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A. E. Lucas 《GeoJournal》1996,39(2):133-142
Geographic information systems can provide easy access to large quantities of geographically-referenced data for monitoring, planning and environmental decision support for coastal applications. The dynamic and variable nature of the coastal ocean environment gives rise to data issues different than those associated with land-based GIS. This paper investigates, in particular, the use of different data, including those produced by numerical simulations or ocean models, for coastal management and is illustrated with examples from a Baltic Sea GIS implementation. Implications for the use of these data in environmental management are discussed.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal variability in the length-weight relationship of four sympatric shrimp species (Farfantepeneus aztecus, F. brasiliensis, F. duorarum, andF. notialis) was evaluated in the Celestun lagoon, Mexico. Monthly samples were taken throughout 2 yr in three hydrological zones (seaward, middle, and inner) and climatic seasons (Nortes, Dry, and Rainy). Significant intraspecific and interspecific differences in the length-weight relationships were detected among climatic seasons and hydrological zones, reflecting positive allometric growth.F. notialis registered the highest condition (weight at length), followed byF. duorarum, F. aztecus, andF. brasiliensis. The lowest values in condition were consistently registered during Nortes and at the seaward zone. All species showed a pattern consistent with a density-dependent effect on condition, that is a negative correlation between individual mean weight and total relative abundance. The immediate implication for managing this important multispecific coastal artisanal resource that is supported by our study is the restriction of fishing effort in the seaward zone, mainly during the Nortes seasons.  相似文献   

Amino acid racemization (AAR) studies of Quaternary mollusks (mostly marine mollusks from coastal deposits) are reviewed. Data obtained in regional studies from the U.S. Atlantic and Pacific coasts, Baffin Island, the United Kingdom, and tropical islands are discussed as they relate to method evaluation, kinetic model development, and aminostratigraphic applications.U.S. Pacific coast studies have been employed for estimating tectonic deformation rates, study of molluscan zonation patterns in the late Pleistocene, and in kinetic model evaluation. U.S. Atlantic coast studies have identified multiple aminostratigraphic zones in areas with complex morphostratigraphic relationships, and have also revealed some important conflicts between aminostratigraphic temperature concepts and radiometric data. Studies in the United Kingdom, involving coastal sites and non-marine interglacial sites, identify some stratigraphic and kinetic conflicts but provide a preliminary chronostratigraphic model for the classical interglacial terminology of the U.K. middle to late Pleistocene. Baffin Island studies, involving AAR data and UTh dating of shells, have resulted in some significant revisions of previous chronologic models. The Arctic environment has also stimulated some novel approaches in the collection and interpretation of AAR results. Tropical island studies, though few in number, aid in calibration of observed racemization and also aid in correlation of coastal deposits with late Pleistocene isotopic ice-volume records.  相似文献   

The relative importance of tides and storms in coastal sedimentation in ancient epeiric seas is frequently problematical. Here we appraise the depositional regimes in two Proterozoic Vindhyan formations in India with the aim of elucidating the records of each of these processes. The respective products of the two processes are not easily distinguished as both of them entail repeated fluctuations in water level and depositional energy. Two orders of fluctuation are recognized in both formations. The nature and scale of these two orders of fluctuation along with high-resolution facies analysis make the distinction between the respective products of the two processes possible. Many of the features so long counted as characteristics of tidal rhythms, in the studied formations, exclusively or frequently manifest waxing and waning of storms or fairweather–storm cyclicity. This study highlights the need for reevaluation of ancient coastal sequences in epeiric setting.  相似文献   

Arid slopes on the southeastern side of Maui are densely covered with archaeological remains of Hawaiian settlement from the late prehistoric to early postcontact period (ca. A.D. 1500-1860). Permanent habitation sites, agricultural features, and religious structures indicate perennial occupation and farming in a subregion called Kahikinui, yet there is presently no year-round water source. We explore the possibility that postcontact deforestation led to the loss of either (1) perennial channel flow or (2) perennial springs or seeps. To investigate the first possibility, we estimated ancient peak flows on 11 ephemeral channels in Kahikinui using field measurements and paleohydrology. Peak-flow estimates (3-230 m3/s) for a given drainage area are smaller than those for current perennial Maui streams, but are equivalent to gauged peak flows from ephemeral and intermittent streams in the driest regions of Hawai’i and Maui islands. This is consistent with the long-term absence of perennial channel flow in Kahikinui. On the other hand, others have shown that canopy fog-drip in Hawai’i can be greater than rainfall and thus a large part of groundwater recharge. Using isolated live remnants and snags, we estimate the former extent of the forest upstream from archaeological sites. We use rough estimates of the loss of fog-drip recharge caused by deforestation and apply a simple, steady-state hydrologic model to calculate potential groundwater table fall. These order-of-magnitude estimates indicate that groundwater could have fallen by a minimum of several meters, abandoning perennial seeps. This is consistent with archaeological evidence for former perennial seeps, such as stonewalls enclosing potential seeps to protect them. Although longer-term reductions in rainfall cannot be ruled out as a factor, deforestation and loss of fog-drip recharge are obvious and more immediate reasons for a recent loss of perennial water in Kahikinui, Maui.  相似文献   

Estimation of the probability distribution of extreme sea levels, for the present time and the next century, is discussed. Two approaches are described and their strengths and weaknesses are compared. The first approach is based on dynamics and uses a storm surge model forced by tides, winds and air pressure fields. The second approach is based on the statistical analysis of observed hourly sea level records using a new first-order Markov process that can capture non-Gaussian characteristics (such as skewness) in the non-tidal component of the observed sea level record. It is shown that both approaches can provide good estimates of present day flooding probabilities for regions with relatively strong tides. The limitations of both approaches in terms of assessing the effect of global sea level rise, glacial-isostatic adjustment of the land, and changes in the frequency and severity of storms and hurricanes, are illustrated using recent results for the Northwest Atlantic. Some sensitivity studies are carried out to transform uncertainty in climate change projections into uncertainties in the probability of coastal flooding.  相似文献   

A number of local, regional, state, and federal programs are in place that strive to protect and restore coastal waters and habitats, and which specifically address eutrophication and nutrient over-enrichment. There are, however, no easily implemented and reliable methods or sources of data and information for citizens, coastal managers, elected officials, and agency staff who are responsible for managing a coastal area to determine sources of nutrients and potential impacts to coastal waters. Coordination among federal and local agencies remains inadequate. In the few examples of successful coastal nutrient management programs, effective nutrient management strategies are often partnerships of national, regional, and local efforts. The recent National Research Council (2000) examination of issues and management options calls for development of a National Coastal Nutrient Management Strategy, coordinated between national, state and local programs, academia, and the private sector. The proposed National Coastal Nutrient Management Strategy includes recommendations for local programs to consider in developing an effective nutrient management strategy, such as setting goals for restoration, determining nutrient reductions needed to meet goals, and monitoring results. The proposed strategy also identifies priority actions which federal programs should consider, including identifying gaps and overlaps in existing and proposed national programs for all aspects of nutrient over-enrichment; increasing accessibility to data, information and expertise on nutrient over-enrichment causes, effects, and management options; and setting clear guidelines for nutrient loads. A nationally consistent monitoring program and targeted research, specifically for atmospheric deposition, seasonal variability of nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment effects, the role of specific nutrients in the occurrence of harmful algal blooms, and economic impacts of nutrient over-enrichment were also identified as priority needs.  相似文献   

A number of major European rivers (especially the Rhine) have a prevailing influence on the nutrient cycling of most Dutch estuaries. Owing to the increased loading of the estuaries with nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, effects of eutrophication on the biological communities are most evident in the tidal Western Wadden Sea and in a nontidal brackish lagoon, Veerse Meer. Whether the relation between changed nutrient loadings and changed biomass and production of primary and secondary producers in the turbid tidal Dutch ecosystems should be considered as a causal relation is questionable. The very widespread practice of lagoon modification confuses the effects of nutrient loading.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(6):310-318
The sabkha of Gueran in the Southwest Moroccan Sahara has yielded a rich and diverse fauna of late middle Eocene vertebrates that include the world's richest Bartonian age archaeocete assemblage. Archeocete remains were described previously and here we report on the rest of the vertebrate fauna. The Gueran fauna includes abundant chondrichthyan species belonging to Lamniformes, Carcharhiniformes and Rhinopristiformes, and actinopterygian assemblage consisting of Cylindracanthus, of a siluriform, and of Perciformes. Turtles are represented by at least two marine taxa referred to as Cheloniidae and Dermochelyidae. Crocodylian remains belong to at least two longirostrine species, including gavialoid remains. Snakes are represented by Pterosphenus cf. schweinfurthi (Palaeophiidae). Seabirds are represented by a pseudo-toothed bird (Pelagornithidae). The avian fossil belonged to a gigantic soaring bird and constitutes the earliest occurrence of the genus Pelagornis. The presence of proboscideans is attested by dental fragments. This fossil assemblage from Gueran shows affinities with those of the Eocene beds of Egypt and Libya. The numerous shared taxa support a close biogeographical connection between faunas from southeastern and southwestern coasts of the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

The decisive influence of Late Quaternary sea level changes on the geological evolution of the coastal plain and adjacent continental shelf around the world has long been recognized. Coastal environments evolve actively during transgressive–regressive cycles whose development depends on sea level and sediment supply variations. The interaction of these variables was key to the current morphological and sedimentological configuration of coastal regions. Particularly, the estuarine system of Bahía Blanca (Argentina) presents various types of deposits and marine fossil accumulations, such as paleochannels in the subbottom, sand-shell ridges and extensive layers with fossils in life position. These features are important geological indicators, because its analysis allows us to define different paleoenvironmental conditions that prevailed during the coastal evolutionary process.  相似文献   

The volcanic rocks of the South Atlantic Ocean islands of Fernando de Noronha and Trindade comprise a diverse magmatic series ranging from nephelinites and basanites to phonolites and, on Fernando de Noronha, trachytes. All rock types are highly silica undersaturated with the exception of Fernando de Noronha trachytes_, and have high abundances of incompatible trace elements and strongly LREE (light rare earth element)-enriched REE patterns. Crystal fractionation of parental basanitic magmas produced evolved phonolites and trachytes which display severe trace-element fractionation, even among trace elements (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf) which normally behave highly incompatibly during crystallisation of alkaline magmas. Moderately to highly evolved compositions develop strongly MREE (middle REE)-depleted REE patterns, and become increasingly depleted in elements such as Nb and, in particular, Ta. Ratios of Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf are highly fractionated in phonolites (60–65, 64–77 respectively in Fernando de Noronha phonolites) compared to ratios in basanites (14, 45 respectively). The compatibility of Nb, Ta, and the REE, and the strong fractionation of Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios and the MREE, during crystallisation from basanite to phonolite are attributable to the crystallisation of small amounts (<5%) of sphene. Trace-element behaviour is relatively insensitive to the major phenocryst phases, and is controlled by minor phases in highly undersaturated alkaline suites. Incompatible trace-element ratios (e.g. La/Nb, Th/Ta) in nephelinites and basanites from Fernando de Noronha and Trindade are generally comparable with those in basaltic and hawaiitic OIB (ocean island basalt) lavas from other South Atlantic islands, but are distinct from those of Gough and Tristan da Cunha OIB. The mantle source for the highly undersaturated volcanism on Fernando de Noronha and Trindade is similar in trace-element characteristics to the typical OIB source which produces alkaline lavas with significant relative enrichment in Nb and Ta compared to other trace elements (as expressed by low La/Nb, Ba/Nb and Th/Ta ratios). The highly undersaturated nature of the magmas and the slight fractionation of some incompatible-element ratios (elevated Ba/Nb, Ba/Rb, Ba/Th etc.) is consistent with a smaller degree of melting of a typical OIB source, but with residual phlogopite in the source to account for significant K depletion and LIL-element fractionation.  相似文献   

Seawater intrusion has been an important topic in hydrogeology in China in recent decades. The rapid growth of the population and economy in the coastal regions has been consuming a tremendous amount of groundwater resources and has increased the extent of seawater intrusion. The spatial discrepancy of water resource distribution has caused the studies of seawater intrusion into China to mainly be concentrated on the area around the Bohai Sea in the northern part of China. The total area of seawater-intruded land due to excessive groundwater utilization in the area was estimated to be approximately 2,457 km2 in 2003. Great efforts have been made to mitigate the extent of seawater intrusion and to secure more freshwater resources, including building monitoring networks, subsurface barrier and groundwater reservoirs, and artificial infiltration facilities. Management projects over the years were evaluated to satisfy the objectives and to provide valuable experiences for future research and planning. It is expected that the coastal groundwater conditions of the northern region will improve through the development of a national water resource plan, such as the ongoing south-to-north water diversion project.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - In the present study, numerical simulations were conducted to estimate the spatio-temporal characteristics of tsunami inundation for municipalities on Vancouver Island, Canada, as...  相似文献   

Marine ostracodes from 50 localities were studied to determine the age and elevation of Pleistocene sea levels in the Atlantic coastal plain from Maryland to northern Florida. Using ostracode taxon and concurrent ranges, published planktic biostratigraphic, paleomagnetic, and radiometric data, ostracode assemblage zones representing early (1.8-1.0 my), middle (0.7-0.4 my), and late (0.3-0.01 my) Pleistocene deposition were recognized and used as a basis for correlation. Ostracode biofacies signifying lagoonal, oyster bank, estuarine, open sound, and inner sublittoral environments provided estimated ranges of paleodepths for each locality. From these data the following minimum and maximum Pleistocene sea-level estimates were determined for the southeastern coastal plain: late Pleistocene, 2–10 m from Maryland to northern Florida; middle Pleistocene, 6–15 m in northern South Carolina; early Pleistocene, 4–22 m in central North Carolina, 13–35 m in southern North Carolina, and 6–27 m in South Carolina. Climatically induced glacio-eustatic sea-level fluctuations adequately account for the late Pleistocene sea-level data, but other factors, possibly differential crustal uplift, may have complicated the early Pleistocene record.  相似文献   

The present and predicted increase in groundwater’s share of human freshwater withdrawals, its unprecedented importance for human activities globally, and the emerging threats from escalated and unplanned use and degradation, especially in the developing countries, point to the need for intensified efforts to cope with the imbalances. Despite these facts, there is little intervention by governments in developing countries. Sufficient knowledge, awareness and understanding of the groundwater resources and their proper management are missing in these countries, as well as in the international community. Links and trends are described, which highlight problem areas, such as water contamination, urbanization, and socio-economic factors related to groundwater management practices. Globalization provides novel opportunities for facilitating the process of acquiring and applying the necessary knowledge and can, and should, be further explored and developed. The likely benefits of this are: increase in convergence of understanding and approaches; the sharing of knowledge; and potentially wide-reaching, lasting, and scale-crossing networks. The international development and research community is in a particularly fortunate position to promote and facilitate such a process, which should go hand in hand with well focused and coordinated “on the ground” tasks, such as local networking, field investigations, capacity building, and advocacy activities.
Karen G. VillholthEmail: Phone: +94-11-278-7404Fax: +94-11-278-6854

Long-term records of biological data are extremely valuable for documenting ecosystem changes, for differentiating natural changes from those caused by humans, and for generating and analyzing testable hypotheses. Long-term sampling, however, is generally discouraged by a variety of institutional disincentives, so that today such records are uncommon. We discuss approaches for overcoming these disincentives through improved research planning and design, including clearera priori definition of management and regulatory actions and information needs, more rigorous adherence to hypothesis formulation and testing, and proper spatial and temporal scaling in sampling. We distinguish between prospective study design, in which the foregoing elements are essential for coast-effectiveness, and retrospective analysis, which relies on reconstruction of long-term records from existing data sets. We demonstrate the great value of retrospective analysis of encountered data, and argue for renewed attention to archival of data sets with documented data quality, interacalibration and documentation of methodologies, and long-term storage of samples for future analysis. Such practices are essential to ensure the quality of long-term records that are reconstructed for retrospective examination of new hypotheses in the future.  相似文献   

The literature on the application of simulation-optimization approaches for management and monitoring of coastal aquifers is reviewed. Both sharp- and dispersive-interface modeling approaches have been applied in conjunction with optimization algorithms in the past to develop management solutions for saltwater intrusion. Simulation-optimization models based on sharp-interface approximation are often based on the Ghyben-Herzberg relationship and provide an efficient framework for preliminary designs of saltwater-intrusion management schemes. Models based on dispersive-interface numerical models have wider applicability but are challenged by the computational burden involved when applied in the simulation-optimization framework. The use of surrogate models to substitute the physically based model during optimization has been found to be successful in many cases. Scalability is still a challenge for the surrogate modeling approach as the computational advantage accrued is traded-off with the training time required for the surrogate models as the problem size increases. Few studies have attempted to solve stochastic coastal-aquifer management problems considering model prediction uncertainty. Approaches that have been reported in the wider groundwater management literature need to be extended and adapted to address the challenges posed by the stochastic coastal-aquifer management problem. Similarly, while abundant literature is available on simulation-optimization methods for the optimal design of groundwater monitoring networks, applications targeting coastal aquifer systems are rare. Methods to optimize compliance monitoring strategies for coastal aquifers need to be developed considering the importance of monitoring feedback information in improving the management strategies.  相似文献   

J.A.G. Cooper  J. McKenna 《Geoforum》2008,39(1):294-306
Coastal erosion management is primarily based on economic considerations (cost-benefit analysis). From the perspective of social justice (as a particular expression of the wider concept of human rights), however, several arguments can be advanced regarding public intervention in coastal defence management when private property is threatened by coastal erosion. In this paper we examine these arguments at both the short-term local scale and the long-term large spatial scale and consider the merits of inclusion of a social justice dimension in coastal erosion management. The coast provides a range of resources that benefit society as a whole. Coastal residents and property owners face a direct financial loss from coastal erosion but the general public also stands to incur losses other than purely financial if it there is public intervention for the benefit of these property owners. The arguments for public intervention are strongest at the local and short-term scales but they weaken (and even reverse) at geographically larger and longer time scales. At larger scales, the costs to society increase as intergenerational equity, non-coastal residents, climate and sea level change, and the environment are considered. Because of the intensity of interest involved at the local level, we argue that the necessary hard decisions must be made nationally if a sustainable policy is to be adopted. Social justice considerations provide a potential improvement on the traditional economic cost/benefit-based decision-making process of coastal erosion management but they only contribute to sustainability if viewed at the national level.  相似文献   

Explosive population growth is expected to continue in coastal regions, and growth rates many times the national average are expected in many coastal counties in the next two decades. Most shallow-water marine habitats now exhibit “stress” from human activities and linkages between adverse environmental impacts and coastal development are apparent. These linkages are complex, often not well understood, yet are expected to increase in strength as coastal populations expand. Sound science-based management strategies are essential if we are to preclude continued deterioration of coastal environments. Environmental management is a politically mediated activity, however, and a broad array of organizations, both public and private, collectively determine societal response to management decisions. While our current regulatory infrastructure has an examplary record of achievement in environmental protection, the fact remains that adverse impacts to shallow-water marine habitats continue at significant rates. Both lack of scientific information and structural problems in our current institutional infrastructure are identified as impediments to better management performance for coastal habitats. Seven structural impediments to efficient science-based management in our current institutional infrastructure are identified. The issues are complex and comprehensive reform is politically difficult. Nonetheless, the magnitude, geographic scale, and temporal urgency of anticipated impacts from future growth and development scenarios argues strongly for the implementation of sound practical solutions to environmental protection on a sustained basis. Factors affecting management performance will also be amplified in an environment of limited investment in research and management infrastructure. Among the central themes are that science-based management practices in the future will require holistic approaches in which environment and economic development are inseparable. To work effectively large-scale, regional management schemes must build political consensus and integrate knowledge at unprecedented rates. Processes that increase rates of dissemination of scientific information into the public policy arena can significantly enhance management performance. Serious doubts are raised as to whether the current regulatory infrastructure can adequately respond to the complexicty, scale, and urgency future coastal management will demand. While comprehensive institutional reform will be difficult, a number of ideas are advanced in the context of improving institutional performance to a level necessary for large-scale, sustained management of coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

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