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We investigated the distribution of meroplankton and water properties off southern Washington and simultaneously measured time series of larval abundance and water properties in two adjacent estuaries, Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay. The cruise period, in late May 1999, coincided with large variation in the alongshore wind stress that caused dynamic change in the position of the Columbia River plume, coastal upelling and downwelling, and offshore phytoplankton production. In the coastal ocean, meroplankton groups responded differently to this wind event and the associated advection of water masses. Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) megalopae were largely indifferent to the wide salinity variation, and were found throughout the surveyed area in both plume and recently upwelled waters. Megalopae of kelp crab (Pugettia producta) and hermit crab (Pagurus spp). were more abundant in upwelled water and low numbers were caught in the plume water. Barnacle cyprids appeared to track the advective transport suggesting that they may be more passively dispersed. Within the estuaries, hydrography responded rapidly and synchronously to variation in wind stress. Intrusions of both plume and newly upwelled waters were detected at estuarine sites, depending on the type of water present at the coast, indicating a tight link between the estuaries and the coastal ocean in this region. A 90-d record ofC. magister megalopae abundance was made at 3 estuarine sites using light traps. The bulk of theC. magister recruitment was limited to a relatively brief period in late May through June. Within this window, megalopae occurred in distinct pulses of 3–5 d interspaced with periods of low or zero abundance.C. magister megalopae recruited to the estuaries over a wide range of wind forcing, and were transported into the estuary within varied water types. There were no periodic patterns indicative of spring-neap tidal variations in the abundance time series. Abundance was only weakly cross-correlated between the adjacent Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay estuaries, which contrasts with the more synchronous estuarine-coastal linkages measured for water properties. These results suggest the interaction of larval aggregation size in the ocean with estuary-ocean exchange processes likely controls patterns of estuarine recruitment.  相似文献   

Hydrographic patterns and chlorophyll concentrations in the Columbia River estuary were compared for spring and summer periods during 2004 through 2006. Riverine and oceanic sources of chlorophyll were evaluated at stations along a 27-km along-estuary transect in relation to time series of wind stress, river flow, and tidal stage. Patterns of chlorophyll concentration varied between seasons and years. In spring, the chlorophyll distribution was dominated by high concentrations from freshwater sources. Periods of increased stream flow limited riverine chlorophyll production. In summer, conversely, upwelling winds induced input of high-salinity water from the ocean to the estuary, and this water was often associated with relatively high chlorophyll concentrations. The frequency, duration, and intensity of upwelling events varied both seasonally and interannually, and this variation affected the timing and magnitude of coastally derived material imported to the estuary. The main source of chlorophyll thus varied from riverine in spring to coastal in summer. In both spring and summer seasons and among years, modulation of the spring/neap tidal cycle determined stratification, patterns of mixing, and the fate of (especially freshwater) phytoplankton. Spring tides had higher mixing and neap tides greater stratification, which affected the vertical distribution of chlorophyll. The Columbia River differs from the more tidally dominated coastal estuaries in the Pacific Northwest by its large riverine phytoplankton production and transfer of this biogenic material to the estuary and coastal ocean. However, all Pacific Northwest coastal estuaries investigated to date have exhibited advection of coastally derived chlorophyll during the upwelling season. This constitutes a fundamental difference between Pacific Northwest estuaries and systems not bounded by a coastal upwelling zone.  相似文献   

Usingin situ data collected during 1992–1997, under the Indian programme of Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS), we show that the biological productivity of the Arabian Sea is tightly coupled to the physical forcing mediated through nutrient availability. The Arabian Sea becomes productive in summer not only along the coastal regions of Somalia, Arabia and southern parts of the west coast of India due to coastal upwelling but also in the open waters of the central region. The open waters in the north are fertilized by a combination of divergence driven by cyclonic wind stress curl to the north of the Findlater Jet and lateral advection of nutrient-rich upwelled waters from Arabia. Productivity in the southern part of the central Arabian Sea, on the other hand, is driven by advection from the Somalia upwelling. Surface cooling and convection resulting from reduced solar radiation and increased evaporation make the northern region productive in winter. During both spring and fall inter-monsoons, this sea remains warm and stratified with low production as surface waters are oligotrophic. Inter-annual variability in physical forcing during winter resulted in one-and-a-half times higher production in 1997 than in 1995.  相似文献   

The long-term response of circulation processes to external forcing has been quantified for the Columbia River estuary using in situ data from an existing coastal observatory. Circulation patterns were determined from four Acoustic Doppler Profilers (ADP) and several conductivity–temperature sensors placed in the two main channels. Because of the very strong river discharge, baroclinic processes play a crucial role in the circulation dynamics, and the interaction of the tidal and subtidal baroclinic pressure gradients plays a major role in structuring the velocity field. The input of river flow and the resulting low-frequency flow dynamics in the two channels are quite distinct. Current and salinity data were analyzed on two time scales—subtidal (or residual) and tidal (both diurnal and semidiurnal components). The residual currents in both channels usually showed a classical two-layer baroclinic circulation system with inflow at the bottom and outflow near the surface. However, this two-layer system is transient and breaks down under strong discharge and tidal conditions because of enhanced vertical mixing. Influence of shelf winds on estuarine processes was also observed via the interactions with upwelling and downwelling processes and coastal plume transport. The transient nature of residual inflow affects the long-term transport characteristics of the estuary. Effects of vertical mixing could also be seen at the tidal time scale. Tidal velocities were separated into their diurnal and semidiurnal components using continuous wavelet transforms to account for the nonstationary nature of velocity amplitudes. The vertical structure of velocity amplitudes were considerably altered by baroclinic gradients. This was particularly true for the diurnal components, where tidal asymmetry led to stronger tidal velocities near the bottom.  相似文献   

Air–water gas exchange is an important process in aquatic systems, including tidal rivers and estuaries. While there are now reliable and routine methods for determining gas exchange over a range of temporal and spatial scales in the ocean and these measurements have resulted in widely used wind speed parameterizations to calculate air–sea gas exchange, the same has not been true for coastal inland waterways. Some studies have suggested that this difference is methodological, while others point to the existence of additional drivers for gas exchange besides wind in rivers and estuaries. Here, we present gas transfer velocities measured in the tidal Hudson River with a method widely used in oceanic studies, the 3He/SF6 dual tracer technique. Airside and waterside forcings were determined with an anemometer and an acoustic Doppler current profiler, respectively. The results confirm that wind is the dominant driver of gas exchange in the tidal Hudson River, with negligible contribution from bottom-generated turbulence. Furthermore, a parameterization between wind speed and gas exchange developed for the ocean is able to predict gas exchange in this environment with high accuracy. It is hoped that by transferring methodology used in oceanic studies to rivers and estuaries, robust data can be obtained that will eventually allow development of widely applicable relationships between easily measured environmental variables and gas exchange in tidal inland waters.  相似文献   

Material transfer between estuaries and the nearshore zone has long been of interest, but information on the processes affecting Pacific Northwest estuaries has lagged behind other areas. The west coast of the U.S. is a region of seasonally variable upwelling that results in enhanced phytoplankton production in the nearshore zone. We examined estuarine-nearshore links over time by measuring physical oceanographic variables and chlorophylla concentration from an anchor station in South Slough, Oregon. Data was collected during 24-h cruises conducted at approximately weekly intervals during summer 1996 and spring 1997. The results demonstrate that the physical oceanography of this estuarine site was strongly influenced by the coastal ocean. Marine water reached the estuarine site on every sampled tide, and chlorophylla was clearly advected into the estuary with this ocean water. In contrast, phytoplankton concentrations were comparatively reduced in the estuarine water. There were, however, large fluctuations in the import of chlorophyll over the course of the summer. These variations likely reflect upwelling-generated phytoplankton production in the coastal ocean and subsequent cross-shelf transport to the estuary. Suspension feeding organisms in South Slough likely depend on the advection of this coastally-derived phytoplankton. The large allochthonous chlorophyll input measured for this system appears dissimilar from most estuaries studied to date. Previous investigations have focused on the outwelling and inwelling of materials in estuaries. We must now consider the influence of coastal upwelling and downwelling processes on estuarine material exchange.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of larval behavior in regulating transport between well-mixed, low-inflow estuaries and coastal waters in seasonally arid climates is poorly known. We determined the flux of an assemblage of benthic crustacean larvae relative to physical conditions between a shallow estuary and coastal waters on the upwelling coast of northern California (38°18′N, 123°03′W) from 29 to 31 March 2006. We detected larval behaviors that regulate transport in adjacent coastal waters and other estuaries for only two taxa in the low-inflow estuary, but they were apparent for taxa outside the estuary. Vertical mixing in the shallow estuary may have overwhelmed larvae of some species, or salinity fluctuations may have been too slight to cue tidal vertical migrations. Nevertheless, all larval stages of species that complete development in nearshore coastal waters were present in the estuary, because they remained low in the water column reducing seaward advection or they were readily exchanged between the estuary and open coast by tidal flows. Weak tidal flows and gravitational circulation at the head of the estuary reduced seaward transport during development for species that completed development nearshore, whereas larval release during nocturnal ebb tides enhanced seaward transport for species that develop offshore. Thus, nonselective tidal processes dominated larval transport for most species back and forth between the low-inflow estuary and open coastal waters, whereas in adjacent open coastal waters, larval behavior in the presence of wind-induced shear was more important in regulating migrations between adult and larval habitats along this upwelling coast.  相似文献   

Moon  I.-J.  Oh  I. S.  Murty  T.  Youn  Y.-H. 《Natural Hazards》2003,29(3):485-500
On 19 August 1997 Typhoon Winnie brought unusually strong and extensive coastal flooding from storm surges to the west coast of Korea, which was farenough from the typhoon's center to lack significant local wind and pressure forcing.Sea levels at some tidal stations broke 36-year records and resulted in property damages of $18,000,000. This study investigated the causes of the unusual high sea levels by using an Astronomical-Meteorological Index (AMI) and a coupled ocean wave-circulation model developed by the present authors. The AMI analysis and the numerical simulation of the surge event showed that the major cause of the high sea levels was not the standard inverse barometric effect supplemented by water piling up along the coast by the wind field of the typhoon as is usual for a typical storm surge, but rather an enhanced tidal forcing from the perigean spring tide and water transported into the Yellow Sea by the currents generated by the typhoon. The numerical results also indicated that the transported water accounted for about 50% of the increased sea levels. Another cause for the coastal flooding was the resonance coupling of the Yellow Sea (with a natural normal mode period of 37.8 h) and the predominant period of the surge (36.5 h).  相似文献   

Understanding of the role of oceanic input in nutrient loadings is important for understanding nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics in estuaries adjacent to coastal upwelling regions as well as determining the natural background conditions. We examined the nitrogen sources to Yaquina Estuary (Oregon, USA) as well as the relationships between physical forcing and gross oceanic input of nutrients and phytoplankton. The ocean is the dominant source of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphate to the lower portion of Yaquina Bay during the dry season (May through October). During this time interval, high levels of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (primarily in the form of nitrate) and phosphate entering the estuary lag upwelling favorable winds by 2 days. The nitrate and phosphate levels entering the bay associated with coastal upwelling are correlated with the wind stress integrated over times scales of 4–6 days. In addition, there is a significant import of chlorophyll a to the bay from the coastal ocean region, particularly during July and August. Variations in flood-tide chlorophyll a lag upwelling favorable winds by 6 days, suggesting that it takes this amount of time for phytoplankton to utilize the recently upwelled nitrogen and be transported across the shelf into the estuary. Variations in water properties determined by ocean conditions propagate approximately 11–13 km into the estuary. Comparison of nitrogen sources to Yaquina Bay shows that the ocean is the dominant source during the dry season (May to October) and the river is the dominant source during the wet season with watershed nitrogen inputs primarily associated with nitrogen fixation on forest lands.  相似文献   

Analysis of heavy-mineral distribution in modern sediments of Willapa Bay, Washington, indicates a dominance of two mineralogic assemblages, one with approximately equivalent amounts of hornblende, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene, the other dominated by clinopyroxene. The hornblende-orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene suite is derived from the Columbia River, which discharges into the ocean a short distance south of the bay. The clinopyroxene suite is restricted in modern sediments to sands in rivers flowing into the bay from the east. The heavy-mineral distributions suggest that sand discharged from the Columbia River, borne north by longshore transport, and carried into the bay by tidal currents accounts for most of the sand within the interior of Willapa Bay.Three heavy-mineral assemblages are present in the surrounding Pleistocene deposits; two of these are identical to the modern assemblages described above. These heavy-mineral assemblages reflect the relative influence of tidal and fluvial processes on the Late Pleistocene deposits; their relative influences are consistent with those inferred on the basis of sedimentary structures and stratigraphic relations in about two-thirds of the samples examined. The anomalies can be explained by recycling of sand from older deposits. The persistence of the two heavy-mineral assemblages suggests that the pattern of estuarine sedimentation in Late Pleistocene deposits closely resembled that of the modern bay.The third heavy-mineral suite, dominated by epidote, occurs in a few older Pleistocene units. On the north side of the bay, the association of this suite with southwest-directed foresets in crossbedded gravel indicates derivation from the northeast, perhaps from an area of glacial outwash. The presence of this suite in ancient estuarine sands exposed on the east side of the bay suggests that input from this northerly source may have intermittently dominated bay deposition in the past.  相似文献   

A sea-survey was carried out along the Chinese coast from the Bohai Sea to South China Sea, and 15 surficial samples were taken from major coastal estuaries, i.e., from north to south, the Yellow, abandoned Yellow, Yangtze, Qiantang, Ou, Min, Han, and Pearl River estuaries. On the basis of clay mineral analysis and published data collection, this paper discusses the characteristics of clay minerals of each coastal river and potentials of implications of sediment sources. The results show that the change of diagnostic clay minerals from smectite to kaolinite from the Yellow to the Pearl River estuaries is southward, as clearly shown by the ratios of smectite to chlorite (S/Ch) and kaolinite to illite (K/I). S/Ch decreases southward, while K/I moves reversely, implying change in climate setting from cool/dry to humid/hot with intensified weathering processes. Besides, these two indicators in the estuaries are also linked with the derivation of parent-rock of each river-basin and coastal hydrodynamics. The disproportional higher ratio of K/I in the Yellow and abandoned Yellow River estuaries is ascribed to their sediment sources with abundant loess component in the north-central China. The K/I decrease offshore from the Pearl River estuary is primarily due to hydrodynamic sorting. Therefore, the S/Ch and K/I of the present study comprehensively reflect the controls of climate, parent-rock, and sediment transport along the coast.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of the Chesapeake Bay outflow plume on the coastal ocean, nutrient concentrations and climatology were evaluated in conjunction with nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) uptake rates during a 3-year field study. Sixteen cruises included all seasons and captured high- and low-flow freshwater input scenarios. Event-scale disturbances in freshwater flow and wind speed and direction strongly influenced the location and type of plume present and thus the biological uptake of N and C. As expected, volumetric primary productivity rates did not always correlate with chlorophyll a concentrations, suggesting that high freshwater flow does not translate into high productivity in the coastal zone; rather, high productivity was observed during periods where recycling processes may have dominated. Results suggest that timing of meteorological events, with respect to upwelling or downwelling favorable conditions, plays a crucial role in determining the impact of the estuarine plume on the coastal ocean.  相似文献   

The relative roles of river, atmospheric, and tidal forcings on estuarine sea level variability are examined in Breton Sound, a shallow (0.7 m) deltaic estuary situated in an interdistributary basin on the Mississippi River deltaic plain. The deltaic landscape contains vegetated marshes, tidal flats, circuitous channels, and other features that frictionally dissipate waves propagating through the system. Direct forcing by local wind stress over the surface of the estuary is minimal, owing to the lack of significant fetch due to landscape features of the estuary. Atmospheric forcing occurs almost entirely through remote forcing, where alongshore winds facilitate estuary-shelf exchange through coastal Ekman convergence. The highly frictional nature of the deltaic landscape causes the estuary to act as a low-pass filter to remote atmospheric forcing, where high-frequency, coastally-induced fluctuations are significantly damped, and the damping increases with distance from the estuary mouth. During spring, when substantial quantities of controlled Mississippi River inputs (?q = 62 m3 s-1) are discharged into the estuary, upper estuary subtidal sea levels are forced by a combination of river and remote atmospheric forcings, while river effects are less clear downestuary. During autumn (?q = 7 m3 s-1) sea level variability throughout the estuary is governed entirely by coastal variations at the marine boundary. A frequency-dependent analytical model, previously used to describe sea level dynamics forced by local wind stress and coastal forcing in deeper, less frictional systems, is applied in the shallow Breton Sound estuary. In contrast to deeper systems where coastally-induced fluctuations exhibit little or no frictional attenuation inside the estuary, these fluctuations in the shallow Breton Sound estuary show strong frequency dependent amplitude reductions that extend well into the subtidal frequency spectrum.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional numerical model of the type described by Johns and coworkers (1992), hereafter referred to as model (J), is applied to study the response of a coastal ocean to pure wind-stress forcing. Conservation equations are applied for mass, momentum, temperature, salinity and turbulence energy. Experiments are performed to investigate the evolution of the thermal structure and upwelling processes along the east coast of India during the pre-monsoon season. A comparison between the computed results and the limited observations on the thermal structure and alongshore currents over the inner-shelf off Visakhapatnam is presented.  相似文献   

Theory and observations of river plumes are reviewed. The importance of the Kelvin number in characterizing anticipated plume behavior is stressed. In the absence of strong external forcing, a northern hemisphere plume will turn anticyclonically and attach to the coast, where it then merges into a coastal current. Observations and theory of such coastal currents are also reviewed, with emphasis on flows over shallow continental shelves. Major unresolved questions involve the processes controlling mixing of coastal current waters with ambient shelf waters and the dynamics of the plume in the region where it attaches to the coast.  相似文献   

Coastal flooding occurs due to storm surges generated by tropical and extra-tropical cyclones on the globe. The meteorological forcing fields for the generation of storm surges are the tangential surface wind stress on the ocean surface and the normal atmospheric pressure gradients associated with the weather systems. The large scale forcing from the cyclones is referred to as the synoptic scale and storm surge prediction from synoptic scale forcing is well developed and is reasonably satisfactory around the world. However, coastal flooding also occurs from weather systems, with forcing on a meso-scale and also from remote forcing. It is proposed here that the term “Storm surge” be used to only refer to coastal flooding from synoptic scale forcing and the terminology “Rissaga” be used for coastal flooding from meso-scale forcing. For flooding due to remote forcing, a new term “Kallakkadal” is proposed.  相似文献   

Tillamook Bay, Oregon, is a drowned river estuary that receives freshwater input from 5 rivers and exchanges ocean water through a single channel. Similar to other western United States estuaries, the bay exhibits a strong seasonal change in river discharge in which there is a pronounced winter maximum and summer minimum in precipitation and runoff. The behavior of major inorganic nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen, and silica) within the watershed is examined over seasonal cycles and under a range of river discharge conditions for October 1997–December 1999. Monthly and seasonal sampling stations include transects extending from the mouth of each river to the mouth of the estuary as well as 6–10 sites upstream along each of the 5 major rivers. Few studies have examined nutrient cycling in Pacific Northwest estuaries. This study evaluates the distributions of inorganic nutrients to understand the net processes occurring within this estuary. Based upon this approach, we hypothesize that nutrient behavior in the Tillamook Bay estuary can be explained by two dominant factors: freshwater flushing time and biological uptake and regeneration. Superimposed on these two processes is seasonal variability in nutrient concentrations of coastal waters via upwelling. Freshwater flushing time determines the amount of time for the uptake of nutrients by phytoplankton, for exchange with suspended particles, and for interaction with the sediments. Seasonal coastal upwelling controls the timing and extent of oceanic delivery of nutrients to the estuary. We suggest that benthic regeneration of nutrients is also an important process within the estuary occurring seasonally according to the flushing characteristics of the estuary. Silicic acid, nitrate, and NH4 + supply to the bay appears to be dominated by riverine input. PO4 −3 supply is dominated by river input during periods of high river flow (winter months) with oceanic input via upwelling and tidal exchange important during other times (spring, summer, and fall months). Departures from conservative mixing indicate that internal estuarine sources of dissolved inorganic phosphorus and nitrogen are also significant over an annual cycle.  相似文献   

A high resolution model, using the Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model (MICOM), has been implemented for the first time to study the seasonal circulation and coastal upwelling off the southwest Indian coast during 1974. This model is part of a model and data assimilation system capable of describing the ocean circulation and variability in the Indian Ocean and its predictability in response to the monsoon system. Along the southwest coast of India the dominant coastal current is the reversing West Indian Coastal Current which is well simulated and described, in addition to the weaker undercurrent of the opposite direction. Upwelling of cold water, 4‡C lower than offshore temperatures appear in April. The upwelling intensifies with the southwest monsoon and is simulated in accordance within situ observations. Upwelling appears to be strongest off Cochin and Quilon, and the upwelling of cold water is seen together with a decrease in salinity in the model simulation.  相似文献   

Our nation’s coast is a complicated management area where no single delineation provides all of the demographic statistics needed to address the full range of policy and management issues. As a result, several different coastal delineations are currently being used, yielding a variety of US coastal population statistics. This paper proposes a simple model for generating and applying coastal population statistics at the national and regional level to increase consistency in coastal policy discussions and improve public understanding of coastal issues. The model includes two major components. The first component is “the population that most directly affects the coast,” represented by the permanent US population that resides in a standard suite of Coastal Watershed Counties, where land use and water quality changes most directly impact coastal ecosystems. The second component is “the population most directly affected by the coast,” represented by the permanent US population that resides in a standard suite of Coastal Shoreline Counties that are directly adjacent to the open ocean, major estuaries, and the Great Lakes, which due to their proximity to these waters, bear a great proportion of the full range of effects from coastal hazards and host the majority of economic production associated with coastal and ocean resources.  相似文献   

The Chesapeake and Delaware (C&;D) Canal is a man-made waterway connecting two of the largest estuaries on the east coast of the United States: Chesapeake Bay and Delaware Bay. A set of current meter data collected during April–May 1975 along two cross-sections of the C&;D Canal was used to examine the spatial distributions of the currents at tidal and subtidal time scales. The different responses of the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays to tidal and wind forcing produce significant differences in sea level fluctuations between the two ends of the canal. These alongcanal surface slopes produce significant barotropic current fluctuations at both tidal (semidiurnal and diurnal) and subtidal (2-d to 3-d) time scales. Under the influence of bottom friction, the barotropic currents near the surface are stronger than those at depth, but these currents do not exhibit significant lateral variations across the canal. On the other hand, the long-term flow in the canal exhibits strong lateral variability with eastward flow off the south shore of the canal and westward flow off the north shore of the canal. The lateral structure of the long-term flow may carry significant implications for the long-term exchange of material between the two bays.  相似文献   

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