的短周期和长周期振荡。在其中的两个频段上叠加有丰富的Spike辐射,根据爆发源区的扭斜磁场位形,我们采用磁俘获模型,计算了源区的有效温度,源区磁场随高度的变化,并算出了峰值频率在8.89GHz,其结果表明爆发是高能电子被磁场俘获,做回旋同步辐射所致  相似文献   

云南天文台快速采样射电望远镜(1.42GHz,2.84GHz,4.00GHz)于1988年12月16日观测到一次特大微波Ⅳ型爆发.爆发从世界时08h31m开始,至09h41m结束.在70分钟的持续期内,爆发出现了五个主峰段,呈现出12.5分钟的长周期振荡和1.2分钟的短周期振荡.其中两个频率上出现了丰富的快速精细结构.根据爆发源区的扭斜磁场位形,本文提出振荡是MHD调制磁流管的磁场强度产生的,爆发是高能电子在磁场中被俘获做同步加速回旋辐射的结果,为此作出了定量和定性的解释.  相似文献   

本文概述了1988年12月16日特大微波IVμ型爆发的观测待征,以及由MHD调制磁流管的磁场强度产生准周期振荡,一部分高能电子被磁场俘获,作同步加速回旋辐射,产生微波型爆发.另一部分高能电子以一定入射角喷注在磁拱上,形成螺距角各向异性的空心束分布,从而激发出电子回旋脉泽辐射(ECM),它们的垂直分量的能量便产生了尖峰(spike)辐射,叠加在微波IVμ型爆发之上.结合怀柔的太阳磁场图,采用双极磁场模型,作出了定量计算.  相似文献   

总结了近期用射电频谱仪(高时间和高频谱分辨)和野边山射电日像仪(高空间分辨)以及国内外其它空间和地面设备分析日冕磁场和重联的系列工作。主要结论可归纳为:1)在Dulk等人(1982)的近似下自恰计算射电爆发源区磁场的平行和垂直分量,并首次得到该磁场在日面的两雏分布。2)为了考虑非热电子低能截止的影响,必须采用更严格的回旋同步辐射理论来计算。结果表明:低能截止和日冕磁场对计算有明显的影响,而其它参数(包括背景温度、密度、高能截止和辐射方向)的影响均可忽略。因此,对低能截止和日冕磁场必须联立求解。3)射电爆发中的精细结构可能反映了射电爆发源比较靠近粒子加速(磁场重联)的区域,利用高时间和高频率分辨的频谱仪和高空间分辨的日像仪联合分析,可以确定精细结构的源区位置,从而确定粒子加速(磁场重联)的准确时间和地点。  相似文献   

本概述了1988年12月16日特大微波Ⅳμ型爆发的观测特征,以及由MHD调制磁流管的磁场强度产生准周期振荡,一部分高能电子被磁场俘获,作同步加速回旋辐射,产生微微汉Ⅳμ型爆发,另一部分高能电子以一定入射角喷注在磁拱上,形成螺距角各向异性的空心束分布,从而激发出电子回旋脉泽辐射(ECM),它们的垂直分量的能量便产生了尖峰辐射,叠加在Ⅳμ型爆发之上,结合怀柔的太阳磁场图,采用双极磁场模型,作出了定理  相似文献   

根据近年来地面和空间观测资料的统计分析指出:(1)太阳质子事件(或质子耀斑)的发生同起伏剧烈的强微波爆发(包括脉冲和IVμ型爆发)或短分米波IV型爆发存在着紧密的共生关系(共生率趋近100%);(2)约有24%—30%的质子事件没有对应的II型爆发。这一结果否定了以前认为II型爆发中的激波加速是产生质子事件必要条件的看法,进而论证了产生强微波(脉冲或IV_μ型)爆发的相对论性电子(≥500kev)与质子耀斑中的高能质子(>10MeV)都是在耀斑脉冲相的磁环中受到随机MHD湍动加速作用而产生的。那些逃逸到行星际空间的质子流就构成了太阳质子事件。  相似文献   

强磁场对非零温中子星壳层电子俘获反应的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
罗志全  彭秋和 《天文学报》1996,37(4):430-436
本文讨论了强磁场作用下非零温电子气体的化学势,分析了磁场作用下电子气体屏蔽势的变化;以核素33S为例,讨论了不同温度下,磁场对电子俘获率的影响,结果表明:在足够低的温度和密度下,足够强的磁场使电子俘获率显著降低,而就中子星表面存在的磁场强度(109-1013G)而言,磁场对其电子俘获率几乎没有影响.  相似文献   

The observations of a microwave burst with multiple impulses on 1993 Oct 2, 073940–074100 UT are analysed. This event consists of multiple impulses superimposed on a slowly varying burst background. Our formula for coronal magnetic field diagnostics was used here for the first time to derive the field strength and information on the energetic electrons. The results are: 1) The mean spectral index of the impulsive component in the optically thin part is less than that of the slow background by 1 (a harder spectrum). The mean brightness temperature at 19.6 GHz of the former is 6 times that of the latter. 2) The mean magnetic strengths of the impulse and slow burst regions are 158 G and 531 G, respectively. The time variation in the slow burst region is saddle-shaped, being 50% lower in the middle than at the beginning and end. 3) The column density NL and number density N of energetic electrons in the impulsive component are 4% and 8% of those of the slow component, but the energy flux and emission coefficient are 100% and 800% greater. The two components appear to be produced by two different electron groups with different energy distributions in two different regions.  相似文献   

The gyro-synchrotron emission from a model source with a non-uniform magnetic field is computed taking into account the self absorption. This model seems adequate not only to interpret the radio spectrum and its time variation of microwave impulsive bursts but also to solve the discrepancy between the numbers of non-thermal electrons emitting radio burst and those emitting hard X-ray burst.The decrease of flux of radio burst with decreasing frequency at low microwave frequencies is due to the self absorption and/or the thermal gyro-absorption. In this frequency range, the radio source is optically thick even at weak microwave bursts. The weakness of the bursts may be rather due to the small size of the radio source and/or the weakness of the magnetic field than the small number density of the non-thermal electrons.The time variation of the flux of radio burst may be mainly attributed to the variation of source size in a horizontal direction ( direction) instead of the variation of the number density of non-thermal electrons itself, implying that the acceleration region progressively moves in the horizontal direction leaving the non-thermal electrons behind during the increasing phase of the radio burst.  相似文献   

The ultimate definition of fast time structures superimposed on an impulsive solar microwave burst is limited by instrumental time resolution and sensitivity. We analysed 7 GHz bursts with a time constant of 100 ms. The fast time structures seem to be common to all events, although the resolution so far attained might still be smoothing out structures with finer scale. The polarization degree does not show corresponding fast changes. When the degree of circular polarization is referred to the burst's excess flux, it may show a slowly varying time development. When it is referred to the total active center contribution, the polarization degree might become nearly unchanged during the burst development. The polarization degree is set by the large scale magnetic field strength and morphology over the active center and the burst source. The present results suggest that the microwave fast component burst source might remain nearly stationary in relation to the polarizing medium, occupying the same position as the active center hot spot previous to the event. The absence of fast time structures in polarization degree indicate negligible fast changes in the large scale magnetic field which pervades the burst source. Slow changes in polarization degree are sometimes associated with the slow component of impulsive events, and might be representative of secondary accelerations interpreted in terms of trap models. We discuss qualitatively some energy conversion mechanisms based on turbulent processes which may account for the fast burst components.Formerly Centro de Rádio-Astronomia e Astrofisica Mackenzie, now absorbed by CNPq and being re-organized in connection to Observatio Nacional.  相似文献   

Models of solar hard X-ray bursts are considered in which non-thermal electrons are impulsively injected into a coronal magnetic trap. Recognising that the ends of the trap are likely to be rooted in the photosphere and that the density of the ambient atmosphere may thus be highly non-uniform along the field lines, it is shown that the X-ray spectra will initially soften with time, due to collisions, when this non-uniformity is strong enough. This removes a well-known discrepancy in models with uniform density.It is shown also that non-uniformity steepens the electron spectrum required to produce a given observed X-ray spectrum. In consequence the total non-thermal electron energy involved in a given burst is greater than that previously inferred from impulsive injection models.  相似文献   

The peak times of impulsive microwave bursts are compared with those of shock-associated (SA) kilometric radio events. The first peaks in these two frequency regimes are usually well-correlated in time, but the last peaks of the SA events observed at 1 MHz occur an average of 20 min after the last impulsive microwave peaks. In some cases, the SA events overlap in time with the post-burst increases of microwave bursts; sometimes there is general correspondence in their intensity time profiles. These observations suggest that the earlier components of the SA events are usually caused by electrons accelerated in or near the microwave source region. We discuss the possibility that the later components of some SA events could be associated with nonthermal electrons responsible for microwave post-burst increases, although they have traditionally been attributed to electrons accelerated at type II burst producing shocks in the upper corona.  相似文献   

Willson  Robert F. 《Solar physics》2002,211(1-2):289-313
Very-Large-Array (VLA) observations of the Sun at 20, 91 and 400 cm have been combined with data from the SOHO, TRACE and Wind solar missions to study the properties of long-lasting Type I noise storms and impulsive metric and decimetric bursts during solar flares and associated coronal mass ejections. These radio observations provide information about the acceleration and propagation of energetic electrons in the low and middle corona as well as their interactions with large-scale magnetic structures where energy release and transport takes place. For one flare and its associated CME, the VLA detected impulsive 20 and 91 cm bursts that were followed about ten minutes later by 400 cm burst emission that appeared to move outward into the corona. This event was also detected by the Waves experiment on Wind which showed intense, fast-drifting interplanetary Type III bursts following the metric and decimetric bursts detected by the VLA. For another event, impulsive 91 cm emission was detected about a few minutes prior to impulsive bursts at 20.7 cm, suggesting an inwardly propagating beam of electrons that excited burst emission at lower levels and shorter wavelengths. We also find evidence for significant changes in the intensity of Type I noise storms in the same or nearby active region during impulsive decimetric bursts and CMEs. These changes might be attributed to flare-initiated heating of the Type I radio source plasma by outwardly-propagating flare ejecta or to the disruption of ambient magnetic fields by the passage of a CME.  相似文献   

This paper investigates in detail the peak frequency of gyrosynchrotron radiation spectrum with self and gyroresonance absorption for a model of nonuniform magnetic field. It is found that the peak frequency shifts from lower frequency to higher frequency with increases in the low-energy cutoff, number density, input depth of energetic electrons, magnetic field strength and viewing angle. When the number density and temperature of thermal electrons increase, the peak frequency also shifts to a slightly higher frequency. However, the peak frequency is independent of the energy spectral index, high-energy cutoff of energetic electrons and the height of the radio source’s upper boundary. It is also found for the first time that there is a good linear correlation between the logarithms of the peak frequency and the low-energy cutoff, number density, input depth of energetic electrons, magnetic field strength, and viewing angle, respectively. Their correlation coefficients are higher than 0.95 and the standard errors are less than 0.06.  相似文献   

Lin  R. P. 《Solar physics》1987,113(1-2):217-220

We present observations of an intense solar flare hard X-ray burst on 1980 June 27, made with a balloon-borne array of liquid nitrogen-cooled germanium detectors which provided unprecedented spectral resolution (≲1 keV FWHM). The hard X-ray spectra throughout the impulsive phase burst fitted well to a double power-law form, and emission from an isothermal 108–109K plasma can be specifically excluded. The temporal variations of the spectrum indicate that the hard X-ray burst is made up of two superposed components: individual spikes lasting ∼3–15 s, whch have a hard spectrum and a break energy of 30–65 keV; and a slowly varying component characterized by a soft spectrum with a constant low-energy slope and a break energy which increases from 25 keV to ≳100 keV through the event. The double power-law shape indicates that acceleration by DC electric fields parallel to the magnetic field, similar to that occurring in the Earth's auroral zone, may be the source of the energetic electrons which produce the hard X-ray emission. The total potential drop required for flares is typically ∼102 kV compared to ∼10 kV for auroral substorms.


The main aim of this paper is to estimate, from multispectral observations, the plasma parameters in a microwave burst source which was also the site of spike emission. This information is essential for the determination of the spike emission process. By analyzing one-dimensional source distributions observed with the SSRT at 5.7 GHz and correlating them with Yohkoh X-ray and Nobeyama 17 GHz images, we have concluded that the microwave emitting region was larger than the soft X-ray loop-top source, and that the origin of the burst could be explained by gyrosynchrotron emission of non-thermal electrons in a magnetic field of approximately 100 G. It has been shown that the source of 5.7 GHz spikes observed during the burst was located close to an SXR-emitting loop with high density and temperature and a relatively low magnetic field. Thus, plasma emission is the most favourable radiation mechanism for the generation of the sub-arc-second microwave pulses.  相似文献   

SAWANT  H. S.  ROSA  R. R.  CECATTO  J. R.  GOPALSWAMY  N. 《Solar physics》1997,171(1):155-159
Here, we report on impulsive solar radio bursts observed for the first time with high time/spectral resolution in the range 18 to 23 GHz. Using observational parameters and assuming nonthermal gyrosynchrotron emission from energetic electrons in a loop structure, we have estimated the density of nonthermal electrons, magnetic field, and dimension of the source along the line of sight.  相似文献   

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