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Facies analysis of Triassic rocks in central Saudi Arabia indicates a wide expanse of interfingering siliciclastic and carbonate rocks with some evaporites. Eight distinctive sedimentary facies have been recognized. The distribution of these facies show a systematic gradual change in their presumed depositional environments, laterally as well as vertically. The Lower Triassic Sudair facies represents a widespread regressive condition where the Upper Permian marine conditions gave way to the Lower Triassic with predominantly fine clastic deposits representing a restricted shallow marine shelf. This fine-grained clastic facies consists mainly of unfossiliferous, laminated or massive, varicoloured shale with some silty shale, siltstone and very fine-to fine-grained sandstone. The facies is highly calcareous and gypsiferous in the northern area. A belt of Middle Triassic rocks of mostly non-marine sandstone with some shale is present in the southern area passing into mixed siliciclastic-carbonate facies of continental aspect with some intermittent emergence and nearshore conditions in the central area. This facies grades in the northern area into carbonate-evaporite facies of restricted to more open marine shelf conditions. Thick siliciclastic deposits characterize the Upper Triassic Minjur facies, where a uniform repeated fining-upward sequence of mainly sandstone and some shale developed in a non-marine environment with some intermittent emergence in the northern area.  相似文献   

The grain-size statistics and environmental conditions of deposition of the beach and dune sediments from the Calangute region, Goa, have been studied. The results of Student's t test and bivariate plots reveal that there exist distinct differences in grain-size parameters of the sediments from different environments and that these differences are highly significant. The study shows that the variations in mean grain size (Mz), graphic standard deviation (O1), graphic skewness (Sk1), simple sorting measure (Sos) and simple skewness measure (Os) are significant in identifying the sediments from different environments. Further, the study reveals the usefulness of grain-size parameters not only in differentiating beach and dune sediments, but also in delineating the beach into foreshore and backshore. The differences in grain-size characteristics of the sediments between the environments reflect the transport, erosional and depositional mechanisms (active hydrodynamic processes in the beach foreshore and aerodynamic processes in the backshore and dune environments) prevailing in the area of study.  相似文献   

Late Eocene lignites in the Brazos River Valley area occur in parasequence-scale cycles containing mostly marine sediments. Lignite is present at the base of the marine interval and forms the base of the cycle in a majority of cases. Less frequently, lignite is underlain by a thin interval of nonmarine deposits that form the base of the cycle. In both situations, the lignite is part of a thin transgressive interval. Cycles are separated by an exposure surface, usually marked by plant rooting and/or development of a paleosol in the top of the underlying sediments. Peat accumulated on top of these exposure surfaces and lignite is preserved where marine flooding allowed ocean waters to cover the peat deposits with fine grained sediments, producing high-ash lignite horizons of great lateral extent but variable thickness and quality. This strandplain model of lignite occurrence provides a better understanding of Late Eocene lignites in Texas than the deltaic or fluvial-deltaic models previously used. The strandplain model of lignite occurrence is appropriate for most of the Yegua-Jackson lignites (Middle-Late Eocene) of Texas and should be considered when evaluating depositional conditions of Paleogene lignites in the northern Gulf Coast region. A re-evaluation of Late Eocene stratigraphy of the Brazos Valley area accompanies the documentation of depositional environments.  相似文献   

辽南新元古代营城子组臼齿灰岩的沉积环境   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
臼齿(Molar—Toom)灰岩是发育于中新元古代碳酸盐台地的一种特殊灰岩类型。辽东半岛南部大连地区震旦系营城子组中部臼齿灰岩十分发育,野外观测、室内薄片以及比较沉积学研究表明,臼齿灰岩的出现与环境密切相关。通过米级旋回研究发现,该岩相段以发育浅水碳酸盐岩米级旋回层序为主,臼齿构造主要产出在微旋回中下部的中薄层泥晶灰岩和粉屑灰岩中,形成环境为潮下浅水环境。  相似文献   

The Abu Ruweis Formation is composed of carbonates, evaporites, and mudstones, with some locally developed pelletic, oolitic and stromatolitic limestones. The lateral persistence of bedding, the purity of the evaporite rocks, the alternating arrangement of marine carbonates and evaporites indicates periodic deposition in subaqueous conditions (salina). Petrographic investigations, X-ray diffraction analysis as well as chemical analysis have shown that the outcropping evaporite beds are mainly composed of secondary gypsum, with rare anhydrite relics. Five microfacies of gypsum were recognized according to their fabrics: porphyroblastic and granoblastic gypsum showing polarization texture, gypsum pseudomorph after anhydrite laths, and satin spar gypsum. The textures they display indicate a hydration origin of precursor anhydrite, which is in turn rehydrated from primary gypsum. Some of these anhydrites were formed as a result of replacement processes of the carbonate sediments associated with the evaporites, as evidenced from the textural relationships of the carbonate and sulfate minerals. The O18 content ranges from 1.45 to 8.38% PDB and the C13 content ranges from −1.52 to 4.73% PDB. Trace elements analysis has shown that the Abu Ruweis dolomites are rich in strontium (up to 600 ppm), and sodium (up to 835 ppm). The isotope composition and trace elements content, as well as the petrographic characteristics point to a penecontemporaneous hypersaline dolomitization origin for the Abu Ruweis dolomites. The evaporites were deposited during a regressive lowstand systems tract, whereas the carbonates were deposited under shallow water marine conditions during a highstand systems tract. The Abu Ruweis succession represents a relatively stable arid climate within a rapidly subsiding basin. Restricted conditions were provided by the development of beach barriers.  相似文献   

The current system of nomenclature for landform elements associated with deglaciation is often insufficient and inappropriate to describe the total depositional environment. There is a manifold transition of the deposits in regard to morphology, orientation, arrangement, material, and material-related properties. A multidimensional scheme constructed to be maximally informative of the depositional environment is presented.  相似文献   

With the recent large hydrocarbon discoveries in the Barents Sea, interest is turning to Triassic shales as the most likely source rocks. The results reveal the relationship between the quality of Triassic source rocks, the amount and type of organic matter, and the environments of deposition. The best source rocks are confined to the Lower and Middle Triassic successions deposited in a deep-water shelf environment in the western part of the basin. Shallow-marine and deltaic argillaceous rocks exhibit fair to poor gas-generative potential. Triassic fluvial-lacustrine deposits have little to no hydrocarbon generative potential.  相似文献   

Graham, A.G.C., Lonergan, L. & Stoker, M.S. 2010: Depositional environments and chronology of Late Weichselian glaciation and deglaciation in the central North Sea. Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 471–491. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00144.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Geological constraints on ice‐sheet deglaciation are essential for improving the modelling of ice masses and understanding their potential for future change. Here, we present a detailed interpretation of depositional environments from a new 30‐m‐long borehole in the central North Sea, with the aim of improving constraints on the history of the marine Late Pleistocene British–Fennoscandian Ice Sheet. Seven units characterize a sequence of compacted and distorted glaciomarine diamictons, which are overlain by interbedded glaciomarine diamictons and soft, bedded to homogeneous marine muds. Through correlation of borehole and 2D/3D seismic observations, we identify three palaeoregimes. These are: a period of advance and ice‐sheet overriding; a phase of deglaciation; and a phase of postglacial glaciomarine‐to‐marine sedimentation. Deformed subglacial sediments correlate with a buried suite of streamlined subglacial bedforms, and indicate overriding by the SE–NW‐flowing Witch Ground ice stream. AMS 14C dating confirms ice‐stream activity and extensive glaciation of the North Sea during the Last Glacial Maximum, between c. 30 and 16.2 14C ka BP. Sediments overlying the ice‐compacted deposits have been reworked, but can be used to constrain initial deglaciation to no later than 16.2 14C ka BP. A re‐advance of British ice during the last deglaciation, dated at 13.9 14C ka BP, delivered ice‐proximal deposits to the core site and deposited glaciomarine sediments rapidly during the subsequent retreat. A transition to more temperate marine conditions is clear in lithostratigraphic and seismic records, marked by a regionally pervasive iceberg‐ploughmarked erosion surface. The iceberg discharges that formed this horizon are dated to between 13.9 and 12 14C ka BP, and may correspond to oscillating ice‐sheet margins during final, dynamic ice‐sheet decay.  相似文献   

In Sicily, Messinian evaporitic sedimentary deposits are developed under a wide variety of hypersaline conditions and in environments ranging from continental margin (subaerial), to basin-margin supratidal, to intertidal, to subtidal and out into the hypersaline basin proper. The actual water depth at the time of deposition is indeterminate; however, relative terms such as ‘wave base’ and ‘photic zone’ are utilized. The inter-fingering relationships of specific evaporitic facies having clear and recognizable physical characteristics are presented. These include sub-aerial deposits of nodular calcium sulphate formed displacively within clastic sediments; gypsiferous rudites, arenites and arenitic marls, all of which are reworked sediments and are mixed in varying degrees with other clastic materials (subaerial, supratidal, and intertidal to deep basinal deposits). Laminated calcium sulphate alternating with very thin carbonate interlaminae and having two different aspects; one being even and continuous and the other of a wavy, irregular appearance (subtidal, intertidal, and supratidal deposits). Nodular calcium sulphate beds, usually associated with wavy, irregular laminated beds (supratidal, sabkha deposits); very coarsely crystalline gypsum beds (selenite), associated with more even, laminated beds (subaqueous, intertidal to subtidal deposits); wavy anastomozing gypsum beds, composed of very fine, often broken crystals (subaqueous, current-swept deposits); halite having hopper and chevron structures (supratidal to intertidal); and halite, potash salts, etc. having continuous laminated structure (subaqueous, possibly basinal). Evidence for diagenetic changes is observed in the calcium sulphate deposits which apparently formed by tectonic stress and also by migrating hypersaline waters. These observations suggest that the common, massive form of alabastrine gypsum (or anhydrite, in the subsurface) may not always be ascribed to original depositional features, to syndiagenesis or to early diagenesis but may be the result of late diagenesis.  相似文献   

The Telychian succession in the central Oslo region was previously interpreted as deposited in a relatively deep, calm environment showing a continuous transgressive development. A new analysis of fossil assemblages shows that sediments in the central districts were deposited at varying water depths in an environment marked by intense infaunal activity in soft substrates. Two small-scale fluctuations in sea level are attributed to eustasy. The maximum deepening events occurred during the Monograptus turriculatus and Monoclimacis crenulata graptolite zones. Previous depositional models include development of a trough to the north of the Oslo region in early Telychian time, which formed due to isostatic loading caused by an advancing thrust front of the Caledonian Orogeny. Bathymetric analysis shows a deepening in the Ringerike district in the latest Aeronian, which here is interpreted as a distal effect of the loading to the north. The local deepening led to reversal of the epicontinental slope between the northern and western districts and the central districts and the development of an east–west elongate positive area further south. The thrust front acted as a source of siliciclastic material; and when the front halted in mid-Telychian time the trough was filled in gradually by a prograding coast or delta. The diachronous Vik Formation is viewed as a distal development of this progradation. When the east–west oriented positive area subsided the Vik Formation was deposited in Skien to the south.  相似文献   

SUSAN HOVORKA 《Sedimentology》1987,34(6):1029-1054
The interpretation of the depositional environments in which bedded halite is formed is a frontier of evaporite sedimentology. Facies studies, supplemented by geochemical data, define an evaporite shelf depositional environment for the halite of the San Andres Formation of the Palo Duro Basin, Texas Panhandle, that is significantly different from modern and previously described ancient halite-precipitating environments such as playas, salinas, sabkhas, and barred basins. A coastal palaeoenvironmental setting for the San Andres halite is defined by its facies position between normal marine-shelf carbonates and aeolian deposits. The San Andres brine pool extended over more than 10 000 km2 but was very shallow. Perennial brine-pool conditions (thick sequences of halite) alternated with ephemeral brine-pool conditions (halite, haloturbated mudstone-halite, mudstone interbeds, and microkarst). The depositional sequence in the perennial brine pool includes (1) flooding and minor dissolution of previously deposited halite, (2) precipitation of a thin lamina of gypsum, and (3) evaporation and precipitation of halite. Bottom-growth forms of halite, including chevrons and vertically elongated crystals, are well preserved. Cumulates of foundered, floating crystals and rafts were probably abundant but have been almost completely recrystallized. Mudstone interbeds in halite and microkarst features cut into bedded halite record the episodic interruption of brine-pool deposition and the establishment of subaerial conditions. Vertically elongated karst pits originate at the palaeosurfaces, cross-cut primary brine-pool fabrics, and are filled with geopetal sediment and coarse halite cement. Mudstone interbeds and mixtures of mudstone and halite have been haloturbated by the alternating growth and dissolution of halite reflecting conditions of fluctuating salinity. The geochemistry of halite from both ephemeral and perennial brine-pool environments reflects the frequent influx of marine brine, indicating that communication with the marine environments to the south was ‘good’ considering that restriction was sufficient to precipitate halite.  相似文献   

The modern structure of the Central Russian region was formed by tight and long-term (hundreds of million years) interaction of tectonic and sedimentary processes in the upper crust and sedimentary cover. Petrophysical properties of the Paleoproterozoic crust predetermined the area for the development of regional strike-slip faults and aulacogen grabens in the Neoproterozoic. The transfer displacement of the aulacogen axis at the end of Riphean led to the partial erosion and redeposition of the preplate cover and caused the subsequent structural asymmetry of syneclise. The development of reversed structures in the plate cover (Sukhona mega swell) was caused by the slower subsidence of comparatively lighter fragments of the aulacogen crust relative to the surrounding frame.  相似文献   

阳泉矿区煤系地层形成于海陆交互相的过渡环境,其煤层的形成、赋存、厚度变化、分布均受沉积环境的控制和影响。根据分析成煤环境、预测煤层赋存变化情况,为煤炭资源补勘和开采生产提供指导。  相似文献   

The study present the results of the integrated study on the Belgorod and Pavlovka formations (upper Campanian), Sukhodol Formation (Campanian-Maastrichtian), and Efremovo-Stepanovka Formation (Maastrichtian). Variations in lithological indicators and associated changes in the biotic assemblages were used to distinguish three stages in the basin evolution separated by hiatuses (Belgorod-Pavlovka, Sukhodol, and Efremovo-Stepanovka). This basin occupied the upland area in the north of the Paleozoic Donets Basin during late Campanian-early Maastrichtian times. Each stage was characterized by a specific depositional environment accompanied either by a decrease or by an increase in the terrigenous sediment supply from the Donets Basin and, possibly, Ukrainian Shield and sea-level and temperature fluctuations, as well as specific paleobiogeographic relations. During the Belgorod-Pavlovka stage, the basin was characterized by relatively deep-water environments, with warm waters and normal salinity, and predominantly carbonate sedimentation. The Sukhodol stage was marked by terrigenous sedimentation, a predominance of the agglutinated foraminiferal forms, and abundant radiolarians, which occurred during a marine regression and overall cooling. This stage corresponds to the global “Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary event.” The first half of the Efremovo-Stepanovka stage was marked by resumed carbonate sedimentation, warming, transgression, and deepening of the basin, which were replaced by a renewed regression at the end of this time interval.  相似文献   

The palaeoenvironmental significance of trace fossil assemblages in the flysch deposits of the Upper Cretaceous of the Sistan ocean – the Sefidabeh basin in the Sistan Suture Zone SSZ in Eastern Iran – has been assessed for the first time. The Sefidabeh basin of turbidite origin consists of 10 sedimentary facies, which can be grouped into 3 facies associations (FA) representing submarine channel-related facies associations (FA1), lobe-related facies associations (FA2), distal fan-basin floor facies associations of a deep-water turbidite system (FA3). Thirty three ichnogenera, with many ichnospecies, have been identified in this deep sea succession: Alcyonidiopsis, Arthrophycus, Asterostoma, Belorhaphe, Bergaueria, Cardioichnus, Chondrites, Cosmorhaphe, Desmograpton, Gyrophyllites, Halopoa, Helminthopsis, Helminthorhaphe, Laevicyclus, Lophoctenium, Mammilichnis, Megagrapton, Multina, Nereites, Ophiomorpha, Palaeophycus, Planolites, Phycodes, Phycosiphon, Paleodictyon, Rutichnus, Scolicia, ?Strobilorhaphe, Taenidium, Teichichnus, Thalassinoides, Zoophycos and Urohelminthoida. Their distribution is clearly linked with lithofacies and depositional palaeoenvironments. Changes in trace fossil assemblages and ichnocoenoses follow different environments of the turbidity system of the submarine channel to fan system of the Sefidabeh basin and are associated with variations in environmental controlling factors. Environmental controlling factors including hydrodynamic regime, oxygen level, organic content and sedimentation rates. Ten ichnocoenoses were recognized in the facies associations of the deep-sea fan system of this study. Taking into consideration the diversity, bioturbation level, and colonization order of bioturbated beds and the obvious deepening of the deep-sea depositional system from inner to outer parts of the succession, ichnocoenoses can express a bathymetric trend from shallower to deeper parts, and from higher-to-lower hydrodynamic condition of deep-sea fan systems of the Sefidabeh basin. This study reveals important sedimentological and ichnological features of turbiditic systems in deep sea settings of Iran and permits the development of predictive models for the palaeoenvironmental significance of trace fossil assemblages that can be readily translated to analogous depositional systems in the surface/subsurface.  相似文献   

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