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Ocean processes are generally large scale on the U.S. Pacific Northwest coast; this is true of both seasonal variations and event-scale upwelling-downwelling fluctuations., which are highly energetic. Coastal upwelling supplies most of the macronutrients available for production, although the intensity of upwelling-favorable wind forcing increases southward while primary production and chlorophyll are higher in the north, off the Washington coast. This discrepancy could be related to several mesoscale features: the wider, more gently sloping shelf to the north, the existence of numerous submarine canyons to the north, the availability of Columbia River plume water and sediment north of the river mouth, and the existence of a semi-permanent eddy offshore of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. We suggest that these features have important effects on the magnitude and timing of macronutrient or micronutrient delivery to the plankton. These features are potentially important as well to transport pathways and residence times of planktonic larvae and to the development of harmful algal blooms. The coastal plain estuaries, with the exception of the Columbia River, are relatively small, with large tidal forcing and highly seasonal direct river inputs that are low to negligible during the growing season. Primary production in these estuaries is likely controlled not by river-driven stratification but by coastal upwelling and exchange with the ocean. Both baroclinic mechanisms (the gravitational circulation) and barotropic ones (lateral stirring by tide and, possibly, wind) contribute to this exchange. Because estuarine hydrography and ecology are so dominated by ocean signals, the coastal estuaries, like the coastal ocean, are largely synchronous on seasonal and event time scales, though, intrusions of the Columbia River plume can cause strong asymmetries between Washington and Oregon estuaries especially during spring downwelling conditions. Water property correlation increases between spring and summer as wind forcing becomes more spatially coherent along the coast. Estuarine habitat is structure not only, by large scale forcing but also by fine scale processes in the extensive intertidal zone, such as by solar heating or differential advection by tidal, curents.  相似文献   

Bottom-up control, or physical forcing of upper trophic populations, is often cited as a major factor regulating marine species. In particular, seabirds are often cited as indicators of relative productivity and health of the marine environment. The degree to which physical forcing plays a dominant role and the mechanisms of effect remain unclear. We test the relationship between measures of oceanographic and atmospheric forcing, proxied by commonly available monthly to daily indices, and the response of populations of a ubiquitous seabird of the Pacific Northwest coastal environment, the common murre,Uria aalge. We constructed two models: an annualized bottom-up model that examines the degree to which population response variables, including population size, breeding success, and foraging parameters, are correlated with oceanographic forcing at space and time scales relevant to murre biology; and a daily direct forcing model that examines the degree to which diet choices reflect specific, local oceanographic signals. Our bottom-up model suggests that murres are regulated by bottom-up forcing, and that the strength of the association between physical change and population response may be mediated by density dependence. Our direct forcing model indicated that chick diet is affected by both local and remote parameters, including upwelling, tide, and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. We conclude that murres, and seabirds in general, can be used as indicators of local to basinwide physical change, but only under certain conditions: the life history of the species, and the specific local population, must be well known; a conceptual model that links life history traits to measures of physical change at biologically relevant space and time scales must be developed; and larger populations that are more apt to show density-dependent effects should be selected.  相似文献   

We reviewed the scale and intensity of disturbance, and the response of benthic and epibenthic communities, to intertidal aquaculture activities in Pacific Northwest estuaries. Available data indicate a spectrum of influences on the ability of estuaries to sustain biota unrelated to the cultured species. Certain disturbances, such as adding gravel to mudflats and sandflats to enhance clam production, may subtly impact certain benthic and epibenthic invertebrates without changing the carrying capacity for estuarine-dependent taxa, such as juvenile Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.). However, habitat shifts might alter the relative suitability for different salmon species. In contrast, acute disturbances that produce large-scale changes in community dominants, such as manipulation of burrowing shrimp or eelgrass with pesticides or mechanical harvesting and manipulation of oyster grounds, strongly influence the carrying capacity for many fish and macroinvertebrates. Ensuring that estuarine ecosystems are sustainable for the breadth of processes and resources requires a comprehensive assessment of both natural and anthropogenic disturbance regimes, landscape influences, and the effects of local management for particular species on other resources.  相似文献   

This paper explores social, and economic aspects of coastal communities crucial to the management of estuaries in the Pacific Northwest. These aspects include the changing demographics and economies of coastal communities, and the public perceptions, attitudes, and values pertaining to estuarine ecosystems. Information from Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor in Washington and Tillamook, Yaquina, and Coos Bays in Oregon shows that the coastal communities are growing more slowly than the states overall., that the populations are relatively old, and that, although the local economies continue to rely on them, the extractive natural resource industries (fishing, aquaculture, agriculture, forest products) are declining in importance relative to tourism, recreation, and retirement industries. These trends suggest that human uses of the estuaries are changing in character, and altering the management problems. Coastal residents choose to live in these communities to enjoy the views and scenery, to experience rural living, to be near the ocean, and to recreate outdoors. People express coherent perceptions of risks to the estuaries, especially the threats of declining fish habitats, oil spills, shoreline development, invasive species, and logging in upland areas> Residential land values are enhanced by the presence of wetlands and forests and are diminished by the presence of hazardous waste sites. We conclude that, if recent trends in population age structure, income sources, and employment status continue, public attitudes and values will move towards stronger environmental protection. Because ecosystem management involves local public participation and collaboration, estuarine managers will be faced with both increased demands and opportunities.  相似文献   

Lawal  Olanrewaju  Adesope  M. Olufemi 《GeoJournal》2021,86(2):831-842

The fifth assessment report (AR5) predicted that land temperatures would rise faster over Africa than other global averages while changes in rainfall are uncertain across Sub-Saharan Africa. These portend water availability challenges with direct impacts on agricultural production. Existing studies on yield vulnerability in Nigeria are mostly at a national scale, which is not adequate for local decision making. This study provides a spatially explicit model of Maize yield vulnerabilities across the growing areas (GA). Thereby, turning available data into actionable information to support development actions. Yield vulnerability index was constructed as a relationship among exposure, yield sensitivity and adaptive capacity. Exposure was computed as the ratio between long and short-term climatic factors. Yield sensitivities were expressed as the ratio between expected and actual yield. Adaptive capacity was captured using a combination of socio-economic proxies. The result shows that Maize yields were vulnerable to climate variability across most of the GAs. Exposure values indicate a very high level of climate variability with the northern region more exposed. Yield sensitivity ranges between ranges 0.47 and 0.95, and highest along the northern extremes, moderate sensitivities were observed across large tracts of the north-west, northeast, south-east and south–south geopolitical regions. Adaptive capacity is highly variable ranging between 0.27 and 1. Yield vulnerability ranges between 0.46 and 1.51. The general assumption of a north–south divide for yield vulnerability was invalidated. Vulnerability is more disparate beyond latitudinal differences. The model presented, creates a framework to support targeted response, and opportunity for building resilience to climate change impact for crop yield.


English sole (Pleuronectes vetulus) is one of a few commercially important marine fishes on the Pacific coast of North America that use estuarine areas as nurseries for juvenile stages. Trawl surveys of four United States Pacific Northwest estuaries were conducted to determine spatial patterns of juvenile English sole residence in estuaries during 1998–2000. Additional data from 1983–1988 were also analyzed. Two size classes of juvenile English sole were identified during surveys, with densities of small (Total length [TL] <50 mm) sole ranging from 0 to 11,300 fish ha?1 across all sites, and densities of large (TL 50–150 mm) sole ranging from 0 to 33,000 fish ha?1 across all sites. Principal components analysis of static habitat data collected at each trawl survey site was used to define habitat types within each estuary, and discriminant function analysis was used to test the resulting classification scheme. Both small and large cohort English sole used lower side channel locations at significantly higher densities than other estuarine areas. Small English sole also showed significant relationships with both bottom temperature and depth. These patterns in habitat use were consistent across all estuaries and indicate that English sole used shallow depth areas surrounded by extensive tidal flats, where temperatures were optimal for growth. The analysis also suggested a carrying capacity may exist for large English sole in nursery estuaries.  相似文献   

A hypothesis on the formation and seasonal evolution of Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) juvenile nurseries in coastal estuaries is described. A series of cruises were undertaken to capture postmetamorphic juvenile menhaden and to characterize several biological and physical parameters along estuarine gradients. The two study systems, the Neuse and Pamlico rivers in North Carolina, contain important menhaden nursery grounds. Juvenile menhaden abundance was found to be associated with gradients of phytoplankton biomass as evidenced by chlorophylla levels in the upper water column. Fish abundances were only secondarily associated with salinity gradients as salinity was a factor that moderated primary production in the estuary. The persistence of spatial and temporal trends in the distribution of phytoplankton in the Neuse and Pamlico estuaries was reviewed. The review suggested that postmetamorphic juvenile menhaden modify their distribution patterns to match those created by phytoplankton biomass, which in turn makes them most abundant in the phytoplankton maxima of estuaries. Because the location of these maxima varies with the mixing and nutrient dynamics of different estuaries, so will the location of the nursery.  相似文献   

A sea-survey was carried out along the Chinese coast from the Bohai Sea to South China Sea, and 15 surficial samples were taken from major coastal estuaries, i.e., from north to south, the Yellow, abandoned Yellow, Yangtze, Qiantang, Ou, Min, Han, and Pearl River estuaries. On the basis of clay mineral analysis and published data collection, this paper discusses the characteristics of clay minerals of each coastal river and potentials of implications of sediment sources. The results show that the change of diagnostic clay minerals from smectite to kaolinite from the Yellow to the Pearl River estuaries is southward, as clearly shown by the ratios of smectite to chlorite (S/Ch) and kaolinite to illite (K/I). S/Ch decreases southward, while K/I moves reversely, implying change in climate setting from cool/dry to humid/hot with intensified weathering processes. Besides, these two indicators in the estuaries are also linked with the derivation of parent-rock of each river-basin and coastal hydrodynamics. The disproportional higher ratio of K/I in the Yellow and abandoned Yellow River estuaries is ascribed to their sediment sources with abundant loess component in the north-central China. The K/I decrease offshore from the Pearl River estuary is primarily due to hydrodynamic sorting. Therefore, the S/Ch and K/I of the present study comprehensively reflect the controls of climate, parent-rock, and sediment transport along the coast.  相似文献   

西北太平洋热带气旋风压关系的变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1949 ~2008年共60年的热带气旋(TC)历史资料,分析TC中心最低气压和平均最大风速的相互关系,发现存在阶段性特征变异,继而对其进行了定量分析,得出过去60年中国整编的历史热带气旋资料中,风压关系序列前后明显不一致,存在变异现象,其变异点有两个,即1971/1972年、1974/1975年,其中以前者最为明...  相似文献   

Bivalves (mussels, scallops, oysters), from the Pacific Northwest coast of British Columbia, Canada, contain high levels of cadmium, in some cases exceeding 7 μg/g wet weight of tissue. We have for the past 5 years, attempted to determine the source of this cadmium to these filter-feeding invertebrates, with our objective being that we would then be able to advise where bivalves could be cultured for human consumption such that cadmium accumulation by the bivalve was minimized. Our studies have indicated that there are distinct regional and temporal variations in bivalve cadmium residues. Some patterns in cadmium accumulation did occur, e.g. for bivalves located on the most outer westcoast of British Columbia, cadmium residues demonstrated some seasonal dependence. In general, however, variations could not be readily ascribed to food sources (oceanic versus terrestrial), or to abiotic factors such as salinity and turbidity. Cadmium residues in oysters were negatively correlated with temperature supportive of a seasonal influence on measured cadmium concentrations.  相似文献   

Thick hydrogenetic ferromanganese (FeMn) crusts from the northwest and central Pacific seamounts often show a distinct dual structure composed of a typical hydrogenetic porous, friable upper part of FeMn oxides (Layer 1) and the underlying dense, hard phosphatized growth generation of FeMn oxides (Layer 2 in this study). Layer 2 always appears above the substrate rock and composes the lower part of the crust; it is never found as the upper crust layer in contact with seawater. The chemical composition of Layer 2 clearly differs from the younger Layer 1 hydrogenetic FeMn oxides, and is depleted in Fe, Al, Ti, and Co, and enriched in Ni, Cu, and Zn relative to Layer 1. The Be isotope age models of the crusts were refined with paleomagnetic and paleontological information, and applied to selected crust samples. The age model indicates fairly continuous growth from the substrate to the surface and fairly constant growth rates during the past 17 Ma. The growth rate from the Miocene to the present has varied by a factor of two, about 2–4 mm/Myr in Layer 1, while Layer 2 has similar but more variable growth rates than Layer 1.The calculated age for the base of Layer 1, and possibly the age of termination of phosphatization, is never younger than the late Miocene. The age seems to vary with water depth, shallower-water crusts (between 991 and 1575 m) showing a younger age of about 10 Ma whereas the deeper-water (2262 m) crusts have extrapolated ages for the base of Layer 1 of be 17.1 ± 2.5 Ma. This trend indicates that phosphatization took place in a less-oxidizing environment during growth of Layer 2, followed by a weakened oxygen-minimum zone or intensified AABW during growth of Layer 1.  相似文献   

Evidence of Holocene sea levels higher than the present level have often been reported from the Northwest Pacific. Eustatic interpretations have been propounded, but age and level of the maximum transgression vary with each new analysis. In this investigation, after an inventory of approximately 250 items of data, some of which are new, a tentative synthesis transcending local scale is advanced. The highest levels are reported from Taiwan, where they often reach several tens of meters in altitude. In the Ryûkyûs and in the main islands of the Japanese Archipelago, evidence of recent emergence is found along most of the coasts. Elevation increases towards the oceanic trenches, but former sea levels at above 6 m and even higher may also be recognized along the coasts of the Sea of Japan. In a few areas, such as in the Niigata Plain, marks of Holocene sea levels higher than at present are lacking. On the other hand, in other basins regarded as subsiding, such as those in the Nôbi and the Kantô plains, evidence of recent emergence is quite frequent. In many places, marks of several sea levels indicate that a step-by-step uplift has occurred. All the investigated insular arcs, therefore, seem to be situated in epeirogenic areas formed by several more or less large blocks affected by relative movements. The blocks are larger in the Outer Zone of Southwestern Japan; in the Inner Zone, an intricate network of fault lines marks the boundaries of many smaller independent blocks. During great earthquakes, relative movements of uplift, subsidence, tilting, or undulation occur in one or several blocks, depending on the position of the epicentres. Subsidence, however, must often be simply of a temporary nature, because a long-term uplift trend seems to prevail in most regions, even if it occurs at different rates. This interpretation may explain the cause of the great variety of ages and elevations of the former sea levels (with the oldest ages corresponding to the highest elevations) and the great number of indicators of step-by-step sea-level change. The inference, drawn by several authors, that the Holocene sea level in the Northwest Pacific was higher than at present, is, therefore, reasonable on a local scale, but does not define an eustatic sea level.  相似文献   

Zhang  Lijie  Zhu  Huiyun  Liu  Jiancheng 《Natural Hazards》2021,106(3):2619-2633
Natural Hazards - Typhoon is one of the main natural disasters affecting China. Every year typhoons cause lots of property losses and casualties. If the early warning department can issue early...  相似文献   

Macrotidal estuaries (mean tidal range >2m) generally exhibit a tolerance to pollution with nitrogen-containing nutrients despite high loadings originating from freshwater outflows. These systems, which are characterized by high tidal energy, generally exhibit lower levels of chlorophylla than systems with lower tidal energy. A comparative analysis of data from 40 microtidal and macrotidal estuaries shows that mean annual chlorophylla levels are significantly lower in systems with high tidal energy even when nitrogen concentrations are equal to nitrogen levels in the microtidal systems. Tidal range and associated processes (e.g., tidal mixing, current velocity, light penetration, and sediment resuspension) influence phytoplankton biomass in some estuaries.  相似文献   

《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1998,77(3-4):207-208
Geologie en Mijnbouw -  相似文献   

Numerous studies have concluded that better use of scientific information could improve the quality of coastal and estuarine environmental management. Approaches for effecting such a change include ecosystem-based, integrated, and adaptive management, but such basic re-orientation of estuarine and coastal management has proved difficult to achieve. Even environmental indicators, seemingly straightforward ways of injecting scientific information into decision making, have achieved broad on-the-ground use in relatively few instances—principally the largest estuary management programs. A conceptual framework useful for examining environmental management systems affecting the five PNCERS (Pacific Northwest coastal Ecosystems Regional Study) estuaries conceives of environmental managers, researchers, and interested and affected parties in the public as interacting through the multi-layered institutional arrangements that currently promote the utilization, management, or protection of coastal and estuarine resources. Considerable variation exists in the approach and effectiveness of the region's environmental management organizations. Interaction between science and management in the region appears to be limited to an extent by high transaction costs; a cultural divide between environmental scientists and environmental managers is perceived by members of both groups who work with the PNCERS estuaries as inhibiting communications between them. Mechanisms that both groups identify as useful for improving the flow of information between science and management are little used, perhaps as a result. The two groups have very different patterns of information dissemination and acquisition, and though both chose agency archives and databases as their top methods for disseminating information, neither group relies much on these vehicles for information they seek. Both residents' and practitioners' perceptions of threats to the PNCERS estuaries show patterns of estuary-to-estuary variation. One theme that emerges is that problems associated with poor land management in adjacent uplands are common to most of these estuaries, potentially providing a sense of commonality through which a more regional approach to estuary management could emerge. A common set of estuarine environmental indicators implemented for all estuaries could help instigate such a regional approach, but resource constraints, especially at the local level, will have to be overcome for that to occur. There is currently substantial lack of common vision among coastal practitioners as to the purpose and desirability of indicators, and relatively little experience or knowledge of their use, particularly at the local level. Use of estuarine science in the management of these estuaries appears to be greatest during periods in which the largest programmatic shifts in environmental management approaches occur, an observation consistent with other studies that have concluded that the use of environmental science in environmental management tends to be episodic.  相似文献   

Based on typhoon best track data of China Meteorological Administration and NCEP global reanalysis data, this study analyzed the characteristics of binary tropical cyclones (TC) in the Northwest Pacific Ocean during 1951 to 2014 by using the objective determine standard. When the distance between the two TCs d≤ 1 800 km, they are defined as binary tropical cyclones or binary typhoons. And binary typhoons are divided into two different types which are typical binary typhoons and atypical binary typhoons. The climatic characteristics of binary tropical cyclones are as follows: There were 699 pairs of binary typhoons in Northwest Pacific Ocean during 1951 to 2014. In these cases, there were 446 pairs of typical binary typhoons and 253 pairs of atypical cases, occupying 63.8% and 36.2%, respectively. The proportion of typical cases increased with the shortest distance decreasing, while the proportion of atypical cases decreased with the shortest distance decreasing. When the speed of typical binary typhoons moving towards each other reached the peak, binary typhoons mainly showed the east to west direction. At this time, typhoons were controlled by easterly stream of the southern edge of the subtropical high. In this situation, the east typhoon moved toward the west typhoon quickly. When the anticlockwise angular velocity of typical binary typhoons reached the peak, binary cases distributed northeast to southwest or east-northeast to west-southwest, appearing in west and southwest edge of the subtropical high and mainly being controlled by southeasterly stream, thus benefiting the anticlockwise rotation between the typical binary typhoons.  相似文献   

Time-series analyses of the Peruvian-Chilean Eastern Pacific Fisheries output are presented. The paper discusses how human action and adverse environmental conditions have affected regional productivity levels and fish stock. It is shown that overfishing during critical environmental periods is the likely cause for fluctuations in regional output and the decline of Peru's fishing (anchovy) industry, in opposition to the theory that holds that stock depletion is caused solely by ENSO (El Niño/Southern Oscillation) events. Policy implications are drawn from empirical findings, tressing the need for strict resource management and future restrictions on fish captures when ENSO events are highly probable.  相似文献   

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